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!tedl177Zx2 03/02/11(Wed)18:10 No.23955996I'll just repost here, up to the point I was at. I decided to stop going further.
>>23955219 >the society in MLP: FiM should be highly stratified along class and racial lines. Not necessarily. Their god-empress represents a unification of all three races, and I suspect her word has gone a LONG way to limiting class divisions, to such simple facts such as only pegasus can walk on clouds thus, only pegasus hang out on Cloudsdale (other than Lyra) > the concept of one intelligent species keeping another for milking purposes is quite disturbing if interrogated closely enough. Other cultures such as cows or mules have not been explored. It's possible they are kept for milking purposes, or merely trade their goods and services with the ponies. >Perhaps magical power is biologically tied to rare individuals, or is physically debilitating, or has effects that are dangerous and unpredictable, or is restricted by a higher power. Any of these caveats would make magic problematic as a source of increased economic efficiency. However, none of these applies to magic as presented by MLP: FiM. Actually, they all do. Talents such as Twilight's and (possibly) Trixies seem to be few and far between. Most other demonstrations of magic have been on minor tasks, like needle sowing. Now why, I could an argument that such fine object manipulation does give unicorns an advantage over non-magical cousins, I don't see it as a huge advantage in producing goods largescale: IE industry. Thus, non-magical ponies are given a fighting chance, in so much as biology allows (no whether controlling Earth ponies, unless you have Pinkie Pie's cantabulous fabtraption skills.
In addition, Twilight has shown that using magic does cost stamina, which you stated it does not. so you are clearly wrong.
Finally, Twilight, a user highly skilled in magic, has shown that magic can be very dangerous and unpredictable, just see Winter Wrap Up.
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