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  • File : 1301935977.png-(325 KB, 1280x720, Troll or stupid.png)
    325 KB Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)12:52 No.24839447  
    Hey guys fluttershy thread im the ultimate fan GO!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)12:53 No.24839464
         File1301936039.png-(583 KB, 1920x1080, Why.png)
    583 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)12:57 No.24839554
         File1301936265.jpg-(24 KB, 430x469, 1299832165546.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)12:58 No.24839562
         File1301936300.jpg-(89 KB, 1299x734, SingedV3.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:04 No.24839679
         File1301936663.jpg-(66 KB, 500x400, Apple.jpg)
    66 KB
    I don't know if anybody here is familiar with groups like Whitehouse or Sutcliffe Jügend, but I just made a power electronics version of Fluttershy's lullaby using suckmyoff's lovely British vocaroo in the last general. Check it out, even though you'll probably hate it!
    >> NatureBro !!tg3hbUo06u8 04/04/11(Mon)13:06 No.24839724
         File1301936769.jpg-(847 KB, 2560x1440, _MG_0154_clean.jpg)
    847 KB
    needs more pinkie pie
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:07 No.24839764
    Oh wow, that's awesome, sounds almost exactly like Whitehouse. Do you, by any means, brows Ponychan?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:09 No.24839804
    Sometimes, but I'm not a regular there.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:16 No.24839920
    this is getting bad. We need another episode soon or people will go bonkers.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:16 No.24839922
    Alright, I just thought of a few people on there who do have similar musical taste and would probably appreciate that video.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:16 No.24839937
         File1301937409.jpg-(506 KB, 601x3107, 1301703818033.jpg)
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    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)13:20 No.24840011
         File1301937642.jpg-(553 KB, 1000x1000, present721.jpg)
    553 KB
    Got this kloudmutt pc colored. What do y'all think?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:22 No.24840058
         File1301937779.png-(509 KB, 606x735, 1301834769673.png)
    509 KB
    Hey guys,do we stream next movie today?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:25 No.24840122
         File1301937927.png-(1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1300549401525.png)
    1.11 MB
    Will I ever have a decent voice ANNOOOOONNNN?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:27 No.24840163
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:28 No.24840187
         File1301938114.png-(333 KB, 900x450, 1301374443059.png)
    333 KB
    You will never snuggle with poni ;_;
    >> Great Caesar 04/04/11(Mon)13:32 No.24840288
         File1301938360.gif-(937 KB, 200x138, 1293911274272.gif)
    937 KB
    >mfw Hunter's family actually owns a horse barn and can actually see ponies whenever he wants
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:34 No.24840331
    Fluttershy doesnt make me laugh

    But pinki pie does.

    So pinkie is better
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:36 No.24840357
         File1301938584.jpg-(13 KB, 477x352, 1298023381696.jpg)
    13 KB

    What movie did you have in mind?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:37 No.24840377
    wait. do you mean /co/mrade Hunter???? how do you know this?
    >> Kukulkán 04/04/11(Mon)13:38 No.24840392
         File1301938707.jpg-(415 KB, 740x1024, 1297545384658.jpg)
    415 KB
    You're right, she is brings warmth to my heart.
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)13:39 No.24840409
         File1301938771.jpg-(189 KB, 417x500, dear775.jpg)
    189 KB
    Oh hey do you have that one movie with the guy who was in that other movie last year? Wasn't he also in that other movie? That on was great...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:39 No.24840421
         File1301938794.png-(264 KB, 593x414, 1296956972222.png)
    264 KB
    >25 "Party of One" TBA TBA April 29, 2011
    Pinkie Pie frets over the lack of response to her party invitation.
    Are you excited? 'Cus I'm excited
    >> Great Caesar 04/04/11(Mon)13:40 No.24840433
    yep. I know because he is actually my roommate
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:40 No.24840444
    Does anyone have the picture of the pony tutorial sketches?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:40 No.24840449
         File1301938847.png-(186 KB, 495x352, 1299392787379.png)
    186 KB

    >mfw NO.
    >> Kukulkán 04/04/11(Mon)13:42 No.24840487
         File1301938939.gif-(Spoiler Image, 707 KB, 384x307, party_herd.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 707 KB
    Party herd.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:42 No.24840497
         File1301938956.jpg-(12 KB, 482x361, 1298023510000.jpg)
    12 KB

    What are you getting at?
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)13:49 No.24840655
         File1301939347.jpg-(82 KB, 476x300, this176.jpg)
    82 KB
    >doesn't know what I'm talking about.
    >it exists!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:51 No.24840691
         File1301939498.png-(343 KB, 964x587, 1300907595347.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:54 No.24840738
         File1301939653.gif-(40 KB, 200x200, 1301860047527.gif)
    40 KB
    >checking out what stuff to buy for pc
    I can post ponies as well. Or post another screenshot of my lovely 640x480 resolution, but I guess that most of you want to keep their eyes.
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)13:55 No.24840782
         File1301939754.jpg-(214 KB, 877x513, question756.jpg)
    214 KB
    Y'all ponies need anything colored? I can color things.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:58 No.24840835
         File1301939896.jpg-(798 KB, 3416x1800, 1301234553379.jpg)
    798 KB
    Color this one. I think Pacce supposed to do this, but meh.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)13:59 No.24840859
         File1301939949.gif-(1.6 MB, 760x700, 129901268596.gif)
    1.6 MB

    GJ Graham

    How about a new thread topic? Next episode synopsis is >Fluttershy tries to help the Princess's sick bird, without her permission, and the ponies try to help smooth over the situation.

    How do you think this will work out? And how did Fluttershy break into Canterlot?
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:00 No.24840885
         File1301940014.jpg-(261 KB, 943x943, rough174.jpg)
    261 KB
    It's been done
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:01 No.24840921
         File1301940114.jpg-(2.3 MB, 700x4997, 1301446065583.jpg)
    2.3 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:02 No.24840935

    Just thought you might want to see this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:02 No.24840940
         File1301940150.png-(94 KB, 705x772, 1301572025572.png)
    94 KB

    How about coloring this, since Suckmeoff mentioned he's finishing the fic based on it today
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:02 No.24840951
         File1301940170.png-(304 KB, 1750x3000, 1301252832332.png)
    304 KB
    Pics or it didn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:03 No.24840960
         File1301940197.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2000x2000, 1301531500944.jpg)
    1.23 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:04 No.24840994
         File1301940266.jpg-(262 KB, 800x800, 1301631568314.jpg)
    262 KB
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:04 No.24840997
    Ya sure who's all in this pic I can't tell. I see one of the spa twins...
    >> /сo/smоиаut реtrо/v/ 04/04/11(Mon)14:04 No.24841000
         File1301940278.jpg-(71 KB, 476x300, Pineapple express.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:05 No.24841021
         File1301940335.jpg-(38 KB, 476x300, store242.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:07 No.24841069
         File1301940458.jpg-(406 KB, 945x945, 1299898367566.jpg)
    406 KB
    It's Derpy and her kid Dinky, not sure which of the spa twins it is, might just be up to your preference
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:10 No.24841140
         File1301940654.jpg-(55 KB, 337x378, glove111.jpg)
    55 KB
    Holy fuck that's cu- hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngg
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:13 No.24841199
    I'm on my phone so that website's not really displaying correctly... Are we picking the ending to the episode or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:15 No.24841243
         File1301940900.png-(28 KB, 945x945, TwilightShrug.png)
    28 KB
    So there is a colored version of this or not?
    >> /сo/smоиаut реtrо/v/ 04/04/11(Mon)14:19 No.24841340

    Yes. It is on the EQD blog
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:20 No.24841350
         File1301941214.jpg-(124 KB, 1000x527, Fashion is Magic v2.jpg)
    124 KB
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:22 No.24841405
    Anything else need coloring/recoloring?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:23 No.24841425
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:23 No.24841429
    We are choosing how Dash got her cutie mark.
    Option 1: Dash is defending Fluttershy's honor in a race. Discovered that she really likes the adrenalin and forgot to actually race and she ends up pulling off a Sonic Rainboom while rushing to get back in the lead. Cutie Mark appears afterward.

    Option 2: She tris many different things trying to get her cutie mark and fails. Finds out about Wonderbolts Tryouts. She spends days praticing and while she doesn't make the team she ends up getting her cutie mark.

    Option 3: Epic story involving The Lighting Bolt in the Stone that only the pure of heart may pull out. May or may not have actually happened.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:24 No.24841455
         File1301941468.jpg-(10 KB, 317x200, Celestia enraged.jpg)
    10 KB
    Assuming that is the actual synopsis and not a troll:

    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:26 No.24841508

    How can non-US bronies watch this???
    Would someone upload it to youtube or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:26 No.24841512
         File1301941600.jpg-(226 KB, 600x600, 1300788079564.jpg)
    226 KB
    >mfw that comic where Pinkie was a filly and no one wanted to go to her parties.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:27 No.24841523
         File1301941627.jpg-(34 KB, 640x361, Dem_apples.jpg)
    34 KB
    Apple Pie
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:28 No.24841540

    they're all on youtube already, look for pensivepony
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:28 No.24841543
    What comic?
    Link please?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:28 No.24841561
    So that means they already have the 3 endings animated? So we'renever gonna see the oter 2?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)14:29 No.24841571
         File1301941761.png-(226 KB, 640x360, Twilight looks very sad over h(...).png)
    226 KB
    If I have to see a sad Pinkie Pie that last longer than 2 seconds, my heart will die inside.

    Twilight was hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:29 No.24841578
    Wish I had it saved, but alas, I do not.

