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  • File : 1296153856.png-(195 KB, 900x800, Derp-(n1295244511855).png)
    195 KB My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic General Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)13:44 No.22968159  
    This thread was delivered by Derpy's Pacrel Service, where luck was the only reason it goto you, and this is the new MLP General due to >>22965120 has either hit or nearly hit (within 10 pics) of the imagelimit by the time this thread was made.

    Derpy now insists that you discuss about Ponies.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)13:45 No.22968193
    [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ] - ver. 24/JAN/2011

    MLP:FiM /co/ Thread Locator and Archive:

    Official Channel (not international):

    Youtube Channel with episodes:

    Download links for episodes:

    Synchtube (watch with friends!):

    MLP /co/ Blog: Http://

    Ponibooru Imagedump:

    Community Wiki:

    Derpy Hooves Fan Site:

    MLP Forum:

    Brony FlockDraw:

    /co/ Bronies dA group:

    MLP FlockDraw dA group:

    Pony shoes:

    Pony music:

    Steam group:

    Spanish subtitles:

    [ The Subject of New Threads & The Generals ]

    Please check the MLP:FiM Thread Locator and
    Archive before going out and about and starting
    a new thread. /co/ doesn't mind if we stay in
    a general thread, but the biggest complaint I
    see from them is that there are multiple threads.

    A new general should not be made until the official
    general is on the brink of autosaging into 404 hell,
    or is at the image limit (150 pics). Once a new one
    is established, it should be posted at the end of the
    old general and everyone needs to herd themselves to
    the next.

    Obviously trolls & haters cannot be helped.

    New System: When the old general thread dies, the
    general thread image is to be deleted and placed
    onto the new one. Old general will be archived.
    New system thanks to Archive!noTe.poNY.
    >> Diabolical 01/27/11(Thu)13:46 No.22968202
    Somehow I read that last sentence as "Derpy insults your Ponies"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:46 No.22968204
         File1296154005.gif-(798 KB, 268x268, hiccup.gif)
    798 KB
    >Derpy now insists that you discuss about Ponies.

    There is nothing cuter than Pinkie with the hiccups, prove me wrong.
    >> I still love this idea Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:47 No.22968215
    >Blues Brothers ponies
    "We're so glad to see so many of you lovely ponies here tonight. We would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Equestria's royal law enforcers, who have chosen to join us in the Ponyville Theater ballroom at this time."

    "We certainly hope you all enjoy the show. And remember ponies, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive, and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them... everypony, everypony"

    "♫ Everypony... needs some pony.. to love!♫"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:47 No.22968218
         File1296154037.jpg-(14 KB, 300x203, mlpthreads.jpg)
    14 KB
    >these threads
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:47 No.22968225
         File1296154063.png-(123 KB, 900x900, 1295581533576.png)
    123 KB
    Well if my Derpy insists...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:47 No.22968229
    Funny, as soon as you started this thread the Anti-MLP meta thread got deleted. Guess that menas bad news for us.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:48 No.22968231
         File1296154088.png-(55 KB, 194x192, 1291884740471.png)
    55 KB
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)13:48 No.22968233
         File1296154094.png-(85 KB, 425x360, 1293358396108.png)
    85 KB
    true that is cute, but Dash is also cute
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:48 No.22968236
    Ah Jim-San. You save us once again.

    I somehow
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:48 No.22968242
         File1296154122.jpg-(54 KB, 640x419, mlpthreads.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:48 No.22968243
         File1296154128.png-(51 KB, 234x227, Rainbow is pleased by this.png)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:49 No.22968251
    Rarity squeezing into a freshly made bed, sadly I have no gif of that.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:49 No.22968260
    go away
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:49 No.22968269
    Why is I can never get on the TF2 server?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:49 No.22968270
    Something happenned to my post. Disregard it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:49 No.22968271
         File1296154196.gif-(154 KB, 200x200, 1291683691297.gif)
    154 KB
    >implying hiccupping Pinkie approaches the HNNNG levels of first episode Applebloom
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:50 No.22968276
    >> that blue fox 01/27/11(Thu)13:50 No.22968277
    after I' done with my Fluttershy PSG pic, anyone interested in a request?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:50 No.22968278
    I was the guy who said MLP was a great show for little girls and the MLP-fans got defensive about it.

    I wanted to clear up: It's nothing wrong for a adult male to enjoy it. We all have a feminine side after all as well our inner child.

    By saying that however, I try to touch the people who fap to pony porn or discusses the pony asses. This shit isn't a ecchi anime. Enjoy MLP for what it is and not try to twist to your adult male deviations.

    I guess I only managed to make legit fans angry. Oh well. I will leave your thread now, happy discussing.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:50 No.22968279
         File1296154214.jpg-(12 KB, 420x231, rarity leaves the bed because (...).jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:50 No.22968282
    >hear about /co/ flipping a shit about these ponies
    >think it's just a trolling joke
    >nobody could really want this
    >oh my god you guys are serious
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:50 No.22968284
    yes she is, but in a slightly less cute and more kick-ass way, so pinkie with the hiccups is still cuter.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/27/11(Thu)13:51 No.22968297
         File1296154261.png-(321 KB, 1920x1080, Rainbow Dash taking a nap walp(...).png)
    321 KB
    I raise you a napping Dash
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)13:51 No.22968298
    no worries, made sense to me anyways
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:51 No.22968299
         File1296154269.jpg-(8 KB, 259x194, because.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:51 No.22968306
    fuck you all and die covered in boiling oil
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:51 No.22968309
    I have one but it involves a little cross-over, if that's okay. I want PM from Homestuck riding on Derpy with "MAIL" somewhere in the picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:51 No.22968313
         File1296154316.jpg-(76 KB, 800x592, mlpthreads.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:52 No.22968319
    Welcome to /co/. If you aren't furiously masturbating to little girl ponies than you aren't welcomed here.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:52 No.22968322
         File1296154345.png-(108 KB, 390x346, 1295290553369.png)
    108 KB

    But you're misrepresenting that entire exchange. Also, this is a pony thread, not one of your anti-pony troll threads.

