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  • File : 1298264179.jpg-(469 KB, 1600x900, My Little Pony Luna 3.jpg)
    469 KB Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/20/11(Sun)23:56 No.23666309  
    Nighttime MLP General

    All bronies welcome.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:57 No.23666337
    Well I talked about it like 3 hours ago. But I brought up the idea of Twist being torn between joining the CMC or siding with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She spirals into madness over the stress. So she creates a device to make all ponies have the same cutie mark so it becomes a nonissue what side she joins. Bat Pinkie thwarts Twists alter ego MONOTONY MARE. Thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:57 No.23666345
         File1298264265.png-(135 KB, 321x301, 1297125238551.png)
    135 KB
    Trixie approves of a new general
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666351
    madness! MADNESS!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666361
         File1298264295.jpg-(167 KB, 1199x986, 1298218287394.jpg)
    167 KB
    More arts needed for:

    Mrs. Cake
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666365
    oh boy
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666378

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666379
         File1298264324.jpg-(164 KB, 700x700, battypierobindash.jpg)
    164 KB
    Bring in Luna in her alter ego as The Downer, Frown Princess of Crime, and you might have an epic series of tales waiting.

    ...especially if Robin Dash and Mat Mare (Fluttershy) get involved.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666384
         File1298264331.jpg-(811 KB, 1680x1050, 1298121671804.jpg)
    811 KB
    Are there wallpapers like this of the other ponies?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666386
         File1298264333.jpg-(118 KB, 600x600, trixie luna nyum.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666388

    I saw it. Cute idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:58 No.23666390
         File1298264337.jpg-(6 KB, 126x163, twidude.jpg)
    6 KB

    I think I'll have some of whatever you're having
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666392
         File1298264341.jpg-(35 KB, 800x800, 129790574618.jpg)
    35 KB
    Here anon, enjoy some cute luna
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666398
    Honestly I can see Twist doing it. Red heads are ALWAYS crazy.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666407
         File1298264366.jpg-(183 KB, 710x560, VinylScratchRaveMode.jpg)
    183 KB
    Pump up the funk. Pump up the volume. It's nighttime baby, ain't no rules nor regulation, just the sweet sweet beats of love~
    >> tanner 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666408
    God I hate editing so much. I don't know how people go about making careers out of this.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666411

    Granny Smith.
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666420

    Equestria: The Fires of War (chapter one)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)23:59 No.23666421
         File1298264385.png-(Spoiler Image, 325 KB, 1890x945, 129710497078.png)
    Spoiler Image, 325 KB
    >> Cryptic !!bSCyjwGnR0p 02/21/11(Mon)00:00 No.23666436
         File1298264418.jpg-(743 KB, 1280x1024, 1297229910833.jpg)
    743 KB
    Okay before all the posting starts I have some question.

    1. How do I get a pony name?
    2. Why do I like this show?
    3. Why hasn't my gf left me yet for watching this?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:00 No.23666444
    are there any more of her thats my favorite pony
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/21/11(Mon)00:00 No.23666450
    ...FUCK. you're right. and it looks amazing.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:00 No.23666458
         File1298264450.png-(99 KB, 550x550, mlplinkboard.png)
    99 KB
    [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ] - Ver 08/FEB/2011

    MLP:FiM /co/ Thread Locator and Archive:


    Youtube Channel with episodes

    Download links for episodes:

    Community Wiki:

    Pony shoes:

    MLP /co/ Blog:


    [ The Subject of New Threads & The Generals ]
    Please check the MLP:FiM Thread Locator and
    Archive before going out and about and starting
    a new thread. /co/ doesn't mind if we stay in
    a general thread, but the biggest complaint I
    see from them is that there are multiple threads.

    A new general should not be made until the official
    general is on the brink of bump limit, and is at the
    image limit (150 pics). Once a new one
    is established, it should be posted at the end of the
    old general and everyone needs to herd themselves to
    the next.

    Please only post Generals on /co/ and maybe wallpapers
    on /wg/, thank you.

    Obviously trolls & haters cannot be helped.

    New System: When the old general thread dies, the
    general thread image is to be deleted and placed
    onto the new one. Old general will be archived.

    Archive system can only pick up threads with the
    correct keywords, MLP, Pony, Ponies and things
    along them lines work.

    New system thanks to Archive!noTe.poNY.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:00 No.23666459
         File1298264452.png-(494 KB, 1445x1051, luna.png)
    494 KB

    This will always be Luna's theme song in my mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:00 No.23666460
         File1298264458.png-(423 KB, 859x780, 1295209411015.png)
    423 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666462
    What you cant see it?
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666464
    1) Don't worry about it.
    2) It's charming as fuck.
    3) Your pony only makes her love for you stronger.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666471
         File1298264470.gif-(1 KB, 219x160, BeamedEighthNote_L.gif)
    1 KB

    Could you put the notes on the left sides of the stems, like this?
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666472
    1.Name generator
    2. It's a damn good show.
    3. You are loved unconditionally.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666473
         File1298264473.jpg-(36 KB, 480x360, Rarity used Butt Strike.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Giygas' Husbando !!tJbg4u7m4h8 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666474
         File1298264476.png-(541 KB, 917x693, pddom1298181334807.png)
    541 KB
    I like ponies
    >> >Implying 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666480
    Any drawbro free tonight?

    Luna, in Celestia's castle alone just playing with a mini-unicorn.

    Considering Celestia doesn't let her out of the house now.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:01 No.23666495
    I agree. Blues needs more love.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666499
         File1298264529.png-(137 KB, 435x548, 1297124799594.png)
    137 KB
    Green eyes rule
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666503
    Has the angry fluttershy thing stopped? I was really enjoying that.

    This is awesome, reccommend reading.

    Because ponies are the manliest shit ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666510
         File1298264547.png-(181 KB, 560x535, twilight_smirk1.png)
    181 KB
    >Put on some jazz
    >Crack open a beer
    >Open a pony thread

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666511
         File1298264547.gif-(207 KB, 230x458, Fluttershy Cheering.gif)
    207 KB
    /r/equest for MS: Human Fluttershy in a cheerleader outfit cheering like she is in this pic
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666512
         File1298264549.png-(76 KB, 298x313, Srsly-(n1292215616917)-(n12944(...).png)
    76 KB
    I hate you
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666517

    I LOVE this pic, but RD's chest needs to be flatter.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666521
         File1298264565.png-(640 KB, 1500x1100, sexy_bitch_ponies.png)
    640 KB
    Hey, folks!
    Sorry it's been so long since I've popped in. For the most of you who probably don't know, I worked on Pony (layout department, and some animation).

    The usual rules apply: I can't talk about any upcoming episodes, or answer any questions about a possible second season, or any of that business. I can talk a bit about the production process, and can try to answer questions about shows that have already aired.

    Here's a crappy comic that took way too long to do. It is my first real drawing using Paint Tool SAI. Listen to this song while you read it: (it's awful, but that's the point.)
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666524
    She also seems to be rather nerdy so that science is slightly more plausible. DT and SS would pray on the fact that she would think Apple Bloom left twist for Scoot and Sweety.
    >> PaintSplash !k5uxyu5cBQ 02/21/11(Mon)00:02 No.23666525
    Fellow bronies, I all the high res cutie marks I need for a psp I just need some vectors of the characters doing various things to fill in the sub categories. Sadly poniboruu does not have a lot of vectors available, so those of you that have vectors with blank backgrounds to turn into icons, throw them you don't mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666529
         File1298264582.png-(364 KB, 847x476, 1297176114027.png)
    364 KB

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666531
    Where is the original of that from?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666535
         File1298264587.jpg-(668 KB, 480x1695, Pinkie's Revenge.jpg)
    668 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666537
         File1298264595.png-(26 KB, 127x135, RD does not care.png)
    26 KB
    I'm conflicted... On one point its MLP porn, which I don't condone, on the other I find it funny due to how true it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666538
         File1298264595.png-(80 KB, 307x302, 1297412090454.png)
    80 KB
    Discussion idea:

    Hasbro FORCES Faust to put humans in the show. How should it be done so it doesn't fuck the whole thing up?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666542
         File1298264599.jpg-(21 KB, 383x357, 1298233242728.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:03 No.23666565
    By making them into cupcakes.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666570
         File1298264649.jpg-(180 KB, 999x688, luna_and_derpy_bff_by_itchyman(...).jpg)
    180 KB
    Tonight is happy Luna night.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666571

    Hey man, I've been waiting for you. The fan community's really grown since the last time you were on.