    Let's hope someone else has it.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:29 No.24841585
         File1301941799.jpg-(97 KB, 800x1440, How Pinky acquired an eating d(...).jpg)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:30 No.24841600
    so, which Dash cutie mark story did you guys pick?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:31 No.24841610
         File1301941867.jpg-(57 KB, 492x492, Unicorn IRL.jpg)
    57 KB
    It lives in Italy, and only virgins can approach it.

    I know where the convention will be!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:31 No.24841611
    I mean the CMC chronicles trailer on the hub, the one where you vote wich ending will air.

    How can we see it we non-US bronies?
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)14:31 No.24841626
    I guess ill go here
    Oh, I promise you, that fic is not gonna be sexual. I promise. Would like to see what i got?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)14:31 No.24841627
    And then at the depths of sorrow, Pinkie got her Cutie mark.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:31 No.24841629
         File1301941902.png-(170 KB, 850x182, MLP_Ride.png)
    170 KB
    Dumping Pinkie Pie pics
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:32 No.24841644
         File1301941943.png-(999 KB, 1199x810, MLP_Hap.png)
    999 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:33 No.24841659
         File1301941985.png-(169 KB, 548x323, scoot with adult wings.png)
    169 KB
    why does scoot have adult wings here?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:33 No.24841662
         File1301941989.png-(236 KB, 743x300, MLP_Slide.png)
    236 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:33 No.24841667

    yeah, i noticed that too late, my bad.
    >> (Colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:33 No.24841668
         File1301942017.png-(32 KB, 564x134, cunnlingus_gummy.png)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:33 No.24841673
         File1301942028.png-(542 KB, 852x800, MLP_Dirt.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:34 No.24841688
         File1301942061.jpg-(776 KB, 1080x1080, RedPink.jpg)
    776 KB
    >>24840421 Pinkie goes mad and decides to engulf the world in a single massive eternal party as Nightmare Pink?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:34 No.24841695
         File1301942073.jpg-(80 KB, 341x324, 1301319179011.jpg)
    80 KB
    >voting anything than Sonic Rainboom
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:35 No.24841702
         File1301942100.png-(260 KB, 434x610, MLP_Not_Wnt.png)
    260 KB
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 04/04/11(Mon)14:35 No.24841714
         File1301942118.png-(164 KB, 1226x1274, 130076286252.png)
    164 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:35 No.24841716
    Sure. I've got like four fics opened atm, so I get confused as suddenly the stories don't make any sense and then notice I accidentally switched tabs.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:35 No.24841718
         File1301942156.png-(519 KB, 753x665, MLP_Scream.png)
    519 KB
    Look at the positions in this picture -_-

    ... ok?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:36 No.24841728
    It's going to be Sonic Rainboom. Aside from the fact the other stories are very poorly conceived, it's not practical to animate 2 unnecessary endings based on the whimsy of children.

    tl;dr, the poll is rigged.
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 04/04/11(Mon)14:36 No.24841731
         File1301942190.png-(Spoiler Image, 167 KB, 1226x1274, 130076292350.png)
    Spoiler Image, 167 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:37 No.24841746

    Apple Jack seems fine.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)14:37 No.24841754
    ha. A bit like the television monitors in watchmen. I like it.

    its fucking long. Or its set up to be anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:37 No.24841755

    I wonder what would happen if one of the other endings somehow won. they'd be all like "oh shit, now we actually have to deliver"
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:38 No.24841777

    Again, coukd someone upload the CMC chronicles trailer so the entire world can see it?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:38 No.24841778
         File1301942332.gif-(297 KB, 640x360, 1291865859680.gif)
    297 KB

    What about this one?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:39 No.24841789
    Like all great democracies, the outcome is already decided and your voting is merely a smokescreen at a perceived illusion of freedom and choice.

    Ponies, srs bidnes.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:39 No.24841796
    I really think the first one is the cannonical one.
    I mean, there's a sonic rainboom in it, and Pinkie said that she DID a sonic rainboom before (when she was "a little filly".)
    So it'd make sense, besides its the best of them all!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:39 No.24841801
    Thanks, I'll warm up some food and start reading.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:40 No.24841812
    Someone fucking deliver.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:41 No.24841839
         File1301942490.png-(101 KB, 480x268, 1291626062464.png)
    101 KB
    I wish someone would, I dont live in the US as well
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:41 No.24841842
    Hey you guys, slow down with the images, down want to cap b4 we even hit bump limit.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)14:42 No.24841847
    got the video, uploading to youtube on a throwaway account
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:42 No.24841859

    that's a philosophy only held by uneducated rabble who can't accept that they voted for the jackoff who's running the country into the ground
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:42 No.24841860
         File1301942563.jpg-(65 KB, 548x323, scoot-with-adult-things.jpg)
    65 KB
    I'm so sorry for this, but it had to be done.
    >> (Colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)14:43 No.24841868
         File1301942580.png-(590 KB, 635x606, 1301907276578.png)
    590 KB
    hey can someone make this into legit line art?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:43 No.24841879
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:44 No.24841887
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:44 No.24841891
         File1301942650.png-(61 KB, 185x209, 1299802935791.png)
    61 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:44 No.24841896
    I voted for the second one cause I wanna see rainbow mom and dad.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)14:45 No.24841905
    >About 4 min. remaining...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:46 No.24841934
    Some dude just uploaded teh vid:
    >> Gloomy Oversoul 04/04/11(Mon)14:46 No.24841943
    Haha, yeah!
    Maybe her parents really are like that comic when they send her to flight school after telling her she can't have a younger sibling.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:47 No.24841958
    Not even clicking that link. Will wait for hoppip.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:47 No.24841959
    Pf. I didn't vote for Obama.

    I voted for Kodos.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:48 No.24841968
         File1301942888.jpg-(21 KB, 254x260, i'm-2-and-what-is-this.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:49 No.24842000
         File1301942970.jpg-(182 KB, 1920x1080, 1296874282428.jpg)
    182 KB
    Thank God there is no tree sex in this thread. That shit disgusts me.
    >> Gloomy Oversoul 04/04/11(Mon)14:49 No.24842003
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:49 No.24842004
    How's you rip the video from the Hub website anyways? I've never managed to pull that off.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842019
    Stop feeding the namefags!
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842023
    Some dude from the irc did it, I'm just uploading to youtube

    is what I'm uploading. It's legit
    >> ROOGNA, Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-Named !!qOjSZR79yv2 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842024
         File1301943024.jpg-(45 KB, 426x362, 1301149875349.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842025
    >implying you didn't post that just to have someone post treeporn here.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842028
    OH GOSH. Nobody thinks about Rainbow Dash. So she is a fan? thats not quite as good as I was hoping for scoot/RD. yeah, it wasnt that amazing.

    Is this the next ep?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842029
    Alright. Come clean you ninnies.

    How many of you post on your mobile phone here?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842033
         File1301943045.jpg-(35 KB, 520x363, 1286874001370.jpg)
    35 KB

    >MFW when even the little fillies know RD is a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:50 No.24842040
    My brain just exploded and now I am sad I must wait for this.
    >> Gloomy Oversoul 04/04/11(Mon)14:51 No.24842048
    Not sure why, but I kind of imagine Dash's dad to be like Mr. Breezy, and Dash being super embarased for having boring parents.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:51 No.24842057
         File1301943092.jpg-(43 KB, 500x340, Dirty-Tree.jpg)
    43 KB

    here ya go
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)14:52 No.24842071
    sorry, try that again
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:52 No.24842075
         File1301943159.png-(235 KB, 700x700, pinkie-is-big-boss-now.png)
    235 KB
    When I think ponies, I think political discussions.

    X is better than Y!
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)14:52 No.24842082
         File1301943178.png-(23 KB, 149x150, 1298241324829.png)
    23 KB
    >stuck on 82%
    bloody connection
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:53 No.24842099
    Damn... Confounded Hub, they've managed to thwart my riping of video streams...

    For now.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:53 No.24842100
         File1301943227.png-(122 KB, 666x666, 1301627644079.png)
    122 KB

    Vote Celestia! Because it's not like you have a choice...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:54 No.24842109
    >read the stories belwo and pick your favorite
    Wait, does that mean there's a contest or something? Are they letting the viewers choose how Dash gt her mark?
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)14:54 No.24842111
    alright now it's going again
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:54 No.24842113

    it's applicable to any bad president. people find out that their messianic presidential candidate can't live up to their expectations, and suddenly it's "oh woe is me, the system is broken, how do such idiots become elected?!"

    you know how those idots become elected?

    us. that's how those idiots become elected. cuz we're the real idiots
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:54 No.24842116
         File1301943273.jpg-(23 KB, 290x284, 1301697872370.jpg)
    23 KB
    sick man...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:55 No.24842130
    yeah, basically
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:55 No.24842133
    Vote me or burn in ponyhell.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 04/04/11(Mon)14:55 No.24842138

    sometimes. it takes forEVER to load a thread on my phone
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:55 No.24842148
         File1301943358.png-(400 KB, 500x580, 1301269612168.png)
    400 KB
    seems the /vp/ invasion has died down.
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 04/04/11(Mon)14:56 No.24842155
         File1301943374.png-(50 KB, 215x220, Coolie Belle.png)
    50 KB
    >Scoot says we should go to the best flyer in Cloudsdale
    >Respond "Fluttershy"
    >She mad
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:56 No.24842160
    Nowhere does it say that they'll actually air the one that gets the most votes though.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:56 No.24842165
    I think it's the one after the next episode.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:56 No.24842173
         File1301943411.png-(160 KB, 640x360, fluttershy-has-had-enough.png)
    160 KB
    There's ALWAYS a choice.

