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05/06/11(Fri)14:19 No.25697101 File1304705976.jpg-(133 KB, 700x882, Sandwich.jpg)
 Posting this here too, before I go.
Well guys, it's been great. I had some good times, and I enjoyed the finale. I hate to keep shamelessly pimping my stuff, but I made a commemorative shirt for this occasion, called Harmony. It even has today's date on it. It's up in my store already http://elementsofbronyhood.spreadshirt.com/ As usual, all profits go towards Toys For Tots donations.
So, this is the end beautiful friends. This was the cleanest rip of this scene I could find, so I'll just leave you with this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHsx1cvACkY
Nah, ponies don't go down that easy, and neither do good bronies. I'll be back, and with more new tshirt designs soon. I need to run to the hospital for now, so I'm taking off. Thanks for all the good memories, friends.
Okay, I'm off. Peace. |