>girl asked a boy>(Girl)Do you think I'm pretty>(Boy)NO>(Girl)Do you want to be with me forever>(Boy)NO>(Girl)Wouls you cry if I walked away>(Again the boy said)NO>She heard enough and waz hurt,she walked >away tears ran down her face.>The boy grabbed her arm and said>(Boy) You're not pretty, you're BEAUTIFUL>(Boy) I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED>to be with you forever >(Boy)and I wouldn't cry if u walked away... I >would DIE!>(Boy whisperz)- Plz stay wit me...>(Girl whisperz)- I will
fighting gay with gay
kill yourself. i really mean that. i don't care if you're fucking around or being ironic. just take a shotgun and annihilate your fucking brain
>>23576878I'm a chick, and I think that was extremely stupid, and not at all romantic.
>>23576878I'm all for cute, but that was diabetes
Think we can get this thread to 400 sage posts? Let's find out.
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