    Viva la resistance!
    >> Nopony Important !!cPL2ODLVq0x 04/04/11(Mon)14:56 No.24842174
         File1301943413.jpg-(94 KB, 700x700, luna_eclipse.jpg)
    94 KB
    That's what you think.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:58 No.24842209
         File1301943492.jpg-(51 KB, 500x500, obama_my_little_pony4.jpg)
    51 KB
    YES WE CAN /co/!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:58 No.24842214
         File1301943508.jpg-(404 KB, 2000x1997, scoo_and_dash_by_qnaman-d3d76m(...).jpg)
    404 KB
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)14:58 No.24842218
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)14:58 No.24842219
    the chest moon is cleavage
    anyway, what do you guys think?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:59 No.24842224
    Who made this? I absolutely love it!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:59 No.24842231
    Well, considering Dash already described once how shoe got her cutie mark, and only one of the applicable stories really comes close to matching that, I think it's already been decided.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:59 No.24842242
    there is no way they are going to play option 3 even if it wins all the votes
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)14:59 No.24842245
    Yeeess, thanks!
    >> EXTREMESPEED SLOWPOKE !SLOWqJ5Loo!!qgq8WNLZtxa 04/04/11(Mon)14:59 No.24842246
         File1301943590.png-(153 KB, 611x663, 1297127549694.png)
    153 KB
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 04/04/11(Mon)15:00 No.24842258
         File1301943604.png-(450 KB, 945x945, 1300755009706.png)
    450 KB

    Scootaloo is apparently the smart one.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:00 No.24842272
    You mean, the second one?
    But the first one has a Sonic Rainboom, and we know she already did one...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:01 No.24842279
         File1301943667.gif-(1.23 MB, 320x320, 1299432282365.gif)
    1.23 MB
    My mobile is old trusty Sony Ericsson k310i. Good luck with doing anything with it besides calls and text messages.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:01 No.24842291
    >after I won my first race
    >first in their class to get one
    >> (Colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)15:01 No.24842294
         File1301943712.jpg-(36 KB, 261x297, rdface.jpg)
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    >> DG 04/04/11(Mon)15:02 No.24842300
         File1301943724.png-(147 KB, 402x331, sweetie-belle-aww-yeah!.png)
    147 KB
    That's not how you spell Sweetie Belle. Silly.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:02 No.24842308
    Too bad, I could see it being a pretty epic fantasy dream sequence type scene ala Knight Spike and Lady Rarity. That shit was cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:02 No.24842318
    I like how there are people that can magically hack the universe and draw the characters EXACTLY THE SAME and draw them as humans EXACTLY THE SAME as the official art style. Drawfag or not htat is some fucking magic. Usually your normal artstyle takes over but this is some hacks
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:03 No.24842332
    Wow, that was cute.
    >> ROOGNA, Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-Named !!qOjSZR79yv2 04/04/11(Mon)15:03 No.24842341
         File1301943823.jpg-(42 KB, 596x480, 1298774905116.jpg)
    42 KB
    Swettie Belle is a little slow, actually
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:04 No.24842346
    I guess there's some kind ponyment where they pass laws and stuff like that, but Celestia and Luna have the final word on everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:04 No.24842347
    Oh, that's her story.
    I thought it was something like "try everything you can as fast as you can..."
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:04 No.24842361
         File1301943880.jpg-(10 KB, 200x336, 1301628941137.jpg)
    10 KB
    Guys.. sometimes I wake up with tree sap all over my body after I drank too much.
    >> ROOGNA, Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-Named !!qOjSZR79yv2 04/04/11(Mon)15:04 No.24842362
         File1301943883.png-(69 KB, 258x279, 1298685302305.png)
    69 KB
    Goddamnit, that isnt how you spell Sweetie Belle either
    >> Nopony Important !!cPL2ODLVq0x 04/04/11(Mon)15:05 No.24842374
         File1301943915.gif-(29 KB, 125x125, twilight_fuck.gif)
    29 KB
    DAMN IT ALL! Now I'll never unsee that...
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 04/04/11(Mon)15:05 No.24842375
    Quit complaining, Sweaty Belle.
    >> DG 04/04/11(Mon)15:05 No.24842377
         File1301943919.jpg-(115 KB, 512x512, sweetie-belle-cant-hold-back-t(...).jpg)
    115 KB
    >little slow
    That's not how you spell "The best cutie mark crusader". Silly.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:05 No.24842378
         File1301943928.gif-(658 KB, 640x360, 1297818740799.gif)
    658 KB

    Applebloom is the brains
    Scoot is the brawn
    Sweetie is the charm
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:05 No.24842379
    But I haven't been drawing long enough to have my own style. So I just draw them like I see them.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:06 No.24842393
         File1301943972.jpg-(87 KB, 640x777, i can fap to this.jpg)
    87 KB
    anyone else get boner when sweetiebelle was slowing pulling down her horse pants in the video
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:06 No.24842395
    >Applebloom is the brains
    Well they sure are fucked in that section.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:06 No.24842400
    Fluttershy and Rohypnol are a bad combination
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:06 No.24842408
    Silly, that's not how you spell Tweety Bell!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:06 No.24842416
         File1301944015.png-(284 KB, 800x1000, 1297124533565.png)
    284 KB
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 04/04/11(Mon)15:07 No.24842418
         File1301944021.png-(13 KB, 94x71, 1298597804090.png)
    13 KB
    >> Kinky !!Lt2QVxFBHMB 04/04/11(Mon)15:07 No.24842438
    About this whole "Vote for the story" thing...

    Only one of the three involves Dash getting it from a race, and in Call of the Cutie she tells Apple Bloom that she got it from race...

    So unless they're just going to go "lol canon", the other two can't really work >_>
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:08 No.24842444
         File1301944085.jpg-(26 KB, 502x327, spikecellar.jpg)
    26 KB

    You stay away from those fillies anon
    >> Nopony Important !!cPL2ODLVq0x 04/04/11(Mon)15:08 No.24842453
         File1301944104.jpg-(24 KB, 320x320, applebloom_never_got_her_cutie(...).jpg)
    24 KB
    >little slow
    Did someone say Applebloom? Cuz I think I heard someone say Applebloom.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:08 No.24842456
    See >>24842160
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:10 No.24842491
         File1301944203.jpg-(25 KB, 180x180, rage pink.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:10 No.24842492
    maybe part of the tryouts was a race
    maybe she had to race the mystical pegasi to get the bolt
    they can work around these things
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:10 No.24842495
         File1301944213.jpg-(90 KB, 602x969, Toys in the Toolbox.jpg)
    90 KB
    I'm sort of a fandom studier. Could you tell me your opinion of this fandom.
    The most basic questions are; how good or bad is it on average?
    Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?
    How much better or worse is it now than when you first got into this?
    How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms?
    So uhh, thanks a lot for any answers!
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:10 No.24842507
    nah man, scootaloo aint fit. Sweetie Belle where its at. If I hadent trained myself not sexualize ponies early on
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:11 No.24842531
    What the fuck man?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:12 No.24842538
    The way I see it, it'll just be
    "Hey kids, soooo you think Dash got her cutie mark THAT way huh!"
    Silly you, now let's watch together how she REALLY got it!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:12 No.24842544
         File1301944332.png-(303 KB, 701x700, pinkipierate.png)
    303 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:12 No.24842547
         File1301944335.jpg-(548 KB, 1690x1700, friendship_is_magic_fillies_by(...).jpg)
    548 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:12 No.24842549
    >Human pinkie pie with neither huge tits or otherwise having huge curves
    Why does this amuse me?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:13 No.24842565

    Told you to stop putting cupcakes there, Pinkie
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:13 No.24842567
         File1301944398.jpg-(402 KB, 945x945, 1301702350679.jpg)
    402 KB
    >the cmc think pinkie is cooler than rainbowdash

    i lold
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:13 No.24842569
         File1301944410.jpg-(141 KB, 919x1300, 1301825845713.jpg)
    141 KB
    anyone have the colored one for this?
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:13 No.24842574
    its a joke alright. jeeeeeeeeez
    Hasbro has a habit of fuckin kids over with its franchises, doesnt it?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:14 No.24842590
         File1301944455.png-(75 KB, 604x453, troll-face-meme.png)
    75 KB
    Sweetie's cutie mark has been confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:14 No.24842593
    Big Party.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:14 No.24842594
         File1301944461.png-(91 KB, 656x718, baby_spike_by_russelh-d3d51nr.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:14 No.24842596

    I like how they did this for literally the only one who told how they got the mark.
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:14 No.24842605

    didn't someone not to long ago ask "why hasn't Rarity Derped yet?"

    from the looks of it. She's Derping pretty hard right there.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 04/04/11(Mon)15:14 No.24842607

    Well, the dumb ones anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:15 No.24842610
         File1301944508.png-(170 KB, 600x1200, 3047 - artist_kefkafloyd pinki(...).png)
    170 KB
    I'm sort of a fandom studier. Could you tell me your opinion of this fandom. >besides the furfags, I love it.

    The most basic questions are; how good or bad is it on average? >I enjoy every moment of it

    Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month? >Larger much larger

    How much better or worse is it now than when you first got into this? >It got little worse because of trolls but besides that It didn't decay much.

    How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms? >Ummmm... *squeek*
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:15 No.24842623
    Street Fighter: Friendship is Magic
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:15 No.24842634
    young spike is weird to me
    his eyes are too different, I think is what it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:16 No.24842644
         File1301944592.jpg-(346 KB, 919x1300, 4147_-_human_pinkie_pie_show_g(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:16 No.24842649
         File1301944602.jpg-(26 KB, 516x437, Whatthefuck.jpg)
    26 KB
    so when did they meet Pinkie? something I've missed?

    what? again something I missed?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:17 No.24842664
    It's just kind of a cute bonus thing. You know, so kids can read and use their imagination a bit, and get excited about the characters and the episodes a little. Not really so bad right? Why put a negative spin on it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:17 No.24842667

    well we at least saw applejack make cupcakes with her
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:18 No.24842673

    Assuming you're talking about the 4chan crowd:

    >How good or bad is the fandom?

