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  • File : 1296888623.jpg-(12 KB, 425x349, Opalescence.jpg)
    12 KB Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:50 No.23203589  
    Rarity's cat is named Opalescence. I thought "haha, silly cartoon, they mispronounced Opulence"

    Then I looked it up, and it's a real word, and more fitting. The first time I can ever remember a cartoon using a word I had to look up.

    I was made to feel stupid by an episode of My Little Pony. What the fuck, /co/?

    Also, Pony General.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:52 No.23203640
    Image limit reached on the other one
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)01:52 No.23203650
    I thought it was just Opal.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:53 No.23203673
    That's a nickname. The first time she says it it's Opalescence
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:54 No.23203688
    I need reaction images.

    Reaction images of Rarity!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:54 No.23203691
    Gotta admit rarity with glasses was just... No.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203697

    Huh. I missed that.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203703

    I believe the words you're looking for are HELL YES!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203704
    Cats are shit tier animals, Rarity owns a cat.

    Dogs are god tier animals, AJ owns a dog.

    Therefore AJ > Rarity.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203707
         File1296888930.png-(276 KB, 716x557, 1296379577474.png)
    276 KB

    What about Rarity hugging Twilight?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203708
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203710
         File1296888945.png-(278 KB, 681x590, Twenty Percent FLAT.png)
    278 KB
    I guess the old pony thread is autosaging, and has hit the image limit, so I'm going to do a HD screendump here.

    But first, this! Not a comment on the thread - was actually a request from the last one I wanted to rework in HD
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203713
         File1296888948.gif-(862 KB, 640x360, 1296887759213.gif)
    862 KB
    what? you missed the hundreds of others that you can get from today's episode?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:55 No.23203715
         File1296888956.png-(39 KB, 154x130, applebloom skates.png)
    39 KB
    >ponies in dresses having a fashion show

    how am i suppose to explain that im not gay for watching this
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:56 No.23203725
    Even better.
    Of course there's only one of that.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:57 No.23203741
         File1296889020.gif-(1.66 MB, 400x363, Rarity Eyetwitch.gif)
    1.66 MB
    Also, you all know that you wanted this as soon as you saw it in the episode... Well, at least I did.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 02/05/11(Sat)01:57 No.23203756

    there isn't one...because watching it doesn't make you gay...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:57 No.23203758

    By asking what fashion has to do with giant dicks sliding in and out of your ass and mouth

    Now effeminate... it could be difficult to dodge that one...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:58 No.23203770
    It's got that whole old cat lady vibe to it nah brah nah
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:58 No.23203775
    There is no explanation for it. You are, in fact, a giant fucking homo for watching My Little Pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:58 No.23203776
    Simple. Keep it a god damn secret.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)01:59 No.23203785
         File1296889147.jpg-(26 KB, 223x310, opalescence.jpg)
    26 KB
    I recognized it only because I am a card-playing nerd.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203800
    I explicitly asked for it in a prior thread. Many thanks.

    Now do the one at the end of the ep when Hoity asks her for a dozen of each dress.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203804
         File1296889222.gif-(482 KB, 200x200, pinkyhuh.gif)
    482 KB
    Wonder if a Gif post would be cool for the blog
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203805
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203806
         File1296889231.jpg-(107 KB, 894x1280, 1296011072262.jpg)
    107 KB
    why was rarity in such a rush to make the dresses the galla isnt for a long time
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203807
         File1296889232.png-(18 KB, 106x105, lyrarapeface.png)
    18 KB

    easy just say you watch it for the background ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203811
    >card-playing nerd
    You know I'd rather get caught playing MtG than watching MLP.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:00 No.23203817
         File1296889257.png-(160 KB, 950x760, kriegpony.png)
    160 KB
    Image dump for blogpony. Don't know if some of this will really be blog material since a lot of it is reaction type stuff but w/e.

    Also shameless plug on my coloring.
    >> Thunder Dare 02/05/11(Sat)02:01 No.23203822
         File1296889266.png-(448 KB, 1920x1080, pinkiepie_givehertime.png)
    448 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:01 No.23203825

    I'd post all my pony MTG cards... but I have pick my step bro up from the train station

    Later bronies
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:01 No.23203834
    ...But I once had around 42 cats. What does that make me?
    And it was in an open area with a forest around the house. Neat place, Fredericksburg. Virginia has such nice forests.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:01 No.23203836
         File1296889302.png-(80 KB, 322x322, h.png)
    80 KB
    I've always liked Rarity, but this episode totall shot her to the top of my fav list. How did this happen?
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:01 No.23203843
         File1296889316.png-(188 KB, 898x898, coolstorypony.png)
    188 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:02 No.23203859
         File1296889366.png-(230 KB, 760x760, 1296709324568.png)
    230 KB
    I usually limit it to stuff that was requested and posted.

    Thats what contitutes drawfag to me.

    with some awesome OC mixed in.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203870
         File1296889397.png-(118 KB, 750x767, flutterhat.png)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203871
         File1296889398.jpg-(236 KB, 945x945, I_know_that_feel_bro.jpg)
    236 KB
    I have no idea, but the same thing happened for me
    >> Anonyomus 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203872
         File1296889402.jpg-(415 KB, 1125x1046, 1295432465670.jpg)
    415 KB
    What do you think medieval pony weapons and warfare would be like? I imagine that unicorns would make fine swordsmen with their dexterous object levitating abilities, and obviously ones who are like Twilight Sparkle (magic cute mark) would be mages. Earth ponies could be berserkers, but also could maybe handle drawing catapults and such. Pegasi wouldnt fight because theyre too fucking lazy and self absorbed, they'd probably just piss on everyone on the battlefield for the lulz and do loop-de-loops with the enemy, followed by naps.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203876

    I was busy all day.

    I have a life outside of ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203877
         File1296889418.png-(1.6 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2011-02-04-23h37m30s18(...).png)
    1.6 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203879
    It makes you pathetic, unless you wizened up and have ceased your crazy cat lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:03 No.23203882
         File1296889428.jpg-(323 KB, 1800x1800, 1288600132888.jpg)
    323 KB

    There needs to be more 40k/MLP crossover

    I requested a Fluttershy Commissar on a /tg/ thread the other day... but unfortunately the thread was already pretty much dead (although the few replies I got kept calling for her to be executing the other ponies... so maybe it wasnt a complete loss)
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:04 No.23203898
         File1296889480.png-(67 KB, 216x167, Capture.png)
    67 KB
    Did Rarity remind anyone else of Bayonetta in this episode? It wasnt the way she acted or anything, just, for some reason, everytime she came onscreen with those glasses, I thought of Bayonetta. I dont even own the game.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:05 No.23203908
         File1296889510.png-(1.68 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2011-02-04-23h37m08s19(...).png)
    1.68 MB
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:05 No.23203913
         File1296889522.png-(206 KB, 898x898, qqpinkie.png)
    206 KB

    Yay Aluminum Overcast.

    Most of this was requested, technically.

    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:05 No.23203916
         File1296889534.png-(28 KB, 256x256, Creeperidle.png)
    28 KB ssssssssSSSSSSShow...?
    Can...can i join in?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:05 No.23203922

    >what does that make me?

    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:06 No.23203932
         File1296889593.png-(1.35 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2011-02-04-23h36m37s11(...).png)
    1.35 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:06 No.23203938


    Youtube is balls
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:07 No.23203948
         File1296889626.png-(34 KB, 165x175, guard down 2.png)
    34 KB

    I don't think they would use any, aside from maybe some spikes on their hind feet. Pony battles would generally be decided by who brings the most unicorns, as the other ponies would be limited to kicking eachother if they wanted to inflict real damage. Probably wouldn't employ siege engines as they would be too easily harassed by opposing pegasus ponies. So a big bloody orgy of kicking or unicon shenanigans basically.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:07 No.23203956

    I feel bad about requesting sad pinkie....

    but not as bad as I feel after other bronies sexualised the image

    wtf guys? Wont someone think of the cute little ponies?

    Why does it always have to be about pony sex?
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:07 No.23203957
         File1296889644.png-(68 KB, 640x480, 1296795643977.png)
    68 KB

    (lol I just realized how badly crying pinkie went with my show of joy)

    That's all the stuff I colored, I'll try to dig up more.

    Here's another krieg pony.
    >> Thunder Dare 02/05/11(Sat)02:08 No.23203974
         File1296889704.png-(336 KB, 633x1071, rainbow_aintevenmad.png)
    336 KB
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 02/05/11(Sat)02:08 No.23203975
         File1296889706.png-(39 KB, 418x1105, Fuck you, Pepper.png)
    39 KB
    >A children's cartoon made you feel stupid

    I wish someone could look up this episode so they know I'm not full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:08 No.23203985

    Ponies in 1080 high definition, it's good enough for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:08 No.23203990
         File1296889738.png-(1.61 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2011-02-04-23h36m52s48.png)
    1.61 MB

    Sorry brony, I'm rocking Usenet. I grabbed the 1080p MPEG2 rip of the episode, which is freaking huge... AND BEAUTIFUL.

    Hopefully mentos will work his magic soon. I might be able to pull off an encode to a better format, but I don't have the hosting capacity right now.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:09 No.23204000
         File1296889765.png-(136 KB, 486x516, 1296792583899.png)
    136 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:10 No.23204023


    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:11 No.23204035


    >> And CoP for every color. Army of 2/2s
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:11 No.23204040
    I can't even tell you how mad I was when they didn't like the dresses when they were first unveiled.
    I mean, I got that was the point of the episode but...fuck.
    They were being ungrateful cunts.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:11 No.23204042
         File1296889880.png-(1.15 MB, 2400x2800, 1296716271504.png)
    1.15 MB

    Was this on the blog? Might be too suggestive.

