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02/13/11(Sun)21:35 No.23458709 File1297650929.png-(259 KB, 1050x809, science twilight.png)
 >>23458178 sloppy writing
I chalk it up to the show being written for kids, who are not nearly as full of themselves as most of the show's adult fans and aren't going to bring a bunch of science vs religion baggage to their viewing of it.
Twilight had a hypothesis.
She tested it.
The evidence clearly showed her hypothesis was wrong.
She refused to accept this, and eventually learned that her refusal was wrong.
The moral is about being a good scientist, and not being so arrogant that you think you have all the answers. Science absolutely requires you to be able to say "I was wrong about this," or "this phenomenon is not something I can explain with the data I have right now."
It's not a science vs. religion lesson. It's good science vs. bad science, and, in a more general sense, being a humble enough person to admit that you don't have all the answers.
One day science may be able to answer all of life's questions. But it sure as hell isn't there yet, and it never will be if we keep acting like it already can. |