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  • File : 1300188153.jpg-(39 KB, 500x500, 1299487225925.jpg)
    39 KB MLP General Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:22 No.24301896  
    OK people, it's a little after 6:25 A.M. central. Should I post Luna or Celestia? I'll post both until I have a definite answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:25 No.24301921
    Nice to see you too.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:27 No.24301938

    This week's episode will be boss. Fluttershy and rarity in the spotlight? Awesome. Rarity being shoved aside for fluttershy? Double Awesome. Twilight explaining the moral at the story at then end? She's godlike.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:28 No.24301948
    I'm torn. Luna has the potential to be really interesting, but making fun of Celestia is so much fun. I pick... Celestia.

    Penises (apparently) belong in /v/, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:29 No.24301957

    This could potentionally lead to the downfall of the series, I'm sure they'll run out of morals eventually. Well, one's that make sense anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:29 No.24301968


    Wow great spelling there, self.rt
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:30 No.24301975
         File1300188646.png-(201 KB, 1082x1996, Scootaloo being adorable.png)
    201 KB

    They'll have plenty of morals for MLP Season 2: Electric Scootaloo.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:30 No.24301979

    I wish she'd appear again in the show too.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:31 No.24301985
         File1300188685.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 2.02 MB, 1944x2000, twi1.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 2.02 MB
    Wannabe drawfag here, repostan the pictures I posted in previous thread, though, this time at their original resolution.

    First up, the twilight trace.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:31 No.24301991
    Any nameguys carry over from the last thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:32 No.24301992
         File1300188722.png-(309 KB, 1000x1000, Pinkie.png)
    309 KB
    Shitty Drawfag here. Decided to start studying and practicing human anatomy more, less ponies. Anyway, have some delicious curvy human Pinkie.
    >> Tanman 03/15/11(Tue)07:33 No.24302003
         File1300188781.jpg-(46 KB, 1366x768, majesticsteed.jpg)
    46 KB

    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned, that trying to decide which one of your very best friends is your favorite is a very hard and trying ordeal. But today I also learned that trying to to decide which one is your favorite waifu is even harder. I learned that in the end, is shouldn't matter who has the most episodes or character development, because nopony should ever play favorites.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:33 No.24302004
         File1300188783.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 22 KB, 297x537, kDHdUCV8lqjkhhvqIxUjnRgBo1_400.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 22 KB
    'Nobody knows that they saw it, but... they did.'
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:33 No.24302018
    I swear to god I must be the only pony fan that doesn't care about Luna or Celestia

    anyway, how were the new eps? I've been away for weeks, I haven't been able to see the last two (three? the last one I saw was with the CMC)
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:33 No.24302019
    You are missing 3 things the word "know" in the text and one finger in each hand
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:34 No.24302026
         File1300188855.png-(993 KB, 776x760, random.png)
    993 KB
    And the random pony sketch I did prior to it. This one was done with the FAQ.

    Would appreciate tips and drawing excercises.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)07:34 No.24302033
         File1300188898.png-(199 KB, 625x981, Shirts!.png)
    199 KB
    Obligatory SHIRTS post:

    Newest additions:
    - The Fluttershy "Yay." shirt, in yellow and white for men and women
    - A fixed Luna Splotch shirt with custom shirt color selection

    Current requests:
    - A custom Applejack or Exploding Twice shirt
    - Something involving Vinyl Scratch

    All of my commissions will be donated to the Hasbro Children's Hospital.
    This shop is run by Night !Shift4J19Y, not me, so I can't take requests about his design or help you with any problems specific to his store, but I can answer general sizing questions and such. His commissions will be going toward the local Salvation Army.


    I like the image though. Damn weakness for curvy women. Be sure to spoiler next time, though.

    One of the few movies better than the book, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:35 No.24302045
         File1300188959.jpg-(25 KB, 269x269, 1291484005020.jpg)
    25 KB

    I know right? I find them as well pretty uninteresting and couldn't care less about Luna or Celestia.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:37 No.24302074
         File1300189073.png-(137 KB, 566x363, 1299844493831.png)
    137 KB
    still no Pinkie
    >> Poultron !p.s6MMgH66 03/15/11(Tue)07:38 No.24302077
    i really like luna's design, she is very cute. but as a character she isn't very interesting because she's gotten no character development!!! imagine that
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:38 No.24302083
    Hey Cherry Dust.. if you're still here. Thanks for the colour job on Madmax Lyra

    Power dropped out so I havent been able to thank you till now
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:39 No.24302096
    Not posting sssonic2's art here, but I'm hoping the dude will turn up on FIMchan or ponychan. Cos' he's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:40 No.24302103
    Well, the last two are pretty interesting. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Especially the last one.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:40 No.24302111
         File1300189246.jpg-(116 KB, 800x600, 1299721129324.jpg)
    116 KB
    It's like I said in the last thread, it just kinda grows on you. I didn't like Luna at first, but the more she was talked about the more I liked here. Same with Trixie. They may not be the most interesting characters, but dammit I love 'em.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)07:40 No.24302112
    Are you the same Anon that posted the exact same image and complained about the lack of Pinkie Pie last time?

    If so, I explained why. Again, sexists at Spreadshirt, no pink men's shirts, can't do much. I could put the cutie mark on a plain white t-shirt if you wanted, but that's quite bland.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:41 No.24302116
         File1300189261.jpg-(26 KB, 464x543, 1298824291659.jpg)
    26 KB

    >MLP Season 2: Electric Scootaloo

    I'll be honest, I laughed at this.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:41 No.24302124
    I dunno, but I liked the twilight one better, even if it was a trace.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:41 No.24302125
    More like she has never appeared on any other episodes since the first two. How can you have development when you don't have screentime?

    Feels as if this season's coming to an end soon. sad really. Hadn't had enough morals.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:42 No.24302129
    Gilda's still a bitch IMO though.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:42 No.24302134
         File1300189362.jpg-(155 KB, 642x529, Lolwut.jpg)
    155 KB
    >Again, sexists at Spreadshirt, no pink men's shirts

    Ahahah, what.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:42 No.24302136

    >not interesting

    She's one of the most characterful side characters so far
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:43 No.24302145
         File1300189414.jpg-(36 KB, 364x330, 1299706133678.jpg)
    36 KB
    Dude, you best get the man a Pinkie shirt. It looks like he REALLY wants one.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:43 No.24302154
    Thaks for the explanation,didn't catch it last time.When the threads go for too long I'm kinda lost
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:44 No.24302156

    It's not even your opinion really

    It cant flat out state it, but even the show thinks she's a bitch

    How much money would you give just to hear one of the mane cast members say bitch... just the one time.

    And who would say it best?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:44 No.24302159
    Can't think of a good drawing excercise since I don't drawmyself.
    >> Tanman 03/15/11(Tue)07:44 No.24302162
         File1300189483.png-(409 KB, 1587x1587, Scootaloo cover.png)
    409 KB
    Ok bronies, before I go, I want to give you a little sneak peak at the next Super Ponybeat video in the form of this album cover (speaking of electric scootaloo). Eurobeat brony's working on it currently, he's just been really busy as of late. Hang in there guys, it's coming soon.

    Until I feel like drawing again, or post the link to the song when it or it's preview is done, ciao.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:45 No.24302172
         File1300189531.jpg-(17 KB, 352x288, Imagen 004.jpg)
    17 KB
    Already have one
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:45 No.24302174
         File1300189533.png-(69 KB, 425x436, fim_trixiethewhitealt.png)
    69 KB

    >She's one of the most characterful side characters so far

    Agreed, I absolutely adore Trixie's personality. Her fantastic voice actress just amplifies it further.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:45 No.24302175
    Fluttershy for the obvious "It's always the quiet ones" shock.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:46 No.24302178
         File1300189584.png-(55 KB, 318x269, 1299619787973.png)
    55 KB
    Well, aside from all the fans' notions of Trixie's personality, there's not much to go on besides the fact that she's so insecure that she feels she has to be better than everyone else. Anything past that is purely speculation. I'm not saying she's a bad character by any means; you just gotta tell the difference between canon and fanon.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:46 No.24302182
         File1300189617.png-(149 KB, 583x352, 1298776840034.png)
    149 KB

    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:47 No.24302189
    I hope for another twilight centric episode like boast buster. I wanna see moar of twilight's magic.
    >> Cherry Dust !JD241DkHoE 03/15/11(Tue)07:48 No.24302193
    >guy's thanking me
    >should I answer?
    >on the one hand, pretending I'm not here is kinda rude
    >rudeness, on MY 4Chan?
    >on the other, non-contributan tripfags, non-contributan tripfags errywhere
    >goddamn moral dilemma I'm in, here
    Curse you, Anon.
    Also NP.

