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  • Many thanks to our bro Andrew W.K. for doing a Q&A with /mu/ tonight! [First thread/Second thread]

    File : 1297698518.jpg-(8 KB, 292x296, 1296798422165.jpg)
    8 KB *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/14/11(Mon)10:48 No.23472453  
    The old one's on the verge of autosage, andis at the image limit. So, for when everypony's ready;

    Pony valentines day general!

    Happy Valentines bronies!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:49 No.23472458
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:49 No.23472466
         File1297698593.png-(5 KB, 250x250, 1268655655426.png)
    5 KB
    >> noko Bill Dauterive 02/14/11(Mon)10:50 No.23472470
         File1297698617.jpg-(73 KB, 500x400, 1296791197513.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/14/11(Mon)10:50 No.23472478
    Happy Valentines

    also someone else post the general image once I remove it I'm going off in abit

    [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ] - Ver 10/FEB/2011
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:51 No.23472496
    If loving Ponies makes you an idiot, I don't want to be smart.
    >> NEEDS MOAR OC Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:55 No.23472532
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:55 No.23472533
         File1297698906.gif-(482 KB, 200x200, 1296994855101.gif)
    482 KB
    New thread!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:55 No.23472534
         File1297698917.gif-(294 KB, 200x200, 1297465236741.gif)
    294 KB
    Hang on... Scratch is a girl? I totally thought she was a dude until I saw her profile on the mlp wiki this morning.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:55 No.23472535
         File1297698924.png-(760 KB, 1800x1800, Grumpy Gus.png)
    760 KB
    I hate ponies I hate you I hate everything
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:55 No.23472541
         File1297698935.jpg-(125 KB, 1291x1542, sillyfilly.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Zeph !!sf6X+kDylVO 02/14/11(Mon)10:56 No.23472552
    isn't today the valentines ship-off thing? shouldn't there be instruction copy-pasta somewhere?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:56 No.23472555

    eyelashes = girl
    also Equestria is a lesbian paradise
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:57 No.23472562
         File1297699043.png-(146 KB, 500x500, babyderpy.png)
    146 KB

    How could you hate meeee?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:57 No.23472573
         File1297699075.jpg-(35 KB, 750x600, NEVAR_FORGET.jpg)
    35 KB
    Male ponies are clearly bigger and have a more rectangular snout.

    Also 1/10 male/female ratio etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:58 No.23472579
         File1297699085.png-(146 KB, 1024x768, phoenix wright pony.png)
    146 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:58 No.23472581
         File1297699094.png-(58 KB, 247x252, 1296088017789.png)
    58 KB
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/14/11(Mon)10:59 No.23472589
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)10:59 No.23472591
         File1297699148.jpg-(564 KB, 2025x2449, SPESS.jpg)
    564 KB
    Could this count for the Valentine's Day shipping contest?

    Is it even any good? I'd like to think that the 6 hours I spent coloring it in MS Paint were worth it.
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/14/11(Mon)11:00 No.23472609
         File1297699221.png-(231 KB, 417x419, 1297212436510.png)
    231 KB
    MFW My general is picked,
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:00 No.23472610
         File1297699223.png-(414 KB, 629x479, 23425224242.png)
    414 KB
    Looks nice, man!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:00 No.23472611
         File1297699225.gif-(802 KB, 632x356, ponydealwithit.gif)
    802 KB
    >> R.O. Prince Twister 02/14/11(Mon)11:00 No.23472612
         File1297699225.png-(382 KB, 1024x768, The make me better botique.png)
    382 KB
    Haha, Happy valentine's day!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:01 No.23472624
         File1297699271.png-(176 KB, 357x443, valentine-zecora.png)
    176 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:01 No.23472626
         File1297699277.png-(175 KB, 800x800, valentines.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:01 No.23472633
         File1297699297.png-(203 KB, 480x268, laughatthedrunk.png)
    203 KB

    Oh Berry! You're so funny!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:01 No.23472634
    >>23472552 Heres the one from Equestria Daily

    DA FUCK?

    Like the Drawfriend/writefriend Friendoff, you take somebody else's fanworks and create your own off of it. Only with a Valentines day theme. Relationships, love, lust, infatuation, romance. Chicks dig romance.


    Yeah but dude, c'mon. It's Valentine's Day. Only happens once a year. You wouldn't get upset over grimdark on Halloween, would you?


    -Take your favorite ship
    -Write/Draw a funny scene of them in valentine's day
    >But I don't have a favorite ship
    -Go here:
    -Copy all of the names
    -Go here:
    The first 2 randomized are your new shipping pair.
    >I'm not sure if I like this random ship
    -Repeat until you find some ship that you find decent
    So create something completely original. Maybe people during the actual shipoff will be inspired by yours.


    Think of it as cross training. Working outside your comfort zone will only make you a better artist/writer. And besides, it's totally voluntary.

    Ship-off soon fellow stalker.
    Oh really? When?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:02 No.23472639
         File1297699324.png-(99 KB, 550x550, MLPlinkboard.png)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:02 No.23472644
    I thought she was an effeminate male. Didn't see the eyelashes before.

    Suddenly all this fanart with her and Rainbow Dash makes sense to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:02 No.23472647
         File1297699342.jpg-(56 KB, 506x720, 129723447456546.jpg)
    56 KB
    Even if the gun refused to load
    Even if romance ran out of ammo
    You would still have my heart
    Till the end of this war
    I Love You
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:02 No.23472654
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:04 No.23472676
    >Only happens once a year
    You've been saying that every day for the past week, and every day there were ships.

    There is nothing special about today. Shipping as usual. Don't pretend it's any different.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/14/11(Mon)11:04 No.23472683
         File1297699489.jpg-(226 KB, 1920x1080, 1297365042698.jpg)
    226 KB
    thank you, also I knew I forgot to post something with the linkboard, and prob good that I did
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:04 No.23472686
    I cant wait to be a useless peice of shit toaday and talk about all these ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:05 No.23472688
         File1297699518.png-(893 KB, 600x600, 12971227799999.png)
    893 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:05 No.23472690

    I hate this screenshot...
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:05 No.23472694

    >unloved virgin doesn't understand the meaning of Valentines Day.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:05 No.23472699
         File1297699555.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 203 KB, 1131x565, 02.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 203 KB
    Happy Valentine's Day/St Patrick's Day
    >> R.O. Prince Twister 02/14/11(Mon)11:06 No.23472702

    Feel free to deliver critique. I don't post with name often, so use this opportunity wisely.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:06 No.23472708
         File1297699586.png-(529 KB, 780x418, wonderbolts.png)
    529 KB

    Here's a good example.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:07 No.23472716
         File1297699651.png-(298 KB, 618x800, 1297206678987.png)
    298 KB
    Confound these ponies they drive me to slacking and failed exams.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:08 No.23472724
    Fuck shipping, I have half a mind to spam the general with filthy gore

    But oh well, it's valentine's

    So like whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:10 No.23472745
         File1297699804.jpg-(53 KB, 600x431, hahapony2.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:11 No.23472757
         File1297699882.png-(111 KB, 700x700, 1297263416776.png)
    111 KB
    Hatin' helps no one, especially n valentines day.
    >> *Squeak* !JuTj8x9Yww 02/14/11(Mon)11:11 No.23472758
         File1297699884.jpg-(256 KB, 1920x1080, 1297468815000.jpg)
    256 KB
    Okay, I have to go to class, but when I get back, I shall get my Google docs account to stop acting up, finish the fic I'm working on, write something for the ship-off, and hit this thread like the FIST OF AN ANGRY SQUEAK!!!

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:13 No.23472795
    "Somepony loves you, Princess Luna" confirmed for fanfiction of the year, all years.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:13 No.23472798
    Oh shit. I just realized that there are 2 females and only 1 male wonderbolt in this pic.

    Before this my chauvinistic brain told me all wonderbolts were male.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/14/11(Mon)11:13 No.23472799

    In a broader sense, why even have a Valentines Day when people love each other every day anyway? Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:15 No.23472822

    Nice dubs, Scrooge.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:16 No.23472831
         File1297700160.png-(231 KB, 898x898, 1297076666666.png)
    231 KB
    Cause people in love are a selfish group of people who feel the need to rub their happiness in everyone elses face.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:16 No.23472836
    See? You guys make it sound like it's easy to tell if some of the ponies are female.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:16 No.23472842

    Maybe the should just die and decrease the surplus population.