    Um, depends on what you mean by that, I guess. They're pretty good at propagating themselves and creating OC.

    >Do you think it's gotten larger or smaller over the past month?

    Definitely larger. I don't see it beginning to shrink until at least a month after the last episode of season 1.

    >How much better or worse is it now than when you first got in?

    Um...about the same? I've been here three months, and (bannings aside) there hasn't been a real big shift that I've noticed.

    >How do you think this fandom compares to other fandoms?

    Well, it skews young adult and's relatively small but vocal...and it's almost entirely internet-based.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:18 No.24842686
         File1301944732.png-(426 KB, 611x519, 1301697044337.png)
    426 KB
    Most manly pony AMV ever
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:19 No.24842689
         File1301944741.jpg-(30 KB, 640x480, rarity_dbf.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:19 No.24842692

    Sorry applebloom*
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:19 No.24842697
    pinkie knows every one in ponyville. she said so herself.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:19 No.24842701
    Little Fillies, like human babies, have bigger eyes relative to their head compared to adults. That spike's eyes are smaller then it is in the show, which is weird since in the show he is a baby dragon and thus has huge eyes. Another young spike should have huge eyes.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:19 No.24842705
    Pinkie is renowned through Ponyville. They all are, except maybe twilight. As much as it seems a fast moving place, up and coming urbanite district, with all celebrity visits, gang crime and expensive luxury shops. It is just a small town
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:20 No.24842709
    why did the ponies look already grown up when they get their marks
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:20 No.24842716
         File1301944830.png-(298 KB, 618x800, 1293654762755.png)
    298 KB
    and now you're just confusing me even more. What does Applejack got to do with the cmc now, besides being Appleblooms big sister?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:20 No.24842717
    So, what dash story are people voting for?

    The first one for me. As amazing as the last one is, the whole "it's only a story" thing makes it sound lame. The second one is lame seeing as she doesn't even make the team (best flyer in equestria?). The first one has a sonic rainboom and is canon. Seems good to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:21 No.24842726

    Yea sorry, it was supposed to be applebloom, ya know the cupcakes song?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:21 No.24842743
    Guy in this since November here:
    > how good or bad is it on average?
    Heh, for the place it's on, pretty good I dare say.
    >Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?
    Much larger, of course, "thanks" to the breakthrough on /b/ and them making watching ponies "cool" not necessarily a bad thing though.
    >How much better or worse is it now than when you first got into this?
    It's... different. Yeah, you have more furfags and ponyporn and the fetish trolling now, but before, it was sagefag, gorespam, fake troll threads (sometimes the archive had 15/20 unofficial threads, it rarely go above 4 now).
    In shot, we basically passed the point were trolls were pointing at us and saying "U'RE MANCHILDREN WATCHING A CARTOON FOR GURLS!" and became like any other fandom, were the most deviant annoy the less deviants and vice versa.
    >How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms?
    Can't really say, it's honestly the first fandom I REALLY dwelved into,
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:22 No.24842752
    Eyes are wrong. NEEDS MORE GREEN!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:22 No.24842753
    man i feel like twilight would be more renowned than anyone; defeated pony satan, got rid of the ursa, basically everything until the series branched out into developing the other characters more
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)15:23 No.24842766
         File1301944980.jpg-(1.83 MB, 3416x1800, Fashion is Magic v2.jpg)
    1.83 MB

    Sethisto resized it like hell, here is the original one.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:24 No.24842792
         File1301945089.gif-(83 KB, 480x360, 1293582015855.gif)
    83 KB
    oh wait, haha ok, found the teaser video now. now it makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:24 No.24842794
    I'm not negative.
    I'm just saying to NOT expect to be surprised by the poll result and take this seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:24 No.24842795
         File1301945093.jpg-(26 KB, 620x359, 1296867637884.jpg)
    26 KB
    Twilight made a man out of me
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:25 No.24842801
    >The most basic questions are; how good or bad is it on average?

    The fandom is the best I've ever seen.

    >Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?

    It's gotten considerably larger.

    >How much better or worse is it now than when you first got into this?

    Better. Only drawback is all the new newfags, and that's the kind of problem you want to have.

    >How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms?

    It leaves them all in the dust. We've attracted all the best talent.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:25 No.24842804
    thats true actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:25 No.24842810
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:26 No.24842827
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:27 No.24842834
         File1301945235.jpg-(103 KB, 640x480, scootaloo_buck.jpg)
    103 KB
    Who is the second coolest pegasus in Equestria?

    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:27 No.24842837
    Oh shit, I completely forgot about that.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:28 No.24842851

    CMC trailer again for those who need
    >> Nopony Important !!cPL2ODLVq0x 04/04/11(Mon)15:28 No.24842853
    >The most basic questions are; how good or bad is it on average?
    Pretty damn good, all things considered. Granted that's largely on account of being new, and most people being filled with that "HOLY SHIT A NEW AWESOME THING!" energy.

    >Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?
    Bigger. Honestly, I can't fault anyone for calling us a cancer. I don't agree with that assessment, but our growth rate alone is enough to make it a reasonable opinion for someone outside the fandom to have.

    >How much better or worse is it now than when you first got into this?
    It's mostly the same, just more of it, and coming through so fast I can't even keep up with everything.

    >How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms?
    Pretty damned awesome, but as I said a lot of that's from being new. Check back in a year and I'll probably be able to give a better assessment of where things stand.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:28 No.24842861
    chun-li thighs
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:29 No.24842867
         File1301945359.png-(37 KB, 184x184, WarBrony.png)
    37 KB
    i dont like the preview of that flashback ep, i was hoping we were going to see all the ponies getting their marks but it looks like we will only see dash
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:29 No.24842877
    First story has the most to offer. Proves that she grew up in Cloudsdale along with Fluttershy, proves she really did do the sonic rainboom before, she got her mark from a race. Lots of tie-ins with previously mentioned things.

    Middle one doesn't have much new to offer. So she trains every day to join the Wonderbolts and be the best, that is already her story anyway.

    Third one is really cool but doesn't fit her character. She's a braggart but not a fibber.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:30 No.24842889
         File1301945426.png-(85 KB, 258x248, 1294700002391.png)
    85 KB
    >Twilight not ever mentioned by CMC

    I can be cool guys! Right?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:30 No.24842893
    The ep last 22 minutes, you bet we'll see other ponies.
    What I'm more disappointed with is that the "cutie mark popping" part, feature them all as normal ponies, not fillies...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:31 No.24842904

    Well, we'll see dash first, but they've got 22 minutes to fill. Any of the options they listed look like they'd take 2-3 minutes tops. That leaves plenty of time to go around to the other 5 ponies, or at least to some of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:32 No.24842921

    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:32 No.24842923

    Scootaloo's cutie mark will just be a picture of Rainbow Dash
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:32 No.24842928
    She's lived in the town the least length of time

    She's also a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:32 No.24842929
    I'm pretty sure we're at least getting twilight.
    my assumption is around 3-4 ponies.anymore than that and I think they'd have to really rush through the stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:32 No.24842931
         File1301945571.jpg-(402 KB, 1920x1200, 20_percent_cooler_by_zeroseven(...).jpg)
    402 KB
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:32 No.24842933
    NO! You're still too damn new to ponyville... haven't earned their respect yet...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:33 No.24842937

    CMC trailer for those outside of US (who can't proxy :P)
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:33 No.24842953

    >Scootaloo's cutie mark will just be a picture of Rainbow Dash's fist

    >> DG 04/04/11(Mon)15:34 No.24842960
         File1301945648.png-(59 KB, 281x273, scootaloo-likes-this.png)
    59 KB
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:34 No.24842961
         File1301945649.jpg-(30 KB, 409x354, 1282782011799.jpg)
    30 KB
    >boner okay...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:34 No.24842973
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:35 No.24842980
    I read that as 34 ponies. as in rule. What is wrong with me?
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:35 No.24842987
    >Scootaloo's cutie mark will just be a picture of Rainbow Dash's rainbow hoof mark/bruise
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 04/04/11(Mon)15:35 No.24842990

    Stiiiiiill scares me.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:36 No.24842993
         File1301945772.png-(247 KB, 1024x683, rainbow_dash_and_fluttershy_by(...).png)
    247 KB
    The moment I reread that the bullies were making fun of young Fluttershy and not young Dash, my vote was decided.

    Before that, I was undecided, I kind of liked the tall tale. Didn't really like the idea of Dash's parents for some reason, I am guessing because they've largely been the realm of fanon.

    But what if the parents end up being interesting? Could launch a whole new series of pictures!

    Ohhhhh, whoa is me. But still, a heroic young Dash gets my vote.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:36 No.24842995
         File1301945773.png-(181 KB, 560x535, 1301269065685.png)
    181 KB
    >implying ponies have fists
    >> Cyl 04/04/11(Mon)15:37 No.24843008
         File1301945822.jpg-(49 KB, 258x360, 1301849213918..jpg)
    49 KB
    Anyp0ny know what episode this girl is from? She's adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:37 No.24843011
         File1301945829.jpg-(8 KB, 202x249, images.jpg)
    8 KB
    so I tried to get into the ponies but the show didn't do it for me, I was reminded of when I tried to get into touhou which brings me to my question.

