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  • File : 1298225571.png-(366 KB, 838x365, edit.png)
    366 KB Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:12 No.23648101  
    new pony thread cause the other one hit the image limit
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:14 No.23648142
         File1298225671.gif-(1.43 MB, 480x360, 1298135964999.gif)
    1.43 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:17 No.23648206
         File1298225849.gif-(2.09 MB, 330x330, 1297815528253.gif)
    2.09 MB
    This thread is a minute earlier than the other one, so I'll endorse it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:18 No.23648226
         File1298225928.png-(480 KB, 1920x1080, 1297955000381.png)
    480 KB
    how about some wallpapers
    >> The /co/mrade Hunter 02/20/11(Sun)13:19 No.23648238
    there is already a pony thread, so stop taking up space
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:19 No.23648240
         File1298225968.png-(388 KB, 1920x1080, 1297955556886.png)
    388 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:19 No.23648249
         File1298225999.png-(217 KB, 1920x1080, 1298050683178.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:20 No.23648251
         File1298226004.jpg-(46 KB, 600x375, greenisnt.jpg)
    46 KB
    I have a question about the show as a whole.

    The theme of the show, for the most part, is "it's good to have friends." Well, no shit. Did the morality stuff get tacked onto the show because Hasbro wanted it there? Is there a requirement for American cartoons to have moral lessons at the end of the episodes in order to keep concerned parents happy?

    Most of all, though, is "friends are good lol" a lesson that needs to be taught to this generation? Are kids today unaware that they need to have friends?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:20 No.23648257
    Wait wait, visitor from /a/ here, is that. . .

    Is that Panty and Stocking Ponies?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:20 No.23648268
         File1298226035.png-(107 KB, 1920x1080, 1298051543341.png)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:20 No.23648275
    no, but the style isn't terribly dissimilar
    >> OtakuX 02/20/11(Sun)13:21 No.23648282
         File1298226067.jpg-(59 KB, 327x400, Cupcake.jpg)
    59 KB
    Decided to try writing a second story. Using one of the lame repaint ponies!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:21 No.23648295
         File1298226098.png-(249 KB, 1920x1080, 1298054642359.png)
    249 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:21 No.23648298
         File1298226113.gif-(238 KB, 200x200, 1297128878444.gif)
    238 KB
    S-so anyone on that can make gifs?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:22 No.23648309
         File1298226131.png-(365 KB, 1920x1080, 1298088494123.png)
    365 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:22 No.23648311
    No it's not, you guys are idiots.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:23 No.23648325
         File1298226185.png-(91 KB, 400x316, deadpool_01.png)
    91 KB
    Ok, reposting because nobody's at the other thread.

    Someone needs to draw Deadpool riding on the back of Rainbow Dash as she zooms across the sky. Dash needs to have a knife in her teeth, while Deadpool is firing both guns in the air screaming, "THIS IS THE BEST CROSSOVER EVER!"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:23 No.23648333
         File1298226207.jpg-(460 KB, 1920x1080, 1298088776834.jpg)
    460 KB
    and i'm spent actually that's all i have feel free to post more
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:24 No.23648351
         File1298226243.jpg-(17 KB, 318x318, 1298079421671.jpg)
    17 KB

    Please, for the love of all that is holy, do more Paradise. I love that fic.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:24 No.23648354
         File1298226246.jpg-(6 KB, 145x203, 1295926035586.jpg)
    6 KB
    >western animation
    >japan's take on western animation
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:24 No.23648362
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:24 No.23648370
         File1298226272.png-(310 KB, 800x800, Luna and Trixie Brush.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:25 No.23648392
         File1298226326.jpg-(102 KB, 800x571, dash.jpg)
    102 KB
    Someone posted this image with horrible text in the last thread. Now with better text and less watermarks.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)13:25 No.23648396
    are you gonna do mine?
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)13:26 No.23648406
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:26 No.23648409
         File1298226372.gif-(33 KB, 200x200, hoofwag3.gif)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:26 No.23648414
    I'll see what I can do. It may show up later.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:27 No.23648438
    Then the monolith popped out.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:27 No.23648444
         File1298226457.png-(393 KB, 800x450, CUTEPONIES.png)
    393 KB
    >kids today spend too much time on sites like 4chan
    >sites like 4chan are full of 40-year-old neckbeards that hate everything and try to force into everyone's heads that things like "friends" are for faggots


    Also, it's a show for younger children -- American animation in general doesn't need moralic messages but one that's meant to appeal to young children are generally known for having them. And in this show, they're dealt with well while keeping the show itself entertaining, so don't worry about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:27 No.23648447
    Isnt there an image of stocking riding Twilight?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:28 No.23648458
    It's possible that the "Twilight explains today's lesson" parts were shoehorned in so that the shoe could qualify for the E/I designation. The government doesn't really regulate cable beyond universal legal prescriptions (cable and satellite companies, along with advertisers, end up effectively regulating cable channels, however), so it's not a regulations thing. But having Educational/Informational programming I think qualifies them for certain grants and stuff.

    And the morals a little more complex than "friends are cool." It usually boils down to "don't be a dick; be aware of the consequences of the decisions you make." That's not exactly revolutionary, but, you know, it's a kids' show.
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)13:28 No.23648459
         File1298226503.jpg-(56 KB, 400x400, Cutie.jpg)
    56 KB
    Request from other thread
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/20/11(Sun)13:28 No.23648463
         File1298226509.gif-(51 KB, 371x236, 6a00d8341bf7f753ef00e5513d89de(...).gif)
    51 KB
    been waiting for someone to say that lol
    also watched 2001 so now wanting to see the ponies encountering the Monolith
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:28 No.23648470
         File1298226518.jpg-(18 KB, 483x483, 1298178743500.jpg)
    18 KB

    Any chance you could make a gif of Lyra bouncing near the end of the last episode? Twould be great
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:30 No.23648499
    Yes, but I don't have it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:30 No.23648503
         File1298226610.png-(44 KB, 198x176, piquedpinkie.png)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:30 No.23648508
         File1298226621.png-(1.01 MB, 768x1024, kneepony.png)
    1.01 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:30 No.23648516
         File1298226650.png-(293 KB, 460x482, lilyblossom.png)
    293 KB
    hello who is this
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:31 No.23648525
    It's not actually possible to write a satisfying story without having SOME kind of theme. The part at the end of the episodes where Twilight tells us what the theme was is there because the show is aimed at little kids who wouldn't necessarily catch the themes without having them spelled out. Chill out.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:31 No.23648526
         File1298226682.png-(210 KB, 576x321, creams.png)
    210 KB
    CAPTCHA: echantess from
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:31 No.23648537
         File1298226707.jpg-(57 KB, 565x600, 1297064782684.jpg)
    57 KB
    A simple cup of espresso for me please!
    >> OtakuX 02/20/11(Sun)13:32 No.23648548
         File1298226728.jpg-(107 KB, 986x400, New Ponies 1.jpg)
    107 KB
    One of the lame toy-only ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:32 No.23648555
    fuck you /co/ for getting me into this thing

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:32 No.23648556
         File1298226745.jpg-(80 KB, 500x636, Demondonkey.jpg)
    80 KB
    Get these demondonkeys outta here!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:32 No.23648563

    Gimme the time it happens in the video
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/20/11(Sun)13:32 No.23648567
    Thankfully, I don't plan on quitting it anytime soon. But I do need to balance writing that with my other story, not-MLP related.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:34 No.23648590
    Derpy's pretty sister.