    Then again there's a fic on there where pinkie and dash fuck for two weeks straight so I think we're fine.
    >> Puputi !HTK.yxs3mE 02/05/11(Sat)02:12 No.23204061
         File1296889940.png-(102 KB, 600x600, aeris.png)
    102 KB
    A little request I drew 83
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:13 No.23204076
         File1296889980.gif-(678 KB, 330x190, DJ_Pony.gif)
    678 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:13 No.23204086
         File1296890011.jpg-(29 KB, 377x480, diefurfag.jpg)
    29 KB
    we dont like your kind around here
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:13 No.23204096
         File1296890032.jpg-(120 KB, 900x636, my_little_aayla_pony_by_riahcs(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:13 No.23204100
    I disagree. I'd say that it all comes down to whose pegasus can control the skies and the weather.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:14 No.23204107
         File1296890052.png-(105 KB, 436x263, IHateEverything.png)
    105 KB
    But the surrounding area was clean of snakes, moles, mice, and other vermin for as long as we were there.
    We took twelve with us when we moved, and our last one is on her way out. At least six of them were hit by cars...
    Fuck, now I'm feeling depressed.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:14 No.23204114
    cat space?
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:14 No.23204119
         File1296890088.jpg-(186 KB, 800x800, 1296785143526.jpg)
    186 KB
    I think that's it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:14 No.23204122
         File1296890098.png-(241 KB, 396x337, 1296621086205.png)
    241 KB

    Thats on there, I like that image too much not to load it.

    And wait, did I miss the pinkie/dash fuck for 2 weeks straight story? I didn't mean to upload porn lol
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:15 No.23204123
    gtfo faggot sucker
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:15 No.23204138
         File1296890136.gif-(1014 KB, 325x244, Rarity_angry.gif)
    1014 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:16 No.23204148
    I can't even begin to describe mfw
    >> mentos !/Poniezw9Y 02/05/11(Sat)02:16 No.23204155
    ok, for those of you waiting for my encodes...
    I have somewhere I need to be tomorrow morning... er, in a few hours. I really need to sleep. I'm terribly sorry, I promise I'll have them up later today. I've already set them to encode (the 720p is almost done, i'll set it to upload tonight, post the link in the morning), and will set the 1080p to upload before I leave in the morning, and will post the link when I get back.
    Again I'm really sorry this is taking so long.
    >> Anonyomus 02/05/11(Sat)02:16 No.23204160
    dude now i'm imaging pony wars of crashing thunder and lightning with a bloodbath on the ground...

    also, how would (did) the ponies beat the dragon race into submission? do the dragons have a society like the ponies, or are they all lone, loosely associated creatures? or is the relationship actually tenuous and celestia is suppressing dragon attacks as we speak?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:16 No.23204165
         File1296890204.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 880 KB, 1890x945, that goddamn voice.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 880 KB
    Today's ep was awesome I gotta say.

    So I drew some NSFW Lyra/Bonbon to celebrate.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:16 No.23204166
    I just opened a forum for this show and its awesomeness and everyone keeps telling me to post the link here:

    so there it is. Rarity's cat FTW
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:17 No.23204184

    I felt really bad for Rarity here.


    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:17 No.23204185

    It's not really poooorn but they do talk about their honeymoon, which was pretty much just sex for two weeks straight.

    There are a few details but it isn't the main focus. It's one of the ones where pinkie dies after her and dash get married.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:17 No.23204188

    When do you expect you can finish the bottom half?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:17 No.23204189
         File1296890272.jpg-(8 KB, 233x216, patrick.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:17 No.23204191
         File1296890278.png-(531 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2011-02-04-14h23m02s23(...).png)
    531 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:18 No.23204197
         File1296890298.png-(146 KB, 359x361, yee.png)
    146 KB
    Take your time, you rock anyway

    though you should totally do boast busters next yo!

    I still have 0 high res trixie images!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:18 No.23204209
    >Again I'm really sorry this is taking so long.

    Don't apologize. You're doing us all a favor.

    For fuck's sake you are Rarity, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:19 No.23204210

    What did you think of that sex scene? Be honest.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:19 No.23204212
    No worries bro. Take care of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:19 No.23204217
    a very hot sexy rarity that i would very much like to sleep with.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:19 No.23204221
         File1296890371.png-(100 KB, 262x266, dash ass shot.png)
    100 KB
    rarity does not have a good ass
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:19 No.23204223
         File1296890381.jpg-(202 KB, 746x607, 1296889405130.jpg)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:20 No.23204237
         File1296890437.png-(310 KB, 892x502, dragon.png)
    310 KB

    Chances are they never had to fight them. The Ponies seemed generally surprised that there was a normal dragon inside equestria in Dragonshy, so I assume the two groups are pretty separated. Though judging by Spike's presence in Canterlot I would not be surprised if the Princess(s) originally negotiated some kind of territory understanding with them. Dragons are smart enough not to be too unreasonable when negotiating with deities.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:21 No.23204253
         File1296890475.jpg-(429 KB, 945x945, fuck yeah.jpg)
    429 KB
    Also I was shuffling through my music playlist today, heard this song, and thought of /co/.


    I dunno lol
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:21 No.23204254

    This pleases me.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:21 No.23204257
         File1296890485.png-(25 KB, 116x152, cloudkicker.png)
    25 KB

    why is Dash shitting a rainbow?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:21 No.23204258
    Anyone else feel the episode ended on a not so happy note? Sure the fashion designer approved, but Rarity was still embarrassed in front of every pony in Ponyville. How long will it take for her to regain the trust and respect of all of them?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:21 No.23204260
         File1296890495.png-(131 KB, 277x337, bigeyes.png)
    131 KB
    Ohh I remember that one.

    Yah.. I let a few slide.

    There was another one that was right on the edge, it was too good a story not to throw up though.

    I honestly don't mind the porn, but I know most people wouldn't like having that on the site.

    now ponies as humans is something I don't like uploading. Ruins the magic.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:21 No.23204270
         File1296890516.png-(73 KB, 318x295, SelfLobotomy.png)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204274
         File1296890525.png-(28 KB, 455x331, pink.png)
    28 KB
    >pinkie and dash fuck story
    im gonna need link to this right now
    >> I know, right? Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204276
         File1296890530.png-(433 KB, 1266x954, Heavy.png)
    433 KB
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204277

    It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I love shipping, i'm fine with porn, as long as it's all well done.

    And the humanized stuff is hot.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204279

    I say Spike is a royal hostage taken during the dragon wars and his presence in Equestria is keeping the piece. Celestia sent him to Ponyville to keep him away from spies, not cause she gives a shit about Twilight and friendship.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204282
         File1296890553.jpg-(411 KB, 1224x720, Nerdy-Strip-39.jpg)
    411 KB
    the one guy must be a /co/mrade, specifically a brony out there converting bronies
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204287
    That's what she said
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.23204291
    Those bumpkins hardly ever buy any of Rarity's designs anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:23 No.23204295

    OK, but I meant how the scene was on its own merit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:23 No.23204302
         File1296890618.png-(183 KB, 343x336, cast3.png)
    183 KB
    I admit, my favorite stories have shipping.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:23 No.23204313

    bum dum tiss
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:24 No.23204325
         File1296890670.png-(40 KB, 171x204, derpy oh yeah.png)
    40 KB

    >now ponies as humans is something I don't like uploading. Ruins the magic.

    fucking brohoof. Though no insult intended to the skill of the human pony artists. they certainly have it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:25 No.23204333
    can someone make the gif of the tellme tellme tellme

    i need it... for research
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:25 No.23204346
         File1296890759.jpg-(161 KB, 720x720, 538772 - Friendship_is_magic M(...).jpg)
    161 KB


    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:26 No.23204357
         File1296890800.jpg-(21 KB, 258x295, Capture.jpg)
    21 KB
    I was going to take this down after work, but it's too entertaining.

    Hopefully I don't lose half the people that visit the site because of it :x

    So why is Twilight losing?!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:27 No.23204366

    I laughed harder than I probably should have.
    >> Tessla 02/05/11(Sat)02:27 No.23204372
         File1296890841.jpg-(12 KB, 182x158, 179076_1768509569026_112781475(...).jpg)
    12 KB
    Prior to the latest episode I wasn't a huge rarity fan, but now she ranks up at the top with dash and fluttershy in my book.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:27 No.23204379
    I'd play apple-eater
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:28 No.23204386

    Spike, is that you?
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:28 No.23204393

    Erm, iunnknow, why?

    Also MegaSweet hurry up and ink that because it's brimming from the sides with awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:28 No.23204399

    To be honest, some times she really comes off as a bitch. Still, I like her. I'd probably want her as my waifu, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:29 No.23204407
         File1296890945.png-(85 KB, 898x1042, Forever Alone png.png)
    85 KB
    >Want to writefag
    >Can't bring myself to do it
    >Can't think up any good ideas
    >Spend entire day trying to think of things to write
    >No dice

    Confound these Ponies, they drive me to lack of ideas!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:29 No.23204409
         File1296890953.png-(121 KB, 426x339, FS-tweet.png)
    121 KB

    It's cool, dude. We appreciate the time and effort you take to do this.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:29 No.23204410
         File1296890954.png-(49 KB, 178x162, So_Awshum.png)
    49 KB
    >mfw Big Boss Bloom
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:30 No.23204442

    To be honest, I ask because I wrote the thing, and I was hoping for feedback. I wrote the whole thing on request, and that seen in particular was a joke, but still.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:31 No.23204445
         File1296891063.png-(141 KB, 289x343, 2a.png)
    141 KB
    I had a crazy lyra fapfic completely planned out in my head this morning.

