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  • File : 1298534954.png-(120 KB, 536x600, Fluttershy - Stop Disliking What I Like.png)
    120 KB MLP General Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 02/24/11(Thu)03:09 No.23764623  
    Cause the Last Pony thread hit image limit
    Topic: whatever we were talking about in the last thread... carry on.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:10 No.23764655
    ITT: The main character of the last comic you read/cartoon you watched (besides ponies) meets the MLP cast.

    Does hilarity ensue?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:10 No.23764660
    >continuing previous discussion
    The A-10 is beautiful.
    >> Cereal Velocity !!FLiyuBZFR+6 02/24/11(Thu)03:11 No.23764667
    I think we were discussing how much blog pony liked ponies.

    Anyway, question for those still on. If I extended my writing guide, would you read it?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:11 No.23764675
         File1298535074.jpg-(29 KB, 417x265, cakespike.jpg)
    29 KB
    This can has be Spike thread?
    You know Spike thread's are best threads.
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 02/24/11(Thu)03:11 No.23764691
         File1298535116.gif-(1.73 MB, 450x350, 1293984940826.gif)
    1.73 MB
    Topic: What do you think Friday's Episode is going to be like?

    Do you think it'll be able to somehow.... SOMEHOW scratch the surface of Rainbow Dash's episode last week?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:12 No.23764694
         File1298535122.jpg-(302 KB, 902x1118, frottershy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:13 No.23764724

    I predict lots of implied /ss/
    >> ManaCrevice 02/24/11(Thu)03:13 No.23764731
    (Posting again because I want friendship)
    Oh jeez. Well I just spent an hour working on this request. Hope you enjoy it.

    Presenting a DRAMATIC READING of Campfire Stories.

    Original Story:

    (I should note this was pretty much all done on the fly, If people are interested in more of this silliness I'll do some actual editing in the future. Also it's 50+ minutes long so have some free time)
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:13 No.23764732
         File1298535221.png-(212 KB, 640x453, unclear-(n1294177827836).png)
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    I'm quite fond of the discussion about things on ponies heads
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:13 No.23764736
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:13 No.23764737
    Considering its Fluttershy babysitting the CMC, and having trouble with em, I'm predicting slapstick ala Pinkie Keen, only instead of's Fluttershy...and Applebloom will be grounded for being a jerk.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:14 No.23764746
         File1298535267.png-(176 KB, 585x461, tyranidpony.png)
    176 KB
    How about some crossover pony?
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 02/24/11(Thu)03:14 No.23764747
         File1298535267.png-(Spoiler Image, 242 KB, 945x945, 129727037429.png)
    Spoiler Image, 242 KB
    hmm let's see.
    don't you mean /ii/
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:14 No.23764750
         File1298535282.jpg-(34 KB, 640x427, 2s9axok.jpg)
    34 KB
    Anyone have that chart that listed some of the ponies and generations and how they changed over time?
    Was pretty bomb.
    >> Snarky Bastard 02/24/11(Thu)03:14 No.23764751

    i think it's ugly, but not in a bad way.

    it's ugliness is beautiful to me, in the same way that a boxer is ugly but beautiful, because it's a big, tough, mean motherfuck that was designed to do one thing, but wound up doing two-- making things stop living, and scaring the fuck out of Ivan.

    /r/ing Rarity piloting her A-10.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:14 No.23764752
    I thought we all agreed on putting spoilers on such pictures
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:15 No.23764760
    >> Cereal Velocity !!FLiyuBZFR+6 02/24/11(Thu)03:15 No.23764766

    Seconding this request.
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/24/11(Thu)03:15 No.23764767
         File1298535333.jpg-(132 KB, 598x360, 1298267879657.jpg)
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    >> Trixie's Stolen Horadric Cube !mIuht8JKS. 02/24/11(Thu)03:15 No.23764774
         File1298535353.jpg-(682 KB, 1509x848, 1298355659244.jpg)
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    Rarity was yesterday, thanks to this image

    But I had this really strange dream last night...

    I was walking down the street, and randomly entered some house.

    Inside Trixie was in that rarity position smoking one of those hookah things, apparently stoned or something. I've only ever seen a hookah pipe once...

    I woke up before anything else happened.


    now trixie is waifu regardless.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:16 No.23764776
         File1298535367.jpg-(82 KB, 642x813, 1244103983740.jpg)
    82 KB
    Just throwing this out here...

    Whether or not Trixie was in the wrong or not is not really important when it comes to her popularity.

    Trixie is popular because:

    1. Dat NEIIGHSAYERS voice
    2. Her colour scheme is very cute and alluring
    3. Her cloak and wizard hat look good on her
    4. She's very exciting to watch... humiliating ponies and falling off her high horse... which was very refreshing after the fairly bland side character experience of Gilda the week before

    Anyone with me?
    >> Trixie's Stolen Horadric Cube !mIuht8JKS. 02/24/11(Thu)03:16 No.23764787
         File1298535412.png-(Spoiler Image, 165 KB, 624x664, 1295401544301.png)
    Spoiler Image, 165 KB
    no but this does
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:16 No.23764788
         File1298535417.png-(169 KB, 636x356, 1297128471884.png)
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    lol black twilight
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 02/24/11(Thu)03:17 No.23764792
         File1298535426.png-(322 KB, 794x635, 1297298110415.png)
    322 KB
    we've had spike threads all night... for a goodass reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:17 No.23764801
         File1298535447.gif-(741 KB, 428x320, 1296028956692.gif)
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    Animal Man / Pony Crossover

    Sounds... magical! :3
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 02/24/11(Thu)03:17 No.23764808
         File1298535464.png-(677 KB, 640x360, 1295881893858.png)
    677 KB
    open your eyes.
    Rainbow Dash will always be the best.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:18 No.23764827
    As one of her detractors from the previous thread, I'm fine with all of that. It's one thing to like a character for all her faults. It's quite another to try and rationalize her faults away and divert blame from where she fucked up.

    For example: I'm a Rainbow Dash fan. I fully acknowledge that Dash was a bit of a cunt in Fall Weather Friends. And that's fine. In fact, I love her all the more for what a MAGNIFICENT cunt she was.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:19 No.23764841
    Sup /co/mmies, /v/irgin here. Your confounded pony threads all over 4chan made me have a look at this show. I am now hooked. You bastards.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:19 No.23764844
         File1298535583.png-(56 KB, 1217x752, equestria.png)
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    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/24/11(Thu)03:20 No.23764856
    well i'm off to bed too night bronies
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:20 No.23764858
         File1298535628.jpg-(107 KB, 800x627, EYES.jpg)
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    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/24/11(Thu)03:20 No.23764859
         File1298535629.jpg-(319 KB, 540x504, Haters Gonna Hate Regular Show.jpg)
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    Mordecai and Rigby...

    Oh christ.
    >> ROOGNA, Greatsword Wielder the Obnoxiosly Long-Named !!qOjSZR79yv2 02/24/11(Thu)03:20 No.23764870
    >Implying I would be wearing pants and not a pony
    >> Cereal Velocity !!FLiyuBZFR+6 02/24/11(Thu)03:20 No.23764871
         File1298535648.jpg-(39 KB, 470x269, 1296850890573.jpg)
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    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:21 No.23764888
    that fluttershy and rarity?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:21 No.23764889
         File1298535681.png-(43 KB, 210x210, derpy_rose.png)
    43 KB
    Would anypony be so kind as to take an animated gif request for me?
    >> Snarky Bastard 02/24/11(Thu)03:21 No.23764891

    i've had ONE pony dream. it was last night. i distinctly remember Rarity.

    i don't remember how it got to this point, but it turned into some weird amalgamation of Crocodile Hunter and River Monsters wherein Jeremy Wade was explaining the best ways to kill and consume highly-venomous snakes. i remember thinking "those are endangered, Jeremy. why are they letting you just KILL AND EAT them, and why isn't, like, Bear Grylls doing this?" but sadly, Jeremy Wade was deaf to my protests. the Stig made a delightful cameo at one point, and then i woke up. all in all, it was a strange, worrying, anti-herpetological dream yet pro culinary dream.

    oh yeah, and i was watching River Monsters and playing MGS3 before i went to beddy-byes, so maybe that had something to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:21 No.23764893
    Hey bronies! Thought you might like this: watch?v=RQZkK2reapE
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:21 No.23764897
         File1298535709.png-(6 KB, 293x315, 1295483445524.png)
    6 KB
    Fellow /v/irgin here. The bastards did the same to me.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/24/11(Thu)03:22 No.23764908
         File1298535754.gif-(16 KB, 993x442, Mission Accomplished.gif)
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    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 02/24/11(Thu)03:22 No.23764910
         File1298535757.png-(136 KB, 486x516, mylittledeadspace.png)
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    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:23 No.23764915
    Happened to me too. Welcome to the club
    >> Snarky Bastard 02/24/11(Thu)03:23 No.23764918

    fission not mailed.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:23 No.23764919
         File1298535806.jpg-(419 KB, 945x945, 1298219867057.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:23 No.23764920
         File1298535810.png-(137 KB, 639x356, 36853221.png)
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    >Watch episode Feeling Pinkie Keen
    >Twilight experimenting on Pinkie scene
    >"I will not believe in anything that I cannot explain."
    Twilight confirmed for Atheist.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:23 No.23764930
    I found Trixie to be very bland as a character, personally. She just comes off as a generic stuck up chick to me, basically doing stuff that doesn't make sense (how do you make money coming to a town and insulting everyone?) because it moves the plot along.

