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03/04/11(Fri)18:47 No.24013932This episode didn't do a lot for me.
Spike came back, which was nice, but going an entire episode with only sporadic contribution from two of the mane cast (Twilight and AJ) and little or nothing from the rest makes me sad. The finding-our-cutie-mark montage was ok at first, but it JUST. KEPT. GOING. The rock ballad was actually pretty cool, and I guess that's where my biggest issues are.
1) What sort of standards does Ponyville have for these kids? They were in tune, had choreography, had backgrounds, and they did everything without any parental assistance! For crying out loud, I've seen high school plays that were lower-quality than that! 2) Even if Ponyville is entirely populated by super-protégées, and the CMC's performance was genuinely 'bad,' how big a dick do you need to be to laugh out loud at a bunch of elementary school kids? Dammit ponies, with kids that age you clap no matter how much you think it sucks! I thought ponies were better than this. 3)If we take it as a given that ponies have absurdly high standards for their youth and that they are not afraid to mock and belittle those who fail to meet expectations, why is everypony so happy for the CMC when they win best comedy? AJ and Twilight, at least, new it wasn't supposed to be funny. They'd have been a lot more supportive if they'd helped the girls figure out how NOT to suck next time, instead of just going, 'hurr, you got a medal, so everything's peachy!'
And now I'm done ranting. Still liked the episode, for all that. Just probably in my bottom three, along with the first CMC one and the pilot. |