    How's everybody reacting to it now?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666574

    >> Oakland 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666577
         File1298264662.png-(2.43 MB, 917x693, 1297968270142.png)
    2.43 MB
    Goddamn, go back to /v/.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666580

    Buy the rights to "Stuck."
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666585
         File1298264678.png-(36 KB, 165x232, derpy scared.png)
    36 KB


    You didn't have anything to do with a certain piano dropping pegasus in Feeling Pinkie Keen by chance did you?
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666588
         File1298264680.png-(283 KB, 1344x2072, Stuck6.png)
    283 KB
    Alright, for all who have been waiting diligently for it!
    I decided to cut it off here because Canterlot is expected to be a looong chapter.
    Some of you might recognize a bit of the beginning.
    SlyWit, I did manage to fit your "idea" in.

    Enjoy bronies. Until the next update, I'm off to play GTA4 a bit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:04 No.23666589
    First, you are awesome.
    Second. "Derpy" had her Derp eyes back in the last couple episodes. How/why did that come about?
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:05 No.23666608
    I chortled at the last panel.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/21/11(Mon)00:05 No.23666616

    Speak of the devil.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:05 No.23666622
    its a nod to us
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:05 No.23666623
         File1298264757.jpg-(138 KB, 600x600, Luna Wavin.jpg)
    138 KB

    Here's the link for a name generator. Enjoy
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666630
    i lol'd
    >> !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666632
         File1298264777.gif-(48 KB, 360x360, 78632987523762.gif)
    48 KB
    can you give any indication on whether or not the lingering "human question" will be addressed?

    and if you cannot;
    is all the human-based stuff intentional (seriously, a foam finger? what) or is it just to make the audience more relatable to ponies

    and if there are plans for humans;
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666634
         File1298264779.png-(45 KB, 928x571, Winter_Wrap_Up_2.png)
    45 KB
    Evening Bronies!

    Night time threads rule!!

    Now, would any of the more musically inclined bronies like to help me? I was writing the sheet music for Winter Wrap up. I'm new to writing music, so when I posted it someone said there was something wrong with the key signature, but my tired brain can't spot it. It' suppose to be a score in which all notes are sharp except F.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666638

    Shut the fuck up, Lucid. Flashinthepan is here.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666639
    Plus Twist like ALL ponies has very little Parential Supervision. Making a cutie mark changing device could be done while no one is watching her at home.
    >> Mozz !RBdashh5EY 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666640
    Yes. Blues is the best. In fact I think I'm gonna start doing that pic of blues that was sitting in my head for weeks right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:06 No.23666647
    Huh, well ok then. No more questions from me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:07 No.23666651

    Here's a question for you: which episodes, out of the ones already released, did your studio do? I recall hearing that they were divvied up between three separate studios and one of my friends was curious about a couple of the recent episodes.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:07 No.23666656
         File1298264831.png-(195 KB, 1350x800, stats.png)
    195 KB
    This was unexpected.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:07 No.23666667
         File1298264846.png-(182 KB, 750x600, Luna is sad.png)
    182 KB
    But . . . she has blue eyes.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/21/11(Mon)00:07 No.23666669
         File1298264855.png-(425 KB, 917x693, ts and fs.png)
    425 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:07 No.23666677
         File1298264879.png-(440 KB, 705x401, 1298263387231.png)
    440 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666679
         File1298264881.jpg-(54 KB, 213x211, 1297282871791.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!zveYvhtPHtp 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666681
         File1298264883.png-(199 KB, 640x360, 1295660177904.png)
    199 KB
    evening people
    how is everybody?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666689
    Do you know what studios did what episodes? Feeling Pinkie Keen had amazing animation in my opinion.

    What are the people who work on these shows like?

    Also, did you go to school at Calarts or Sheridan?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666693
    Hello again? Are you all still working on MLP episodes?
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666694
         File1298264898.gif-(6 KB, 293x295, unmanlytears.gif)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666696
    COMIC TIEM?!!!??
    >> tanner 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666697


    Theres an animator among us
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666701
         File1298264918.png-(65 KB, 224x220, Twilight smiles nervously.png)
    65 KB
    Sorry you had to come in right now.

    But it's 4chan, what can you expect?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666702
    This would please me greatly
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666706
    I think we've already been told point-blank that humans would not be making an appearance?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666709
    that is the original...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:08 No.23666712
         File1298264935.gif-(52 KB, 360x360, twilight_clop.gif)
    52 KB

    Bicurious? Works for me.

    Nice quad-double combo you have there.
    >> Giygas' Husbando !!tJbg4u7m4h8 02/21/11(Mon)00:09 No.23666716
    It IS the original, the artist is JayJay, or sometimes Omutsu 2.
    I saved the diaper version because that's one of my fetishes
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:09 No.23666718
         File1298264953.jpg-(386 KB, 1631x1138, special_delivery_by_itchymango(...).jpg)
    386 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:09 No.23666726
    And now it's totally official.
    So technically, I don't think it's actually fanservice anymore.
    It's just...there. Canon.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:09 No.23666731
    Yeah, I've noticed! Truth be told, I hang out here quite a bit - but I never trip unless I have a good chunk of time to actually talk about production stuff. I think the opinion seems to be more or less the same? I get the impression that there's so much action now that it's hard for most people to follow.

    Nopey dopey! As Lauren mentioned on her DA, you can thank the Directors for that. It was a quick revision call. She was already in the scene, but wasn't wall-eyed.

    Oh yeah, and by the by--- I remember seeing a lot of stuff a while back about how the animators call her Stoneface, or Ditsy, or Bubbles - but I think that must only be in the Phillipines studio. As far as I know, nobody really had pet names for the background ponies in Vancouver. Or if they did, they kept it to themselves.

    (Also, sorry if I'm slow tonight - my internet is being kinda wobbly and bobbly and crasheriffic.)
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:09 No.23666732
    Thank you anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666747
    Third panel. Background pony.
    Derpy 2.0
    >> kloudmutt 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666748
         File1298265011.jpg-(140 KB, 900x900, bloomerall.jpg)
    140 KB
    so we left panty pony for fatty pony... oook

    i guess this can count as the last for the series
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666752

    Another question. The VA for Big Mac has recently tweeted that he's back in the recording studio for more work.

    Isn't it that awfully late in the production cycle for a VA to be in the studio? I'm talking suspicously late?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666757
    pretty good. a little down be cause cartoon network is showing a bunch of crappy movies therefore no new regular show, adventure time, and symbionic titian. and possibly no new young justice. But all in all pretty good. and you?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666760
         File1298265024.png-(164 KB, 486x492, 1294634538624.png)
    164 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666764
         File1298265046.jpg-(233 KB, 781x385, popular bg poniz.jpg)
    233 KB
    What do you guys think of the fan characterizations of background ponies, like Bon-Bon, Lyra, OPPP and Dr. Whoof?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666765
    talking to my self.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:10 No.23666768
    The diaper one was the original
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:11 No.23666774
         File1298265071.jpg-(5 KB, 300x300, 0808-0801-1115-2523.jpg)
    5 KB

    I have no idea how Flash animation works. I assume it's some combination of friendship, magic, and sparkles.

    Great job on the show, it looks absolutely spectacular. I hope more shows will follow this style.

    I have one very small nitpick for DJ P0N-3's cutie mark, the stems of musical notes go up if they're attached on the right side, or down if they're attached on the left side. Any chance that minor corrections could be made when it's released on Blu-ray?

    Again, absolutely incredible artwork and animation. We wouldn't love the ponies so much if they didn't look so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:11 No.23666788
         File1298265099.jpg-(8 KB, 191x214, 1298056084101.jpg)
    8 KB
    >My pony name is Starbuck
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:11 No.23666790
    come on man, she's small enough. nothing wrong with little handfuls.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666796

    Yeah, that was "Kreoss." From the Filipino studio.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666798
         File1298265122.jpg-(13 KB, 320x241, HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG.jpg)
    13 KB
    >Apple Bloom
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666800
    Does she have a gallery, on deviantART or wherever?
    I dislike the diapers, but DAMN she's a great artist.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666803
         File1298265129.jpg-(60 KB, 640x480, 1294435894431.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666804
         File1298265131.png-(338 KB, 640x720, 1297870903596.png)
    338 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666813
    So I lied, new question then.
    Do you have a favorite pony to draw and/or a favorite pony in general?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666817
    Only way to get humans in AND not make it suck is to somehow make the characters SUCH GREAT CHARACTERS that they carry the situations they're in, and do so in a funny and memorable way. But then, it's not really MLP anymore, it's HUMAN SHOW featuring ponies.