    Derpy's better though.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:34 No.23648592
    Is blog brony around by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:34 No.23648597
    But...they're just recolors.
    >> Graham Kraker 02/20/11(Sun)13:34 No.23648602
         File1298226865.jpg-(143 KB, 531x475, angry017.jpg)
    143 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:34 No.23648614
         File1298226888.png-(232 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2011-02-19-20h25m48s10(...).png)
    232 KB
    Still trying to tally up the various instances of the awesomeface in the show. Anyone know of any instances of it occurring earlier than episode 5?

    That's the only Hasbro OC pony worth buying, because she is the best potential Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:35 No.23648638
    it's only awesomeface if the eyes are pointing the opposite direction of the head
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)13:36 No.23648647
    yo bravespark, sorry to nag but
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:36 No.23648661
    You've got it wrong. The theme isn't "it's good to have friends." The theme is "value your friends and treat them right." And each week there are morals about how to be a good friend.

    Lots of people like having friends but take their friends for granted and treat them like shit. MLP is trying to fix that.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:36 No.23648667
         File1298227019.png-(374 KB, 599x588, 1297536226929.png)
    374 KB

    Morals aren't really, "friends are good." Morals are mostly how to be a good friend. Studying's good, but makign friends is also important. Making sure you're not a braggart is good, but not at the expense of stifling your unique talents. Etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:37 No.23648681
    >Chill out

    yeah because that brony was raging pretty hard when he wrote that, you can totally tell
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:38 No.23648685
    >Lots of girls like having friends but take their friends for granted and treat them like shit. MLP is trying to fix that.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:38 No.23648692
         File1298227098.png-(38 KB, 707x629, 1298177448939.png)
    38 KB
    You forget - you're on 4chan. "Themes" and "stories" are for faggots. What we want is more 'splosions. Poni doesn't have nearly enough 'splosions.
    >> Bayonetta !Whip/TdMzQ 02/20/11(Sun)13:38 No.23648695
         File1298227104.jpg-(114 KB, 500x313, Shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg)
    114 KB
    Oh my God.
    >> OtakuX 02/20/11(Sun)13:38 No.23648696
    I've always considered fanfics to be the lowest of the low when it comes to fandom. Now I've written 2. What has this show done to me?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:38 No.23648709
         File1298227135.png-(355 KB, 801x717, 8026727.png)
    355 KB
    Broadcasting standards require shows aimed at kids are required to have an educational element.

    Everyone starts out saying "I like this show, but I don't like such and such." The musical numbers, the letters to Celestia, the theme song, etc.

    After a while it grows on you. Then next thing you know you stop skipping the into and end up singing along with Art of the Dress.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:39 No.23648714
         File1298227143.jpg-(33 KB, 600x375, watermark.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Diying ponies Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:39 No.23648722
    0-Twilight Sparkle
    1- Gilda
    2-Derpy hooves
    3-Rainbow Dash
    5-Pinkie pie
    6-Apple bloom
    11-Princess celestia
    22-Princess Luna
    33-Big macintosh
    44-The whole apple family (except applejack)
    55-The mayor
    66-All background ponies
    77-The main characters (replaced with a new cast)
    88-All characters
    99-The main characters (show ends)

    Also, post how do you think they are going to die

    ignore grammar bullshit
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:39 No.23648728

    Fucking noob.

    In order to do it, you need to have a vowel at the beginning.

    But you've just proven that you're another idiot who hasn't actually played MBA and is just jumping on the meme-spewing bandwagon

    reply saged for not poni
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:39 No.23648730
         File1298227182.gif-(136 KB, 200x171, 1297673965556.gif)
    136 KB

    Around 19:07, in the top left. Might be hard to see, if it is I understand
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:40 No.23648736
    I totally derp'd that first sentence with my redundant redundantyness.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:40 No.23648737
         File1298227220.png-(149 KB, 640x360, OHBOYOHBOYOHBOY.png)
    149 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:40 No.23648739
    I love how every image macro generated in these threads is pre-emptive passive aggressive defensive bitchyness like "you mad?" and the OP's image. It shows that the fanbase is either aware they're deserving of ridicule, or that they truly only like the show so they can troll other people.

    Like, I can just imagine these faggots watching their little girl's show, riveted, waiting at the edge of their jizz-stained computer chairs, ready to pounce; "HAH! Faggery Daggery Doo just narrowed her eyes at Douchey Cuntspooge! A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY FOR ME TO SHOW ALL THOSE HATERS!"
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)13:40 No.23648747
         File1298227242.jpg-(68 KB, 720x540, incomingshitstorm.jpg)
    68 KB
    Does anyone know how Celestia signs her letters to Twilight? I never recall it ever being said.
    Sincerely? Your teacher? Love? Hugs&kisses?
    What sounds most appropriate?
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)13:40 No.23648749
    i'm sorry I didn't see it
    you are next after the current one
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648756
         File1298227272.png-(240 KB, 500x999, applejack.png)
    240 KB
    How many people have you converted into bronies, guys?

    My count is 1. Got a friend of mine to start watching MLP, despite his obsession with only watching manly stuff. He didn't really like it at first, but now he openly admitted his favorite pony was Applejack.
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648761
    you, sir, are a CUNT
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648771
    "This letter will self destruct in 30 seconds."
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648775

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648778
    Dude, I totally like the show. I just had a question about the morality aspects of it.

    I aint even mad.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648779
    >have idea for a long story
    >sounds pretty cool in my head
    >decide to write a shorter one-off story first

    it actually feels good writing again, even if it is trivial fanfiction stuff.
    >> Graham Kraker 02/20/11(Sun)13:41 No.23648783
    U mad

    Cuz were not hardly referencing that game. Just a pony version.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:42 No.23648785
         File1298227324.jpg-(295 KB, 1000x1000, 05- Wake Up, Celestia.jpg)
    295 KB
    There's some shit that needs to be fixed up, but I'll get on it when I have some free time. Weekend crunch of schoolwork is on.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:42 No.23648787
         File1298227326.jpg-(135 KB, 510x357, i'm sorry.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:42 No.23648792
         File1298227353.jpg-(179 KB, 1143x755, icarus.jpg)
    179 KB
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)13:42 No.23648796
    >Gilda died

    nothing of value was lost
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)13:42 No.23648798
         File1298227370.png-(53 KB, 234x261, 1296418892692.png)
    53 KB
    Thanks bro
    >> Seafom !IHwejl/aNY 02/20/11(Sun)13:43 No.23648804
         File1298227388.png-(154 KB, 640x360, 1297907063451.png)
    154 KB
    One...kind of...I think she's still "in the closet" about her Pony love. She said it's endearing but not something she'd watch daily, though I caught her with quite a few Pony macros in her 4chan folder.
    >> Bayonetta !Whip/TdMzQ 02/20/11(Sun)13:43 No.23648818
    My sister, her friend, and my guyfriend who used to hate My Little Pony solely because they were ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:43 No.23648821
    >Well, no shit.
    >did the morality stuff get tacked on
    >Hasbro wanted it there
    >Is there a requirement
    >this generation

    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648830
    well then i know who i was calling a cunt then.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648839
    Obviously, she signs them mom
    >> Seafom !IHwejl/aNY 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648843
         File1298227460.jpg-(3 KB, 126x72, 1298045622227s.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648845
         File1298227463.jpg-(204 KB, 797x1417, 1298081015528.jpg)
    204 KB
    I was thinking about how Luna couldn't really die since she's a god, and how she'd probably just rise again like a phoenix.

