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04/25/11(Mon)01:29 No.25401862Recycled from the previous thread:
Idea for a season 2 episode: Twlight and Applejack suspect that Big Macintosh and one of their friends are dating, then (against Spike's advice) they decide to secretely stalk him to discover who's the lucky one. The episode would be another long collection of accidents, beatings and slapstick violence as Twi and AJ go through hell to keep an eye on Big Mac (Like for example, hiding inside a hollow trunk that Big Macintosh later kicks down a cliff to clear the land) while at the same time, the episode is used to show a typical day on Big Macintosh's life. At the end of a long and painful day, Spike finally mans up and scolds Twilight and Applejack for spying Big Macintosh all day long, so the girls quietly nods and accept that they have no right to spy on him, then painfully return to their homes, (all covered with bruises and bandages, wobbling and stumbling all the way) while Big Macintosh finishes his daily share of work, blissfuly unaware of what the girls were up to. The episode ends with Big Macintosh suddenly turning and happily greeting an unseen female pony, proving that he IS on a relationship with a girl, but NOT revealing who is, and neither proving or disproving if the girl was one of Twilight's friends. Following episodes would keep sending cryptic hints that only confuse the audience by planting solid evidence that either Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy or Rainbow could be Big Macintosh's girlfriend... and at the same time, planting evidence that none of them could be with him. |