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03/09/11(Wed)21:46 No.24161622Migrating this over, since I want some actual pony discussion regarding episodes:
In terms of episodes, most of non MLP involves spotlighting a few characters.
Between 2 - 4 characters seems really common. One character may get the most focus, but at least one other character gets quite a bit of time as well.
At least half of this group will be of the mane cast, (CMC is a an exception. You decide for yourself if CMC is part of the them or not) This is when you flesh out characters by interaction.
Other characters can pop in and out. These background stories have little to no back story, if they get a name at all! Sometimes, a somewhat exotic one shot character acts in a defined role. [A caveat to the "one shot" role, flashbacks and cameos are allowed. Also, until the season is over, you can't really 100% sure.] Examples include Gay Serpent, Trixie, Gilda, Great Dragon, Zecora, Hydra.
Pony interaction depends on personality. Ponies seem to express it differently. Pinkie is by far most social, followed by Rainbow Dash. These two wrecking balls smash into episodes for little reason to make an appearance. They have other, very worthy goals, but not much time is spent that much time seeing them pursue these goals. These two are without a doubt different in personality, but they are both quite social. The other four do their own thing it seems, and go out to interact with others of the main cast in varying degrees. Twilight Sparkle, as the moral reader, is always involved in some small way. She is not considered as social because she prefers to stay at home studying magic. Some of the time she forced into interaction to accomplish a goal. Twilight Sparkle loves being with her friends, she just likes her "me" time too. |