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  • File : 1296710925.png-(72 KB, 1130x600, stats2.png)
    72 KB Ponies Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:28 No.23147907  
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:29 No.23147925
         File1296710990.jpg-(153 KB, 700x525, sad puppy.jpg)
    153 KB
    Angry, disappointed, mad, confused....
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:29 No.23147926
    Like I'm justified in spending most of my time on /mu/.

    Oh, and like I hate metathreads.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:30 No.23147932
    Pretty good, seeing as how it's more or less the best cartoon airing right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:30 No.23147936
         File1296711022.jpg-(38 KB, 567x411, 1236574408610.jpg)
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    I want to know how much traffic /co/ got pre-MLP compared to now
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:30 No.23147945
    Like I don't care cause I know how to ignore threads that are /co/ related that I don't care about?
    >> Cereal Velocity !!FLiyuBZFR+6 02/03/11(Thu)00:31 No.23147952
    That we're slowly heading towards some kind of pony singularity.

    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:31 No.23147968
    I never came here before mlp if that gives you any indication
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:33 No.23147998
    Like faaaaaaaar to much of that was shipping
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:33 No.23148000
         File1296711187.jpg-(281 KB, 1359x839, applejack_ponyverse.jpg)
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    >pony singularity
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:34 No.23148027
    It kind of makes me feel sad, because if it keeps up at that pace eventually the threads will be moving WAY too fast.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:34 No.23148028
    Speaking of, where the hell is the Pony General, is THIS the pony general? Cause I can't find it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:34 No.23148034
    I bet your fucked up statistics that are wrong anyway are including this thread.

    Hey ponyfags, fuck you all. Deal with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:37 No.23148087
    Do you want it to be the pony general, because it COULD be the pony general.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:38 No.23148107
         File1296711514.jpg-(38 KB, 325x244, robotnik pharaoh.jpg)
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    Such delicious butthurt at the hooves of the Pony Empire. You can only get this on /co/.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:39 No.23148122
         File1296711562.jpg-(132 KB, 473x555, dick.jpg)
    132 KB
    I love it
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:41 No.23148168
    Okay, I haven't really been engaged in an MLP thread in like the past two or three weeks. I'm starting to feel like I should call myself an ex-brony. But explain to me what you guys actually discuss because I am dumbfounded that there is more energy than ever when all I usually see is fanfiction discussion.

    I don't even hate ponies, I just don't understand this.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:42 No.23148179
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:42 No.23148182
    The world structure, other species, how the government works.

    The shipping is also still there.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:43 No.23148196
    its about 95% shipping and fan content they are quite shitty.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)00:44 No.23148217
         File1296711857.jpg-(21 KB, 453x343, 1287966656899.jpg)
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    A scathing diatribe, anon!

    Surely, you have crushed their spirits!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:44 No.23148223
    son, you are the cancer killing pony threads
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:45 No.23148240
    Reposting from the old thread:

    Who's the head of the Sweet Apple Acres: Apple Jack or Big McIntosh?

    Also, was "Big" always a part of McIntosh's name, or was he once "Little" McIntosh?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:45 No.23148252
    >The shipping is also still there
    There is more shipping going on in an average MLP:FiM thread than there was at the height of the East India Trading company. There is a bit of theorizing, but not much.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:45 No.23148255
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:45 No.23148263
    Applejack is the CEO, Big Mac does all the real work.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:45 No.23148265
    >how the government works

    Not really "discussed" all that much. It's more along the lines of whatever wacky-sounding conspiracy theory involving Celestia some brony thought up that minute.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148293
         File1296712025.png-(231 KB, 760x760, aluminumovercastpony.png)
    231 KB
    Here's Aluminum Overcast.

    Rarity doesn't like her for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148295
         File1296712031.jpg-(137 KB, 600x400, shipping.jpg)
    137 KB
    >There is more shipping going on in an average MLP:FiM thread than there was at the height of the East India Trading company
    I'm tearing up. Well done, anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148296

    I still say Granny Smith probably has the title rights. Maybe she's having Big Mac and Applejack be co-managers until she can decide which one to pass the farm on to?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148298
    Bronies. The song you are listening to write now is one of the pony's personal theme song. What song and which pony?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148299
    In their current state they deserve to die. the threads are making ME a huge brony into a pony thread hater.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148301
    Wouldn't the grandma be in charge? The old matriarch?

    AJ's still rather young to inherit the place, and I doubt male ponies are allowed by Princess Celestia to own land.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:47 No.23148315
         File1296712070.png-(70 KB, 800x840, templatesspony.png)
    70 KB
    Sometimes, I wish we had a thread where we came up with ridiculous ponies.

    I'm still waiting to see if someone can make a Hobo Pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:48 No.23148318
         File1296712087.png-(100 KB, 277x342, bigmac2.png)
    100 KB

    Applejack runs Sweet Apple Acres, she said show in the cutie mark episode. This is confusing as we know Big Mac is both older, and better with numbers. The fancy mathematics as Applejack calls it. My only guess is that Big Mac just has to "go back to the kitchen" or in this case, the fields, and keep on plowing.

    As for his name, I think its a nickname. Someone once suggested his real name is "Apple McIntosh" and I tend to go with that.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/03/11(Thu)00:48 No.23148320

    Wait fuck, that's her scarf isn't it.

    Shit brb.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:48 No.23148327

    Granny's asleep most of the time. She is not in any way fit for the job.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:49 No.23148334

    I like to think they have more of a partnership in each doing their fair share of the work.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:50 No.23148349
         File1296712210.jpg-(140 KB, 1000x1000, oppp berry.jpg)
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    Welcome to a few days ago
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)00:50 No.23148363

    Hmm. Pearl Jam, Given to Fly. I suppose the obvious choice is Dash. But I think I'll go with Crosette, the OC rocket pony who wants to be a pegasus.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:51 No.23148365
         File1296712263.png-(15 KB, 495x406, Good morning Chrono - Trixie e(...).png)
    15 KB

    Caught me in my /v/ mode. Trixie is my favorite pony, so it looks like her theme song now is Double Dragon II: Unleashing the Ogre.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)00:51 No.23148371
    >Hobo Pony.

    im so on this
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:51 No.23148372

    I don't see why they wouldn't be. If males didn't have any rights, based on their comparatively small numbers, they would only be used for breeding.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:51 No.23148373
    I figured it would be "Macintosh Apple," since they're the Apple family and it's a surname.

    Also, regarding McIntosh vs. Macintosh. The former is the proper name for the actual apple but everyone enunciates his name as "Mac" in-show so that's how I call him.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:51 No.23148380

    how do you even calculate the numbers
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)00:52 No.23148409

    The archive tracks number of posts in all general threads. I'd assume it's a simple matter of addition.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/03/11(Thu)00:53 No.23148412
         File1296712380.png-(230 KB, 760x760, aluminumovercastponyscarffix.png)
    230 KB
    Now with more scarf.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:53 No.23148425
         File1296712412.jpg-(34 KB, 447x378, Rarity poses question.jpg)
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    Do you dislike shipping?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:54 No.23148437
         File1296712449.png-(163 KB, 996x882, it's just like I'm on tg.png)
    163 KB
    Here you guys go, fuel for your thoughts. Also: Have something written by a distraught fa/tg/uy when he saw this.

    The more I think about this, the scarier it gets. When I started reading I was thinking something along the lines of "That's neat, but I would have done this differently and that differently and...", but then I started actually thinking about it and realized how perfectly horrible this background is. The end this brought to Humanity was more complete than any war between Humanity and it's creations could have possibly been. There are no humans hiding in vaults beneath the earth, fearing the scourge of Celestia and her armies. There are no humans hiding in the mountains staying out of sight whenever a Pegasus (Pegasi?) pony flies overhead and killing any adventurous pony that discovers them, making the death look like an accident and then moving on to a new valley. The humans became the ponies, the ponies forgot Humanity, and Humanity is completely and forever dead.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)00:54 No.23148447
         File1296712477.png-(589 KB, 720x540, 1296280160937.png)
    589 KB
    Lets not forget that Applejack used Big Mac as threat towards Apple Bloom in Bridle Gossip
    could have just been because she was shrunken, or Big M as some sort of authority
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:54 No.23148453
         File1296712491.png-(98 KB, 373x298, applefritter.png)
    98 KB

    it seems interchangeable. As we have ponies like Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Apple Tart etc. with the Apple name up front.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:55 No.23148459

    Oh hell yes. More awesome than I imagined.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:55 No.23148464
         File1296712515.jpg-(71 KB, 600x583, confound-these-ponies-ship.jpg)
    71 KB
    >Pony Threads
    >> DG 02/03/11(Thu)00:55 No.23148465
    Somebody requested Fluttershy in Applejack's hat in a thread way earlier today and I decided to do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:55 No.23148472

    He's the older brother, duh.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:55 No.23148477
    >so I stabbed the fucker and took his mints.jpg
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:55 No.23148478
         File1296712550.png-(74 KB, 328x415, Rainbow Dash Pinkie kiss.png)
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    Fuck yeah pony threads
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:56 No.23148491
         File1296712584.jpg-(309 KB, 963x800, orsatonher.jpg)
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    does anyone really watch this for the plot?
    >> DG 02/03/11(Thu)00:56 No.23148498
         File1296712597.jpg-(114 KB, 750x767, fluttershy-hat.jpg)
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    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 02/03/11(Thu)00:56 No.23148501
         File1296712602.png-(156 KB, 640x360, IMG_2413.png)
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    What's with this thread? Is it the new general? The old one hasn't reached image cap yet. <_<
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)00:57 No.23148522
         File1296712656.jpg-(18 KB, 400x316, applejackwalklo.jpg)
    18 KB
    true, but would Applejack have said that if she was full size?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:57 No.23148526
         File1296712665.jpg-(76 KB, 1000x1000, dark and stormy.jpg)
    76 KB

    I dont even know anymore. The plots are always predictable children moralism shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:57 No.23148531
         File1296712674.jpg-(96 KB, 639x360, 1289414365233.jpg)
    96 KB
    3 prime examples of Why i am begining to hate pony threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:58 No.23148556
         File1296712736.png-(50 KB, 158x171, rainbow dash sweat.png)
    50 KB
    Actually, last pony threads haven't been more than guys complaining about shipping "stop liking what i don't like"
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:59 No.23148576

    Thanks bro. It turned out great.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:59 No.23148580
         File1296712785.jpg-(30 KB, 400x340, 1293698172248.jpg)
    30 KB
    I'm starting to notice something with people who try the series.