    OBTW, anyone have that Carrot Cake comic?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:48 No.24302204
    Drawing its in itselfa good excersise, just draw,draw a lot.And draw everyday objects and people,once you think you have the hang of it it's time to try and find a particular style.But that omes naturaly
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:49 No.24302207
    Can't wait.

    Are you>>24302074? If so, leave shirt brony alone, you already have a shirt!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:50 No.24302220
         File1300189809.gif-(775 KB, 438x264, 1298677086209.gif)
    775 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:50 No.24302224

    But I enjoyed her arrogance, her showponyship, her smugness... and of course how she completely ignored her comeuppance

    She was far better than Gilda, who was boring
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:50 No.24302226
    I will sir,since it was just explain to me the reason for the absence of a Pinkie shirt
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)07:51 No.24302228
    You heard me, sexists. The lot of 'em. What, a man can't like a pink shirt because it's too "girly"? That's bullshit, Spreadshirt!

    Just kidding, but really, there's no reason for them to not carry a pink shirt.
    That's a link to the exact same AA shirt I customize on Spreadshirt. Look at all those colors! I get maybe 1/3 of those colors to choose from. And only a couple of the good ones.

    I know, I know. You do not fuck with Pinkie Pie fans. You just don't.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:51 No.24302232
    Wannabe Drawfag here, yeah, I do draw everyday things once in a while, but I was mainly thinking of MLP-related drawing excercises, like what pose to try, etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:51 No.24302235
    I demand an Angel shirt.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:52 No.24302240
         File1300189934.png-(2.45 MB, 2061x4800, Carrot top tales.png)
    2.45 MB

    Here you go bro

    um.. sorry for thanking you?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:52 No.24302241
         File1300189943.png-(276 KB, 702x527, Trixie x Luna.png)
    276 KB

    I don't think I'd go so far as to say Trixie is insecure. The way she carries herself certainly says otherwise. She backed it up by dispatching the mane cast with ease. Also, Trixie told a tall tale about destroying a very powerful monster, true, but that was during a magic show. Making up entertaining stories isn't too far out of left field when you are entertaining an audience.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:53 No.24302247
         File1300189984.png-(128 KB, 800x800, 1299725517747.png)
    128 KB
    Once again, I agree (especially with the Gilda part), but a lot of the reasons fans like Trixie is the mythos that has been created around her. One episode just isn't enough to back it all up. And this is why I look forward to more Trixie.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:53 No.24302248
         File1300189985.gif-(939 KB, 350x260, ff83863dd4d0fcf52151464bb794c0(...).gif)
    939 KB
    All I can draw is doodles and scribbles.

    Feels bad pony.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:54 No.24302264
         File1300190090.jpg-(318 KB, 1000x1000, 1300069145319.jpg)
    318 KB

    You mean the whole Hey Arnold type thing?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:55 No.24302274
    They're cute and all, but I just don't get the obsession. Same with Trixie and Gilda.

    Care to explain why? I've seen a few caps/gifs and they don't look that interesting. Then again, they look like Dragonshy and I didn't like Dragonshy, so it might just be that.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:56 No.24302280
    While those are valid points, let me ask you this: when's the last time you went to see any kind of show, and the host basically called you a punk bitch who was below them?

    Never, right? (if so, I would like tickets to that show)

    So that smugness has to come from SOMEWHERE, even if it's just for a show. And why make up such a big lie? I'm sure there was a middleground that would've still impressed a crowd.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:56 No.24302285
         File1300190205.jpg-(21 KB, 514x527, 1293756030248.jpg)
    21 KB
    >everyone wants more Trixie
    >Lauren is like *PSH YEAH OK*
    >Trixie returns as the bitchiest antagonist ever and is even more evil then nightmare moon and then gets killed by falling rocks.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:56 No.24302288
         File1300190211.png-(956 KB, 4272x1968, cutiemarkdesign.png)
    956 KB
    I finished the basic design. The background color needs a little work, but I'm satisfied with it. I had to go in and edit Celestia a lot, it was transparent in places it shouldn't have been but it's alright now.
    If it's repeating, I think it'd be good as a pillow case.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:57 No.24302299
    Gracías, mang.
    >mfw I have become the very thing that I despise
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:58 No.24302303
    Someone draw a picture of Pops from Regular Show fucking rarity's butt so hard his dick pops out of her nose.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)07:59 No.24302313
    >And why make up such a big lie?
    Sometimes your show needs something greater than your average lie.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:00 No.24302317
    Old general deleted. Post general marker plox.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:00 No.24302320
         File1300190448.jpg-(88 KB, 1181x472, Dare we touch.jpg)
    88 KB

    I fucking love the Hey Arnold! fanon with Trixie and Twilight. It only works so well because the characters are fantastic for the parody of Helga and Arnold. Twilight even has the derogatory nickname "Egghead" which is the exact mirror to Arnold's "Football-head".
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:01 No.24302321
         File1300190465.png-(21 KB, 220x225, mlpgeneral.png)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:01 No.24302331
    Y'know what? I'm just glad to have an intelligent convesation with an intelligent anon. Thank you for making the start of my Tuesday fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:02 No.24302334
         File1300190531.png-(49 KB, 300x300, THere. Now fuck off.png)
    49 KB
    Now get out
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:02 No.24302335
    Fluttershy is a shipper, what a surprise.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:02 No.24302342

    That's Trixie.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:03 No.24302344

    why the hell do you feel the need to post this in a thread 60 posts in, it was already pretty obvious it's a my little pony general
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:04 No.24302351
    Son, you done goofed.

    It's ok, it's still early, you can redeem yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:04 No.24302353

    Let me guess, you're new here, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:04 No.24302358

    It's so the pony archive archives it
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302362

    Quick question: Why is there a background color at all? Is it supposed to be the color of the pillow? I'm not familiar, but I remember you mentioning sewing, so I'm guessing you're going to sew the cutie marks onto a pillow case.

    Give me some insight to your creation process here, I'm interested.

    I'm expecting her to return during season two to try and show-up Twilight again, but she gets her ass handed to her, and runs off. The mane cast goes after her and finds her sobbing slightly, then after some backstory on her, she ends up as part of the mane cash, and they all work together to bring her ego down to a reasonable level.

    Do you not know how generals work? The image is not posted just for the sake of it being posted, the general is posted in a thread for it to be archived and for people to be directed to this thread when they're trying to find the current general. It helps even more after a thread hits the bump limit.

    The more you know!

    Sidenote: Get a drawfriend to draw The More You Know star image with Pinkie Pie riding on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302364
    Umm... archiving purposes. Are you that new or are you a troll. If a troll. you guys get an early start (if trolls sleep at all).
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302366
    anyone else notice this on that bandpuff guy's channel?

    I gotta' give him credit for trying, but I dont' think he'll get far. besides, he shoo bee doo roll''d everyone who watched it.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302367
         File1300190728.png-(700 KB, 766x791, my little trace.png)
    700 KB
    >mfw when a picture of a cartoon pony I traced according to instructions on the internet is the best drawing I've ever made
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302369
         File1300190747.jpg-(268 KB, 1024x1024, peace-and-quiet-fluttershy.jpg)
    268 KB
    >Fluttershy is a shipper
    >Fluttershy is nowhere to be seen in that picture
    But, Fluttershy looks like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302370
    Seconding that side note
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:05 No.24302371
         File1300190758.png-(162 KB, 899x773, Pokey.png)
    162 KB
    Bah. I drew this for the friendoff but for SOME REASON I guess the email didn't go through. That or maybe submitting it at the last minute.
    Whatever. Posting it anyway.

    Its for that one fic about Pokey Pierce.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:06 No.24302372
    Yeah I stay away from pony threads.
    Thank you, curiosity satisfied
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:06 No.24302374

    >Trixie redeemed

    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:07 No.24302386
    Like I said in the last thread, I think the sketch is much better than the trace, and it looks very good.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:07 No.24302390
    Now I want to see Fluttershy being domd by Trixie
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:08 No.24302393
    How about we make this a drawing general ? Aside from the other main topic, that is.