    I've noticed that most Trixie fics try to retcon a motivation unto her actions, because they simply don't make sense on the show.

    Her visual design and voice were really great, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:24 No.23764935
    I'm still waiting for a tsundere pony. Twilight just needs an extra push to get there. When that happens then motherofgod.jpg
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 02/24/11(Thu)03:24 No.23764941
         File1298535853.jpg-(170 KB, 566x539, Rigby.jpg)
    170 KB
    your welcome.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:24 No.23764947
    I think the only fault with Trixie is that she was an asshole. She was haughty to begin with, but once she started getting heckled she went all Michael Richards on her detractors.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:25 No.23764954
    That whole episode was an allusion to religion/science. Good stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:25 No.23764956
         File1298535912.jpg-(105 KB, 500x373, 1298437358344.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:25 No.23764957
    >Shitstorm incoming
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:25 No.23764960
    That's not atheism. That's just being stubborn.

    Plenty of atheists can explain God just fine: they think he's made up.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:25 No.23764966
    So do the makers of this show know about their 'other' fan base? You know, the ones that aren't actually little girls but want to be the little girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764969
         File1298535964.jpg-(177 KB, 800x1100, were_my_little_pony_by_baby_bl(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764976
         File1298535980.png-(495 KB, 1347x2217, 1294566870126.png)
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    I love how confused and uncertain new recruits are

    Dont worry guys... the hesitance will soon fade away
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764977
    >how do you make money coming to a town and insulting everyone?
    Ever seen standup comedy?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764981
    I've started to fantasize about sex with Rarity recently. Imagine giving her a good hard fucking on her big luxurious bed. Imagine her voice saying "oh, oh, oh, DAAAAARRRRRRRLLLLLINNNNNGGGGG" as your head is buried between her thighs.
    >> Cereal Velocity !!FLiyuBZFR+6 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764982

    Well, as someone who wrote just such a story, such stories exist because we don't really get any indication as to why she's like that. Nearly blank slates of characters are fun to write and fill in blanks for.

    anyway I'm going to stop defending Trixie now and go to bed before blog pony decides to pay me in rape dollars.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764983
         File1298536003.jpg-(260 KB, 800x1100, were_pony_transformation_by_ba(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764984
         File1298536009.png-(75 KB, 250x250, twilight_3.png)
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    >Twilight confirmed for Atheist

    More importantly:

    Magic confirmed for science
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:26 No.23764986
    Except it wasn't, according to Lauren herself. It was about being open-minded and accepting that you don't know everything.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:27 No.23764991
    I disagree. It's about phenomenon attribution tendencies.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:27 No.23764997
    Jesus, what the fuck man?!
    *fap fap fap*
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:27 No.23764999
         File1298536062.jpg-(168 KB, 800x1100, were_pony_final_form_by_baby_b(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:28 No.23765006
    bump for ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:28 No.23765009
    But that's why you experiment. TO KNOW EVERYTHING.

    This is why Twilight is (was) awesome.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/24/11(Thu)03:29 No.23765026
         File1298536144.jpg-(31 KB, 640x360, My Little Pony Sweetie Belle 2.jpg)
    31 KB

    And ponies you shall receive.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:29 No.23765027
    You know what I hate most about this series of...transformation erotica?

    Are those tears of joy? Fear?

    Either one is terrible.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:29 No.23765031
    Bah! What would you know?!
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:29 No.23765047
    Like she's gonna say "oh yeah, it was about religion. I put religious things in my cartoons".
    >> Snarky Bastard 02/24/11(Thu)03:30 No.23765065
         File1298536252.gif-(26 KB, 340x449, morrigan appr.gif)
    26 KB

    fucking right.

    except you're not really right, she used magic separately from science.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:31 No.23765076

    Because the first five minutes of the show totally weren't supposed to be a religious analogue.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:31 No.23765077
    Ever since Disney's Pinocchio and that donkey scene, transformation stuff like this freaks the hell out of me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:31 No.23765081
    Trixie isn't a comedian. People go to comedy shows expecting that sort of thing. They do not go to magic shows expecting that. First rule of showbiz: Go too far outside the audience's expectations and no matter how good your act is, they'll hate it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:32 No.23765087
         File1298536325.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 275 KB, 637x730, 1290490118716.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 275 KB

    ...We're talking about HUMAN Rarity here, right?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:32 No.23765107
    I'm arguing that ep was about religion, but Lauren would never say it outright.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:33 No.23765109
         File1298536396.jpg-(147 KB, 946x536, 1298361101840.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:33 No.23765112

    You knock that shit off, damnit.

    You do not make a mockery of the life's work of the Horadrim.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:33 No.23765113
         File1298536409.png-(149 KB, 393x305, 4257875.png)
    149 KB
    Except she later accepts that Pinkie was able to predict the future.
    So, if anything, she was converted to religion.

    Also, who's excited for the new episode?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:33 No.23765115
    Except that everypony except for Twilight & co. loved it.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/24/11(Thu)03:33 No.23765122
         File1298536437.png-(40 KB, 209x202, My Little Pony Rainbow Dash 10.png)
    40 KB

    oh god, don't make me remember that scene...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:33 No.23765123
    I cannot watch that movie because of that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:34 No.23765133
    I love brony conversion stories, even if some of them are probably fakes.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:34 No.23765136
    I'd say she accepts there are things that are unexplainable. Even scientists accept that. Doesn't mean it's due to a higher power.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 02/24/11(Thu)03:35 No.23765138
         File1298536509.png-(88 KB, 346x249, 1298352150854.png)
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    since when do these threads need bump unless it's not the real general?
    >> Snarky Bastard 02/24/11(Thu)03:35 No.23765139
         File1298536509.jpg-(30 KB, 360x359, shepard deal wit.jpg)
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    i dated a girl like that once. she didn't scream "DAAAARLIIIING", but she DID grab my head and run her fingers through, and pull, my (longer back then) hair when i ate her out, and then she'd cross her legs around my neck and pull me closer into her.

    she was dubious at first about being eaten out, but she... changed her tune. she complained that her exes so far haven't been able to get her off because of how much she enjoyed me.

    pic related, it's my face when she gave me that complaint.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:35 No.23765147
         File1298536548.png-(142 KB, 595x1737, 1293751947201.png)
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    Yeah they probably are fakes

    But it's fun to pretend
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:35 No.23765148
    But Pinkie Pie CAN predict the future! This is empirically observable and has been correct in 100% of circumstances. That's a pretty strong correlation, there. She accepted something that was FUCKING OBVIOUSLY true, even though there was no explanation apparent.

    It was basically the same moral as Swarm of the Century (i.e. "Pinkie Pie is always right"), just in different words.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:36 No.23765150
    Why not? She's been very open about her creative process so far, and there isn't any law against putting religion in your cartoons. She's even admitted that the "leap of faith" line was a mistake because it gave the wrong impression.

    The idea that it's a religious analogue is totally ridiculous anyway. Religion is based on believing in things you can't see or prove. We see Pinkie sense work CONSTANTLY throughout the episode. It's proven by simple observation. (remember that explaining something and proving something are different things.)

    Twilight's actions weren't those of an atheist denying God existed, they were more like someone going outside in a rainstorm and insisting it was a beautiful sunny day.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:36 No.23765155
         File1298536589.png-(175 KB, 1322x1084, 1298280012290.png)
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    I can't get this kind of image out of my head where Big Macintosh, Chief of Police, is about to clean the streets.
    Anyone have part 2 of this by chance?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:37 No.23765167
    I imagine parents would get all uptight about it. Could be a PR nightmare.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:37 No.23765169
         File1298536642.png-(214 KB, 640x360, 1298358449205-1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:37 No.23765174

    But how did you perform cunninglus standing up straight with your arms folded in front of your chest wearing heavy duty advanced military armor?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:37 No.23765175
         File1298536662.jpg-(53 KB, 529x327, 1291491737975-(n1293202293221).jpg)
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    ogod weren't those kids sold to the coal mines too?
    No! I musn't remember this!
    >> Trixie's Stolen Horadric Cube !mIuht8JKS. 02/24/11(Thu)03:37 No.23765177
         File1298536670.png-(Spoiler Image, 174 KB, 475x386, azxc.png)
    Spoiler Image, 174 KB
    Waaat, sex exists?

    I thought it was a myth to keep nerds like myself down.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:38 No.23765179
         File1298536683.png-(100 KB, 350x350, twilight_1.png)
    100 KB
    1. It's a poorly written episode. Most would agree.

    2. Ponies haven't demonstrated any knowledge of religion or belief in a higher power. While we can clearly draw religious analogues, I would think all ponies are atheistic and nonreligious. They have magic for crying out loud.

    3. Ponies seem to be scientifically pretty underdeveloped. While they have a lot of modern conveniences, they seem to lack the maturity to understand the implications of the technology they have access, too. Lauren suggested that the ponies have the maturity of young adults, but the life experience of someone much younger.