    I got a sledgehammer, you can use the chainsaw, lets get dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:18 No.23472861
         File1297700299.png-(154 KB, 600x550, Carnivorous nature of the Pink(...).png)
    154 KB
    Pinkie x Twilight
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 02/14/11(Mon)11:18 No.23472866
         File1297700309.png-(445 KB, 1000x1000, RDScoot_PostBlue-(n12965237321(...).png)
    445 KB
    Well I'm off, one to play a game, and the other to have a nap due to lack of sleep.
    >> Zeph !!sf6X+kDylVO 02/14/11(Mon)11:19 No.23472870
    I'll be making a FlutterDerp shipping pic for today. any ideas? I was thinking Derpy giving a rose and a letter to Fluttershy.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:19 No.23472872

    Ah, but the CAPTAIN is Male. He's in charge, which is how it's supposed to be.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:19 No.23472880
    Well, Valentine's is actually 'The Saints Valentines' Day' or 'Saint Valentine's Day', and is a medieval Christian holiday about three martyrs named Valentine (one of whom is associated with romantic love). Medieval peasantry laboured a lot, but got off church feast days to go to church, then drink and generally party (as much as one could then with minimal income anyway). The grind of the schedule left little time for many to express their feelings for their spouses, and most other feasts were 'church, then get smashed and eat'. Valentine's was more 'church, then get smashed, eat, and fuck your spouse because neither of your poor asses have gotten any in ages'.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:20 No.23472885
         File1297700415.jpg-(281 KB, 1680x1050, wpf1680_1.jpg)
    281 KB
    I sort-of fixed this wall, changed a few things. Expect a version with 20% cooler.. text added in the next few days.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:20 No.23472888
         File1297700416.png-(130 KB, 431x382, rage trixie.png)
    130 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:20 No.23472889
    It is. Y'all are just derpin'.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:20 No.23472895
         File1297700451.jpg-(31 KB, 426x335, tonightyou.jpg)
    31 KB
    I will hunt you down and turn you all into glue and dog food.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:21 No.23472903
    Everypony needs to cheer up. Why should we feel down? There is always hope, today we don't think about being alone. Think about the people who care for you and your friends. We're still a community and one that will share love. You all deserve a great day everyday and no one is going to stop you.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:21 No.23472905

    I dont get it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:21 No.23472907

    How about a version that looks 20% less like a dildo?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:21 No.23472908
         File1297700518.jpg-(46 KB, 598x397, 1274623596208.jpg)
    46 KB

    Truth hurts.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:22 No.23472915
    To be fair the suits they use cover up their eyes and make them look almost identical.

    Only way to recognize gender is by looking at the snout and size.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:23 No.23472924

    haha oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:23 No.23472926
         File1297700617.jpg-(168 KB, 550x309, l4h.jpg)
    168 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:23 No.23472929
    The boys have squarer jaws/snouts and are usually taller. And they don't take as good care of their manes.
    >> Diabolical 02/14/11(Mon)11:23 No.23472930
         File1297700630.png-(386 KB, 667x670, 1294273854031.png)
    386 KB
    >Stream supplied earlier. (it really should be on the main links guys. It works like a charm.)
    >can't stop watching hub bub.

    I don't know rather to hate you or love you stream provider. I just called in sick today and ..........well......fuck you. You fucking....fuck.....I love you..... but ....hate you.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:25 No.23472948
    Oh joy. The pony threads are turning into r9k.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:26 No.23472963
    You can't stop the misogyny.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:26 No.23472969
    Someone needs to edit the signboard from that episode of pokemon to say this
    >> Ihatecards 02/14/11(Mon)11:27 No.23472977
         File1297700872.jpg-(16 KB, 317x587, 1297564411999.jpg)
    16 KB
    Everyone in this thread is my valentine.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:28 No.23472986
         File1297700919.png-(113 KB, 298x341, 977.png)
    113 KB
    >> Diabolical 02/14/11(Mon)11:28 No.23472987
         File1297700932.png-(202 KB, 640x480, 1293818032374.png)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:28 No.23472988
    Vastly improved from before, very nice finished pic.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:29 No.23472995
         File1297700973.png-(99 KB, 500x500, 61.png)
    99 KB
    Someone should have asked Andrew WK what he thought of MLP & Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:30 No.23473005
         File1297701027.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 34 KB, 640x480, 5YTei.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 34 KB

    How cute. :D Accept this as a token of my appreciation.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:30 No.23473006
         File1297701027.jpg-(136 KB, 945x945, 1295899820557.jpg)
    136 KB

    I don't appreciate the sentiment.
    >> Ihatecards 02/14/11(Mon)11:30 No.23473009
         File1297701041.png-(193 KB, 403x314, 1297205836071.png)
    193 KB
    No one is left alone in Pony threads this valentine's day!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:31 No.23473018
    >sonic calling something gay
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:31 No.23473024
    People remember that?

    Well damn, that's embarrassing... um... *squeek*.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:31 No.23473025
    ...I was happier before this thread.

    Now I'm just depressed at how lonely I am.

    What the hell has happened to my life?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:32 No.23473036
    I don't know. I'm pretty much you.

    What do we do
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:33 No.23473046
    Hey... I love you. really.
    >> Ihatecards 02/14/11(Mon)11:34 No.23473051
         File1297701270.jpg-(98 KB, 327x327, 1297196773900.jpg)
    98 KB
    In my opinion, not like it matters, the new Sonic games are pretty bad. Sonic Colors was kind of good and Sonic 4... Well, I haven't tried it yet.

    In other news, show some love for Applejack.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:35 No.23473061
         File1297701305.gif-(491 KB, 320x240, 1295982247029.gif)
    491 KB
    You still have us.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:35 No.23473062
         File1297701306.png-(27 KB, 684x517, frog.png)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:35 No.23473063
    High time for a new Applejack episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:35 No.23473065
         File1297701325.jpg-(39 KB, 150x187, mlp_liberty_ava.jpg)
    39 KB
    You DARE not leave me alone?! You will never leave this forest...

    And oh, yes - we'll have plenty of fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:35 No.23473069

    You've got me laughing so damn hard, fuck you man. I've got a violent cough right now. I can't believe it, that picture oh man.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:36 No.23473071
    Thread 23472453 has the general image!
    78 reply(s) 42 image(s) 0 sage(s)

    Well then, hello it is.

    It's really terrible, that even though I would play a god awful MLP Vidya, we're probably never going to get a FiM console Gaem, even though Barbie has thousands.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:36 No.23473080
         File1297701413.png-(223 KB, 419x408, pinkisad.png)
    223 KB
    >Don't even realise Valentine's is coming up
    >Someone reminds me yesterday
    >Realise it had lost all significance to me
    >I never really cared, but god damn that's sad
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:36 No.23473081
         File1297701419.png-(26 KB, 741x599, inspirational.png)
    26 KB
    Ya'll just need some friendship!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:37 No.23473091
    I'm holding out for a DS adventure game. I swear it's coming, I feel it in my bones.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:37 No.23473093
    I was more referring to all the furry shit, but okay
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:37 No.23473094
         File1297701464.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 157 KB, 640x480, AllInADaysWork.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 157 KB

    Here, this will help.
    >> Ihatecards 02/14/11(Mon)11:37 No.23473097
         File1297701479.png-(356 KB, 623x711, 1297208133744.png)
    356 KB
    Yeah, she's been in a whole lot of episodes so far but i'd like to see another one that's centered around her and maybe Big Mac could get more screentime...

    Well, it does sound fun!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:38 No.23473102
         File1297701499.png-(600 KB, 1307x1782, omgHHHNNNGGHH.png)
    600 KB
    Did I hear shipping?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:38 No.23473106
         File1297701514.png-(124 KB, 290x339, aj_smug.png)
    124 KB
    I spent christmas, new year's eve and now valentine's day with ponies.