    People who go into the show expecting this show to meet their expectations of how /co/'s reaction to the show will be disappointed 90% of the time ("this show better meet my expectations" isn't really a good way to try a show in the first place).

    People who have 20 mins to waste and try the show out will be content with the show.

    People who downright hate the show will most likely end up liking it after a few episodes (or see episodes recommended by bronies).

    People who only watch the first episode will conclude that the rest of the show is shit (ala MTL)

    People who watch the show for 5 mins won't change their opinions.

    People who expect the show to be decent will end up being an brony.

    People who haven't watched the show at all will continue to say it's shit because dissin' popular shows is cool, yo.

    Thoughts?105 rgemers
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)00:59 No.23148585
    The Fluttershy image isn't new, it's from the Zecora episode. It's actually kinda funny and not overly sexual.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:00 No.23148587
         File1296712808.jpg-(107 KB, 763x613, 1294435982684.jpg)
    107 KB
    "Mommy why are your eyes like that?"
    "One is to make sure the world is safe, the other is to watch you grow."
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:00 No.23148589
         File1296712809.png-(42 KB, 188x215, Twilight bored.png)
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    then leave
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:00 No.23148594
         File1296712830.jpg-(158 KB, 809x661, Apple bloom14.jpg)
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    >> Master Mustang 02/03/11(Thu)01:00 No.23148596
         File1296712843.png-(113 KB, 352x240, 1291851260117.png)
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    "Reprehensible" by They Might Be Giants

    At first I was like "who the hell would have a TMBG theme song? Then I realized this song was Celestia incarnate

    You fans of "Celestia is an evil dictator" need to hear this
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:01 No.23148613

    I'm gonna be honest... this is the only show I have shipped on, and most of it has been pretty innocent stuff, light and fluffy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:01 No.23148619
    Can someone tell me when you're supposed to earn your cutie mark on the hubworld game site?

    Dangnabit, I can only pick so many apples at a time.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:01 No.23148621
         File1296712894.jpg-(199 KB, 763x613, dinky and derpy.jpg)
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    colored version
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 02/03/11(Thu)01:01 No.23148624
    We have as many origins as there are RPG's, we can't pick just one. Part of the problem is that the main ponies don't seem to know anything about the outside world. Zecora the Zebra confirms the world continues outside the Everfree Forest, but gives no details. What changed the world could be anything from nukes to fae to elder beings.

    How do you see the Pony world came to be?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:01 No.23148628
         File1296712910.png-(Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB, 1399x743, 357304.png)
    Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB
    Complaints about shipping drive me to drink.

    Drinking drives me to ship.

    And the cycle continues.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:02 No.23148639
    she did sit on AJ in the show. not once in the show was anyones GTS fetish pandered too.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:02 No.23148646
         File1296712962.jpg-(224 KB, 617x725, 1294615550523.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:03 No.23148656
    she DIDNT rather.
    >> DG 02/03/11(Thu)01:03 No.23148667
         File1296713016.png-(106 KB, 526x353, fluttershy_is-too-damn-kawaii.png)
    106 KB
    Awesome, I didn't expect you to be on. I would have posted it in every thread until I found you.

    Glad you like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:03 No.23148673
    What we need is to take all the shipping and porn and PUSH IT to FURAFFINITY

    Seriously you guys, those are your people
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:04 No.23148679
         File1296713042.gif-(474 KB, 480x360, evilDances1.gif)
    474 KB

    I watch this show because the ponies are cute, and do cute things.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:04 No.23148684

    There's nothing I personally dislike more than crossovers.

    And I've done crossovers. I've done them well.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:04 No.23148696
         File1296713080.jpg-(358 KB, 467x1333, pinkie dash exploitable.jpg)
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    >Big Mac's happy puppy pose
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:04 No.23148701
    I refuse to stand idly by while another show is killed by his fanbase. its sonic, invader zim, and Avatar all over again.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:04 No.23148702
         File1296713090.png-(211 KB, 496x369, 1288745768225.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:05 No.23148707

    Shipping is fine as long as it's light and fluffy, and isn't argued about being "canon". But I do agree about most of the porn being kept to FA.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:05 No.23148712
    I dunno.

    I'm not liking the mood of this thread. Too much negativity here.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148721
    Thats why I watch it. its also the reason why I cant ship this show.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148725
    Avatar was killed? News to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148726
         File1296713175.png-(31 KB, 415x200, derpy fluttershy.png)
    31 KB


    Put your glasses and deal with it
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148731
         File1296713179.png-(69 KB, 800x840, hobopony.png)
    69 KB
    Dreadlock Stink, they called her
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148734
    A few days ago the idea to run a MLP:FiM themed quest for you guys popped into my head. I developed the idea a bit and came up with this.

    You have just graduated from one of the Universities in Canterlot with a degree in Archeology and have just arrived at the first dig site that you have ever been in charge of, your experience at digs as a student makes you confident that you will do well. However, one of the diggers soon makes a discovery that could change all of Equestria. Will you reveal the secrets this site holds, or will what you have discovered be buried by those that would maintain the status quo? It's all up to you.

    Would any of you be interested in playing this as a Play By Post style game? I have descriptions and states for each of the three different races if anyone is interested. And a list of things I still need that y'all might be able to help with.

    NOTE: This will not involve any members of the MLP:FiM cast, the main character will be made by the questers and the NPCs will be created by me.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148736
    If you start a new thread I'll move the general image.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:06 No.23148742
         File1296713214.gif-(137 KB, 803x779, 1295306210102.gif)
    137 KB
    but then where does all the humanized stuff go? Those are the pics I really dig
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:07 No.23148749
         File1296713225.jpg-(229 KB, 1000x438, virgin.jpg)
    229 KB
    well since this is the general

    >and my killcount raised again
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)01:07 No.23148759
         File1296713256.png-(98 KB, 650x650, 1292564018699.png)
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    New general? Alright. Moving my post here, my response to Knigh/tg/uy.

    I haven't honestly figured out what I want to do to the humans. Making them evil would be a good adversary, but evil hyooomans is such a horrible cliche I might forgo it for something else. I do see humans as potentially taking ponies as pets due to the d'aww, and possibly putting them to work like dogs, or a kind of slavery. No idea if I'll make them outright evil, some evil/some not, misunderstood, or neutral to ponies entirely. Or even if they still exist or perhaps have died off beforehand. Idea is still too early for me to figure out what the story will take
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:07 No.23148763
         File1296713261.jpg-(301 KB, 1014x672, 1294006941883.jpg)
    301 KB

    There is nothing I like more than crossovers

    Honestly they are just too much fun
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:07 No.23148767
         File1296713264.png-(868 KB, 1000x635, 1296683835514.png)
    868 KB

    Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

    Definitely a Dash song
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:07 No.23148769

    What are you going to do about it?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:08 No.23148781
         File1296713314.png-(121 KB, 400x350, Dead.png)
    121 KB

    Once again all dead! Even with the grim reaper!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:08 No.23148782
    Why deal with it instead of tyring to change it? Did the citizens of Egypt deal with it? yes they did but now they are trying to change it. Thats me im an Egyptian citizen but with ponies and shipping is a harsh dictator that rules threads with an iron fist.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)01:09 No.23148797
         File1296713345.jpg-(143 KB, 1200x1500, you know her name.jpg)
    143 KB
    by the way
    for those who remember and/or give a crap
    the good end is on hold till maybe tomorrow
    i'm nauseously tired and can't think straight
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:09 No.23148801
         File1296713369.jpg-(59 KB, 424x215, 1292629252396.jpg)
    59 KB

    hey bro, I can say "deal with it" too
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:10 No.23148821
    I stopped by the toy store to see if they had a Cheerilee in yet.

    They did not.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:10 No.23148825
    they say she tried to become an astrophysicist, when her cutie mark clearly indicated she was destined to become a hair stylist like her mother
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:10 No.23148834
         File1296713438.png-(41 KB, 300x300, daww.png)
    41 KB

    Oh god Fluttershy.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:11 No.23148838

    But what exactly am I going to be dealing with here? Just more bitching?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:11 No.23148844
    Just a neutral party, like anyone else. Some get along fine, some have to work together, and some are jerks. In my story, Fluttershy's human family depended on her doing the job, and she was rewarded for it. It hits harder if all the humans are forced to leave, even though many weren't jerks.

    Reminds me of King David. He was a shepherd as a kid, and ordered the death of a guy who had stolen some dude's last sheep.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:11 No.23148845
    In a perfect world?
    this >>23148673
    In the real world? continue bitching in every thread. eventually other anti shippers will speak up too.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:11 No.23148857
         File1296713508.jpg-(46 KB, 587x465, tier.jpg)
    46 KB
    >change MLP threads to fit my tastes
    >Stop bringing new content while I do nothing

    And now I think that this whole anti-shipping is just plain trolling
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:11 No.23148861
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:12 No.23148863
         File1296713520.jpg-(121 KB, 1000x1000, prank luna.jpg)
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    and something I did for dino-fag
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:12 No.23148865
         File1296713535.png-(87 KB, 198x200, 1292202042342.png)
    87 KB

    I guess so. We have to deal with the shipping and you get to deal with the bitching.