    Just some food for thought.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:38 No.23765180
         File1298536685.png-(603 KB, 945x945, 1298516168922.png)
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    I like Trixie, but her other fans don't make it easy.
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)03:38 No.23765182
         File1298536712.png-(98 KB, 266x410, scoots_wellll.png)
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    Hiro, as president of the local chapter of the Sweetie Belle fanclub, you must be going nuts considering the content of the upcoming episode
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:38 No.23765184
    Salt mines.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)03:38 No.23765189
         File1298536724.png-(426 KB, 720x540, Celestia runs equestria.png)
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    Athiest? God is her college Professor.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:39 No.23765193
    The great and powerful Trixie does not "shoo-be-doo!"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:40 No.23765202
    I just want to say

    The threads tonight have been magical

    I love you
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:40 No.23765213
    >Salt mines
    >Just imagined ponies working in salt mines
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:40 No.23765214

    Thanks, I love me too.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:41 No.23765218
    Having helped a cow give birth when I was younger and living on a farm... I cant help but wonder if sliding my arm into Celestia's snatch would feel the same

    Like a big pair of wet, rubbery car tires crushing my arm from both sides
    >> ManaCrevice 02/24/11(Thu)03:41 No.23765227
         File1298536895.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 5 KB, 130x96, 130px-CoachmanScaryFace.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 5 KB

    They won't be comin' BOYS
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)03:41 No.23765230
         File1298536919.png-(27 KB, 314x314, derpypipe.png)
    27 KB

    hear hear
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:42 No.23765238
    Hey Titanium, one 34 I made was posted on your site. Is there a way to get statistics? Views, etc? My ego won't let it go.
    >> Trixie's Stolen Horadric Cube !mIuht8JKS. 02/24/11(Thu)03:42 No.23765240
         File1298536962.png-(81 KB, 380x315, 1296019753040.png)
    81 KB
    I'm gonna go read fics and chill with invisible trixie. Laters
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:42 No.23765241
         File1298536972.png-(79 KB, 437x600, technicolorpie_RDwhut.png)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:42 No.23765245
    Nope haven't seen part 2 of that one.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:43 No.23765246
    Her vagina burns hotter than the surface of the sun. Your arm melts right the fuck off.

    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:43 No.23765247

    You're talking about violating a goddess who got pissy and stuck another deity into the moon for a millennium because she couldn't be arsed to say, "I'm sorry, can we be friends again?"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:44 No.23765262
    Wait a minute. That's Titanium of Paheal?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:44 No.23765265

    But wouldnt you agree it'd totally be worth it?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:45 No.23765268
         File1298537112.png-(374 KB, 599x588, 1297536226929.png)
    374 KB

    RD fan that for the most part agrees, but I think she was okay in the first half of the episode. Using her wings in the first competition was not cheating because,

    a.) The rules did not forbid it


    b.) Wings are a natural athletic advantage, and asking her not to use them is like asking a tall person to squat for a competition. In fact, if the goal is to determine Ponyville's best athlete, it seems pretty besides the point to ask RD not to use her wings, just as it would be foolish to ask AJ not to use the back leg strength she's acquired from all the years of apple bucking.

    Rainbow was an utter cunt in the race, though.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 02/24/11(Thu)03:45 No.23765269
         File1298537112.png-(86 KB, 396x207, we'vegottohavepony.png)
    86 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:45 No.23765271
    I know I didn't comment last thread, I'm sorry. Thank you so much! Have all of my friendship
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:45 No.23765274
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:46 No.23765281
         File1298537175.jpg-(349 KB, 1032x860, NO-sonic.jpg)
    349 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:46 No.23765283
    You keep posting that but they don't look much alike.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:47 No.23765291

    Ugh, that film was almost as bad as your art.

    Nah, I'm just joshin' you. It's cool you like to draw or whatever, even if your shit ain't my cup of tea.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:47 No.23765292
    Yes. She absolutely was a cunt in that race. So was AJ. But god damn if it wasn't entertaining! Seeing Rainbow all vindictive like that made for some great comedy.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:48 No.23765304

    Except she DID cheat at both long jump and tug o' war. What she did was clearly outside of the rules and the spirit of those two events.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:49 No.23765305
    >implying that hack drew that masterful drawing
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)03:49 No.23765309
         File1298537357.png-(183 KB, 1225x811, 1296792634881.png)
    183 KB
    So much this. I have no problem with people liking x or y character or villain. I have a problem lying to yourself about them then posting it as fact here.

    I can see why Trixie is popular, and to some extent, even Gilda. Just don't try to martyrize them
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:49 No.23765312
         File1298537383.png-(153 KB, 500x500, 1298343871555.png)
    153 KB
    It's fairly well established that Nightmare Moon was more powerful than Celestia considering she was able to prevent the sun from rising. Might just have been that dark side "hate makes you stronger" type deal, but still. Celestia had to use the Elements of Harmony to beat her, and they don't appear to have any setting other than "fuck shit up with the power of rainbows."

    So it's not like she banished Luna on a whim. She only had two choices: Eternal night or 1000 years of imprisonment for her sister.

    I dunno, I think it's cute and heartbreaking, but everyone seems to prefer Evil Dictator Celestia.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:49 No.23765316
         File1298537394.png-(24 KB, 1009x378, loltyres.png)
    24 KB
    Oh well... I only posted >>23765218 in the interests of getting this image

    But I HAVE helped cows give birth... no authority on horses though

    Never had anything to really do with them
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:49 No.23765317
         File1298537397.png-(237 KB, 1366x768, keepponin.png)
    237 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:50 No.23765319

    Uh -- I didn't imply that at all, not sure how you got that from what I said.
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 02/24/11(Thu)03:50 No.23765323
    think about it this way, choose the right time (like before the first episode or before the MLP storyline started.
    and you might have gotten stuck in the moon with Luna for 1000 years.

    >implying i wouldn't want to get stuck with Luna on my birthday, today.might draw myself something out of pity and post it.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)03:51 No.23765328
    I think evil dictator is a running joke, like Dash's Candy Vag.

    No serious brony believe she's evil for a moment, canon.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:51 No.23765341

    Resorting to gross pony rights violations instead of seeking a diplomatic solution is NOT cute.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:52 No.23765342
    Not really. There's upvotes and comments. That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:52 No.23765345
    Yes. It did violate the spirit of the events. But Dash doesn't give a fuck. Her sole objective was to win, and her wings weren't expressly forbidden. So she used them to win. Period. Why they even bothered to include events that were so clearly stacked in Dash's favor is a bit strange if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:52 No.23765348
         File1298537546.png-(164 KB, 515x360, 1288858622644.png)
    164 KB

    Slywit is a sympathiser! GET HIM!
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:52 No.23765354
    Yep, it's me
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:53 No.23765358

    It's called a permissive ruleset.

    There's no rule in basketball that says dogs can't play.
    >> ManaCrevice 02/24/11(Thu)03:53 No.23765363

    Validation for my insanity! I feel better now. Hope you enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:54 No.23765369
         File1298537645.jpg-(157 KB, 800x600, 1297843187100.jpg)
    157 KB

    Looks like someone needs to read up on their!

    Also, Applejack is stronger because she's an earth pony, wins tug-o-war because of her race.

    Rainbow Dash can be trickier because she's a pegasus, wins tug-o-war because of her race.

    Explain this difference.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:54 No.23765374
         File1298537659.jpg-(802 KB, 400x4210, 1298509103827.jpg)
    802 KB
    Anyone up for some Baked Bads?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:54 No.23765383
    tires... the imagery... oh my
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:55 No.23765387
         File1298537700.jpg-(18 KB, 300x300, air bud.jpg)
    18 KB
    Indeed. But they're probably not very good.

    Except one...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:55 No.23765395
         File1298537730.png-(137 KB, 350x350, pinkie_2.png)
    137 KB
    Happy birthday!

    You should throw a party
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 02/24/11(Thu)03:55 No.23765398
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:55 No.23765400
    christ someone was bored
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)03:55 No.23765402
         File1298537753.gif-(529 KB, 400x280, 1296406584403.gif)
    529 KB
    Nah, the wings were very unsportsmanly. Which was the whole point. I'll use this amusing analogy again, but it's like if you entered a race against people in wheelchairs and then proceeded to jump out of the chair and run it across the finish line. Almost every time Dash used her wings, it was to defeat the purpose of what the sport was testing.

    AJ thought she didn't HAVE to tell Dash how to behave in a friendly competition.

    Twilight stuck to the Letter of the Law.

    Dash started to give up sportsmanship the moment it meant she might lose.

    Really, the biggest flaw was that communication broke down between them. That led to everything simply escalating.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:55 No.23765403

    Uh -- the difference is that the rules of tug o' war are pretty clear. Chicanery to stop yourself from actually touching the mud after being pulled across the threshold is both expressly forbidden and petty.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)03:56 No.23765411
    Lol it's not that big a deal. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:56 No.23765412
         File1298537782.jpg-(107 KB, 900x675, 1298459302224.jpg)
    107 KB
    Anyone got more like this?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:56 No.23765414

    >Buhuhuhuh I can't skip over and ignore this image, what a chore, my big fat mouth just has to say something about it
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)03:56 No.23765418
         File1298537809.png-(422 KB, 822x459, luna says no.png)
    422 KB

    the prologue explicitly states diplomacy failed. Celestia attempted to reason with her but "No pony could change her mind"

    Celestia DID seek a diplomatic solution, it just failed.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:57 No.23765422
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:57 No.23765423
         File1298537849.png-(58 KB, 187x182, 1297058651438.png)
    58 KB
    Do you have an actual recipe, rather than just pictures? As entertaining as they are, they dont help me bake bads and serve them to my unsuspecting friends.
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 02/24/11(Thu)03:57 No.23765427
    na i think i'm just gonna go with the pic.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:57 No.23765430
         File1298537866.jpg-(248 KB, 1024x551, 1297109316896.jpg)
    248 KB
    >Bitching about religion in Feeling Pinkie Keen.
    >Bitching about Trixie.
    >Bitching about Gilda.
    >Bitching about Dash in Fall Weather Friends.