    QED - proof by contradiction, it's impossible to add humans to the show without making it suck.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!zveYvhtPHtp 02/21/11(Mon)00:12 No.23666818
         File1298265171.png-(294 KB, 497x795, 1296446106857.png)
    294 KB
    All I have to say is: More BIG MACINTOSH!!!
    sorry, haven't had time to work on one, tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666825
         File1298265181.jpg-(92 KB, 900x900, 1296528434928.jpg)
    92 KB
    in Sonic Rainboom, rarity says she replaced rainbow dash's rock and roll music.

    what song was originally supposed to play? was this considered at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666827
    you are awesome
    thank you for not giving me a boner this time
    >> Giygas' Husbando !!tJbg4u7m4h8 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666830
    My Little Pony name is.....
    Ho hum.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666839
    i'd rather you leave both for something, i dunno, entirely different
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666842
    he has a fucking talent for showing up, without previously being in the thread before, when you call his name. i am not fucking kidding you.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666846
    What about Sonic Rainboom? She was there with Derp-Eyes again Right in plain view too. Also the work of the Directors? Should we basically consider Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo/Bubbly Shines/Bright Eyes (Goddamn she's got a lot of fanon names) canon now?

    Putting bets on Sonic Boom from Sonic CD :B
    >> !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666849

    reiterating my question, flash


    seriously i'm curious as fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:13 No.23666855
    Have you read Cupcakes?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666863
         File1298265261.jpg-(25 KB, 271x286, 1294989915086.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> PK !js2lIkxuL6 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666870
         File1298265276.gif-(22 KB, 945x945, lolidunno.gif)
    22 KB
    Oh, hey! I'd been hoping you'd show up.

    How do you guys make these ponies turn SO SMOOTHLY
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666875
         File1298265277.gif-(277 KB, 200x200, 1297518362877.gif)
    277 KB
    So you sell coffee a coffee accessories?
    speaking of which, I could really go for some coffee right now.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666878
         File1298265283.jpg-(20 KB, 329x264, Okay You Know What 2.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Graham Kraker 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666883
         File1298265291.jpg-(172 KB, 400x394, Dio%2B-%2BHoly%2BDiver%2B-%2BF(...).jpg)
    172 KB
    Rainbow in the dark by dio.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666885
         File1298265294.jpg-(89 KB, 388x456, 1296795772849.jpg)
    89 KB

    Kingsley, sounds like I would be a douche of a pony
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:14 No.23666888
    Yay, Welcome back!
    Can you tell me what version of Flash you use to make this again? I remember it was some fuck old version but I can't remember exactly.
    >> The Judge !!hqQOj5Ki3B4 02/21/11(Mon)00:15 No.23666889

    I am pleased to say that after I made revisions to the Writepony Awards, I've started to receive nomination entries! Hope they keep coming in, and thanks to you who've voted so far! Oh, and if anypony has a name for the whole thing that sounds less obnoxious than "Writepony Awards", please let me know.

    Okay, because of all the complaints I've received about this, I'm simplifying it to see if anypony will become more interested in it. I'm destroying half of the categories, and replacing some of them. The categories in contention will now be:

    Best Story: Comedy
    Best Story: Drama or Grimdark
    Best Shipping Story
    Best Unfinished Story
    Best Short Story

    There will also be a category for Best Story, which will only be brought in during the voting phase. Stories that fall under Best Unfinished Story or Best Shipping Story can also be considered for Best Comedy/Drama or Grimdark. Short Story lengths are under the voters' decision.

    Simply send an e-mail to with a list of which stories you want under each category. Those with the most mentions will get nominated.
    For the best character categories, please include the name of the character as well as the story for which you are nominating it. For the best writing categories, please include the name of the author. For adaptations, please cite the name of what it is adapted from as well. If it is found out that something is actually adapted that gets nominated for original, it'll be sorted out.

    Happy nominating!
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:15 No.23666891
    That art for Rocket To Insanity was awesome btw :D

    I had the scene imagined with a great deal more blood and gore, but hey, that's me :B
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:15 No.23666905
    kloudmutt, would you be a) flattered to have your clothed ponies involved in fanfiction, of any sort? Or b) terrified if it was to be featured in fapfiction?
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/21/11(Mon)00:15 No.23666906

    "Highway to the Danger Zone."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:15 No.23666908
         File1298265325.png-(37 KB, 178x226, 1296009119707.png)
    37 KB
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:15 No.23666910
    This isn't a question that I'd be able to answer even if I did know, but I honestly haven't got the foggiest idea either way. I'm sure it would be executed in the same way as the rest of the series has been, if it had to happen.

    Hey, hey, whatever happened to Friendship? No reason others can't carry on their own conversations.

    Our studio did all the stuff up to animation (storyboards, builds, design, layouts... though now that I think about it, I think a lot of backgrounds were done by TopDraw in the Phillipines). As for animation, the in-house crew did episodes 2, 4, and every third episode after that. (7, 10, 13, 16). It gets a little sketchy towards the end of the season because there were more available animators in the studio, so more were done in-house.

    I didn't go to either of those schools, but I did go to an art school with an animation program.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!zveYvhtPHtp 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666923
         File1298265380.png-(93 KB, 230x268, 1297659707719.png)
    93 KB
    it's not sexy
    it's cute
    dare you to do Big Mac
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666924
         File1298265381.jpg-(21 KB, 471x336, 1291751615142.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666929
         File1298265384.jpg-(107 KB, 800x805, 1294024076540.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Wolfram !JYEXaCgf9o 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666930
    I hate fanfics with just a bunch of random slaughter and "creepy" shit like that.

    If you're going to make a grimdark fic, please make it realistic, i.e. something that actually can happen in a magical pony world (my guess for an upper limit is "parents dieing".)
    >> Envy 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666931
    Wait, so she was in the scene, in the same general position and screwing up like the final version?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666932
    Ok, here's what I want to know.

    What kind of information is in the show bible? You don't have to say what exactly is in it but...? Is there cosmology? (It's been made clear that the sun and moon are small, nearby objects, and that's been consistent.) Is there history, besides the legend of Luna and Celestia? Are there rules about how magic works?

    Or, when we try to guess at all these things from the hints we're given, are we just wasting our time?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666935
    I'm sure it was some Equestrian rock song that nobody here knows.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:16 No.23666937
         File1298265417.gif-(1.73 MB, 450x350, Pinkie says spooky.gif)
    1.73 MB
    This may have come up several times, but I am curious.

    I get the sense that the staff is overjoyed that /co/ has adopted MLP to the extent it has, and how much discussion and fandom it generates. But it seems as time went by, more and more . . . "questionable" content gets added with the number of growing fans. If Lauren and/or others still follow on occasion, how have they reacted to the "dark" side of fancontent here?
    >> kloudmutt 02/21/11(Mon)00:17 No.23666941
    furry pony?
    transformer pony?
    strike witch pony?
    crossdresing pony?

    i dunno what do you want from me?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:17 No.23666945

    I'm just fucking with Lucid. He's been building up to this release of his new chapter for awhile now, and then had colossally bad timing.

    Anyway, let me rephrase my last question to make it entirely personal and answerable.

    Are you looking for work?
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/21/11(Mon)00:17 No.23666947
         File1298265447.jpg-(73 KB, 266x267, 155172_peter.jpg)
    73 KB
    My pony senses were tingling.
    >> Graham Kraker 02/21/11(Mon)00:17 No.23666952
         File1298265460.jpg-(322 KB, 945x945, letter544.jpg)
    322 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:18 No.23666972
    Thank you for answering c: I know you can't say which school exactly so you aren't pinned down but it is nice to hear that there are people in the animation business who didn't go to those art schools
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:18 No.23666988

    Just ignore the trolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:18 No.23666989
    Rainbow Trap
    Twilight Traple
    Pinkie Trap
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23666993
         File1298265552.png-(626 KB, 800x800, ponygaga.png)
    626 KB
    Just admiring FlashinthePan. I don't have any questions for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23667006

    I'm still gunning for trap Snails, myself.
    >> ChoppersTopHat !!aGLqNDWHQaD 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23667013
         File1298265584.jpg-(92 KB, 900x671, derpy is canon.jpg)
    92 KB
    Whoever is responsible for the canonical Derpy cameos, I hope they know how much the MLP fandom appreciates it.