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:40 No.23473123
    Platitudes of friendship just make it worse when I have absolutely no one here in my scant apartment. Tomorrow I will get up, go to work, come home, drink, come on here, talk in one of these threads and act happy, and get hammered. Repeat.

    It's less than appealing.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:41 No.23473131
    Isn't it the day St. Valentine was hanged?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:41 No.23473132
    How so? Isn't it beautiful you can do so?
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:41 No.23473135
         File1297701712.png-(160 KB, 640x360, AccordingtoPlan.png)
    160 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:41 No.23473140
    You know Lauren or the show staff wouldnt be involved in a FiM game at all and it would be just as bad as the FiM book was and totally miss the point of all the characters
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:42 No.23473145
         File1297701740.png-(267 KB, 500x500, 1297096016897.png)
    267 KB
    >> Diabolical 02/14/11(Mon)11:42 No.23473147
         File1297701745.png-(184 KB, 1543x1127, 12975317277832 copy.png)
    184 KB
    Happy valentines day
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:42 No.23473152
         File1297701754.png-(301 KB, 705x401, TooHard.png)
    301 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:42 No.23473157
    SatAM was the shit
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:43 No.23473162
         File1297701788.png-(314 KB, 705x401, theythink.png)
    314 KB
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:43 No.23473169
         File1297701822.png-(296 KB, 705x401, TonightYou.png)
    296 KB
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:44 No.23473180
         File1297701880.png-(192 KB, 640x360, Fanfic.png)
    192 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:44 No.23473182
         File1297701882.jpg-(33 KB, 600x586, jihad.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:45 No.23473188
         File1297701928.png-(893 KB, 600x600, 12971227754566.png)
    893 KB
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:45 No.23473191
         File1297701940.png-(263 KB, 631x333, CanWe.png)
    263 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:46 No.23473197
         File1297701975.png-(56 KB, 428x263, Smooch(transparent).png)
    56 KB
    I will just leave this here.
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:46 No.23473199
         File1297701980.png-(142 KB, 480x268, StillLove.png)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:46 No.23473203
         File1297702015.gif-(1.05 MB, 330x186, Twilight_tick-off.gif)
    1.05 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:47 No.23473208

    This is my face everytime someone announces more fanfiction in these threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:47 No.23473211
         File1297702034.jpg-(85 KB, 663x652, hubvlc2.jpg)
    85 KB body isn't ready. But my streams are.

    Check em, Bronies! Just paste one of these motherfuckers into VLC or Mplayer or whatever and enjoy live ponies in broadcast quality! Or close enough if your Internet connection is shit. I'd like as many people as possible to try them at once so I can get an idea of how many viewers I can handle next week when the episode airs.

    MPEG-2 Broadcast retransmission:
    This is the exact same stream in the exact same quality my cable company offers the Hub channel,. Even closed captions are retained. As this is 2000kbps+, you will need a pretty fast connection or to at least set aside a large enough buffer to play this smoothly.

    H.264 300kbps
    This one is probably the best one with the best quality for a slower connection. It's actually pretty close to the quality of the above stream outside of things like compression artifacts during fast motion. I'd say it's about slightly better quality than pensivepony's YouTube videos. There may be occasional outages if server machine crashes or whatnot.

    450kbps MPEG-2 re-encode
    This one seems a bit more stable than the above but is pretty shitty quality due to MPEG-2's inferior compression at low bitrates. Still, it's pretty watchable and a damn sight better than that flash shit.

    All three of these streams are the same resolution my cable company transmits the Hub in, 528x480. I may also offer a reduced resolution stream for really shitty, slow connections.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:47 No.23473216
    For anyone with the hub...

    1pm EST - Ticket Master
    1:30pm EST - Look Before You Sleep


    7pm EST - Fall Weather Friends
    7:30pm EST - Suited for Success

    On a plus note hopefully TrollHD or whoever is making the HD rips will be able to snatch up Ticket Master & Look Before You Sleep, so we get them in delicious 720/1080p.
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:47 No.23473218
         File1297702056.png-(215 KB, 640x360, AlmostTime.png)
    215 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:47 No.23473220
    >> Watermelon Lemonade 02/14/11(Mon)11:47 No.23473224
         File1297702067.png-(8 KB, 256x256, demuhman.png)
    8 KB
    Your v-day.
    Is my /v/ day.

    Forever alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:49 No.23473238
    Okay, so does anyone here care about non-shipping fanfiction? Does that Equestria Daily want anything non-shipping?
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:49 No.23473245
         File1297702167.png-(185 KB, 640x360, fuck yeah.png)
    185 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:50 No.23473257
    NON-SHIPPING?! would we masturbate to ponies?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:50 No.23473258
         File1297702222.jpg-(137 KB, 600x583, rdfs01.jpg)
    137 KB

    also there's a finished version of this out there somewhere, i know it
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:50 No.23473259
         File1297702223.jpg-(73 KB, 640x360, 1289582909546.jpg)
    73 KB
    I never realized how relevant this macro would become after last weeks episode.
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:50 No.23473268
         File1297702245.png-(166 KB, 640x360, I dont think.png)
    166 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:51 No.23473273
    Dude, even as a Sonic fan, I have to call SatAM shit. People remember it for being grimdark but it was anything but. If you watch it recently, like I did, you'll find plot holes everywhere and incompetence on all the characters parts. Sonic could have killed or captured Robotnik any time in the series but chose not to. AoStH can get away with being deligtfully retarded because its not meant to be taken at staight value, but SatAM is, so its subject to analysis, and when you do that you'll realize how shitty it is. Comics are great though.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:51 No.23473278
    Saint Valentine was in love with a girl, and as a saint you cannot do that. The church threw him in jail and told him to renounce his love; he would not. He would write letters to his love everyday signed "your Valentine". The church eventually gave up and hanged him.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:51 No.23473283
         File1297702312.jpg-(22 KB, 343x252, 1290580474418.jpg)
    22 KB
    I like gen fic. Please write some.

    Captcha: ndstin Griffin

    I think that means captcha wants some Gilda fic
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:51 No.23473284

    I only read grimderp fics tbh, nothing else really holds my attention.
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:52 No.23473287
         File1297702325.png-(125 KB, 640x360, ItMagic.png)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:52 No.23473293
         File1297702364.png-(54 KB, 940x777, LaurenAwesome.png)
    54 KB
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:53 No.23473298
         File1297702394.png-(235 KB, 705x401, IseewhatRD.png)
    235 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:53 No.23473302
    Is it okay to be fan of MLP but not like seeing all the drawings of them having sex and making out?
    >> Sonic ragefight tiem? Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:53 No.23473304
    Yeah, but it was better than the other show
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:53 No.23473308
    Possibly. It's actually for three saints all named Valentine. The most notable one was actually beheaded. There's a medieval myth about him leaving a message on the wall of his cell for a woman who came to comfort him in the time up to his execution. ...She converted and ultimately became a martyr herself.
    Love stories were different at one time. A lot more...killy.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:53 No.23473310
    That GyroBowl looks fucking awesome.

    I'll buy twenty.

    Also, thanks for streamin brony.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:53 No.23473311
         File1297702421.jpg-(25 KB, 520x404, 12971139888.jpg)
    25 KB
    At least /co/ doesn't get defensive and bitter over Valentines.

    /v/ is an emotional wreck at the moment for example.

    I can't even imagine how bad /r9k/ would've been.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:55 No.23473318
    You shouldda been here when the show just started.
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:55 No.23473319
         File1297702503.png-(281 KB, 640x360, Meanwhileb.png)
    281 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:55 No.23473331
    It's totally okay. It's just like on Fridays when everyone is spoiling the show; you'll just have to go away. Or ignore it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:55 No.23473332
         File1297702552.jpg-(15 KB, 321x303, Derpy 2.jpg)
    15 KB
    Wait it's valentines day

    I don't even give a shit
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:56 No.23473334
    Absolutely. You are not alone in a sea of weird fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:56 No.23473335
    God damnit Lauren stop being so goddamn awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:56 No.23473338
    That was when I thought you were all gay for liking the show until I actually sat down and watched it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:56 No.23473339
    It wasn't the church. It was pagan Romans. Valentine was a Christian who wouldn't offer to Sol Invictus, which was against the law at the time, so he was arrested, tortured, and still refusing to render homage to Sol Invictus, he was beheaded. He was a priest, but at the time clerical celibacy was more of a choice (it only became mandatory in most western rites around 1100, and had to do with property law). He wasn't hanged, his head was cut off and he was dismembered. His family had influence to get it back though. His skull is now in Dublin, since the 1800s, and most of his other body parts are in churches in Italy.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:56 No.23473341
    Absolutely. Shippers just happen to be a very vocal part of FiM community.