    Post more pony, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:52 No.22968330
         File1296154375.jpg-(27 KB, 550x500, derpy_doctor.jpg)
    27 KB
    Derpy OPs always bode well
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:52 No.22968332
    Watch it and make up your own mind. Like it? Cool. Don't like it? Also cool if you don't act like a huge cunt about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:52 No.22968333
         File1296154378.jpg-(10 KB, 401x248, ohyou.jpg)
    10 KB
    It's nice to see Moot made a /fur/ board again, but why does it say /co/ - Comics & Cartoons on every page?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:53 No.22968341

    We told you it was true, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:53 No.22968342
         File1296154399.jpg-(220 KB, 1000x438, comic 18.jpg)
    220 KB
    >mlp threads

    Also, new comic by madmax, If someone missed it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:53 No.22968352
         File1296154419.png-(61 KB, 400x400, Twilightwtf.png)
    61 KB
    I was gonna say I somehow got stuck in the arguement thread a few minutes ago, but my post just posted itself. Without a captcha typed.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:54 No.22968358
         File1296154440.jpg-(106 KB, 960x540, 1.jpg)
    106 KB
    Concept art is always nice to look at. Has anybody found any new official artwork?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:54 No.22968359
    It's the the internet,bro. You gotta learn to deal with this sort of thing.The erotic stuff is just for shits and giggles anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:54 No.22968372
         File1296154487.jpg-(76 KB, 960x540, 2.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:55 No.22968380
         File1296154514.jpg-(213 KB, 1023x573, flutterface.jpg)
    213 KB

    Cutest. Don't even try to debate this. It's fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:55 No.22968390
         File1296154534.png-(534 KB, 979x411, mordor.png)
    534 KB
    Can someone post again the LOTR references in MLP?

    there was something about Nightmare Moon's castle
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:55 No.22968394
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968400

    When were there raccoons?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968401
    eat shit and die
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968404
    hey guys can someone post the comic where the two palace guards are talking about how they aren't slaves?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968405
    Oh /co/ you are so pathetic. The joke of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968411

    ....Alright, I was wrong. Fluttershy trying to introduce herself to Twilight was cuter than Pinkie with hiccups.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968412

    All this "pony porn" is really getting blown out of proportion. 90% of anything approaching adult on these threads is really softcore crap. Mostly it's just topless human women, which is hardly porn at all. There was an anatomically correct pony a couple threads back, and that was about as bad as it gets.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:56 No.22968418
    >The erotic stuff is just for shits and giggles anyway.

    Not always bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968423
    oh sweet jesus, this was linked on /v/. I...Ju....YOUR ADULT MEN, ACT LIKE ADULT MEN, this is pathetic. Your making us /v/irgins look good. You should not be able to do that, STOP IT.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968427
    They were cut.

    "Now that episode 3 of the new My Little Pony series I've been working on has aired, I think it's okay to share some characters I designed for it. Here are some funky birds and a family of racoons. I don't think they used the 'coons."
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968431
    I was in that discussion (sorta, I was half asleep), I'll go find the thread number it was in on the archive.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968435
         File1296154652.jpg-(20 KB, 446x336, Fagseatpoop.jpg)
    20 KB
    Fuck off and die furfags.
    >> Diabolical 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968439
         File1296154656.png-(330 KB, 1000x437, ZECORA IS A PIMP.png)
    330 KB
    >> that blue fox 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968443

    I'm gonna need a pic of PM from homestruck since I've never seen that show... the TV shows where I live are total suckage.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:57 No.22968444
         File1296154669.jpg-(68 KB, 632x360, don't do it.jpg)
    68 KB
    sure is samefag troll
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:58 No.22968451
         File1296154696.jpg-(9 KB, 284x284, 1291426519362.jpg)
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    get out of /co/
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:58 No.22968453

    Lauren Faust said that she wanted Canterlot to be a citadel, a kind of Gondor for Girls. AFAIK, that's the only canon reference to LOTR. The Castle of the Two Sisters, or whatever it's called, vaguely reminds me of the Necromancer's pit, from the Hobbit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:58 No.22968455
    Faust mentioned Canterlot being a Citadel. She even stated it a a reference to Gondor I believe.
    >> Diabolical 01/27/11(Thu)13:58 No.22968457
         File1296154715.png-(8 KB, 83x93, ZECORA IS A PIMP.png)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:59 No.22968462

    eeyup. I wish we could at least attract a better class of troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:59 No.22968477
         File1296154770.jpg-(91 KB, 437x333, 1293945036506.jpg)
    91 KB

    DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS, GOOD FUCKING GOD. /co/ has surpassed /b/ as the most demented place on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:59 No.22968478
         File1296154777.jpg-(954 KB, 661x2693, pony guard comic.jpg)
    954 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)13:59 No.22968480
    If anyone has time i have a request.
    Pinkie Pie, a parasprite and Coop from Megas XLR having a baked goods eating contest,
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:00 No.22968485
    Well that explains everything..
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:00 No.22968487
         File1296154814.jpg-(15 KB, 433x295, renamon is amused.jpg)
    15 KB
    >The erotic stuff is just for shits and giggles anyway.

