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  • File : 1304535342.jpg-(132 KB, 690x690, 1301562822399.jpg)
    132 KB MLP General Leth !Leth/HQgHY 05/04/11(Wed)14:55 No.25639593  
    Pony general of general pony.

    Anyone else looking forward to the song in the season finale? I am.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:57 No.25639627
         File1304535444.jpg-(367 KB, 1300x923, 1.jpg)
    367 KB
    I hope this will be finished.

    And yes, I am really looking forward to the finale. altohugh it will be a little bittersweet.
    >> Brewer 05/04/11(Wed)14:57 No.25639634
    All aboard the pony train!

    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)14:57 No.25639635
         File1304535462.png-(27 KB, 134x162, lyra drink.png)
    27 KB
    I'm not sure it will be good, but I'm looking forward to it and hoping it won't disappoint.

    How do you mark a thread anyway?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:58 No.25639653
    with the marker image.

    It'll come soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:59 No.25639664
         File1304535572.png-(247 KB, 640x360, pinkie pie drowns her sorrows (...).png)
    247 KB
    here's hoping it will outclass winter wrap up
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:59 No.25639667
    Well, if we're showing people how it's Meant To Be Done
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:00 No.25639671
         File1304535600.jpg-(25 KB, 252x456, rarity_cancered.jpg)
    25 KB
    because eventually it will
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:00 No.25639688
         File1304535645.jpg-(14 KB, 320x240, 1272306461287.jpg)
    14 KB
    >implying the season won't end on a cliffhanger showing the big baddie in season 2
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:01 No.25639696
         File1304535666.jpg-(54 KB, 815x673, 1304361795569.jpg)
    54 KB
    Can a brony get some d'aww 'round these parts?
    >> !!4pfxXhUu2Eo 05/04/11(Wed)15:01 No.25639699
         File1304535674.jpg-(47 KB, 500x360, 4088343680_f851ff806a.jpg)
    47 KB
    Oy, hop on the thread making.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 05/04/11(Wed)15:01 No.25639703

    tough break man, best of luck to you.
    >> Pony !eBronynay2 05/04/11(Wed)15:02 No.25639722
    haha, I'm off. But before I go, I just wanted to share that in Minecraft, I've managed to make a combination spider/cactus farm
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 05/04/11(Wed)15:02 No.25639730
         File1304535766.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2000x2000, drawing tutorial.jpg)
    1.23 MB
    To others on this thread, how about taking a shot at drawing ponies. Here's a quick tutorial.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:03 No.25639736
         File1304535782.jpg-(251 KB, 1340x815, knight-(n1295249513538).jpg)
    251 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:03 No.25639744
    I skip the songs

    Except for Pinkie's parasprite polka and cupcakes tunes
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:03 No.25639747
         File1304535818.jpg-(166 KB, 945x945, 1300826927922.jpg)
    166 KB

    >implying Art of the Dress isn't the best song
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:03 No.25639757
         File1304535838.jpg-(30 KB, 474x271, facehoof.jpg)
    30 KB

    Obvious troll is obvious. Using a medium like this to attack other chans/boards affiliated with ponies. You aren't even trying anymore. Protip: Your faggotry will be exposed.

    To the Anon that posted the letter as the thread: Even if your intentions were good, that's not a very good way to start a thread, the one who wrote it DOES sound like a persecution complex furry.

    As I said, discourage conflict/faggots (like the one above) trying to cause conflict between different kinds of bronies (/co/, ponychan and /b/), but this is taking it too far.

    Back to lurkmode.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:04 No.25639763
         File1304535856.png-(179 KB, 615x413, dashflutter-(n1296788788717).png)
    179 KB
    what kind of daaaw?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:04 No.25639766
         File1304535872.png-(191 KB, 501x423, 1300913965801.png)
    191 KB
    >YFW at the end of the episode, Pinkie Pie looks right at the camera and says, "Alright bronies, that's it until October! Instead of sitting at your computer all day, why don't you go get some fresh air and make some new friends? We'll see you again in the fall!"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:04 No.25639767
    >skipped winter wrap up
    >skipped art of the dress
    >will skill the finale song
    You're missing out, man.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 05/04/11(Wed)15:04 No.25639768
    I concur. Winter wrap up was genius though.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)15:04 No.25639770
         File1304535883.jpg-(2.36 MB, 700x4997, 1303153750952.jpg)
    2.36 MB
    Tutorial thread?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:04 No.25639777
         File1304535898.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, troll poni.jpg)
    26 KB
    sure it is my man!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:05 No.25639784
         File1304535919.jpg-(90 KB, 900x675, pony poster.jpg)
    90 KB
    i dont know how to feel about this
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:05 No.25639787
         File1304535936.jpg-(84 KB, 900x600, 10243 - CrappyUnicorn original(...).jpg)
    84 KB
    Ignore the odd face.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:06 No.25639798

    I object to this. Not because of the public display of ponies - but because of the artstyle of the print.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:06 No.25639800
    The cutie mark is really cool looking
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 05/04/11(Wed)15:06 No.25639801
    Lavender's blue, dilly dilly,
    Lavender's green
    When you are King, dilly dilly,
    I shall be Queen

    Who told you so, dilly dilly,
    Who told you so?
    'Twas my own heart, dilly dilly,
    That told me so

    Call up your friends, dilly, dilly
    Set them to work
    Some to the plough, dilly dilly,
    Some to the fork

    Some to the hay, dilly dilly,
    Some to thresh corn
    Whilst you and I, dilly dilly,
    Keep ourselves warm

    similar to this? I find it really pretty, but might not be the kinda thing you want
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:06 No.25639803
         File1304535996.png-(93 KB, 677x803, 1303453248002.png)
    93 KB
    How could you? They're so catchy!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:06 No.25639806

    Is that a heart-shaped rainbow dash plate? 'Cause if so, I need to know where I can get those.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:07 No.25639809
         File1304536025.jpg-(21 KB, 404x304, skinner.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:07 No.25639812
         File1304536032.png-(79 KB, 318x312, 1293489887027.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:07 No.25639814
    Seems cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:07 No.25639816
    It's a valentine.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:07 No.25639826
    So, what's everyones favorite background pony? They need official names
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:08 No.25639828

    Ah. Oh well, that's much less exciting.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:08 No.25639836
         File1304536117.jpg-(33 KB, 400x389, happy fluttershy.jpg)
    33 KB
    shit looks good bro and i usually hate all OCs.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:08 No.25639839
    That OC pony has made it into my very very very short list of OC ponies I tolerate.

    Stoner Pony
    Troll Pony
    .... Oh, I guess it's just those two.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:08 No.25639843
         File1304536132.png-(188 KB, 797x478, 1294246849694.png)
    188 KB
    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:08 No.25639844
    I loved Pinkie Pies, uh, party song.

    This is your singing telegram
    I hope it finds you well!
    You're invited to a party
    'cause we think you're really swell!

    Gummy's turning one year old
    So help us celebrate!
    The cake will be delicious
    The festivities first-rate!

    There will be games and dancing
    Bob for apples, cut a rug
    And when the party's over
    We'll gather 'round for a group hug

    No need to bring a gift
    Being there will be enough
    Birthdays mean having fun with friends
    Not getting lots of stuff.

    It won't be the same without you
    So we hope that you say yes
    So, please, oh please R.S.V.P.
    And come, and be our guest!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:09 No.25639859

    I'm not attacking your fucking board, if I was attacking it I'd be going over there and telling them how I feel.

    You're welcome to disagree with me but I will stand by my opinions. You're proving my point in a way; if you would ignore me and not bring up Ponychan, I wouldn't be responding to you right now, and I would probably be discussing something pony-related.