    Seriously, this place went NUTS when she showed up in Feeling Pinkie Keen. And even moreso when she actually had a small story-relevant role in Sonic Rainboom.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23667015
    You could do more crossdressing Rainbow

    I think that's pretty harmless and cute
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23667016
         File1298265590.png-(28 KB, 136x138, RBDSerious.png)
    28 KB
    NO. Bad Anonymous. No cupcake for you.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23667018

    I was just curious if you read the comic he posted upthread.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:19 No.23667020
    How about Filly Pinkie Pie with a wood spoon in her mouth and a chef's hat on?
    >> kloudmutt 02/21/11(Mon)00:20 No.23667024
    me like
    >> Chocolate Sprinkles Royal !W0SDFvaR0Y 02/21/11(Mon)00:20 No.23667025
         File1298265618.png-(116 KB, 404x260, Fluttershy.png)
    116 KB
    I just Downloaded the first 10 episodes and I love it.

    Thank You /co/

    I am offically a brony
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:20 No.23667029
         File1298265620.jpg-(222 KB, 573x583, 1296622116131.jpg)
    222 KB
    Here's my first and last fanfic ever. I call it Apple Gloom. I meant to make it funnier, but I'm not a very good writer, so I failed.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/21/11(Mon)00:20 No.23667033
    Hey Flash, I was wondering what's the best way I can go about supporting the show?
    I bought some of the toys, recommend it wherever it is appropriate to do so, and even emailed Hasbro saying how fantastic of a program it is and how I'd really appreciate a super awesome dvd release.
    >> Envy 02/21/11(Mon)00:20 No.23667037
    File deleted.
    >>Goes to new thread to post the last Pony Pudge picture.
    >>Animator on
    >>...Decides to wait a while
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:21 No.23667040
         File1298265660.jpg-(41 KB, 600x447, fluttershydissapointment.jpg)
    41 KB
    >mfw you didn't go with Trapplejack instead
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:21 No.23667042
         File1298265665.png-(131 KB, 366x270, 1297661801002.png)
    131 KB
    Why is Venom fucking Rainbow Dash?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:21 No.23667057
    Twilight on Twilight action. Whatever species (or mix of them) you feel like. Heck, even tentacle ponies are cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:21 No.23667062
    This topic needs more Doctor Whoof! What does everyone think of this fanfic?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:21 No.23667068
         File1298265704.png-(69 KB, 700x700, SD.png)
    69 KB
    >Those eyelashes. NO NO NO NO NO NO

    OH GOD NO...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667077
    Oh you!
    I loved the next section, as always. I have determined you cannot now release a part of that story that I will not love. My only complaint is as it always will be: I want more of it. Regardless, I know you're busy with other things, and cannot devote your entire life to this.
    Just as an aside, I cannot draw but do like to think of myself as a somewhat decent writefag. If there's every anything you want somepony else to write, I'd be happy to do my best for you.
    Your #1 Stalker.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667085

    mmm anatomically correct
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667089
         File1298265745.jpg-(196 KB, 600x408, LOFC.jpg)
    196 KB
    It's like whoever is spamming the porn was just -waiting- for FlashInThePan to show up.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667091
    Hey Flash, you're seeing all this porn...
    Be honest, is ANYONE surprised?
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667100
         File1298265761.jpg-(5 KB, 251x243, 1282629289692.jpg)
    5 KB
    >mfw I went on for fun and got the same thing
    >> tanner 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667103
    I wish i could delete other peoples posts sometimes
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667106
         File1298265772.png-(187 KB, 499x568, showers is disturbed.png)
    187 KB
    looks like we have incoming gents, to the porn shelters
    >> !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667107
         File1298265775.jpg-(91 KB, 604x484, 2134146136714578.jpg)
    91 KB

    ok, how about this;
    how does the creation team feel about fanfics? are you guys barred from reading them? are there any that you yourself have read and very much liked?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:22 No.23667110
    No fair, this one's canon.
    >> BrotherPrickle !381c/kZCq6 02/21/11(Mon)00:23 No.23667112
    Oh, awesome. Hope you find Randy Hearts an acceptable use. It'll be...interesting.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:23 No.23667115
    Whaaat did I say in the ruuuuuurus? No comment on suspicious tweets.

    I think they're hilarious. Although Dr. Whoof is a bit too cross-overy for my tastes. (A friend of mine recommended that I read "My Little Timelord", saying it would change my views, but I haven't had a chance to do that yet.)

    It works by all of those things, yes. And also computers. As for the cutie-mark... yeah, I and a few other staff members noticed that the note is backwards, too. I think whoever designed may have just goofed. Oh, and by the by... in DJ Pony's 'official' design, she is actually a very light yellow - a kind of off-white. She was tinted in that one shot, cuz it was dark. But I actually prefer the fan colours.

    Favourite pony always has been Pinkie Pie, but I like the other ones a lot, now. Rainbow Dash is creepin' up. I think my favourite to draw is Twilight.

    We use Flash 8, with a bunch of after-market plugins added. Some from the interwubs, some programmed in-studio.

    I have read it. I can't say I enjoyed it... though I did like the tweeeest at the end.

    Also, holy fuck these threads move FAST.
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:23 No.23667116
    Repostan link

    Equestria: The Fires of War
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:23 No.23667122
    There's a report button for a reason.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!zveYvhtPHtp 02/21/11(Mon)00:23 No.23667124
         File1298265809.jpg-(619 KB, 1300x4490, Aj's apples.jpg)
    619 KB
    for Flash, our animator friend
    I post a re-edit of my first toy comic
    more Big Mac screen time
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:23 No.23667134
         File1298265826.png-(25 KB, 945x945, 1295682542650.png)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:24 No.23667142
    >Big Mac


    Bulge optional. I'm a bad person but I'm not that bad.
    >> !violetfiJc 02/21/11(Mon)00:24 No.23667143
         File1298265848.png-(1.17 MB, 500x500, 1298093018410.png)
    1.17 MB
    Flash, I'm now director of advertising for MLP:FiM. First campaign: EXTREME.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:24 No.23667147
         File1298265860.png-(411 KB, 653x2158, MLP BROVENTURE part 1 of 3.png)
    411 KB
    attention whoring my depression away
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:24 No.23667152
         File1298265871.jpg-(1.37 MB, 2288x990, Humanized 06.jpg)
    1.37 MB
    Okay folks, post every known human incarnation that shows all six of the ponies, bonus if it includes other known characters like Applebloom, Trixie, etc.

    I think this human lineup's sort of...meh. Twilight looks too much like a stereotypical nerdy archetype, Rarity and Pinkie Pie's hair lack those iconic shapes that make them both look interesting, Fluttershy's dress is kind of neat but otherwise...whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:24 No.23667159
         File1298265886.png-(413 KB, 600x600, 1297462319915.png)
    413 KB
    The levels of trolling involved in this thread are too complicated for me to grasp

    hi Flash, you guys are doing a great job
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/21/11(Mon)00:25 No.23667167
         File1298265900.jpg-(251 KB, 777x800, My Little Pony Derpy 4 Colored.jpg)
    251 KB

    Holy christ the entire scene with Derpy was adorable. I love how she called him "ambassador." <3
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:25 No.23667168
         File1298265900.png-(135 KB, 397x346, Pinkie pie says my boy.png)
    135 KB
    I read it like 10 seconds after I posted and felt very silly (still, you have to admit, the comic is nothing like some of the . . . porn we get here at times).
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:25 No.23667173
         File1298265908.jpg-(264 KB, 1016x884, ScratchBehindTheGoggles.jpg)
    264 KB
    >prefers the fan colors of DJ P0N-3/Vinyl Scratch
    E-even the albino-red eyes?

    Also I'd ask if you'd read Rocket To Insanity, but since you didn't enjoy Cupcakes, don't go looking for it then. Spiritual sequel and all that.
    >> tanner 02/21/11(Mon)00:25 No.23667174

    Fast threads fast content. The archive does help in that matter.