    But then I realized I didn't want to go that far with ponies.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:31 No.23204446

    This weekend will be filled with copious amounts of inking. I wish it was quicker. I've still gotta ink that Celestia POV pic too, and the bubblegum comic.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:31 No.23204466
         File1296891116.png-(15 KB, 495x406, Good morning Chrono - Trixie e(...).png)
    15 KB

    I put in my love for Trixie.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:32 No.23204469

    Are we still calling the DJ pony Beat Strider?
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:32 No.23204488
         File1296891169.png-(98 KB, 700x700, IAintClever.png)
    98 KB
    It's not so bad. I can't think of anything more than bare-bones storyline at this point. I've got three endings I could go through, a start, but nothing in the middle. I'm drawing a complete blank for that. Shit's infuriating.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:32 No.23204493
         File1296891179.png-(258 KB, 676x676, MGP3 Apple Eater.png)
    258 KB
    >implying that isn't a given
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:33 No.23204496

    I thought we all agreed on Dave.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:33 No.23204498
         File1296891193.gif-(463 KB, 400x503, 129296983791.gif)
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    I want to be honest, every main pony in this series has come off as an utter bitch at one moment or another. But I still love them.


    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:33 No.23204499

    A fapfic of them as ponies? I can't clop to that. Make them human instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:33 No.23204500

    I call the DJ pony DJ Pony
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:33 No.23204502
    Sort of like the Roman Empire used to do. Also, the presence of an Ursa Major and her cub might dampen any dragons impulse to try and invade.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:34 No.23204511

    Do you usually ejaculate something else?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:34 No.23204517
         File1296891277.jpg-(202 KB, 945x945, 1293085294742.jpg)
    202 KB
    >mfw starting tomorrow I'll be without internet access for 3 weeks
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:35 No.23204524

    I don't know, man. I bet dragons hunt ursa majors for sport.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:35 No.23204530

    I liked the fic, man. It wasn't bad writing. I can't say the scene was overly hot because, besides the pony thing, it was a bit short to constitute anything, but it fit the story well because that obviously wasn't the focus.



    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:35 No.23204534
         File1296891333.jpg-(133 KB, 662x716, 1296499290148.jpg)
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    If I did that then I wouldn't be able to clop to it.

    Whats the point of writing clopfiction if you can clop to your own clopfiction?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:35 No.23204536
    Yeah, I had a good idea for a story about Rainbow Dash and Applejack having this on-and-off relationship. They break up, Twilight gets involved, then Pinkie Pie... and yeah, continues. I might still do it, actually.

    Thing is, I could only write them as humans. The idea of pony sex is still too taboo.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:36 No.23204542
    Sort of like EVERYONE used to do. Hostaging, in the classic sense, was almost universally practiced in Europe, Asia, Africa, and even among American native tribes and kingdoms; it's apparently a very very ancient practice, and was common right up to the early modern era many places. Hostage-law was almost invariably identical regardless of where it occurred (the hostage has to be treated as a guest, fed well, cared for medically, etc., unless a war occurs in which case they can be executed or exchanged for a hostage of your enemy).
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:36 No.23204546
         File1296891372.jpg-(100 KB, 900x828, Scanty & Kneesocks - Gilda(...).jpg)
    100 KB

    Wow, that sucks brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:36 No.23204556
         File1296891412.png-(164 KB, 380x399, azzzzzzz.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:36 No.23204557
         File1296891414.jpg-(326 KB, 640x480, pinkie1.jpg)
    326 KB
    Anyone get the Target only G4 Valentines pinkie?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:37 No.23204567
    Well, people in real life all come across as assholes now and then, so I guess its on;y fair if the ponies get to as well.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:37 No.23204571
         File1296891464.png-(231 KB, 800x507, PinkieExplainsNothing.png)
    231 KB
    Then write. Or draw. Use that time as a period of creation, and see what is forged in the depths of your mind.
    ...Or you could just find a public library, hope that the computer faces away from other people, and lurk here. Whatever works.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:38 No.23204584
    Yeah, it's going to be a bitch to feign being beta, let alone manly.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:38 No.23204586

    I think I'd say they were all less than perfect, but I wouldn't call any of them bitches. except for maybe Dash in Dragonshy.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:38 No.23204589
         File1296891531.png-(88 KB, 455x258, 1291089139636.png)
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    but humans are so boooring.

    Youporn has enough human stuff to last a millenium.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:38 No.23204590

    Ouch bro. Godspeed not going insane from lack of ponies.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:39 No.23204594

    Is this something that happens often with erotic fiction writers? They can fap to their own writing?

    I know how it is with illustrators. Well, at least in my case. I can't. I'm too critical of my work to enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:40 No.23204609
         File1296891612.png-(362 KB, 1207x1004, rainyandmonday.png)
    362 KB
    I'm still coming up with a bunch of "time of day"-based ponies. Got Rainy Day, Monday Morning, and I'll post up the next two in a bit.

    Confound these ponies, they force me to be creative and ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:40 No.23204611
         File1296891624.jpg-(24 KB, 501x452, trixie.jpg)
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    Hoolycrap stuff to report on
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:40 No.23204613
    Okay, /co/, finally watched the episode on my DVR. Was it just me or did the fashion show seem a bit psychedelic? They drew the flowers in Fluttershy's scene very interestingly as well. Kind of reminded me of the kind of transitions Schoolhouse Rock would use.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:40 No.23204616

    I've never fapped to my own fapfiction.

    Every now and then I'll get a raging semi.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:40 No.23204618
         File1296891636.png-(264 KB, 790x441, dragonloot.png)
    264 KB

    Why would they invade in the first place? Dragons seem to be interested in gems and treasure, Equestria doesn't seem all that big into that sort of thing. They probably spend their time harassing the human realms instead. All those crowns, swords (complete with hilts) and scepters had to come from somewhere!

    Seems more likely that crafty Princess of theirs has set the dragons up as a buffer between her precious ponyfolk and the scary human types.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:41 No.23204624
    No, but I guess I want it now.

    Do they have Cheerilee yet?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:41 No.23204626
         File1296891682.png-(166 KB, 801x744, afternoondelight3.png)
    166 KB

    Afternoon Delight... uh, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:41 No.23204628
         File1296891690.png-(69 KB, 425x436, fim_trixiethewhitealt.png)
    69 KB

    Well, the mistake a lot of erotic fanfiction writers make is creating a story to directly please themselves. Making it so a wide audience of people can enjoy it should be the prime goal. After all, the story isn't just meant to be enjoyed by oneself, but for all. At least, that is the way I believe it should be when I write erotic stories.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:41 No.23204634
         File1296891707.png-(192 KB, 373x338, dri.png)
    192 KB
    I'm assuming most fapfiction starts off as something the writer would fap to.

    Maybe after they wouldn't be interested.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:42 No.23204642

    Drawfriend here: Sometimes I can't concentrate enough to finish the pic until I fap. But then I don't want to keep drawing after. It's a delicate balance.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:42 No.23204646

    Ah, I see you went with my color scheme idea. The jizzbutt effect is indeed successful.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:42 No.23204647
    Because it makes them more real.
    Sometimes real people act like jerks, even if they're a nice person.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:42 No.23204653
    goddamnit i dont know if i can keep buying more pinkies i already have too many
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:42 No.23204657
    Some one proposed they may be living in a late form Holy Roman Empire kind of deal; there's varied but related cultures (represented by different species) that nominally has a head over it but this position is almost entirely theoretical at this point, with every 'state' of the territory claiming it. I kind of like that idea. It could explain their interactions.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:42 No.23204658
    I wrote most of a fap story and cannot see myself ever fapping to it.

    I still want to finish it, though.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:43 No.23204665
    You need a Teatime.
    Perhaps Lunch Hour. With his brother, Happy Hour. He's a bit of a drunk, but a funny drunk.
    And then there's Brunch.
    Hmm. Kinda hungry now...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:43 No.23204666
    >Is this something that happens often with erotic fiction writers? They can fap to their own writing?
    I've been VERY tempted to try it. But that's because I have an odd combo of preferences in my written porn and they aren't very prevalent even in the odder circles of the internet. So it'd be like baking my own cake to my own specifications.

    Dunno if I'd be able to fap to the finished product though.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:44 No.23204680
    The states did hostage between the various princes to try and work some basic cooperation even when the emperors were ineffective.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:44 No.23204687
         File1296891859.jpg-(47 KB, 440x309, Wut.jpg)
    47 KB

    But wasn't the lesson of this week's episode NOT to please everyone?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:44 No.23204691
         File1296891872.png-(229 KB, 758x736, nightknight1.png)
    229 KB

    Not finished yet, but Night Knight. He sleeps on park benches by day because by night he makes no money swooping into kid's rooms to read them bedtime stories so they can get to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:44 No.23204696
         File1296891882.png-(179 KB, 521x471, 1293876710237.png)
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    I don't see it on the target website.

    Is it outside the US or something?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:45 No.23204705

    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:45 No.23204713
    needs more twilight sparkle pictures
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:45 No.23204715
         File1296891946.jpg-(145 KB, 800x600, dscn5249.jpg)
    145 KB
    take a look at this horseshit if you want to buy one of the new ponys you have to buy the same old one again since they only sell in 2pack
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:46 No.23204721
         File1296891969.png-(131 KB, 277x345, 1284484849323.png)
    131 KB
    I'm not entirely sure I'd want people breaking into my house at night to read my children stories

    Pretty sure that's several kinds of illegal
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:46 No.23204725

    The fact that the ruler is a princess sort of implies a feudal system.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:46 No.23204733
         File1296892017.jpg-(52 KB, 881x366, bitchdancer.jpg)
    52 KB

    Midnight Fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:48 No.23204761
    Luckily I have an appropriate-aged female sibling who would be more than happy to take a few spares off my hands.