    Better luck next thread. I'm off to bed.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)03:58 No.23765436
         File1298537889.gif-(693 KB, 350x197, Trixie is outta here.gif)
    693 KB
    Oh shi--
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:59 No.23765445
    Frankly, we don't know if it's expressly forbidden or not. Pony-rules may just state "first pony to eat mud loses." And Rainbow Dash plays to win above all else. If you tell her not to fly, she'll gladly oblige. But they didn't do that, and so all bets were off.

    Dickish? Yes. In character? Double yes. Rainbow Dash is alpha and doesn't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:59 No.23765446
         File1298537947.jpg-(133 KB, 1088x591, Baked Bads Redo.jpg)
    133 KB
    Improved recipe thanks to /ck/
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:59 No.23765449

    Revisionist history in a dictatorship?

    Say is isn't so!

    We have no reliable witnesses for that time period, no independent verification. And don't tell me there isn't a middleground between diplomacy and imprisonment for a millennium.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)03:59 No.23765454
    OK, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:00 No.23765459
    Rarity should use her holodeck magic to create the ultimate test of athleticism, with individual tests tailored to each pony's race.
    >> Nopony Important 02/24/11(Thu)04:00 No.23765460
    So far the only pony dream I remember having involved Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. It started off I was driving Fluttershy to some wildlife preserve, up until I took a corner a bit too fast and clipped a police car. This resulted in the natural reaction of every squad car in the county appearing to try and ram my ass off the road. I turned to Fluttershy to say... Something, don't remember what, but she was gone and now it was Rainbow Dash in the passenger seat. turns out Dash is an awesome pony to have by you side when the cops are chasing you. A bit terrifying, but awesome.

    >implying I don't sleep naked
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:00 No.23765461
    Was totally expecting Zacora to say it will suck something else out... Alas 34 has ruined me
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:01 No.23765473
         File1298538064.png-(37 KB, 217x342, 1298453923421.png)
    37 KB
    Gracias, brony!
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 02/24/11(Thu)04:01 No.23765482
         File1298538089.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 480 KB, 700x700, 1296434431371.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 480 KB
    >serve your friends bake bads
    why not just serve your friends with this?
    this is the recipe i used to serve my friends...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:01 No.23765487
         File1298538111.png-(494 KB, 1024x576, 1286937482934.png)
    494 KB
    a bunch of baby bunnies
    send them to the moon

    jealous mare of darkness
    send her to the moon
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:01 No.23765491
    That's . . . hypnotizing . ..
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:01 No.23765492
         File1298538114.jpg-(493 KB, 945x945, Trixie.jpg)
    493 KB

    Most Trixie and Gilda fans do not wave the fact that the characters had faults. Trixie was arrogant and Gilda was very much a jerk. However, when people start dumping all the blame on those two and dismiss the other parties as guilt free, which they often do, the Trixie and Gilda defense forces roll out very fast.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:02 No.23765494
         File1298538138.png-(109 KB, 372x337, 129860655.png)
    109 KB
    I dunno. Just go off from what the show did.
    -Sugar and eggs (ambiguous)
    -A whole bag of potato chips.
    -An entire bottle of Coca-cola
    -A cup of lemon Juice
    -Some worms.
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)04:02 No.23765499
         File1298538175.jpg-(204 KB, 797x1417, nmm4.jpg)
    204 KB

    The elements of harmony, as pointed out, aren't negotiators. They don't have power levels like phasers. If she had to use them, which she did, as its implied Night Mare was more powerful than Celestia, there was only one outcome possible.

    The only one to blame for Luna's banishment is Luna, as she was the one who snapped. I don't need to tell you what eternal night would do to plant and animal life. She went genocidal.

    Thats not to say she didn't get a raw deal earlier, but she went completely nuts.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:03 No.23765501
         File1298538186.gif-(164 KB, 493x286, 1296441068450.gif)
    164 KB
    I would keep my ponies and my fapping completely separate.

    I learned my lesson about that from Wakfu
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:03 No.23765511
    Someone make a .gif of the bit where she's being held up and kicking her legs.

    Adorable overload.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:04 No.23765514
         File1298538240.png-(43 KB, 197x193, 1297227822511.png)
    43 KB
    Because that.. Is not all in good fun.
    Unless you're playing TF2.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:04 No.23765517
    So why would you purposely do that? It was the truth
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:04 No.23765522

    You can't do that.

    In a fictional world, all variables that are not expressly described otherwise have to be assumed to be identical to the real world. Just because the mechanics of stars aren't discussed in The Caves of Steel doesn't mean we can assume that the light and heat from the Sun in that story might be caused by a tyrannosaurus at the center of our solar system rubbing two massive, yellow jelly beans together.

    You can't just say, "well maybe the rules are different in that world" when we have no information either way. We have to assume the rules are the same or our ability to relate to the narrative dissolves.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:04 No.23765523

    also dont forget that estrous cycles are controlled by seasonal temperature

    so in short Luna wanted a dark, cold, lifeless, SEXLESS Equestria

    And that's terrible
    >> Tanman 02/24/11(Thu)04:04 No.23765525
    Ok, so I'm putting out a big /r/ for EVERYPONY in pony threads.

    I want to see your own Album art for Super Ponybeat. Why? Because I want to feature as many different album covers made by bronies as possible. When I make the videos from now on, I want each video, preview or not, to get it's own unique album art. So I'd love to see what you bronies can do.
    >> You !xSh1lvRXQI 02/24/11(Thu)04:05 No.23765530
    I feel so bad when /co/ stops liking this program. It's going to be hard to kick the interest.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:05 No.23765532

    >The elements of harmony, as pointed out, aren't negotiators. They don't have power levels like phasers. If she had to use them, which she did, as its implied Night Mare was more powerful than Celestia, there was only one outcome possible.

    Except we've seen them used and they clearly don't lock you inside of the moon when they're fired. That had to have come later via conscious choice.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:06 No.23765543
         File1298538379.png-(14 KB, 475x155, f.png)
    14 KB
    Your faggotry has been saved as well
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:06 No.23765546
         File1298538387.jpg-(82 KB, 544x400, Deadpool attempts to headbutt (...).jpg)
    82 KB
    >Been playing lots of Battlefield 2142 lately
    >a few days ago, see a guy named Fluttershy
    >shit a brick
    >don't see him again
    >played some more yesterday
    >"Rarity has joined your squad"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:06 No.23765548
         File1298538401.png-(32 KB, 733x259, 1296873270210.png)
    32 KB

    Because I wanted to live up to the memory of this

    dont hate me brony
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:06 No.23765549
         File1298538407.jpg-(480 KB, 2400x1350, MLP = Captain Planet.jpg)
    480 KB
    >elements of harmony
    You mean Planeteer rings?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:07 No.23765554
    Yes, but then the defense force misplaces the blame again. Last thread, people were saying the Ursa incident was Spike's fault for being such a persistent heckler. And that's just dumb. Snips and Snails are the primary bearers of blame and anyone with a brain can see that.

    Gilda on the other hand was largely the architect of her own demise. For whatever reason, she expects the worst in others. She thought Pinkie was trying to steal her friend. She thought Fluttershy bumped into her on purpose. Then she thought Pinkie was out to get her. This advanced paranoia led to the freak out, and the subsequent fallout. The story here is a bit sadder, because Gilda seems more like a product of a bad environment. But to say Pinkie or Dash was in the wrong for some reason is just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:08 No.23765564

    I think Part 2 might be in the offing.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:08 No.23765569
         File1298538527.png-(271 KB, 575x435, out of context.png)
    271 KB
    It's gonna happen sooner or later, we had some good times though right?

    Animators giving Q&As, raiding /b/,/v/, and /u/ and even a russian imageboard, and tons of other shit that will be completely forgotten.

    Nothing lives forever
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:08 No.23765570
         File1298538527.jpg-(36 KB, 800x424, MLP - Clever Girl.jpg)
    36 KB
    Did anyone ever make a GIF of this?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:08 No.23765572
         File1298538532.png-(15 KB, 300x114, hurtful.png)
    15 KB

    Put the image editing software down; we can walk away before somebody gets hurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:09 No.23765573
    Way to cap your own post faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:09 No.23765575
         File1298538548.jpg-(30 KB, 600x338, 1290960448811-(n1295512138744).jpg)
    30 KB

    I saw a Rainbow Dash in TF2 the other day. Of course, he or she was playing a Scout.
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)04:09 No.23765577

    Twilight used the Elements entirely differently than Celestia did. She only had the controlling element of friendship, her friends were wielding the rest. Celestia had 1000 years to set up the optimum conditions for facing NMM upon her return.

    When Celestia took down Night Mare the first time, she had all of them herself and fired the rainbow like a laser canon.

    Different fights, different outcomes.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:09 No.23765578
         File1298538560.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1814x2247, fluttershy_sm.jpg)
    1.06 MB

    Not by the same artist, but yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:10 No.23765589

    You're overlooking Gilda's blatant inconsideration of others, which is her largest flaw. For her, pranking ponies is hilarious, but when the tables are turned on her, she doesn't find it as funny anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:10 No.23765590
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:10 No.23765597
    You guys seem a little better this morning than you were a few days ago. It was like watching batshit sonic fans or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:11 No.23765602

    ... that doesn't contradict my point.

