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03/02/11(Wed)20:59 No.23961071 File1299117577.jpg-(470 KB, 800x960, shit just got rainbow.jpg)
 >>23960889 You mean this?:
Twilight Doom: Saw that her kind, benevolent ruler Celestia was to weak to the ponies of Equestria. She and Supreme Nightmare Moon worked together in taking her down, leading an era of darkness. Now has the title of Second-in-Command as Supreme Sorceress.
Lemonpeel: She took down many members of the Lemon clan in order to become head of the ranch through deceit and sheer dishonesty. Even her Discord sisters don't know if she's telling them the truth. Her little sister and older brother are forces who should not be dealt with.
Blues Brush: Always sad, always scared, always in despair. She seems to care for her allies, but they know it's only herself she's looking out for when things get dangerous. Her tears can fill up a room in a matter of seconds and her tales of sorrow can send the happiest pony off the edge of a cliff.
Rainbow Brash: Don't let the name fool you, this selfish coward would use her friends as a meatshield as soon as trouble arises. Always says she'll be the first to go into a conflict, yet she actually stands back and lets the true monsters like Flutterdye and Twilight Doom do the work. One time Doom sneezed and Brash shouted "OUR LEADER HAS FALLEN! I SHALL NOW TAKE UP LEADERSHIP!"
Vanity: Expect her to do something for you? If your worth her time maybe she'll help out, otherwise consider yourself in a world of pain for wasting her time. No matter how horrible her "dresses" are, never utter a word of criticism; the last pony had his eyes and mouth sewn shut.
Flutterdye: the most dangerous pony out of all of them. Her cruelty knows bounds, having almost destroyed all wildlife in Equestria right after Supreme Nightmare Moon took the throne. A bloodthirsty, loud, lustful, conniving creature, she is not shy to murder someone so that she and her Discord sisters can stay comfortable. |