    I need a drawing excercise, and I'm thinking of starting a thread on FiMchan to track my development in fanart.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:08 No.24302397

    Haha yes my ship finally has some art!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:09 No.24302401
    What would Trixie's animal companion be?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:09 No.24302403
         File1300190959.png-(66 KB, 282x276, 1300167349232.png)
    66 KB
    Ok, I'm kinda pissed that some yard guys are doing someone's yard this early (7:10 am central) but since I'm not sleeping they're not really disturbing me, are they?

    What do, bronies?
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:09 No.24302406
         File1300190972.png-(55 KB, 512x384, KAWAI BEAR.png)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:09 No.24302409
    Oh. ....Oh.

    I am a failure.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:09 No.24302412
         File1300190992.jpg-(24 KB, 214x475, jointed-wood-body-forms.jpg)
    24 KB
    >drawing excercises
    Take a toy you like or a mannequin and try drawing it from different angles.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:10 No.24302414
    Since it's too late to be disturbing the peace, close your window and play music.
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:10 No.24302424
    Offer them some lemonade and then when they are gone, piss in their lawnmowers
    >YFW Trixie befriends an Ursa minor
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:10 No.24302425
         File1300191053.png-(996 KB, 956x772, Trixie is soaking wet for Twil(...).png)
    996 KB

    I don't want to see Trixie redeemed either. Certainly not crying, holy shit, that would outright kill her character. Having Trixie come back as a recurring character to annoy Twilight would be fun though.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:10 No.24302427
         File1300191059.jpg-(31 KB, 600x347, 1299595890257.jpg)
    31 KB
    Go for it. Carefree OP is carefree, and I've never seen an anon turn down OC. And since I can see the sun, I choose CELESTIA.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:11 No.24302428
    I'm ordering custom fabric, which I'll then sew into a pillow case. The background color will be the main color the fabric's going to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:11 No.24302433
    But we don't have pony mannequins.

    Though..... that DOES give me an idea.

    Hope to start a thread on that soon.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:12 No.24302440
    Couldn't I just piss in a cup and call it "lemonade?" It's dark enough that they wouldn't know the difference.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:12 No.24302441
         File1300191148.jpg-(82 KB, 642x813, Babby Trixie 1 - Color.jpg)
    82 KB

    >What would Trixie's animal companion be?

    A Dwarf Ursa!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:12 No.24302442
    >implying urine doesn't taste like salt water
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:13 No.24302449
    I am doing both of those things, and I think the Civic Code around here says that you can't operate loud machinery before 8:00 am.

    Oh well, I'll just turn up Dream Theater.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:14 No.24302452
    Thanks !

    Btw, I always wanted to draw Rainbow Dash, but I was kinda insecure at first, so I traced Twilight. That being said, I'm not sure what pose to put my first attempt at Dash in.

    Can someone suggest a good pose for a developing drawfag ?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:14 No.24302454
         File1300191250.png-(17 KB, 417x500, Trixie uguu~.png)
    17 KB

    >Pokey x Pinkie Pie

    Why does that ship make so much sense? It's perfect!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:14 No.24302456
         File1300191276.png-(235 KB, 1192x3166, cmcHAMMERcomicFINAL.png)
    235 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:14 No.24302460

    you should draw it Klondike!

    Trixie waving to Twilight from the top of an Ursa Minor

    Waving a sign saying Cant BEAR to be without you
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:15 No.24302461
    Would YOU drink piss if you weren't being forced to?

    You know, scratch that question, I'd rather not know.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:16 No.24302470

    It's because of the balloons
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:16 No.24302476

    Because it doesn't? Aside from the fact that they never interacted at all, we know absolutely nothing about Pokey. Even withing fandom there is no characterization of him. Really, he's a one joke character.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:17 No.24302481
         File1300191424.png-(26 KB, 199x332, pedoursa.png)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:17 No.24302482

    But then again, shippers gonna ship.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:17 No.24302483


    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:17 No.24302486
         File1300191439.jpg-(45 KB, 604x453, 1299846628166.jpg)
    45 KB
    They'll expect that!!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:17 No.24302488
    You obviously want to know, otherwise you wouldn't have posted.
    No, I wouldn't drink piss. Well, maybe if I were stranded or some shit and had to for survival, bu I'm not sure if that counts as being forced or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:18 No.24302492

    What about balloons? How is that relevant?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:18 No.24302493
         File1300191484.png-(64 KB, 288x327, Awesome Trixie.png)
    64 KB

    >Trixie waving to Twilight from the top of an Ursa Minor Waving a sign saying Cant BEAR to be without you.

    That is cute as all hell. Fund that!
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:18 No.24302494
    FFFFFFFFFFFFINE. After class today though.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:18 No.24302498
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:18 No.24302499
         File1300191536.png-(32 KB, 157x187, 1298520021401.png)
    32 KB

    Do you even know who Pokey is?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302511
    Yeah, that's forced. Besides, urine contains ammonia and other nasty shit your body gets rid of. Not the best beverage unboiled, if I may say so.

    Anyway, back to (I guess) Trixie.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302512

    I know. What now? He poked a bunch of balloons, how is that making him shippable with Pinkie? Are you high?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302513
    To speculate a bit more.

    I'm thinking she started off her career with smaller tricks (Illusions such as cup levitation. Smoke and mirrors stuff. Actual magic tricks were added only later) and people started asking for more, until things got kinda out of hand.

    Her ego just grew along with the show as time went on.

    Food for thought.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302515
         File1300191612.jpg-(97 KB, 336x360, Bueno.jpg)
    97 KB

    Shit yeah, awesome! Can't wait!
    >> grimmsee 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302516
         File1300191605.jpg-(140 KB, 483x429, shady-fim-ized.jpg)
    140 KB
    Hey all. Just started drawing MLP recently in the FiM style. Here's a little shout out sketch to Shady from the days of old.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302520
         File1300191629.jpg-(125 KB, 324x360, No-ponies-in-the-arctic-Better(...).jpg)
    125 KB
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 03/15/11(Tue)08:20 No.24302524

    Your sketch came out more successfully than the trace. I'd normally recommend tracing for people wanting to learn the proper contours of lines, etc, but keep drawing on your own without tracing. It seems to work better for you.

    Quick tip, her hind legs seem tilted too much, giving her a feeling of instability. Inch her hind hooves back a smidge and you'll be golden.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:21 No.24302533
         File1300191675.png-(124 KB, 342x295, 1291729248713.png)
    124 KB

    And that makes three Trixie requests I'm waiting eagerly for

    Thanks Klondike, cant wait to see it
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:21 No.24302535
    Did you just go make that or has this discussion been had before?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:23 No.24302548
         File1300191839.jpg-(29 KB, 242x182, Sad Trixie.jpg)
    29 KB
    >Trixie thread
    >Fun ideas fucking everywhere
    >Just got a new Bamboo Pen
    >Don't know how to use it yet
    >Can't contribute

    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:24 No.24302550
    Good speculation chap.

    I laughed MUCH harder at that than I should've.

    On a side note, WTF's with captcha lately?
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)08:24 No.24302553
    Ah, I see. Just don't be hostile next time you ask a question, we're generally helpful in these threads.

    Find a pair of headphones, put on some good music, and relax. Everyone's gotta get money somehow, they're just doing their job.

    Alright, alright. I've never been big on Trixie's fanon. How about she runs into the Everfree Forest and starts wrecking stuff with her magic in her frustration she couldn't because Twilight bested her again, and after the mane cast catches up with her, they get her to calm down a bit, talk, and Trixie decides to stay in Ponyville and pretends be able to stand Twilight, while trying to do all she can to make a fool out of Twilight. Spreading gossip, setting up traps and pranks that fail hilariously (think Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner), etc.

    Alright, you're ordering custom fabric with the cutie marks already on it based on the template, yes? If my questions are getting annoying, just tell me to shut the hell up.

    I thought once I unfrontpaged /r/funny and /r/pics from my reddit account, I wouldn't have to deal with that meme again. Nope.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:24 No.24302554
         File1300191864.png-(22 KB, 103x125, 1296951001253.png)
    22 KB

    I draw your attention to exhibit P
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:26 No.24302580
    Urine obviously tastes like _____snot._____


    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:27 No.24302593
    I would drink an attractive woman's piss once to see what it's like
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:27 No.24302594
         File1300192068.gif-(30 KB, 125x125, 1300155330541.gif)
    30 KB
    You know, I DO have a good-ass pear of sony earbuds. Audio ecstasy, HERE I COME!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:28 No.24302600

    Aaand? So what? You think that is enough reason to ship then? What if he, in fact, hates balloons?

