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05/07/11(Sat)00:18 No.25711585 File1304741914.png-(24 KB, 945x945, big mac isn't taking to this i(...).png)
Sonic Rainboom-less fanfic writer here.
I'm trying to decide on something here. See, in the part where Twilight Sparkle gets thrown back in time to a different life, I was thinking of making her have made some friends in this new timeline that actually had a connection similar to the one she has with the main cast now.
Well, now I'm sort of considering possibly replacing it with just one male pony in Canterlot, and they were actually in love before Twilight went all different timeline mind takeover and only remembers her life, scaring the hell out of her boyfriend until he finally catches up to her and drops what he thought she still realized, that they were in a relationship.
Now, I have a BAD feeling I should avoid this plotline, but I did want to add this sort of 'yeah, things are bad, but in some ways things are actually better' problem which Twilight has sort of been avoiding trying to get back to her timeline, maybe go like, 'oh shit, do I really want to leave this? I mean, I could just start over, so...' and eventually come to this decision it wasn't her life and she needed to set things right.
But on the other hand, adding a character whose sole existence is as a relationship figure to a main character is just asking for trouble. He's not an outright Gary Stu or something, (just a average joe confused at the events taking place and this different person that's taken over his girlfriend by his perspective) but I just tread lightly around concepts like this.
What do you guys think? |