    Do not bother responding to this because I have absolutely no intention of continuing this discussion.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:09 No.25639861
         File1304536188.png-(43 KB, 206x193, 1297637237277.png)
    43 KB
    I like Rose.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:09 No.25639862
         File1304536188.jpg-(50 KB, 506x800, Cute Derpy.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:10 No.25639872
    >I'm right but don't bother responding
    Ah, the final bastion of somebody with absolutely no weight behind their opinions, but who doesn't want to rethink them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:11 No.25639884
         File1304536274.png-(120 KB, 1210x1128, 10339 - nightmare_fuel rarity (...).png)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:11 No.25639896
    I will make it my mission to ensure a spike in Rose's popularity once I finish escalating the publics opinion of another.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:12 No.25639911
         File1304536349.jpg-(22 KB, 449x475, twilight the villain.jpg)
    22 KB
    barbra streisand fanboys all up in hurr
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:12 No.25639915
         File1304536364.png-(53 KB, 243x237, 1303610120304.png)
    53 KB
    oh god get it away
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:12 No.25639917

    There is no right or wrong in this scenario. As I said, I have given my opinion, I will stand by it, and he is more than welcome to disagree. I will not, however, clog this topic with fruitless debate.
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:14 No.25639961
         File1304536469.jpg-(105 KB, 800x800, lyra implying.jpg)
    105 KB

    As I was trying to make a new thread, my damn drivers started derping. Be on a lookout for "infiltrators" trying to cause drama, I'm going to vidya. I had no idea you posted on /co/



    >Ponychan members are basically just furries in denial using MLP as an outlet.

    You're either an obvious troll trying to stir shit up or a bloody delusional moron. If you don't want your idiocy pointed out, don't be an idiot by claiming shit without any basis.

    >Do not bother responding to this because I have absolutely no intention of continuing this discussion.

    Pathetic, spouting bullshit and then backing out. At least you're admitting you're wrong.


    Please do so! My bro will HHHHNNNNNNGGG


    Do you not know how the world works? When you make an accusation, you need to back it up.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:15 No.25639971
    That's the thing, though, this is a public forum, you don't *get* to say "I'm right" and then not stick around to defend your opinion. I have never seen anybody use "I'm right" and "but don't bother responding" in the same post who wasn't utterly incapable of backing up their own points. Frankly, I don't give a shit who's "right" and who's "wrong", it's a stupid argument, but for fuck's sake, if you're going to argue on the internet, actually do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:15 No.25639980
         File1304536517.jpg-(109 KB, 1050x547, rocket ship pony.jpg)
    109 KB
    >> !!4pfxXhUu2Eo 05/04/11(Wed)15:15 No.25639993
         File1304536551.png-(54 KB, 184x184, .achtungspaiosditglsdfjkgkltdr(...).png)
    54 KB
    Surprised to see me? I'm working my magic with popularity values concerning characters I've affinities for.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:16 No.25640008
         File1304536606.png-(119 KB, 367x344, rainbow dash oh the horror.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:16 No.25640010
         File1304536610.jpg-(96 KB, 500x750, 122861439737.jpg)
    96 KB
    (yfw) when you realize this entire season was actually a dream Twilight had the day before the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:17 No.25640017

    I reiterate: there is no right or wrong in this particular case. I merely gave my opinion, I was not attempting to state a fact.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:17 No.25640026
    uh... i posted that thread with the tl;dr copypasta without even reading it, had no idea how inaccurate it is. oops?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:17 No.25640032
         File1304536661.png-(69 KB, 672x438, HotRodPony.png)
    69 KB
    >> TX2 05/04/11(Wed)15:18 No.25640046
    Now that we know Pinkie was raised by strict amish-like Parents, Giggle at the ghosty sounds a lot more depressing.

    "Granny Pie, The dark is scary...."
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:19 No.25640062
    You pretty much said "I'm right", but even if you hadn't, saying "but don't bother responding" always makes you look like a tool. Invariably. Far from making it seem like you won the argument, everybody looking on will automatically discount your opinion simply because the vast majority of the time, the people who say that are saying it because they're wrong, they know they're wrong, but they don't want to admit it. It's also very rude!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:21 No.25640096
         File1304536861.jpg-(33 KB, 371x440, rainbow dash the fuck is this (...).jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:21 No.25640099
    You can't conceal that pinkish knife from me, Fluttershy!

    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:21 No.25640100
         File1304536873.jpg-(7 KB, 216x247, lyra shocked.jpg)
    7 KB

    >Ponychan members are basically just furries in denial using MLP as an outlet.

    >Which is why we hate them.

    >the ones with the fucking persecution complex, and Ponychan has that down to a T.

    These are "just opinions", and not claims/accusations? Are you seriously this retarded? Or delusional? Or both?

    And don't give me that "I worded it badly" shit. What you meant doesn't mean anything after you already crap it out for the whole board to see.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:21 No.25640115
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:21 No.25640117

    Not to mention that you spoke for the whole board when you said "we hate them", obviously revealing you as a troll trying to start shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:22 No.25640130
         File1304536962.png-(44 KB, 157x131, 1302214605501.png)
    44 KB
    I say this in about every other pony thread I go in and I'll say it again.

    I wish I had a waifu that was similar to pinkie pie
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:23 No.25640135
         File1304536988.png-(110 KB, 430x363, don't feed the parasprites.png)
    110 KB
    Nope, conversation ends here.

    Proceed to post Marshmallow Ponies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:23 No.25640144

    >Far from making it seem like you won the argument

    I don't want to "win" the argument, I never even wanted to argue in the first place. All I've been trying to do this whole time is drop this worthless debate, and yet I keep being labeled as an instigator.

    If you took offense, then I apologize. Now can we please drop this? I don't care who wins or loses, I just want to talk about some fucking cartoon ponies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:23 No.25640154
    I'm a different guy, but here's the thing.

    I fap to furry porn. I do it quite a bit. Do I identify as a furry? No, because it's just a weird creepy fetish that I have. Furries seem to think that the world owes it to them to accept what kind of pornography they fap to, and equate it to LGTB civil rights. It's just fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:23 No.25640157
    so why don't you
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:23 No.25640158
         File1304537031.png-(298 KB, 500x500, 1303109140955.png)
    298 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:23 No.25640161
    I predict that everything goes swimmingly at the Gala until Philomena eats Angel Bunny, setting up Fluttershy as the BBEG for season two.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:24 No.25640162
         File1304537044.jpg-(11 KB, 300x186, 289879-twistedmetal_axel_large.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:24 No.25640164
         File1304537059.jpg-(146 KB, 512x512, sweetie belle is so marshmallo(...).jpg)
    146 KB
    >> /co/smonaut petro/v/ 05/04/11(Wed)15:25 No.25640176


    I dont understand the dilly dilly one bit.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:25 No.25640181
    What's going on in this thread/what did I miss?

    Also, taking requests because I don't feel like drawing at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:25 No.25640185

    Now I can't get "Friend Like Me" out of my head. hanks a lot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640189
    Furry drama.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640195

    Sweetie Belle might be the marshmallowiest pony, but who is the flumpiest pony?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640196
         File1304537179.png-(412 KB, 1200x1200, And_then_they_all.png)
    412 KB
    I think you should end this conversation this way.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640201
         File1304537191.jpg-(156 KB, 466x600, 1302114351828.jpg)
    156 KB

    I'm not sure why I haven't meant my pinkie waifu. Maybe I just don't go outside enough. meh I dont have much social experience in general as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640202

    I was referring to the vocal minority that presents themselves in the manner that adheres to the letter. I know that there are sane, rational people that visit that board, and I would hope that they would be smart enough to differentiate themselves from the less desirable members. If that's not clear enough for you, let me spell it out: I was not referring to you in particular.