    Yeah totally that's it. That's why I save Renamon porn. Really.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:00 No.22968490

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:00 No.22968491
         File1296154828.jpg-(46 KB, 470x268, 1291681514398.jpg)
    46 KB
    Oh anon, you card
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:00 No.22968499

    >implying real men care about what other people think about what they watch
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:01 No.22968505

    thank you :)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:01 No.22968506
    Don't kid yourself. This thread could be nothing but pictures of horse vagina and it would still not be as bad as /v/
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:01 No.22968518
    So watching something like, for example Flapjack, or Young Justice, shows that are technically marketed towards little boys, is better?

    Think about that one.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:01 No.22968521
    >thread about a cartoon on a board about cartoons and comics.

    if you look up the thread >22884770 in the archive, it has the discussion about how FiM has alot of similarities to LOTR
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:02 No.22968523

    I'm curious. Why did you save that to your hard drive?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:02 No.22968528
    If you were my kid I'd beat your ass.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/27/11(Thu)14:02 No.22968536
         File1296154978.png-(27 KB, 129x101, Pinkie makes a face.png)
    27 KB

    You raise a good point . . . this is a serious challenge to top. . . None the less, I'll try.


    No . . . Pinkie stop. You don't even know how to play this game, do you?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:03 No.22968537
    But.. It's a RULE. We have to make porn, otherwise they'll revoke our internet license! I've already got 2 strikes for posting in troll threads and I can't get in trouble with the internet police again!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:03 No.22968540

    At least in /v/ people would try and report horse vagina. Here you'd be too busy fapping and telling yourself it's "ironic" to fap to horse vagina. Fucking hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:03 No.22968545
    >implying I have this saved on my hard drive and didn't just sweep it of ED.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:03 No.22968560

    >implying mods didn't delete the last troll thread
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:03 No.22968562
         File1296155039.gif-(5 KB, 361x417, 1294270406114.gif)
    5 KB
    Hey ponifiles guess what? My mommy got me a new blackberry today so now i can even troll you at recess AND in class! Haha! FAGS~!
    ps: stop liking what i dont like!!!!!11!!!
    regards, A-non-Emoose XD
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:04 No.22968564
         File1296155052.png-(103 KB, 389x286, Howcouldyou.png)
    103 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:04 No.22968568
         File1296155067.jpg-(15 KB, 487x241, who, me.jpg)
    15 KB

    I'm sure he didn't save it for any sexual reasons! Who'd save porn because it aroused them?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:04 No.22968569
    okay yeah its kind of weird but let me put it this way, if we where still in school and i found out you liked my little pony like this, I would beat the shit out of you and tell everyone about it and we would keep it up until you leave the school. It makes you a giant faggot no matter what age you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:04 No.22968570
         File1296155073.gif-(238 KB, 200x200, awkward fluttershy.gif)
    238 KB


    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:04 No.22968574
    >ponyfag trying to be cool
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:04 No.22968577

    You didn't save it onto your hard drive off of ED so you could post it here?
    >> Arcanum 01/27/11(Thu)14:05 No.22968579
         File1296155101.png-(84 KB, 1024x600, ponythreadthat'sgeneral1.png)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:05 No.22968596

    Reported, samefagtroll. Enjoy that b& you're about to get.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:05 No.22968597
    Urgh, and I actually know that artist just by looking at the thumbnails...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:05 No.22968598
         File1296155157.jpg-(56 KB, 600x452, Beastiality.jpg)
    56 KB
    When will the discrimination end /co/?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:05 No.22968599

    If you were our father we wouldn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:06 No.22968600
         File1296155169.png-(32 KB, 220x220, 1295803970347.png)
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    >> Arcanum 01/27/11(Thu)14:06 No.22968609
         File1296155188.png-(87 KB, 1024x600, ponythreadthat'sgeneral2.png)
    87 KB
    >> KamenRiderDerp !JI/ZJtmoBw 01/27/11(Thu)14:07 No.22968625
         File1296155249.jpg-(9 KB, 251x201, images.jpg)
    9 KB
    That word, I don't think you know what it means.

    Let the Pony-Bros have their fun, this board is supposed to be friendly and understanding. Lets just keep it cool people and if we could at least keep the MLP discussion threads to one thread at least, that'd be nice, I think some folks are starting to see it as spam.

    Carry on Pony-Bros.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:07 No.22968626
         File1296155250.png-(24 KB, 143x156, ponywut.png)
    24 KB
    this thread is going places
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:07 No.22968627
    >implying MLP is for all ages
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:07 No.22968628
    Why the fuck do you reply to trolls? All it does is encourage them to troll harder. If you didn't reply to them they'd probably find something more fun to do.
    >> Arcanum 01/27/11(Thu)14:07 No.22968631
         File1296155262.png-(59 KB, 1024x600, ponythreadthat'sgeneral3.png)
    59 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:07 No.22968636
    good lord i bet if your father saw you now he would be ashamed. what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> that blue fox 01/27/11(Thu)14:08 No.22968648

    pinkie's best face has to be the one when she does the scary pose just after finishing Zecora's song and then breathing like she was on medications.