    If she actively chose to use the weapon in such a way when it's CLEAR it doesn't have to be used as such, she made the active choice to commit a horrific violation of pony rights by imprisoning someone alone for one fucking thousand years.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:12 No.23765607
         File1298538723.png-(49 KB, 178x162, 1298246378317.png)
    49 KB

    i noticed how the intro book thing looked a lot like an illuminated manuscript a-la the book of kells

    so i gave it some more befitting music
    and damn does it fit well
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:12 No.23765611
         File1298538748.png-(311 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2011-02-23-03h59m12s12(...).png)
    311 KB
    Hmmm, is what I do with Gilda martyerfyingizing her?
    Cause I still believe she was kinda of an asshole, I just choose to flesh her out as a character.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 02/24/11(Thu)04:12 No.23765612

    These night threads sure are full of debate. I usually hang around the night threads, but I don't remember them ever being like this. Then again, my memory maybe they were always like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:12 No.23765614
    Maybe she couldn't use them properly.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:12 No.23765615
    >Rainbow Laser Cannon
    >> ManaCrevice 02/24/11(Thu)04:13 No.23765619

    Content relapse I theorize. I'm sure Friendship levels will peak again this weekend when we have a new episode to gush over.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:13 No.23765621
    That is not acceptable behavior you asspie
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)04:13 No.23765627
         File1298538836.png-(34 KB, 179x177, celestiaisamused2.png)
    34 KB

    But it DID have to be used as such, if you don't have a bunch of friends to pass the elements around to, thats my point. Celestia used the elements together, all herself, in an act of desperation to defeat nighmare moon. The result was 1000 years of lunar banishment.

    Celestia then had 1000 years to plan the rematch, to figure out a way to to prevent the same thing from happening again. Enter Twilight Sparkle and the distributed elements of harmony.

    Fight rolls around again, goes down differently, no more Lunar banishment. What you are missing is that in the first fight, Celestia went alone and did not have 1000 years to figure out an alternative
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:14 No.23765628
    Indeed. She took all the pranks as personal attacks, and never stopped to consider an alternative outside of "Pinkie Pie hates me and wants Dash all to herself. She must have set all these things up!"

    But of course, as audience members, we know Pinkie is incapable of hate.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:14 No.23765629

    This just further reaffirms my need for Pony/Blizzard fan art.

    Come on draw friends. Earth Pony Zealots, Unicorn High Templar, Pegasus Scout Pilots, Executor Luna!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:14 No.23765632
         File1298538849.png-(105 KB, 256x293, derpcanon2.png)
    105 KB
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:14 No.23765639
    No, you gave her a background and motivation. Which makes her a real character.

    What you did NOT due is say she was the helpless victim of Fluttershy's HORRIBLE BACKING UP skills.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:15 No.23765642
    Fleshing out is great so long as it's consistent with "self centered, discourteous, hyper-bitch," then it's great. I haven't looked.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:15 No.23765644
    More specific suggestions? A briefing always helps.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:15 No.23765647
    Discussing the intricacies of how can a magic element work scientifically is like asking why there are no strip joints in Equestria.

    No need to, ponies are naked.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:16 No.23765655
         File1298538978.png-(19 KB, 328x432, Twilight meekly holding hooves(...).png)
    19 KB
    What . . .

    What happened a few days ago?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:16 No.23765657
         File1298538992.png-(19 KB, 571x137, oh yes.png)
    19 KB

    Try and stop me, faget.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:16 No.23765659

    This is revisionist speculation!

    We've seen the weapon fired, it doesn't lock people in the moon. It doesn't even seem vaguely capable of doing such a thing. This is like arguing that non lethal rounds sometimes shoot too hard and lock people in Guantanamo for thirty years.

    For this to be true, not only would the weapon need to be capable of something we have no reason to believe it is, but the wielder would have to be ignorant of the power she was wielding. Your argument hinges on an ageless pony deity in the land of magic ponies being ignorant of the power of friendship.

    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:16 No.23765660

    Also, I made a MLP feature on rule63
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:16 No.23765662
         File1298539005.png-(80 KB, 329x289, 1296348223144.png)
    80 KB
    Well that bitch should have had her siren on.
    Spike has one installed, why shouldn't she?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:16 No.23765666
         File1298539019.png-(31 KB, 177x165, 1298016918079.png)
    31 KB
    and now i want a profession edit of the opening into with that music but the narration still there

    anyone volunteer?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:17 No.23765668
    They're usually slower, yes, if I recall.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:17 No.23765669
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:17 No.23765670
    Junior Speedsters Forever. Read it. It's very good.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:17 No.23765672
         File1298539044.png-(78 KB, 250x250, twilight_13.png)
    78 KB
    Debating has been a regular staple ever since Trixie.
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)04:17 No.23765677
         File1298539059.png-(29 KB, 157x135, drizzle.png)
    29 KB

    seconding, what did I miss?
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 02/24/11(Thu)04:18 No.23765684
    can't find marker to archive thread.... i'm about to pass out... i hope somepony succeeds me. set the marker... make us whole again...
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:18 No.23765686
    This is actually an interesting point...
    But I wonder if perhaps the weapon wasn't used properly due to lacking in the sixth element.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:18 No.23765690

    You can set the volume of each element in Tubedubber. Feel free to play with it if you don't like the levels I selected.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:19 No.23765697
         File1298539167.jpg-(65 KB, 512x512, Pinkie Pie with spike face.jpg)
    65 KB
    I am now imagining an episode where Pinkie Pie erects a bullhorn on Fluttershy to fix her quiet problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:19 No.23765700
    File deleted.
    I dunno if we really need any more pornfags in these threads, it really harses my friendship groove man.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:19 No.23765703
         File1298539187.jpg-(2 KB, 111x126, 1297403686903s.jpg)
    2 KB
    Alright yall. Let's be civilized now.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:19 No.23765704
    better question. the sixth element, friendship/magic was "lost".

    does that mean celestia has no friends? Or that luna was her only friend?
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:20 No.23765709
    Just a lot of people getting very angry at folks having names, writing stories, having opinions.
    The usual, just there was a lot of it at once.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:20 No.23765711
         File1298539228.jpg-(32 KB, 499x433, mlp_rainbowdashcooler.jpg)
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    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:20 No.23765715
    It's constructive debate, thankfully.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:21 No.23765723

    Oh, hey Pacce. You working on not being so self-deprecating?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:21 No.23765724
    Um, what?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:21 No.23765725
         File1298539301.jpg-(208 KB, 576x466, Zombie Celestia.jpg)
    208 KB
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:21 No.23765727
    That IS an interesting question!
    Imma say that Luna was her only friend and that it was only after her banishment did she start connecting with her people.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:22 No.23765734
    New episodes always bring out the shitposters.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:22 No.23765737
    Celestia has as many friends as Flareon has moves.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:22 No.23765740
    Let's not forget that our "ageless" deity seems to have only come into existence recently at the time the legend takes place. Lack of knowledge of the magic of friendship IS a distinct possibility. Or maybe she just had no friends.

    Or perhaps, most tragically of all, she did have friends, and was potentially capable of using their power, but in the act of attacking her sister, who she no doubt considered a very real friend, she was forcing the Elements to go against their nature. The result was... well, you know.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:23 No.23765744
    so, none?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:23 No.23765746
    Damnit, I can never discuss these issues without spoiling my plans for Paradise.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:23 No.23765752
    No, I guess Cheddah made that image, ut never saw a gif, unfortunately.
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)04:23 No.23765753
         File1298539414.png-(361 KB, 859x481, elementslazor.png)
    361 KB

    We have seen the weapon fired twice.

    First in the prologue where it locked NMM in the moon. The rainbow shoots straight out of Celestia's element tiara thing, the same one Twilight gets.

    The second time we see it fired, in episode two, its being employed in an entirely different manner, as I already pointed out. There are now 6 ponies involved in its use, instead of one.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:23 No.23765754

    >Lack of knowledge of the magic of friendship IS a distinct possibility. Or maybe she just had no friends.

    Then by definition she could not have used the weapon.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:23 No.23765756
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:24 No.23765760
         File1298539441.png-(51 KB, 210x207, 1298245831300.png)
    51 KB
    oh i know, thats what i was doing too, it just sounds weird with the two different music tracks fighting for dominance. it would be cool to find some way to tone down the normal music and tone of the voice over.

    also apply a very slight sepia filter on the video to make the images seem more aged
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:24 No.23765763

    Wow. This is actually... really fuckin awesome.
    >> Tanman 02/24/11(Thu)04:24 No.23765767
         File1298539470.png-(367 KB, 750x750, 1296171236671.png)
    367 KB

    Not really, just make sure you use the same super eurobeat font found on current covers like this one, and use a character that hasn't gotten an album art yet. (preferably the mane cas; the only one with one is Fluttershy)
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:24 No.23765773
    That's unfortunate. Thanks for the reply though.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:24 No.23765774

    >But to say Pinkie or Dash was in the wrong for some reason is just retarded.

    Actually no. While Gilda did in fact suffer from a bad environment at that party, Pinkie or Dash could have stepped in at some point to relieve the situation. I don't think it's too far out there to say that Gilda's increasing aggravation would be obvious to most people not blind, despite she tried to hide it.

    Would it have been asking too much for Pinkie or Dash to have assumed that maybe Gilda would be upset from driving into all of those pranks by herself at some point? Maybe not before the first four, but certainly after that.

    >Last thread, people were saying the Ursa incident was Spike's fault for being such a persistent heckler. And that's just dumb. Snips and Snails are the primary bearers of blame and anyone with a brain can see that.