    Can we please move on?
    >> /co/smonaut petro/v/ 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640205
         File1304537214.png-(31 KB, 163x175, 1304301252248.png)
    31 KB

    Im cool with that.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:26 No.25640206

    It's a traditional folk song. The dilly-dilly is the equivalent of fa-la-la or ring-a-ding-dillo.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:27 No.25640210
         File1304537225.jpg-(13 KB, 435x353, 75.jpg)
    13 KB
    Is that a request?
    >> djfag !JestMOdeEQ 05/04/11(Wed)15:27 No.25640221
    anyone have the duke MLP vocaroo?
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 05/04/11(Wed)15:28 No.25640231
    Ponies arguing on a stage, dressed as a lion and a wolf, maybe a cat one.

    Alternatively, Rarity and Sweetie Belle looking on in horror at a marshmallow smore, with the words "Momma?" superimposed above.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:28 No.25640232
    Nah, the Galloping Gala will be used by Twilight to stage a coup and take power in Equestria. In season 2 Luna will take over as protagonist, with the other ponies forming La Resistance around her.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:28 No.25640235

    Draw ponies dressed up in fursuits on a stage performing some Shakespeare
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:29 No.25640243

    "Friend Like Me" sang by Pinkie Pie. All of my money, take it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:29 No.25640245
         File1304537366.jpg-(119 KB, 1024x768, 121756329069.jpg)
    119 KB
    Is this what Pony generals are going to be like during the break until Season 2?

    Also /r/ Pony Wallpapers.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:29 No.25640261
    Artist is Crappy Unicorn. Awesome chick... She has DA page.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:30 No.25640266
    Wuuuut, also, no.

    Forgot to add, there are no limits and I prefer bizarre and reaction images.
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:30 No.25640281
         File1304537454.png-(84 KB, 188x256, lyra banana phone.png)
    84 KB

    That has nothing to do with this. I never defended furries, I agree with you 100%. However, that Anon compared Ponychan users to furries without anything to back up the accusation with.


    I don't even post on ponychan and I don't even like it TOO much, I'm merely pointing out the fact that you said something so blatantly incorrect. And I've been around since mid January and I haven't seen a single person with the same mindset of a furry on /co/, /b/ or ponychan.

    Yes we can, and if you're not a troll, please avoid saying things that cause drama for no reason, especially when it's so blatantly false.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640291
         File1304537477.jpg-(112 KB, 700x700, eeeeeeeooooooeeeeeeeeooooooooo(...).jpg)
    112 KB
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640292
    Worse, partly due to a lack of original contributors.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640299
    Scootaloo's reaction to walking in on Dash and the Wonderbolts having 'adult time'.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640300
         File1304537492.png-(263 KB, 650x532, 1303612972156.png)
    263 KB
    I'm up for that if he is.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640305
         File1304537500.jpg-(34 KB, 369x354, 1304455896880.jpg)
    34 KB


    Well gee, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640307
    Why do you talk about your brother so much on /b/
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 05/04/11(Wed)15:31 No.25640313
    Pony generals were always all over the place. Some are porny generals, and some are vidya generals, and everything in between.

    >Alternatively, Rarity and Sweetie Belle looking on in horror at a marshmallow smore, with the words "Momma?" superimposed above.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:32 No.25640315
         File1304537521.png-(28 KB, 227x291, 1303784967427.png)
    28 KB
    Hey guys, Ponychan
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:32 No.25640324
         File1304537551.png-(435 KB, 1173x1417, f114204_1303376975_zajice_horn(...).png)
    435 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:32 No.25640334
         File1304537567.png-(43 KB, 563x306, 1302638852624.png)
    43 KB
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:32 No.25640337
         File1304537577.png-(256 KB, 611x547, Scootaloo meets Scootabuse.png)
    256 KB
    Al ready made.

    Sorry, but if I try make something I don't like I'd just fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:33 No.25640347
         File1304537609.png-(74 KB, 276x265, 1301525419325.png)
    74 KB

    Oh man, you got me good bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:34 No.25640356
         File1304537649.jpg-(122 KB, 480x1189, 1252777017648.jpg)
    122 KB
    How about a try to ponify this?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:34 No.25640360
         File1304537657.png-(46 KB, 221x209, 1302252959448.png)
    46 KB

    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:34 No.25640362
         File1304537663.jpg-(24 KB, 426x347, lyra face.jpg)
    24 KB

    I do? I mentioned him like twice, while trying to get someone to post Roseluck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:34 No.25640368
         File1304537676.png-(148 KB, 496x506, Every last one of them Pinkie.png)
    148 KB

    >Worse, partly due to a lack of original contributors

    This is sadly true. Many of our artists have stopped coming in regularly or are caught up in commissions. Granted we do get new artists popping in now and then, but it's not quite as lively as before.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:34 No.25640372
    >duke MLP vocaroo
    You don't mean THE Douk, do you?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640382
    wait I thought he was in the /b/ community
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640383
    That picture makes me laugh every time.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640385
    Wait, are you BraveSpark's sister?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640387
         File1304537731.png-(179 KB, 649x592, 1302945613931.png)
    179 KB

    Ah shit.

    You're on your own this time, Dash.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640393
    Give me time for Roseluck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640399
         File1304537753.png-(27 KB, 945x945, 130029788454.png)
    27 KB
    >> djfag !JestMOdeEQ 05/04/11(Wed)15:35 No.25640402
         File1304537759.jpg-(37 KB, 640x360, 20.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:36 No.25640412
         File1304537790.png-(73 KB, 310x458, 1304016218207.png)
    73 KB

    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:36 No.25640416
    I've only got part two.
    Don't know what happened to my other link.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:36 No.25640418
         File1304537810.png-(90 KB, 772x835, Rainbow Dash says so awesome.png)
    90 KB
    >single person with the same mindset of a furry on /co/, /b/ or ponychan
    Which is really strange considering how many furries are in the fandom.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:37 No.25640420
    Another Hyperbole and a Half fan!

    Y'know, I wonder if Allie would be into MLP?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:37 No.25640429
         File1304537851.png-(24 KB, 211x211, 1303694703500.png)
    24 KB
    but rainbow dash can fly!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:38 No.25640440
    Not without an atmosphere.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:38 No.25640450
         File1304537933.jpg-(83 KB, 400x300, Rainbow Dash Imagination.jpg)
    83 KB
    Magic wings, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:39 No.25640452
    ...or just how loud are they.

    I mean. I've made some research and furries from /b/ are usually just loud. There are not shitloads of them as everybody is saying. Well I could say that there is less /b/ furries then /co/ ponies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:39 No.25640454
         File1304537943.jpg-(123 KB, 1270x700, Kill them Pinkie kill them all.jpg)
    123 KB
    Not after I get done with her.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:39 No.25640463
         File1304537975.jpg-(228 KB, 1000x1000, 10287 - artist novacuity Madam(...).jpg)
    228 KB
    >> djfag !JestMOdeEQ 05/04/11(Wed)15:39 No.25640465
    thanks anyone have the first part?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:39 No.25640468
    What's the sound barrier in vacuum? Oh yeah, nothing. Sonic Rainbooms all day erry day.
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)15:40 No.25640481
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:41 No.25640495
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:41 No.25640498
    There's has to be a medium to carry sound waves for there to be a sonic boom.

    Also there needs to be something for her wings to push against for propulsion.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:41 No.25640500
    R.O. Obsidian You are still around?

    I wanted to ask are You making something special for the summer sun celebration.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:41 No.25640503
    Hi dear.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:41 No.25640505
         File1304538103.jpg-(406 KB, 1200x542, 1303477323227.jpg)
    406 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:42 No.25640509
         File1304538124.jpg-(59 KB, 401x681, straight to the moon.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:42 No.25640517
    Both of those mediums are "magic" (because those little filly wings could never get her in the air, never mind mach 1 - fuckin' magic)
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:42 No.25640518
    I don't want to derail the discussion, as I made the previous comment as a joke, but I think the majority don't appear obnoxious here because on /b/ furry is a trolling tactic, and here, furries just want to talk about the show like everyone else. There is a lot of internet culture cross pollination between anon and the aforementioned that is simply never talked about, because most don't care.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)15:42 No.25640522

    A Furry is a fan of anthropomorphic art and medium. It does encompass the fetish, but it is not equivalent to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:42 No.25640531
    you forgot about the lack of conservation of momentum. There's a trace amount of atmosphere on the moon, so she takes off from there, and space never slows her down.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:42 No.25640533
    Nope, I am working on a bro-op with Suckmyoff, but I am not into competitions - why do you ask?