    /r/equesting animooted gif of that scene
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:08 No.22968651
         File1296155309.jpg-(34 KB, 294x313, fuuuu.jpg)
    34 KB
    >new gets deleted for stromfaggotry
    >/co/ gets deleted for furfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:08 No.22968654

    The show's creator herself says it's for all ages. Would you like me to show you the quote where she assrapes a troll? Or have you seen it already?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:08 No.22968663
         File1296155331.png-(374 KB, 1200x1200, Trixie & Rarity.png)
    374 KB

    Were you the one roleplaying as Trixie for awhile SlyWit? Your writing style is very distinctive.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:08 No.22968665
         File1296155336.png-(20 KB, 128x134, celestia will fucking cut you.png)
    20 KB
    Everyone, back to ponies
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:09 No.22968670
         File1296155349.jpg-(112 KB, 630x332, fluttershy12.jpg)
    112 KB

    I always wanted this to get vectored.

    Someday. Someday.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:09 No.22968672
    you are a faggot and a pedophile. Just admit it.
    >> Arcanum 01/27/11(Thu)14:09 No.22968675
         File1296155377.png-(92 KB, 1024x600, idiedilaughing.png)
    92 KB
    This one is pretty funny
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:09 No.22968679

    As a father myself, I don't have a problem enjoying it with my kid. Maybe we'll introduce it to grampa next time we go visit him. I know he'd get a kick out of the Benny Hill bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:10 No.22968694
    Typical Americunts hating on MLP because it contains bestiality and pedophilia. As a proud European I engage in this acts.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:10 No.22968697
         File1296155444.gif-(513 KB, 420x360, pinkie pie huff.gif)
    513 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:11 No.22968701
    the creator can say anything she likes, fuck the creator of south park can call it a kids show, doesn't make it so. I am sorry that you went full....well pathetic waste of life. Good lord i hope your family never discovers your shame, if i had a son that was a gay cross dresser and a son who liked my little pony like this, well, I wouldn't disown my gay son, lets leave it at that.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:11 No.22968703

    Stop watering down the word 'hipster'. It has a specific and important use, and you're shitting on it.

    Once 'hipster' becomes a synonym for 'stuff I don't like', we will have no word to deal with flannel-wearing fixed-gear-pedaling concert-going daddy's-money artists.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:11 No.22968705
    found it
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:11 No.22968708
         File1296155483.png-(208 KB, 647x1529, SHOO BEE DOO.png)
    208 KB

    I like it, but why the separate caps?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:11 No.22968713
         File1296155495.jpg-(11 KB, 310x294, fantastic mr fox's wife waking(...).jpg)
    11 KB

    That just means "kiddies can watch this". Have you ever heard something described as "fun for all the family"? They are never fun for all the family, what that means is the parents are going to be bored as fuck.


    I assure you I only like this in an ironic way. I don't find these sort of images appealing at all, no matter what people would have you believe.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:11 No.22968716
         File1296155504.jpg-(121 KB, 888x724, 1294754409066.jpg)
    121 KB
    right.... ok randomness happened and Pinkie wasn't around, anyways back to what this thread is properly about, the discussion of MLP: FiM, and yes Faust has said that Canterlot was inspired (or something to that effect) by LOTR (Minas Tirith someone pointed out last time)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968722
    Suit yourself, I'm in Europe too and I'd rather eat my own eyes and pour bleach into the empty sockets.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968723
         File1296155521.png-(258 KB, 640x360, Twilight is interested.png)
    258 KB
    Oh . . . oh god . . . He did it. He pulled out the haymaker. The ace in the hole. . . I . . . I don't have an image that can stand up to this.

    T-Twilight . . . give it you best shot. You may at least postpone the inevitable
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968728

    Don't forget, hipsters hate things simply because they're popular. Remind you of anybody?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968732
    Man, these trolls and the people fighting them are getting more stupid every time I visit one of these threads.

    It's like an unstoppable downward spiral.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968733
         File1296155541.jpg-(2 KB, 121x126, 1291532478393.jpg)
    2 KB
    Except Flapjack (haven't watched Young Justice, so I can't form an opinion about that) has shit that can appeal to every demographic. It has a creative art style that mixes modern day with the technology and aesthetics of the late 1800's. It's also filled to the brim with witty, clever humor, some of which is deliberately written only to be funny to an older audience.


    My Little Pony is simply OH HEY LOOK WE'RE PINK PONIES AND WE'RE SO PRETTY LET'S HAVE FUUUUUUNNNN~~~~ I won't deny that Flapjack is a kid's show (while you guys insist that MLP is for all ages and not just for five year old girls), but it's still fucking pathetic to try to compare the two.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968736
         File1296155547.png-(77 KB, 295x300, ponydurr.png)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:12 No.22968748

    you worry way too much about the harmless shit other people are doing.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:13 No.22968750
    You realize how pathetically serious your taking this then
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:13 No.22968752
    This shit is hilarious, like some kind of one-man circlejerk That somehow make us look bad?
    >> Arcanum 01/27/11(Thu)14:13 No.22968758

    Because I'm an idiot, and have no idea how to post that whole thing like you did.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:13 No.22968762
    She said she wrote it so that parent's wouldn't want to kill themselves if forced to watch it with their children. It's still obviously a show primarily aimed at little girls.