    Shit doesn't mean anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:28 No.24302605

    I remember living in back in Victoria, out on the Eastern Coast.

    There was a sewage treatment plant between home and town that had a channel of shit left open to the air

    Driving past on a warm day it smelt exactly like a big bowl of lovely chicken noodle soup.

    I can never eat chicken noodle soup without remembering that
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:29 No.24302608
         File1300192150.png-(74 KB, 945x945, 1299848229320.png)
    74 KB

    Hey MegaSweet, got some more sexy time stuff coming up? Can you post your list so I can be eager of what's to come please?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:29 No.24302612
    >Talking about urine

    The fuck is wrong with you all? I swear, this fandom is getting worse that Sonic.
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:29 No.24302613
         File1300192182.png-(6 KB, 298x290, 1298563601098.png)
    6 KB
    He wants to pop her balloons
    I never saw this ship until now but it would be kind of funny. Pinkie is there with a younger Mr Cake and Pokey though because they are friends. In the story Pinkie befriends Pokey because he is made fun of and his mother does actually suspect that he might be in love with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:30 No.24302620

    Cant you just accept the fact that some of us find it funny?

    Our fanon is that Pokey is obsessed with balloons to a fault, and therefore Pinkie's ass is somewhat hypnotic to him.

    When it comes right down to it.. NO fan ships make any real sense
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:31 No.24302630
         File1300192294.jpg-(69 KB, 284x316, OMOMGOMG copy.jpg)
    69 KB
    Thanks MS ! I'm gonna try drawing Dash next, this time without tracing.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:31 No.24302631
         File1300192295.png-(1.22 MB, 1280x718, Disgruntled budgie parakeet.png)
    1.22 MB

    Sounds like somebody doesn't like Pokey shipping with his pony waifu. Either that, or nofunallowed.ogg. Probably both.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:33 No.24302640
    I'm going to upload my design to a site, then order it. The site'll make it and ship it to me, apparently, I haven't gotten that far yet. Your questions aren't annoying at all. I'm kind of worried I'm coming off a little cold, haha.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:33 No.24302645
         File1300192428.gif-(846 KB, 330x186, Pokeypoking.gif)
    846 KB
    If Pokey married Pinkie would he change his name to Pokey Pie?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:33 No.24302647

    Ships never have a legit basis for existing. Most ships have no connection whatsoever.

    There's no logic to them.
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:34 No.24302654
         File1300192462.png-(14 KB, 350x280, NO ONE PAIRS STRAIGHT PONIES.png)
    14 KB
    I'm already 5 minutes late for class by the way. THANKS A LOT PONIES. YOU RUIN ME
    >> Klondike 03/15/11(Tue)08:35 No.24302668
    PInkie Pierce

    cause they take the husbands last name.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:35 No.24302675
    You know, I only accept two Dash pairings.

    Dash/Wonderbolt leader and Dash/Pinkie

    They seriously need a named wonderbolt character for us to identify with.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:36 No.24302677
         File1300192588.png-(60 KB, 210x207, 1293679393577.png)
    60 KB

    >mfw you're still here
    >mfw you think Pokey would wear the pants in the relationship
    >mfw YOU'RE LATE
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:36 No.24302679
    >Look up Friend-off fics
    >all shipping
    >all lesbian
    >all shitty

    Why did we have this friend-off thing again?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 03/15/11(Tue)08:36 No.24302683

    Right now I've got a commission I'm working on, but as far as MLP stuff, I've got:

    -RD/Pinkie (with Gummy in the corner derping it up)
    -Rarity/Diamond dog
    -Vag Chart
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:37 No.24302694

    Pinkie Fierce
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:39 No.24302711

    Hey MS

    Thanks for being awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:39 No.24302712
    >pony mannequins
    Any toy or mannequin will do. Once you learn to draw 3D shapes, you can draw anything.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 03/15/11(Tue)08:40 No.24302724

    You're more awesome, /co/mrade.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)08:40 No.24302728
    Ah, I see. Do you know what they're doing to custom make the fabric? I'm guessing they load the design into a machine and it creates a fabric, similar to making patches and embroidering things. Do you know that Spreadshirt has a custom pillowcase option? One one hand, it may be a better route than a DIY, on the other, the quality might be lower due to the fact they probably screen print everything.

    >dat list
    >was going to ask you for The More You Know! star linearted with Pinkie Pie riding it

    Welp, nevermind.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:40 No.24302729
         File1300192855.jpg-(95 KB, 749x653, 1299604165931.jpg)
    95 KB
    OK, the yard guys are gone, but now I have to deal with my cat climbing all over the damn keyboard.

    Can't a brony catch a break? DAMN CAAAAAAAAATS!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:42 No.24302744
         File1300192954.png-(535 KB, 776x800, 1299625343484.png)
    535 KB
    Also, the earbuds are jizztastic. I forgot how much I love them.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:42 No.24302745

    Why does Rarity keep that thing if it goes all RIP AND TEAR whenever she comes near it?

    You'd think she'd declaw it or something in the interests of preserving her coat
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)08:44 No.24302752
         File1300193045.gif-(221 KB, 307x180, Dogs are better.gif)
    221 KB
    And that's why I love my two dogs. I've got a miniature daschund that sleeps in a drawer by my desk that I've laid a big blanket, and an english shepherd/rotty mix that sleeps either on my bed or hangs out by my chair chewing a bone.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:45 No.24302767
         File1300193114.png-(296 KB, 555x610, 1299576135350.png)
    296 KB
    Have YOU tried declawing a cat without opposable thumbs? It's harder than you'd think.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:46 No.24302783
    Also, anyone else worried about that shit that done gone boom in Japan?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:47 No.24302784
         File1300193222.jpg-(464 KB, 1000x1000, Helping eachother get up in th(...).jpg)
    464 KB

    you could just get Spike to burp on them

    Send the claws to Celestia. Preferably just before she sits that soft, royal ass on her throne
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:48 No.24302797
    I don't know how they make it, no. I guess I haven't thought this through enough. I haven't been on spreadshirt before looking at your shop, so I didn't know that either. I've been looking into learning to sew, which is why I was going to do it myself.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)08:48 No.24302798
         File1300193308.png-(265 KB, 528x468, Celestia on a good day.png)
    265 KB
    Go back to bed, Luna.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:49 No.24302802
         File1300193347.png-(57 KB, 210x202, 1299564998479.png)
    57 KB
    >Listening to Dream Theater's Home
    >Get to bridge
    >Woman moaning sensually

    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:49 No.24302805

    Maybe it will mutate a bunch of moefags over there and they fuse with a herd of horses and become my little ponies
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:51 No.24302825
         File1300193504.jpg-(95 KB, 359x476, F.jpg)
    95 KB

    Unless.... Haruhi Suzumiya is ponyfied.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:54 No.24302840
         File1300193659.jpg-(230 KB, 537x731, 13001386787247.jpg)
    230 KB
    ill just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:56 No.24302859
         File1300193764.png-(79 KB, 484x566, Clop clop.png)
    79 KB


    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:56 No.24302862
         File1300193795.jpg-(20 KB, 449x339, 1299632813275.jpg)
    20 KB
    Ok, well, this thread is moving a little too slow for me now. I enjoyed the late-nite ponies. Shirt guy, you've once again proven yourself to be a cool dude. To the new drawfriend, keep at it. To everyone else, enjoy your morning ponies.

    Also, general marker guy, it's up to you to remember to delete it when the next thread rolls around.

    Farewell, until we meet again (like 12 hours or so).
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:59 No.24302886

    Does Mocha produce coffee from her mammaries?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)08:59 No.24302887
    Dunno if this has been mentioned before (and it's probably too late now anyway) but I would love to see Luna take Trixie on as her student to compete with Celestia and Twilight.
    >> !!xTZrz9SXG81 03/15/11(Tue)08:59 No.24302889
    Also, I approve of starting my day the Luna way...wait...could I get some Nightmare Moon to go with it?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:00 No.24302894

    I do enjoy coffee, but from...ponies? That'd be different.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:01 No.24302901
         File1300194074.jpg-(16 KB, 296x400, Should not want.jpg)
    16 KB

    You stop that right now! I'd get a cup of that coffee.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:02 No.24302909
         File1300194132.jpg-(85 KB, 499x496, maremilkproducts.jpg)
    85 KB

    Nothing to be ashamed of guys
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:05 No.24302930
         File1300194302.png-(71 KB, 640x774, Luna trains Trixie.png)
    71 KB

    >I would love to see Luna take Trixie on as her student to compete with Celestia and Twilight.