    Then my mind wandered into X-Men territory with the whole Nightmare Moon as Dark Phoenix thing.

    Then my train of thought derailed. Draw your own conclusisons.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648847
         File1298227469.jpg-(25 KB, 520x404, raritylostyourmind.jpg)
    25 KB

    I had a fic stuck in my head for awhile too so I eventually typed and posted it up. Didn't get much response but I was glad to just stop thinking about it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648851
         File1298227473.jpg-(103 KB, 900x514, 56 flutterfeed.jpg)
    103 KB

    Now see, this is what you were describing
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:44 No.23648856
    Skip the intro? The fuck? I fucking lurve the intro song!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:45 No.23648862

    Three in one go. One of the girls collects and customizes older ponies with me, but hated the new animation. One had no experience with ponies, and the others had no intentions of watching ponies.

    Last night someone asked me why it had warmed up and I linked them winter wrapup. They got really excited and are now catching up on episodes.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:45 No.23648866
    Fearless leader?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:45 No.23648870
         File1298227533.png-(186 KB, 693x489, g4qnw45n.png)
    186 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:45 No.23648879
    >Then next thing you know you stop skipping the intro
    I fucking love the show, but I can't see this happening. If anything the intro is too sweet and cute when the show is quite grounded and character-based.
    >> Seafom !IHwejl/aNY 02/20/11(Sun)13:46 No.23648885
         File1298227579.jpg-(2 KB, 126x72, 1298052679869s.jpg)
    2 KB
    >And then my post made Dash die.
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)13:46 No.23648887
         File1298227580.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 87 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 87 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:46 No.23648896
         File1298227607.jpg-(29 KB, 454x345, 1297843356368.jpg)
    29 KB

    We have a wide variety of image macros, friend.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/20/11(Sun)13:47 No.23648901
    Hmm . . . counting real life: 3, maybe 4.

    Online, perhaps closer to 10, after bringing discussion of it to other message boards.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:47 No.23648905

    Whoever keeps drawing these you rock

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:47 No.23648906
    Love the show. Skip the intro every time.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:47 No.23648915
    The intro requires some getting used to for some. But the instant that balloon dips below the clouds and Rainbow Dash zooms into frame, the song turns awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:48 No.23648922
         File1298227688.gif-(41 KB, 360x360, 1297750911853.gif)
    41 KB



    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:48 No.23648932
    >he still uses message boards
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:48 No.23648933
         File1298227715.png-(57 KB, 500x461, feelbro.png)
    57 KB

    yeah, I just had to get that out my head because otherwise thats where it would stay.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:49 No.23648958
         File1298227795.png-(46 KB, 1440x947, FUCK YEAH FLUTTERSHY UP IN THI(...).png)
    46 KB
    No it doesn't.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/20/11(Sun)13:50 No.23648968
         File1298227806.png-(48 KB, 184x184, 1295647868421-(n1296236359844).png)
    48 KB
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/20/11(Sun)13:50 No.23648976
         File1298227822.png-(224 KB, 4877x4500, Bummed.png)
    224 KB

    >Luna has a lower chance of being picked
    >she still dies first

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:50 No.23648978
         File1298227825.jpg-(12 KB, 328x212, robotstare.jpg)
    12 KB

    I skip the intro all the time

    I'm not even sure whats said after the opening with the balloons.

    It definitely ends with frieeeeeeends so I feel like im not missing much
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:50 No.23648986
         File1298227835.png-(361 KB, 559x518, shock.png)
    361 KB

    >Your post is 22 too
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:50 No.23648990
         File1298227838.jpg-(290 KB, 1177x1156, scan0016.jpg)
    290 KB
    got bored
    drew fluttershy
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:51 No.23649007
         File1298227876.jpg-(14 KB, 397x290, fluttershyinspirational.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:51 No.23649008
         File1298227877.png-(262 KB, 632x347, fuk.png)
    262 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:51 No.23649017
         File1298227898.png-(15 KB, 564x445, Trixie.png)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:51 No.23649023
    Glad to be of service.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:52 No.23649030

    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)13:52 No.23649034
         File1298227934.png-(494 KB, 1445x1051, Lunaflying.png)
    494 KB
    Luna has now been revived!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:52 No.23649044
         File1298227970.jpg-(18 KB, 210x127, dinsdale.jpg)
    18 KB

    >my face when I killed Big Mac
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:53 No.23649055
    when is spike going to fuck twilight

    i mean shit he rides around on her all day i don't believe the thought has never crossed his mind
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)13:53 No.23649059
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:53 No.23649060
    so rolling the same number saves them?

    Attempting to reverse:

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:53 No.23649061
         File1298228012.png-(175 KB, 415x323, Donald Sutherland ringing bell.png)
    175 KB

    and also when I killed everyone else
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:53 No.23649075
         File1298228038.jpg-(438 KB, 1200x1080, givingafuck.jpg)
    438 KB

    Damn i killed Twilight
    >mfw i don't particularly care
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:54 No.23649099
    You're missing big adventure and tons of fun.
    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)13:55 No.23649112
         File1298228129.jpg-(202 KB, 1000x1200, 44 zecora remained unimpressed.jpg)
    202 KB

    So, this a Drawfriend thread now?
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)13:55 No.23649113
         File1298228129.jpg-(31 KB, 432x324, cartoon-mountains.jpg)
    31 KB
    this one is now done

    on to you sorry for the wait

    You're after that

    gotta keep it in order to post

    also if i miss you i'm sorry, just bring my attention to you're request
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:55 No.23649114
         File1298228131.png-(288 KB, 900x1295, yay-(n1.png)
    288 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:55 No.23649125
    In before "facefull and strong."

    Yes, the line is "faithful."
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:55 No.23649127
         File1298228158.png-(75 KB, 188x270, Untitled.png)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:56 No.23649136
         File1298228168.jpg-(21 KB, 320x240, Marty McFly sees the Mothman.jpg)
    21 KB


    And then there were none
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/20/11(Sun)13:56 No.23649142
         File1298228198.png-(464 KB, 720x540, Rarity am I not pretty.png)
    464 KB
    A beautiful heart
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:56 No.23649149


    i laughed so hard i scared my grandmother
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:56 No.23649150
         File1298228219.gif-(66 KB, 360x360, 1291937824966.gif)
    66 KB
    hahaha I like it


    ty brony
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:57 No.23649158
         File1298228244.jpg-(21 KB, 409x425, rapeface.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:57 No.23649162
    I wasn't rolling, dude. It doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:58 No.23649175
         File1298228293.png-(316 KB, 711x385, 1296872401705.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:58 No.23649177
         File1298228298.png-(1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 0014.png)
    1.64 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:58 No.23649183
    At first I read "sorry for ruining your horse".