    Also, explain the following please:
    >R.O. Obsidian You are still around?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:43 No.25640542
    Don't worry fox... don't worry at all. I've been through this recently. Follow Darth Lyra and don't give a fuck or just stay anon for now. Some of these guys can be pretty much a dicks for tripped people. Oh also don't mention /b/ or ponychan and avoid stuff like these. :) :( :] :>
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)15:43 No.25640543
         File1304538206.jpg-(334 KB, 692x900, Fox1.jpg)
    334 KB

    So whats happening here?
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)15:44 No.25640567
         File1304538285.jpg-(94 KB, 422x406, Fox King_of_Spades_by_Culpeo_F(...).jpg)
    94 KB
    I know what happens, this is not my first trip into the /co/ threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:44 No.25640569
    Should could flap her wings for a thousand years as hard as she could and not escape the moon's gravity with what pittance of an atmosphere is on the moon.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:45 No.25640576
    I hate irony on imageboards! Never can feel it through the text dammit... ok
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:45 No.25640588
    Should = She. I need to proofread these.
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640593
         File1304538370.png-(149 KB, 820x866, rarity viking you are no man.png)
    149 KB

    Nope, my bro goes either as Anon, as Odin, as Data or as some random viking/Old Norse name. He doesn't post in pony threads (anywhere) often but he likes ponies. And Roseluck. And vikings. Which is why I said he'll love this pic.


    I guess we get all the "normal" ones. Except "SweFur" from /b/, but he isn't TOO bad.


    Thanks, though tell me which episodes she appears in and I'll be able to cap her too.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640595
    Not sure, trying to find out myself. Speaking of which, let's go on a magical, whimsical adventure together - a quest for eternal redemption and infinite glory, what is going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640604
    We're all in agreement that the open letter is fucking stupid, right? It sounds like a cult newsletter.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640614
         File1304538414.png-(321 KB, 489x486, Rarity hugs an uncomfortable T(...).png)
    321 KB
    I have to politely ask why you are avataring as a fox on a pony thread?
    I try to clue people in through the image I choose, but it's not always clear. All is okay. Here is a pony hug to show it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640615
         File1304538418.gif-(2.27 MB, 347x194, she waits.gif)
    2.27 MB
    You'll love me and cherish me forever, won't you, Anonymous?

    Won't you?

    You know what'll happen if you don't!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640616
    Yes. It's really, really dumb.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:46 No.25640617
    >pony thread!
    >Scroll down
    >see where this thread's going

    Whelp, maybe later guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:47 No.25640621
    Who from /b/ comes here that you know?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:47 No.25640634
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:49 No.25640657
    A furry is *not* a fan of anthropomorphic art. A person can like anthropomorphic characters without labeling themselves as a member of a particular community. A furry is specifically someone who identifies themselves as such; a person who decides to be part of the furry community.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:49 No.25640658
    Making sure You are still in thread. Actually it was some kind form of courtesy. Actually very unecessary I think.

    I've seen You around ponychan /art/ lately. Crazy style of Yours and wicked (in positive meaning if it's possible) works You have. Keep it up ;)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:49 No.25640671

    We can "be a dick" to those people because there's no reason for using a tripcode if you are not contributing fresh content. There are other forums available if you wish to parade arond in such a manner, but in /co/, the majority of us prefer if non-contributors stay Anonymous.

    And I don't mean that to be offensive, I'm merely trying to inform you. We work differently, and we would prefer to continue working as such.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:49 No.25640678
         File1304538596.jpg-(336 KB, 800x1150, Clipboard01.jpg)
    336 KB
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)15:50 No.25640685
         File1304538609.jpg-(348 KB, 822x900, Fox_by_tigon.jpg)
    348 KB
    I use both, Pony and Fox. But fox's are just my usual avater outside the threads anyways.
    That, and tolerance allows me so.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:50 No.25640692
         File1304538618.jpg-(54 KB, 212x192, AndAteThem-(n1304138952628).jpg)
    54 KB

    This shit is golden.

    Thank you Tara Strong for working on a million and 1 shows and vidya.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:50 No.25640696
         File1304538641.jpg-(8 KB, 222x172, you are both suspended.jpg)
    8 KB



    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640706
    In my experience, many can function, at least on the internet, like a normal human being. It's simply the younger or just plain messed up furries that become the obnoxiously loud crying out for acceptance and all. So it's no real surprise to me that we're getting a lot of "normal" furries. There are probably a lot around that merely don't advertise it and are thus never known.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640707
         File1304538662.jpg-(7 KB, 157x152, 1304466182798.jpg)
    7 KB
    Stop that shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640709

    By that same argument, there's no reason to stay anonymous if you can use to option to have a name and tripcode.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640710
    Self identification is not necessary to be included in a group. It is only necessary to be included in the community.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640712
    Fuck my life, I just read cupcakes.

    The alternate ending with Rainbow Dash dying a manly death was FUCKING AWESOME, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640716
    Fuck this thread. I'm out of here. I'm going to go get food. Hopefully when I come back you guys are through bitching about furries.

    Here's a topic while I'm gone:

    Which pony would be best suited to be the main character of the last videogame you played?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:51 No.25640723
    anons which You can't recognize...

    When I'll have more time to spend in here I'll get back to My trip. Now I don't want to get into bigger discussions, conversations for sake of mine own time.
    >> 八雲紫 05/04/11(Wed)15:52 No.25640731
         File1304538727.jpg-(398 KB, 1856x680, My Little Touhou.jpg)
    398 KB
    You know what this thread needs a little of?
    Touhou ponies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:52 No.25640747
         File1304538771.png-(52 KB, 400x317, laughingfillies.png)
    52 KB
    hah, tolerance. That's a funny one.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:53 No.25640753
    >> DjShinobiFox !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)15:53 No.25640761
         File1304538801.jpg-(292 KB, 600x900, Fox I know.jpg)
    292 KB
    Oh! Right, about that trip,
    and the avataring (is that even a word?) and the reasoning of it.
    I have some content... in audio Form. I just mixed it today and thought I'd share it with yea.
    (give it a moment to get to the music)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:53 No.25640762
         File1304538806.jpg-(52 KB, 321x360, 687474703a2f2f696d616765732e34(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    This. Avatarfagging is a bannable offense.

    Or so the powertripping mod led us to believe.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:53 No.25640767
    >Somebody from a DIFFERENT board where I hardly EVER post on is the only one in three we- EVER, to compliment me.
    I have no image macro to express what I feel, and my reaction image folder is huge.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:53 No.25640773
    >avatar fagging
    >"love and tolerance"

    welp, maybe I should visit daytime threads less often.

    Like a lot less often.
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)15:54 No.25640792
         File1304538877.jpg-(47 KB, 654x561, trixie 10.jpg)
    47 KB

    Meh, the intentions are good, but it's way over the top and too "dramatic".


    You aren't helping... At all...


    You don't get to make the rules, and I've seen quite a few people disagree with that. Just saying.


    Uh, I don't think you'd recognize anyone. That Anderson guy is the only one you'd recognize, I think.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)15:54 No.25640797

    Is there an actual list of "bannable" offenses? The Rules Page is rather sparse on details.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:55 No.25640799
    You that... 'person' that put static over the into song and released it?