    Nothing wrong with it but it gives a wrong impression sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:57 No.23473347
    Than Underground? Most agreed, good sir. If your talking smack about AoStH, I'll have to challenge you to a duel.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:57 No.23473350

    Head to /b/. They're just as bad as /r9k/ was.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:57 No.23473351
         File1297702644.png-(12 KB, 337x330, 1289090967727.png)
    12 KB

    I wasn't even offended by the episode, but I've always hated that "Virginia there is a Santa Claus" shit. The kid is asking an honest question. She legitimately wants to know, "Is there actually a guy who ACTUALLY wears a red suit, and physically comes down our chimneys? And are my parents and other adults lying to me when they insist that he flies around with reindeer?" and that columnist gave her this cheesy "spirit of Santa" and "choose to believe in something you know isn't real" crap. I'm glad my parents gave me real honest answers straight up when I asked about Santa.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:57 No.23473355

    Newfags don't know that gay men watch professional wrestling and read cape comics.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:58 No.23473357
    Book? Where may I read this book?
    >> Aconite !iZduQelv5w 02/14/11(Mon)11:58 No.23473362
         File1297702692.png-(174 KB, 640x360, ItsOn.png)
    174 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:58 No.23473366
    attention whores gonna beg for attention, and the easiest way to get attention is to make porn out of something that already has an audience (i.e. MLP, startrek World of Warcraft etc) and then shove it in your faces, all the while thinking they are gods gift to mankind.

    I do not think highly of people who draw porn.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:59 No.23473367

    Like all holidays, the modern incarnation is completely divorced from its origins, and frankly, they're more enjoyable that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:59 No.23473369
         File1297702753.jpg-(39 KB, 565x450, 1289356152677.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:59 No.23473376
         File1297702771.jpg-(53 KB, 1280x720, 687474703a2f2f696d616765732e34(...).jpg)
    53 KB
    I feel like a bitter old husk right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)11:59 No.23473379

    >shove it in our faces
    >it's spoilered

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:00 No.23473385
    Yeah, it's cool. We do encourage people to spoiler that shit if they feel they MUST post it though.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:00 No.23473391
    tottaly normal and apropriate dude.

    personaly i have a fucked up sense of humor, so i find the pony porn to be hillarous, but I can join you at least in not fapping (or cloping as the term may be) to them.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:00 No.23473395

    Dear Lauren,

    Scientists say there's no such thing as Bigfoot. Is this true?

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:00 No.23473398
    It comes with the vinyl pack. Its been scanned a couple of times, Its turrible
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:01 No.23473404
    I like how they celebrated it in the middle ages, actually.

    Sure, I'd sleep through mass probably, like all holidays where I had to go to church, but then it was a day long booze cruise. ...Though most medieval holidays were like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:01 No.23473405

    not always...
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:02 No.23473410
    You ponyfags are sexist pigs promoting rape culture. The womyn in me is crying ATM.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:02 No.23473412

    Even if it wasn't it's still thumbnailed. You click on it anyway and still get outraged.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:02 No.23473414

    Not the guy who asked, but I feel put at ease now. I felt like I was the only person in these threads who didn't care for that sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:02 No.23473415

    It's really not worth reading. It's just the first two episodes of the series compressed into one story.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:02 No.23473420
    I made a pair of cuteish valentine pics but my scanner is busted. Will work on fixing it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:03 No.23473423
    Dear Virginia,
    Some Scientists say there is little chance of their being a large primate in North America, however there are other scientists who believe there are. I recommend you read some books by both sides and then make up your mind.
    Anon posing as Lauren
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:03 No.23473429
         File1297703012.png-(85 KB, 640x360, 1289028600992.png)
    85 KB
    It's okay. I called my parents on the Santa lie when I was like, 5. They gave up and just told me not to ruin it for my brother.
    It didn't affect my enjoyment of the season, or the joy and happiness, and it made me appreciate my presents WAY MORE, because I could look at my parents and THANK THEM, rather than just say "look what Santa got me" and then tear the present open and play with it.

    I don't know what the deal is with pretending that Santa is real somehow adds any extra enjoyment to a festive holiday of fun, songs, food and family. It almost cheapens it, IMHO.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:04 No.23473435

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:04 No.23473441
    You guys are the stereotypical atheists.

    All logic is right, except logic that breaks down your logic.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:05 No.23473449

    There's no such thing as Bigfoot, dude. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:05 No.23473450
         File1297703139.png-(141 KB, 800x800, Lyra Sign.png)
    141 KB
    Colored, but i couldn't think of anything clever to put in the sign
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:05 No.23473452
         File1297703151.png-(95 KB, 840x682, i require assistance.png)
    95 KB
    >mfw my morbid curiosity always wins in the end

    I need more self-discipline.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:06 No.23473455

    I was a happy little fucker when I was kid, especially on christmas when you could even taste the magic in the air. Now as a 20-something adult I still miss that innocent sense of wonder and excitement.

    I dont see what is wrong with having a child have fun like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:06 No.23473456

    I always wondered why Santa's signature looked like my mom's handwriting.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:06 No.23473464

    Agnostics are more fun, at least we leave the door open for the unknown.
    >> Diabolical 02/14/11(Mon)12:06 No.23473468
    Oh Lauren u so silly
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:06 No.23473469

    Or you could just pull the stick out of your butt and relax.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:06 No.23473470
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:07 No.23473475

    Right. Maybe there is a Santa Claus.

    No one will ever know.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:07 No.23473476
    Wait, what? I'm >>23473351 and I never said I was an atheist, unless there's some sort of Santa-atheism I didn't know about.... are you actually saying that there's a group of adults who actually BELIEVE there is a Santa Claus?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:07 No.23473477
    And the woman he loved in the medieval story was just the daughter of a pagan Roman aristocrat who'd come to talk to him. They didn't really give a shit about his 'love' for her, but the myth did include him leaving a message on the wall before he was taken to die, and he's a saint of romantic love, but only because he, in that myth, draws strength from a combination of his faith and his love for this woman.
    >> Pinkiefan !!VoQee4dHCjM 02/14/11(Mon)12:07 No.23473479
    The wonderbolts all have the same hairstyle too. I always thought they were male because all the royal guards are male and I figured they were like the special forces. It seems like two could indeed be female. All the royal guard is male, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:07 No.23473483
    My parents didn't want to lie to me and my siblings, so they always told us that Santa Claus was a fun game of pretend that everyone played every year. We didn't believe in him, but we thought it was a game so we never spoilered it for other people.

    Haha, there are more of us who don't care for it than people think. I appreciate the anons who respect that I dont care to draw it when requesting art/etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:07 No.23473486
    Welcome. Which one are you watching?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:08 No.23473488

    >are you actually saying that there's a group of adults who actually BELIEVE there is a Santa Claus?

    Sort of. More or less.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:08 No.23473492
    Santa's real. I say if someone is dressed as Santa and giving away presents than he is fucking Santa.

    Anyone can be Santa it's the spirit of Santa that lives on
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:08 No.23473494
    A weird number of Finns I've known...
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:09 No.23473500
         File1297703364.jpg-(13 KB, 149x243, TwilightWithHerArmsCrossed.jpg)
    13 KB

    We need to rally people against the horsefuckery.

    There are plenty of other places on the internet where they can talk about how hard candy-colored ponies make their dicks.