    A lot of people would love to see that bro. Trixie and Luna have quite a respectable amount of art together. I think Trixie being the Gary Oak of the series to tick off Twilight mite b cool. The show really doesn't have any kind of recurring antagonist at the moment like most other cartoons do. Maybe Season 2 will hold promise for that.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:09 No.24302962

    >Star Wars Dagobah training scene with Luna and Trixie

    ...It's beautiful. Simply beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:11 No.24302974
         File1300194689.png-(364 KB, 346x714, mlspt2.png)
    364 KB
    >>24302367 here

    tried to make a front view without reference, it ended up being surprisingly decent. still have a long way to go until actual expressions and poses, but ponies are surprisingly fun and easy to draw.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:12 No.24302983
    I'm fairly sure she produces standard human milk.
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:14 No.24302992
         File1300194864.jpg-(102 KB, 543x474, 1264396178250.jpg)
    102 KB
    What is this show about anyway?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:14 No.24302993

    But where did you obtain this information?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:16 No.24303002
         File1300194969.png-(198 KB, 800x800, Trixie x Luna tail bite.png)
    198 KB

    Cute ponies doing cute things.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:17 No.24303010
         File1300195028.jpg-(286 KB, 750x600, all_you_need_is_imagination_by(...).jpg)
    286 KB
    >>watch Penguins of Madagascar
    >>see this
    >>then see fanart (pic related)

    Fuck it. I want Private on Twilight Sparkle now,
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:17 No.24303012
         File1300195033.jpg-(54 KB, 548x548, theplot.jpg)
    54 KB

    Nerd pony voiced by Tara Strong has no friends and is the understudy of a magical Hitler pony that runs the world, who then sends her to a small town to make some friends. She makes some awesome friends. Shenanigans and adorableness ensue.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:17 No.24303013
         File1300195033.gif-(377 KB, 465x298, DAMACIA-(n1299954250823).gif)
    377 KB

    It's about a manly fucking dragon warrior out to protect his pony waifu
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:17 No.24303015
         File1300195055.jpg-(113 KB, 596x508, 1264396178244.jpg)
    113 KB
    What kinds of cute things?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:17 No.24303016
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:18 No.24303029
         File1300195121.png-(12 KB, 400x400, watch.png)
    12 KB
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:19 No.24303035

    This is the only answer you ever need for this question ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:19 No.24303041
         File1300195181.jpg-(31 KB, 664x726, private-penguin-madagascar.jpg)
    31 KB
    I like this idea.

    MLP and PoM are the only good cartoons these days.
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:20 No.24303048
         File1300195229.jpg-(68 KB, 467x328, 1264396178249.jpg)
    68 KB
    Sounds quite interesting
    I may watch it

    How many episodes is it?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:20 No.24303050
         File1300195238.jpg-(22 KB, 500x500, Gandalf has superior taste.jpg)
    22 KB

    That sounds pretty accurate to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:21 No.24303053
    A project 26.

    Curiously, are you from /a/ ?
    >> Lina-San !!uFop+xPDExu 03/15/11(Tue)09:21 No.24303056
         File1300195286.gif-(1.5 MB, 640x360, 1299928141963.gif)
    1.5 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:22 No.24303066
         File1300195371.jpg-(8 KB, 289x252, CARROT CAKE.jpg)
    8 KB

    Carrot Cake is Mr. Cake. It was stated by Mrs. Faust, on her journal as his name, wasn't it?
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:23 No.24303074
         File1300195435.jpg-(87 KB, 501x475, 1264396178251.jpg)
    87 KB
    Ah flash animation!
    What of it?
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:25 No.24303080
         File1300195501.jpg-(103 KB, 590x428, 1264396178246.jpg)
    103 KB
    >> EnclaveSoldier !6hhoXOrnIY 03/15/11(Tue)09:25 No.24303085
         File1300195543.png-(1022 KB, 763x795, NVEnclave9.png)
    1022 KB
    Hey Sagan, question. Those shirts you keep touting around on each of these threads. Are they your design or something you found.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:25 No.24303087
         File1300195549.jpg-(41 KB, 430x323, spengbab.jpg)
    41 KB
    I've been wondering why Celestia is portrayed as a tyrannical leader around here...
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:26 No.24303090
         File1300195594.png-(392 KB, 563x429, fluttershygrumpy.png)
    392 KB
    >"Don't worry your pretty little head about me and ol' Gilda! Your aunty Pinky Pie's got it all taken care of!"
    >"...I'm a year older than you."
    I think at this point I like Fluttershy the most. Her VA has such a pretty soft voice.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:26 No.24303091
    Ironic reversal for laughs.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:27 No.24303097
         File1300195620.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, 130010995667-fashionstyleflutt(...).jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Lina-San !!uFop+xPDExu 03/15/11(Tue)09:27 No.24303101
         File1300195650.gif-(524 KB, 366x341, 1298807998191.gif)
    524 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:27 No.24303105
    The only reason anyone watches this show is Rarity's fabulous voice
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:28 No.24303110
    Can someone please post the comic with Celestia looking at the moon with Luna?
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:28 No.24303115
    Currently at 19 episodes I think, 26 at the end of the season, season 2 already confirmed.

    And don't listen to anyone who says to watch the episodes out of order. Just watch them in order, unless you don't like the show by what, the 4th, watch Suited for Success, Dragonshy, Sonic Rainboom, or A Dog and Pony Show.

    If your more concerned with how it's animated rather than the content, you shouldn't bother, honestly.

    My design. Someone else did the cutie mark vectors, I've been making the shirts, doing requests, and all the custom shirts, like the 20% cooler ones, the Yay. Fluttershy one, the Luna splotch one, or Dr. Whoof ones, those were all custom done by me or had to have a lot of editing done to the original image. The second link, shirtsbyshift, isn't me, as it says under the link. I just help him advertise when he's not around.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:28 No.24303116

    I love Flutters voice. You can't imagine how raged I was when Sweetie Belle cut her off when Fluttershy was singing her song. That was one of the biggest kicks in the balls the show ever did to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:29 No.24303122
    Fluttershy, what are you doing? Didn't that episode show you that you don't know shit about fashion? Leave it to the professionals like Rarity and go put Angel in his place.
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:29 No.24303123
         File1300195750.jpg-(118 KB, 626x481, 1264396178245.jpg)
    118 KB
    KYUN KYUN!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:30 No.24303136

    Could you go away now? Please?
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:32 No.24303149
         File1300195920.jpg-(18 KB, 480x363, 1298115479658.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:32 No.24303151
    So, what's the old Carrot Cake's new fanon name?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:33 No.24303162

    So he has a girl's name?

    what a fag

    and yet he's the ONLY colt with a mare wtf?
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:33 No.24303164
    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you aren't trolling. If you want to survive while in /co/, it's best to drop any /a/-related things, like the moe kyun kyun stuff from K-ON! or whatever.

    If you are trolling, 6/10. You did okay.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:34 No.24303176
         File1300196074.jpg-(216 KB, 516x800, 1292046058451.jpg)
    216 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:35 No.24303184

    Wait a second, you're not REALLY a girl are you? Ponies are for manly men now, and you girls are not allowed to like them anymore! You're still allowed to watch strawberry shortcake though, or some other show that we do not like. Please leave, and inform your female friends of this. We would appreciate it. Thank you in advance!
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:35 No.24303187
         File1300196151.jpg-(146 KB, 398x547, 1298436841525.jpg)
    146 KB
    >like the moe kyun kyun stuff from K-ON!

    This place is hell
    I'm outta here
    >> EnclaveSoldier !6hhoXOrnIY 03/15/11(Tue)09:36 No.24303190
         File1300196164.png-(1.12 MB, 768x799, NVEnclave4.png)
    1.12 MB
    Do you carry medium sized I might considering buying If the cheapskate in me lets me.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:36 No.24303193

    Get this non-horse cock out of my pony thread
    >> Lina-San !!uFop+xPDExu 03/15/11(Tue)09:36 No.24303194
         File1300196173.jpg-(148 KB, 773x684, 1298847514448.jpg)
    148 KB
    I don't have anymore, my gif list is tiny.