    It's a symbiotic relationship
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/03/11(Thu)01:12 No.23148871
         File1296713542.png-(118 KB, 750x767, flutterhat.png)
    118 KB
    I really didn't know what to do with the big white indentations in her eye so I just blackened them.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)01:12 No.23148874
         File1296713550.png-(73 KB, 228x247, Applejack is disgusted.png)
    73 KB
    I love how AJ is like "Don't you fucking dare, Big Mac . . . "
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:12 No.23148876

    So bitch until you get a bigger bitchstorm?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:13 No.23148883
    Ive tried to stop numerous topics before they were shoved to the side for shipping. I think all this shipping is just trolling
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:13 No.23148885
         File1296713589.jpg-(145 KB, 900x600, 1291938227443.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:13 No.23148899

    Why bother making good ends man? I don't understand. If you went out of your way to make a horrible story intended to upset people, why doll it up? That eliminates the whole reason you wrote it. You might as well not have even written the story to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:13 No.23148903
         File1296713618.jpg-(22 KB, 640x360, 1291590994955.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:13 No.23148904
    isnt that really how any revolution starts?
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 02/03/11(Thu)01:14 No.23148919
    Post whatever information you have. Just to let you know, I ran the last quest, and be prepared to be buried under a mountain of posts before you can respond.

    Also, make sure to give at least to choices at the end in green text. Helps make the choices easier.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:14 No.23148924
    Start not stop
    otherwise that would make no sense
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:14 No.23148925
    People will do what they like to do.
    Don't like shipping? You don't ship
    They don't like your topics? They don't discuss them
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:14 No.23148928
    That is precious.
    That is equally precious. Especially Fluttershy's face.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:15 No.23148942

    revolutionaries actually do more than bitch. And they usually also have a proper cause.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:15 No.23148948
    Well, one person is interested, here goes then. Sorry for any weird layout issues, copypasting from OpenOffice

    Earth: Earth ponies do not have the ability to use magic or fly, so anything they need doing they have to do under their own power. Because of this, Earth ponies are the physically strongest and toughest of the three races. Earth ponies are about as fast as a Unicorn pony, but less agile. While not always the first ones to get a joke or understand a new concept they are far from stupid. Your role at the dig sites as a student was to help move large objects that the team uncovers and to help dig.
    Earth Pony
    Strength: + + +
    Toughness: + + +
    Speed: + +
    Agility: + +
    Intelligence: + +

    There will also be three special abilities, 2 increase the main stats of the pony, on is a skill.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:15 No.23148950
         File1296713739.png-(Spoiler Image, 194 KB, 1366x607, why.png)
    Spoiler Image, 194 KB
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:15 No.23148955
         File1296713751.jpg-(7 KB, 237x274, 1296672535511.jpg)
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    better than expected
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:16 No.23148971
         File1296713808.png-(62 KB, 600x600, pony.png)
    62 KB
    ok, this is my first drawing, i just bought a tablet, what should i improve?
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:16 No.23148974
    I don't get why, but I'm laughing my ass off.
    Mmmmight be the dino. Also, which one was impersonating Celestia?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:16 No.23148975
         File1296713813.png-(Spoiler Image, 132 KB, 1366x607, trollpic.png)
    Spoiler Image, 132 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23148980
    It is. They figured out a somewhat clever way to infiltrate and divide up the threads. It worked pretty well. I sort of fell for it. Like all trolls though they got too excited, and spammed it too much, now it's plainly obvious what they're doing. Simple trolling. Maybe it always was obvious and I was just slow on the draw about this one. Anyway I'm ready to just start ignoring it on the same level as gorespam or the whole "durr u watch shows fer little girls" thing. Effective immediately.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23148981
    Proper is an opinion thing. Also its the internet I cant pickett or over throw anything.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23148987
    marathoned the series to stufy dash's behavior. Now about to do it again to study her speech. Then I gotta do it again for Twilight Sparkle's behavior and speech.'s gonna be a long's gonna be a wait on those fics...
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23148989

    Nightmare fuel?

    Nightmare fuel.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23148992
         File1296713849.jpg-(44 KB, 544x400, 1293791837856.jpg)
    44 KB
    >make a pony thread about stuff other than shipping
    >motherfucking shipstorm sets in
    >a torrent of "deal w/ it" everywhere

    It's a god damn disaster, every time.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23148993

    How long did it take you to draw that?

    Is that your only one?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23149000
         File1296713868.png-(371 KB, 897x1218, pony_kisses_collected-final.png)
    371 KB
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23149001
    What quest did you run?

    If you have any problems with the stats, let me know. I haven't even tried balancing them yet, just typed out what sounded right.

    Pegasus: They can fly. They are stronger than a Unicorn, but weaker than an Earth pony and the most brittle of all the pony types. They are the fastest and most agile of all the ponies and use that to their advantage. They are of average intelligence. You use the air blown by your wings to gently remove dust or sand from the dig site and from discovered objects. Your roll at the digs as a student was to fly with the senior Pegasus and learn to spot potential dig sites and to use air blown by your wings to dust off discovered object.
    Pegasus Pony
    Strength: + +
    Toughness: +
    Speed: + + +
    Agility: + + +
    Intelligence: + +
    >> DG 02/03/11(Thu)01:17 No.23149002
    I have no complaints.

    God, is it weird that I have an uncontrollable urge to go back and fix all the tiny, insignificant mistakes I made?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:18 No.23149009
         File1296713888.jpg-(242 KB, 945x945, twilight_glasses.jpg)
    242 KB
    Yeah, the only way any ACTUAL revolution gets started is by people taking direct action.

    Which... in the case of 4chan, would mean contributing stuff that people like.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:18 No.23149014

    alright, keep goin...

    also, should we quest here where the fans are or on /tg/ where questing is better understood and be can roll?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:18 No.23149016
         File1296713909.png-(155 KB, 431x509, THE_HORROR.png)
    155 KB

    If humans are still around and have any sort of proximity to come in contact with the pony folk, how they view them will also depend alot on how big these little ponies really are. Judging by their size relative to the earth animals also appearing, they are pretty tiny. So They probably would fit the dog niche precisely. Unfortunately for dog sized critters able to receive and understand commands, and communicate back would be a pretty hot commodity. I could easily see a trade in them.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)01:18 No.23149021
         File1296713927.jpg-(33 KB, 559x394, 559px-Mlpfim-character-flutter(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    ya know HighFructose; if it weren't for you, i never would started writing this crap
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149026
         File1296713941.jpg-(30 KB, 376x360, pinkielieksthread.jpg)
    30 KB
    Soemone should write a fic of that conversation.
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149030
    I'd prefer to play as the Earth pony. Being forced to think your way out of things instead of magicking them away feels best.

    Much better than I did when I first started. Try drawing her running or walking.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149034

    I like it a lot. It's got its own style. Snout looks a little bit like Snails, but not a bad way. Hmm, Twilight plus Snails...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149037
         File1296713971.png-(Spoiler Image, 93 KB, 1366x607, cupcake.png)
    Spoiler Image, 93 KB
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149039
    Back legs seems a bit chunky and the nose is a bit big if you're trying to emulate the show's style.

    But honestly, that's damn good for a first time pony drawing. Keep it up and you'll be taking requests around here in no time!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149040
         File1296713974.png-(416 KB, 686x751, 1290811122652.png)
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    even though youll never believe im NOT trolling. but like I said youll continue to think I am trolling so it really doesnt matter.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:19 No.23149045
         File1296713981.jpg-(29 KB, 450x663, concept_pregnant_download_0523(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    So they found a marker in the everfree forest?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:20 No.23149052

    That's really good for a first time.

    I'd suggest looking for some pony drawing tutorials for starters. There's a ton of them now. Just ask and anon will supply.

    After that, just keep drawing. I can give you a more in-depth critique if you want.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:20 No.23149053

    Lurk more newfoal.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:20 No.23149064
         File1296714043.png-(270 KB, 586x510, 1293115416929.png)
    270 KB
    >mfw i make poni thread on /v/

    Just keep it vidya pony related if you go, seriously.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:20 No.23149065
         File1296714047.jpg-(10 KB, 322x307, 1293784313339-(n1296632180939).jpg)
    10 KB
    pinkie of course!
    dinos don't talk! they are dinosaurs!!

    >read a book!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:20 No.23149066

    This is my new wallpaper
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:20 No.23149070
         File1296714054.jpg-(30 KB, 222x235, 1295888595835.jpg)
    30 KB

    Man Madmax you should have heard the SHIT bronies were talking about you when you went wherever the fuck.

    Dudes overreact hardcore, unlimited autism works
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:21 No.23149076

    "Stop liking what I don't like" is not a proper cause for anything, particularly revolutions. In fact, that's usually part of the reason for revolutions in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:21 No.23149087
    Maybe you ain't, brah, but some of'em almost definitely are.

    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/03/11(Thu)01:21 No.23149089
    There's a height chart somewhere. Apparently most ponies get up to about 4 feet if you use Angel as an IRL analog.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:21 No.23149091

    It was all samefag.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:21 No.23149093

    When will I learn to stop clicking on the spoiler'd pictures?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:21 No.23149095

    I have the same problem. Half the battle is telling myself "IT'S FINE. JUST LEAVE IT AND MOVE ON."

    Otherwise, I could spend forever just drawing a damn circle.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:22 No.23149107
         File1296714144.jpg-(3 KB, 136x151, 1296402286748.jpg)
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    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:22 No.23149110
    >people being petty and bitchy about too much shipping vs. dealing with shipping


    stop that.

    i, for one, would love a thread where the shipping is toned down. I'm not trolling, I honestly had more fun back when the threads were like that, and i assume the guys mentioning it feel similarly. making a new threads on /co/ that exludes shipping bronies could piss off /co/ and attract trolls though, so i see why they're trying to change the general instead. y'all who like shipping, that's fine too; i also like it sometimes. why do we have to get all asspained about someone bringing up their wishes?
    >> Tanman 02/03/11(Thu)01:22 No.23149116
         File1296714171.png-(Spoiler Image, 118 KB, 1366x607, bigcupcake.png)
    Spoiler Image, 118 KB

    Really? thanks, then you'll love this next one. At first, I was trying to kind of troll my bronies in a friendly way, but now I just don't care anymore because this is a good thread.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:22 No.23149118

    Do this with your humans.