    What do you say your favorite episode you worked on was?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:25 No.23667176
         File1298265917.png-(75 KB, 383x265, 129759663728-1297357378995.png)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:26 No.23667206

    Did anyone else notice a Pegasus version of him in the new episode? How many of him are there?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:26 No.23667207
         File1298265996.png-(53 KB, 243x237, RD5435.png)
    53 KB
    That looks painful.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:26 No.23667209
         File1298266002.jpg-(21 KB, 199x154, 1297462566228.jpg)
    21 KB
    >mfw porn spam
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:26 No.23667215
         File1298266017.png-(40 KB, 204x218, oppp tell me about it.png)
    40 KB
    An alcoholic pony?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:27 No.23667217
    >A friend of mine recommended that I read "My Little Timelord"

    You guys are reading our fanfiction too?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:27 No.23667218

    It's still pretty "graphic". I'm pretty sure any animator who's ever lived has drawn 34 themselves.

    At least every animator I've ever spoken with has said so.

    Flash? Do you concur?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:27 No.23667220
         File1298266036.jpg-(492 KB, 900x1238, humancolorful.jpg)
    492 KB
    I wish I knew if this was ever finished... Or who did it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:27 No.23667223
         File1298266039.jpg-(284 KB, 660x660, derpy.jpg)
    284 KB
    Did Faust draw this?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:27 No.23667227
         File1298266055.png-(551 KB, 650x1924, MLP BROVENTURE part 2 of 3.png)
    551 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:27 No.23667240
    my pony name is Klondike,WTF require drawing
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667242

    I hope not. That's kind of creepy!
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667244
         File1298266086.jpg-(8 KB, 236x269, 1296018857810.jpg)
    8 KB
    hey guys! what's going on?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667247
    We burn through them like mad nowadays.
    We know Luna is coming back at some point but could you please tell us if it's just for a 5 second scene or what? I would love for her to have a little more screen time because her design is love.
    Even if the NMM one is ugly
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667255

    He said he did last time he was on. I remember very well because he liked one of mine.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667256
    I could completely tell 16 was done in house.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667257
    I have a question for our animator friend:

    Why does Ponyville have such an enormous library for Twilight to live in when no one ever comes by to borrow a book? Does anyone in Ponyville even own a library card?
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667258
    Nammuch. Postin' ponies. Talkin' ponies.

    Oh and FlashInThePan is here.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667270
    Did Celestia's inner thigh cutie mark become a running joke between you guys, too, already?

    Also, SUPPOSE there would be a second season... would they hire the same team, you included, maybe with additions, or would they do a whole new selection of studio/team?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:28 No.23667271

    Hey, MM. Layout artist for the show is here.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667273
         File1298266142.gif-(402 KB, 150x150, Pinkie Pie's ears are flopping.gif)
    402 KB
    Oh hell! Trying to resist the obvious question I want to beg right now!

    I might be failing this guys!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667281
         File1298266159.png-(523 KB, 653x2036, MLP BROVENTURE part 3 of 3.png)
    523 KB
    >> sage 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667283

    MLP Anim00ter is here:

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667284
         File1298266164.jpg-(196 KB, 600x600, lunashy.jpg)
    196 KB

    Not much. Posting ponies and talking to an animator.

    Sup with you?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667286
    holy shit, is that andrew wk?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667288
         File1298266166.jpg-(71 KB, 680x380, Constance-Carmell.jpg)
    71 KB
    I've been marathoning Party Down, and I thought that Pinkie Pie would make a good Constance.

    What have you guys done to me?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667290
         File1298266169.jpg-(39 KB, 342x285, 1297385059671.jpg)
    39 KB
    Porn spam.

    Also one of the animators is here.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!zveYvhtPHtp 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667291
         File1298266169.gif-(154 KB, 200x200, 1297536900611.gif)
    154 KB
    I'm sorry about Cupcakes, Flash. It's just black comedy. I hope you get a chance to read the story I'm way more proud of, "the Trespasser".
    >> madmax !tqTL5.sbxw 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667292
         File1298266169.png-(65 KB, 188x256, lyra.png)
    65 KB
    Some troll is posting unspoilered porn
    and a guy from the show is answering questions
    >> Diabolical 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667294
         File1298266174.png-(59 KB, 600x449, Snipseyebrows.png)
    59 KB
    >Flash 8.....
    I officially love you guys. It was official before but now.... holy this is a real "stick it to ya" moment for all those people who think that to survive in the Flash world you have to update everytime Adobe releases a new version.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667298
    I know right.
    Damn that was a fantastic episode.
    >> Duplex Fields 02/21/11(Mon)00:29 No.23667303
    Hey Lucid - I liked the newest part! I find this "Humania" intriguing. Is it just Celestia BSing about something she doesn't know, or is it the real Pony name for our world? I'll have to wait for the next part, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:30 No.23667308
         File1298266212.jpg-(2 KB, 126x126, 1297984563902s.jpg)
    2 KB
    Oh hey whats going on in this...
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:30 No.23667315
         File1298266228.jpg-(6 KB, 223x199, 1296672833946.jpg)
    6 KB

    WHAT!???? really?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:30 No.23667329
         File1298266259.png-(190 KB, 627x347, 1298092895993.png)
    190 KB
    "I had the most wonderful night, big sister! I flew to Ponyville and we had a muffin party and played games and I met this handsome young farmcolt."

    "Not... until... after... my... coffee... Luna."
    >> Cereal Velocity !!FLiyuBZFR+6 02/21/11(Mon)00:31 No.23667335
    max, you crack me up. seriously.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:31 No.23667342

    Yeah, rly. "flashinthepan"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:31 No.23667349

    >mfw no bigmac picture
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:31 No.23667351
         File1298266305.jpg-(33 KB, 553x387, pic.jpg)
    33 KB
    >david guetta
    >pic related
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/21/11(Mon)00:31 No.23667352
         File1298266307.png-(920 KB, 986x400, recolors.png)
    920 KB
    Threads have been going way faster recently.

    Also, do you know what's up with these ponies? Daisy Dreams got her own unique art, so why are these just recolors?

    And did those three bully pegasi from Sonic Rainboom ever get names? Just curious.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:31 No.23667355
         File1298266319.jpg-(5 KB, 145x189, 1293487603663.jpg)
    5 KB
    oh doppelganger tell me more!
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)00:32 No.23667356
         File1298266320.jpg-(386 KB, 1000x1000, 1297833880233.jpg)
    386 KB


    I posted this last night, but I think you missed it.

    I got you a music box, the secret ingredient is

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:32 No.23667363
         File1298266334.png-(8 KB, 271x288, 1279863209668.png)
    8 KB
    >Black twilight
    I am this close to wringing your neck.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:32 No.23667376
    Am I the only one who ADORES the idea that Celestia isn't a morning person? It tickles me funny on so many levels.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667389
    It's all FiM porn, too, so they obviously know the ropes.
    I don't know how to feel about that.
    think I'm just going to tell myself they're autistic and ignore them.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667391
         File1298266409.jpg-(4 KB, 154x136, f 12981775250533.jpg)
    4 KB
    brb I wanna her that!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667394
    You get a choice betwen black twilight and fat pinkie.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667395
         File1298266414.png-(87 KB, 526x1000, stop_feeding_the_parasprite.png)
    87 KB
    Yep. It was just a fortuitous coincidence that she happened to be in a moving company.

    The show bible that I've seen doesn't go into that much detail. It wouldn't surprise me if there's more of that kind of thing in Lauren's personal notes, but I haven't seen it. It does talk about where the various races of ponies come from, how they are stewards for nature, etc. etc. It's detailed, but not hugely detailed.

    I think there's a significant chunk of the staff that doesn't pay much attention to the internet response either way, but I know a lot of people (including myself) who are super-stoked at /co/ and other internet community's enthusiasm. As for the less savoury content? It's the internet - that's how it goes.

    Not looking for work, but I can tell you that what I'm doing on monday is not Ponies. (Pretty sure I can't say what it is, though.)

    Lady Gaga is rad, by the way.

    Sounds like you're already doing a great job. Really, the more people who watch the show (and, I suppose, the more people who buy the toys - since that's what Hasbro's paying us for), the better. I don't know what the state is for a BD/DVD release, but I sure as hell hope there will be one.