    Any one else see parallels to the touhou and MLP fanbases? from all the /co/ fads or what have you MLP seems to be the only one to constantly put out some sorta creative output like touhou, be it music videos or art.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:37 No.24843018
         File1301945839.jpg-(119 KB, 300x268, 37687422698999802.jpg)
    119 KB
    Every time I see that picture this is the first thing that comes to mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:37 No.24843023
    It was close-up actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:37 No.24843026
         File1301945860.gif-(460 KB, 200x200, 1297138945401.gif)
    460 KB

    The princess said I was cool...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:37 No.24843028

    Wait, i thought Scootaloo couldn't fly yet but she seems to be doing it just fine when emulating Rainbow Dash. Didn't Faust say she hadn't figured it out yet when asked about the scooter from episode 18? I might be misremembering
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:38 No.24843043
         File1301945906.png-(25 KB, 125x125, Pinkie doesn't know what to ma(...).png)
    25 KB
    This picture doesn't really bother me either way. It's just . . . why that nunchaku?
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:39 No.24843062
         File1301945953.jpg-(15 KB, 298x263, 1295815423366.jpg)
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    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)15:39 No.24843064
    probably ep1 since it had a lot of the apple family in it

    it looks more like she's skidding along the ground
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:39 No.24843074
         File1301945992.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 102 KB, 642x737, dashieshy_.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 102 KB
    God damn it if you're going to post furry at least go for something less shit.

    Spoiler'd for those who'd rather not see this stuff at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843081
         File1301946004.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 70 KB, 951x732, yay1.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 70 KB
    Imma just leave this here.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843082
    Scootaloo wasn't flying. She was using her wings to aid her running. If you look closely, she's running across the tops of hills when emulating Dash.

    Also, the Scoot idolization of Dash is pretty awesome. I can't wait!
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843087
    She didnt reaaaaally fly though, did she? kind of scraped about like a mentally handicapped bee
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843090
    because kung-fu pose.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843102
         File1301946051.jpg-(69 KB, 284x316, 1301438749855.jpg)
    69 KB
    >pony reimu
    >fukken saved
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843105
         File1301946055.png-(99 KB, 259x334, Celestia is highly amused.png)
    99 KB
    I'd hate to break it to you, Twilight, but is this the same princess who sent you only TWO tickets when you had 5 friends?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:40 No.24843108

    Did you not notice that she couldn't get off the ground?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:41 No.24843111

    Oh shit, didnt notice she was following the hill in the background.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:41 No.24843116
    They're all weirded out by the way you keep calling them "my little ponies."

    They're scared you're going to try and kidnap them or something.
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)15:42 No.24843133
    you wouldn't happen to have the uncensored version somewhere? or now where... oh god.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:42 No.24843134
    cant be goddamned coincidence. Also why is always flutterdash? They just conflict so much as characters
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:43 No.24843151
         File1301946210.jpg-(18 KB, 550x334, question6..jpg)
    18 KB
    Now here's a question for /co/.

    I've been told you guys are not a fan of /b/, but what do you think about the other pony sites?

    Ponychan, Orderofthestick Forum, Fimchan, EqD, Derpyhooves, Steamgroup, and so forth?
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:43 No.24843153
    She assumed she still had no friends. perfectly reasonable. I was supposed to be writing something
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:44 No.24843161


    First is old, second is new and based off another RS fapfic.

    >They just conflict so much as characters

    >> Kinky !!Lt2QVxFBHMB 04/04/11(Mon)15:44 No.24843180

    Near the end of episode 2, when Spike pushes through the crowd to see Twilight
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:44 No.24843182
    someone tell drawfag to do this

    celestia calling twilight a nerd and baby twilight overhears it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:44 No.24843183

    FiMchan. Eva is the artist, Ragingsemi wrote the story. It's been posted in both of their corresponding threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:45 No.24843186
    >They just conflict so much as characters
    That's the point bro
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:45 No.24843199
    They, apparently, come up a lot. I'm not in these threads every single day, and I've heard of all of those except the order of the stick forum(even though I read Order of the Stick, weird) and derpyhooves, though that one's obvious in retrospect since that character's a hit around here.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:45 No.24843200
    >The most basic questions are; how good or bad is it on average?
    Kinda Average

    >Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?
    Larger, defiantely.

    >How much better or worse is it now than when you first got into this?
    Meh, a little bit of column A and B. I never liked the fact that it was starting to be posted on /b/. It started to get to much attention, both good and bad. It somehow became part of the furry fandom which is a huge con.

    >How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms?
    I don't think there is a truly good fandom and despite what everyone says, we're not even close to being as bad as the Sonic,IZ,furry fandom
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:46 No.24843206
    I meant the two FS/RD pictures posted immediately.

    alright, cheers for clearing that up, friend
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:46 No.24843208
         File1301946385.png-(181 KB, 845x474, 2922 - Sweetie_Belle.png)
    181 KB
    Last night I dreamed Twilight put in me in a sack and locked me in her basement.

    Sometimes she would touch me.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:46 No.24843214

    I go to EqD for fanfics, and stop by Derpyhooves every once in a while for news. I don't visit the others at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:46 No.24843216
    Well g'night bronies
    >> Cyl 04/04/11(Mon)15:46 No.24843218
    TYVM. She's only on screen for two seconds which makes me sad. She's the cutest pony in the show hands down.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:47 No.24843227
         File1301946450.gif-(150 KB, 202x180, 1288821132202.gif)
    150 KB

    Thanks guys, you've really helped me out here!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:48 No.24843253

    I had one too, except it was a gun fight in a bar. Ponies incidental.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:51 No.24843304
         File1301946670.png-(35 KB, 168x181, Celestia is shocked.png)
    35 KB
    Speaking of which, I have a theory on the end of The Ticketmaster that I'd like to share.
    >New mail arrives in Celestia's office
    Dear Princess Celestia,
    I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when there is not enough to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So while I appreciate the invitation, I'll be returning both tickets to the grand galloping Gala.
    >Celestia considers this mail.
    "My student does realize that the second ticket is for a date, doesn't she? That egghead is so niave . . . wait a minute. Could this be. Could this be my faithful student is gathering her first harem! Oooh hoo hoo hoo hooooooo! She learns fast. I am quite proud."
    >returns a letter.
    My dear faithful student,
    Why didn't you just say so!?
    >six tickets to the grand galloping gala
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:52 No.24843320


    It's a pretty faggy place, populated by /b/tards, kids, and incompetent dick mods. They seem really insecure and immature

    >Orderofthestick Forum

    Liked the comic when it was in Dragon Magazine. Haven't seen it since. Didn't know there was a pony community there.


    Second only to go. Used as a back-up when 4chan is down, and the place to go for adult material since the 4chan mods took their faggotry to unprecedented levels. As has a much slower pace so you can really talk to contributors about their work. I go there every day.


    I used to go every day until I found out the guy was a homophobic dick. Nearly stopped going there completely after he posted that hate fic. I'm still not sure if he really meant that apology. Then there was that troll comic that attacked people who liked porn as being bad fans, even though the guy himself did that Trixie masturbating with a rope thing, runs Equestria After Dark, etc. I rarely go anymore.


    Is that still around? I checked it out early in the season, but there wasn't anything there, I heard the /b/tards fucked it up.

    >Steamgroup, and so forth?

    Never been.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:52 No.24843323
         File1301946737.jpg-(398 KB, 1856x680, 1299878880105.jpg)
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    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:52 No.24843325
    whose to say it isnt a harem. And one for spike of course
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:52 No.24843335
         File1301946765.jpg-(115 KB, 845x474, sweetie_ep23.jpg)
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    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:53 No.24843350
    >hate fic
    woah woah woah. What is this?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:53 No.24843354
    So fucking gay. Somebody should gas those underageb& emo cultist retards.
    >Orderofthestick Forum
    Don't know wtf that is but it has a lolsorandum name and it's a forum so it's probably dumb.
    Wunderbar. Best pony website.
    Sort of neat sometimes.
    Basically nothing there? Looks lame.
    Kiddy shit
    >and so forth?
    They're all mostly gay as hell
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:53 No.24843358
         File1301946823.png-(419 KB, 952x521, calendar.png)
    419 KB
    are you brony enough for this
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:54 No.24843375
    >the guy was a homophobic dick
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:55 No.24843380
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:55 No.24843385
    Dat top right
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:56 No.24843409

    Seth published a revenge fantasy fic by some crazy illiterate homophobe about the ponies shooting everybody who thought of them as lesbians.

    This was shortly after Seth considered not publishing m/m shipping, because he was worried it would make them look gay. Author of the hate fic was pissed when public demand stopped Seth from blocking m/m shipping.
    >> ROOGNA, Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-Named !!qOjSZR79yv2 04/04/11(Mon)15:56 No.24843412
         File1301947018.jpg-(26 KB, 319x333, HEROFFFFFF[1].jpg)
    26 KB
    Requesting Rainbow Guildmaster after a short conversation I had with one of my friends.
    "Your health is low! Do you have any potions, or food?"
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 04/04/11(Mon)15:57 No.24843420
         File1301947053.gif-(652 KB, 256x144, 1301273970556.gif)
    652 KB

    I laughed so hard. Genius
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)15:58 No.24843433
    wow. I wouldve thought the pony community is one youd keep clear of if you didnt want to look gay. Also that fic just sounds like funny shit. Some people are really stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:58 No.24843434
    fine for stuff like /collab/, /toy/, etc, but I tend to steer clear of /pony/. Place is full of underageb&
    would be better if it wasn't so slow; at the moment it just seems like a place for drawfriends to post their stuff
    I wish the author wasn't such a faggot but it's still the only decent news blog out there
    pretty much copypastas everything from EqD

    don't know the rest
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:58 No.24843440
         File1301947104.png-(495 KB, 589x707, Scoots_liking_this_idea.png)
    495 KB
    Oh, awesome! I had that dream, too! Wasn't it rad?