    And shipping fanfiction is for like 13-year-old girls. At least people are STARTING to post links to Google Docs instead of just posting them in the threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:09 No.23473503
         File1297703375.png-(46 KB, 491x317, 687474703a2f2f696d616765732e34(...).png)
    46 KB
    >women as soldiers
    >> Ihatecards 02/14/11(Mon)12:09 No.23473506
         File1297703386.jpg-(29 KB, 500x375, Resistance_little_pony.jpg)
    29 KB
    Oh boy, here we go again.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:09 No.23473507
         File1297703387.png-(78 KB, 697x688, 1297165866452.png)
    78 KB
    rate my pony*it's not done yet*
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:09 No.23473509

    Now where's the fun in that?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:10 No.23473513

    Fuck off, Dinofaggot.
    >> Pinkiefan !!VoQee4dHCjM 02/14/11(Mon)12:10 No.23473514
    Yes...very yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:10 No.23473517
         File1297703424.jpg-(26 KB, 517x277, i see what you did there.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:11 No.23473528


    Use the drawing guides.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:12 No.23473538
    I believe in Santa. I dont see why anyone should have a problem with that.

    Believing in human rights, justice and righteousness is just as abstract and without any scientific base.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:12 No.23473541
    Someone doesn't have reveal spoilered images script
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:12 No.23473548
    That's a very nice pony dressform mannequin....
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:12 No.23473550
         File1297703562.jpg-(23 KB, 711x455, 1100.jpg)
    23 KB
    This is what I get for trying to educate people on the internet.

    Inbefore shitstorm.

    Lauren Faust speculates that only the corners of the girl's fantasy are the limits of the achievable. She trying to let her down easy, very easy, but still give it a bit of flare she (seemingly) gives all her shows.
    Because, you know, in truth there are no limits to what is possible. There might well be a flying spaghetti monster, there might be a magical land of Equestria, there might even be a Santa Claus.
    Only YOU are keeping the door closed.

    Get out of your box of the exact and live life a little.
    I consider myself a Nihilist, but a happy one.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:12 No.23473551
    Okay I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:13 No.23473558
         File1297703602.png-(265 KB, 412x526, valentine-gilda.png)
    265 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:13 No.23473560

    >shipping is for 13-year-old girls
    >posting in a thread for a cartoon for 9-year-old girls
    >full retard
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:13 No.23473561
    >>23473528 I'd put one I actual drew up he if I could not scanner or printer and photoshop killed the artist
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:14 No.23473565
    Awesome of you to do this!

    sadly, not only do they not run reliably on my computer (even the low bitrate one, so i think the problems on my end), but i'm working during the next pony show. Back to youtube for me, i guess
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:14 No.23473567
         File1297703670.jpg-(178 KB, 800x800, 20bonerslyra.jpg)
    178 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:14 No.23473570

    >there might be a flying spaghetti monster.

    There is no flying spaghetti monster. That's the whole point of the joke.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:15 No.23473580
         File1297703742.jpg-(10 KB, 216x216, 1290069417341.jpg)
    10 KB
    >mfw you actually think a magical elf lives in a toy shop in the north pole and flies on a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer to put presents down the chimneys of every child in the world
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:15 No.23473581
    Soon we'll be able to communicate between one another solely with exploitable sign pics
    >> Lemming of the BDA 02/14/11(Mon)12:16 No.23473585
         File1297703765.jpg-(49 KB, 400x300, my hungry pony.jpg)
    49 KB
    Lauren Faust doesn't want an eight year old girl to cry. SURPRISE: lame brained ideologues have a problem with this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:16 No.23473589
         File1297703780.jpg-(41 KB, 610x542, The Great and Powerful Trixie.jpg)
    41 KB
    Why is this picture so fucking goddamn awesome?

    Every aspect seems weirdly perfect to me.

    Is anyone else seeing this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:16 No.23473596
         File1297703814.jpg-(10 KB, 333x241, 1293501610675.jpg)
    10 KB
    So is it attention whoring if I repost art that isn't r34'd?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:17 No.23473597
         File1297703825.jpg-(181 KB, 800x800, lyrashipping.jpg)
    181 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:17 No.23473600

    Dude, give us title, synopsis, keywords, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:17 No.23473607
         File1297703873.png-(161 KB, 640x360, 1297464046018.png)
    161 KB
    It's trixie, bro, epitome of perfect and greatness right there.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:17 No.23473610

    Its used mostly as a way to get kids to behave at least 1 month out of the year. How many times have you seen kids act up and parents threaten how Santa won't bring them presents this year?

    And honestly, the threat of some omnipotent man in red, monitoring your every move has lost its impact since every mall has 12 santas the day after thanksgiving. I did try to spread the rumor of Santa's special forces acting as decoys since a kidnapping attempt (it was a plot from a cartoon... don't remember which one). Unfortunately the kids in my family aren't convinced since I've brought up crazier ideas in the past.

    I also called my family out when I was 6... it was pretty obvious since Santa was only 5 1/2 ft tall and smelled like beer, just like my uncle does.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:18 No.23473611

    It's attention whoring if you talk shit anonymously about posters who are actually contributing.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:18 No.23473616
    that's as many as two tens!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:18 No.23473618

    So you hate porn in general.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:18 No.23473621
    >Lauren Faust doesn't want an eight year old girl to cry.

    You realize that isn't actually her letter, right?
    It's a famous letter.,_Virginia,_there_is_a_Santa_Claus
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:18 No.23473623
    God damn it I hate that The-Huntsman guy, he's so immensely buttmad at the whole Derpy thing it really annoys me and I would just like to tell him to shut the fuck up and deal with it but I don't want to shit up Lauren's DA even more.
    I bet that fag was once trolled really hard by /b/ and now he hates everything related to Anonymous and this is why he loathes whenever we have nice things like Derpy, because in his mind he was once again defeated by the people he loathes.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:19 No.23473630
         File1297703963.png-(70 KB, 228x232, 1293572632306.png)
    70 KB
    >attention whoring

    You lost me.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:19 No.23473633

    We've been bothered by the Cuntsman pretty much since the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:19 No.23473638
         File1297703991.jpg-(10 KB, 171x232, 1296515583777.jpg)
    10 KB
    personally, I don't believe in santa claus. I believe in the joy this figure brings at the end of the year. same way I don't believe in the Christian religion, but I believe that there is a larger force out there. also love and respect each other and such.

    I love ponies. they make me feel happy and help me stay away from /b/ and the mental corruption it has given me.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:20 No.23473643

    If you can't figure out what adults who say they believe in Santa Claus are really talking about, then.... well, I guess I don't know what to tell you.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:21 No.23473653
    More than likely, he's just a rectally wounded DA user. Possible /b/-tard, definitely underaged.

    In Lauren's own words, she's a big girl. I'm sure she can ignore morons when she spots them.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:21 No.23473656

    You don't think anon can be an attention whore? The entire act of trolling is an exercise in attention whoring.

    Desperately trying to get people to respond to you, even getting negative responses, is attention whoring.
    >> Lemming of the BDA 02/14/11(Mon)12:21 No.23473661

    I feel foolish now.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:21 No.23473664
         File1297704117.jpg-(488 KB, 1024x1280, 687474703a2f2f696d616765732e34(...).jpg)
    488 KB
    So? I dont think that's very excessive. Atleast he doesn't raise the sun and the moon everyday.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:22 No.23473665

    What you're saying is, you don't really believe in Santa Claus but for some reason you're dodging the admission that you don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:22 No.23473670
         File1297704129.jpg-(148 KB, 800x800, Applejack on back.jpg)
    148 KB
    >How many times have you seen kids act up and parents threaten how Santa won't bring them presents this year?

    Yeah, it's probably even more effective when your parents say "We aren't buying you presents this year." LOL

    >it was pretty obvious since Santa was only 5 1/2 ft tall and smelled like beer, just like my uncle does.
    Fuck i LOLd so hard
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:23 No.23473687

    Yeah you may be right, probably his OC recolors never made into his favorite show and now he's just jelly.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:23 No.23473690
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:23 No.23473691
    No, just this unoriginal rule34 pseudo-fetish art. I don't get mad about it though.
    Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:23 No.23473693
    >Because, you know, in truth there are no limits to what is possible. There might well be a flying spaghetti monster, there might be a magical land of Equestria, there might even be a Santa Claus.
    Bullshit~ ♫
    Possibility may seem limitless to non-omniscient people like us, but in the end there's only one reality, and anything about X existing or not is ALREADY true or ALREADY false.
    Reality doesn't give a fuck about your beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:23 No.23473697
    >mfw we're having the same discussions from last Friday.

