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Fic: Inside The Rainbow
02/04/11(Fri)02:47 No.23176814 File1296805644.png-(88 KB, 573x4173, Inside The Rainbow.png)
Inside The Rainbow By Duplex Fields -------------------------
Nightmare Moon bucked in horror as the Rainbow Of Light wrapped around her. Before, she had been able to resist, because she had slain five of the six before they could summon it; as her punishment, she received a thousand years of imprisonment by the magic of Celestia, but she retained her power. This time, the magic overwhelmed her. She tried to kick it with her front hooves, but---
---it enveloped her---
A lifetime ago, a faraway place-
A royal duty, with great honor-
Sisters, who loved each other very, very much-
Making nighttime Equestria a thing of beauty with the moonlight-
Her older sister, very proud of her-
Sleeping Ponies, disrespecting the night-
Bitterness, jealousy-
She was without body in this place, without her armor, without her magic; she didn't have a sense of being in one place. She was seeing colors and yet not seeing anything at all. Her awareness felt blunted; she wasn't thinking in words, but in pure concepts.
- Why are you so angry?
(The pic is the complete fic.) |