    I was a little confused.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:59 No.23649199
         File1298228355.jpg-(30 KB, 640x356, sweatpants.jpg)
    30 KB
    I've recruited four so far, one of whom has gone on to recruit more than I can keep track of on another forum.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:59 No.23649200
         File1298228355.jpg-(50 KB, 431x300, 1237170347912.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)13:59 No.23649209
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/20/11(Sun)13:59 No.23649211
    Anyone got a cap of when Gilda was supposedly in the background?
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)13:59 No.23649217
    one question do you want the guitar wearing the snuggie?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:00 No.23649222

    Just doing my part, bronies.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:00 No.23649229
         File1298228419.jpg-(1.15 MB, 1350x1747, 1297176058386.jpg)
    1.15 MB
    Threads needs more Panty & Stocking & Ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:00 No.23649231

    >hasn't actually played MBA and is just jumping on the meme-spewing bandwagon

    Given that MBA is an otherwise incredibly dull game that will be remembered only for the text-to-speech memes I'm inclined to say who cares.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:00 No.23649242
         File1298228453.jpg-(25 KB, 382x356, the_Death_Note.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/20/11(Sun)14:01 No.23649250
    She IS a unicorn. Maybe she cast the cloud-walking spell on herself?
    Now the question becomes...who did she go there to cheer for?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:01 No.23649251
    you're really missing out. Right after the ah-ah-ah's with the blimp descending beneath the clouds, it gets really fucking awesome. The ah's continue out into a high pitched scream and that balloon is swinging through hell on equestria. Twilight starts using magic to bamf away hell beasts while spike flips the fucking and starts rescuing the main cast members. I don't really remember the lyrics but I think it's something like

    My little pony
    ah ah ah aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
    break it out across evil's back
    you've got the power for when hate attacks
    if you want to survive this mortal trip
    then be sure to bring the elements of friendship
    [here is where the ponies start kicking in for spike to grab at, each bursting out from flames]
    big adventures, tons of fun
    a beautiful heart faithful and strong
    sharing, kindness it's an easy feat
    and magic makes it all complete
    [here they're all in the ballon and bursting up forth from the ground, the balloon sort of flies off while the ponies strike a pose]
    yeah my little pony
    [spike pops up and sends a message of success to celestia]
    do you know you're all my very best frieeeenddds
    [celestia smiles with glee, seeing that all the ponies made it out from untold horror]
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:01 No.23649254
         File1298228484.gif-(71 KB, 136x128, lyra.gif)
    71 KB

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:02 No.23649271
         File1298228531.png-(25 KB, 297x161, 1289611797_1696_full.png)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:02 No.23649287

    how do you spot these things?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:02 No.23649291
         File1298228574.jpg-(54 KB, 635x355, lightyagami.jpg)
    54 KB

    It is done, /co/.
    >> plaster the amateur !!jmx4uiTwqQl 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649294
    one thing i've noticed while watching the show is how well written the interactions between the characters are, it really feels like they are good friends.
    i don't usually care this much about character development either, every episode i find out something new about a pony's personality or its fleshed out more... it makes me happy
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649298
    mabye the snuggie hanging off of the guitar, what ever looks less awkward
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649299
         File1298228590.png-(94 KB, 348x398, fluttershynervous.png)
    94 KB

    >while spike flips the fucking
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649300
    I'm looking for a picture that describes the different levels of liking/hating MLP with each pony to describe them. Anyone have it?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649309
    Reminds me, I'm still waiting for someone to do an L pony.

    Every time we get into a discussion about fat human Pinkie, I can't help but think about it. They both eat sweets 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649317
         File1298228628.png-(401 KB, 852x1069, 1296702844511.png)
    401 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:03 No.23649318
         File1298228633.png-(87 KB, 180x262, 1292034754014.png)
    87 KB

    Thank you so much
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/20/11(Sun)14:04 No.23649321
         File1298228640.png-(453 KB, 624x477, 100_0482.png)
    453 KB
    I requested it, and so I doodled it myself (tho only with Pinkie encountering the Monolith, it just seemed.... right)

    Also before anyone asks, this was drawn on a 3x4in bit of paper, its that big so I can doodle at work when I'm on my lunch break.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:04 No.23649323
         File1298228648.jpg-(16 KB, 247x184, DEATH NOTE-19_18.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> TFJ 02/20/11(Sun)14:04 No.23649333
         File1298228665.png-(107 KB, 471x319, what_gwg08.png)
    107 KB

    >Pinkie holding a humanoid foam finger
    >No humans or humanoid creatures in Equestria

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:05 No.23649353
         File1298228700.jpg-(86 KB, 945x945, 1297741185082.jpg)
    86 KB
    Awesome, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:05 No.23649359

    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:05 No.23649368
         File1298228735.jpg-(869 KB, 1920x1080, tpwd1lel.jpg)
    869 KB

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:05 No.23649376
    Its a pun in a kids show, theres not much to analise
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/20/11(Sun)14:06 No.23649388

    For all the talk about no season wide story arcs, they're squeezing in a lot of subtle continuity. For example, Fluttershy has been increasingly growing out of her shell.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:06 No.23649396
    She's screwed with time and space before.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:07 No.23649407
    man, I wish all my typos were that awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:07 No.23649410
    Derpy gets duplicated all the time. Where have you been?

    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:07 No.23649429
         File1298228872.jpg-(255 KB, 700x700, 56 point 5 fluttersweet.jpg)
    255 KB
    More fattershy?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:07 No.23649431
         File1298228874.jpg-(252 KB, 725x722, 1297140779786.jpg)
    252 KB
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)14:08 No.23649443
    okay i'll get to work
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649460

    Along with Dr. Whoof or is she working on some sinister plan to become Queen of Equestria?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649463
    They just want any random episode to be viewable by itself. No hopping into the show in the middle of a two-parter not knowing what the hell's going on.

    Minor continuity like introducing characters is okay. But you could still watch Swarm of the Century without having seen Bridle Gossip and not be confused when Zecora shows up.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649465
         File1298228958.gif-(269 KB, 180x198, lyra2.gif)
    269 KB
    >> Harvest !Rl.UUgFpJE 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649466

    It's modeled after a monkey's hand. There are monkeys in the ever-free forest, okay?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649475
         File1298228977.jpg-(139 KB, 720x488, 1290131923933.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649480
         File1298228988.jpg-(158 KB, 700x700, index.php.jpg)
    158 KB

    Goddammit, Spike.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649481
    Nah, she just derp'd so hard she forgot that a pony can't be in two places at once.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:09 No.23649483
         File1298228990.png-(660 KB, 1344x3128, MLPkisschart2.png)
    660 KB
    Anyone on last night for these?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:10 No.23649490
         File1298229004.jpg-(107 KB, 746x434, mlp_twilight_reading.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:10 No.23649497
         File1298229027.png-(1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 0014.png)
    1.63 MB
    speaking of twins
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:10 No.23649505
         File1298229041.jpg-(213 KB, 1200x900, 1297058500667.jpg)
    213 KB
    I think fat ponies are adorable, but it will inevitably become fetish fuel, so I'm conflicted.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:10 No.23649509
    Now draw Stocking riding Twilight into battle against Nox riding the Robot Unicorn from RUA.
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/20/11(Sun)14:11 No.23649512
         File1298229070.png-(330 KB, 1024x576, 1297213791669.png)
    330 KB
    Okay, so I've got Musescore downloaded and am writing the treble cleft sheet music for Winter Wrap Up as we speak. This is the first time I've used it, so it might take a while. Wish me luck Bronies!

    Squeak away!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:11 No.23649514
    So if they have two of them, it's going to look really weird because primates lack opposable thumbs, and...

    ... Nah. They just fucked up. Maybe it's like Cars, that all the humans are dead? Maybe the ponies killed them?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:11 No.23649520
         File1298229085.png-(95 KB, 900x900, 1294273022415.png)
    95 KB

    How about something where the cutie mark crusaders keep making baked goods for her?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:12 No.23649546
    >primates lack opposable thumbs
    are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:13 No.23649572
    >Primates lack opposable thumbs

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:13 No.23649574
    Hey, guess what? It's been 2 months since I said I would watch this show, and I still haven't.

