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05/11/11(Wed)18:05 No.25843605>>25843340
I was going to say something witty, but I decided against it.
Apple Jack took over the Apple Farm fully after Granny Smith died, and Big Macintosh talked her into hiring more help. She doesn't do as much work on the farm anymore, more business things.
Flutter Shy continued to tend to animals.
Rarity finally hit it off as a big fashion designer, her products going all over Equestria. She moved up to Canterlot, it's much classier there.
Dash joined the Wonderbolts, she travels all over Equestria with them.
Pinkie Pie settled down. She still throws parties, but she also manages Sugar Cube corner after Mr. and Mrs. Cake retired.
Twilight moved back to Canterlot after her test in Friendship was done. She works as a Royal advisor to the Princess.
Spike, after growing quite a bit, left to find himself in the world.
No jokes and no shipping? Man this post is serious business. |