    But yeah, that's a fucking load right there.

    But what I want to know is: Are they selling those in the US yet, and is Cheerilee out?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:48 No.23204764
         File1296892103.png-(187 KB, 371x322, 1284484973572.png)
    187 KB
    >daisy dreams
    Well okay then I gue-

    >rainbow flash
    Dash + Rarity bastard child

    the fuck am I looking at
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:48 No.23204765

    Not necessarily. See Imperial Japan circa the late 19th to mid 20th centuries. They even had the whole divine ruler thing going.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:48 No.23204767
    The HRE ran off a pretty complicated feudal system that had to account for numerous languages, cultures, and later on, religions.

    That could be a fair comparison.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:48 No.23204774
    She looks bit 80s as well... and suddenly I'm imagining her in an spandex aerobic outfit. Whoa, wut.

    No, don't mention those. I'll end up creating them all. Dangnabit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:49 No.23204787
         File1296892161.jpg-(74 KB, 1680x1050, ifuckinghateyou.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:49 No.23204802

    On an extremely wide level, you most certainly can't please everybody. You can however pick a certain audience and directly appease them. By just making that audience yourself and excluding everybody however, you end up creating a fanfiction that only a niche amount of readers will enjoy and wasting what might have been a very interesting story.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:49 No.23204803
    so what, do writefillys just post to brony threads or...?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:50 No.23204805
         File1296892204.jpg-(702 KB, 1766x507, breakfast ponies V2 by weeapon(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:50 No.23204813
    That was after the feudal system collapsed with the abolishing of the professional warrior class though; up to that point it was quite feudal.
    >> PUDDI !kpdAqZFIsM 02/05/11(Sat)02:51 No.23204826
    story of my life
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:51 No.23204827

    Luckily everything is innocent and pure in Ponyland.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:51 No.23204834
    So, uh, I kinda fell in love with Rarity after this episode. What do?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:51 No.23204842

    But the period I cited wasn't. Which is why I cited it. A decent period of time with a country lead by a divine monarch but being non feudal.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:52 No.23204858

    An hero. With any luck you'll end up in Ponyville rather than Balamb Garden.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:52 No.23204859
         File1296892342.jpg-(390 KB, 945x945, bueno.jpg)
    390 KB
    I have made a list of episodes and their character focus.
    Episodes 1 and 2:They were the introductory episodes but they did have a strong focus on Twilight.
    Episode 3: Once again focus on Twilight.
    Episode 4: Features Applejack.
    Episode 5: Is an introduction episode to a new character, but Pinkie Pie also plays a lead role.
    Episode 6: A Twilight feature.
    Episode 7: Fluttershy.
    Episode 8: Duet feature between AJ and Rarity.
    Episode 9: Introduces Zecora and features AB.
    Episode 10: I guess Pinkie Pie, sort of.
    Episode 11: Twilight.
    Episode 12: Apple Bloom.
    Episode 13: Duet between AJ and RD.
    Episode 14: Rarity.
    Episode 15: Duet between Pinkie Pie and Twilight.
    Episode 16: Duet between Rarity and RD.
    Episode 17: Duet between Fluttershy and AB
    Count of episode feature counter (Duet episodes count of half):
    Twilight: 6
    AB: 2 1/2
    AJ: 2
    Pinkie Pie:1 1/2
    Rarity:1 1/2
    Fluttershy: 1 1/2
    RD: 1
    Various others: 1
    Needs more rainbow.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)02:52 No.23204863
    I'm liking Bacon&Eggs, Waffles, and Milk.
    Sounds like balanced breakfast to me. Could use Butter and Syrup, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:53 No.23204873
         File1296892385.png-(229 KB, 475x356, 1284499279652.png)
    229 KB
    No, we all did.

    At least, with her singing VA. Hot damn, we need more musical episodes.

    MLP is the first show I've seen to NEVER pump out a bad song. Winter Wrap Up, Pinkie's No-Fear song, now this - It's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:53 No.23204877
    okay, that was easily my favorite ep of the series
    god tier music and plot
    the only thing I was disappointed with, was the fashion pony from Canterlot not sounding like Karl Lagerfeld
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:53 No.23204886
         File1296892413.png-(14 KB, 474x350, Morrigan enjoying MLP night ti(...).png)
    14 KB

    Hey MegaSweet, could I request a Morrigan pony from you? I'd like something extra to post when The Clopping Hour is at hand in our MLP threads.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:53 No.23204890

    Not sure I follow. Early 19th century Japan was a feudal system, just the sort of place where you'd find a principality equivalent. Meiji era Japan as a top heavy empire ran, as the name implies, by the emperor.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:54 No.23204908

    The title of 'princess' though for their ruler is throwing me. If Equestria is a principality it'd be implied that it has, at least theoretically if not effectively, a larger governing body it would respond to. Independent principalities are possible but extremely rare and are primarily the byproducts of a larger collapsed government or part of a theoretical larger body (e.g.; the principalities of medieval Italy and Russia which at least in theory were supposed to be part of a larger body).
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:54 No.23204918
    Exactly. Writing stories you yourself don't enjoy will always end up in failure. If you write something you like you automatically put more effort in it; and if other people enjoy it as well, that's even better.

    I speak from experience, but not from writing fics but rather from making games.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:55 No.23204935
    wheres the target only sticker?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/05/11(Sat)02:55 No.23204936

    I could probably whip up a quick thing.

    Heading out for now, but remind me again when you see me.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:55 No.23204944
         File1296892552.jpg-(14 KB, 400x400, BEE7DE7A5056900B10934E9DB3D96B(...).jpg)
    14 KB
    While we're asking about toys, has anyone managed to find these new ones yet with the molded hair? I keep checking Amazon (because I have a ton of store credit) but they're not there. I'm wondering if they're released anywhere yet.
    >> Pinkie's Great Idea Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/05/11(Sat)02:56 No.23204946
         File1296892563.png-(333 KB, 1000x1800, Pinkie's Great Idea.png)
    333 KB
    Sorry that took so long. Rewatched the new episode.
    Silly me!

    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:56 No.23204950
         File1296892573.jpg-(81 KB, 900x373, derpy_away_by_csimadmax-d36lha(...).jpg)
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    Midnight fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:56 No.23204958
    Princess has been ruling Equestria for over 1000 years.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:56 No.23204960
         File1296892590.png-(550 KB, 1737x975, gentlemansclub.png)
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    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:56 No.23204964

    God fucking dammit all to hell. Every time I see this pic it's late at night and it makes me want to run out to Denny's.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:56 No.23204969
    This episode totally killed my Rarity boner. Her neurosis was edging out Fluttershy for best pony, and then Fluttershy's dress critique not only shot Rarity down, but those glasses and that cat made me see Rarity as a grandmother. I can't fap to that!

    Worst episode ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:57 No.23204974
         File1296892626.png-(90 KB, 639x572, 1254868958241.png)
    90 KB
    My thoughts of new episode :

    1 - Rarity looks kinda cute with those "designer" glasses
    2 - The musical number was...meh, the worst one by now
    3 - The ponies behaving like dicks was really rage fuel, what the fuck
    4 - So Fluttershy is a selfish bitch too, suck it Flutterfans, no pony is perfect indeed
    5 - By "cooler" Dash means EXTREEEME, with 20% more pouches
    5 - DJ pony is a bro
    6 - To be fair Dash and Pinkie outfits does not look that bad, it's just over the top...better than bird nest on head i guess
    7 - Rarity is my least favorite pony and i really felt bad for her
    8 - "give her time"
    9 - I liked the design of the cat, i'm the only one?
    10 - WOW the "take two" part was awesome
    11 - Twilight dress looks like Trixie dress
    12 - 2 morals in one episode, plus the hidden 3rd moral : If you work hard you may gonna live your dreams, but when you got it, you may work even harder
    13 - Overal : REALLY good episode, like i said, Rarity was my least favorite, i got surprised when i felt her pain, thanks again Ms.Faust
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:57 No.23204975
    Far to much talk of fapping in this thread.
    you guys need to be about 20% cooler.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:57 No.23204981

    you said implied feudalism specifically. I was pointing out that was not necessarily true. Post restoration era Japan was NOT a feudal system, and demonstrated a functioning and later industrialized nation that was still under the complete and absolute governance of a monarch.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:58 No.23205000

    Oh what the hell how did I double post that.

    Need to start passwording things.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:58 No.23205009

    I can be 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)02:58 No.23205010

    Right, but Japan was run by an Emperor. Not a princess.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:59 No.23205015
    Remember that Celestia would be a Queen if not for executive meddling ("Queens are evil, Princesses are good!").
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:59 No.23205016
    >worst musical number
    stopped reading there. I know its all opinions but This song EASILY blew all of Pinkie's songs put of the water. Honestly this song is only slightly worse than WWU imho.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)02:59 No.23205017
    Whilst not as catchy as the other songs, Rarity's was really quite clever. I can respect that.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/05/11(Sat)02:59 No.23205025

    How is fluttershy a bitch? Rarity kept pressing her over and over even though fluttershy asked her to stop and told her she was contempt.
    >> TOL Clover !e86DWqP7no 02/05/11(Sat)03:00 No.23205039
         File1296892807.png-(143 KB, 374x362, 1294899295946.png)
    143 KB
    So... I'm not a good writer but I felt like doing a story. It wouldn't be a shipping story (though I do have some concepts) or grimdark story, but a basic cute/funny story.