    What happened to friendship and magic? Why are you feeding the parasprites? Something doesn't add up...
    >> Pinkiefan !!VoQee4dHCjM 02/14/11(Mon)12:24 No.23473702
         File1297704242.png-(14 KB, 350x197, pinkiepiep.png)
    14 KB
    "Well, there's nothing corny about fresh-faced youngsters skipping to school, scraping knees and spelling bees and pies cooling softly on the windowsill, heh. Well sir, if that's corny, then corn me up."
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:24 No.23473703
    So do you want people to put on tripcodes just to bitch about other people or what?

    >Implying "contributing" is some mystical 'Get out of Jail Free' card that makes a poster immune to people bitching about them
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:24 No.23473704
    We're... We're on 4chan.

    We can't help it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:24 No.23473706
    >I feel foalish now.

    Fixed that for ya. ;)
    Don't feel too bad, I guess that letter isn't as commonly known as I thought.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:25 No.23473711
    What you seem to not get is what the "Yes virginia" letter is about

    the original never said there was a fat man in the north pole, but that ideal of Santa Claus is real
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/14/11(Mon)12:25 No.23473712
         File1297704303.jpg-(76 KB, 750x563, Celestloveyou.jpg)
    76 KB
    As much as I want to agree with you... I agree with you, except for the 13 year-old part.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:25 No.23473714
         File1297704324.png-(155 KB, 431x509, 1294634089802.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:25 No.23473720
         File1297704350.png-(135 KB, 402x360, aj_listen_sugarcube.png)
    135 KB
    So you don't want attention whoring, and you don't want r34.
    And if OC is attention whoring, I gather you basically just want reaction images and macros.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:26 No.23473726

    I liked the Ranger one better. I honestly hope it's true and not someone just bullshitting.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:26 No.23473730
         File1297704384.png-(192 KB, 475x322, thekingcomedown.png)
    192 KB

    No, this is the slenderpony.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:27 No.23473738
         File1297704424.png-(314 KB, 658x570, Heavyandhisumbrellahat.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:27 No.23473739
    Have any non-Earth ponies been shown to have families yet, or do Pegasus and Unicorns just spawn out of nowhere?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:27 No.23473746
    I couldn't stop thinking about this song while reading this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:27 No.23473747
    He posts like everyday, and always essay length posts. I think he believes he's her DA bodyguard or some ridiculous shit. What smack is he talking about Derpy? I can see him going I told you for the religious debate going on, but what harm does Derpy do?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:27 No.23473748
         File1297704466.jpg-(139 KB, 792x726, 1289124564100.jpg)
    139 KB
    Yeah, but it's obvious that's what the girl was actually asking.
    It's like if I asked someone "Hey, is there any coffee?" and they answered with this long drawn out explanation of how "there's always coffee somewhere, and the time spent drinking coffee with friends is so valuable and really, don't we always have the spirit of coffee with us at all times, anyway?" when all i want is a straight fucking answer. No? There's no coffee? OKAY.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:28 No.23473750

    There's a married couple. There's a mother with foal. Ponies reproduce normally.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:28 No.23473751

    Thats his shtick though. Making people butthurt over the fact he constantly complains about being butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:28 No.23473756
         File1297704514.png-(44 KB, 380x306, 687474703a2f2f696d616765732e34(...).png)
    44 KB
    This is what happens when we run out of things to discuss.
    >> Adrian Brony !WETgASPiNU 02/14/11(Mon)12:28 No.23473758
         File1297704516.png-(132 KB, 419x408, 1297230499401.png)
    132 KB
    Well, my V-day fic is in. And shipping is only a secondary part of it! (come on, it's still v-day.)
    Enjoy my attempt to be utterly pretentious and struggle in vain to make a crack pairing justified.

    Every Valentines day, Princess Celestia takes Twilight and Spike to a secret dining room where they can have one night a year as an actual family, and illuminate the many forms love can take between individuals.

    if you have problems with the doc, try this:
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:28 No.23473760
    > What the? I don't see anything. bullsh--

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:29 No.23473763
    And what is this 'reality' exactly?

    Might as well be an empty canvas.

    Or I interpret it differently.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:29 No.23473771
         File1297704577.jpg-(49 KB, 480x360, do it faggot.jpg)
    49 KB
    I'm more weirded out that Pinkie seems to always be looking at the camera in group shots

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:30 No.23473781
         File1297704621.png-(191 KB, 468x335, BROHOOF 1.png)
    191 KB
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:30 No.23473784
         File1297704630.png-(342 KB, 1920x1080, 1297175969531.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:30 No.23473787

    This. He's like "oh pőeople shitting up Lauren's DA with religious bullshit NEVERMIND" and then "WHAT DERPY IS NOW CANON FUCK YOU /CO/ LAUREN DON'T LISTEN TO THEM KILL DERPY HURRRRR".
    >> Zeph !!sf6X+kDylVO 02/14/11(Mon)12:30 No.23473788
         File1297704653.png-(148 KB, 1024x768, sherbet.png)
    148 KB
    hey guys, mind rating my OC?

    also posted it over at the FiM chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:31 No.23473794

    That's why I picked that screencap. You're distracted by Pinkie on the right, and you miss Slenderpony on the left until you look more closely.
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/14/11(Mon)12:31 No.23473795
         File1297704681.png-(1.03 MB, 1517x1979, card_celestia.png)
    1.03 MB
    Happy Valentines, all. <3

    Okay, I lol'd a little.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:31 No.23473802
    A personality would help.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:32 No.23473807
    the next episode comes out and we have new things to talk about.

    Also that picture is cute as hell
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:32 No.23473810
         File1297704756.jpg-(169 KB, 1024x791, ponylineup1-1024x791.jpg)
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    Anatomy is a bit wonked, but the colours are fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:32 No.23473812
    Oh god what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:32 No.23473814
    Neck is too fat and body too long.

    Otherwise ok.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:32 No.23473816
    lord give me strength i shit myself
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:32 No.23473817

    The idea of Santa has unfortunately turned into commercial fat man who stalks kids to make sure they behave.
    I am pretty sure it was supposed to represent the good will towards total strangers that is supposed to mark the holiday season. Yes, you appreciate it when your parents give gifts and you should know when they do and the sacrifices they make to get the gifts. This makes a child appreciate their parents.
    But the idea of a total stranger going out and freely giving gifts out of the generosity of his heart to kids who deserve them . . . THAT is something that can allow a child to believe that the world isn't as horrible a place as the news media wants us all to think it is. That there are still good people out there willing to be generous and fair to others they have not even met.
    That is the whole concept behind why parents teach their kids of Santa. Are there other ways to do this? Certainly. It's just that Santa is already established so why not use him.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:33 No.23473818

    I like her design - very cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:33 No.23473821
         File1297704790.png-(37 KB, 251x250, 1296993885735.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:33 No.23473822
    You made that? Sweet. Wanna make more?

