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03/15/11(Tue)20:47 No.24316743 File1300236441.jpg-(130 KB, 550x440, suniamdisappoint.jpg)
Teaser opens: Long view of Canterlot. It is just after sunset.
Camera switch: Celestia is walking down a corridor, surrounded by courtiers talking to her about government business. One brings an urgent matter to her attention, but she insists on delaying it: she has an appointment to keep. As she stops in front of a door flanked by two guards, she shoos her courtiers back and enters. We see a wonderfully furnished room, mostly in white, very reminiscent of a high-class hospital room. A pony with a cutie mark appropriate to a mental health specialist walks up, Celestia asks how "she" is doing. The pony replies that "she" is depressed. Celestia moves along into a second chamber of the room.
Princess Luna is by a window; nearby hangs a birdcage; the bird within looks sick, and Luna is fretting over it. When she sees Celestia, however, she feigns disinterest. Celestia asks how the bird is doing, sadly, and Luna tells her that she knows already; Celestia acknowledges this, and apologizes to Luna, commiserating that none of the pony experts she brought in could cure the bird of its illness. Celestia attempts to cheer Luna up, but Luna is not cooperative. Celestia apologizes again, saying that there's no-one who can help. Not getting any further response, she leaves. |