    Yeah, no thanks.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:55 No.25640803

    RO posts on ponychan? That explains SO much.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:55 No.25640804
         File1304538919.png-(267 KB, 288x499, 1298610235372.png)
    267 KB
    >tolerance allows me so

    That tolerance stuff is just some /b/ shit. nobody actually believes or cares about it outside of that board. Now go away or be quiet, go anonymous, and back to lurking or posting PONY related images.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:55 No.25640806
         File1304538920.png-(405 KB, 3800x2750, Sad Pinkie straight.png)
    405 KB
    >Friendship is not available in your country

    well, fuck.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:56 No.25640842
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:56 No.25640843

    Now where did I say those were rules? I said it was the majority preference.

    You yourself were talking earlier about how the different communities present themselves differently. Perhaps you should try to respect that and assimilate with us when trying to associate with us.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:57 No.25640846

    The last game i played was Sims 3

    The ponies WERE the main characters.

    I adopted a baby Fluttershy and she was black.
    >> DjShinobiFox !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)15:57 No.25640852
         File1304539034.jpg-(175 KB, 600x1066, Fox Awesome.jpg)
    175 KB
    >> Anderson !!4pfxXhUu2Eo 05/04/11(Wed)15:57 No.25640861
         File1304539066.png-(38 KB, 130x129, spy155.png)
    38 KB
    >That Anderson guy
    Your words cut me deep.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:57 No.25640865
    We are on the internet. We can make words on our own.
    >That post was'nt mine btw.

    And suddenly everybody tripped.

    I actually did some work on My own. I don't scream >Appreciate it dammit. I'm fuckin amazing artist and I can do that shit cus I can do it.
    I suck that's true but I also learn all the time.

    Last time I just wanted to talk and was treated pretty badly. Learning on my mistakes I'm back to anon just lurking around sometimes saying a word.

    I'm not generalising and not saying You are all bad folks. I can just see that in here is different. I'm slowly getting used to it.

    Also hey there Darth Lyra!
    It's a good or bad thing?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)15:57 No.25640869
    I am trying to be polite about this because others will be far more rude, but you are breaking several conventions and un/written rules by both avataring and . . . well talking. Making posts about yourself rather than ponies. You're filling the thread with unrelated content, which is a highly discouraged on /co/, which strives to be more show focused.
    >> Kitty Tail !rThIsCAT/2 05/04/11(Wed)15:58 No.25640879
    Oh look forgot My trip!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:58 No.25640885
    I am also interested in getting the first one.
    Anyone have it?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:58 No.25640886
    /r/ Black baby Fluttershy.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640890
    In this case, good.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640891

    And with that I take my leave.

    Day threads are officially fucking garbage.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640892
         File1304539143.png-(124 KB, 710x533, 1298444423708.png)
    124 KB
    Rainbow Dash, she is the most competitive and most prone to get into the fight.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640894
         File1304539146.jpg-(218 KB, 1304x1179, 1298863786624.jpg)
    218 KB

    But the fag mod (whatever his name was) listed avatarfagging as one of the reasons he b& all pony on /co/.

    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640895
    "Now Twilight, wouldn't you humour us with your latest lesson on friendship and understanding?"
    "Certainly my princess. Well, I've learned much during my time in Ponyville. I've learned how wonderful friends are and what power lies in the bond that you share with them. But I also learned that I'd rather have POWER!"
    "What? What are you saying?!"
    "I'm saying that in my studies I came across an ancient and forbidden spell. A spell that has slowly been syphoning your powers and feeding mine. With every message I sent you a little bit of you godhood became mine."
    "What's the matter? Too week to handle this yourself? Sure you've been keeping up the appearance but I bet you can barely raise the sun now...And me? I'm more powerful than you ever hoped to be!"

    Twilight simply crushes the guards storming at her. Soon all opposition is flattened, the panicked guests have fled. Celestia is at Twilight Sparkles feet, beaten and bruised. Only her circle of friends remain standing, watching in horror as Twilight absorbs the rest of her power and grows to majestic size, sprouting enormous wings.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640900
         File1304539168.gif-(604 KB, 335x188, Rainbow-Dash_YOU.gif)
    604 KB
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 05/04/11(Wed)15:59 No.25640904
         File1304539177.png-(282 KB, 2000x1839, trixiepie.png)
    282 KB
    Why are there foxes in a pony thread?
    That's just silly.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:00 No.25640922
    You're kind of silly to assume that a few ass holes in a thread makes all threads of this time period 'garbage'.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:00 No.25640928

    Fuck off faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:00 No.25640930

    >I can just see that in here is different. I'm slowly getting used to it

    I really wish your friends had as much common sense as you seem to.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:00 No.25640932
         File1304539240.png-(405 KB, 600x480, vlcsnap-2011-05-03-22h11m49s20(...).png)
    405 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:00 No.25640937
    Good to hear that.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:01 No.25640939
         File1304539260.gif-(584 KB, 454x418, Derpy disapproves.gif)
    584 KB
    I love the second fox in this comic. Because denial and delusion are apparently good comebacks in an argument.

    They aren't.
    This is still not pony related.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:01 No.25640940
    So I'm a furry because I liked Thundercats? You are a thing because you like a thing? I'm not a wizard because I liked Harry Potter.

    The only time it makes sense to refer to someone as a furry is when they themselves do so, or share a great number of qualities with others who do so. Liking anthro art isn't enough. Liking it more than similar non-anthro art? Maybe.

    But even if you were to dub another person a furry, all you're really saying is that they have a lot in common with furries. That's all you're ever saying when you label someone: that they have many similar traits to archetypes of that group. But to actually *be* a furry, instead of just being similar to one, what you'd need to do is be part of the community. Let's be racist and compare it to blacks. To be *like* a black person, you'd want to steal bicycles and speak jibberish. To *be* a black person, you actually have to be born one. Not an easy community to *truly* join. To be *like* a jew, you have to be good with money and speak in jibberish, but only at the beginning of formal dinners. To *be* a Jew, you have to start going to their churches or something, I don't know. To *be* a furry, you just sort of have to say you are. They're not a cohesive enough group to disallow admittance.

    tl;dr - Being a furry means being a member of the furry community.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:01 No.25640942
         File1304539272.png-(220 KB, 800x800, 1301455318281.png)
    220 KB
    Well this thread went to shit yet again, way to go guys, reach for them stars.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:01 No.25640955
         File1304539303.gif-(66 KB, 360x360, 1297704021586.gif)
    66 KB

    Oh, man, you had me laughing by the second line. Well done, you.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:02 No.25640971
    Shit threads are good. They give me a chance to go do stuff instead of procrastinating here.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:03 No.25640981
         File1304539383.png-(83 KB, 248x262, 1304496976806.png)
    83 KB








    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:03 No.25640992
         File1304539411.png-(438 KB, 922x754, 1298701293489.png)
    438 KB
    You know what?

    "love and tolerance" should be a bannable offense or word or something and typing it should get you either a warning or a straight up ban.

    Who else is with me on this? It's not related to the show and it's just another dumb, forced meme. I'm sure anyone that take sthings too far will stop posting when they realize they can't talk about that stuff, and the only people left will be those that ACTUALLY want to discuss the show.

    Maybe that's harsh, but at this point? Fuck it, I'm not putting up with this dumb shit come season 2.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:03 No.25640994
    Well I call it tolerance.

    I can expect that from anybody but I can do it on My own. Your backyard Your rules. It's not like I agree with everythin You guys say but inb4 any kind of discussion or argue it's good to meet You a little better.

    I might be wrong as well. Best word to describe this is
    >It's just different not better nor worse just different.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:03 No.25640997
         File1304539432.jpg-(12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    12 KB
    so, a jack valenti thread you say?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:04 No.25641005
         File1304539451.jpg-(156 KB, 894x894, is_the_pay_good__by_johnjoseco(...).jpg)
    156 KB
    Hey does anybody have the coloured version of this picture?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:04 No.25641011
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:04 No.25641013
    Supposed to be
    >I can't expect that from anybody...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:05 No.25641018
    1 internet to the first person to post his cheeks.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:05 No.25641019

    Yeah, it got posted here:

    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:05 No.25641020
         File1304539509.gif-(1.6 MB, 760x700, Fluttershy yay.gif)
    1.6 MB
    Let's get some pony up in this thread!