    I told Rainbow Dash about it and she told me I need to be more dominant. What do you think she means?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:58 No.24843449

    There are several in the community, actually. Strange, considering the nature and the morals of the show. Seth. Brave Spark. I don't know about Sprinkles, he's an admitted conservative, and one of the "alternative" endings to one of his stories was an attack on Al Gore and global warming.
    >> DG 04/04/11(Mon)15:59 No.24843462
         File1301947171.png-(80 KB, 945x945, fluttershy-is-okay-with-this.png)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:59 No.24843465


    Nice little site. Generally friendlier and more on-topic than the MLP Generals here on /co/, but it moves much slower. Can get a little too circlejerky at times.

    >Orderofthestick Forum

    Never gone. That comic always seemed way too self-congratulatory to me.


    Very nice place. Like Ponychan, but even slower, however the quality of content tends to be better so it's worth a visit.


    Pretty much my hub for pony goings-on. It's a great little site and home to some excellent fan works.


    Haven't gone in quite a while. Page design is a bit too cluttered.


    No idea.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)15:59 No.24843469
         File1301947187.png-(26 KB, 945x945, Big Mac Shrug.png)
    26 KB
    Some time ago, he asked /co/ about an m/m shipping story he received, the basic question being: Should I put it up?

    His reasons against it where:
    >Doesn't want a gay fic to turn off readers of EqD.
    >Gay makes him uncomfortable

    /CO/ proceeded to tear him an asshole for the double standard on f/f and m/m, and the favoring of male fans over female fans or gay fans who would enjoy a cute m/m shipping fic.

    Blog Brony relented and posted up the m/m fic. I think he's received two so far.

    Personally, I respect him all the more for asking if his opinion was wrong, then giving to the pressure when everyone told him it WAS wrong.
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)15:59 No.24843472
         File1301947197.jpg-(90 KB, 600x558, seat558.jpg)
    90 KB
    Brain worm?

    Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)15:59 No.24843474
         File1301947199.png-(49 KB, 604x453, 1301834262371.png)
    49 KB
    Is there some sort of new video thing im missing here?

    On phone at work here
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:00 No.24843475

    >funny as shit

    Nah, author was so technically incompetent he couldn't tell a joke. Reminded me of when Chris Chan starts bashing homosexuals.
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:00 No.24843482
    I like.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:00 No.24843486
    oh my god. That is hilarious. People putting political angles into MLP fanmade content? that sounds just so bad its good. But yeah, truth be told, thats a bit dissapointing. I always thought brave would be a chill kinda guy. maybe not
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:00 No.24843488
    >Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?

    Well, back on March 17th, Equestria Daily hit 1 million hits. 17 days later we're at a bit over 1.9 million. So I'd say that's a lot of growth, even if it's not quite exponential. That, or people's need for lesbian Rainbow Dash stories is growing.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)16:00 No.24843491
    yeah, trailer for the CMC episode
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)16:01 No.24843504
    wrong link
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:01 No.24843508

    speaking of dicks...
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 04/04/11(Mon)16:02 No.24843515
    good for a clean pony conversation
    slow but good for drawfriends
    owner is a tight-ass and its just filled with lesbian shipping
    >steam group
    A nice group of folk, but the leader is an ass who I think actually thinks he's pinkie pie.
    i dont go much anymore
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:02 No.24843516
    Sounds to me like the author of the hatefic was the problem more than Seth.

    Seth was pretty apologetic and has allowed m/m fics since. I think his big mistake was just not reading the fic before he put it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:02 No.24843525
    what is this, if I can be so bold to ask
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:02 No.24843532
    should I do a m/m one just to see how he goes? Might be good for a laugh.
    man i just gotta read that. Sounds like those old 70s B movies, or bollywood music videos. So bad you cant help but laugh
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:03 No.24843535
         File1301947390.jpg-(82 KB, 900x787, BabyRarity.jpg)
    82 KB
    Not sure if pleases me.
    >CMC in pain.
    >Mane cast is going to get involved.
    Do it, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:03 No.24843537

    Last night he was repeating the whole contradictory "I don't hate gays, I just hate them being gay" routine that conservative christians use when they defend their bigotry while trying to retain moral superiority.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:03 No.24843538
    You know what guys? I will just send him an e-mail, asking for his opinion on the matter; he should be allowed to voice his opinion.

    Still I feel a bit hurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:04 No.24843548

    He claims he posted the hate fic by mistake, not having read it. I don't really believe him.
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:04 No.24843551
    New thread when?
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 04/04/11(Mon)16:04 No.24843553
         File1301947472.png-(230 KB, 800x600, haha what.png)
    230 KB
    Haha what?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:04 No.24843557

    Hasbro released a 3 minute long pony video, it's pretty good. It'd be nice if they did more of these little snippets when we're on 2 week pony breaks
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:05 No.24843573
         File1301947525.png-(652 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-04-04-16h02m58s28.png)
    652 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:05 No.24843574
    >>24843469 I think he's received two so far.

    There's like 300 fics on EqD, and at least half were submitted after the shitstorm. If only TWO of those have been m/m, that shows how little demand there actually is for that sort of story.

    I'm not saying they should be banned, but it goes to show how manufactured the whole controversy was. I think a lot of people were just looking for an excuse to hate Seth.

    Note how no one has a negative assessment of the site itself, but dislike it because of the webmaster. That's a classic sign of taking the internet too seriously.
    >> Gloomy Oversoul 04/04/11(Mon)16:05 No.24843575

    > I used to go every day until I found out the guy was a homophobic dick. Nearly stopped going there completely after he posted that hate fic.

    Wait, what?! Is there evidemce of this? is the blogbrony really homophobic?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:05 No.24843578
    You wouldn't be able to make it fapfic. Only shipping.

    Otherwise, go for it! I don't see anything wrong with m/m shipping. Caramel and Big Mac is almost adorable (I think that's the only m/m ship that really goes around, do to the only other option being the horrifying combination of Snips and Snails).
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:06 No.24843589
    >I don't read threads, lol!
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:06 No.24843591
         File1301947592.jpg-(79 KB, 600x576, face590.jpg)
    79 KB
    What browser are using? Plugins?
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:06 No.24843594
    heya man, we were just talking about you

    in any case, would all you pony folk like helping me with this? Does this seem to sickly sweet or corny to you? I had this song on repeat while I was writing it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:06 No.24843596

    It's in the archive somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:07 No.24843603
    I do, it's not like I read all the fics myself, I guess he just thought it was a parody with a synopsis and ran with it.
    Doesn't mean I don't find him extremely annoying with his Trixie waifu and all that, but you gotta cut him some slack.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:07 No.24843608
    Agreed...but people being overly dramatic faggots, it's a daily routine around here
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:07 No.24843609
    Looks like Chrome, 4chan plus.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)16:07 No.24843611
    I just wish the EqD guy didn't parade around his trixie boner so much
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:07 No.24843613
         File1301947657.jpg-(175 KB, 1200x1016, obsession_is_a_cupcake_flavor_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:08 No.24843622
         File1301947680.jpg-(166 KB, 825x1238, 1295987958129.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:08 No.24843625
    >Pretty much my hub for pony goings-on. It's a great little site and home to some excellent fan works.

    >Pretty much my hub for pony goings-on.

    >hub for ponies.

    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:08 No.24843630

    >I'm not saying it should be banned, but...

    but what?


    You mean somebody submitted an m/m shipping fic with the express purpose of tricking Seth into coming over here and sticking his foot in his mouth? That's some conspiracy those gays have. Maybe they're in league with the joos.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:08 No.24843634
    I got all week. Ill probably squeeze a short one in. I dont think I could bring myself to fapfic, even as a joke. But I do find some shipping stories cute, regardless of gender. BM/caramel sound good?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:09 No.24843637
         File1301947741.jpg-(10 KB, 249x202, Desflarg.jpg)
    10 KB
    What the fuck, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:09 No.24843641
    >>24843516 think his big mistake was just not reading the fic before he put it up.

    ED gets a huge number of submissions each day, so he doesn't have time to read them all. According to one of his posts he actually rejects a lot of stuff for being shitty or blatant trolling, but he only has time to skim most stories before putting them up.

    He's tried to fix this problem by calling for volunteers to help him do quality control before posting fics, but I don't know if anyone has signed up.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:09 No.24843643
    But dude, you know who Seth WAS before?
    Basically, a huge furry troll.
    He was overly annoying with Flare, then Cynder, and now Trixie.
    >> Cyl 04/04/11(Mon)16:09 No.24843647
         File1301947757.jpg-(37 KB, 600x331, 1298644515695..jpg)
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    I'm from /b/. While I've visiting you /co/lts I might as well engage in the discussion.

    The most basic questions are; how good or bad is it on average?

    It's a good fandom. Tons of OC and a very positive, upbeat fans.

    Do you think it has gotten larger or smaller over the past month?

    How much better or worse is it now than when
    you first got into this?

    It's getting better. It depends on what you are looking at. There is a lot less gore, sage, spam but more porn. Of course porn come with any fandom on the internet.

    How do you think this fandom compares with other fandoms?

    I'm a furfriend so I have a very good perspective of the two fandoms. Both are largely based online. Furfriends love MLP and already have the infrastructure for creating and posting OC (though furaffinity). MLP is growing very, very fast for a new fandom. We are already seeing representation this con season and I expect to see a lot more by the end of it. Already we have experienced turbulence. From spammers to trips vs anons (on /b/ at least) to the general resistance from the general public because it is a girly show. I am very interested to see how the fandom reacts once the season is over. I have a feeling that the bronies will slowly die off until the start of the next season. Our survival on the internet in the off season will fall to the artists and writers who are already producing amazing works. Furries have a constant stream of pure OC. They thrive during con season when there's money to be made and adventures to be had.

    You should come back at the peak of the con season, end of con season, right before the new FiM season, and right after the beginning of it. I'm interested in seeing what you'd find.
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 04/04/11(Mon)16:09 No.24843650
    >>24843594 where talking about me?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:09 No.24843666
    that dead chicken is making something that was kinda cute real creepy.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:10 No.24843673
    >>24843630 but what?