    I've never been given any rules about fan-fics, although I think very few people read them. Many stay away just because of the connotations of "fan fiction".

    Also, now seems to be as good a time as any to post the other drawing I did - a fluttershy version of that rad "stop feeding the troll" comic. (But seriously, I've seen a tonne of 34 already. It doesn't surprise me. Actually... the panty-wearing ponies creeps me out more than the hardcore stuff. It's less funny, somehow.)
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667403
         File1298266427.png-(202 KB, 981x1050, BigMacnLuna.png)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667404
    Alright, now I'm morbidly curious. Have you ever seen any rule 34 of the show that made you go 'What.'
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:33 No.23667405
         File1298266430.jpg-(22 KB, 300x250, She_wants_to_fuck8.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:34 No.23667409
         File1298266442.jpg-(71 KB, 440x297, Big-Mac.jpg)
    71 KB
    here, for future usage.
    >> Gorodetsky !!vhc6VOBIJwW 02/21/11(Mon)00:34 No.23667411

    >>Pony Racism Forever!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:34 No.23667415
    You forgot Lily Blossom, which has a beautiful original design, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:34 No.23667422

    Dude, if you want to change your view of Doctor Whoof, read Number 12.

    Also, I love you.
    >> Diabolical 02/21/11(Mon)00:34 No.23667424
         File1298266478.gif-(367 KB, 256x255, 1298000551716.gif)
    367 KB
    I'm seeing double Maxies.
    oh god my head is
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:35 No.23667433
         File1298266504.png-(398 B, 64x32, derpyhoovesminecraft.png)
    398 B
    I love that so much...
    Have a Derpy Minecraft skin in return.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:35 No.23667448

    >Not looking for work, but I can tell you that what I'm doing on monday is not Ponies. (Pretty sure I can't say what it is, though.)

    Hmm. But monday is a banking holiday. Riddles wrapped in enigmas. My strategery isn't working.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:35 No.23667455
         File1298266554.png-(165 KB, 378x395, 129763538450-o_O_5_(2).png)
    165 KB
    This thread with porn?

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:36 No.23667465
         File1298266575.jpg-(206 KB, 1200x900, P2120829.jpg)
    206 KB

    These are the most half-aassed recolorings i've ever seen, fuck even the art is just other ponies with different colors!

    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/21/11(Mon)00:36 No.23667467
         File1298266582.jpg-(29 KB, 400x400, BE3AB92D5056900B10A8A54863C077(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    Ah derp, yeah, forgot her.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:36 No.23667474
         File1298266590.jpg-(306 KB, 699x948, magic missile.jpg)
    306 KB
    Oh my! I loled
    I'm gonna cast magic missile on you for that!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:36 No.23667483
    if you are one of the workers for the show,why go to hub(ch 101) why not use CN(ch 50) or XD(ch 347) hub show FIM on only 3 days,monday,friday and saturday, CN or XD would show it more often then hub
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:37 No.23667498
    >creeped out by the pantys

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:37 No.23667506
         File1298266662.jpg-(43 KB, 854x480, 1297313825737.jpg)
    43 KB
    Just ignore it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:37 No.23667507
    >the panty-wearing ponies creeps me out more than the hardcore stuff. It's less funny, somehow

    Thanks drawfags. Keep being creepy.
    >> Duplex Fields 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667516
    Yo itchymango, I recognized your style from the Spa Ponies in that one flockdraw. Feels good to have an artist I recognize into Ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667518
    How do you QC with so many studios in the mix? It seems like the animation quality is pretty much top notch most of the time and very fluid.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667521
    Uhh.. They didn't "Go" anywhere.
    The Hub OWNS the show.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667536
    Hub is a channel owned by Hasbro.
    Hasbro owns My Little Pony.
    Guess what, dumbass? Go on and guess who had the show put into production?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667541

    Because Hub is Hasbro's broadcasting company, perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667544
    The HUB is owned in part by Hasbro, bro.
    >> Envy 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667549
         File1298266729.jpg-(469 KB, 1200x1800, 36 parasprite.jpg)
    469 KB
    Welp, mine just got useless.

    I kid. Yours is rad
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667552
         File1298266732.gif-(35 KB, 248x358, Applebloom is driven to write.gif)
    35 KB
    I'm impressed with your version of it. Capture the tone of the original very well. Now I have TWO DNF the parasprite pictures with Fluttershy I can post in one thread.

    As for the fanfiction, that can be expected. I lived with the same thought process for most of my life until someone, --I highly, highly respect their taste--told me they read fanfiction quite often and had many they followed.

    But then Friendship is Magic happened, and I took the plunge into writing my own. One of the most uplifting experiences I've had, I think. Converted a friend of mine into watching MLP:FiM after she proof read it for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:38 No.23667553
    We had another version like this from a bit back but I can't find it and I like yours better anyway
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:39 No.23667558

    What's the creative process like? Is it heavily regimented into sections, where, say, a writer can't really critique a visual design and where a landscaper won't have much input into characterization, or do all members of the team pitch in at various points? Could an artist go up to Lauren and be like, "Yo, I think Rarity's acting out of character here," and be listened to?
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 02/21/11(Mon)00:39 No.23667567
    It's not the nineteenth century anymore; I don't get why /co/ is so offended by the idea of a black person who can read.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:39 No.23667568
    Okay, FLASH. Answer this.
    Why the hell are cows treated as second class citizens in this supposedly idealistic world? They're forced to live in barns, can't be spoken to when they're angry, and never get a large role on the show, not even ONE.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:39 No.23667571

    The drawfags draw requests bro.

    Requests made by the fans of the show. Blame the requesters.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:39 No.23667578

    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/21/11(Mon)00:40 No.23667600
    Will there be a season 2?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:40 No.23667601
         File1298266828.png-(36 KB, 197x194, Ces4566.png)
    36 KB
    > MFW someone from the show is here.
    > MFW this apparently calls for a huge amount of porn.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:40 No.23667612
    Bullshit, kluddmott drew that shit on his own.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:40 No.23667615
         File1298266858.jpg-(99 KB, 776x1029, CelestiaOBEY.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667618
    Aw c'mon, yours is great. I wouldn't discard it.
    >> sage 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667623
         File1298266877.jpg-(4 KB, 102x140, time_yes.jpg)
    4 KB

    >> Lady Gaga is rad, by the way.
    >> that rad "stop feeding the troll" comic

    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667626
    Yours is saved too. I plan on using both, don't worry.
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667630
         File1298266887.jpg-(158 KB, 800x800, 1298233022526.jpg)
    158 KB


    Equestria: The Fires of War
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667631
    Just get off it nerd.
    We're all friends here.
    Blame is just bad feelings, nopony wants that.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667637

    If they're paying attention to the actual thread instead of just worrying about the flood detection cool down, they'll probably start posting the panties pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667638

    He made it specifically clear that he isn't allowed to comment on that.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667639
         File1298266906.jpg-(30 KB, 474x271, 1297310557596.jpg)
    30 KB
    GOD DAMN--
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667640
    Why is spades slick in there?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:41 No.23667642
    It's the magic of 4chan. The most inappropriate material will be posted at the worst (or arguably best) possible time.

    It's damn near a law of the Internet.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:42 No.23667646
    Flash said that he/she can't say
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:42 No.23667648
         File1298266928.png-(687 KB, 822x1598, hasbro_crossover_by_tyrranux-d(...).png)
    687 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:42 No.23667656
         File1298266949.png-(94 KB, 419x453, derpaint.png)
    94 KB
    nope, someone requested that trixie be drawn wearing the panties featured in this pic and it snowballed from there.
    I asked for the scootalloo one
    I feel horrible for it
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/21/11(Mon)00:42 No.23667658
    Dude it's 4chan
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)00:42 No.23667674
         File1298266979.png-(415 KB, 1180x1120, 1297910467163.png)
    415 KB

    MFW Someone from the show is here.

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:43 No.23667679
    Why are earth ponies so discriminated against?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:43 No.23667683

    Why is this story so familiar to me?
    >> Diabolical 02/21/11(Mon)00:43 No.23667688
    We're not posting it.
    We stopped liking porn a long time ago. All we care about now is friendship and magic.