    Unicorn: They are magical. They are the weakest of the three pony types but tougher than a Pegasus pony. They are of average speed and agility. Thanks to spending lots of their time studying and learning magic they are the most intelligent of the pony types. Your magic is focused around being able to tough and feel with your magic much like a blind pony would with it's hoofs. Because of this you served as the translators sidekick whenever something with unclear writing on it was found. You have also found your ability useful when navigating low light areas as it allows you get a picture in your head of what the ground looks like, although you prefer a torch or magic light.
    Unicorn Pony
    Strength: +
    Toughness: + +
    Speed: + +
    Agility: + +
    Intelligence: + + +
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:22 No.23149122
    Im not an artist or a writer. I can do both but not up to the standards I hold for any piece of work to actually matter. However when it comes to examining a show Im top notch. Yet every time I bring and insights up they get passed over for shipping. Its quite the conundrum so what exactly do you purpose?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:23 No.23149123
         File1296714181.jpg-(78 KB, 600x450, Leaper.jpg)
    78 KB

    >my face when
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:23 No.23149129
    More amusing was when someone was pretending to be you. In amusement, all name and tripfriends changed their name to madmax for the rest of the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:23 No.23149132
    Old news, everyone loves madmax now.
    People were just mad that she left us with all these shippers.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:23 No.23149134
    I would never be able to find it in the archive, but here is the gist of it:

    /co/nrad found himself in Equestria as a Unicorn pony with a bum leg. After about a month, he had settled down to life here, since his leg wouldn't let him explore farther. He used his Unicorn magic to help Officer Pony protect Applebloom from some monster from the Everfree Forest. He got a kiss on the forehead from this. He also failed to acquire Orange Juice.

    I used a d10 system with the post number taking the place of the dice roll. Dubs and above were automatic successes. 0-4 were failures, and 5-9 were succeses. Special bonuses were acquired through the game play that affected those odds.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:23 No.23149137

    Are you talking about the Duffle and Slack toldening?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:24 No.23149149
         File1296714251.jpg-(31 KB, 289x235, Hssss.jpg)
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    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:24 No.23149157
    and its not because "shipping is gross"--its because it honestly does swallow up other types of conversations. i know it's not intentional of anyone, but that's what happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:24 No.23149163

    Woah what was this event, I need some serious history up in this motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:24 No.23149166
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:25 No.23149177
         File1296714324.jpg-(64 KB, 575x563, 1289476419459.jpg)
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    But... it has already been signed for season 2...
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)01:25 No.23149178
    any artists willing to take a sugestion
    Twilight as a loud televangelist preaching about Celestia
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:25 No.23149184

    The worst shipper is better than the critic who contributes nothing.
    >> Drayakir aka Arcanum_Pony 02/03/11(Thu)01:25 No.23149186
         File1296714352.png-(200 KB, 600x1400, PonyThreadThat'sGeneralFull.png)
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    So, bronies, my question to you is: What needs work? And if you come up with a better rhyme, post it, and I'll credit you.

    Also, the haters are just mad jelly that when the time comes, Princess Celestia will not take them to Equestria, and grant us all pony bodies, in exchange for human technology.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:26 No.23149188
    Obvious with hindsight.
    Also I'm colouring it as we "speak".
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:26 No.23149192
         File1296714384.jpg-(36 KB, 800x424, 1296457759603.jpg)
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    Those things could learn a thing or two about sneak attacks from pinkie
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:26 No.23149199
         File1296714397.jpg-(6 KB, 247x263, 1295227440326.jpg)
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    now Im interested keep talking
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:26 No.23149207

    I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take that.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)01:27 No.23149216
    I will probably end up going to some sort of gray area for it. Humanity is a diverse. And honestly, I can't see them doing anything too insane to creatures as cute as Rainbow Dash. Ha, ha! Now I just thought of the ponies having to fight off hordes of snugglers, and that's the reason they left to Equastria. Tired of having those manes brushed.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:27 No.23149228

    Seconding this.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:28 No.23149233
    I want to run it where the fans are, but am afraid that there are just to many people interested in nothing other than shipping. If I go to /tg/, it will either rock or rocks will fall (on me).

    Anyone want me to post the abilities for each one? I was wanting to keep them a secret for when I first launched, but whatever.
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/03/11(Thu)01:28 No.23149235
    It was bad. And I mean fail bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:28 No.23149239
    If you are honestly imply the extent of my logic is ":stop liking what I dont like" then you are clearly not understanding my point. Honestly I could easily say that the reason you dont like my anit shipping attitude is based only on the logic of "stop not liking what I like" two way street. No My logic is that I am standing up for a minority with few other options. We want to talk with the people on /co/ about ponies, we dont want to talk about shipping. Yet we get brushed over in threads and are unable to start new ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:28 No.23149243
         File1296714514.png-(184 KB, 986x1085, Duffle confrimed for faggot.png)
    184 KB

    Duffle had spent a majority of a previous thread trolling madmax. In the following thread (pic related) he donned her name (with fake trip) and posted as her. He then fucked up, making a non-troll post, thinking his normal name and trip were in place, when they were not.

    He was caught. But he deleted his posts anyway and pretended as if he was innocent.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:28 No.23149250
         File1296714535.jpg-(20 KB, 378x162, stalkershot.jpg)
    20 KB

    Until you're retreating to reload your big old contact beam and you turn around and it's INCHES from your face
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:29 No.23149254
    um...threads arent 100% about creating original content...

    i think that anon just wants to have a discussion that analyzes the show without their discussion getting overshadowed by the copious shipping.

    you're sounding extremely defensive over nothing
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)01:29 No.23149257
    Saved. Awesome reference in it and I laughed hardily at Twilight's punchline

    You simple maintain a perpetual level of awesome content.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:29 No.23149259

    So, about chapter three....???
    Yes, I'm terribly impatient. Feel free to hate me.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:30 No.23149269
         File1296714611.jpg-(104 KB, 787x787, rd-aquarius.jpg)
    104 KB
    Hey madmax, figured I could put a half-assed version up while our drawfriend delivers...

    And for the brony who asked for RD as Phoenix... I didn't forget, it's just the version I tried to do was turning shitty.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:30 No.23149271

    >The worst shipper is better than the critic who contributes nothing.

    I'm not that guy, but you might want to rethink what you just said man. It came out sounding pretty derp.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:30 No.23149273

    Tripfag troll "Duffle and Slack" posted with the name madmax and a tripcode, but it wasn't the right tripcode. He was trying, poorly, to attack you over the Pac Man incident.

    He then posted a short while later but screwed up putting the wrong entry in the Name field, thus exposing himself. He tried to delete the whole thing, but a quick thinking brony screencapped it. Duffle and Slack tried to deny it, but ended up getting epic told.

    I've rarely seen a finer example of countertrolling.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:30 No.23149283
         File1296714650.jpg-(25 KB, 283x292, tara-strong-1-sized.jpg)
    25 KB

    Fun fact: Terrence and Twilight Sparkle are voiced by the same person.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:30 No.23149286
         File1296714659.jpg-(29 KB, 269x269, 128794919835.jpg)
    29 KB
    Couldnt have said it better myself thank you brony.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:31 No.23149294
         File1296714683.jpg-(12 KB, 265x359, 00000000.jpg)
    12 KB
    he he he!
    that was fucking awesome

    >brb REVENGE!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:31 No.23149296
         File1296714684.jpg-(78 KB, 882x682, Not using line gun.jpg)
    78 KB
    God I hate stalkers
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:31 No.23149297
    all this arguing amongst ourselves is just giving the trolls what they wanted all along, for us to die out. And we are, by our own hands, can we please just go back to the days of not caring like when we first started? It's like PoE left some sort of stamp on pony threads and we're all afraid of looking like that guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:31 No.23149303
         File1296714709.png-(287 KB, 1196x1236, ponies.png)
    287 KB
    Post everything you have. You might be able to get away with running it as a general /co/ quest, though, separate from the general.

    Has /co/ ever had a quest thread at all? I know /a/ has.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:32 No.23149307
         File1296714724.jpg-(47 KB, 720x505, 1294754112147.jpg)
    47 KB

    Hahaha Duffle is a cool motherfucker

    But nah Madmax after you left everyone was just talking the worst kind of shit man. I don't know why they were so god damn mad, I think they thought you were serious when you were all "god damn I'm leaving forever cause these morons didn't get a pacman joke"

    Some of the things I heard was offendin my grandma three states away. Of course now that you're back they suckin your dick but just remember They frontin
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)01:32 No.23149315
    your damn good writer
    i just wanted to admit that Cupcakes was a parody of The Severing in addition to being a shipping joke
    >> DG 02/03/11(Thu)01:32 No.23149317
         File1296714767.jpg-(376 KB, 1414x1406, 1296059699557.jpg)
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    Yeah, that's always been my problem but it's never been quite this strong before. As a painter you find that mistakes happen and there is only so much you can do about it and you find the perfection in them, but digitally all mistakes are erasable with the push of a button and with that comes this overwhelming urge to fix it.

    "You can't be an artist and a perfectionist at the same time." I'm sure someone has said that.

    Anyway, back to ponies!
    >> Unmaned Cello D. 02/03/11(Thu)01:33 No.23149330
         File1296714810.png-(72 KB, 620x1344, ponygeneral.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:33 No.23149333
    we've had pony quests in the general, problem is he is correct. Most of these fans just want shipping and only shipping now, shit sucks.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:33 No.23149337

    I'm not sure I see the problem with the comment. I admit there there is an artform to the act of critiquing, but it's not on display on 4chan. Maybe I'm unclear, it was said better in a cartoon made for little girls:

    >the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/03/11(Thu)01:33 No.23149340
         File1296714835.png-(413 KB, 720x540, dashgoggles.png)
    413 KB
    Hey now. I just posted 2 like an hour ago. I don't write the entire thing then post it, I post as I write.

    Give me some time to recooperate. I need to "lucid" up another chapter tonite.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:34 No.23149342

    That's true, but imagine a thread with 100% discussion and 0 new content.

    How long do you think those threads would last?