    I fear it'll be too much like those "moe" anime that I hate. Is it?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:13 No.23649587
    Death by snoo snoo
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:14 No.23649616

    I second this
    >> Harvest !Rl.UUgFpJE 02/20/11(Sun)14:15 No.23649636
         File1298229309.png-(214 KB, 456x570, 1296962802625.png)
    214 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:15 No.23649650
    I can safely say that it has no characters that are explicitly designed to maximize their appeal to the strange, strange people who think adorable things must be raped to death.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:15 No.23649651

    There are four categories of thumb movements determined by the degree of independence of the thumb. They are:
    1) Non-opposable thumbs. Examples: tarsiers, marmosets
    2) Pseudo-opposable thumbs. Examples: all prosimians, Cebidae
    3) Opposable thumbs. Examples: Old World monkeys, great apes, humans
    4) Opposable, comparatively long thumbs. Examples: Hylobatidae

    Also, ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:15 No.23649656
    Ok I've been out of the loop for a while and just watched suited for success.

    I have to say my favorite moment had to be when Fluttershy slams Rarity with a detailed deconstruction of the dress. I just love it when a quiet character gets pushed into laying out a verbal smackdown on someone.

    Also 20% cooler makes sense now.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:17 No.23649707
         File1298229444.jpg-(505 KB, 1280x1024, 1297932053796.jpg)
    505 KB
    She is the Doctor's companion, yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:18 No.23649741
         File1298229507.png-(237 KB, 1013x1022, 1295609666831.png)
    237 KB
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/20/11(Sun)14:18 No.23649753

    If there were an MLP/Cowboy Bebop crossover, it would be about Ed getting upset that Jet keeps using her computer for 24/7 ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:19 No.23649762
         File1298229546.png-(125 KB, 900x1000, 1289561838216.png)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:19 No.23649774

    I didn't really care for Art of the Dress but it was definitely one of the best episodes.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:20 No.23649807
         File1298229642.png-(98 KB, 269x296, yay.png)
    98 KB
    >> Seafom !IHwejl/aNY 02/20/11(Sun)14:21 No.23649819
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:21 No.23649834
         File1298229692.png-(439 KB, 660x660, 1276627778556.png)
    439 KB
    pieces of shit like you should be impaled on a dull spike and left to slide down slowly to your death.

    YES I MAD!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:21 No.23649843
         File1298229712.png-(17 KB, 564x445, Derpy.png)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:21 No.23649844
         File1298229713.gif-(267 KB, 300x169, 1296872144775.gif)
    267 KB

    You mean .gif

    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:21 No.23649846
         File1298229715.png-(328 KB, 981x495, 1295838745817.png)
    328 KB

    Crossovers you say?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:22 No.23649861
         File1298229741.png-(101 KB, 882x691, Demacia is full of ponies.png)
    101 KB
    So has there been any more League ponies made?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:22 No.23649865

    Did you just call Spike dull?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:22 No.23649871
         File1298229763.png-(98 KB, 269x296, yay.png)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:23 No.23649898

    Thirded. Chubby ponies are all kinds of cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:23 No.23649900
         File1298229817.png-(82 KB, 945x945, Twilight Is Ok With This.png)
    82 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:23 No.23649903
         File1298229822.png-(98 KB, 317x445, 1298109817044.png)
    98 KB

    >> Scherzo !4LamsTHETA 02/20/11(Sun)14:24 No.23649925
         File1298229852.jpg-(434 KB, 1280x1024, SometimesYourBestJustIsn'tGood(...).jpg)
    434 KB
    Riposte from last night.

    (It's her ripped and muddied Cloudsdale Uniform if anyone is wondering)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:24 No.23649934
         File1298229867.png-(146 KB, 344x344, um what really.png)
    146 KB
    ...the fuck is that thing on her tummy?
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/20/11(Sun)14:25 No.23649967
         File1298229918.png-(42 KB, 174x214, bonbon surprise.png)
    42 KB

    She is a Princess, she probably stamps it with her royal signet. And the wax is probably MAGICAL
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:25 No.23649968
    This made me lol way too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:26 No.23649988
    she signs it "love, mom."
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:26 No.23649989

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:26 No.23649993

    Spike dies at the end of Cowboy Bebop, then wakes up in Ponyville. ".. the hell?"
    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:26 No.23649994
         File1298229984.jpg-(267 KB, 1000x700, 57 fluttersitting.jpg)
    267 KB
    Here you are

    I totally tried to look up what their cutie marks were. Durr
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:27 No.23650016
    0 and 00-Platformer
    1 and 11- fighting game
    2 and 22- FPS
    3 and 33- RPG
    4 and 44- MORPG
    5 and 55- RTS
    6 and 66- stealth game
    7 and 77- hack and slash
    8 and 88-rytm game
    9 and 99- bullshit, its never going to be a game
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:28 No.23650050
    so stealth game if I understood this correctly?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:28 No.23650053

    Agree completely
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:28 No.23650072
    So earlier, someone was commenting on the physics of Sonic Rainboom -- namely, the "Spider-Man Effect" (Rarity and the 3 Wonderbolts, according to that person, would have been killed by the sudden deceleration, much like Gwen Stacey in the Spider-Man comics).

    However, rewatching it, I think you're full of shit.

    Dash does NOT catch them at a perpendicular angle (flying in horizontally), nor does she suddenly stop in mid-flight (which was Gwen Stacey's cause of death). She instead catches them and flattens out into a horizontal trajectory; theoretically, while we can't see whether she changed direction in a parabolic arc or at a right angle (in the shot, the vertex is hidden by the ground), we can assume that it was a curve as she did not die. Consequently, there WAS no sudden change in momentum for either Dash or the victims, and so (ignoring the fact that traveling at the speed of sound in open air would kill someone) there is nothing wrong with the scene from that end.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:29 No.23650085
    I'm all for sketchiness but you can barely tell what's going on, at least get rid of the construction circles.
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)14:29 No.23650091
         File1298230184.jpg-(63 KB, 506x720, CallofCutieMW2.jpg)
    63 KB
    Call of Cutie: Blank Flanks
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:30 No.23650108

    Sad Dash is best Dash.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:30 No.23650131

    Also, ponies are tougher than Gwen Stacey. Cf. Twilight Sparkle taking an anvil to the head.
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)14:31 No.23650135
    and you got a fighting game! YAY! can't wait to be derpy.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:32 No.23650160
    You forgot Fluttershys wings
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:32 No.23650167
         File1298230333.jpg-(7 KB, 257x196, images..jpg)
    7 KB
    >there WAS no sudden change in momentum for either Dash or the victims,

    Lol, "the victims". You gon get sonic rainboomed whether you like it not, bitches!!
    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:32 No.23650175

    It's a cupcake, seen from above. Look at the shadow.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:32 No.23650185

    Tradition. Nobody ever draws her wings until /co/ reminds them.
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)14:33 No.23650191
    I'm still waiting on one of those screen-by-screen games we keep seeing snips of here.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:33 No.23650203
    A cupcake.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:33 No.23650208

    I like it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:33 No.23650212
    At first, I thought you know, this must be a joke.