    It would involve the pony gang throwing Pinky Pie a surprise birthday party which goes horribly wrong. Sound interesting or do people only want shipping stories?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:00 No.23205044
    Really? Art of the Dress was my favorite song in the show so far. If it was longer I'd put it over Winter Wrap Up, but it's only about a minute and a half long.

    Praying for a Eurobeat version soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:00 No.23205046
         File1296892825.jpg-(63 KB, 300x230, 454613.jpg)
    63 KB
    >Twilight dress looks like Trixie dress

    It's Luna! Doesn't anyone notice this?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:00 No.23205047
         File1296892832.png-(230 KB, 800x800, Gilda knows how to treat Trixi(...).png)
    230 KB

    Write a story about Gilda lovin' on Trixie's ass next bro.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)03:00 No.23205053
    Content. Sorry, nitpicking.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:00 No.23205057

    I only want good stories. The genre has nothing to do with the quality.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:01 No.23205069
         File1296892894.png-(439 KB, 928x755, Sniperonahunt.png)
    439 KB
    You see this. This is Sniper. He does not like ponies.

    He's got a rifle. He uses this to shoot ponies. What does he do with the ponies he shoots?

    Glue Factory
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:01 No.23205070
         File1296892895.png-(86 KB, 194x240, ffffffffffff.png)
    86 KB
    >mfw I just bought the first shitty pony toys
    I know I'm going to buy these new ones too. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:01 No.23205078

    I think that "Contempt", "doggy dog" and "intense and purposes" are some kind of meme now.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:02 No.23205085
         File1296892941.png-(35 KB, 192x179, celestiaplans.png)
    35 KB

    and Imperial Russia was run by a Tsar. The title is unimportant, Celestia has supreme authority, there is no one above her. She is an Empress or Queen in everything but name. her title is irrelevant unless you work for Hasbro.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:02 No.23205088
    Perhaps they're more like the Gaelic kingdoms that made up pre-Cromwellian conquest Ireland (and early Scotland).
    Their leaders were sometimes referred to as prince rather than king, to diminish their title in regards to the high king or Scotorum Imperator ('Emperor of the Gaels), even though a lot of the time there wasn't one.
    They had a different governmental system than much of Europe that was partly feudal but put far more authority into the hands of judges; the nobles were essentially glorified merchants and war leaders who got to vote at legal assemblies. The division of powers also determined how land was divided, and saw a lot of their nobles being entitled 'prince' in church rolls, due to confusion over what their actual equivalent titles would be.
    Equestria could just be so politically awkward to neighboring states that they started to refer to Celestia's title as a princess, and over the course of her extremely long reign she's adopted it for use.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:02 No.23205090
    Rarity was too fucking cute in this episode. And dat song, dem glasses. I just want to, like, groom her and tell her she's pretty. What's wrong with me?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:02 No.23205098
         File1296892968.jpg-(44 KB, 650x560, ugh.jpg)
    44 KB
    obligatory shot of ugly ugly dresses

    Nice signature Rarity has though, her hair in the shape of an R
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:03 No.23205100
         File1296892984.png-(175 KB, 640x360, 1294905479254.png)
    175 KB

    It's there, its just very limited.

    I think the 1 in stock is being sold by a company that buys and sells rare toys or something.

    Hopefully they have another wave of them or something cause those toys rock.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:03 No.23205106
    i dont like this
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:03 No.23205109
    went to Wal*Mart and Target today, no dice. They also aren't on Hasbros shop site, so I dont think they've been released yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:04 No.23205120
    not trolling you with it but its "content" That being said while Im not that anon, MY reasoning for Fluttershy being a bitch was that she like all the others was so quick to have second thoughts about a marvelous gift, Another thing is the way she said they were "NICE" was so halfhearted and it really showed. On top of that she like all the other ponies had stupid demands that led to bad dresses yet they insisted that they knew what would look good. In Fluttershy's case that was made even worse by complaining about the stitching that was being used since usually on a gown like that the stitching is usually at least tried to be concealed. Thats just my opinions though.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:04 No.23205123
    The correct term is 'Intensive Purposes'
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:04 No.23205136
    and some gore into it and i will be interested
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:05 No.23205137

    Hmm. Now I don't know if I should finish my story entitled Kinky Pinky and Her Big Slippery Hotdogs.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:05 No.23205138
    And then, pony political theory.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:05 No.23205152
    >The musical number was...meh, the worst one by now
    you belong in the everfree forest you bastard
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:06 No.23205168

    Those Great Gatsby eyes creep me right the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:06 No.23205171
    Rainbow Dash in armor?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:07 No.23205179
    The sad thing is there are ways to work the themes and styles of the ugly dresses into good looking garments.

    Applejack looks like a damn clown though. There's no fixing that.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:07 No.23205187
    I really just wanted to give Rarity a huge fucking hug and/or bitch slap those ponies when they were all "no I don't like it."
    I liked that you could see her coming undone as the episode progressed, much like a looming deadline.
    And seriously Fluttershy, how the FUCK do you have knowledge of haute couture?
    1) couture is custom made, so it already was in a way.
    2) couture is traditionally hand sewn and involves a great deal of needlework.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:07 No.23205189
         File1296893264.png-(61 KB, 237x274, bonbonface2.png)
    61 KB

    for some reason Twilight's dress there cracks me up. More so when she starts moving.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:07 No.23205192

    For some reason, those outfits remind me of TF2.

    No idea why.
    >> MASTERLINKX !YCup7Xj0Ro 02/05/11(Sat)03:08 No.23205199
         File1296893304.png-(200 KB, 800x600, Barioth Pony.png)
    200 KB
    She's ready to hunt some Monsters.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:08 No.23205208
         File1296893328.png-(108 KB, 440x360, jawdrop.png)
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    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:09 No.23205211

    I was going to say she looks like she's in an 80s techno pop band. Like she's going to whip it, and whip it good. If a drawfag drew her with 80s Cheerilee, it wouldn't be too bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:09 No.23205214
    That's because it is a tent.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:09 No.23205223
         File1296893391.jpg-(63 KB, 400x225, modea03_070821e-l.jpg)
    63 KB
    Oh look, a pony thread.

    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:09 No.23205224
    I liked the reprise better than the first song. The first one was uncomfortably girly for my tastes, the second one you could really feel how much Rarity was freaking out.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:10 No.23205232
    Fluttershy's popularity:

    Episodes 1 and 2: D'awwww,
    Intermediary period: Still cute.
    Dragonshy: MY WAIFU!
    Intermediary period: Eh.
    Plot outline for Stare Master is revealed: Holy shit Fluttershy my body is not ready!
    Suited for Success: What a bitch!

    Prediction for Stare Master: Fluttershy HHHHNNNGGGGG!

    Her fans/haters seem to be among the ficklest.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:10 No.23205235

    It's the Deely-boppers. She looks like a goddamn martian from Sesame Street.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:10 No.23205237
         File1296893418.png-(191 KB, 355x334, u cha.png)
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    Dash has an awesome one

    If I were playing an RPG with ponies I would strive for a set of armor that looks that cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:10 No.23205250

    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:11 No.23205259
    It reminds me of when Squidward and Spongebob were mutated together and Squidward performed in a robe thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:11 No.23205260
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:11 No.23205262
         File1296893512.jpg-(39 KB, 600x450, icanseeforever.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:12 No.23205270
         File1296893534.jpg-(148 KB, 800x600, 1292910449508.jpg)
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    Rainbow Dash's outfit looks like the armor I'd expect to make out of her in Monster Hunter.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:12 No.23205282
    Clearly, Celestia's PR pony suggested she change her title to princess so as to be more appealing to her subjects. Scratch that, she masterminds all of her own PR.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/05/11(Sat)03:12 No.23205284
    Might want to read the story first, chief, before asking something like that outta me.
    I don't exactly think I'm the right person for an actual sexy story of any kind.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:13 No.23205292
         File1296893597.gif-(937 KB, 200x138, Sad.gif)
    937 KB

    >What I read

    Pinkie's Great Idea

    >What I expected

    Hot kisses and sweaty lesbo lust

    >What I got

    Sadness. Sadness everywhere!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:13 No.23205295
    ah thats why
    I love over the top girly music, especially if its about things like sewing and patterns
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:13 No.23205301
         File1296893628.png-(55 KB, 194x192, 1290693738840.png)
    55 KB
    opinions bro, opinions, Rarity song felt very forced, just for the time lapse sake, also weird how EVERY SINGLE SONG (exception of WWU) have the same banjo-base, it's getting old...
    Every pony behaviour was awful in that episode, but the one with more butthurt about the dresses was Fluttershy, also funny how RD don't acted that bad in comparison...if you consider she's Rainbow Dash after all
    Hm, maybe, still one horrible dress
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:13 No.23205304
         File1296893635.png-(1.52 MB, 1600x832, ponyville_cloning.png)
    1.52 MB
    Did this bug anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:14 No.23205308
         File1296893647.png-(322 KB, 665x621, Picture 8.png)
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    if you were playing an RPG

    Not if you were trying to look decent for an ultra-ritzy party or run a formal-attire-for-ponies fashion show.
    They all look like disasters.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:14 No.23205316
    >2 - The musical number was...meh, the worst one by now

    I thought so too. When the song started I was surprised since I wasn't expecting one. Thought the lyrics and idea of singing about dresses as she's making dresses was sort of lame, but whatever. Then I saw someone post how the song was a parody of some broadway song. They actually did a pretty good job adapting it, so that enhanced my enjoyment of it somewhat. Still, it's a pretty damn obscure reference. No kid would ever get it, and I'm sure few adults would either unless they're really into theatre. Here it is anyway, hope it makes you like Rarity's version more like it did for me.
    >> Stormy Brave 02/05/11(Sat)03:14 No.23205326
    Some folks (can't specify) complained about Rarity's attitude in the past few episodes (OCDing in "Look Before you Sleep and gold digging in "Dragonshy"), doubting how Rarity managed to get the Generosity Element in the pilot. Here, she offered to make her friends' dresses, and went out of her way into satisfying all of them all while keeping a straight face. Most of all, she wasn't at all pompous or gold digging here.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:15 No.23205340

    A quick crowd shot that only lasts a few frames? No.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:15 No.23205344
    The only part of the song I didn't care for was the initial individual "I'm stitching Blankyblank's dress" portions. I assumed we'd finally gotten a bad song for once but was prepared to tolerate it. After that though the song hooked me pretty hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:15 No.23205348
    they were so mean to rarity Y_Y
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:16 No.23205362
    Everyone seemed to be out of character in this episode.