    And while I'm at it, she hardly "assraped" that troll. She spewed a rage-filled argument at him, and he got embarrassed and deleted his post. Frankly, that says more about the low intelligence of the troll than about Lauren Faust's skill at troll slaying.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:13 No.22968764
         File1296155623.gif-(662 KB, 480x360, Watching it burn..gif)
    662 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:13 No.22968766
         File1296155626.jpg-(9 KB, 252x236, kill me.jpg)
    9 KB
    It's been this way FOR A LONG TIME.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:14 No.22968770
         File1296155643.png-(100 KB, 500x500, 1294276166415.png)
    100 KB
    Yeah, until the new ep this place is full of newfag.
    Remember guys, the smart /co/ give the show a try and ignore it if they don't like it, the dumb /co/ hate on it without even watching it because it threatens their masculinity somehow.
    Just post ponies...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:14 No.22968777

    No worries, I'm just use to capping things by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:14 No.22968780

    I've seen things falsely advertised as fun for the whole family. I've seen things that actually were fun for the whole family. The Once and Future King, My Neighbor Totoro, Swan Lake, Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, LOTR and others were all made with kids in mind, and they are among the greatest works of art ever made.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:15 No.22968788
         File1296155710.jpg-(10 KB, 370x302, 1291854964871-(n1292401411545).jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:15 No.22968790
    No, she says the show is for little girls and she tried to make it good enough that their parents could enjoy it along with them.
    I can't believe people are seriously attempting to claim that this show is not designed for elementary school girls. Not saying you can't enjoy it or that it's not an entertaining show, but don't pretend like it's something it's not.
    Also, since when did calling someone an ignorant asshole become an EPIC PWNAGE BEATDOWN like you guys claim it is?
    She kind of missed the point of what that guy was saying, IMO.
    Please note that I am not a troll, nor am I some faggot like Fire Lord. I've watched the show, and I agree with you guys that it's much better than anyone could have expected. I just dislike the more extreme elements of the fandom.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:15 No.22968796
    I don't know but ponies are sexy as fuck. I won't to become a Mr. Hands when it's horse cocks splits my body into two.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:15 No.22968799
         File1296155740.png-(32 KB, 175x175, Pinkie content..png)
    32 KB
    Hey, wanna know how to get the haters pissed?

    Don't reply, if your argument is a good rebuttal, they will ignore it.

    Post MLP, it's the reason why they're here in the first place, so let's give them ponies
    >> Buncha Crunch 01/27/11(Thu)14:15 No.22968802
    What if we watched it AND hated it?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:15 No.22968805
    I agree.

    Every shit you listed is better than MLP (And all current cartoons on CN and other stations right now for that matter.)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:16 No.22968806
         File1296155760.jpg-(22 KB, 400x300, JJJponies.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:16 No.22968820
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:16 No.22968822
         File1296155797.jpg-(17 KB, 417x386, pichu sees what you did there.jpg)
    17 KB

    Wait a second.
    >Star Wars

    You do mean ANH/TESB/RoTJ right?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:16 No.22968823

    She said that people like you are what's wrong with comics and cartoons. And she's right.

    Also, the guy got assraped with a fucking sequoia tree. You're in some serious denial, kid. Probably sametroll.
    >> DashingRainbow !/eAdkNegk6 01/27/11(Thu)14:16 No.22968824
         File1296155800.gif-(1.17 MB, 325x188, 1295979553833.gif)
    1.17 MB
    soooo, any drawponies in this thread, or just trolls trolling trolls?
    /r/ing an Applebloom version of "Shut up and take my Money"
    but with, "Y'all be quiet and take mah apples!" (or that effect, I can't hear "shut up" in 'Bloom's voice at all.

    Also, if somepony could edit this so each time Pinkie laughs, it ends up saying "Haters gonna hate"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:17 No.22968837
         File1296155834.png-(112 KB, 423x414, 1294619887170.png)
    112 KB

    >mfw you posted The Once and Future King and My Neighbor Totoro
    >implying you're an inbred moron
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:17 No.22968844
         File1296155846.gif-(369 KB, 320x300, Evil_dances_fluttershy_short.gif)
    369 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:17 No.22968849
         File1296155861.gif-(208 KB, 403x296, 14.gif)
    208 KB
    >so let's give them ponies
    by your command
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:17 No.22968850

    I said Star Wars, didn't I? Everything else is fan fiction crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:17 No.22968851
         File1296155876.png-(71 KB, 231x200, 1293096646080.png)
    71 KB
    Man, I fucking hate daytime pony threads.

    I mean...god, at least Mr. Hate tries sometimes. Daytime trolls ain't nothing but "lolol u furfag yiff in hell sage"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:18 No.22968859
         File1296155894.png-(202 KB, 640x360, My Little Pony_ Friendship is (...).png)
    202 KB
    Look at how fucking adorable the blue pony with the bow is.
    Just fucking look at her.
    >Once 'hipster' becomes a synonym for 'stuff I don't like'
    Too late for that!
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/27/11(Thu)14:18 No.22968866
         File1296155931.jpg-(41 KB, 361x637, 1296085983273.jpg)
    41 KB
    Because I don't have the parasprite version
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968872

    Everything I listed is better than MLP, and 99% of literature and cinema.