    Spike did not help the situation. He did far more damage than any of the others did by egging Snips and Snails on about Trixie's stories not being true. He didn't know that for sure either, he was just talking out of his ass out of his love for Twilight, whom he was not ashamed to boast about himself. His double-standard in that regard was rather funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:25 No.23765786
    Not necessarily. She is an obscenely powerful mage. Information on the exact properties of the Elements are vague, so perhaps God can force them to activate.

    I like to think they backfired on her, though, since she was using them to hurt her friend.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:26 No.23765788
    If you haven't seen the chart lately, posts per day have skyrocketed
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:26 No.23765789
         File1298539567.jpg-(135 KB, 573x494, Zombie Twilight.jpg)
    135 KB
    Okay here's another
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:27 No.23765803

    >Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony (TM), she defeated her younger sister and banished her in the moon.

    By her own telling, she used the Elements of Harmony EXACTLY how we've seen them used: to defeat Nightmare Moon. The mechanics by which she banished her in the moon are entirely unknown, we have no reason to assume that the Elements were involved or are even capable of doing such a thing.

    You choose to remain blind, you choose to rainbow wash history, but we see the truth.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:27 No.23765804
    Dash stepped in, Gilda said she was okay. She proceeded to then threaten Pinkie Pie behind the cake.

    If you expect Pinkie to notice anything . . . well, it's Pinkie Pie.

    Wait, are you seriously blaming Spike for calling Trixie's lie a lie?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:27 No.23765808
    we need more of these
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/24/11(Thu)04:28 No.23765813
         File1298539722.png-(19 KB, 123x133, celestiaisamused.png)
    19 KB

    or you can just look at the screen where it shows the rainbow beam sticking NMM in the moon
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:28 No.23765815
         File1298539728.jpg-(77 KB, 825x750, 1298318671079.jpg)
    77 KB
    /b/ was the worst thing to happen to MLP so far.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:29 No.23765819
    Agreed, skeletonizing cartoon characters is awesome. We need spike's skeleton next.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:29 No.23765824
         File1298539787.png-(136 KB, 640x360, Zec.png)
    136 KB


    We need a Zecora one

    With creepy, glowy voodoo eyes
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:30 No.23765829
         File1298539806.jpg-(24 KB, 500x500, Gilda (6).jpg)
    24 KB
    Dash asked her if she was getting upset, she said no. Then she exploded in a paranoid rant and demanded that Dash leave her friends for her.
    She was being a stubborn, jealous, and prideful shit and yet I can pretty much guarantee that if she had apologized things would have at least been on the way to cool with all of them.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:30 No.23765833
         File1298539822.jpg-(68 KB, 843x584, Pinkie Pie is shocked and disg(...).jpg)
    68 KB
    That's not friendship.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:30 No.23765834
         File1298539826.jpg-(39 KB, 450x321, Fixed - 01.jpg)
    39 KB
    >/b/ was the worst thing to happen to [insert anything here] so far.

    Oh there I fixed it for you
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:31 No.23765843
    >regarding Gilda
    She ate all those pranks in the course of about two minutes. If Pinkie or Dash could assess her emotional state and diffuse the situation in that amount of time, then they're miracle workers. I don't think such a "failure" is really worthy of any blame. People need to be responsible for their own actions and reactions before all else.

    >regarding Spike/Trixie
    I agree that he didn't help matters much, but I really don't believe he was integral in causing Snips and Snails to go full retard and lure the Ursa. Personal responsibility and all that. Blame the idiots who personally went to the bear's cave first. Then blame the bitch who lied her way across Equestria, thinking she'd never be put in a situation where she'd have to put up or shut up.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:31 No.23765851
         File1298539901.png-(330 KB, 671x529, 1298016512256.png)
    330 KB
    >see this
    >check for a pony thread on /b/ for shits and giggles
    >see one on the first page

    fucking really?

    forced anon would do wonders for /b/
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:31 No.23765854
    Agreed. Rather than storming off, if she stopped and merely said sorry for blowing up, the party would have continued without a hitch and they'd have all been friends.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:32 No.23765861
         File1298539949.png-(151 KB, 600x600, Luna's a downer on karaoke nig(...).png)
    151 KB
    /b/ just shows their love for the ponies in their own /b/ way.

    Also I miss kloudmutt. He produced lots of content and took just about any request.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:32 No.23765863
    Are you making these in real time?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765865

    That's like arguing the Bayeux Tapestry depicts factually accurate events.

    All we have re. history of that time period is the word of the person responsible for the crime, an entirely unreliable witness. You're trying to sidestep the glaring issues: How could she be ignorant of the power of the weapon? Everything about her telling of the story sounds like she intentionally locked her sister in the moon. If the imprisonment were accidental, why didn't she undo the imprisonment with the limitless powers of a deity and the most powerful magical tools in existence?

    Face it, the imprisonment was intentional and inhumane.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765869
         File1298539989.jpg-(109 KB, 456x1324, Pinkie_bees.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765870
    Those are pretty old, though, never knew if the authors actually browsed here... there was a Twilight skeleton made by a brony called Dr Foreigner, but I haven't seen him forever.

    Now we're going somewhere. If you can say the name of the font, it should help... unfortunately seems we don't have so many artists (at least using names) right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765874

    These are old content bro

    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765875
    haha waht? no. shit like that takes hours if not days. i've seen the twilight one before too.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765876
    He'll be back. They always come back. No one can resist the call of pony.
    >> Jimbo 02/24/11(Thu)04:33 No.23765877
         File1298540019.jpg-(225 KB, 700x2087, SUDDENLY, BARNEY.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:34 No.23765884
    This episode lacked something and that is why I am disgusted.

    No Pinkie song and no moral read by Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:34 No.23765885
    Apple Bloom is cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:34 No.23765887

    Hes gone forever isn't he? Now if only we could get 0r0chi to disappear forever...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:35 No.23765897

    >Wait, are you seriously blaming Spike for calling Trixie's lie a lie?

    Again, he didn't know it was a lie. It could not have been proven unless, as Spike eventually stated, an Ursa Major was waltzing up the street. That little quip was what caused the shit to hit the fan and gave Snips & Snails the idea to actually attempt to bring an Ursa Major to town.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:36 No.23765909
    this is why i dont check the MLP threads on b.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:37 No.23765917
    he's a decent source of 34 though...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:37 No.23765923
         File1298540273.jpg-(23 KB, 351x222, spikewhy.jpg)
    23 KB

    I'd like to thank you for my new reaction image. I didn't have a good Spike one until now.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:38 No.23765925
    Not to defend the tyrant Princess, here, but frankly, what we've seen of Celestia's powers really don't seem all that Godly. She can teleport, which is pretty cool. She can do the sun raising and lowering thing, which is also nifty. She's immortal, or has a really long lifespan. And she can lock people in the moon with the help of magical artifacts.

    But that's about it, though. To say her powers are limitless is putting her on a pedestal she doesn't belong on.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:38 No.23765928
    But . . . but that's like blaming someone Wonder Woman for getting people into bondage.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:38 No.23765932

    I will email this to moot every day.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:38 No.23765936
    and it sucks because if you filter the trips to forced anon with greasemonkey, the threads are actually kind of fun. they focus exclusively on reaction images and goofy shit
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:39 No.23765945
    I've been to a couple of his streams. He seems like a nice enough person.

    Is there something I should know?
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:39 No.23765950
         File1298540363.png-(840 KB, 600x600, Liar.png)
    840 KB
    Because less content is good?
    Even if when I personally don't like something it has often lead to things I do like in the form of discussion, jokes, stories, and art.
    Take Cupcakes. Please.
    I hate that story, but it has lead to some cool art like this little number.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:39 No.23765956
    >limitless power of a deity
    What? The only non-standard unicorn power she's shown is raising the sun.

    As for not knowing the details about the elements of harmony, Nightmare Moon didn't know a lot about them herself. Just because something is powerful doesn't mean it can do everything you want it to.

    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:39 No.23765959
    Yeah, it could get them to rage at each other and drive good drawfriends away. How dare they get along and say hello to each other! Haven't they watched ONE episode of this show?!
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:40 No.23765963
    in all honesty i expected /co/ to be a bit more /b/ish ... but i found shippers, fanfics, and arguments about canonness...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:40 No.23765964
    oh god i just got that it's a higurashi reference.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:40 No.23765973

    Methinks you're thinking of the wrong Gods.

    Let me put it this way: What are the limits of pony magic? She's demonstrably beyond that. If her abilities aren't actually limitless, they are at least functionally infinite (i.e. without observable boundaries).
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:40 No.23765974
    But that doesn't make him responsible for Snips and Snails' completely fucktarded actions. Just because they have the mental capacity of baked potatoes doesn't mean a 2 year old dragon is the bearer of responsibility for every moronic idea he may or may not cause to pop into their empty heads.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:41 No.23765976
         File1298540461.jpg-(367 KB, 700x2087, 05- Goodnight Spike.jpg)
    367 KB

    damage control
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:41 No.23765978
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:42 No.23765990
         File1298540550.png-(103 KB, 500x393, Fluttershy looking nervous art(...).png)
    103 KB
    Umm, well, . . . when you put it that way, which is better?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:42 No.23765992
    Hes a self ego-injecting asshole who calls his own artwork godtier.
    >> Octas 02/24/11(Thu)04:42 No.23765993
         File1298540566.jpg-(543 KB, 1280x960, 1292789700805.jpg)
    543 KB
    My prediction for tomorrow's episode. While baby sitting the CMCs Fluttershy will start off strong and be a good baby sitter. The powerpuffgir--- I mean the CMCs will beg her to stay up late or something along those lines and Fluttershy will give into their demand. The CMCs will exploit this and things will spiral out of control. Fluttershy will call in for some help. Twilight will most Likely be the one to come into this for the obvious reason that she has to report the moral of the story at the end. Things are still going very bad until Fluttershy enters one of her assertive moments and makes the CMCs feel ashamed of themselves. Hopefully we will get a new song by Fluttershy this ep and who knows maybe we'll see Scootaloo and Sweetybell's parents.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:43 No.23766001

    >hen blame the bitch who lied her way across Equestria, thinking she'd never be put in a situation where she'd have to put up or shut up.