    ...except Twilight. She was as clueless as ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:16 No.23205365
         File1296893816.png-(303 KB, 544x601, Picture 3.png)
    303 KB
    giant crowd scenes are almost always like that, brony.

    Seriously, look at any crowd scene so far and you will see tons of Derpys, Lyras, and Dr. Whooves.
    I started out kind of annoyed, but now I more or less ignore it.
    >> Worthless Brotoplasm !z48r7Qz3Ks 02/05/11(Sat)03:17 No.23205373
         File1296893836.jpg-(415 KB, 997x2056, A New Day.jpg)
    415 KB
    Story I did awhile back that I ended up not liking too much. Thinking about doing another quickie involving Dash that's a little less dark. \o/

    Could use some more dakka.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:17 No.23205382
    Oh god. After playing around with this thing, there's no way I couldn't share it with you. It's too funny. <-- It's Mad-Libs fanfiction. :D
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:17 No.23205385
    You know what bugged me?
    The overhead shot, it looked flat as hell, especially with the super-fake spotlight.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:18 No.23205390
         File1296893896.png-(185 KB, 704x394, Not as planned.png)
    185 KB

    Well it sounds promising, so I'll jus-


    My body wasn't at all ready for that. I think I have to regretfully retract my spank request, for fear of what I may receive.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:18 No.23205395
    I hated Gilda after that episode but after reading Junior Speedsters Forever I forgave her. Hell when i read Cupcakes I felt sad for her.
    But now... I hate her with the power of a thousand suns and whatever happened to her in the cupcake story... it wasn't enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:18 No.23205399
    there can only be one derpy
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:19 No.23205415
    I watched it on my TV, and my room mate thought I was watching a game (I have a tendency to yell at sports).

    But no, I was screaming "YOU BITCH(ES)" at a buch of Ponies.
    Business as usual.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:19 No.23205416
         File1296893985.png-(Spoiler Image, 143 KB, 618x680, Ohgodthisaxe.png)
    Spoiler Image, 143 KB
    Idea for any draw/writefags out there!

    Pinkie Pie has come across this. The legend states the burning edges of this axe reduce your foes to cinders.

    What would SHE do with such power?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:20 No.23205428

    Fluttershy surprised me, but I don't think they were out of character so much as most people can act that greedy when somebody does something like that for them.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:20 No.23205429

    Yes, but she can be at multiple places at once in the same space-time continuum. She is not a clever pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:20 No.23205430
         File1296894033.jpg-(49 KB, 500x663, Deadpony.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:20 No.23205433
    that didn't bug me, i liked when rarity was walking across it with her feminine strut
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:21 No.23205451
         File1296894094.png-(100 KB, 1024x768, Excited.png)
    100 KB
    >Spike gets screentime throughout the whole episode for "Fall Weather Friends"
    >Expect tons of discussion for him
    Huh.. guess no one cares about Spike anymore...

    >Spike gets a total of 30 seconds of screen time in "Suited for Success"
    >Discussions of Spike and dragon's roles in Equestria all over the place.

    What the fuck. Sometimes I love and hate you people at the same time. Still, thanks for the discussions. I love to read.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:22 No.23205463

    But we discussed Spike lots last week.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:23 No.23205484
    Thanks for the update. At least they're slowly making their way to market finally. Still, I'll wait for when Amazon carries them as $2 singles since I want AJ too.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:24 No.23205487
    and how pinkie loves hot dogs slide down her throat
    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 02/05/11(Sat)03:24 No.23205490
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:24 No.23205495
    All Spike did in FWF was announce, which was funny, but what's there to comment on? Didn't help that he was playing straight man to Pinkie Pie.

    Here however he's managed to do something in the show that goes unexplained, so there's some fuel for discussion: How exactly did he get a famous fashion mogul to come see Rarity's designs? Everyone has his own theory.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:24 No.23205498
         File1296894293.png-(779 KB, 1279x710, Picture 17.png)
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    I feel like we discuss spike a lot in general

    more than Rarity, even.

    which is unacceptable.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:25 No.23205511
    why are people saying fluttershy acted out of character? she was being meek and nice until rarity got in her face. and its not like everyone is good at pretending to like something when they dont
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/05/11(Sat)03:25 No.23205516
    Perfect reactions!

    I still can't sleep though.
    Want the alternate happy ending?
    It would take me about 15-20 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:26 No.23205528
    but what do ponies wallow in?
    she is so distraught she don't even
    that whole scene is awsm.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:26 No.23205530
    Rarity seemed to be enjoying wallowing in... whatever it is ponies wallow in for me to feel too sorry for her or too pissed at the rest of the gang.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:26 No.23205532
    Huh... they must have slipped right through my fingers.... Oh well.

    On another note, I just want to say that one of the things that made this episode so good was... NO SHIPPING FUEL.

    Seriously the closest line in shipping in that entire damn thing was Spike telling Rarity he name dropped her. The rest was the cast being bitches. I hope all of the episodes are like this, because it definently makes the threads 1000 times better.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)03:27 No.23205539
    It's because we're basically discussing what amounts to a child slave, separated from his mother possible just after hatching, as he doesn't recognize Twilight as his "mother."
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:27 No.23205541

    Probably just flamebait. The overwhelming reaction of bronies when it happened was pro-Fluttershy.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:28 No.23205562

    >implying this episode wasn't totally Rarity/Opal shipping fuel.
    >> a write/drawfag 02/05/11(Sat)03:28 No.23205565
    Browsing thread
    Noticed this
    ......I had a fix idea kicking around a while back. It involved a god emperor of ponykind being the father of celestia and luna, but is kind of sort of banished and has his powers stolen by them.

    Should I do it?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:28 No.23205566
    When did we determine that dragons have any form of imprinting?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:29 No.23205574
    Meh I legitimately believe they ALL acted like bitches. With Dash being the least bitchy I explained my specific dislike of Fluttershy earlier.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:30 No.23205585
         File1296894605.jpg-(80 KB, 599x358, No.jpg)
    80 KB

    No bro, I think I've had enough, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:30 No.23205588
         File1296894622.png-(174 KB, 475x386, azxc.png)
    174 KB

    Got a docs of this? I'll go upload it.

    Also running out of trixie images so im going to avatarfag as dash for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:30 No.23205589
         File1296894622.png-(640 KB, 1280x800, Picture 40.png)
    640 KB
    the scene made me feel very unclean

    SHE enjoyed wallowing?
    YOU enjoyed WATCHING her wallow?
    or did SHE enjoy knowing YOU were watching?

    You're all sick bastards
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:30 No.23205590

    There was already a creation story better done.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/05/11(Sat)03:31 No.23205612

    Right, but your explanation wasn't any good.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:32 No.23205614
    that is what i was thinking when i first started brony, mainly because they were princesses not queens so i totally see a god-emperor of ponykind who is their father.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:32 No.23205616
    I still like Fluttershy and will defend her. And I do expect her popularity to rise again when Stare Master comes out. Seems like all a pony needs to get an injection of brony-love is a character-centric episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:33 No.23205633

    Rarity spent a little too much time laying on her bed in this episode for me not to get dirty ideas about her.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:33 No.23205634
         File1296894809.png-(139 KB, 640x360, 1294438337162.png)
    139 KB
    This stupid show is going to turn me furry.

    It's only a matter of time.

    God damn every dash reaction i have is used.

    OR I might just be skipping furry altogeather and going whatever it is cartoon pony fetish is considered.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)03:33 No.23205638
    True enough, I don't think we have gone into that. But we do know he's at least smart enough to realize that he's... wait. I don't know why it took this long to hit me, but why didn't they just take Spike with them in Dragonshy? Then they could have just had Spike speak to the Dragon.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:33 No.23205639
    There's a certain kind of woman that takes vast enjoyment in wallowing in high drama, and Rarity fits the stereotype to a T. She probably rehearsed her self-flagellating epitaph while waiting for the gang to arrive.

    Not saying she enjoyed being embarrassed, just saying she extracted a certain amount of enjoyment from the resultant opportunities for drama.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:33 No.23205642
         File1296894829.png-(326 KB, 613x713, Picture 1.png)
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    >implying this episode wasn't just a bunch of fetish fuel instead of shipping fuel
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:33 No.23205645
         File1296894832.jpg-(48 KB, 377x317, MyFaceWhen.jpg)
    48 KB
    Fluttershy... In a pink nightie, wallowing...

    Oh yes
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:34 No.23205656
    Sorry if this is tiresome, but when/where could I get an HD download of the latest?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:35 No.23205667
    >Haute couture refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. Haute couture is made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable seamstresses

    Isn't that exactly what Rarity was doing? Why was Fluttershy making such a huge ordeal over how her dress had to be haute couture?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:35 No.23205674
    Currently watching Suited for Success.