    Here is the best pony image ever made though.
    >> NewWakfuFan 03/15/11(Tue)09:36 No.24303196
    Holy crap, that's pretty damn true.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:36 No.24303202

    Does that mean Maxie, Mocha and Noel all have penises?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:37 No.24303209
    A question about spreadshirt, if anyone is around to answer. What's their position on printing copyrighted material? I mean >>24302172 has Pinkie and browsing the site I saw there was a Spongebob shirt labeled "Mr Happy Face" so my assumption is that they don't really give a damn as long as you pay them, is that correct?
    >> Inami !!1D0Oe/5kR6X 03/15/11(Tue)09:38 No.24303220
         File1300196336.jpg-(24 KB, 272x236, 1289383107679.jpg)
    24 KB

    That is cute
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:39 No.24303224
         File1300196360.jpg-(152 KB, 442x354, Uatu.jpg)
    152 KB
    What if: MLP added a human male to the show over the age of nine? Would the writers have the guts to create an endlesss shipping disaster/infinite porn?
    >> !!xTZrz9SXG81 03/15/11(Tue)09:39 No.24303229
    Nope. I guess that the horn has multiple settings, like-
    God I hope not...that may not be cream on her cutie mark then...

    Requesting the mane cast in a clubhouse, with pinkie pie hanging a "No Girls Allowed" sign outside, to the surprise of a female anon.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:41 No.24303242
    As in size medium shirts? If so, yes, just go to the page of the shirt you like, pick the size, then add it to the cart.

    PLEASE be aware of which type of shirt you buy though. For men, there are Heavyweight t-shirts and AA t-shirts. The Heavyweights are a standard fit shirt, but the quality of the shirt isn't as good as the AA shirt. The AA shirt is a little more expensive, a slim fit, but the quality of the shirt is better.

    They have the standard "no copyrighted material" stance as all other shirt printers, and I haven't been on their long enough to judge myself their position, but I think their enforcement is pretty lax, and they'd only really enforce it if there was a takedown notice from the copyright holder.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:43 No.24303255
    Pinky Pie got her prankster training from a certain Dr. B. Bunny.

    Translation: Bitch can drop you dead with a giggle and make it look like pure comedy.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:45 No.24303270
         File1300196718.png-(316 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2011-03-15-08h43m08s23(...).png)
    316 KB
    Rainbow Dash looks so cute when she's acting all girly. I wish she was kissing my face
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:47 No.24303281
    Pinky looks upset, is it because her toy pony is being used by Rarity?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:47 No.24303284
         File1300196863.png-(7 KB, 500x500, Enclave_logo.png)
    7 KB
    What the hell does The Enclave want with Pony shirts?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:49 No.24303297

    It's the parasprites

    Her Pinkie sense is saying 'Danger!'
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:51 No.24303312
    Thanks. I was thinking of making a Twilight shirt from a vector and maybe some anime shirts in the future. I'll see how it goes.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)09:53 No.24303338

    What kind of Twilight shirt, just one with the cutie mark? I can custom make a shirt and put it on my store, and it'll just be $.59 more than making it yourself (the commission I take for charity).
    >> EnclaveSoldier !6hhoXOrnIY 03/15/11(Tue)09:54 No.24303346
         File1300197295.png-(986 KB, 731x800, NVEnclave6.png)
    986 KB
    Hey, fuck you buddy. Just because we are deemed by many the destroyer of lands. Does not mean we can't enjoy cute and happy things such as My Little Pony!
    >> Golem 03/15/11(Tue)09:57 No.24303371
         File1300197459.jpg-(44 KB, 305x364, art-64.jpg)
    44 KB
    Is the Enclave hiring? If I register as a non-biological am I considered a robot?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:58 No.24303383
    It wasn't on Ponibooru (or at least not tagged under "vector") and its not on the computer I'm using at the moment. The vector is just Twilight Sparkle on the bottom left right corner with text that forms a heart with 70's style font that says Twilight Sparkle and Friendship is Magic, I think.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:58 No.24303386

    Scootie is just too cute! I bet she smells faintly of cinnamon and cookies.

    I want a life-size Scootie plush to hug while watching episodes!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)09:59 No.24303401
    Great success.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:00 No.24303413
         File1300197657.png-(8 KB, 347x292, 1299192753808.png)
    8 KB
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)10:02 No.24303427

    I've got that image. It's someone else's work, and not just Hasbro's. I wouldn't sell it in the storefront, but I believe I can make it, set the shirt to private, and post the link. Do you want it dead center on a shirt, and what color?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:02 No.24303431
         File1300197770.png-(687 KB, 3749x2813, BOOP.png)
    687 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:03 No.24303435
    Can we get an audio clip?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:04 No.24303448
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:05 No.24303452

    Holy shit...
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:05 No.24303460

    At about 2:44
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:06 No.24303475
         File1300198013.png-(12 KB, 252x321, huh.png)
    12 KB
    It's not like it was unexpected, I pointed this out like last month.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)10:06 No.24303476
         File1300198013.png-(122 KB, 553x385, mlp_intel.png)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:07 No.24303491
         File1300198066.png-(108 KB, 800x1000, twilights_dad.png)
    108 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:09 No.24303503
    Oh snap. MLTF2P.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:09 No.24303512
    Yeah center would be fine. After looking at the AA colors, I think eggplant would work? You do suggest a better color?
    I'd also like to point out that I'm at work, so I wouldn't be able to actually buy it until I get home at around 6pm ET.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)10:13 No.24303542
         File1300198430.png-(65 KB, 301x278, NOPE.png)
    65 KB
    File name says it all.

    I'm honestly going to have to say white on this one. Due to the purple and orange in the same image, I think it'd look odd otherwise. Black is also acceptable, but not optimal, same with slate.
    >> Jason Canty 03/15/11(Tue)10:16 No.24303568
         File1300198603.png-(166 KB, 1224x1171, SirSpike.png)
    166 KB
    I'm coming Lady Rarity!

    I so would play this game and buy any toys.
    >> Golem 03/15/11(Tue)10:18 No.24303589
         File1300198727.jpg-(186 KB, 1215x717, 1299560081206.jpg)
    186 KB
    I can't make it out. What is the pony reference?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:19 No.24303596
    It's part of the theme music. The Saxophone part, in particular.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:19 No.24303605
    While not optimal, as you suggested, I'm going have to go with slate, because white is a bit too plain, personally.
    >> Golem 03/15/11(Tue)10:22 No.24303645
         File1300198961.jpg-(110 KB, 648x899, GolemMetal.jpg)
    110 KB
    If my mind wasn't a collection of runes on a old helmet, it would be blown.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:25 No.24303680
         File1300199144.png-(1.82 MB, 945x1170, Trixie the Serpent.png)
    1.82 MB

    Hey Nanaki, got some room on your coloring backburner? Can you fling some colors on >>24302320 when you get a chance bro?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:27 No.24303697
    Just came back from an awesome Doom storytime and I WANT A DOOM PONY
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:27 No.24303698
    Hey Knanaki, can you somehow get sssonic2 to come to these threads ?

    Mainly because I've been loving his fanart.

    That being said, I'd rather see him on FiMchan, or Ponychan.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)10:28 No.24303709
         File1300199287.png-(65 KB, 280x280, 280.png)
    65 KB
    Fair enough. Personally, I liked the slate, but I feared the dark purple wouldn't show up too well. Here's the finished product, okay with you?

    Also, I'm failing at finding a way to make it private, it's either exclusively available to me, deactivated and available for nobody, or available and everyone can buy it. I'll make it work.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)10:29 No.24303718
    Sure, I could do that. I'm surprised nobody has already, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:30 No.24303737
         File1300199422.jpg-(84 KB, 945x945, lunashy.jpg)
    84 KB
    Does anyone know if it was ever colored? If it wasn't, I'd like to humbly request that it is.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)10:30 No.24303739
    Don't know the guy personally, but I'll drop him a line.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:30 No.24303740
         File1300199432.png-(89 KB, 860x617, jars.png)
    89 KB
    Fucking pomibooru.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:31 No.24303756
    Thanks. And holy fuck in >>24303605 I just noticed I made a crazy comma filled sentence.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:34 No.24303793
    Sounds like a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:36 No.24303816
         File1300199780.png-(450 KB, 617x560, OH MY GOD.png)
    450 KB
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 03/15/11(Tue)10:42 No.24303894
         File1300200140.png-(61 KB, 250x250, Carrot_Top_color_corrected_id.png)
    61 KB
    Carrot Top. Apparently the guy who's done a bunch of her animations also named her the same thing, so that's nice I guess
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:42 No.24303895
         File1300200147.jpg-(14 KB, 252x200, DOOM.jpg)
    14 KB
    Yes, this pleases Doom. Now, away with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:45 No.24303931
    I finally figured out what Pokey Pierce's Very Special Talent is.

