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i need sleep, but i like to write
!!1Ci4x9DcklX 03/08/11(Tue)03:00 No.24115415 File1299571209.png-(177 KB, 411x353, Mayor.png)
 A new crime boss had set up shop in Ponyville and crime ran rampant in the streets. Her attempts at peaceful diplomacy had failed miserably and now the town was in ruin. The hope that violence could be avoided were shot to hell. The mayor sighed as she stared out her window at the chaos in front of her office. She didn't want it to come to this, but it seems there was no alternative. This was her town and she was damned she was going to let it fall on her watch. Donning her green pants and securing the leather strap across her chest, she kicked open her doors and launched herself into the crowd of thugs. Overtaken by her fierce whirlwind clothsline, four of the bastards were smashed in the face and thrown hard to the ground. With a running start ,she missile drop kicked the next punk and imbedded him into the wall. Another thug came at her with a knife; the Mayor sidestepping him and grabbing him by the waist. With a blast of her mighty strength, she shot sky ward and annihilated him with the devastating spinning piledriver. The look in her intense eyes sent the rest of the gang running in a panic. They knew this wasn't over, they had to tell their boss. And she let them go. It would put fear into them. Now they know: you don't mess with Mare Haggar. Then she ate a turkey from a trash can. |