    Here is a topic:

    A spin off pony show. The entire main cast is male rather than female. Would you watch it?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:05 No.25641032
         File1304539546.jpg-(56 KB, 480x360, 1289030859879-(n1304139481137).jpg)
    56 KB
    >this thread
    It's just a bunch of attentionwhoring furries.
    Seen it, nothing new.

    Now post ponies.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:06 No.25641041
         File1304539561.jpg-(433 KB, 590x1690, 1302554906639.jpg)
    433 KB

    Let's speculate about the song in the season finale, or better yet, what fetishes each of the ponies have - I will start with my two favourites:
    Celestia - submission;
    Luna - anal.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:06 No.25641043
    I'm sorry to tell you this anon, and I hate to break it to you, but you just might be colorblind.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:06 No.25641049
         File1304539568.jpg-(18 KB, 261x292, 1303187288996.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:06 No.25641053
    as long as it was the same writers and it wasnt to much of a tryhard "its a boys cartoon!" then sure, I would watch it.
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)16:06 No.25641058
         File1304539591.jpg-(138 KB, 800x800, Friends____by_my_shots.jpg)
    138 KB
    Jesus that fox guy came in and look at em now! Its like he threw in a grenade with a few choice words!

    Maybe.... depends on how well the voices and characters are
    >> 八雲紫 05/04/11(Wed)16:07 No.25641072
         File1304539641.png-(630 KB, 1549x1148, Fluttershy, you look diffe(...).png)
    630 KB
    I agree, let's take it easy and talk about ponies.
    So, Pinkie Pie really started to freak me out last episode...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:07 No.25641075
         File1304539645.jpg-(10 KB, 310x291, 1304489934812.jpg)
    10 KB


    I don't care how Ponychan, FiMchan, /b/, or any other communities operate. It's entirely up to them. However, if I ever felt like migrating to one of those communities, I wouldn't expect them to conform to what /co/ is like, I would conform to what THEY are like. If I don't feel like conforming... why would I leave my original community in the first place?

    If more people like you migrated over here, I would be happy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:08 No.25641086
    Hard one...

    I have no freaking idea. It's like asking:
    Show in which little smily cartonish fillies have their adventures with friends in world of magic.

    I would have to see it to be sure!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:08 No.25641089
    It's funny that people keep going on about tolerance, when part of the problem is that some people can't tolerate the slightest negativity.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:08 No.25641093
         File1304539693.png-(169 KB, 1288x881, this shits getting out of cont(...).png)
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    >implying I don't already
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:08 No.25641099
         File1304539714.jpg-(150 KB, 900x900, president_fluttershy_by_johnjo(...).jpg)
    150 KB
    Twilight: Hoof fetish

    Fluttershy: dunno, but shes prolly into some freaky stuff.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:08 No.25641100
         File1304539718.jpg-(39 KB, 520x600, 1301556624662.jpg)
    39 KB
    I'll kill the trip. Just pointin out how easy it was to derail.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:09 No.25641106
         File1304539749.png-(211 KB, 800x514, 1300990378811.png)
    211 KB
    Im dissapointed.
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)16:09 No.25641113
         File1304539779.png-(122 KB, 342x271, trixie 7.png)
    122 KB

    Yeah, you're a classic furry, stubborn and arrogant. I expected much more from you.


    You know, not even /b/ bronies tolerate shit like that, though due to the nature of /b/ threads, it isn't too harmful either, so it's just ignored.


    Does anyone even know you here?




    Anyone not having common sense like that is probably a troll. Except this Fox guy, but that's it.


    As long as people don't go too far with it, it's fine.



    I would, as long as it was done properly, like FiM.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:10 No.25641121
    And people call me a conspiracy theorist when I say that furries are trying to annex the MLP fandom...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:10 No.25641128

    It's the elemental flaw in true tolerance.

    Comparable to equality vs. fairness in all honesty, but that's another argument for another day.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:11 No.25641140
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is one of the few plays in existence that makes the female roles not just engaging, but also gives them depth - gives them something actually inherent to being a character in a constantly changing and adapting world, on top of this they are very well fledged out female characters. So, I would watch the show, but look completely different at it.
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)16:11 No.25641143
         File1304539873.jpg-(30 KB, 627x767, Oh no.jpg)
    30 KB
    Oh come on, can't a guy have his fun every now and again?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:12 No.25641159
    The furry fandom has a billion websites. Have your fun on any goddamn one of them. You are very clearly not welcome here.
    >> Anderson !!4pfxXhUu2Eo 05/04/11(Wed)16:12 No.25641160
         File1304539924.png-(66 KB, 131x211, spy124.png)
    66 KB
    I don't frequent this domain. However, this thread is currently more entertaining than the other thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:12 No.25641166
    furries try to annex anything that's popular like this
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:12 No.25641169
    It works there pretty good to be honest.

    Opposition is crushed.
    >by love and tolerance.

    I know that Anderson is here
    and cats don't forget.

    Inb4 furry.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 05/04/11(Wed)16:12 No.25641173
         File1304539960.png-(297 KB, 771x448, sadtrixie.png)
    297 KB
    >Yeah, you're a classic furry, stubborn and arrogant
    I don't agree with that generalization.
    I do agree, however, that he's being stubborn and arrogant posting that comic. Nobody needs to parade around how much of a furry they are. That's just incredibly stupid and nothing more than attention whoring.

    Also, TWO DAYS.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:12 No.25641175
    Yes, I would. The characters in FiM are good because they have realistic personalities, not because they're women - if the entire cast were men instead it would be exactly the same, just with less lesbian shipping.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:13 No.25641183

    You shouldn't worry about that; every one of us outside your fandom already thinks you're furries. Just roll with it.
    >> PRINCESS ROOGNA, Very Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-MANED(Named) !!qOjSZR79yv2 05/04/11(Wed)16:13 No.25641186
         File1304540013.jpg-(98 KB, 1258x1068, 1297056194433.jpg)
    98 KB
    when did /b/ switch to Yotsuba B?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:13 No.25641189
    Are you really that angry with /co/ for not liking your shitty music?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641202
         File1304540064.jpg-(548 KB, 1190x1600, K-ON!_BD_v06_Azusa_p002.jpg)
    548 KB

    Just like I wouldn't watch K-ON with male characters or play Touhou with male characters.

    The whole point is that they are cute girls doing cute things with minimum male interference.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641204
    But not 'less homosexual shipping'. Have you seen what /cm/ has done to Assassin's Creed?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641205
    Fuck, I should proof-read my stuff, Jesus. Anyway:

    "Ah, my little ponies. Don't be afraid. After all, you are the ones who made this victory possible. I will grant your deepest wishes and you shall have a place at my side, when I rule over this uneducated rabble. Applejack, your farm shall grow prosperous. Your acres will supply all of Equestria and your family shall be well accommodated."
    "That's mighty friendly of you, Sugah...Twilight. But I ain't havin' none of it. No usurper is getting any of my apples!"
    "Than your farm shall burn, as will your orchards."
    "Rainbow Dash, you've dreamed of joining the Wonderbolts for so long. I will make you their Captain. Furthermore they shall be known as Rainbow Bolts from now on."
    "WOW! That is sooo cool! ...What I'm trying to say is: No deal. I'll make the Wonderbolts with my skills, not cause you want to do me a favour!"
    "Then the groupe shall be disbanded and you shall live your life confined to the earth!"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641206
         File1304540067.png-(321 KB, 1920x1080, 1301562590541.png)
    321 KB
    You guys are very sensiitive
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641207

    Nanaki, his usage of the term "classic" is more along the lines of "stereotypical," and from your improvement from when you first started posting, "stereotypical" isn't an adequate description of you anymore.