    For whatever reason, I can't STAND the writing so far. Whereas the previous episodes have been bearable at worst, this one is REALLY rubbing me the wrong way. Rarity deserves better.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:35 No.23205675
    >the scene made me feel very unclean

    Adorable pony robe w/ adorable slippers.
    Cute mussy hair.
    Dem bedroom eyes.

    All those ingredients rolled up into a big sympathy burrito.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:36 No.23205685
         File1296894998.jpg-(50 KB, 602x338, bitches and horse.jpg)
    50 KB
    and all they need to get a good injection of brony-hate is to be a complete bitch to a portion of the fan's favorite character
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:36 No.23205687
    if they are animal like and inteligent enouph to talk, they are furry. If they cant talk thats beastiality. fury can be tolerated in a live and let live kinda thing, but beastality needs to be punched in the face.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:36 No.23205694
    Oh, you did post

    Wth is with my phone not giving me updates every 3 minutes like it usually does.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:37 No.23205702
    Based on what fair troll? I do ever so love reading what YOU interpret to be good logic. Considering I love a good joke in these threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:37 No.23205705
    Fluttershy seems like... well, whatever the /fa/ equivalent of /k/'s OPERATORS are. Able to throw around buzzwords and terminology but no real understanding of the meanings behind them.

    Methinks Fluttershy has a hidden cache of fashion magazines somewhere.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/05/11(Sat)03:37 No.23205707
    TOO BAD!
    Already in progress!
    >> a write/drawfag 02/05/11(Sat)03:37 No.23205708
    As a bonus, celestia isn't really a tyrant in it, I actually try to make her a tragic villain who just did fucked up shit because she knew she had to.....and that her teacher/mentor/motherly relationship with twilight sparkle was simultaneously spurring her fanatical rule, and offering her a chance for redemption.

    Fucking ponies they drive me to character analyze
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:37 No.23205711
    if Commander Shepard would hit it, so should you.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:38 No.23205721
    If Rarity still had her glasses in that scene, none of us would have made it out alive.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:38 No.23205730
         File1296895128.gif-(85 KB, 640x512, MyFaceWhen.gif)
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    Trixie... In white pony lingerie, wallowing...

    Oh yes
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:38 No.23205737
         File1296895138.png-(247 KB, 676x601, Picture 9.png)
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    you DO mean Rarity right?

    please tell me you didn't just mistake the best pony for one of the...not best ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:39 No.23205742
    It was, but Fluttershy was saying that they way she put it together made it seem more like a prêt-à-porter piece - ie, she was telling he she was doing a shitty job.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:39 No.23205755

    Rarity, to me anyways, really seems to act the most like an adult human woman... So I don't think its so bad to have sexual thoughts about her
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:40 No.23205766
    when her hair was frazzled later in the episode paired with the glasses was the best
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:41 No.23205774
    And then Fluttershy's design plans led to the shittiest dress at the show. Proving she was talking out of her ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:41 No.23205780

    Thank you! someone had to say it!
    >> Optimus Sleepy 02/05/11(Sat)03:42 No.23205789
    What is it that Rarity is supposed to wallow in? Applesause? Does mud for the skin even work on horses? Clips from dramatic leading ladies from old movies? I almost expected her to say something about 'wire hangers', or "It wasn't the parts that got small'
    What is the liquid measurment of misery?

    Flutter's dress was Yea old renfaire, Dash's has Flash gordon, but what the hey was Apple? That hat: Wander over yonder?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:42 No.23205801

    Shit, you're right. Oh god, I'm so sorry! I guess I must have been distracted by all the sexy Rarity gave us today. It's after midnight where I am, but I HAVE to stay up and discuss this episode with you
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:43 No.23205804
    i think MS should attempt this, for science.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:43 No.23205810
         File1296895405.png-(178 KB, 380x288, YoungGabeImplying.png)
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    >Still have no writefag ideas
    >Just writing whatever the fuck comes to mind

    And don't even ask me to post it. It's literally a scramble of ideas put into one, horrible mess.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:43 No.23205815
         File1296895422.gif-(235 KB, 248x263, 1295327712570.gif)
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    Jesus fuck is it still that same fucking Anon who's been bitching about Fluttershy for several threads in a row?

    9/10 for getting so many responses but give it a rest, guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:43 No.23205818
    you wallow in wallow of course
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:44 No.23205821
    Rarity lead the gang down the garden path to bitchiness in this. She insisted on making dresses for her friends, created high-fashion dresses for her decidedly non-high fashion friends, and then badgered them until she got their opinion on whether their rather, well, plebeian fashion sense approved. Then she once again insisted on perfection and went for the opposite extreme, crafting them exactly to the eccentric whims of the gang.

    Basically, Rarity's generosity and perfectionism turned on her. It's not the gang's fault - they only gave their honest opinions and then gave exact specifications for what they wanted on Rarity's insistence that they do so.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:44 No.23205836
         File1296895481.png-(701 KB, 1280x800, Picture 14.png)
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    my heart would probably not be able to take it.

    brony, it's bad to have sexual thoughts about ANY of the ponies.

    However, thinking they are unspeakably adorable, or even having little harmless crushes on them is acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:45 No.23205842

    >and then gave exact specifications

    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:46 No.23205858

    Yeah, by and large she comes off as the most mature (She and Apple Jack are probably the oldest). She doesn't tend to engage in the Animal/Horse behavior other characters like Rainbow Dash do. She wears clothes the most, throws Diva-esque fits in this episode, has sexy librarian glasses, owns a pompous cat (tee hee), and is focused on running an independent business.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:47 No.23205876
    Then please explain how Rarity caused them to be so ridiculously demanding? My personal favorite quote about that is when Pinkie looked the friend doing her a favor right in the eyes and said "Whose dress is this?" Those Ponies clearly are unaware of what gratitude is
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:47 No.23205880

    sounds like my coworker i've been after for some 4 years now
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:47 No.23205883
    this episode proved you never let an amateur do something when a pro is available, that should've been what twilight wrote to celestia
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:48 No.23205904

    Rarity looks like she smells so good. People say they wouldn't get busy with her because poni, but rest assured if you walked in Rarity's bedroom and smelled that girlish scent everywhere with her laying on the bed in that robe, you'd be all over her like Shingles. Don't even lie.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:49 No.23205917
         File1296895776.gif-(289 KB, 480x410, 1296703926868.gif)
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    Isn't a crush the same thing?

    I have alternating crushes on all the ponies, complete with every kind of though there is.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.23205922
    I loved Rarity's cat.

    Fat, pampered, and snooty..
    Sure, the triangle head was annoying for a moment, but then I realized. The cat has an upturned head. Looking down at all she sees.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.23205925

    if they had just been like "it's a little to extreme for me" that would have been okay. Not everyone appreciates ultra-formal attire and/or high fashion.

    but they went on to complain and make a bunch of demands and get super greedy about it.

    dammit I actually got sincerely mad at and emotionally involved with the characters in MLP. WHY
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.23205926

    I kinda read it as a "everyone was a bit in the wrong" type moral. After all, Rarity insisted on making the dresses, even when the girls initially refused; not wanting to give her more work. Also, Rarity was the one who again insisted on following their expectations, rather than accepting that her buddies are not into fashion appreciation to the level she is. Still, the other girls come off as rather demanding and self centered for making Rarity re-create the dresses EXACTLY as they want, when its clear she's overworked and again THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT FASHION!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.23205930
    she never understands her lessons
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.23205933
         File1296895851.png-(85 KB, 456x355, 1296616236845.png)
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    pretty much
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.23205934
    THIS. Why all the other ponies even thought their ideas were good is beyond me. Rarity does it for a living yet they think they know more than her about what would look good on them? Its foolishness.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:51 No.23205947
    Rarity knows that her friends have shite fashion sense. When she designed Canterlot-tier dresses for them, she should have realized that they wouldn't know haute couture if it ran up and bit them, so shouldn't have badgered for their opinions, and should have instead hammered home that even if their peasant sensibilities were unable to understand fashion, they'd wear the dresses and damn well like them if they didn't want to look like unwashed peasants at the Gala.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:52 No.23205955
    they have no tastes, they run around naked all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:52 No.23205958
         File1296895948.png-(1.25 MB, 1920x1072, vlcsnap-2011-02-04-22h46m07s66(...).png)
    1.25 MB
    Ok so anyone mind explaining to me how Spike is somehow standing on top of an open bucket...not only that but casting a shadow on nothing at all.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)03:52 No.23205963
    Also, cats get along great with horses.
    Matter of fact, when I was younger we had a cat that was great friends with a horse who was owned by our neighbors. She'd sleep on the horse's back for a good period of the day, and would actually manage to stay up there even if the horse was moving.
    It was kinda funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:54 No.23205989
    You sure it's a bucket? Maybe it's something for a pony to stand on and look at themselves in a mirror while Rarity futzes with their outfit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:55 No.23206002
    its a seat, theres a cushion stuffed in there
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:55 No.23206004

    I was kinda bothered at first. I was all like "What man? Talking ponies that own pet cats? This is like some Arthur bullshit!"