    Do you think that the frequency and density of these threads we have now would be the same with no new content, and just discussion?
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:34 No.23149345
         File1296714851.jpg-(5 KB, 162x191, 1293863490526.jpg)
    5 KB
    I like that!
    thanks mr. Anonymous
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:34 No.23149349
    i think the quest will be controversial wherever it's posted. /co/ is sick of ponies and /tg/ might dislike it, too. but then again it could be a great success what with the number of pony fans.

    i like the idea of making it a quest that all of /co/ can participate in. but also i think /tg/ would make some funny posts, too, even if they arent fans.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:34 No.23149360

    ...I got hard reading those...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:35 No.23149367
         File1296714920.gif-(2 MB, 344x315, Porky pig laughing.gif)
    2 MB
    So is it just equines and cows that talk in this universe?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:35 No.23149369
         File1296714922.jpg-(9 KB, 200x200, brainysmurfflip.jpg)
    9 KB
    A "quest" is a series of images and text posted in sequence, thereby making it a form of comic and totally /co/-related, particularly when things like Homestuck and its antecedents are already accepted. Interactivity has no bearing.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:35 No.23149370

    Yes, yes, you're right.
    I'm just very drawn in by the story right now.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:35 No.23149372

    Parody or imitation?

    Anyway, I'd like to say "I warned you about the prudes, dawg. I warned you, man."

    But, alas, I failed to warn you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:35 No.23149376
    It was tried on /tg/ a few months back, it ended badly.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149383
         File1296714961.gif-(129 KB, 360x360, 1292026744921.gif)
    129 KB
    leapers are still most annoying
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149384
    well, thats kinda the point i think they were trying to make. they want some balance between OC and discussion. seems reasonable. one without the other can get boring quick; both together makes the threads more interesting to the different kinds of fans.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149388
    You say that like the threads HAVE to be as fast moving as they are.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149389
         File1296714981.png-(66 KB, 262x241, applejack_stoked.png)
    66 KB
    Hey there, High Fructose.

    Just ready your Lovecraft piece; I liked it a lot. Haven't read Lovecraft in a while, but you seemed to really capture the style. I'd read future parts, if you ever get around to writing'em.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149390
    >I used a d10 system with the post number taking the place of the dice roll. Dubs and above were automatic successes. 0-4 were failures, and 5-9 were succeses. Special bonuses were acquired through the game play that affected those odds.

    I like that, I was planning on going with a majority vote, but this would work well.

    Maybe the 7pm crowd would be more interested. It seems that at this time of night there are only 3 or 4 that would be willing to quest.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149399
    No problem, nice to meet a brony who likes one of the biggest fucking epics EVAR!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:36 No.23149401
         File1296715019.jpg-(43 KB, 500x292, Linger.jpg)
    43 KB
    Whats going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:37 No.23149403
         File1296715024.jpg-(425 KB, 1024x768, dib_pony__invader_zim_by_foxbe(...).jpg)
    425 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:37 No.23149409

    As a (lite) shipper and porn lover, I agree with this.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:38 No.23149414

    That pony has a huge head
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:38 No.23149424
         File1296715123.jpg-(41 KB, 388x295, Saxton Hale spots a Hat.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149428

    That was never my intent.

    I was just saying that one without the other would leave the fandom emptier.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149430
         File1296715145.png-(85 KB, 898x1042, Forever_Alone.png)
    85 KB
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149434
         File1296715148.png-(68 KB, 256x256, Dashawesome.png)
    68 KB
    I purposely end chapters at cliffhangers or suspensful moments for you to feel like that.


    See HFCS I told you it works. Couldn't hurt to try it out.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149435
    I lol'd harder than I should have.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149436
    >implying discussion doesn't create new and interesting content
    /tg/ would like to have a word with you.

    >msences tautology.
    You said it Captcha.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149438
         File1296715154.jpg-(19 KB, 539x300, gun_2_head.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149449
    I surprisingly like this. My only real complaint is that he has a feminine snout.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:39 No.23149452

    That's cool. They'll come eventually. Lucid was just telling me I should hold off on my contributions because it makes the audience wanting more. But I don't know how to participate if I'm not contributing.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:40 No.23149472
    Fair point
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:41 No.23149480

    In the practical sense, discussion DOES create new content, yes.

    I was speaking in the theoretical sense though, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:41 No.23149482
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:41 No.23149483
    /tg/ has new and interesting content? That's the first I've heard of it. Maybe you should go back there and enjoy it then.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 02/03/11(Thu)01:41 No.23149485
         File1296715286.png-(107 KB, 425x360, cloudsco.png)
    107 KB

    Wait, did someone say QUEST?!?

    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:41 No.23149491

    You scheming bastard!
    I still want more even knowing that.
    >> madmax !hWP6CL.q42 02/03/11(Thu)01:42 No.23149508
         File1296715367.jpg-(25 KB, 676x468, 1295323743892.jpg)
    25 KB
    I'm going to bed right now

    >tomorrow I must work in the lesbian zombie apocalypse comic request
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:43 No.23149516
    I could always try *shudder* tgchan.

    Exactly Brainy, exactly. /co/ can be whatever the hell it wants to be, as long as enough of it wants to be that way.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:43 No.23149528
         File1296715430.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 197 KB, 664x567, oh lawd.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 197 KB
    WELP. I decided to give this a try today. If you don't like porn, don't click this.

    There's still parts of it I feel need some adjustments. Those highlights bug me a bit. I'll play with it a bit.

    Not sure if I should proceed with more though, or just ditch the whole prospect.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:44 No.23149536
    no, just do a quick run during a general thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:44 No.23149539
         File1296715465.jpg-(10 KB, 21x36, Why.jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:44 No.23149541
         File1296715468.png-(896 KB, 1366x768, doubles, CHECK EM.png)
    896 KB

    For bronies that can't sleep, lets be insomniacs together! Come in and watch ponies!
    >> Lucid !0oSwOEGDeI 02/03/11(Thu)01:44 No.23149549
         File1296715490.png-(110 KB, 280x280, TShappy.png)
    110 KB
    I'm not one to normally dissapoint. I'll have it posted tomorrow. If you're on in the morning I tend to hang out in the mornin threads for a bit.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)01:44 No.23149550
    You and I are pretty much on the same page. I think humans would see ponies as immensely valuable as workers and pets, and ponies would be effectively a very d'aww set of slaves (I say slaves, because unlike dogs, ponies appear to have intelligence and communication on par with people, where as dogs are still just animals).
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:45 No.23149565
         File1296715538.jpg-(4 KB, 160x160, hey listen.jpg)
    4 KB

    we could use /carcom/ to host an ongoing in-depth, less-shippy discussion thread. it would be slow-paced at first, definitely, but perhaps with the power of friendship it could gather enough steam to at least get a couple posts a day?

    that way we can hop between here and there depending on what we're itching to blather on about...

    not perfect, since it would be nice to have the benefit of posting images, but it seems like a convenient solution to our current conniptions.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:45 No.23149567

    The template thing? Really? I'm a bit let down, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:46 No.23149576
    >*shudder* tgchan
    And what's wrong with tgchan?
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)01:46 No.23149577
    eh i'm not worried about prudes
    it's just that when i saw that story i said to myself, "hm, wonder if i could make something grimdark"
    then i saw a bunch of shipping posts and decided to see what would happen if i pushed the envelope.
    your story was dramatic, mine was meant to be black comedy .
    to be honest, i pulled a lot punches in Cupcakes. it could have been worse.
    i don't know why i'm typing this, but thank you for listening s
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 02/03/11(Thu)01:46 No.23149582
         File1296715585.png-(162 KB, 475x263, Not Sure If Want.png)
    162 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:46 No.23149585
    sorry sir thats no compromise
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:47 No.23149595

    Ah well it isn't the only thing I'm working on.

    Just a passing interest. Also there's still the matter of a drawing I owe you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:47 No.23149599
    Hmm, I didn't realize such mods were in the works. So many characters now
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:47 No.23149601

    I loved the end of that episode

    Every 3 seconds the ponies were making a silly face
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:47 No.23149605
    Ask and ye shall receive. Also: I won't be running it this late at night, seeing as how I have classes in the mornings.

    Earth Pony Special Skill (choose one)
    Stronger: You are stronger than the average Earth pony. You can lift heavier things than most others and, if you ever found yourself in a fight, would be able to finish your opponent with only a few blows.
    Tougher: You are tougher than the average Earth pony. You can take more damage than a regular Earth pony and remain standing, but you are nowhere near invincible.
    Lucky: Family legend says that your great grandmother was a Unicorn, while you aren't sure you believe this you know that you are luckiest pony you have ever known. Things you do that could easily go wrong almost always go right and your intuition tends to point you in the correct direction.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:47 No.23149608
    Drayakir sure got quiet.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:48 No.23149618

    Got classes 'til 4:30 (US central time) tomorrow. Hopefully someone saves it and/or you can repost in a later thread.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:48 No.23149629
    why not?

    i also think it would be good to have a longstanding thread like that so we can develop theories rather and stopping at the usual "celestia is evil!" consensus, or coming up with cool AUs on the fly and then forgetting about em after one post...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:48 No.23149631
    Hohooooooo, so you're working on those now...
    I remember seeing even one Pinkie in one thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:48 No.23149636
         File1296715738.jpg-(27 KB, 424x243, fluttershy_is_shocked_and_apal(...).jpg)
    27 KB

    I think this one might be a miss.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:49 No.23149639

    That's cool. Listen, you don't work for Hasbro, and the MPAA isn't going to censor any of your stuff. This is your own work, and you don't have to pull any punches if you don't want to. Don't let haters tell you what to write. Don't take any guff from those fucking swine.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:49 No.23149644
    Pegasus Pony Special Skill (choose one)
    Faster: You are faster than most other Pegasus Ponies. You can beat just about anyone in a race, but there are ponies faster than you.
    More Agile: You are graceful in the air. Loop-da-loops, barrel rolls, dives, and other tricks come naturally. You rely more on your agility to amaze friends and escape pursuers.
    Quiet: Thanks to your wings you are light on your feet. Most ponies and most creatures will not hear you coming unless you want them to, but you can still be heard if someone is listening hard enough
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:49 No.23149646
         File1296715763.png-(575 KB, 1000x1000, This Happens Every Thursday.png)
    575 KB
    *in color*
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:50 No.23149669
         File1296715832.png-(362 KB, 1207x1004, rainyandmonday.png)
    362 KB
    I feel like some creative shenanigans... if nobody minds. Once you start thinking up ridiculous ponies, you can't stop.