    Make every shot you pick one where Pinkie is also looking at the camera if possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:33 No.23473824
         File1297704815.gif-(1008 KB, 500x282, 1297516550910.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:34 No.23473832
         File1297704849.png-(191 KB, 640x356, santachrist.png)
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    There is no need to argue /co/. I believe in you, even if you don't believe in me! Now enjoy the rest of this thread and have a happy day!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:34 No.23473843
    Thanks santa, sorry you had to see this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:34 No.23473844
    i am so sick of your bullshit /co/ ever since last year you have turned into the most cancerous board on 4chan you used to be cool but now youre just full of stuck up pretentious hipsters that think everything is somehow good even when it clearly sucks i mean fucking christ cartoons died back during the goddamn 90's why do you think everyone on this site only gets excited when talking about that because there was nothing good palyed back then but you guys simply refuse to mature and grow up so now you waste your time with poorly written and terribly animated flash drivel just to ignore the reality of the outside world. it baffles me how such a collection of lsoers can really maintain and deal with each other without any type of anger or rage but i guess when youre all so fuckign pathetic and immature nobody cares about who the fuck they talk to. i hate you i hate this my little pony bullshit and i hope the fad dies as soon as fuckign possible and then maybe you can get order back to your own shitty board and continue being pretentious cunts
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:34 No.23473845

    Fuck off, Santa. Ponies are more important than you,
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:35 No.23473846
         File1297704911.png-(135 KB, 397x346, 1297031404181.png)
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    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/14/11(Mon)12:35 No.23473850

    Well, since you requested it, sure. I won't tell you where they are though. And I'll post them anonymously, just like last time.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:35 No.23473856
    I love you too.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:35 No.23473860
         File1297704949.jpg-(36 KB, 377x287, Cannot unhear.jpg)
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    You seem upset.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:35 No.23473863
         File1297704959.jpg-(68 KB, 480x360, they mad.jpg)
    68 KB

    thats mad
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:36 No.23473865
         File1297704976.jpg-(57 KB, 600x600, gildasvalentine.jpg)
    57 KB
    Happy Valentine's, bronies!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:36 No.23473866

    I'm still boggled that as a child I wasn't afraid of the thought of a giant anthropomorphic rabbit barging into my home and delivering candy on Easter.
    >> Pinkiefan !!VoQee4dHCjM 02/14/11(Mon)12:36 No.23473868
         File1297704996.jpg-(27 KB, 640x480, Santa Claus-Reindeer.jpg)
    27 KB
    Don't forget the robot reindeer... oh, the nightmares!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:36 No.23473872
    on an unrelated note, though pony pron simply makes me laugh, Santa porn gets me all sorts of hard. well okay, mostly its just girls in santa costumes, but still, hot as hell.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:37 No.23473876
    Actually the real santa wears a grey robe, has a goats skull on his head and flays the skin off of naughty children's backsides.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:37 No.23473878
         File1297705033.jpg-(300 KB, 642x1083, 1289049423942.jpg)
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    I feel kind of bad for him. He's so distressed, he's forgotten all his punctuation. :(
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473886

    Shit happens. Deal w/ it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473889

    That's the Krampus.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473890
    Depends on what you mean by 'anthro' (oh great, some furry's gonna read this and get ideas)

    ...I'd respond with an Angel pic but I don't got any. Can we get some Angel in here?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473891
         File1297705097.png-(229 KB, 569x556, valentine-flutter.png)
    229 KB
    I should apologize for this one. I should.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473892
         File1297705097.jpg-(54 KB, 351x334, 1287974646261.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473894
    but that's not happy...
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473898
         File1297705106.png-(426 KB, 696x1136, forever_a_pony_by_xanthestar-d(...).png)
    426 KB
    don't you mean Forever a pony
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:38 No.23473901
    wow someone needs to work in Big Mac, Apple blossom, and Derpy and make that picture a braidy bunch parady
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:39 No.23473905

    Mrs. Cake is the perfect Alice.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:39 No.23473911
         File1297705196.jpg-(51 KB, 600x800, DSCF0230.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:40 No.23473914
    What the hell is a krampus?

    Some american thing?
    >> Zeph !!sf6X+kDylVO 02/14/11(Mon)12:40 No.23473917

    yeah, still trying to get the anatomy right. I can't seem to get the proportions right when I'm sketching.

    right now it's under development. still not sure what to go with.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:40 No.23473918
         File1297705217.jpg-(201 KB, 1011x1024, Santa speaks.jpg)
    201 KB

    You're on the naughty list now.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:40 No.23473919
         File1297705231.png-(107 KB, 475x348, YOURSOUL.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:40 No.23473921
    I am an MLP who does not actively partake in shipping and fanfiction. I would prefer cuter, adventurous stuff like their day to day lives in the show already. The shipping stuff I like is mostly the fanart and quick one liners. It's nice, but most of the time I wouldn't read a whole story about it.

    But I think people should draw and write whatever they want. Except Guro fiction and art, that creeps me out.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:40 No.23473923

    Hi Karma.

    Kindly go jump in a pit of lava.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:41 No.23473925
    >mfw Americans call a stickkywickerloggaloo a "krampus"
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:41 No.23473928
         File1297705278.png-(164 KB, 474x271, i mad.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:41 No.23473930
    ...this is the first time I've felt bad for Gilda! I like it, haha. Makes her a better character to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:41 No.23473937
         File1297705310.jpg-(161 KB, 612x792, 687474703a2f2f696d616765732e34(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473941
         File1297705339.jpg-(349 KB, 1000x437, 1296477980624.jpg)
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    If I were sitting next to you, I'd slap you on the back of the head right now.
    Reality is my hand moving through the air and colliding with your skull, and the booming sound of the blow resounding in that large empty space. It is the neurons that transmit the sensation to your brain and that tissue that gets a well-deserved headache.
    Reality is that aspirin you take, the fact that you take it, the fact that it has active components that interact with your body, and the fact that it makes the pain go away.

    Reality is what is real. It is not open for debate, it is not subjective, it goes about its business without ever giving a fuck about anyone's delusions. And you can spout pseudo-philosophical baloney until the cows come home, and make life a lot more complicated than it needs to be, or you can accept reality and try to know it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473946
    Oh dude, I was fucking petrified of Santa and the Easter Bunny from a very young age. Those fuckers break into your house! While you're sleeping, no less! And you're just supposed to trust them not to fuck anything up? No sir, that doesn't sit well with me.

    That's probably the biggest reason as to why I called my parents out on Santa when I was about 4. They came clean right away. I slept a lot better on Christmas Eve from then on.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473947
    Link works for me. I thought it was sweet.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473948
         File1297705367.png-(229 KB, 640x360, this looks terrifying in thumb(...).png)
    229 KB
    That's adorable. It's a shame most anons are bitter old husks who will actually complain that Faust didn't start screaming how Santa isn't real to a little girl. I like pony threads more before /b/ got their grubby little hands on them. Aw well, live and let die.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473949

    Silly Rarity, Dark Elves aren't fashionable at all!
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473950
    Okay, I'll admit it, I checked the episode to see that.
    Nice Photoshop.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:42 No.23473951
         File1297705379.jpg-(74 KB, 360x267, he-just-kept-talking-and-talki(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:43 No.23473962
         File1297705432.jpg-(206 KB, 1200x900, P2120829.jpg)
    206 KB

    So its pretty much confirmed Hasbro is just recycling their 3.5 garbage for gen 4? This is just horrible

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:45 No.23473973
         File1297705503.png-(204 KB, 479x352, YOURSOUL2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:45 No.23473976

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:45 No.23473980
         File1297705519.png-(57 KB, 400x400, 1289465248775.png)
    57 KB
    >Faust didn't start screaming how Santa isn't real to a little girl

    Okay, has NO ONE HEARD of this famous letter she just copy pasted? Someone already linked it,_Virginia,_there_is_a_Santa_Claus

    >Is There a Santa Claus? was the title of an editorial appearing in the September 21, 1897 edition of The Sun of New York.
    >September 21, 1897

    It has been part of pop culture for over 100 years people
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:45 No.23473981
    I just realized that I would pay for those original sketches and hang them on my wall.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:45 No.23473990
         File1297705557.jpg-(44 KB, 290x504, Just why.jpg)
    44 KB
    >MFW fat baby pony abominations
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:46 No.23474002
         File1297705589.jpg-(186 KB, 1200x900, P2120830.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:47 No.23474009
    Agreed. The show really is for shits and giggles to Hasbro, isnt it?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:47 No.23474018

    He should totally copyright it.
    >> Thunder Beard !PsYTITZm0Q 02/14/11(Mon)12:48 No.23474019
         File1297705680.png-(56 KB, 270x269, 1296665899317.png)
    56 KB

    Well I always start out with the logical stuff.

    -How old is he/she.
    -What is him/her 's place in the universe (in this case, what does your pony do).
    -Were does he/she live?
    -Does he/she have parents?
    -What is his/her 's favorite food.
    -Does he/she have any likes/dislikes
    -Is he/she Evil/Good?
    -Is your pony a he-she?
    -Parents, Friends, Relatives?