    But the point is, "it's for children" is a bullshit argument, and hypocritical given what board we're on.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968875
         File1296155964.png-(91 KB, 269x271, 1293389568096.png)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968877

    >Applebloom version of "Shut up and take my Money"

    I've been asking for a variant of that macro for the longest time. I'm going to second this.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968879
    >Look at how fucking adorable the blue pony with the bow is.

    yeah, but her cutie mark looks like a flaming goat skull, so Fluttershy still reins supreme.
    >> Diabolical 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968881
         File1296155983.png-(258 KB, 676x676, MGP3 Apple Eater.png)
    258 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968883
         File1296155986.jpg-(25 KB, 320x480, 1295475447569.jpg)
    25 KB
    it's a girly kid's show you almighty fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968886
         File1296155990.jpg-(97 KB, 290x501, 1288988550576.jpg)
    97 KB
    Someone posted about these threads on /v/

    Expect incoming trolls
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:19 No.22968887

    If you mean me, then no. Hating things that people like because they don't like popular things is not disliking popular things. It's disliking unpopular things, or more specifically, the people who like them.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:20 No.22968894

    Isn't that an actress from Harry Potter?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:20 No.22968895
         File1296156025.jpg-(75 KB, 626x356, 128802708521.jpg)
    75 KB
    Fucking love background ponies bro.

    Look at that one on the right, So cute and she's never seen or heard from again.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:20 No.22968899
         File1296156037.gif-(182 KB, 353x233, Pinkie laughing.gif)
    182 KB
    Actually it's true

    If you're sure about being straight, you'd watch it and still be straight

    But if you were unsure about your sexuality, you'd say "No, I won't watch it, I don't wanna be a faggot"

    Now back to ponies
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:20 No.22968900
    The evening threads are 10 times more productive.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:20 No.22968902
         File1296156048.png-(399 KB, 533x452, sad-dash.png)
    399 KB
    Wouldn't this also work?
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/27/11(Thu)14:20 No.22968905
         File1296156059.jpg-(96 KB, 640x360, Pinkie pie.jpg)
    96 KB
    This is her best face, in my opinion
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:21 No.22968908
    no the argument is "it's for little girls" you fucking creeps
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:21 No.22968921

    That's Waffles Honey. She's my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:21 No.22968929
    Every time that image is posted it always has

    nice dubs
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:21 No.22968931

    Oh wow, fucking nice!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:22 No.22968936

    That's a rehash of the same failed argument.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:22 No.22968938
         File1296156130.png-(110 KB, 430x363, Lyna don't feed paraspirtes.png)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:22 No.22968940
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:22 No.22968948
         File1296156146.png-(48 KB, 256x256, 1291924856904.png)
    48 KB
    you, sir, are awesome
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:23 No.22968960
    A little late aren't we?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:24 No.22968976

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:24 No.22968990
         File1296156285.jpg-(50 KB, 460x605, adolf_hitler_portrait.jpg)
    50 KB
    Only faggots, asppies, manchildern, furfags hate MLP.

    Notice how completely on topic all the MLP threads are.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:24 No.22968994
         File1296156297.png-(76 KB, 731x752, Twilight X color variant.png)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:25 No.22968996
    MLP is for furfags despite the fact that 90% of children's cartoons have at least one talking animal character, true fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:25 No.22969004
    "this is why nobody likes /co/" - /tv/
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:25 No.22969008

    >implying furfags hate MLP

    I guess you haven't been to FA recently. Neither have I.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:25 No.22969012
         File1296156355.jpg-(40 KB, 200x200, 1293500556643.jpg)
    40 KB
    The only comparison made was that both Flapjack and MLP are children's show and nothing more. Digimon, Dexter's La, PPG, Foster's, Spongebob, Wakfu, Pinky and the Brain, Avatar, Batman: TAS, Darkwing Duck, etc. are all kids shows that /co/ parades around on a throne like a Jewish child at his Bar Mitzvah.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:26 No.22969013
    >Pony are sexy as fuck

    And you wonder, MLP fans, why you guys are so despised.

    Because you let shit like this fly.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:26 No.22969015
    >The Once and Future King
    >made with kids in mind

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:26 No.22969019
    would read again
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:26 No.22969021

    /v/'s MLP/co/ general
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:27 No.22969031
         File1296156420.png-(444 KB, 822x459, celestia_sun.png)
    444 KB

    Not so much references as concepts inspired by. Canterlot is obviously the pony expy for Minas Tirith as was pointed out.

    In Middle Earth, Minas Tirith was once named Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun. It had a sister city closer to Mordor, called Minas Ithil, the Tower of the Moon. Minas Ithil was conquered by the Nazgul, being renamed to Minas Morgul. Minas Anor was renamed to Minas Tirith, the Tower of Guard. Minas Tirith endured as a fortress, standing against the darkness for thousands of years. Minas Morgul was consumed by darkness and eventually fell into ruin, just Like Luna's moon castle in the Everfree. We have in both universes royal cities representing the sun and moon, one standing as a becon of light, the other falling into darkness and ruin.

    It should also be mentioned that in middle earth, the sun and moon are actually constructs guided by spirits of great potency, a sort of angelic being (the very same type as the balrog, gandalf, saruman and sauron) called Maiar. Arien guides the Sun, Tillion guides the moon.