    So I got Rainy Day and Monday Morning. I'm trying to think up some more "time" based ponies, like Afternoon, Evening, and Night. Any suggestions?

    I was thinking maybe... Afternoon Delight for one. Sounds so wrong though.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:50 No.23149670

    Yeah, I'm still struggling with coming up with a request for that.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:51 No.23149682
    >no images
    >admitting defeat
    >shippers will follow.
    those reasons.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:51 No.23149696
         File1296715917.jpg-(50 KB, 452x308, 1258238978549.jpg)
    50 KB
    fucking awesome dood

    >pic somewhat related
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149699

    Meantime, I'll move on from the mod thing. There's other requests to take care of.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149700

    Rainy Day and Monday?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149701

    I read halfway through your post and thought "Afternoon Delight" before even seeing it.

    I think it must be done. Skyrocket cutie mark.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149707
    Ponies seem to be too small to be treated like slaves. I could see them being useful to the smaller human population, but not totally mistreated.

    To put this in a /co/ form, imagine the lunch area for the Green Lanterns. All those people and species, doing their things. Pony shopkeepers buying things from human craftsmen, mixed species bars, and numerous bands.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149713
    but SO RIGHT.

    How about Midsummer Night? Or...Midnight Snack
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149717
    Before you get your knickers in a twist over that last potential ability, remember that this quest will probably have some conflict in it, although you may be able to sneak/diplomacy your way through it.

    Unicorn Pony Special Skill (choose one)
    (Warn players to keep these secret)
    Magic Ears: As you began your magical education you discovered that you could direct your hearing across the classroom, listening in on other ponies conversations, blocking out the surrounding noise to the point that you might as well have been standing next to them. You are also able to hear through some thin walls. You have never told anyone else about this skill because are somewhat ashamed of it and how you have used it in the past.
    Magic Voice: As you began your magical education you discovered that you can disguise your voice and also make it sound like it is coming from somewhere else. You have pulled many pranks with this trick, but fear of retribution and punishment have ensured that you have never told anyone else about this sill.
    Pain: As you began your magical education you discovered something that shook you to your core and made you question if you were actually evil, you can cause other creature to feel pain with your magic. Almost as soon as you discovered you had this horrible ability you vowed never to use it unless you absolutely had to. You have only used this skill on purpose three twice, once to drive off a bully and once to fend off a manticore that attacked you when you wandered away from a dig site. You have never used this power to it's full extent, but you came close to during the manticore attack.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149718
    *Puts on objective glasses*
    Your use of shading is impressive. But the jaggies leads me to suggest that you enlarge the line art before colouring to at least 4x so that when you shrink it the image will auto anti-alias.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:52 No.23149719
         File1296715970.png-(82 KB, 289x263, twidis.png)
    82 KB
    ...and then i lost all respect for MS.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:53 No.23149725
    Yeah, I hear that. Truthfully I haven't read most of your pieces, but I hardly read any fan fiction anyway. (Still haven't read all of Severing, but I liked where it was going when I stopped. I will pick it up again.)

    As for contributions - I think just... general discussion can work, too. Theories / analyses / talking about a particularly good scene in the show, etc... that's all contribution, too. (I mostly just lurk, and I occasionally trip, but only if I'm posting art.)
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:54 No.23149749

    I mean, on one hand there's a scene from one of my fics I've selfishly wanted a drawfriend to do. On the other hand you're SOOOO good at porn I'd hate to miss the opportunity for something really hot.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:54 No.23149751
         File1296716043.gif-(676 KB, 240x160, Nope.gif)
    676 KB

    >Cupcakes was a parody of The Severing in addition to being a shipping joke

    Funny how Cupcakes ended up being so immensely popular despite that, although I hated both Cupcakes and the Severing series (I did read them all). Decently written fanfictions, but highly questionable subject matter. The rape stories you both wrote on the other hand were total shit and had no redeeming quality whatsoever, contributing nothing positive to the MLP community.

    I can respect both you and PornSyrup as decent writers Sprinkles, but your choice in content is horrid. My opinion of course.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:54 No.23149757
         File1296716050.jpg-(38 KB, 378x166, coincedence.jpg)
    38 KB
    did you alter this image in order to make it blend in with the background of /co/?
    >> Worthless Brotoplasm !z48r7Qz3Ks 02/03/11(Thu)01:55 No.23149775
         File1296716102.jpg-(33 KB, 600x450, 1290205835893.jpg)
    33 KB
    I'll just leave this here.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:55 No.23149783

    Midnight Toker.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:55 No.23149786
    You were colouring it too, eh?
    We really a "dibs" system... But then we'd miss out when someone who's ACTUALLY good show's up.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:55 No.23149788
    ...Did I miss the black and white one?

    Also lol, poor Luna.
    >> DerKaiser !xSBwOktU3c 02/03/11(Thu)01:55 No.23149794
         File1296716143.png-(70 KB, 256x210, ifIdidntknowanybetterIthinkyou(...).png)
    70 KB
    >>23149528 this playable?
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)01:55 No.23149797

    I warned you bro. If you know my work you know it isn't all worksafe.
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)01:56 No.23149803
         File1296716163.png-(132 KB, 1000x1000, twilight disapproves.png)
    132 KB
    thanks mad, nice to know i haven't been utterly immolated by the fanbase yet.

    but you made luna cry. you god damn monster, i will NEVER FORGIVE YOU

    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:56 No.23149804
    ...Why wasn't it so obvious I should do a rocket cutie mark? Damnit.

    It's exactly the sort of music an alcoholic pony would listen to at a bar. Perfect.
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)01:56 No.23149805
         File1296716165.png-(199 KB, 640x360, 1295660177904.png)
    199 KB
    thanks, bro
    that means a lot
    i mean it
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)01:56 No.23149826
    admitting defeat? woah, now. we're...battling? this is the MY LITTLE PONY: ~Friendship is Magic!~ fandom for goodness' sake. There should be no fighting in any fandom...let alone one as ridiculous as this.

    Anyway, i'd still try to have discussions in image threads. A text thread couldn't possibly be as active, so it would only take a little while to post there and then I'd trot on over here again to see what's new in the MLP general thread...

    and the text thread wouldnt have shipping; it would state in the OP post that it's a place for the non-shipping-heavy discussions. if someone wants a shipping/fic thread on /carcom/ they can make one...
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)01:57 No.23149831
    Um, scroll up.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:57 No.23149851
         File1296716271.png-(1.15 MB, 2400x2800, swayback_mountain_by_jakneurot(...).png)
    1.15 MB
    Why doesn't anyone like Rarity anymore?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:57 No.23149852
    Fundamentally yes, but I actually count individual posts and not threads.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)01:58 No.23149859
    >just do a quick run during a general thread.
    I would do that if I though I had even half a chance of noticing all the people that respond to me. General threads move to fast.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:58 No.23149863
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:59 No.23149883
         File1296716355.png-(106 KB, 640x360, 1293126602139.png)
    106 KB
    >mfw /v/ got really mad really fast
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:59 No.23149890

    How about Night Knight? Like the pony version of Batman... except Ponyville has no crime so he doesn't really do anything except stand around and look threatening.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:59 No.23149893
         File1296716379.jpg-(33 KB, 251x246, Clipboard01.jpg)
    33 KB
    Everyone is Twilight sparkle and Fluttershy here.

    So why is everyone so agressive and angry all the time?
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)01:59 No.23149894

    >Implying sad drunk ponies wouldn't be listening to sad 80s synthpop ballads.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)01:59 No.23149898
    Im simply saying that people who dont want to ship shouldnt HAVE to leave /co/ to do that. its just as much our board as it is theirs and since too many pony threads gives /co/ a bad taste in its mouth we have to share 1 thread. We have done nothing wrong so we shouldnt have to leave
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:00 No.23149911
    It's /v/.
    How could you even be surprised?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:00 No.23149915
    Never stop doing what you do, your fics do a lot to balance out all the shipping and they make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:00 No.23149922
    just mark down the last three digits of your post, then look for the reply. If you don't have it already get grease monkey and the auto updater.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:01 No.23149929
    I'm guessing the ponypolice.pngs would come out if you were to make a quest thread on /co/? Though I guess you'd likely have to contend with a lot of trolling. Another option would be to use IRC or something.

    >alcoholic Monad
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:01 No.23149937
         File1296716491.png-(112 KB, 417x332, 1294729389309.png)
    112 KB
    >implying Rarity isnt everyones favorite pony
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)02:01 No.23149942
         File1296716504.jpg-(216 KB, 1200x1600, making friends.jpg)
    216 KB
    well, Trespasser "good end" will hopefully be something respectable
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:03 No.23149965

    Damn EMI, blocking stuff in my country.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:03 No.23149969
    google chrome has an extension called 4chanplus... it works great for fast moving threads
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:03 No.23149978

    She actually might become too popular after all these rarity episodes coming up.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:04 No.23149987
    AH, thanks.

    I guess the TS and Fluttershy personalities are mostly avoiding these shitstorms...?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)02:04 No.23150007
    I mostly say slaves as a reference to that ponies would likely not have a choice in the matter, though clearly being capable of choosing. It takes quite a lot of time, civilization, and prosperity for a nation to look into things like equal rights. And that's when the difference is merely skin deep.

    As for what the ponies would do, due to intelligence, it's almost endless. A farmer could use a smaller pony to fetch sacks of grain, care for a child, care for other farm animals. In the city, they could run errands, deliver messages. The wealthy could afford them as pets, and children could ride them. Possibilities could go on and on. But I definitely see them as having no rights past being owned.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:06 No.23150030
    Twilight is impatient and sarcastic a lot, which fits, but she also gets probably overly excited about taking part in trivial things, which also fits.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:06 No.23150033
         File1296716783.png-(235 KB, 800x1400, The Best Story Ever.png)
    235 KB
    I know I give you guff and say how I wanna punch you in the face, but do believe me when I say, "Shine on you crazy diamond."

