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!IHwejl/aNY 02/20/11(Sun)15:10 No.23651273 File1298232654.jpg-(26 KB, 600x304, 1297907653845.jpg)
 Alright, I come from the other thread, which I assumed was pony general. So please don't be annoyed that I'm re-posting it. I'm only doing it for y'all.
So let's say this is a "Celestia is evil" universe, and several ponies have decided to revolt against her. There are armies being formed. People are not allowing their crops or products to up to Canterlot. But just as the rebels form, some of Celestia's followers stay true to her. But how to the main characters react?
Applejack: Not as into the fight as the others, but weakly agrees that Celestia isn't the best ruler. AJ, though, wouldn't want to be taken away from her family, so continues to give produce to Celestia's castle (though not as much as she could).
Twilight Sparkle: In a hell-bent case of denial, and stays true to her Princess. She doesn't join Celestia's army (after convincing herself the war will be over pretty soon and won't even do that much damage). She continues on with her studies, and ignores the shit out of anyone who even mildly disagrees with Celestia's rule. |