    I suspect Faust sorta wove these two aspects of middle earth together, combining the angellic beings that steer the sun and moon with gondor's royal sun and moon cities. Instead of actually possessing the sun and moon, the pony Mair can sit in their respective citadels and guide them. But its the same idea.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:27 No.22969034
         File1296156427.png-(135 KB, 640x360, 1291386565184-(n1294524219299).png)
    135 KB
    hmmm.... and I wanted this thread to break past the 600 post limit like my other one almost did, ah well, try that again someother time
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:27 No.22969035
    >implying that the reason MLP threads are on topic isn't because of the amount of insanely devoted aspies, furfags, and manchildren
    >further implying that a "general" thread can ever really not be on topic except by extreme effort of trolls
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:27 No.22969045
    would you just admit that your fucking devotion to this show is fucking creepy beyond belief? Can you please just look in a mirror as your comb the hair of your fucking happy meal toys? can you not see how utterly wrong you are?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:28 No.22969065
    Signs you lost your mind:

    You keep seeing LOTR when you watch My Little Pony.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:29 No.22969088
    >She said that people like you are what's wrong with comics and cartoons. And she's right.

    I didn't judge anyone, I only said the show is primarily aimed at little girls, which it is. That doesn't mean older people of either gender can't watch it. Hell, I'm a 22 year old male and I watch it. I don't try to pretend the primary demographic that their aiming at isn't 5-10 year old girls, however.

    >Also, the guy got assraped with a fucking sequoia tree. You're in some serious denial, kid. Probably sametroll.

    The troll certainly got butthurt enough to delete his own post to hide his shame. It doesn't change the fact that Lauren basically just insulted him rather than attacking his post logically or ignoring it, which would have been the better option. She's a professional cartoonist, she can't just go around flaming everyone who disagrees with her or actively tries to piss her off.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969109

    Let it fly? What do you expect us to do?

    We aren't mods.
    >> Diabolical 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969110
         File1296156627.gif-(767 B, 55x60, jadespritehead.gif)
    767 B
    >MFW people respond to trolls
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969114
         File1296156630.png-(23 KB, 794x361, archetypes-(n1292812439867)-(n(...).png)
    23 KB
    Her word, not ours.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969117
         File1296156643.png-(69 KB, 425x436, fim_trixiethewhite.png)
    69 KB

    >You keep seeing LOTR when you watch My Little Pony.

    I lost mine a long time ago in that case.
    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969119
         File1296156647.png-(170 KB, 800x849, OnwardFluttershyfin.png)
    170 KB
    Annnd my half of the trade finished! Angel and Fluttershy are off on an adventure!
    >> Mr Hate 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969120
    They are so stupid, when somebody criticizes them fot this shit, they get defensive and begin to spit memes and U MAD LOLOLOL. Or they will threat you with death, the Internet Tough Guys. We need a Final Solution to the Ponyfucker Problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:30 No.22969121
         File1296156648.jpg-(33 KB, 814x294, Boreout.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:31 No.22969126
         File1296156665.jpg-(38 KB, 550x600, 110122ts899.jpg)
    38 KB
    Get away from me, Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:31 No.22969136
    If you saw MLP and didn't become a brony it's because you're in denial about how much you liked it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:32 No.22969150
    >Or they will threat you with death

    Nope that's Firelord.
    By the way, how are you ding today?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:32 No.22969153
         File1296156740.jpg-(67 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-01-27 at 13.24.jpg)
    67 KB
    I am so happy right now
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:32 No.22969168
    I...I do not know to think about this.

    For one, hey it's pretty cool, LOTR has great concepts.

    For other, Equestria isn't a well built world (Sorry pony fans) and it kinda clashes with the concepts and breakthroughs Tolkien had with LOTR.

    Maybe I am reading too much into this.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:33 No.22969177

    Get more to completely cover your laptop.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:33 No.22969190
         File1296156834.gif-(22 KB, 945x945, 1294841882443.gif)
    22 KB
    Uuuhh, we can't control what people post
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:34 No.22969201
         File1296156876.jpg-(57 KB, 588x338, full of fuck.jpg)
    57 KB
    the first time I saw this image I thought it was a lazy unfinished work

    Now I see why the white clothes
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:35 No.22969213
         File1296156914.jpg-(35 KB, 720x478, 1294638304055.jpg)
    35 KB

    It already has nearly. It is to the point where anyone who doesn't entirely like popular things is a hipster.

    And this is coming from an outsider, I only lurk /co/ rather occasionally: I have never watched My Little Pony, but I kind of want to now to see what the fuss is about. I would just like to say that it is humorous how the trolls care about My Little Pony more than the actual fans. They hate it so much, that it seems many of them think about MLP more than someone who actually likes it.

    If you we were look at this from an objective, real-world point of view, most people would find it stranger for a grown man to foster extreme hatred for a show for little girl's, than for a grown man to watch the same show, especially since it is made by someone well known for making quality cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:35 No.22969220
    Oh that is so freaking cool
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:35 No.22969227
         File1296156933.png-(189 KB, 640x360, Party Hat.png)
    189 KB

    Oh Mr. Hate, we know you love us. Without us, who would you bitch about constantly? You need us, and we know it. So join the party!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:35 No.22969229
    Probably. Apparently, she has a massive amount of background content created for the show, but we'll probably never see most of it. It's like making a /tg/ game, you come up with so much stuff, but it always starts with them hiding in the corner of a circular bar.
    >> Mr Hate 01/27/11(Thu)14:35 No.22969230
    Fine, despite the heat. We are in Summer here. And you? I hear the Northern Hemisphere has a lot of trouble with the snowstorms.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:35 No.22969232
         File1296156951.png-(156 KB, 287x304, 88.png)
    156 KB

    You just jelly Mr Hate because Adventure Time gets one thread a week, if it's lucky. That show burned itself into the ground with Maggie who was spammed all over the place until people hated the show into obscurity.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:36 No.22969237
    You know, if you people just came out and said "I like MLP because it gives me a boner" I could respect that. But no, you make up shit like "it's for all ages" and "it's like LOTR".
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:36 No.22969239
    And it would help if people called it out? Child, please. If you point someone out and insult them, it's only going to empower them and then they're going to keep on doing what they do. They say you shouldn't feed the trolls for a reason. If somebody posts something stupid, ignore it. If that's too hard for you, then I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:36 No.22969254
    Cute ponies, bro.