    ALSO I wrote my own parody fic last night when Mocha was making OCs for anyone who asked. See if you can spot all the common pony fan fic elements!
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)02:06 No.23150036
    I'm from /tg/, I know how to identify most trolls and when to hide and come back later. I also know how to ignore blatant troll suggestions as well, accusations of railroading be damned. I'm not to sure how well pictures work with IRC, and I plan on having a related image for almost every post I make.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)02:06 No.23150044
    >We have done nothing wrong so we shouldnt have to leave

    Well, I agree, but also we are a (not too small) minority, it seems. Communities always change as they grow, there's no stopping it, and they change even faster when they are internet communities. I thought making a thread over on the lonely-ass text board (which is still a part of 4chan, and even has the header "Comics & Cartoons"...heck the link's up at the top of this page) would be easier than trying to fight the tide here. We could actually go post pony speculation stuff rather than just trying to explain over and over our perfectly reasonable position to the anons here.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:08 No.23150071

    hey dude i was the one bitching earlier today about your fic where rainbow dash and the others died, just wanted to say i went back and read it all and i liked it a lot. nice work man
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:08 No.23150080
         File1296716938.jpg-(3 KB, 117x127, 1296595024198s.jpg)
    3 KB
    omg hockey stick graph in OP!
    its global pony warming!
    quick we have to do something
    reduce cuteness emissions or we are all doomed to take bubble baths together
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:09 No.23150091
         File1296716964.gif-(22 KB, 945x945, 1293603134208.gif)
    22 KB
    As much as I love your humanizations and their rule 34 counterparts, I've got mixed feelings about seeing them in super deepthroat due to the hardcore nature of the game. It's weird, when I see your non-worksafe stuff, it's both sexy and fun which is a main reason why I like it. (Hair inside, haha that's ridiculous, invisible fluttershy, etc.) The idea of making them choke on a dong until they pass out and having ejaculate spew from their nostrils, feels "dirtier." It's a very conflicting feeling, since I can play super deepthroat until I'm a carbon copy of Randy Marsh covered in ectoplasm
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:09 No.23150095
         File1296716979.png-(3 KB, 184x162, 1271571521068.png)
    3 KB
    man i love late night threads, 12am onwards EST.
    the shipping drops to acceptable levels

    it's not that i hate shipping, it's just that, there's so much else to talk about, and shipping takes up a massive portion of that during day threads...but when the midnight bell tolls we all gather in a circle of comfy expensive chairs and discuss the finer points of ponies in a magical kingdom of friendship, with maybe a bit of tasteful high quality in-character shipping here and there

    it's great

    i apologize for disrupting the friendship but i just have a bad habit of being very strong in my convictions
    i love you assholes ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:09 No.23150097
    More power too you if you want to do that. And I really mean that not like how people say it halfheartedly but I am not leaving the image board to lose even something as trivial as the ability to post pictures is still losing a right. at least in my mind.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:09 No.23150100

    Cool, man. Thanks for reading. That always makes me happy.

    Try some of my other stuff if you liked it. I write all sorts of genres.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:09 No.23150103
    I don't want to take bubble baths with bronies anymore...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:10 No.23150105
    I don't think ponies would be enslaved so easily. Earth ponies don't have any advantages, save ground speed, but pegasi fly, and unicorn telekinesis can pretty much turn any human technology against the humans.
    >> Knigh/tg/uy 02/03/11(Thu)02:10 No.23150127
    Yeah, I can see that. But even slaves in biblical times had a good number of rights. I guess it depends on how many humans and other species there are. The biggest motivator would be the what Role Celestia/Luna play. Things change if you can't even predict the weather, or if you are always being invaded by monsters.

    Use the Zork suggestion I got. At the end of your post, greentext the available options. This makes it clear to everyone what they can do. But always leave an "Other" option, just in case.

    One last thing, steal the pony template, and make some reaction faces for your MC and other cast.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:11 No.23150129

    I"ve been on for hours now. I've seen no shipping, tons of meta talk about shipping. Go figure.
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)02:11 No.23150149
         File1296717109.png-(93 KB, 445x433, 1295983764111.png)
    93 KB
    Cool. well, I'm glad we understand each other then. Have a derpy.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:11 No.23150151
    Right now, you're the only one talking about shipping.
    Also we appreciate your enthusiasm.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:12 No.23150154
    Sorry if I missed you explaining this, but what would keep the ponies from rebelling against their human masters? The ponies have flying units and magic units which are superior to the average human. Do the humans have technology that they use to keep the ponies in line?
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)02:12 No.23150170
         File1296717164.jpg-(115 KB, 1037x775, IMG_20110202_133258.jpg)
    115 KB
    your pony is great, i like the taped on mustache
    wish i caught her before i left, i could use a my own pony
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:13 No.23150178
         File1296717185.jpg-(1.38 MB, 3300x2550, 1296148848234.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    As someone who is not at all bothered by pretty much anything that anyone has posted, I'd recommend against splintering bronies into separate factions of pro and antp-sku--er, I mean shippers. Schisms don't tend to go well.

    Besides, the beauty of generals is that they are everything thrown together in a big pile, all different tastes converging. Like Mexican food.
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:13 No.23150180
    and now i want to draw a circle of impeccably dressed ponies with bubble-pipes in high-back arm chairs facing a central fire saying "hmph" and "indeed sir" and "quite"
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:13 No.23150185
         File1296717226.png-(275 KB, 640x360, applejack_headshake.png)
    275 KB
    This is the next step, obviously. Shipping isn't the problem, it's Meta-shipping! We need to stem this tide, bronies. Fight back. Etc. blah blah blah.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 02/03/11(Thu)02:14 No.23150206
         File1296717267.png-(120 KB, 576x625, 1296646706189.png)
    120 KB

    if that quest ever happens, I'm totally using this Mocha-made OC (based on my MLP namegen name).


    also Pacce isn't the only one with an OC, and don't worry, I'm gonna write a fic for mine, too.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)02:14 No.23150207
         File1296717268.jpg-(67 KB, 417x481, 1296601312297.jpg)
    67 KB
    >I guess the TS and Fluttershy personalities are mostly avoiding these shitstorms...?
    Because of the last episode, I am now imagining Dash furiously banging away at the keyboard in support of shipping and AJ banging replies of enough shipping!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:15 No.23150221
    They need to make a lot more background ponies.

    That just looks lazy.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 02/03/11(Thu)02:15 No.23150232

    That's understandable. And I agree that this is different.

    I guess my goal in the modding thing was just to see if I could do it, really. It's an interesting thing I've never tried before, disregarding the subject matter.

    Not to worry though. This is ultimately a one-time thing. I'll be moving on to my usual hi-jinks now.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:16 No.23150241

    If people don't stop talking meta, I'm going to stop posting on /co/ for absolutely no raisin. I'm kind of like Gandhi and Jesus that way. Also, comedy. If there's one genre of fan material for MLP that upsets me more, it's comedy. I'm a small minority, but I'm the right minority. MLP is serious business.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 02/03/11(Thu)02:16 No.23150244

    Blue ponies with white hair, blue ponies with white hair EVERYWHERE
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:16 No.23150245
    That episode had some of the worst animation in the series.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:16 No.23150249
    Kill yourself faggot.
    Your mom should have aborted you you fucking autist.
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150255
    it would probably be easy to make an actionscript pony generator that could generate ponies and full animations for them in the various "Stock poses" they keep putting the background ponies in

    >use "pose1; looking to the left"
    >use "idle animation1; looking left and right and shifting forward feet slightly
    >spits out the flash object fully formed with completely random colors

    BOOM, instant crowd consistency
    >> Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150256
         File1296717437.jpg-(93 KB, 1037x775, follow up.jpg)
    93 KB
    i don't think you're supposed to get a good look them
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150258

    also lol Unicorn Fluttershy in bottom right
    >> Anonyomus 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150260
    I love Mexican food!

    And, as I mentioned already: I personally would post in both. I chose /carcom/ for the suggestion because it's so easily accessible from /co/. I like shipping, and I like in-depth discussions. But there's less and less of the latter as the fanfic stuff becomes more popular.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150264
    ...It WAS lazy. Whoever set up that scene had a bazillion more background ponies to choose from (we've seen'em all over the place - there are no lyras in that group, just to name one) - but instead opted to drop copies in. Makes it easier to animate, everything, of course, since moving the leg on one character will move it on all of'em, but... yeah. Lazy. Boo.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150268
         File1296717475.png-(198 KB, 335x328, left-4-pony.png)
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    >At the end of your post, greentext the available options. This makes it clear to everyone what they can do.

    Does /co/ really need me to baby them like that?

    >One last thing, steal the pony template, and make some reaction faces for your MC and other cast.

    I'm not all that artsy, the best thing I have made is this, and it didn't require any drawing. Such a thing probably doesn't exist, but is the a random pony generator anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:17 No.23150269
         File1296717477.png-(53 KB, 539x1075, 1295046697528.png)
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    I still want to know.

    Am I the only person intrigued by the notion of a Zecora/Mayor ship?

    Am I the only person who kinda imagines Zecora as about the same age?
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:18 No.23150279
    why do i not have that image saved?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:18 No.23150280
    I can't really blame them. It was a 3 second shot that isn't meant to be analyzed plus they are working with deadlines and anything to put them ahead of it seems like a good idea.

    If someone hadn't pointed it out I probably would have never noticed.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:18 No.23150281
    It takes place before Celestia/Luna, so everything could be shit tier where magic is involved, or not happening yet (the NANOMACHINES have not been released). And again, he mentioned that ponies were preyed on by other species, so aligning with humans would be a survival choice. And we've been discussing how the humans would be.

    My fic had Fluttershy raised by Monster Hunters, who took care of her because she could harass the monsters from leaving the battlefields.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:18 No.23150283
    >If people don't stop talking meta, I'm going to stop posting on /co/ for absolutely no raisin.