    In the audience at Trixie's first show, he showed up next to the yellow Pony with orange hair and the carrot cutie mark (not the green-haired twin who Rarity accidentally insulted).

    He is a Pony gigolo. Pinkie Pie is his pimp. Together, they keep the population down by ensuring that every mare in heat is 100% totally satisfied. He's the reason they keep pigs: for their intestines as condoms.

    So go ahead and pop those balloons, Pierce. You deserve it.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)10:47 No.24303953
         File1300200427.png-(247 KB, 945x945, Moonshy.png)
    247 KB
    Gotcha covered.

    What the fuck.

    I read it like Shatner. And it was great.

    - Only 0.03% of my total visitors have actually bought a shirt
    - Rainbow Dash shirt sales make up about 40% of my total sales
    - The only AA shirt sales I've had are of Rainbow Dash shirts, specifically the 20% cooler V2 shirts
    - It was requested by several people, but no female shirts have been sold as of right now
    - The two mane ponies who haven't had a shirt sale yet are Applejack and Pinkie Pie

    Conclusions from stats:
    - Nobody likes Pinkie Pie or Applejack
    - 40% of the people who like Rainbow Dash are either very skinny or hipsters
    - People make requests but don't buy the the finished product
    - Women don't exist
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:47 No.24303957
    One day, someone's going to go too far with this.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)10:48 No.24303974
         File1300200526.png-(401 KB, 945x945, yo_fluttershy.png)
    401 KB
    Oh hey, I just colored it too.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:48 No.24303975
    >40% of the people who like Rainbow Dash are either very skinny or hipsters
    >Women don't exist
    Totally got me there.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:52 No.24304018
    >- People make requests but don't buy the the finished product

    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)10:52 No.24304019
         File1300200733.jpg-(198 KB, 1000x1662, 1300161134658.jpg)
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    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)10:53 No.24304040
         File1300200804.jpg-(39 KB, 600x450, little..jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:54 No.24304051
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:54 No.24304061
    Rainbow Dash fans are the most annoying, it would make sense that would be the most likely to be hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)10:55 No.24304063
    Well, I am now wondering what the pony equivalent of a dope slap would be.
    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)10:55 No.24304071
         File1300200936.png-(536 KB, 800x765, totalfail.png)
    536 KB
    Bloody funny if you ask me.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:01 No.24304136
         File1300201312.png-(128 KB, 796x478, GUMMY HIJACK.png)
    128 KB
    Just sayin'.

    It's a damn shame, putting effort into things for nothing. Oh well.

    Also, sudden slowdown of thread!
    Gummy time?
    Gummy time.
    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)11:04 No.24304182
         File1300201492.jpg-(150 KB, 900x656, FOOOOAL!.jpg)
    150 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:05 No.24304186
         File1300201534.jpg-(78 KB, 275x275, RarityEng.jpg)
    78 KB
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:07 No.24304216
         File1300201625.jpg-(466 KB, 1000x777, By the Sewer Chef..jpg)
    466 KB

    I see no gummy. Why is this.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:07 No.24304231
    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:08 No.24304238
    The lack of Pinkie sales probably stems from bronies being uneasy about wearing pink in public.

    Lack of Applejack sales are probably due to her mark looking really generic out of context.

    You should sell a completely blank white shirt and market it to Sweetie Belle fans.
    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)11:09 No.24304258
         File1300201789.jpg-(50 KB, 342x256, unic-horn..jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:10 No.24304267

    The lack of Pinkie Pie sales is because there's no male Pinkie Pie shirt, only a female one, due to limited color options on Spreadshirt.

    And that is the second time someone's recommended the Sweetie Belle shirt troll.
    >> Nopony Important 03/15/11(Tue)11:10 No.24304271
    Really? You're on 4chan and you can't piece this together?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:10 No.24304277

    I would buy it.
    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)11:12 No.24304289
         File1300201926.jpg-(206 KB, 1995x1185, BakedBads.jpg)
    206 KB
    >>24304238 Lack of Applejack sales are probably due to her mark looking really generic out of context.

    Add some freckles to the shirt (like as with the shoes) and that should make it more interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:12 No.24304304
         File1300201965.png-(126 KB, 500x284, 130011883038.png)
    126 KB
    I loled hard
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:12 No.24304306
    >>24304267 there's no male Pinkie Pie shirt, only a female one, due to limited color options on Spreadshirt.

    Ha ha! Sexism.

    Actually, I can think of several girls I know who would never be caught dead wearing pink.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:13 No.24304315
    Add the words "muffin spectacle."
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:15 No.24304337
    Just put it up on the store, Hasbro Children's Hospital thanks you for it's donation!

    That is actually a great idea. Making a note.

    That was my reation. "Hah, sexism."
    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)11:16 No.24304355
         File1300202162.jpg-(29 KB, 374x250, index..jpg)
    29 KB
    >>24304271 Really? You're on 4chan and you can't piece this together?

    Well, at least Rarity can!

    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:16 No.24304365
    This. Pink is seen as a girly color so even among women it has something of a stigma. It's okay to wear it, but if you wear it too often people will make certain assumptions about you (ie, that you're very feminine, or possibly a ditz) that you might not want people to make.

    A lot of girls (myself included) avoid pink like the plague.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)11:18 No.24304388
    Her body wasn't ready for BIG Macintosh.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:20 No.24304416
    Neither is yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:24 No.24304481
    Note the difference in size, and think the words, "cunt destroyer."

    That should help you figure it out.
    >> !rIgetWetp2 03/15/11(Tue)11:24 No.24304487
         File1300202677.png-(111 KB, 700x700, chibi fluttershy.png)
    111 KB
    Sup, guys. I'm stopping by to ask for some constructive criticism on a fic I wrote. I posted it here on Friday and got one person to begin critting it, but then it got swallowed up by the new episode excitement.

    It's about the aftermath of Rainbow Dash getting kicked out of flight school
    >totally ship-free

    I'll be lurking in this thread, so you can either post your thoughts in here or send them to my e-mail. Thank you for your time.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:24 No.24304491
         File1300202684.jpg-(27 KB, 500x333, Reggie_s_hands_are_ready..jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:28 No.24304551
         File1300202896.jpg-(26 KB, 506x309, what.jpg)
    26 KB
    >Well, not yet.” Rainbow Dash said, (asdfgf) “You know how much that flight school meant to me. It was a chance to be good enough for the Wonderbolts.”
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:30 No.24304591
    It's not a colour that suits a lot of skintones other than WHITEST WHITE THAN HAS EVER WHITED so while I personally like it, it's good that a lot of girls are being turned off pink, just for their own good. If I never see a pasty white girl trying to wear yellow again, it'll be too soon...
    >> Anonycat 03/15/11(Tue)11:30 No.24304594
         File1300203050.jpg-(234 KB, 900x1038, dress..jpg)
    234 KB
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:31 No.24304604
    So, I'm writing a FAQ about 3rd party merchandise for /r/mylittlepony on reddit. Anyone have some decent topics to cover? I'm covering the big one, legality, right now.
    >> !rIgetWetp2 03/15/11(Tue)11:34 No.24304643

    Oh shit I remember putting that there to remind myself to put an adjective there later and I never did
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 03/15/11(Tue)11:36 No.24304675

    You know, it's possible he hasn't seen Suited for Success and hasn't heard the song.
    >> RagingSemi !.7WdLd240M 03/15/11(Tue)11:40 No.24304720

    You mean an adverb? Best be leaving adverbs out of quotation attributions. Also, your comma's in the wrong spot.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 03/15/11(Tue)11:41 No.24304734
    As "that guy who's making plushies", I'm interested in this too
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:43 No.24304771
    Nope, sorry. All I do is buy stuff sometimes ;_;
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:48 No.24304859
    Didn't even think of covering non-fanbase-specific stuff. My main part of legality covers the 3rd party merch targeted at adult males, aka a demographic Hasbro doesn't care about. I'll give it some thought and add it to the FAQ.

    Legally, you should be in the clear. Normally, to my knowledge, it's mainly the creators that get in trouble.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a laywer, nothing I say should be considered legal advice, etc.

    That said, most of this is basic law knowledge combined with logic and common sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:49 No.24304865
    Would you like to be a moderator on /r/mylittlepony?
    >> !rIgetWetp2 03/15/11(Tue)11:49 No.24304868
    >You mean an adverb?