    But try reading the rest of the sentence?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:10 No.24843687
    haha, oh wow
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:11 No.24843693
         File1301947869.jpg-(120 KB, 943x943, substance242.jpg)
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    Is it just a java script. I don't care for chrome I prefer opera.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:11 No.24843695
    >>24843643 posts a link to dramawiki

    You don't actually expect us to take you seriously now, do you?
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:12 No.24843712
    hmm, I think it may be creepy all the same
    just some hearsay. Actually, i probably shouldnt jump to conclusions about this. Im hardly better.
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:12 No.24843720
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    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:12 No.24843725
    What about some of the new guys? Braeburn, maybe. Braeburn is a handsome pony.

    Then there are the jocks of Sonic Rainboom, but none of them have appealing designs. Neither Silverstar, really.

    So, list of canidates I can think of are Big Mac, Braeburn, Caramel, Dr. Whoof (probably not a good idea with that one, due to the crossover weirdness that would ensue [isn't that torchwood guy canonically bisexual though?]), Hoity Toity (no from me), Buffalo (Buffa-no), guards and various background ponies.

    Probably should avoid the Braeburn-Big Mac connection due to incest weirdness that would ensue, as well.

    Anyone I'm missing?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:12 No.24843727

    Interesting how Ponychan is viewed by /co/. From what my research at Knowyourmeme has told me, one of the the more common war cries of the early days of the fandom was "love and tolerance". Is it fair to say that this was mostly intended as a troll to illicit a reaction from the larger 4chan community?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:12 No.24843731
    Yeah... I guess I don't.
    But I remember him from that time, so I just like to point it out.Especially since of all the ponies to take as his waifu, he took the most annoying one...
    >> DG 04/04/11(Mon)16:13 No.24843741
    The word that starts with "P" and rhymes with Tony.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:13 No.24843743
    >>24843574 I'm not saying they should be banned, but it goes to show how manufactured the whole controversy was


    The fic went up, people complained, Seth took it down and said he was sorry. That should have been the end of it, especially since there's no ban on m/m content on ED, and hardly anyone seems to want it anyway.

    The only reason this even gets brought up is because it gives people an excuse to hate on Seth beside his site getting him lots of attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:14 No.24843756
    >mfw scootaloo thinks rainbow dash is the coolest pony
    >and it's true.

    >mfw image limit
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:14 No.24843763
    kill yourself
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:14 No.24843767
    pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:14 No.24843773
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 04/04/11(Mon)16:15 No.24843779
    okay whatever i'm not going to run around the mulberry bush for a year and a half so tell me or don't
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:15 No.24843781
    So I was rewatching a few episodes, and I just noticed something. In Swarm of the Century, Carrot Cake is wearing one of the vests from Winter Wrap Up. You only see her for a few seconds, but it's right after the scene with Lyra and BonBon having their food eaten.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:15 No.24843788
    Love and tolerance was a slogan used almost exclusivly by people who posted ponies on /b/.

    /b/ pony threads tend to be about spamming MLP image macros, and then spamming other threads and other boards with them, too. /co/ pony threads tend to be about actually discussing the show (more or less.)

    /co/ and /b/ ponyfriends don't really get along.

    When it came time to found some chans, most of /b/ went to Ponychan, most of /co/ went to FiMchan. That's why it's not so popular here.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:15 No.24843796
    >rubber chicken on Dash shrine

    oh pinkie
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:16 No.24843799

    I guess she thought it was fashionable.
    >> DG 04/04/11(Mon)16:16 No.24843802
    Pretty sure Porny doesn't rhyme with Tony.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:16 No.24843805

    >one of the the more common war cries of the early days of the fandom was "love and tolerance"

    No, that's not from the early days of the fandom. It's from /b/'s fandom, which didn't start until several months into the season. Anybody who actually watches the show knows that the ponies don't actually love and tolerate everybody, especially the dicks like Trixie and Gilda.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:16 No.24843806

    i lold but then i realized i am one
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:16 No.24843809
    so I've established that the word in question isn't PONY PONY PONY PONY PONY PONY PONY

    what fucking word was it? manfoal?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:17 No.24843820
    What's ironic is that /co/ bronies practice love and tolerance far more than the /b/ crew.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:17 No.24843821
    You can get a good few useful scripts for Opera, but it's not as good as Chrome for 4chan. I always use Opera for everything, but for pony threads I have to keep Chrome open, it beats Opera by far.
    Check out though.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:17 No.24843822
    I'm aware he had a past. But I think you are trying too hard now to disparage his name. I judge him by what he does now, which is dedicate himself to running Eq D and providing fans with a great repository of news and fanwork, from sheer love of the show.

    He has the occasional annoying habit, but on the scales of friend to gilda, Blog brony is 20% cooler.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:17 No.24843825
    you have every and pony too close together
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:19 No.24843846
    Damn it I was close though...
    What else starts with p and rhymes with Tony?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:19 No.24843847
    "Every HONK pony" (remove the word honk) and several variations on it have been banned.

    Even when it's not used as a single word.
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 04/04/11(Mon)16:19 No.24843849

    We practically sweat love and tolerance
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:19 No.24843858
    hmmm, braeburn/blues pony? might be interesting, nobody really has him in much. He could be bumming around south equestria, and plays a night at the saloon in appleoosa.
    also does anyone have anything to say about this. I may have gone overboard with it a bit, and lost some subtlety and sentiment. Im trying to paint Derpy as a friendly, hands on cheery single mother. Im kind of sick at myself for using 'mom', but thats so much cuter than mum. Ma? I couldnt take myself seriously with that
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:19 No.24843863
    aha, that was it, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:20 No.24843875
    I guess so, she even has a matching hat. But that episode aired before WWU, didn't it? I'm surprised someone didn't catch that earlier.
    >> Pony !rbronyR.uo 04/04/11(Mon)16:21 No.24843894
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:22 No.24843925
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:23 No.24843933
    Interesting. Would one be considered the "Hard core" fans, and the other the "Normal" fans?

    I assume that /b/ would be the more "hardcore" group considering the nature of /b/.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:23 No.24843942
         File1301948621.png-(9 KB, 1120x130, 624562465.png)
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    this is how you get past filter

    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:24 No.24843946
    But is 4chan plus a java script because it can be used in opera if so.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:24 No.24843960
    O.k., e-mail send. I hope I didn't lay it on too thickly.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:26 No.24843990
    I have a huge reply to you I can't post. Trying to get around it now . . .
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:26 No.24843993

    And yet the distain for ponychan. Is ponychan notoriously intolerant? (sorry I've yet to delve into that place yet.)
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:27 No.24844012
    I really can't find any banned terms, but I REALLY want to address this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:28 No.24844027
    They said that you were homophobic, or at least intolerant of gays.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:29 No.24844038
    Eh, ponychan is more of the /b/ site, fimchan is more of the /co/ site. Saying one is better than another is more of a matter of preference.

    I like fimchan, just because artists/writers can post whatever they want and nobody freaks out over it
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:29 No.24844052
    What the hay is everypony clopping on about?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:29 No.24844053
    It can be a bit overly friendly at times. There is plenty of good stuff there though. You just needs to learn to apply the 'don't like it don't look at it' attitude to circle-jerk threads.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:29 No.24844063
    im not quite sure what that phrase means. Its awfully particular. In any case
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:30 No.24844065
    from what i've come to understand fimchan is the worst of /co/ and ponychan is the best of /b/.
    I have only visited each a small number of times.
    In fact I read my first ever fanfic from one of those (I can't remember)
    It was cupcakes.
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 04/04/11(Mon)16:30 No.24844068
    oh that?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:30 No.24844070
    >Image limit HONK.
    ClEvEr mOtHeRfUcKeR.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:30 No.24844075
    Point in case, clopfics.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:30 No.24844081
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:31 No.24844096
    Im really sorry to keep pushing this, but I could really use some help. I wanna get it done by tonight, maybe even submit it onto EqD ironically enough with the picture.
    Would anyone mind giving it a quickish glance?
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)16:32 No.24844105
    you really don't have to spoiler that many words bro
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:32 No.24844106
    I know. Goign to fix it.

    I just tanked my whole post and then lost what I wrote.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:32 No.24844112
    It most likely is, but I couldn't get it working properly, it just kept on sending error messages and not doing anything. I downloaded a few JSes for Opera that, for example, make you able to open image inside the thread, or exchange youtube links with actual video, but they don't have all the features 4chan + has.
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)16:32 No.24844131
    /b/tard here.

    Eeeeerr.... No. Not really.

    >/b/ pony threads tend to be about spamming MLP image macros, and then spamming other threads and other boards with them

    That's actually a quite weird stereotype which originates from the trolls. There were quite a few people who derailed threads, posted on other boards, trolled, etc. That was the main cause of the shitstorm and the /co/ sticky as well.

    Actually, the threads are not really about the show itself, it's a medium for /b/tards to have fun. Ponies are just another thing, the threads are about discussing Morrowind, psychology, the future of humanity No, seriously.

    /co/ and /b/ don't get along because mostly of the events happened in the past. /b/tards usually have no problems with other boards and /co/, most don't come here because they think it's unfriendly, and boring.

    You'd be surprised, by /b/ standards, how much OC was created here. And don't come again with the "unoriginal meme repost with pony image" argument again, most of the stuff I see posted here is from /b/ (the reaction images, etc, of course.) Fanart and fictions are created there as well, even though in smaller amounts. 90% /co/, 10% /b/. FiMchan is /co/ v.2.0, Ponychan is /b/ v.2.0

    tl;dr, /b/tards are different, they are part of the fandom, to each his own. Thanks for listening.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:33 No.24844134
    If either of you two have it, mind reposting it for me so I can fix the tags?
    >> ragingsemi !.7WdLd240M 04/04/11(Mon)16:33 No.24844141

    To be fair, I get far more readers when I post them over here.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:33 No.24844148

    Holy crap that's a lot of failed spoiler tags man.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:34 No.24844171
    >Mfw when image limit and I double mule'd it all and lost everything I wrote.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:34 No.24844178
    Oh boy that trailer.