    The only situation where she'd have to "put up or shut up" was if she were faced with an actual Ursa Major. As the show made very clear, a creature of such power was not often seen, let alone brought into a town. By making up stories about a thing she would not need to prove easily was the whole point. Nobody expected that somebody would actually be full-retard enough to attempt to find an Ursa Major. Leave it to Snips and Snails to surprise everyone.
    >> Jimbo 02/24/11(Thu)04:44 No.23766010
         File1298540642.jpg-(207 KB, 402x739, 1288176044.ross-irving_04.jpg)
    207 KB

    That you Ross? Did you consider my request to make a plumpy Spike, like this pic? c:
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:44 No.23766012

    >What? The only non-standard unicorn power she's shown is raising the sun.

    Yeah -- the only non-standard unicorn power she's demonstrated is nonchalant control over celestial bodies. And flight. And mastery of the most powerful magical tool in existence. And the ability to imprison ponies in celestial bodies. And immortality... but mainly that CONTROLLING CELESTIAL BODIES thing.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:44 No.23766016
    That's the weirdest thing about this whole fandom.
    How did fanfiction get even partially acceptable on any part of 4chan?
    It's bizarre, but I think we were just that hungry for pony and we managed to actually drawn in some folks who could write half way decently.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:44 No.23766018
    Oh. Well thats a bit disappointing. Humility will take you far I suppose...
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:44 No.23766021
    So it was okay because . . . no one would call her on the lie?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:45 No.23766030
    Say, didn't that pic say somthing else at the bottom?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:45 No.23766032
         File1298540756.png-(877 KB, 678x686, Screen shot 2011-02-24 at 1.44(...).png)
    877 KB
    this thread needs more pony picture book redux
    >> Trixie's Stolen Horadric Cube !mIuht8JKS. 02/24/11(Thu)04:45 No.23766033
         File1298540758.png-(124 KB, 325x293, s.png)
    124 KB
    I can't stop reading these shipping stories

    They aresoamazing

    Aj are you around? did you ever upload that one last night to docs or DA?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:45 No.23766034
         File1298540758.jpg-(36 KB, 231x231, Pony stares down cop.jpg)
    36 KB
    The ponies, man. Blame the ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:46 No.23766037
    Without observable boundaries? Nigga whut? She's not the Living Tribunal. She casts a spell every morning and evening to raise and lower the sun. She also teleported right to Twilight and friends after they put the smackdown on NMM.

    We have a vague report of her using powerful artifacts to perform the impressive feat of sealing someone in the moon for a millennium, but as we saw with Twilight, those artifacts don't require a deity to activate.

    Until we are given proof otherwise, I have to conclude that Celestia is pretty low-tier when it comes to gods.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:46 No.23766039
         File1298540813.png-(113 KB, 263x280, 1298016317430.png)
    113 KB
    It's not lying unless you get caught.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:46 No.23766041
    Whether trixie was wrong or not, i noticed she broke character when she admitted she couldn't stop the ursa. She said "I can't." not "Trixie can't." There is definitely a line there between her stage persona and her real self.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:47 No.23766044
    not sure man... I am here for the art and 34

    I guess it's not a bad thing per se, but it is wholly unexpected from 4chan (minus /x/).

    I am here for the creativity and skilled art. In all honestly, I read all day, so the last thing I wanna do is read more at home. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:47 No.23766046

    I didn't say it was ok, I said it would not be able to be proven easily. If you are going to make up a claim to make yourself look better, it is rather smart to make one that others cannot disprove without significant effort.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:48 No.23766049

    I see what you are doing there Jimbo.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:48 No.23766054
    She controls ONE celestial body, and only in a very specific fashion. We've seen Twilight do all the other things except immortality.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:49 No.23766059
         File1298540951.png-(104 KB, 640x360, Twilight should go to bed.png)
    104 KB
    Guys. . .

    I think I should go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:49 No.23766063
    Two. SOMEONE had to raise the moon.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:49 No.23766067
    But that doesn't make it right. It's still a lie, just a very well-crafted one.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:50 No.23766071
    Only after she stole her sister's power.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:50 No.23766072
    Also, man, the comments I'm getting on Junior Speedsters Forever are getting... excitable.
    Wonder if it has to do with it being linked through TV Tropes...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:50 No.23766075
    That's a wonderful doubles pic.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:50 No.23766076
         File1298541039.png-(Spoiler Image, 317 KB, 798x774, THE_PLAGUES.png)
    Spoiler Image, 317 KB
    >I am here for the art and 34

    Hello, cancer.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766082
    UIsn't she? Those little limbs walking around like in Bridle Gossip, so HHHHNNNGGGGH
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766083
         File1298541060.jpg-(84 KB, 640x480, snapshot20110115111949.jpg)
    84 KB
    >Jimbo one of the fatfags
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766086
    Was there this much shipping, fandom, etc. for Avatar (The non-Smurf one)? I like MLP and all, but there are other cartoons out there that offer deeper characters and plots (>>23766062 for example).
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766089
    why its not that late

    >looks at clock its fuckin 2am

    goddamit why does this keep happening to me
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766092
    Me too, but I know I wont at least until I watch an episode of Kamen Rider Black...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766093

    You're avoiding the core question I asked: What are the limits of pony magic?

    We know she surpasses those limits.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:51 No.23766098
         File1298541111.jpg-(81 KB, 266x410, Scootaloo- Welllll.jpg)
    81 KB

    I think that the fact that you saved one of his drawings shows that more than one person uploads his art, so I don't really know what your point is of trying to perform a witch hunt on someone who chooses not to trip. It's your word against his, so I'd appreciate it if both of you shut the fuck up. Well actually now it's your word against his and mine.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:52 No.23766100
    Linked in TV tropes?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:52 No.23766101
    34 is cancer? 34 is the cure to cancer!

    Do you know who you are talking to? Seriously... like I'm gonna not look for 34.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:52 No.23766104

    I thought that was very interesting. She reverted back to her stage persona when addressed Twilight Sparkle at the end, but up until then, she was in a character we hadn't seen. She looked very humbled trying to take on that Ursa too, even though she clearly knew it wasn't possible for her. At least she attempted to fight it, unlike everybody else other than Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:52 No.23766108
         File1298541173.png-(677 KB, 640x360, 65.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:53 No.23766114
    P-p-power naps motherfucker.
    Assuming you don't have a job 20 minutes of sleep every 4 hours will work fine.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:54 No.23766122
    Shipping and Avatar were one in the same.
    God the list goes on and on and they seemed a bit more serious about it. Well, maybe a little more than "a bit".
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:54 No.23766130
    Hahaha. Oh please she's probably seen the worst by now.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:54 No.23766131
    You too, you lucky dog.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:55 No.23766136
         File1298541322.jpg-(24 KB, 303x242, 1295565729159-(n1296281441389).jpg)
    24 KB
    Hmm, this looks like a parasprite post.

    I know this letters and spriting a few paras in my time.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:55 No.23766140
    The difference being we're not serious about the shipping, since there's no way in hell any of it will happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:56 No.23766143
    I would say that /u/, /c/, and /a/ are hit the hardest from shipping.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)04:56 No.23766144
    Understood, but did /co/ react the same way? Also, at least Avatar gave reasons for ships... there were hints of zutara and tokka. None of that in MLP
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:56 No.23766147
    No, we don't know that.
    She has a power relating to her cutie mark, like a unicorn pony, and oodles of magical talent.
    Anything else is baseless conjecture.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:56 No.23766148
    Twilight is the most powerful unicorn we've seen outside of Celestia. Her most impressive feat was a large-scale telekinesis spell that lasted a couple of minutes. It strained her heavily to cast it and she was left exhausted afterward.

    That's kind of a low bar for a so-called god to surpass. And even then, we don't *know* she surpasses that limit. We're just *told* that she does. Sufficient evidence has not been provided. Until I see her on a battlefield, searing her enemies to the bone with little more than the blink of an eye will I have any reason to believe she's anything more than an extremely low-tier deity.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:57 No.23766160
    my penis can increase the heart rates of women. your magical unicorn can't do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:57 No.23766162

    I'm glad to see a lot of the good fanfics that are actually very warm to read are there. The other more grim stories I wouldn't recommend to anybody for any reason.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)04:58 No.23766165
    I honestly think that 9 times out of ten, it's just for fun. Maybe even 10 out of 10.
    But it's as old what's-his-name said, "All mankind loves a lover."
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:59 No.23766170
         File1298541547.png-(241 KB, 451x313, my little ponyta.png)
    241 KB
    My Little Ponyta! I wonder who is the pokemon fan on the team?

    Also, fukken lol'd at Spike writing "honk" into the report at the end of this episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:59 No.23766171
    Pretty purple-haired girl. At first glance they look like a bunch of forced stereotypes, though... is it worth a watch?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:59 No.23766172
    People carry the shipping shit to MLP from things like Avatar, because they never want the it to stop.

    And when MLP is done, they will take all of the shit they learned from here and apply it there.