    But then it kept on. And kept on. And kept on. And it's like a sweeping hurricane across the east. Every day more and more pony threads are made. "They must actually like it" I thought.

    Then it hit me. It's all just a really really elaborate trolling technique. "That must be it, surely no one over the age of 9 and male would enjoy watching this show, as it's a show made for 7 year old girls." I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

    Turns out, a majority of the people actually LIKE the show and think it's DEEP and ENGAGING. These are the same people that scoff at you for watching serialized dramas or "shitty shows like Chuck, Fringe or Mad Men".

    And that's really, really pathetic. So everytime I see a pony thread, I imagine a few dozen morbidly obese, haven't-seen-the-sun-or-their-dicks-in-years, basement-dwelling, neckbeard-having, autism-laden people drawing crude pictures of their favorite ponies and I laugh. Very, very hard.....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:33 No.23650216
         File1298230434.jpg-(11 KB, 324x270, FDBrainyPants.jpg)
    11 KB
    4 get?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:33 No.23650222
    regardless of angle, they still would have suffered more Gs than any living being has experienced before when she made that turn
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:34 No.23650233
    At first, I thought you know, this must be a joke.

    But then it kept on. And kept on. And kept on. And it's like a sweeping hurricane across the east. Every day more and more pony threads are made. "They must actually like it" I thought.

    Then it hit me. It's all just a really really elaborate trolling technique. "That must be it, surely no one over the age of 9 and male would enjoy watching this show, as it's a show made for 7 year old girls." I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

    Turns out, a majority of the people actually LIKE the show and think it's DEEP and ENGAGING. These are the same people that scoff at you for watching serialized dramas or "shitty shows like Chuck, Fringe or Mad Men".

    And that's really, really pathetic. So everytime I see a pony thread, I imagine a few dozen morbidly obese, haven't-seen-the-sun-or-their-dicks-in-years, basement-dwelling, neckbeard-having, autism-laden people drawing crude pictures of their favorite ponies and I laugh. Very, very hard..
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:34 No.23650235
         File1298230480.png-(49 KB, 251x250, dammit__apple_bloom_by_lollipo(...).png)
    49 KB

    that's really cute. did applebloom F up the cookies? GODDAMMIT APPLEBLOOM, STOP FAILING AT LIFE!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:34 No.23650240
    /r/ing Fluttershy running out of a house, crying, with the CMCs watching sadly.

    It's an episode theory someone else proposed, that the ending would be Fluttershy breaking into tears after all the CMC's antics and running away, leaving them to feel guilty
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:34 No.23650249
    >not shitty
    Please, try harder next time.
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650252
    so am i. those i definitely do want.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650258
    At first, I thought you know, this must be a joke.

    But then it kept on. And kept on. And kept on. And it's like a sweeping hurricane across the east. Every day more and more pony threads are made. "They must actually like it" I thought.

    Then it hit me. It's all just a really really elaborate trolling technique. "That must be it, surely no one over the age of 9 and male would enjoy watching this show, as it's a show made for 7 year old girls." I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

    Turns out, a majority of the people actually LIKE the show and think it's DEEP and ENGAGING. These are the same people that scoff at you for watching serialized dramas or "shitty shows like Chuck, Fringe or Mad Men".

    And that's really, really pathetic. So everytime I see a pony thread, I imagine a few dozen morbidly obese, haven't-seen-the-sun-or-their-dicks-in-years, basement-dwelling, neckbeard-having, autism-laden people drawing crude pictures of their favorite ponies and I laugh. Very, very hard.......
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650264
    I prefer to think that wile everyone just thinks she's getting fat, (including herself) but she's actually preggers.

    Much cuter that way.
    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650268
         File1298230534.jpg-(43 KB, 550x401, snuggieguitar.jpg)
    43 KB
    okay here's the first version it wearing it
    working on ther other one
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650271

    Resistance is futile
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650274
         File1298230552.png-(261 KB, 900x720, 1297651255942.png)
    261 KB

    I will consider Cooking Mama a rhythm game

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:35 No.23650276
         File1298230555.png-(186 KB, 486x492, 1293830305780.png)
    186 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:36 No.23650297
         File1298230578.gif-(802 KB, 632x356, 1297528824859.gif)
    802 KB

    We're talking about pony physiology here.

    Dash survived the turn, and has done similar motions in other cases. Ponies are probably just really robust.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:36 No.23650304
    At first, I thought you know, this must be a joke.

    But then it kept on. And kept on. And kept on. And it's like a sweeping hurricane across the east. Every day more and more pony threads are made. "They must actually like it" I thought.

    Then it hit me. It's all just a really really elaborate trolling technique. "That must be it, surely no one over the age of 9 and male would enjoy watching this show, as it's a show made for 7 year old girls." I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

    Turns out, a majority of the people actually LIKE the show and think it's DEEP and ENGAGING. These are the same people that scoff at you for watching serialized dramas or "shitty shows like Chuck, Fringe or Mad Men".

    And that's really, really pathetic. So everytime I see a pony thread, I imagine a few dozen morbidly obese, haven't-seen-the-sun-or-their-dicks-in-years, basement-dwelling, neckbeard-having, autism-laden people drawing crude pictures of their favorite ponies and I laugh. Very, very hard....

    >calling chuck shitty when you're gushing over a show built around product promotion and 5 year old girls
    >> FlyingSaucer !!GQYOM9ahDgP 02/20/11(Sun)14:37 No.23650319
         File1298230640.jpg-(324 KB, 920x623, derpymuffinimpact.jpg)
    324 KB

    But Pegasus are clearly incapable of normal, physics friendly mechanical flight just by looking at their wing size and speed of flapping. Clearly they have some kind of innate magical antigravity to help them aloft, which means the consequences of G forces in turns are going to be screwed with as well. Kind of like they have their own built in inertial dampeners, who knows how far the effect extends.

    Earth ponies are the only truly non magical ponies in Equestria, which is probably why they occupy the lowest run on the caste ladder
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:37 No.23650323
         File1298230641.png-(153 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2011-02-20-14h37m04s23(...).png)
    153 KB
    I see a parasprite.

    Great, now I have to find a trombone.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:37 No.23650324
    At first, I thought you know, this must be a joke.

    But then it kept on. And kept on. And kept on. And it's like a sweeping hurricane across the east. Every day more and more pony threads are made. "They must actually like it" I thought.

    Then it hit me. It's all just a really really elaborate trolling technique. "That must be it, surely no one over the age of 9 and male would enjoy watching this show, as it's a show made for 7 year old girls." I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

    Turns out, a majority of the people actually LIKE the show and think it's DEEP and ENGAGING. These are the same people that scoff at you for watching serialized dramas or "shitty shows like Chuck, Fringe or Mad Men".

