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!!aEt/eFG7JWB 04/30/11(Sat)22:41 No.25537780 File1304217700.jpg-(549 KB, 1333x750, Who's a silly pony.jpg)
Tonight we'll be partying to theme of ponies (and others) snapping. So we'll have the two most recent and any episode where a character goes completely insane or otherwise snaps. And there will be drinking and other vices if you so wish. Anyway, it's always good fun to watch ponies with friends. So I hope to see you there!
Also, I DON’T WANT TO HARM ANYONE! If you feel you’re at your limit, STOP DRINKING (or whatever your vice is) and just enjoyed the disoriented typing of your fellow bronies as you watch ponies. You also don’t need to follow ALL the rules, think of them as guidelines. In fact, you can just spectate if you want! The rules we’ll be playing by are thus: You drink (or whatever): -Whenever anyp0ny refers to PRINCESS CELESTIA, take a shot in her honor. Additionally, you must say "Another thousand years!" or finish your drink. -Every time there’s a horse pun. -Every time Fluttershy is abused by Angel in some way. -Every time a tail is grabbed by mouth. -Every time Fluttershy squeaks or otherwise tries to crouch/hide from other ponies. -Every time Applejack gets out her lasso. -Every time anyp0ny's hairdo is ruined. -Every time SPIKE yawns or states that he's sleepy. -Everytime SPIKE receives mail. -Every time Dash crashes. -Every time you spot Derpy. -Every time BIG MAC says AY-UP -Every time Twilight laughs nervously. (more to follow) |