    Yes, I did, actually. Sorry, I get a little confused with grammar sometimes.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:51 No.24304890

    Well, that was unexpected. I can't do it from my main reddit account due to obvious privacy concerns, but I made a throwaway under shirtbrony that would work.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:51 No.24304898
         File1300204295.jpg-(155 KB, 479x620, Twilight5.jpg)
    155 KB
    behold my completely average coloring
    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 03/15/11(Tue)11:54 No.24304933
         File1300204463.jpg-(111 KB, 500x300, 25.jpg)
    111 KB
    >New Fluttershy Shirt
    Shit, all I need now is dat new AppleJack shirt and this'll be my face
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:57 No.24304978
    That's fucking scary.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)11:58 No.24304998
    Anonycat made a suggestion of making "freckles" for the shirt. I was thinking about putting them across the chest. If you'd want that, I could get that shirt done ASAP, otherwise I'll just keep thinking of ideas while I do other things.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:58 No.24305003
         File1300204707.jpg-(46 KB, 468x551, Stalin.jpg)
    46 KB
    I like your style, comrade.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:58 No.24305013
         File1300204733.jpg-(71 KB, 600x583, 1297158895797.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)11:59 No.24305024
    Why is her mustache a totally different colour from the rest of her hair?
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)11:59 No.24305031
         File1300204789.png-(296 KB, 1181x472, forbiddenlove_wip.png)
    296 KB
    Progress image for the guy who requested this colored.
    >> !!xTZrz9SXG81 03/15/11(Tue)12:00 No.24305041
    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 03/15/11(Tue)12:01 No.24305050
         File1300204891.jpg-(118 KB, 640x714, 37.jpg)
    118 KB
    That sounds like a good idea.
    Another idea I was thinking of is this quote(pic related) along with AJ's hat on the shirt.

    Just a thought though. The freckles idea is good too. Whichever is easier for you.
    >> Hoppip !KITtY./F5s!!crHNH6BGTIA 03/15/11(Tue)12:01 No.24305056
    >non-fanbase-specific stuff
    what do you mean by that?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:04 No.24305101
    The cutie marks aren't trademarked but they are copyrighted (well, the non-generic ones). Having an actual character on merchandise would be pretty clear grounds for a cease-and-desist and legal action.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:06 No.24305125
         File1300205164.jpg-(125 KB, 986x1009, Confound-These-Ponies.jpg)
    125 KB
    I just made this, what do you guys think this?

    btw it's suppose to be a border collie pony
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:06 No.24305129
         File1300205176.png-(55 KB, 547x396, bowserpony.png)
    55 KB
    Even evil doers are falling to ponies.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:06 No.24305139
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:07 No.24305165
         File1300205272.jpg-(28 KB, 402x380, fgsfds_(ProfessorFarnsworth).jpg)
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    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)12:08 No.24305175
    Sorry about the odd wording, demographic would been a much better word than fanbase. A 3rd party plushie would appeal to both, that's where Hasbro might get a little irritated. Let me write up this FAQ thing and I'll post it up, everything should be clearer.

    Very aware of this. I state clearly that it's illegal, and even with gray-area stuff, Hasbro could higher lawyers good enough to easily get the same level of conviction as a cut-and-dry illegal one. The big part of the section is reasons why it's highly unlikely they'd take action.

    Disclaimer: Not a lawyer, this shouldn't be taken as legal advice, etc.

    Freckles are definitely easier, but I don't think designing a hat would be too difficult, even for someone like me who is awful when it comes to digital art.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:09 No.24305182
    >Border Collie Pony
    Stop that.
    Stop that right now.
    >> Nopony Important 03/15/11(Tue)12:10 No.24305208
         File1300205458.jpg-(27 KB, 474x272, even_derpy_haets_you..jpg)
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    No, don't do that.

    At the very least, don't bring it here.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:11 No.24305214
         File1300205471.gif-(67 KB, 400x360, Drink.gif)
    67 KB
    Don't you guys miss the OLD Twilight? From ep. 1-2?

    She's acting arrogantly and totally blinded by her work. No more regretful sighs and facehoofs. Does friendship really make you that biased?
    >> Wolf Nanaki !u.j5JPjwHM 03/15/11(Tue)12:12 No.24305231
         File1300205523.png-(626 KB, 986x1009, fixed_for_you_bro.png)
    626 KB
    Try making him less of a cat and more of a pony.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)12:12 No.24305242
    >higher laywers

    I mean hire.
    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 03/15/11(Tue)12:13 No.24305252
         File1300205582.jpg-(11 KB, 250x250, 39.jpg)
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    Awesome. I'll look forward to whatever you decide.
    >> Poultron !p.s6MMgH66 03/15/11(Tue)12:13 No.24305263
    it's still pretty bad but nobody can say you didnt try

    probably a lost cause, really
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!1Ci4x9DcklX 03/15/11(Tue)12:14 No.24305294
    i've said it before, i'll say it again:
    porn is always better when it's funny
    >> Poultron !p.s6MMgH66 03/15/11(Tue)12:15 No.24305311
         File1300205740.jpg-(63 KB, 237x344, sort_of_want.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:15 No.24305315
    Hey, I was wondering the status of that Twilight shirt we were talking about earlier. If it was too much trouble (or not possible) then its ok. I'll try to do it myself when I get back home.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:16 No.24305329

    Looking good man, keep it up!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:16 No.24305341
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:17 No.24305347
    I gotta ugree
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:17 No.24305363

    >She's acting arrogantly

    Twilight is turning into Trixie-lite. I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:18 No.24305372

    make a new one
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!1Ci4x9DcklX 03/15/11(Tue)12:18 No.24305374
    i've been up for 30 minutes
    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 03/15/11(Tue)12:18 No.24305392
    Friendship opened her eyes. It was the work that made her biased. Plus she'll get more experience from her wacky antics than she ever would from books.
    >> Poultron !p.s6MMgH66 03/15/11(Tue)12:20 No.24305412
    also i dont know why i bothered posting in here cuz i gotta take a nap

    i would post a pony to say goodbye but welp
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!1Ci4x9DcklX 03/15/11(Tue)12:20 No.24305419
    i like angry, hot-headed, pessimistic, bossy, anal retentive Twilight
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)12:20 No.24305425
    Idea: I make the Freckle shirt first, and put it on the store. When I get the time to sit down and make the hat and text, I'll put that up. This way, if you get fed up with waiting, you can buy the freckle one any time you want. Either way, both versions end up on the store for people who would want them, sort of like the two versions of the 20% Cooler shirt I made.

    I absolutely forgot about that. It's sitting on my product page, waiting to be added to the store. When you are ready to buy, I can add it to the public store, or if I get tired, I can add it before I fall asleep.

    I just wish I knew who drew it so I could ask them proper permission.

    And this is why the classy AJxBig Mac picture will always be my favorite.
    >> Poultron !p.s6MMgH66 03/15/11(Tue)12:21 No.24305440
    i heard twilight shirt?
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)12:24 No.24305486

    He wanted to put that image on a shirt, so I went ahead and did it for him. But seeing as it's fan-art, I don't want to permanently sell the shirt, unless I got permission from the person that made the original image, which chances would be slim to none.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:25 No.24305517
    Ok, considering that I wouldn't be able to purchase it until about 6pm ET I guess it would be best to postpone it until you fall asleep (this is assuming you live in a timezone much different than mine like in Europe or something).

    And yeah, it would be nice to give proper credit to whoever made that awesome vector.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:26 No.24305525

    Yeah, sometimes porn with some kind of humorous punchline in it can surpass run of the mill porn. I'm fond the picture of Trixie railing the hell out of Twilight with magical tentacles until she screams Trixie is the greatest and most powerful. In the end, Trixie is just happily dreaming.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:27 No.24305544
    New thread.
    >> Carl E. Sagan !!jZdlL2TMYA6 03/15/11(Tue)12:28 No.24305564
    I live in the Eastern Timezone, it's just that my sleep schedule is much different than an average person's. For reference, I woke up at about 12:15 AM today, so I've been up for about 12 hours.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)12:28 No.24305578
    Also it turns out that Traxie done everything she claims, just exaggerated thanks to her massive ego.
    Like fight a Ursa Major = drove off a normal bear
    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 03/15/11(Tue)12:29 No.24305585
    Haha, I'm not no rush, bro. Can't force a good thing.
    But that sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/11(Tue)13:31 No.24306729
    Can someone point me in the direction of MS's latest work, for some reason he said he's not putting it on his DA account

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