    And that's really, really pathetic. So everytime I see a pony thread, I imagine a few dozen morbidly obese, haven't-seen-the-sun-or-their-dicks-in-years, basement-dwelling, neckbeard-having, autism-laden people drawing crude pictures of their favorite ponies and I laugh. Very, very hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:37 No.23650331
         File1298230654.jpg-(138 KB, 428x600, 428px-02-Cheroki-Chan_Card2.jpg)
    138 KB
    So what does everyone think of this Pony I constructed of my good imagnation and artistry talents?
    I based him on myself
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:37 No.23650336
    I just flashed back to high school when my class made a substitute teacher cry. ;_;
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/20/11(Sun)14:37 No.23650339
         File1298230677.jpg-(240 KB, 1920x1080, My Little Pony Rainbow Dash 2.jpg)
    240 KB

    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:38 No.23650353
         File1298230703.jpg-(280 KB, 1000x700, 57 fluttersitting.jpg)
    280 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:38 No.23650360
         File1298230723.png-(7 KB, 400x400, ='D.png)
    7 KB
    Oh jeez, I completely forgot about that
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:38 No.23650367
    Reported for spamming, it's okay if you don't like the show but don't shit on our threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:39 No.23650372
    I'll go ge the cymbals. Tell Rainbow Dash not to conjure up any tornadoes this time.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:40 No.23650405
    >he creams of eventually getting married
    >he creams

    I will forever wonder if that was intentional or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:40 No.23650420
         File1298230838.jpg-(156 KB, 800x600, 800px-03-CWC_Cheroki-Chan1.jpg)
    156 KB
    Literally the only good pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:41 No.23650429
    >he creams of eventually getting married
    Does this mean what I think it means?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:41 No.23650451
         File1298230915.jpg-(87 KB, 978x587, FDDragonyRDPPandstuff.jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Wolfram !JYEXaCgf9o 02/20/11(Sun)14:42 No.23650472
         File1298230969.png-(49 KB, 234x228, OHGODWHY.png)
    49 KB
    Someone actually made that?

    Also, don't mind me, just tripfaggin' the place up.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)14:42 No.23650473
         File1298230970.jpg-(494 KB, 1920x1080, v.jpg)
    494 KB
    Dear Pony fans,

    /b/ here.
    Could you please talk some sense into these people over at /b/,
    because they fail to see the purpose and function of having multiple boards on 4chan,
    unlike You.

    Please, for the sake of peace!

    Thank you!
    > /b/

    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)14:43 No.23650481
    LOL that's pretty sick
    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:43 No.23650505
         File1298231020.jpg-(101 KB, 900x506, fluttershychubs.jpg)
    101 KB
    I feel obliged to add wings to all of these now
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:44 No.23650518
    She ate them.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:44 No.23650520
         File1298231051.jpg-(285 KB, 1000x800, 129704554555.jpg)
    285 KB
    And then they all fucked.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:44 No.23650524
         File1298231058.png-(274 KB, 476x530, my_little_stocking_by_duclis-d(...).png)
    274 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:44 No.23650531
         File1298231071.jpg-(141 KB, 800x600, 800px-13-CWC_Johnlamence.jpg)
    141 KB
    Chris-Chan himself made it. He made all kinds of wonderful custom ponies.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)14:44 No.23650532
    looks like you don't understand what RANDOM means.
    >> Wolfram !JYEXaCgf9o 02/20/11(Sun)14:45 No.23650546
         File1298231102.png-(117 KB, 265x325, Spike troll.png)
    117 KB
    >says the board whose only raison d'être is to keep the morons and the cancer from spilling out all over the internet
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:45 No.23650562
    >Spike becomes Rainbow Dash's pet, because he is awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:45 No.23650567
         File1298231147.png-(364 KB, 847x476, 1297176114027.png)
    364 KB

    >inflation fetish

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:46 No.23650574
         File1298231161.jpg-(193 KB, 1864x632, 1298219034470.jpg)
    193 KB
    /v/ browser here ever since the image macros hit /v/ i started getting into MLP. Would be awesome to see more MLP vidya mashups.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:46 No.23650575
         File1298231163.jpg-(124 KB, 800x600, 800px-10-CWC_Crystal.jpg)
    124 KB
    Why yes I do make the ponys that I imagine in both honest hand drawn style, as wel as customated toys.
    Here is a picture of my future God-Jesus promosied future daughter, Crystal.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:46 No.23650589
    It's good to see that your smart enough to not get mad at us for what others are doing in another thread.
    That being said your post is still pretty pointless, there isn't much we can actually do.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:46 No.23650596
         File1298231200.gif-(315 KB, 330x248, 1298229616363.gif)
    315 KB
    Is there a high-res version of this GIF?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:47 No.23650610
    its not inflation, she's just had to many cupcakes and done to little exercising lately.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:47 No.23650611

    yyyeah if you think that's "inflation" you haven't seen very much
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/20/11(Sun)14:47 No.23650612
         File1298231226.jpg-(20 KB, 198x254, bonbonreaction.jpg)
    20 KB
    Good god she's gonna explooode in the next couple panels.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)14:48 No.23650641
    No, I do. People kept submitting "rate me" threads, so m00t made /soc/ so they could keep THAT out.
    And since then, there are absolutely no "rate me" threads anymore.

    But there already is a /co/, so I see no point in staying there at /b/ having to take shit from /b/tards who spam with gore,
    when you can have your threads here in peace.

    Because this is the place where this material belongs.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:48 No.23650651
    In before Apple Bloom's "special talent" picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:48 No.23650653
    The beauty of this show is its simplicity in design!

    Sure, maybe the theme can be a bit ham handed but you know what I've's never to late to change. Thank you ponies. I'd almost forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:48 No.23650657
    I hope you're using a proxy.


    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:49 No.23650681
    >/b/ having to take shit from /b/tards
    I feel your pain, bro. But there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
    Props for being polite, though.
    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:50 No.23650711
    Finished the rest but Image Limit.
    >> /co/mmander jesus, keeper of the snuggie 02/20/11(Sun)14:51 No.23650732
    By that logic ALL topics should be kept to their corresponding boards, thus defeating the purpose of /b/ even existing. To me, /b/ is like a sampler, you find something you like on /b/ and you can go to another board to discuss it in greater detail. It is a RANDOM board, everything is fair game.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:51 No.23650736
    don't worry, there's always next thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:51 No.23650738

    Dear /b/,

    You post child pornography AND furry porn on a daily basis. You have no right to speak in this argument

    Signed, everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:51 No.23650744
    Why haven't this been done yet?!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:52 No.23650761
    I have this mental image of Fluttershy's friends all pressuring her to eat more, because they're all very active whereas she is not, so she soon packs on the pounds. There was a fic about that a day ago.
    She feels bad about it, but she's such a doormat she can't say no. Then while babysitting the CCCs, they make her cupcakes, and when Fluttershy tries to say no, Applebloom pulls those huge sad pony eyes on her and Fluttershy just can't refuse.
    In the end her body just gets used to eating more than it should, and when she tries to stop she really DOES get hungry and concedes.
    But all her friends love her anyway so nopony cares.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)14:52 No.23650764
    Those get reported and deleted.
    Also they get redirected to /h/.
    You argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:53 No.23650778
    I don't go to /b/ very often, for reasons that should be obvious. But every time I do stop by, I gotta, they've got us beat when it comes to image macros. Every time I peek over there I come away with a couple dozen pictures slathered with Impact font and a dopey grin.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:54 No.23650814
    Just go read Boston & Shaun.

    And never come back!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:55 No.23650836
    4 years later she dies of a heart attack due to high cholesterol.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:55 No.23650848

    Then why do they always get reposted?

    Face it, your board is nothing but porn, fetishes,arguments about killing jews and black people, etc.

    So the ponies are there to stay. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:55 No.23650849
    >There was a fic about that a day ago.
    Fic? Want fic! Post fic please?

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:56 No.23650859
    Child porn doesn't belong anywhere, and the rules actually state that you're not allowed to post furry anywhere EXCEPT /b/.