    No seriously though, that aint us.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:43 No.23667690
    Is it bad that i like the second one more?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:43 No.23667691
    It's a subset of Murphy's Law. No need to codify it into Internet rules.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667707
         File1298267046.jpg-(3 KB, 126x111, 1298164755136s.jpg)
    3 KB
    ...I prefer the second one...
    Just because it would be hilarious...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667710
    well,hasbro is killing their best show,along with transformers prime they need to show it more
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667714
    This is a good question
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667719
    oh, my bad, i haven't been paying attention to this thread that much
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667721
    Why does Twilight have two horns?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667727
         File1298267084.jpg-(2.07 MB, 3000x2500, hither_and_yonder_by_porkcow-d(...).jpg)
    2.07 MB
    So how do you guys agree on things like cities? I thought Cloudsdale was pretty awesome
    >> !violetfiJc 02/21/11(Mon)00:44 No.23667734
    Super Rad.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667735
         File1298267100.jpg-(9 KB, 246x248, 1297291831386.jpg)
    9 KB
    squeak how did you do that song?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667736
         File1298267102.png-(254 KB, 495x287, secret butt fun.png)
    254 KB
    Flash, what is your opinion of Secret Butt Fun?
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667738
    The red eyes work with the colours. I forgot to check whether the design actually had eye colours (or if they were still just the pony template).

    She didn't work on the show. I'm not sure I know anyone on staff (aside from me) who actually HAS read any of the fan-fic. I generally just read the little flash-fictions that get posted. The one-off jokes.

    Not every animator has drawn porn, but a good chunk of'em have. I have not drawn very much. But really, animator worth their salt has drawn a lot of naked people anyway. Life drawing!

    I... have no idea. This is not something I know the backstory for.

    Haha, whatever dude, don't apologize. I usually don't have much time for fanfic, but I remember a stretch of a week or two where evvvveryone was posting about it, and posting fan-art related to it. So I read it to see what the commotion was.

    Do people seriously say that? Flash 8 can be pretty crasherrific itself, it has this one REALLY obnoxious bug where you can't paint inside a flipped symbol (uuugh), and it's really starting to show its age in terms of memory usage -- but its simplicity works heavily in its favour.

    Haha, I'm as grumpy about those ponies as everyone else is... although I also think it's pretty funny. The recolours are just so... transparent.

    I expect the bullies are just called "pegasus bullies" or something.
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667750
    No she's BS'ing.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667752
    One's a sweatdrop
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667755
    >>MFW some little kid posts cable channels specific to his area
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:45 No.23667764
    One is an anime sweatdrop.
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667770
         File1298267171.png-(71 KB, 268x297, 1297107894024.png)
    71 KB

    Aw, thanks.

    I think....
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667773
    The one next to her ear is a sweatdrop.

    I just noticed the Optimus had a Spark cutie mark. I laughed.
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667776
         File1298267178.jpg-(13 KB, 366x270, twilight s.jpg)
    13 KB
    Twilight gets the best facial expressions.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown !!zveYvhtPHtp 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667780
         File1298267182.png-(122 KB, 632x726, Sarge.png)
    122 KB
    By the way, I'm sorry I don't have any new content to post tonight like i said i was. I've been working all weekend, and when I wasn't working, I was asleep. My lasest project turned out to be very ambitious and prop heavy. I'm going to work on it and another tomorrow.
    Also, I think I've finally shaken my writing funk. After that "incident" three weeks ago, I've been very intimidated to write. However, I think I've got it figured out.
    I might start working on a chapter in the next few days. I think I'm going to take a Micheal Bay route.
    >> Diabolical 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667782
    They aren't.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667785
         File1298267194.png-(158 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2011-02-17-01h12m31s22.png)
    158 KB
    Hey FlashinthePan you still here?

    I have a question! Would you get in trouble if you got found out posting here? I think Lauren said something similar to that in her deviantart page.

    Al;so who's been sneaking hopping 'Lyra' everywhere? Its hilarious!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667787
    What are your thoughts on this image specifically?

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:46 No.23667790
    >To find McDonalds ponies
    Me and five other guys had that exact same adventure on friday night at about 1AM. It was the best night I've had in a while. Everybody got what they wanted, even if it took 7 McDonalds and $20.

    Also: Riding in a van is way more fun when there are no seats.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:47 No.23667804
    Derpy's really fucking cute in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:47 No.23667819
    no problem, good stuff takes time
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/21/11(Mon)00:47 No.23667820

    Is there anything cool that you're allowed to tell us that we don't already know?

    and could you tell us what it is?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:48 No.23667837
    you sick fuck
    just kidding, i agree
    >> kloudmutt 02/21/11(Mon)00:48 No.23667840
    kay but according to that now i can draw hardcore porn, im inclined with bestiality fluttershy, tentacle sparkle, pinkie wam, incest jack, etc
    >> Diabolical 02/21/11(Mon)00:49 No.23667853
    Late but
    >Faust makes a human character but she's the dumbest character in the show. Snails actually has a line saying "You're pretty slow for a nonpony eh."
    >She is continually captured by badguys and Twilight just doesn't want to be bothered with her half of the time.
    >> !violetfiJc 02/21/11(Mon)00:49 No.23667856
    What's your favorite song from the show? It's gotta be Winter Wrap Up. Also, have you heard the remixes?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667874
    Well you're partially right, I'm the guy who was requesting Derpy licking a sleeping pony's face in the previous thread.
    But I meant in a non-sexual way.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667876
    I am fine with you drawing hardcore porn if it's not of actual ponies
    >> ChoppersTopHat !!aGLqNDWHQaD 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667877
    You may have been asked this before, Flash, but I was wondering anyway: how long does an average episode take to fully produce? I'm talking from the moment the writer types the first letter to the final ready-to-air product.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667882
    tentacle sparkle! oh my!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667883

    I want to see a pony giving Big Mac a blowjob. Her cutie mark is an ejaculating penis, because she's the town whore. All the background ponies are just walking around not paying attention. Because they're all nude anyway and that shit goes on in public all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667886

    i hope you die in a fire
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667892

    A year and a half of piano lessons, an old keyboard set to "Music Box" mode, a mic and a guitar tab somepony posted a few days back.
    Did you like it? I'm not the best.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:50 No.23667893
    >hey I'm already a stain on the fandom, let's go all-out
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:51 No.23667907
    you'd schlick to that...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:51 No.23667918
    excuse me sir, may I see your contributions?


    That's what I thought
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:51 No.23667923
    Oh yeah.. I uh..
    That was probably me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:52 No.23667928
    Is it true that Celestia is slowly trying to enslave all of Equestria or is this just propaganda spread by the griffons to try and encourage rebellion against our pony overlord?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:52 No.23667929

    Dude, don't be ridiculous. It's no a library in the sense that we humans know it. It's more of what we would call a repository, a storage place for all the recorded knowledge in that particular area. It's not supposed to be readily accessible to just any pony. Twilight is allowed to be there since she respects and tends to the books, and Princess Celestia knows that.
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/21/11(Mon)00:52 No.23667932
         File1298267529.png-(243 KB, 1000x600, celest-cigar.png)
    243 KB
    Alright, Stuck is updated on Equestria Daily.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:52 No.23667942
    Personally I'm inclined to pictures of Fluttershy gardening
    >> hurp durp oc Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/21/11(Mon)00:52 No.23667943
    It's fine, don't worry about it!
    Also that's one creative pony you've got.

    Are there any other animator in-jokes we can look for in upcoming episodes, other than Derpy?
    >> Monketron 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667951
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667953

    No contributions? Are you crazy? Did you not see all those My Little Dinosaurs?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667954
    Is anybody capping this stuff, by the way?

    Also image limit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667958
    I would like to thank you for knowing that a library does not always have to be the literary equivalent of a Blockbuster.
    >> !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667962

    new equestion
    since you mentioned programming flash plugins in-studio

    have you experimented with a "pony generator" for background ponies? like some actionscript system that will use the already made flash objects for the head and limbs and manes, but give them a random color pallet?

    it could SEVERELY cutdown on samefaggery in the background pony roster. some eps were pretty bad at this, like 6 ponies occupying ENTIRE CROWDS.