    Its a cruel and vicious cycle.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)04:59 No.23766174
         File1298541563.jpg-(393 KB, 880x960, Rainbow Dash is Applejack's li(...).jpg)
    393 KB
    >implying that MLP does not have reason to ship?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)04:59 No.23766175

    >low-tier deity.

    You keep saying things like this. What is that supposed to mean? In relationship to what? What other creature rivals her in her world?
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)05:00 No.23766182
    That's cool. And I also understand that we are a bit starved for new material. Aside from MLP, the only new things are Ugly Americans (which I love) and Bob's Burgers.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)05:00 No.23766191
    Also, /co/ was literally drowning in a sea of Avatar at the height of it's popularity.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:00 No.23766192

    >It's the internet, it was bound to happen.

    >I don't think Bill or Joe would be any less proud of their work if they discovered that weirdos drew weird drawings of a cartoon cat.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)05:00 No.23766193
         File1298541653.png-(110 KB, 280x280, Twilight is pleased.png)
    110 KB
    This is quite awesome!

    I shall go to bed on this note!
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)05:00 No.23766194
         File1298541659.jpg-(42 KB, 293x274, MLP - Implying.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:01 No.23766197
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)05:01 No.23766206
    Wish I could have been there. It's #2 of my favorite cartoons ever (Daria being first).
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:02 No.23766212
    I'm talking in more general terms of fiction. Celestia is nothing next to, say, Thor and Zeus. She pales in comparison to Dr. Manhattan. She's a complete joke next to the Living Tribunal and the One Above All.

    She's the closest thing the Ponyverse seems to have to a god, but what we've seen of her powers is pretty tame in absolute terms.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:02 No.23766214
    The dragon from Dragonshy, for one. Blots out the sun for centuries without really thinking about it. The ursa major is bigger and meaner than godzilla.
    The Smooze.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:03 No.23766218
    does that make it okay to throw it in the face of Lauran Faust?

    it's not so much the content as the message it conveyed, "here you go, this is the shit your fans come up with. feel good about it?"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:03 No.23766220
         File1298541793.jpg-(78 KB, 639x595, manly treats.jpg)
    78 KB
    >Dinky Doesn't Go to School

    fuck man, that never makes me fail to tear up.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)05:03 No.23766223
    Goddamnit, they still use that haphazard Eq D title.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:04 No.23766234
         File1298541867.jpg-(374 KB, 845x1271, Sexy Trixie.jpg)
    374 KB

    Fuck yeah Daria! Who is your favorite character? Mine is Quinn. Not surprisingly, Trixie is also my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:04 No.23766237
    She's a big girl.
    And an animator. She's seen worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:04 No.23766238

    >Thor and Zeus

    Immortal and, what, can hit people really hard with magical thingies?

    >Living Tribunal and the One Above All.

    Judeo-Islamic-Christian God and analogues thereof don't count! Fucking power creep. And Osterman doesn't count either because shut up!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:04 No.23766241
         File1298541883.jpg-(99 KB, 800x800, twilight vs the smooze.jpg)
    99 KB
    Cant stop the smooze
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:04 No.23766242
         File1298541885.jpg-(1.08 MB, 3226x2000, zzz.jpg)
    1.08 MB
    Sleepy time. I love you all. And ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:04 No.23766245
         File1298541895.jpg-(213 KB, 945x945, pinkieitcantbehelped .jpg)
    213 KB
    okay dramapony. i just looked at it. the link posted in the comments ONLY LINKED TO PONIES WITH UNDERWEAR ON. relax man. it could be so much worse.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)05:05 No.23766246
    Well Transformers Prime got a very underwhelming start and some folks are still hating it for not being Animated.
    And the new GI JOE cartoon is having the "not everyone gets the HUB" problem in addition to "NO ONE FUCKING UPLOADS IT" problem.

    And Adventure Time seems to be "so 2010". Which is a shame cause it's still doing cool stuff and has tons of potential. Although I do find myself thinking that My Little Pony beats AT at it's own game sometimes. (The Hydra for instance)
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:06 No.23766258
    who's got this pic colored
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:06 No.23766259

    Uh, no, it's not ok to do something for the sole purpose of upsetting or hurting somebody -- but my statement stands. She made something she can be proud of; weirdos on the internet being weird don't change anything.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/24/11(Thu)05:06 No.23766262
         File1298541983.jpg-(33 KB, 640x531, Pinkie Pie peaks over table wi(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    Oh no! They link straight to the google doc rather than Eq. D! I won't get any comments from users brought in through TV Tropes!
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)05:06 No.23766264
    Honestly? Daria herself. I do enjoy Stacey and Andrea though.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:06 No.23766265
         File1298542005.jpg-(210 KB, 750x750, S3QMp.jpg)
    210 KB
    Ive started work on a few. ill post them when they're done.
    any chance someone knows the font name off hand?

    >using existing cover to get your attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:07 No.23766271
         File1298542021.png-(38 KB, 182x180, 1294620321794.png)
    38 KB
    anyone know how the smooze was stopped in the old show i bet it was some bullshit horse magic
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:07 No.23766274

    It's a wiki -- you can change things.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)05:07 No.23766283
    It was a bit too chaotic, a lot of shouting the same stuff over and over and content spread out to far to find it.
    Also, it warms my heart every time I see a Daria thread and TO THIS DAY half the thread will pipe up how much they wuv Stacey.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:07 No.23766284
    you can also link them to beastiality instead. it's just an idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:08 No.23766290

    I think the fluttery ponies just flapped their wings and blew it away, but I don't know. I'm only tangentially aware of it because of the Nostalgia Chick.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:08 No.23766291
         File1298542099.png-(29 KB, 353x130, This just happened on b.png)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:08 No.23766292
    Thor once drank half the ocean, and almost outlasted Death in a dance. (Thor actually wasn't immortal, he just ate regularly from Idun's youth-granting apples)
    Zeus tossed around mountains when he fought Typhon.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:08 No.23766294
    Is...that bad?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:08 No.23766298
         File1298542135.jpg-(48 KB, 501x525, whos awesome.jpg)
    48 KB
    gnight brony
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/24/11(Thu)05:09 No.23766305
    I shall fix it for you!

    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:09 No.23766307
    a writer thrives and develops on comments like how a japanese RPG character thrives on EXP points from dungeon kills.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:09 No.23766309
    Dude. You work in a 34 site. Are you QUESTIONING that LESBIAN SHIPPING is not the best kind?! Seriously?! Bound to happen.

    cool, I made that macro. Should probably update it with the HD Derpy.
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)05:09 No.23766311
         File1298542182.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, MLP - Forever.jpg)
    19 KB
    Well goodnight folks. I look forward to more awesome art and crack pairings (Rocko (the wallaby) and Twilight forever!)
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:09 No.23766312
    thats why im not on /b/
    because of stupid shit like freaking out for dubs
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:10 No.23766318

    Celestia actually IS immortal, no BS chicanery fucking around with that pretty goth chick, and she moves the SUN and the MOON for shits and giggles each day. Kinda beats out tossing a mountain by a few orders of magnitude.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:10 No.23766319
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:10 No.23766321
         File1298542239.png-(181 KB, 412x234, likin this idea.png)
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    scandinavion/greek mythology and ponies
    >> Titanium !KTFUmCmICA 02/24/11(Thu)05:11 No.23766329
    I don't mind shipping... I just am not fond of protracted arguments about it. I love me some crack pairings though (esp. crossovers). Also, love the macro. Keep up the good work.

    Celestia x The Last Unicorn
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:11 No.23766332
    I'd say "call down the power of lightning to smite your foes" is a bit more impressive than "raise the sun." The Greek and Norse pantheons already have a guy for that, and he can do some smiting on the side as well.

    Like I said, call me when Celestia starts exhibiting super strength, or shows she can warp reality, or summons fireballs from nothingness.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:12 No.23766340
    Words cannot express how little i care about doubles.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:12 No.23766346
    Thread is capped.

    New general?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:12 No.23766348
    since the average ponies lifespan is 30-40 years, and celestia has lived for over 1000 years. i think its a safe bet shes imortal
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:12 No.23766351

    >The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It has a diameter of about 1,392,000 km, about 109 times that of Earth, and its mass (about 2×1030 kilograms, 330,000 times that of Earth) accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.[10]

    How are you not fucking impressed by this shit?

    What is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:14 No.23766360
    Well, the Greek gods pulled the sun and moon around by hand. I don't know if that's more impressive.
    The Norse gods delegated the job to a pair of horses, then sat around watching as a pair of wolves chased them around for all eternity.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:14 No.23766371

    done, go here

    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:15 No.23766381
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:15 No.23766382
    Heh, cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:16 No.23766385
    I don't know about "for shits and giggles." It's more "to maintain order and regularity." Does she raise and lower them on a whim? Fuck no. She does so at perfect intervals. And even then, we don't really know what she's doing. Is Pony-earth a geocentric system where she physically moves the sun and stars around it? Because that would be pretty impressive.

    On the other hand, it may just be solar-centric, and Celestia's spells just alter the rotation of the planet. Decidedly less impressive, although the results are the same.

    But really, she needs to smite some bitches before I think she's worthy of being feared.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:16 No.23766399
    i want that pic now
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:17 No.23766406

    New thread folks
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:18 No.23766416
    goin there
    follow bronys
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:22 No.23766461
    What about the obvious evidence in the show?
    >Image limit
    >My face
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)05:22 No.23766464
    >> Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)09:22 No.23769050

    omg is the ponifex

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