    But of course, you're a /b/tard, so you don't read the rules.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:56 No.23650860

    >> BraveSpark !N7gMZDQo8M 02/20/11(Sun)14:56 No.23650875
    I'm glad you like it this is version 2(next thread)

    On to >>23648537
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 02/20/11(Sun)14:56 No.23650877
    >try to make new thread
    >no key words in the first post
    FFFFFF dammit i'm stupid. and it was a thread for the Writefag Training Society too.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:56 No.23650878

    Or explode twice!
    >> Envy 02/20/11(Sun)14:56 No.23650883

    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/20/11(Sun)14:57 No.23650892
    thats my only reason to visit /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:57 No.23650894
    >These are the same people that scoff at you for watching serialized dramas or "shitty shows like Chuck, Fringe or Mad Men".
    We are?

    and Chuck is shit, dumbass
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)14:57 No.23650916
    I usually like the /b/ threads, b/c it spreads awareness of the show and like >>23650778 said, their lack of artists mean they get more creative with image macros
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:01 No.23651034
    There needs to be some sort of guide for /b/tards that explains to them how the board topics function. It could be a simple diagram, showing where boards overlap (so, like, /tv/ overlaps with /co/ a lot; /tg/ takes a lot of /v/'s material, etc.).

    Encompassing it all would be /b/. /b/ is for everything, including the stuff not on other boards.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:01 No.23651037
         File1298232090.png-(744 KB, 924x525, whatastory.png)
    744 KB
    >Talk some sense into /b/

    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:02 No.23651076
    Well, furries get saged, so you have nothing to worry about.

    All I did was come here and ask you nicely to talk some sense into pony fans over at /b/, who do nothing but argue with spammers in childish manner,
    and post meaningless content (reaction pictures which don't even react to anything, or are wrongly implemented).

    If you like ponies and those who think the same, I suggest you try and explain them why they'd be better off posting on /co/.
    But it seems like I, a /b/tard, who is disrespected here just for browsing /b/, have more common sense.

    You think otherwise? So far I've seen no proof.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:04 No.23651110
    You are talking about your very own fellow pony fans, you do realize that, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:04 No.23651112
    So sage is a magic word for showing hatred
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:05 No.23651145
    Then why do "rate me" posters get banned for not posting on /soc/?
    You argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:06 No.23651170
    Apparently they like being on /b/. Get over it, anon. If you don't like it ignore it .

    Or, you know, you can keep on being the self-appointed leader of anonymous or whatever it is that you fancy yourself this morning.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:08 No.23651207
    "sage" is all you could see from the whole post,
    yet you're trying to convince me that I'm the ignorant butthurt furry lover pedophile.

    How about actually sticking to the most basic rules of communicating and considering what one says?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:08 No.23651225
    If you don't like it, take it up with the mods. Oh, wait, they don't give a fuck, and would prefer to ban you for being a whiny assclown.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:12 No.23651307
    no, no we're not. They are /b/'s pony fans, we are /co/'s pony fans, and there is a difference. What you suggest would be similar to suggesting that Captain Picard fans and Captain Kirk fans are the same because they're both Star Trek fans.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:12 No.23651314
    If you do not support the stable rhythm of the very forum you are socializing on,
    you do not deserve to be here.

    You do not think that organizing content is necessary?
    Then you are not better than the part of /b/ I hate.

    I am no leader. There is no hierarchy. Going off topic like that will not get anyone anywhere.

    I did my best to be reasonable and polite. If you fail to do the same, then I'm just wasting everyone's time.

    Have a good one!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:14 No.23651381
    organizing content on /b/ isn't necessary, because it's fucking /b/.

    >the part of /b/ I hate
    Oh, gee, it's too bad moot killed /r9k/, so all the self-important whiners would have a place where they could hang out.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:15 No.23651387
    You are wrong.
    Dead wrong.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:15 No.23651412
    >yet you're trying to convince me that I'm the ignorant butthurt furry lover pedophile.
    dude what

    You said it, not me.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:17 No.23651475
    Organizing content on 4chan, not /b/.
    /b/ is for everything that does not have it's own board.
    If you posted "what's your favorite gun, /b/?" you'd be told to gtfo and post it on /k/.

    There was a reason for m00t to make /soc/, don't you think?
    Explain the unnecessarity of content organization to m00t yourself, see how he reacts!
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:19 No.23651546
    you = plural
    You, as in pony fans consider my purpose unserious and pointless, because it's about /b/ and because I am from /b/.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:20 No.23651576
    Less arguing, more ponies!

    This isn't /b/ and most of us don't even go there, so it's pretty irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:20 No.23651585
    Nice copypasta, bro.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:22 No.23651638
    What you said was completely irrelevant.
    If you want more ponies and more contributors, how about you go there >>>/b/310809319 and tell 'em?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:22 No.23651642
    I take it you aren't much of a star trek fan either, huh?
    Well ok. You are not the first person to want or to try to get the /b/ pony threads to merge with /co/. It's not going to happen, and not for lack of effort. If you can't also accept that there are differences that separate the sub-fandoms, then that's probably because you've never been a hard enough fan of anything to notice that fans of the same things don't always think the same way as other fans of the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:24 No.23651697
    so where's the new thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:24 No.23651704
    why do you keep linking to 404'd topics?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:27 No.23651760
    So what's this shit about?

    Keep your ponies out of /b/?

    /co/ and /b/ threads aren't related. Except for the pony thing.

    /b/ threads are made by /b/tards

    and /co/ threads are made by /co/mrades
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:27 No.23651765
    ...and I will never know the difference if nobody ever boiled it down to the core.

    I was a really hardcore Half-Life2 fan, but because I saw a huge message behind it, and the magnificent amount of work and profession that was combined in the piece of software was amazing.
    Other HL2 fans were fans just because of the action.

    So what you are trying to say here is that you appreciate ponies in a way so different, that threads about ponies have absolutely nothing to do with /co/?

    (when, as previously mentioned, "/b/ronies" stay at /b/ because they claim there is more porn on /co/ than /b/.
    Seems to me like you two are pointing your fingers at each other saying the same damn thing.)
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:30 No.23651868
    1. >>>/b/310809319 is still alive.
    2. The 404'd thread I linked you to had a post which said that /co/ had more MLP porn than /b/ and that was the reason they stayed out of /co/
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:31 No.23651894
    >If you want more ponies and more contributors

    Wait, what? We do just fine. But I'm not sure how going to a board I don't even frequent and telling them, hey people I don't know, come chat on THIS board instead. I mean, if they want to post there, I don't know what we're supposed to do about it. We won't have any more convincing powers than you simply telling them.

    I feel for you, because, yeah, /co/ is really more suited for MLP discussion. But what do you propose we do?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:33 No.23651947
    >if you posted "what's your favorite gun..."
    no you wouldn't. nobody does that on threads about porn, guns, racism, video games, or whatever else. It's just that they (and you) don't like MLP, so they get all butthurt.

    Fuck off back to /b/.
    >> /b/ 02/20/11(Sun)15:45 No.23652225
    >nobody does that on threads about porn
    No shit Sherlock!
    But if you do that on BOARDS, then, you get told to go ahead and post that on the board where the subject belongs.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)15:46 No.23652257
    and porn belongs on /s/
    Face it, you got nothing, my nig. Now go home to "check mah dubs" and combo threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/11(Sun)16:06 No.23652740
    I know you're not even here anymore, but I have to say you're a fucking dork. You are everything you just spoke of.

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