    Hope that means more of them from now on
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:35 No.24844187
    Ponychan is shit. Pure and simple. /b/tard scum. /b/ is the worst thing that ever happened to pony by far.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:35 No.24844190
    Me again.

    Care to make pen tutotial video? Would be nice
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:35 No.24844196

    Copying failpost for ya!

    The divide is from the differences in how /[spoilers][/spoilers]b/ and /co/ treated the show.

    /co/ treated it as a show to love. /b/ took on the lessons and upbeatness of the show to foster a fan community that could withstand bombardments of tr[spoilers][/spoilers]olls and spa[spoilers][/spoilers]m. So, the comm[spoilers][/spoilers]unites evolved into di[spoilers][/spoilers]fferent shapes.

    /c[spoilers][/spoilers]o/ is a lot more prone to not change it's colors. Argu[spoilers][/spoilers]ments about ca[spoilers][/spoilers]non, ha[spoilers][/spoilers]te for non-po[spoilers][/spoilers]ny-show related topics, etc. Though, even here, you'd find the average fan more friendly than a fan of say . . . Ba[spoilers][/spoilers]tman. Something about being overly rude still doesn't sit well with a lot of fans of the show that feels the com[spoilers][/spoilers]munity should not feel too entirely different from the show itself.

    /b/ on the other hand, and sites under /b/r[spoilers][/spoilers]ony influence like P[spoilers][/spoilers]ony[spoilers][/spoilers]chan take that all the much further, trying to post and act with L[spoilers][/spoilers]ove and Tole[spoilers][/spoilers]rance being their mottos, and are even taking the lessons to heart. They adopt names and do their best to support each other like friends, which in their mind is very show related (friends[spoilers][/spoilers]hip is magic). /Co/ hates this, because it moves subjects away from the show and on to themselves (TR[spoilers][/spoilers]IP FAGS VS AN[spoilers][/spoilers]ON!)


    Does that explain it?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:35 No.24844204
    it wants me to make an account, which I have but frankly I don't want to log in.
    just keep reposting it, people will read it eventually
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:35 No.24844209
    I thought only every and any p0ny had the ban.
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:36 No.24844215
    >chrome is for hipsters
    >feels bad pony
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)16:36 No.24844229
    The divide is from the differences in how /b/ and /co/ treated the show.

    /co/ treated it as a show to love. /b/ took on the lessons and upbeatness of the show to foster a fan community that could withstand bombardments of trolls and spam. So, the communites evolved into different shapes.

    /co/ is a lot more prone to not change it's colors. Arguments about canon, hate for non-pony-show related topics, etc. Though, even here, you'd find the average fan more friendly than a fan of say . . . Batman. Something about being overly rude still doesn't sit well with a lot of fans of the show that feels the community should not feel too entirely different from the show itself.

    /b/ on the other hand, and sites under /b/rony influence like Ponychan take that all the much further, trying to post and act with Love and Tolerance being their mottos, and are even taking the lessons to heart. They adopt names and do their best to support each other like friends, which in their mind is very show related (friendship is magic). /Co/ hates this, because it moves subjects away from the show and on to themselves (TRIP FAGS VS ANON!)

    Does that explain it?
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)16:37 No.24844240
    Sure, here you go! It doesn't teach you that much, you need to learn how to use it by yourself. But this should be enough for the basics.

    You should try to be a bit more mature, bro.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:37 No.24844250
    did you fuck it up again?
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)16:38 No.24844267
    Soo, in other words, /co/ = srs bsns, /b/ = friendship and happiness?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:38 No.24844276
    sure is meta discussion in here
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:39 No.24844286
    I consider this to be my home, but I have to say that the shotgun /b/ threads are pretty damn amusing to skim over sometimes. Certainly something else.
    >> Bloomberg 04/04/11(Mon)16:39 No.24844290
    Well, that's because the magnitude of 4chan.
    You have a following cominitie in FiMchan that loves you, man ;_;
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:39 No.24844300
    ah. How about now?
    >> Dr. White !!/zv2MTbpUH9 04/04/11(Mon)16:40 No.24844305

    Neither of those seem to be right for some reason.
    >> ragingsemi !.7WdLd240M 04/04/11(Mon)16:40 No.24844314
    To be sure. I'm just saying it's not like /co/ doesn't like fapfics.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:40 No.24844319
    Let's try this again!

    The divide is from the differences in how /b/ and /co/ treated the show.

    /co/ treated it as a show to love. /b/ took on the lessons and upbeatness of the show to foster a fan community that could withstand bombardments of trolls and spam. So, the communites evolved into different shapes.

    /co/ is a lot more prone to not change it's colors. Arguments about canon, hate for non-pony-show related topics, etc. Though, even here, you'd find the average fan more friendly than a fan of say . . . Batman. Something about being overly rude still doesn't sit well with a lot of fans of the show that feels the community should not feel too entirely different from the show itself.

    /b/ on the other hand, and sites under /b/rony influence like Ponychan take that all the much further, trying to post and act with Love and Tolerance being their mottos, and are even taking the lessons to heart. They adopt names and do their best to support each other like friends, which in their mind is very show related (friendship is magic). /Co/ hates this, because it moves subjects away from the show and on to themselves (TRIP FAGS VS ANON!)

    Does that explain it?

    >Please be fixed now.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:40 No.24844322
    Interesting. This somewhat conforms to the impression I've so far been given, that /co/ resents /b/ (and subsequently ponychan it would seem). Specifically because of /b/ spamming ponies, thus leading to /co/ getting the brunt of the repercussion.

    Having scanned the last few hyperlink indexes I've seen a recurring call that ponychan, and /b/, be destroyed. Is this mostly the type of hyperbole that is par for the course with internet banter, or is there a large community here that detests ponychan and/or /b/?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:41 No.24844331
    what fic are you working on now
    >> (colorful) Graham Kraker 04/04/11(Mon)16:41 No.24844333
    We gone make another thread?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:41 No.24844340
    Hence why I have no idea which word was blocked from posting
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:41 No.24844342
    So is there a new general yet?

    If not, here's one!


    If so, I'll delete this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:41 No.24844347
    I'mma make a new thread.

    Hold on
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)16:42 No.24844365
    Noone is the same. But I'd also like to know this.

    Yeah, and the line is pretty blurred between the two things..

    This was a huge generalization.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:42 No.24844378
    What does turning the fandom into an exclusive back-patting club have to do with friendship?

    That's the sort of thing Diamond Tiara would do.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:43 No.24844387

    Nevermind then.
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)16:44 No.24844424
    Again, opinions and stereotypes. But I say we end this discussion and post about FiM related stuff in the next thread.

    If you want to, that is.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:44 No.24844428
    >I post not realizing I had the extra "s" in spoilers
    >I see mistake. Quickly delete post
    >Realize I didn't copy the text. No way to recover as I refreshed the page
    >Ask for repost, anon delivered and I copy it to put it in word and find/replace the spoilers, Hoppip also kindly fixed, happen to repost at the same time
    >This problem now over.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 04/04/11(Mon)16:45 No.24844449
    find and replace is awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:45 No.24844454
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:46 No.24844461
    In a nut shell, yeah, I think that sums it up.
    >> suckmyoff !KkyWm0AORY 04/04/11(Mon)16:47 No.24844497
    I fixed it now, so you will be able to view it. Sorry for bringing it up AGAIN, but im anxious to hear whats wrong with it.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)16:50 No.24844555
    It's not exclusive back-patting. You're talking about /b/ and ponychan I assume. Their backpats are for every[spoiler[/spoiler]pony. So it's more like something Pinkie Pie and Rarity or Fluttershy would come together to make

    Meanwhile all the /co/ Twilights are rolling their eyes and studying.
    >> ROOGNA, Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-Named !!qOjSZR79yv2 04/04/11(Mon)16:55 No.24844688
    Why are you so bad at spoilers, Sly?
    >> Gloomy Oversoul 04/04/11(Mon)16:55 No.24844691
    >/co/ would be the Twilights
    Heh, that's a nice analogy there
    >> ragingsemi !.7WdLd240M 04/04/11(Mon)16:58 No.24844742

    Pinkie Pie x Mr. Cake. It might be some time before I finish it. I really need a break.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)16:59 No.24844784
    >Pinkie Pie x Mr. Cake

    sounds horrible why would someone request this
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 04/04/11(Mon)17:03 No.24844869
    Because Poison Joke.
    >> ragingsemi !.7WdLd240M 04/04/11(Mon)17:04 No.24844886

    Older married male, younger female? It's just so improbably a topic for pornography. I don't know what people are thinking.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)17:05 No.24844914
    No you stupid /b/tard piece of shit...fucking kill yourself
    >> Bloomberg 04/04/11(Mon)17:09 No.24844999
    Then take it RS. Honestly, you are the most productive writefriend ever. You deserve a break, a long one.
    After that, you will write so much easier!
    >> QuilI !!I+eHMU5jPEn 04/04/11(Mon)17:10 No.24845027
    Your choice bro. Apologies for upsetting you.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)17:39 No.24845699
         File1301953144.png-(390 KB, 1280x720, Baby troll.png)
    390 KB
    >> Spiffy: Scootaloo's "Howdaya do" !!UBOVKwglWZ5 04/04/11(Mon)17:47 No.24845897
    New General?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/11(Mon)17:49 No.24845950
    You are an obnoxious /b/tard

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