    In short, he wasn't referring to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641209
    Guys, our enemy isn't the fans on /b/, or the ones on the other two chans, or even that bum of a poster that updates Equestria Daily

    It's the furries. They're trying to sneak into the different, unguarded divsiions and tear us apart from the inside.

    Don't you see? Don't you all see?!

    On a pony note, Rainbow Dash will never get a pet. Discuss
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641212
    Low and unnecessary blow
    >troll confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:14 No.25641216

    >I'll make a comic about how cool I am, that'll show 'em! Oh, did I mention that I am a furry?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:15 No.25641217
    ITT: why night threads are a million times better
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:15 No.25641228
    Holy shit I go to work, come back and we're still fighting with Darth Lyra and friends? Holy shit you guys need to drop the whole name thing on here and if you feel like taking part in the threads, DO SO WITHOUT FEELING THE NEED TO SAY "HEY GUYS I'M JOINING THE CONVERSATION CARRY ON". And that fucking includes avatarfagging, we don't have an unlimited image cap per thread so we don't need you posting a fucking fox every time you want to say hi to your butt buddy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:15 No.25641234
         File1304540146.jpg-(31 KB, 289x304, 1302644886799.jpg)
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    but speedy
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:15 No.25641237
         File1304540153.gif-(179 KB, 295x268, Pinkie pie laughs real hard.gif)
    179 KB
    >Less shipping.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:15 No.25641238
    Twilight would probably have a domination fetish;
    Fluttershy? Bestiality - just kidding, though she might be into it. I am pretty sure would get it wet by bondage.

    Two cents, up in the air.

    Image is made by Disco, I think - was in a period of a lot of scootabuse.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641240
         File1304540160.png-(462 KB, 4000x3494, Cractch baby clear.png)
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    Not really... I'm just trying something else. See'in whats happening.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641241
         File1304540164.jpg-(326 KB, 801x481, 1295379818836.jpg)
    326 KB
    My cat constantly forgets where the food bowl is, even though we never move it. cats are stupid.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, the internet Hitler 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641243
         File1304540168.png-(71 KB, 340x312, niggerlight spookle.png)
    71 KB
    Sup Whyte folks
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641254
    Well, duh. Problem is Ponychan has already surrendered to them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641256
         File1304540200.png-(100 KB, 248x246, 1304486396736.png)
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    >Implying there's a difference
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641262
         File1304540208.png-(25 KB, 945x945, 1301429653538.png)
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    I'm just watching Gumball through this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641263

    Ponies have enemies? From when? Don't be silly My litlle filly!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:16 No.25641264

    >wahhh he doesn't like my music
    >he's obviously a troll
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641272
    Less lesbian shipping. There'd be just as much shipping. It'd just be male on male.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641273
         File1304540230.jpg-(63 KB, 250x234, Rainbow Smith.jpg)
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    What up mah nigga
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641274
    There is. You aren't there.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641277

    anal's a fetish?
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641282
    Is comrade here? His lullaby'll have to wait till later, some varying personal shit just came up, some people I have to shout at before I can do it
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641283

    Night threads is when all the perverts come out and talk about pony sex. And it's the same fucking discussion over and over, every fucking night. Although, last night they were discussing pony scat porn, so that's new, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:17 No.25641287
         File1304540279.jpg-(71 KB, 500x454, 1289700239014.jpg)
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    >> PRINCESS ROOGNA, Very Manly Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-MANED(Named) !!qOjSZR79yv2 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641292
         File1304540290.png-(529 KB, 881x896, I'm only posting to say Hi,(...).png)
    529 KB
    Hi jesus
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641295
    Is it?
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641297
    Haven't seen any of what you are saying. So, I think you are lying.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641300
    Would bestiality done by fluttershy be wrong? I mean, most people would agree it's wrong IRL because the animals are never given a choice, but fluttershy *could* ask. Surely it'd just be a regular ol' inter-species relationship.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641301



    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641302

    All pony threads are about pony sex. It's why no one wants you around.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641308
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641310
    Realistic personalities? I don't know about that. Young adults who a) are still terrified to speak in public b) are completely foreign to socialization c) are purely boastful to a humorous extent d) are ridiculously bubbly and incapable (except for that one time) of being brought down e) don't accept help despite being delirious from overworking themselves aren't exactly common.
    They're blatantly archetypes of singular character traits. It's pretty unrealistic for a person to only display *one* character trait.
    Not to say they're *bad* characters or they're not enjoyable. But it's stupid to call them realistic.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641311

    Kinda like those Alfred the Hedgehog threads before they died away.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641312
         File1304540337.png-(230 KB, 652x760, Big Mac filly I mean colt (fil(...).png)
    230 KB
    I agree that some of the magic of FiM is that female characters are well developed and likeable. It makes it exceptionally rare, which goes into one of my personal speculations about it's popularity being that nothing else fills the niche this show does.

    I'd still be interested in an all male cast show, because likeable characters and good writing are not limited to gender. I'd still like them to be very cute, though. 'cause they're ponies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:18 No.25641313
    Not really
    And yes I am
    >> /co/mmander jesus, the internet Hitler 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641315
         File1304540347.png-(481 KB, 4000x3494, luna_filly_by_moongazeponies-d(...).png)
    481 KB
    <3 night time
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641317
         File1304540349.jpg-(110 KB, 674x400, lyra oh em gee.jpg)
    110 KB

    shitshitshit, I meant classic "annoying furry with victim complex"


    Anyone trying to cause drama is an "enemy". That includes furries trying to annex us.


    Why not?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641323
    >less lesbian shipping
    Guys here's my fanfic of how if Guylight Sparkle and Flutterguy were girls and totally had sex with each other!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641326
         File1304540375.jpg-(15 KB, 279x274, goodbyetripfags.jpg)
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    Makes every thread about 20% cooler.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641329
    Oh yeah, I remember now. You're the guy who wanted to use the pony general to keep a link to your music on the front page of /co/.

    Then when people avoided 'your' general, you whined about it. Then you whined about the trip hate. Now you're whining about furries?

    Oh wait, you're just here to troll us now. Holding a grudge much?
    >> Batman 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641333
         File1304540389.jpg-(102 KB, 1280x720, oprCEE0G.mpeg_snapshot_01.18_[(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    > This thread
    You guys made Fluttershy CRY.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641335
    and day threads are just trip fag circlejerks which leads to tripfag hate and more arguments
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:19 No.25641337
    Let Me try once again. Just for the sake of Your soul.

    >Are you really that angry with /co/ for not liking your shitty music?
    Implying He's angry.
    Generalising that whole /co/ don't like it.
    Calling it shitty.
    >there are really better words to describe things You don't like.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, the internet Hitler 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641338
         File1304540401.png-(752 KB, 1366x768, gayniggersfromouterspace1.png)
    752 KB
    I got this! I'll get my ray gun!
    >> Anderson !!4pfxXhUu2Eo 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641339
    I'd prefer if you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641341

    >Night threads is when all the perverts come out and talk about pony sex

    perverts talking about pony sex are still superior to people such as yourself. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be as good as the people who contribute to night threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641343

    I see maybe one night thread every few days that has serious sexual discussion.