    But then I was all like: "Wait, this cat and how she interacts with Rarity is awesome! What was I complaining about? I am an ungrateful bitch sometimes! Shut up and watch ponies, you bitch"
    >> discotecnica ottanta 02/05/11(Sat)03:55 No.23206006
         File1296896115.jpg-(290 KB, 708x1062, cutiemark crusaders.jpg)
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    oh boy an escuse to continue this!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:56 No.23206024
    1. fuck gravity
    2. it's magic i aint gotta explain shit
    3. hes spike, fuck your rules
    4. it could be a brown cushion in front of the mirror, they are ponies they don't 'normally' sit like humans.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:56 No.23206028
    So what youre saying is that by her acting like a friend and trying to see what her friends thought about the dresses she made for them. She should have simply said "Her you go, if you dont like it go fuck yourselves" She wanted to make her friends truly happy and they turned around and demanded too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:56 No.23206029

    >JoJo's Bizzare Adventure parody

    Too bad it isn't Fist of the North Star. I don't know anything about JoJo even though I should. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:56 No.23206032
         File1296896215.jpg-(26 KB, 412x423, 1296270729213.jpg)
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    >implying law of physics work in Equestria
    >Ponies do all the grunt work in passing of seasons

    Ha ha ha...oh you.

    To quote Edwood
    “What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?”
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:57 No.23206037
         File1296896232.png-(753 KB, 1280x800, Picture 16.png)
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    I honestly don't know what I'd do.
    Probably just cuddle. I couldn't bring myself to go much further, because I don't think I'm capable of thinking of them sexually.

    a crush can be non-sexual
    really, it can.

    I've never had any kind of sexual feelings towards another male, but I've had crushes on male characters before.
    It's weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:57 No.23206048
    One thing to consider is that most of them never tried on their outfits to see how they'd actually look on them, or as a set. They actually didn't look all that impressive when they were resting on the mannequins (ponniquins?). This is a real-life phenomenon. Loads of people misjudge how an outfit will look before they actually try it on. In this case they thought the first outfits would look worse than they actually did while thinking their own designs would look better.

    Still, I see no point in popping a hate boner over anything in this ep. All this bitching about bitchiness is shitting up the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)03:58 No.23206067
    "These aren't dresses for you to *like*, darlings. These are dresses for you to look fabulous in at the Gala."
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:00 No.23206083
    That would imply her forcing her friends to wear something they dont like. Youre saying that in order for the other ponies not to be bitches Rarity has to be the bitch. Thats mighty unfair bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:00 No.23206087
    i loved the way she fluttered her hooves about like that.
    sometimes when expressing themselves they ignore the pony anatomy.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:00 No.23206088
         File1296896426.png-(50 KB, 172x178, twilight (13).png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:00 No.23206099
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:01 No.23206105
         File1296896467.png-(81 KB, 346x367, rarity bites.png)
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    I would pet her, because shes is an adorable little pony. Unfortunately, Rarity bites so this could be a dangerous exercise.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:02 No.23206131

    I think there's a level of safety that comes with crushing on a cartoon character, regardless of gender. Regardless of what you feel, you know at the back of your mind that its just a cartoon character. Batman or Osmosis Jones will never bust down your door and demand you explain your messed up feelings to them, and neither will Rarity. You can explore the "fun" aspect of crushes (wanting to know more about them, feeling proud of them, being attracted to their looks) without the difficult or dangerous aspects (deciding on a sexual orientation, actually talking to and forming a relationship).
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:03 No.23206139
    You know, Rarity was already my favorite pony and this episode just reinforced that, but something about Fluttershy's nitpicking really amused me.

    Maybe its just because I hang out on 4chan, where this sort of thing is common, but there was something charming about the fact that she had this incredibly extensive technical and theoretical knowledge, and used it to explain why something was bad, but when she applied that knowledge in an attempt to make the thing better it ended up being a horrible mess.

    It was like she had become /a/, /tv/ and /lit/ fused into one adorable pony package.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:03 No.23206147
    The very second four unwashed country bumpkins were given tickets to the Gala, someone was going to have to act like a bitch or they'd be laughed right out the goddamn door. It's all too easy to imagine Applejack waltzing in in nothing but her goddamn hat.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:04 No.23206164
         File1296896676.jpg-(85 KB, 787x787, 1296820186951.jpg)
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    Just checked the blog, and saw this

    Uhhhh what the fuck am I looking at here?

    Is Fluttershy making cupcakes?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:04 No.23206168
    Yup... That would probably happen
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/05/11(Sat)04:05 No.23206181
         File1296896712.png-(304 KB, 1000x1800, Pinkie's Terrible Idea.png)
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    And alternate version!

    Now with entirely different results!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:05 No.23206185
    So why does Rarity have to be a bitch. Why is it that her friends simply cant NOT be bitches when it comes to dresses? Why my Rarity be a bitch lightning rod?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:05 No.23206190
    to be fair, applejack had no intention of waltzing into the gala, she had an intention of seting up a vender booth infront of the gala
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:06 No.23206201
    There are already ponies who LIVE in Canterlot who wear less than that.

    Thinking it's not a big deal.

    Shit, even the ponies in Rarity's fantasy sequence from The Ticket Master were mostly nudists.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:06 No.23206204

    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:06 No.23206207
         File1296896803.jpg-(27 KB, 500x375, SolomonGrundyIsNotAmused.jpg)
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    Nope, that's a feather. It's a tickle fetish picture. And I'm vaguely ashamed that I know that.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:07 No.23206216
    She does it out of kindness. If they had gone to the Gala in their futzing-around-Ponyville outfits (read: nothing but Applejack's hat) then they'd be on the receiving end of the concentrated bitchiness of Canterlot's entire upper class. She jumped on the bitch-grenade to stop her friends being on the receiving end of an entire artillery barrage.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:07 No.23206220
         File1296896862.png-(63 KB, 242x255, scootsfacepleased.png)
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    that is the grumpiest cookie I have ever seen
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:08 No.23206231
    Actually, it arose from a discussion about Fluttershy trying to torture someone. The text portion ended in the victim trying to talk Fluttershy through using a blunt object to bludgeon them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:08 No.23206236

    >It's a tickle fetish picture

    Oh... oh dear god.

    You're right.

    hooves are hard material and probably wouldn't have enough tactility to feel a feather and why the fuck am I thinking about this
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:08 No.23206238
    I feel like weve gotten a touch off track. Werent we talking about why her friends were overbearing bitches about their dresses a moment ago. I feel like I got lost some how.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:09 No.23206246

    Every time I see that cookie, I think of Duffle getting told in that pony thread from a few days ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:09 No.23206254
         File1296896998.jpg-(24 KB, 303x242, 1296169414336.jpg)
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    Even as a footfag, I do not approve of this idea at all.

    Now, humanized versions on the other hand...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:10 No.23206260
         File1296897019.png-(276 KB, 746x668, Picture 11.png)
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    Thank you, brony.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:10 No.23206266
    It's because he knows his fate.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:11 No.23206277

    >a crush can be non-sexual

    And so 4chan finally learned about the existence of Platonic relationships...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:12 No.23206292
    It wont stick. You know that right.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:13 No.23206297
    That's actually when I got the picture. It just amused me so. As did the poor arguments from Duffle.
    You could say that he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:14 No.23206312
    There's always hope.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:15 No.23206337

    Is she sad? Cause then I would try to comfort her. I wouldn't take advantage of anypony in such a state.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:16 No.23206347
    I envy you. I gave up hope a LONG time ago. especially for Bronies.
    >> Optimus Sleepy 02/05/11(Sat)04:17 No.23206365
    Watched Putting it together. Suspecting that John Barrowman (Captain Jack of Torchwood)was there was one turn, but seeing Carol freaking Burnett? I've been hit over the head with another vid to watch.

    As for MLP- another Derpy in the show crowd.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:17 No.23206368
    New thread fucking where?
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:17 No.23206377
    Funny, Bronies actually somewhat restored some of my faith in humanity. Weird, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:20 No.23206409
    I personally dont see it. But thats simply because im a huge anti shipper for every series. Christ I hope that doesnt start a shit storm.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/05/11(Sat)04:21 No.23206421
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:21 No.23206428
    Not talking about the shipping or anything. I'm talking about the general... niceness that spawned from MLP. I've started noticing small spots of civility on multiple chans. It's mind-boggling.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:23 No.23206457
    That I can see. And I was just saying why they made me personally give up hope for 4chan. But different strokes different blokes.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:24 No.23206466
    So i have an idea for a fic.

    ...But noone will want to hear it. It's not porn, if that's what you think is the reason.

    Why am i even telling you right now?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:25 No.23206479
    Attention. That and you want us to want you to tell us what it is.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:26 No.23206502
         File1296898003.png-(91 KB, 576x468, happyLuna.png)
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    Because you hope that there are stragglers here.
    But throw it in the new thread. See how it floats.

    And >>23206457, I personally find most types of shipping to be a pox. But, if done well and believably, then I don't mind it so much. So long as it isn't blatant porn.

    And I'm going to bed.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:28 No.23206521
    >finds shipping to be a pox

    I like you. You are a top tier Bronie anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:33 No.23206581
         File1296898409.jpg-(101 KB, 600x600, 1296116489152.jpg)
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    >Mfw I see thumbnail and think its Trixie in Twilights dress.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:34 No.23206594
    >Mfw when I click it and realize it's not.
    >Mfw when image limit in the middle of my combo
    >mfw when I have no face.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:35 No.23206612
    >mfw Just As Planned.jpg
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:37 No.23206631
    Kidding, sorry to bust your combo.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)04:39 No.23206659

    Fuck the CMC? Well... I don't know about that one. That's a pretty extreme desire even among the pornies.

    I view depravity as a circle. Sometimes, one can go so hard and fast into depravity, that you start looping back around into niceness eventually. Though, there's still lingering effects of having blown through the darker side of life.
    >> Mr. Sparkles Fantastic 02/05/11(Sat)04:43 No.23206706
    Like knowing /d/ terminology.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)05:13 No.23206988
    Anyone catch a cap of Rarity's craycray face toward the end, when she told the girls she loved the dress they made?

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