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05/27/11(Fri)19:56 No.26311347 File1306540607.jpg-(24 KB, 563x252, mlp male.jpg)
 >MLP fan walks into pharmacy >Nervous neckbeard, constantly looking over his shoulder >Approaches counter, doesn't make eye contact with clerk >Um.....C-Can.....I...uh......get some baby toothpaste please? >Bemused clerk: ....Okay, here you go >NO!!.....uh.....am sorry, can....can you give me the one with the horsy on it? >MLPfan is sweating profusely at this point, clerk is starting to get worried at this extremely awkward display >Clerk: Alright...there. That'll be $3 >HERE'S FIVE, KEEPTHECHANGE!! >Runs out the door, back to the safety of his lair, away from the hardships of reality
You guys are fucking creeps |