    Just some thing's off the top of my head that you should ask yourself when creating a new character.

    tl,dr; Pick and choose something.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:48 No.23474022
         File1297705692.jpg-(30 KB, 600x338, 1289057992158.jpg)
    30 KB
    >mfw that Applejack shirt
    >> Pinkiefan !!VoQee4dHCjM 02/14/11(Mon)12:48 No.23474023
    What would you do if you made way too many and were the sole owner of the character rights?
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 02/14/11(Mon)12:48 No.23474024
    Just to compare, look what they showed off in their Transformers line.

    And their Star Wars line.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:49 No.23474037
         File1297705762.png-(463 KB, 1000x684, 1295631439788.png)
    463 KB

    You know, seeing those toys makes me feel reeeeal creepy for watching the show. Luckily I have Derpy to keep me sane.

    Fuck you, Hasbro.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:49 No.23474043
    Kill it with fire, then make new stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:52 No.23474070
    >It has been part of pop culture for over 100 years people

    I think it's just in a tad higher category than pop culture. It's more like a historical thing. I guess....
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:52 No.23474072
    The Krampus is european

    He's a demon that travels with St Nicholas that whips bad kids
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:53 No.23474083
    If I were sitting next to you, I'd snap your neck and show you real reality.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:53 No.23474084
    Who thought bay ponies would be a good seller anyway? I mean, if they looked like the bay poies from the show, I could see it, but human baby crossbreed things? Why would Pinkie Pie need to learn to walk, shes a god damned pony!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:53 No.23474087
    Be good or Santa will punish you with a demon.

    That's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:53 No.23474095
    I think the important question here is, do the ponies believe in santa claus? Awesome winter holidays were mentioned, but what is the non-denominational pony christmas equivalent? Also, what would be a good name for a pony santa? the best I can think of is santa clop, but thats stupid.
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 02/14/11(Mon)12:54 No.23474098

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:54 No.23474103
    The 2008 Macy's Believe holiday commercial featured Jessica Simpson, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart and others quoting various popular lines from "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." The opening lines appeared again in the 2009 Believe holiday commercial featuring Queen Latifah.

    In 2009, Macy's and Macy's ad agency JWT produced Yes, Virginia, a CGI animated Christmas special, after pitching and selling the idea to CBS. “Yes, Virginia” is a fictionalized version of the Virginia O'Hanlon story.
    >> Pinkiefan !!VoQee4dHCjM 02/14/11(Mon)12:54 No.23474105
    Like that letter in which a girl convinces Abraham Claus that he'd be much more handsome with a beard. And that's why Santa has a beard.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:55 No.23474109
    Santa is a reindeer with a sleigh pulled by humans, of course.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:56 No.23474121

    Saddest thing is, we'll most likely continue to get stuff like this, and ponies that have either never been on the show at all, or have gotten like 3 seconds of airtime, while characters like Luna, Trixie, Big Mac, Zecora, etc., will never get a toy.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:56 No.23474123
    Have sex with me? Blunt rationality is a turn-on.
    Seriously. Dude. Hot.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)12:57 No.23474155
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    Reality also doesn't care about love, justice, kindness, or anything else. Death said it best: "Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder, and sieve it through the finest sieve, and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy."

    But you know what, we still believe in all those things. If you get right down to it, it's because by some fluke of evolution we're sentient and have complex minds. When you give us these things, suddenly the world becomes more than just "eat, sleep, sex", it becomes about what we feel. And if all we feel is despair or pain or even just apathy, then that brain we have goes to waste and we end up dead cause we don't care about remaining alive. So the many flukes of evolution also granted us hope and love and happiness and everything else, so that in our life we have something to look forward to, to survive and live.

    We need these things, as surely as we need air. It doesn't matter that realistically the human race could die off and the universe wouldn't even stop to blink. In the here and now, in our small, concentrated world, these things are as real as every scientific law, theory, whathaveyou. We may be made of stardust, but these things are what make us more than just a collection of atoms, into humans.

    Carl Sagan said it better than I did, tho:
    >> Zeph !!sf6X+kDylVO 02/14/11(Mon)12:58 No.23474172

    >How old is he/she.
    around the same age as the main cast, possibly older
    >What is him/her 's place in the universe (in this case, what does your pony do).
    she makes ice cream and other frozen treats. (still deciding whether she owns a store or works for one)
    >Were does he/she live?
    Ponyville or any similar town in equestria
    >Does he/she have parents?
    dunno... seems most ponies don't have them
    >What is his/her 's favorite food.
    rainbow sherbet ice cream
    >Does he/she have any likes/dislikes
    still haven't decided
    >Is he/she Evil/Good?
    >Is your pony a he-she?
    >Parents, Friends, Relatives?
    I might make a friend/relative later since another design idea popped into my mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:02 No.23474245
    Yea, its clear the show staff and the toy team never talked with each other. I bet for GI Joe and Transformers they had meet ups all the time. I heard the GI Joe designer died so there now recycling shit too. They had some cool designs reminscent of MGS
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:03 No.23474265

    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:11 No.23474399
    Alright faggots I'm not a brony and I doubt I ever will be.


    I will make a simple request. But first some explanation.
    Now, I've never saged or shit on your threads so long as there is only one and not 5 fucking threads.
    So I've never been one of those "GTFO ponyfags". You like what you like, big fucking deal. I fap to Toph looking like a goddamn overstuffed bodybuilder.

    So here is my request.
    If you can find me a link to watch online what you consider to be the best (or at least the most representative of the series) and I will watch it and give it a fair shot.

    Why should you do this?
    Well, I guess you have no reason to. But it couldn't hurt, right? I mean, I'm not even saging so it bumped your thread. No image, so you aren't going to lose one.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:13 No.23474435
    Santa Claus was once Nikolaos of Myra, a bishop of the Christian church. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, and he may or may not have punched a famous heretic. His bones have been measured; he was five feet tall, and had a broken nose.

    When he died, he was given the task of going through the multiverse on Christmas, to spread joy and giving. In Narnia, he was long held back by Jadis of Charn, but his arrival and gifts to the Pevensies heralded the return of Aslan.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:13 No.23474437
    Skepticism says most of the interesting things we humans have every thought of most likely don't exist. That's why we have stories of alternate realms to make up for it. So that we just a chance to celebrate those most likely non-existent things.

    We understand the reasoning behind what Lauren did. It was still a mistake, though. Let's hope she does something to make up for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:14 No.23474446
    Sure, try this one
    Thank you for trying
    Atousage and 1 image left
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:18 No.23474508
    Seriously, it's Carl Sagan. You trying to tell me he was some secret new age bullshitter?
    >> obvious Troll 02/14/11(Mon)13:24 No.23474606
    Who's Carl Sagan?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:27 No.23474665
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:30 No.23474711
    So you're saying you believe in evolution
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:33 No.23474745
    >Implying I feel physical sensation
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:35 No.23474779

    You demean justice and mercy by comparing it to fucking Santa Claus.

    That shit actually exists as a motivation for human action, and it's what makes us good. Santa is a fable they tell little kids because the only way they can see any good in the world is to make shit up.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:39 No.23474852

    Sagan and Pale Blue Dot have nothing to do with what you said
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)13:46 No.23474974
    Look, if I ever have kids I'm not going to do the Santa thing with them, but can't you at least understand why he was compared to justice and mercy? He gives good kids presents and bad ones coal; he exists as a fairy tale avatar universal good and justice. He's not there because kids wouldn't be good without him, he's there because he allows them to dream that the world can be a beautiful, honest place.

    I consider Pale Blue Dot pretty much the ultimate affirmation that yes, our experiences do matter, if only in a very very small and concentrated part of existence.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)14:19 No.23475497
    Parasprite infestation is at maximum saturation and we seem to have misplaced our banjo.

    I honestly just skim these threads for OC at this point, and try to leave positive feedback for the contributors. The rest is just pure, unfiltered autism.

    I've been on 4chan for a long time, but it even now it still amazes me sometimes how people can sit in these threads all day every day and argue/troll with the same dumb shit, over and over. Like the exact same shit, ver batim. Seriously how bored do you even have to be?

    If we could just get all the artists to move over to the other chan, I truly would not even look back.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/11(Mon)14:22 No.23475540
    Anyone have the snails and twilight sex picture?

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