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667967
    >implying I'm not Lauren Faust
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667969
    Is there any way you could bug your fellow animators/Faust to provide a map of Ponyville and the surrounding area in one of the shows in Season 2 or 3?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667971
    im 19,every time i do or type something dumb,or screw up my spelling everyone says underage
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:53 No.23667984

    Flash, here's a question:

    How much money, and to whom, would I have to invest in order to get someone to add a Kathryn Page gag into the credits?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:54 No.23667996
    That's... brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:54 No.23667999

    meet the new question, same as the old question
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:54 No.23668001

    Kind of new to this whole pony thing, so forgive me if this has been answered before. But did come to /co/ before you worked on the show? If not, how did you hear about us?
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/21/11(Mon)00:54 No.23668003

    that was great!
    >sorry but not happy lyra face cuz imagelimit
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:54 No.23668010
    Oh hey, I sent you an email. Sethisto, right?
    Could you put this up? People have been telling me it's good, so, I dunno. Up to you.

    Equestria: The Fires of War
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:55 No.23668018
    (^_^)/ *LOL
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:55 No.23668034
    NEW THREAD: >>23668020
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:55 No.23668035
    Reiterating this
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:55 No.23668036
    Well, you are admittedly just one year over the age limit on 4chan, so that's probably why.

    also 19 years old here
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:55 No.23668050
    Well stop doing dumb things then!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:56 No.23668051

    Dude, that's what, the sixth time you've spammed that in this thread?
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)00:56 No.23668060
    Yyyes, I have. The further off-model it gets, the more 'wat' it elicits, generally. The ponies are so stylized that any on-model 34 just looks silly.

    Whatever, just cuz it's not my cuppa, if someone wants to draw it, I'm not gonna stop'em.

    Yeah. I kinda _want_ to read more of the stuff you guys write, but there's just so much it's hard to know what to read when I haven't got much time for it.

    Oh! I didn't even know someone else had made one. Sorry if I stole your thunder, brony.

    I don't really have much say in the early stages. I know pretty much nothing about the writing process, and all the design and animatic and build stuff happens so much earlier in the pipeline than my work that things are baaasically set by the time it gets to me. I understand that things can change from time to time, but I don't know how much or how often.

    Noooo idea. Cuz it's a funny gag? I admit it gets really weird once you apply the fridge logic. (Did I use that term right?)

    Secret Butt Fun is the funniest goddamn thing to come out of Pound Puppies. Me and my coworkers crack up about it all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:56 No.23668068

    Lucid is not Sethisto.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)00:57 No.23668110

    New thread if you want to change over, Flash: >>23668020
    >> Optimus Sleepy 02/21/11(Mon)00:57 No.23668114
    So now we get chubby poneys? Balony Poneys? "Rocking horse people eat marshmallow pie"? Do we get a SLOB Celestia to go with the SLUT Celestia?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:58 No.23668131
    Hey Flash
    >> Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y 02/21/11(Mon)00:59 No.23668158
    Ah, well.
    Thank you for clearing that up.

    Feels bad man[/spoiler
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:59 No.23668166
    New thread

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)00:59 No.23668171
         File1298267988.jpg-(610 KB, 1200x902, 03- Human Lineup.jpg)
    610 KB

    Hiya Flash, thanks for the answers tonight. My question to you concerns how you got to work on this show. What attracted you to it?

    Also a silly question - Do the human incarnations of the main pony cast interest you in how they vary? Have you ever drawn any human variations yourself?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:00 No.23668178
    Newfoals gonna newfoal
    we have an archival system that tracks mlpgeneral.png and archives all of our threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:00 No.23668197
    Not a big deal. If you did email him, the story will be up on Equestria Daily soon. I know it's exciting and you want everypony to love your new work, but just give it time. Here, I'll go read it now and tell you what i think in the new thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:01 No.23668226

    Huge shit storm detected
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)01:01 No.23668232

    Posted MF in the new thread. Because I have such a large smile.
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/21/11(Mon)01:03 No.23668304
    are those trannies?

    someone wants to die
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:04 No.23668308
    Sweet slippery christ, those are hideous!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:07 No.23668416

    most of them are decent.
    my fav:
    -"Sad Dash" and "Rainbow Crash" that shit made me cry like a bitch.
    -The two "Pony Apocalypse" one are a grim, but rather good/cool, especially Rainbow Dash's new 'stunt".
    >> Jimbo 02/21/11(Mon)01:11 No.23668521

    Hey Squeak! Not sure if you're still here, but the standard method for notating sharps in a piece of music is always in the same order - FCGDAEB. So you'll need to put all of those sharps in there, in the correct order, since right now they are lined up as DCGABE, and just write all of the F's with natural signs.

    However: It would seem that you are picking this out by ear, which is why every note is coming up sharp - except for F. Since it's technically impossible to have a C# Major piece without any F#, I think you're actually going to need to write this in Ab Major, which is essentially what you're doing anyway. You just need to change all the enharmonic notes to their flat siblings - G# becomes Ab, C# becomes Db, etc. You'll end up with this key signature in the end - BbEbAbDb.

    Best of luck!
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)01:13 No.23668586
    Uhhhh I don't _think_ I'd get in trouble. I haven't been told otherwise, but, dunno? It might be different if I posted with my real name, but ... I'd never do that anyway.

    As for hopping Lyra, I have no idea who has been dropping her in. I wonder if some of it is just because it's good re-use animation for crowds... (not to burst any bubbles).

    Hmm. I ... don't know. My mind is so scattered right now from all these questions that I am not sure. I'll think on it a bit.

    Yeah... like I said, you can draw whatever you want to - I think it's rad that you are so frickin' productive in these threads. Really, the whole fan community impresses the hell out of me. People doing remixes of the songs? Full-on digital paintings? Well-written fan-fiction in many thousands of words? I feel really lucky to have been part of a show that's getting this much attention. This is super rare.

    Haha, ah, speaking of remixes. Yes, I've heard many of them. My favourite is that one on Soundcloud, of the intro. Super mellow, downright pretty. My favourite sonnnggg... is one that you haven't heard yet.

    There are a few delays here and there to account for quality control and broadcaster clearances and stuff - and it's delayed because the directors have to divert their attention to numerous shows at once - but from story pitch to final delivery is a full year.

    I always thought there was a long-standing treaty with the Griffons! Those schemy bastards.

    Upcoming episodes = off-limits, remembah?
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 02/21/11(Mon)01:13 No.23668607
    Pony-generator would result in some really godawful colour schemes, and probably wouldn't be worth the trouble to try and program. Also, every single design needs to be approved, all the way up. I saw some of those samepony screenshots, and ... well, I don't know what was happening in terms of deadlines that week, but it looks to me like some lazy layout. There are a hell of a lot more background ponies than just 6, if people would only use them. (It's possible the animator swapped'em out, because you can repeat the animation in every instance, but putting the characters in the scene is layout's job, so that's where I'm inclined to put the responsibility.) I was disappoint when I saw that screenshot.

    Didn't really come to /co/ before MLP, but I knew about it and I knew about 4chan. I figured it out because I saw a lot of "why /co/?!" on the youtube comment threads when the show first started airing.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:16 No.23668665
    sup Flash.
    We missed you bro.
    >> !violetfiJc 02/21/11(Mon)01:17 No.23668694
    I know that intro remix is AMAZING.

    Also, everyone's waiting for you to show up at the new thread.
    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/21/11(Mon)01:17 No.23668700
    Flaaash. New thread is over here, Bro!

    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:19 No.23668755
    >My favourite sonnnggg... is one that you haven't heard yet.
    You mother fucker...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:21 No.23668810
    can somepony link to the remix?
    >> Envy 02/21/11(Mon)01:22 No.23668834
    >>I was disappoint

    You rule so much
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:24 No.23668898
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:27 No.23668973
    Thank you very pony
    >> !violetfiJc 02/21/11(Mon)01:27 No.23668981
    Having an extremely hard time finding it. All I can remember is that it's on Soundcloud by somebody named something like "ChainAlgorithm" or something like that.
    >> !violetfiJc 02/21/11(Mon)01:28 No.23669005
    >> !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/21/11(Mon)01:30 No.23669061
    >There are a hell of a lot more background ponies than just 6
    >because you can repeat the animation in every instance

    huh, guess layout is just lazy and doesn't want to copy and paste more an 6 ponies? man, someone needs to replace that guy
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)01:58 No.23669818

    new general?
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/21/11(Mon)02:01 No.23669893
    MFW I have to go to sleep and there's an awesome person answering questions tonight.

    I wonder if he's ever read anything of mine.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/11(Mon)02:09 No.23670108

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