    Besides, I'd honestly rather put up with that shit, than this. At least the folks who talk about the sexual stuff are actually rational most of the time.
    >> /co/smonaut petro/v/ 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641344

    Aiight mate
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641346
         File1304540421.jpg-(50 KB, 385x327, 1294465675207.jpg)
    50 KB
    what about rainbow dash? I guess exhibitionist.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641348
         File1304540434.gif-(268 KB, 166x166, Pinkie Pie TRANSFORM!.gif)
    268 KB
    We should throw them a party and cheer them up so they'll be less drama.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:20 No.25641350
    Realistic is probably the wrong word, you're right, but I'm not enough of a critic to know what better to use. They're not shallow, I guess? They have depth to their personalities?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:21 No.25641360
    I'm watching a TV show called Gumball.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:21 No.25641362
         File1304540494.png-(342 KB, 1785x1325, derpy_sherlock_shaded.png)
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    because there is no amerifags
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:21 No.25641369
         File1304540501.png-(85 KB, 456x355, 1303499865230.png)
    85 KB
    Please, for the love of Celestia, let the new thread be the one good thread today.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641379
    Yeah, but we have that stuff here, too. Less doesn't mean none!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641381
    It's not Me. I'm here a little more active from yesterday to be honest. I had no idea such situation took place. Everything I know is that anon up there was pretty straight and rude.
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641384
    Any boy's cartoon that isn't about men in long underwear giving eachother concussions has my approval.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641387

    On the contrary. Evening threads are all Americans and Mexicans.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641389
    Oh come on.

    We've had some good threads today.
    >> !TEFoxWNrbU 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641394
         File1304540573.jpg-(30 KB, 600x339, hold on suger.jpg)
    30 KB
    What the hell are you talking about? Thats old history. The reason why I'm back is cause I had a new track thats all. Notice no new thread with it in the header. Not EVERYONE on /co/ hated it. Alot, maybe, but not all of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:22 No.25641396

    But I contribute to the night threads. They can be fun too, but lately they are either boring or start to go to really fucked up places. They are still superior to this sad pile of shit that is this thread, though.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, the internet Hitler 05/04/11(Wed)16:23 No.25641398
         File1304540583.gif-(8 KB, 262x258, Barney.gif)
    8 KB
    What was so bad about this thread? I can't be fucked to go back and read it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:23 No.25641401
    >night threads
    >no americans
    What? nigh threads are all americans
    >> 9734 9734 !9734UrCW/Q 05/04/11(Wed)16:23 No.25641407
    Multi-board poster here, only got one thing to say:

    Furries ain't got shit to do with ponies
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:23 No.25641408
    And Swedes.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:23 No.25641414
    All the kids just got home from school.

    The overall quality on 4chan dips dramatically at around 15:00-16:00.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:24 No.25641416
         File1304540649.jpg-(16 KB, 267x314, 1291578939098.jpg)
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    Cannot be unseen.

    but I have no idea how could I even use such information. Also I never had any sinister intentions.
    And above that all.
    Belive it or not I like You.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:24 No.25641420
         File1304540657.jpg-(29 KB, 295x320, RainbowDashFIMriding_M_unknown(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    Rainbow Dash confirmed for getting a turtle
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:24 No.25641422

    trolling and responding to trolls. Furry/anti-furry faggotry. /b/tards pretending to get trolled.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641437
         File1304540730.png-(7 KB, 174x191, 1302987768001.png)
    7 KB
    >> /co/mmander jesus, the internet Hitler 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641440
    So same ol' same ol'?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641442
    I dunno, representing only one personality trait each they're still pretty shallow. But they do still have room to grow. Often it seems like, by the end of each episode, we see one or more of them grow just a little less shallow. It's how they change that I think you're appreciating; not what they are. And that's good too - the little spurts of growth really make the characters.

    Because on all accounts, their personalities are still - despite all canon development - pretty simple.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641443
         File1304540738.jpg-(206 KB, 539x585, RainbowDashFIMriding_M_unknown.jpg)
    206 KB
    It appears that RD is confirmed to have a turtle as a pet.

    God these toys are terrible.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641445
         File1304540740.jpg-(67 KB, 660x1000, Pinkie Pie and batman.jpg)
    67 KB
    I like that kind of cartoon too, though.

    Maybe ponies in long underwear giving each other concussions? 6 male ponies with attitude? Male ponies that are mutated ninja? At Celestia's school for the gifted that go on secret missions?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641451
    I'm just going to say, the people here may be the most "normal" of all the fans, but jesus fucking christ would it kill you guys to stay on the topic of ponies and not arguing for fucking once?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641452
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    haha thats awesome
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:25 No.25641453

    It was a prime example of the so called "love and tolerance" that certain fans seem to lust after.

    I would not recommend taking the time to read through it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:26 No.25641458
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:26 No.25641461

    Mostly, only moreso.
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:26 No.25641465
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    Need a hug?

    You have to look at it from their social standards, and Equestria's social standards are, well, love and tolerance.

    Fuuuuucccck, yoouuuuuuu. That was exactly what I was addressing, that they are great characters, regardless of gender, but also that the effect of gender is extremely well taken in account. Hence why I said I would still watch the show, but look at it differently. See:
    Inb4: herp derp vidya games!!!1 What they're telling applies to about everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:26 No.25641467
    Well I'm back from getting food. Seems like this thread hasn't gotten any better.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:26 No.25641468


    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 05/04/11(Wed)16:27 No.25641471
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    I know he wasn't.

    >Rainbow Dash with a scooter
    >not Scootaloo
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:27 No.25641475

    I wouldn't consider these bastards normal at all.
    >> Darth Lyra 05/04/11(Wed)16:27 No.25641480
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    It's bad, but it's not that bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:27 No.25641481
    Because turtle is scared of heights!
    >> /co/mmander jesus, the internet Hitler 05/04/11(Wed)16:27 No.25641487

















    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:28 No.25641494

    I consider sexual deviants to be the most normal people of all, because they embrace the horrifying bottomless pit known as human sexuality unlike society that tries to throw a tarp over it and pretend it doesn't exist.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:28 No.25641514
    I dunno, they all have one defining trait, but they're certainly not limited to that. Maybe I just spend too much time thinking about it, but they don't seem all that shallow. Certainly they could be deeper, but like you say, we only see them during the show, a single season of 20 minute episodes doesn't really give us a lot of character development time.

    Still, they all have their problems, which I think is the major thing. Too many characters don't have any real problems, both in cartoons and live action stuff.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 05/04/11(Wed)16:29 No.25641523
    Hence, why I want to see them take a swing at male characters and how that effects them.

    Are we saying the same thing?
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:30 No.25641553
    Doh, oh, oh, I think we are.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:31 No.25641571
    >Spike has a crush on Rarity, therefore he is a sycophantic servant to her

    >Scootaloo is a sycophantic servant to Rainbow Dash

    What are they trying to tell us? :3
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:32 No.25641599

    And that shitty-ass recolor of Dash can be yours for just $150!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:35 No.25641645
    We're looking at two different qualities here. You have what we'll call sexual publicity and what we'll call sexual normalcy. Publicity is how public you are with sexuality. Normalcy is how similar your sexuality is to reproductive habits. Some people talk about sex; other people think it's sinful to think about it. Some people are attracted to the opposite sex and fantasize about penetration - other people are aroused by something as unrelated as licking toes.

    You can be a deviant on either spectrum. A deviant would just be someone who has deviated from the norm of the time. Today in, say, the US, an exhibitionist would probably be considered a deviant, but so would that person who considers thinking of sex to be sinful. On the other dimension, "deviants" would definitely include those people who don't reflect any form of reproductive habits in their sexuality. Maybe nowadays it wouldn't necessarily include homosexuality? 'cause it's really a lot like normal reproductive habits, just backwards. I dunno.

    But my biggest point is just that you don't want to think of them as one idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:36 No.25641671
    Does ANYONE beside me know how to use that retarded site?

    Or are people leaving on the watermark to troll?

    Because it really works well, and I'd have to give credit for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)16:37 No.25641687
    Not that I have an issue with this conversation... but what the hell does it have anything to do with Pony
    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:41 No.25641763
    Well, time for a new one - who feels obliged?
    >> Leth 05/04/11(Wed)16:42 No.25641772

    >> R.O. Obsidian Solitaire 05/04/11(Wed)16:43 No.25641790
    Fucking word filter, wondered where everyone had gone.
    >> Leth 05/04/11(Wed)16:43 No.25641798
    Hitler in the name field?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)17:13 No.25642468
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