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05/25/11(Wed)23:04 No.26260514 File1306379055.jpg-(27 KB, 640x480, megazord.jpg)
Sup Bronies, I have a question, am I the only one to have a desire to see a MLP: FiM Mane Cast themed Megazord?
I'm really rather curious on how they would assemble, who'd be what?
my first assumption would be..., Applejack as the body, maybe sharing the position with Twilight to grant a magical and physical power core of sorts, Fluttershy would perhaps seperate her wings to form a Fluttershield and the rest of her becoming an arm or arms, Rainbow Dash might split her wings which would expand on the back of the body, and form the legs for that extra zord based mobility, Rarity would form the detailed armor to give it that certain flair which would carry onto all parts, Pinkie pie would become the Wabbajack the instrument of Sheograth due to her affinity for chaotic events.
so what say you bronies, any opinions otherwise to mine? or shall it be forever etched in adamantium-stone alloy this is to be the way? |