    I wouldn't mind
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:19 No.23150293
    This actually made me lol

    >Tarnation, enough with this manure!
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:19 No.23150298
    Do you ever post things you really should say anonymously, and then make extra care to make sure you've taken off your trip?

    You ever post things just to make other people do a double-take?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:20 No.23150302
    Every time I see oversimplified pseudocode I think somebody doesn't have any real experience with coding.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:20 No.23150314
         File1296717639.png-(81 KB, 582x712, 1296645049034.png)
    81 KB
    B-b-b-but all I ever write is comedy...

    Except for Junior Speedsters Forever, available now on the Blog and, check it out and leave a comment.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:21 No.23150333

    Say that to me with your trip, fucker, and see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:21 No.23150334
    Everyone's angry and aggressive because we don't have our own God-Princess mentor and close friends to go have adventures with.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:21 No.23150335
    fear not he wasnt serious it was just a strawman.
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:21 No.23150340
    i don't know a fucking lick of action script
    if it cannot do what i'm describing, it's a shitty scripting language anyway. i mean come on, you just generate entities and assign the same animations to them
    java is better
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)02:22 No.23150354
    Clipped wing pegasuses. This is starting to get dark. ;_; No, Dash, I won't do that to you
    But nah, I don't see the ponies being a conquered people, I do, however, see a pony trade where marauders are lucky enough to have successful raids.
    My estimation is that "fair" treatment would vary from nation to nation.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:22 No.23150356
         File1296717751.gif-(970 KB, 250x190, Haha.gif)
    970 KB


    Mite b cool. Push it awhile and see if it catches on. I pushed my ship and now it's all over the place. All I gotta say is feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:22 No.23150362
    I'm thinking she's between the ages of the Mayor & the main cast
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:23 No.23150364
    It's not so much babying as guiding, and I mentioned leaving the "Other" option available. Some people don't always see the available options when you post a lot, so it's a quick tl;dr choices.

    Also, someone should have a pony template, I know there were a couple lurking about, even a template of cutie marks was available.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:23 No.23150367
    the same thing NOTHING?
    hell ill say it. I would be glad if you didnt post here anymore.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 02/03/11(Thu)02:23 No.23150369
         File1296717791.png-(90 KB, 772x835, whywubwoo.png)
    90 KB

    The one without the macro.

    You're welcome

    i really just helped Dino-Fag what's wrong with me
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:23 No.23150373
         File1296717806.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 24 KB, 580x292, aykroyd-ghostbusters.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 24 KB

    Hey guise, I'm a god.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:23 No.23150380
         File1296717821.jpg-(229 KB, 1200x1200, Actually....jpg)
    229 KB
    That includes posts.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:24 No.23150387
    Nope, anon for life.

    I'm in full support of anything other than Shipping or Crossovers to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:24 No.23150392
    Once it's seen, it can't be unseen!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:24 No.23150397
         File1296717890.jpg-(41 KB, 484x270, applejack_needs_muffins.jpg)
    41 KB
    Good job promoting/whoring yourself.

    And I don't mean that with any sarcasm at all. That is some good ol' fashion self-promoting that every businessman needs.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:24 No.23150400
    I think this guy might be me
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:24 No.23150403
         File1296717896.png-(209 KB, 244x372, WOODY.png)
    209 KB
    I don't have one.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:25 No.23150407
    Yeah... dem ponies are complicated. It'd be more work to a) write the actionscript and b) implement it and make sure it's working properly on each background pony, than it would be to just... animate them. Which is no small feat, given that there are like fifty ponies there, but still.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:25 No.23150420
         File1296717955.png-(175 KB, 641x361, 1296507900092.png)
    175 KB
    >MFW I'm writing a Doctor Who crossover story with slight hints of shipping.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:26 No.23150440
         File1296718014.jpg-(48 KB, 600x447, fluttershy_is_disappointed_by_(...).jpg)
    48 KB
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:26 No.23150441

    Could you do me a favor?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)02:26 No.23150443
    Details haven't been worked out. Though, I will say about the unicorns, while Twilight could kick all sorts of ass, I'm not sure every unicorn has that much useful in the way of combat. Most unicorns might be only able to manipulate a small amount with their telekinesis and spells. Rarity's skill with magic is night and day compared to Twilight's. Then again, Trixie was a powerful user herself.

    As far as why haven't they risen up? This pre-Celestia/Luna era would be highly chaotic and dangerous. Humans are only one facet of their existance, and maybe even not a major part.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:27 No.23150455
    preparing my body for your rapier wit.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)02:27 No.23150458
    I would love you forever if you made that random pony generator.

    Woops, forgot my name.

    >if that quest ever happens, I'm totally using this Mocha-made OC (based on my MLP namegen name).

    Creation of the Player Character would be a group activity, basically one pony controlled by a hivemind of individuals and not a group of individual characters. The creation process would look something like this.
    >1st post: What is your gender?
    >2nd post: What is your race?
    >3rd post: What color is your body and what color is your mane?
    >4th post: What is your cutie mark and how does it relate to archeology?
    >5th post: What is your name?
    And then, if the quest is still alive, you will arrive at the dig site and the game will begin!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:28 No.23150463
    You fucking pathetic sperglord. This kid is like Christian Weston Chandler if he were born with Down's Syndrome. Could you be any more of a worthless shit? Do you even have a single friend in real life? I doubt it. Go take a fucking shower you dipshit 12 year old. Wash all that acne off your fucking face, maybe other kids will talk to you at school tomorrow and you won't have to sit in the corner playing Pokemon by yourself all lunch period.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:28 No.23150466

    Pretty sure you do, dude.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:29 No.23150479

    Could you tell me which of my stories has offended you so?
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 02/03/11(Thu)02:29 No.23150485
    I'll be honest, I've never seen the show but I love the reaction images. Keep them coming.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:30 No.23150491
    Ive never read a single fan fiction.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:30 No.23150492
         File1296718202.jpg-(80 KB, 289x276, 1294711418589.jpg)
    80 KB
    Well, I don't?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:30 No.23150501

    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:31 No.23150509

    Satire, not strawman.
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:31 No.23150515
         File1296718294.jpg-(3 KB, 104x126, 1270081189506.jpg)
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    >the quest brony
    oh! are you the one planning the archaeology thing? GO FOR IT I WOULD PARTICIPATE DAILY OH GOD THAT SOUNDS FUN AS HELL

    that said, i'd avoid giving /co/ like A,B,C choices, it feels so limiting. just wait for a suggestion you like and roll with it, easy as that. it makes the suggester feel great and chances are someone is going to suggest something you were thinking of doing anyway
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:31 No.23150516

    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:31 No.23150521

    Well then what have I said to make you upset?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:32 No.23150527
    really didnt come off that way.
    >> Dino-Fag 02/03/11(Thu)02:33 No.23150545
    weirdest boner
    thanks you sad ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:33 No.23150546
    >image limit
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:33 No.23150552

    Then explain in the strawman.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:33 No.23150553
    that would imply you specifically have upset me. You are one of many you specifically dont even register.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:34 No.23150561
    Oh I see, better in the frying pan than the fire.
    I don't think as many people have a problem with hints of shipping as they do with OM NOM NOM CANDY VAG. I may be wrong, but it's a fucking MLP/Dr.Who crossover fic, fuck the haters and do it for the good of all mankind.
    >> HighFructosePornSyrup !qFw8OE2IB6 02/03/11(Thu)02:34 No.23150568

    Are you sure?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:35 No.23150577

    Can I plz have template? It looks better than the one that was posted before.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:35 No.23150584
    A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position

    you claimed that they were angry and were going to leave for no reason. They had sound reasoning yet you claimed they didnt.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:35 No.23150590

    >rapier wit

    Haha, right away I think of "rapist wit" from Dumb & Dumber. But yeah, I wouldn't mind if PornSyrup hit the road either. One of the fanfictions he contributed to the Write Off was terrible beyond belief. He had to take off his tripcode to post it too to spare himself the shame. At least Sprinkles had the balls to post his rape stories with his name on. He gets the shaft for it constantly, but you have to give him credit for taking his lumps.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:36 No.23150607
    Been posting as anon for years. No trips here, boss.
    >> A draw/writefag !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/03/11(Thu)02:36 No.23150610
    image limit
    making new thread
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)02:37 No.23150617
    That's how it's done on /tg/ and how I was planning on doing it here, but if /co/ needs a tl;dr then I will follow Knigh/tg/uy's advice.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:38 No.23150631
    >mfw writefag hate

    >image limit
    >> A draw/writefag !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/03/11(Thu)02:38 No.23150647
    and here we go
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 02/03/11(Thu)02:39 No.23150654
    I was actually kidding about the shipping bit.
    Sort of.
    I mean, c'mon, EVERYONE gets a thing for the Doctor eventually.
    Except Donna.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 02/03/11(Thu)02:39 No.23150661
    What are the trolls doing out past midnight? Isn't it their bedtime?

    PS, HFPS, not sure if you caught me saying it earlier, but I finished reading the Applejack: True Grit story and found it very well written. I'm now keeping an eye out for your work when it's not disturbing. Thought I'd just mention that because, well you know >points up at the troll
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)02:39 No.23150670
    And that is why donna is awesome.
    >> Potential Quester 02/03/11(Thu)02:47 No.23150809
    Writefags and drawfags are terrible things to waste, please don't scare them off.

    I think I will go ahead and get some sleep now, thank you all for your suggestions and support. I will be continuing with this, although don't expect to see the quest soon as I still need to make personalities for all but one of the important NPCs, map out the dig site and the area underneath it, construct and hide a bunch of different interconnecting railroad tracks, find appropriate images, and decide just WHAT the secret lurking underneath Equestria is, how to make sure that the players want to expose the secret instead of hide it (it will be a very short quest if you guys decide to bury what you find), and get some background research done on archeology and how it works.
    >> A draw/writefag !2tM9jQ2u0A 02/03/11(Thu)02:50 No.23150868
    i am giving you the biggest thumbs up right now
    it's like a hand boner

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