    But clean your room before you take a picture of it next time.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:36 No.22969259

    Snowy outside, yep. Other then that, I'm doing good.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:37 No.22969269
         File1296157035.jpg-(135 KB, 600x600, derpy and nurse fuck.jpg)
    135 KB

    and no, you wouldn't respect that.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:37 No.22969276
         File1296157054.gif-(1.55 MB, 320x180, Rainbow Dash - Haters Gonna Ha(...).gif)
    1.55 MB
    Hey fuck you adventure time is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:38 No.22969289
    I don't think these threads could get any worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:38 No.22969295
    I'm a designer myself and you -need- to build this shit to make it all see natural. The problem with Equestria is that it raises way to many weird questions if you look it too deeply into it, while if you do the same with Middle-Earth you will find all shorts of interesting and logical awnsers.

    Then again, Equestria doesn't even being trying to be plausible, while Middle Earth strives to give a lot of context and rules for it's own world.

    Still, it's nice to see Equestria has been built with a watchful eye.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:38 No.22969306
         File1296157118.gif-(13 KB, 647x486, 1273667658268.gif)
    13 KB
    >I don't like this show so instead of ignoring it I'll fuck up threads and decrease the overall quality of the board.

    Only Canterlot is inspired by the Citadel, and inspiration is not the same as making something a xerox copy. It's taking an ideas and concepts of something you think is neat and building around it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:39 No.22969315
    It was just Canterlot Citadel
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/27/11(Thu)14:39 No.22969322
         File1296157182.jpg-(14 KB, 400x299, whoababy.jpg)
    14 KB

    That. Is. Awesome.

    Thanks, Mocha!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:39 No.22969326
         File1296157197.png-(98 KB, 700x700, derpy is not a clever pony.png)
    98 KB
    >Ignore posts saying "Ignore trolls"
    >reply to trolls
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:40 No.22969327
         File1296157200.jpg-(72 KB, 634x461, just saiyan.jpg)
    72 KB
    It's not the show itself that I hate.

    It's the fucking manchildren who insist that it's not a show for five year old girls, who show up to McDonalds just to get a toy to complete their collection, and would rather masturbate to a pink cartoon pony than actually go out and get laid.

    just saiyan
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:40 No.22969332
         File1296157220.jpg-(283 KB, 800x800, whatismylife.jpg)
    283 KB
    Well in my defense it's my other roommates' fault that it's filthy messy, that and they're all art students so they call it "artistic organization"

    But I guess the great thing about having art students as roommates is that they are just as excited to get pony as I am because they love the show's animation.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:39 No.22969334

    Are you kidding? Middle Earth was developed just as ad hoc as Equestria, if not worse. There are all sorts of problems with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:41 No.22969355
    >I watched the movies in theaters and read a cracked article about LOTR
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:41 No.22969356
    So you're mad at the following:
    People who are correct
    People who buy things they like
    Most of 4chan.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)14:42 No.22969365
         File1296157324.gif-(323 KB, 359x200, 1295978910068.gif)
    323 KB
    >artistic organization
    Finally I have a name for what my room is like heh, well half the time
    >> that blue fox 01/27/11(Thu)14:42 No.22969381

    I'm a furfag and I like MLP... :|
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:42 No.22969384
    Do tell. I need more ammo to expose Tolkein for the hack he was.
    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)14:42 No.22969386
    Yay!! I'm really glad you liked it cause I loved that doodle of mocha!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:43 No.22969392

    I'd respect the honesty if nothing else. I mean, even I find that pink fucker slightly alluring.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:43 No.22969400

    Goku is a shit-tier Saiyan.

    If you want a real fucking Saiyan. You pick, Vegeta.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:44 No.22969437
    Are you just a bad troll or are you actually as stupid as your post implies?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:45 No.22969438
         File1296157500.gif-(1.15 MB, 640x360, 1289211801889.gif)
    1.15 MB
    what music do think the ponies listen too?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:45 No.22969445
         File1296157512.png-(15 KB, 500x500, fluttershy ken.png)
    15 KB
    My North star pony
    My North star pony
    Aaah aah aah aah HATTA!!!
    I used to wonder what fighting could be
    (My North star pony)

    Until you pressed my tsubos using your fist!

    Growing muscles!
    Tons of gore!
    a beautiful move that makes you explode!

    Sharing violence (it's an easy feat!)
    You'll shed a lot of manly tears!

    My North star pony

    don't you know your already dead!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:45 No.22969447
    Oh anonymous, you are so random!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:45 No.22969451
    eh. personally i've always been more attracted to a woman's personality than her looks (which isn't nearly as chivalrous as it sounds and tends to result in a lot of hurt feelings and brutal honesty). But yeah. Twilight. I would wreck a girl like that.
    >> Stahi !!mFBMowYoeH5 01/27/11(Thu)14:46 No.22969475
         File1296157587.jpg-(33 KB, 460x288, Blues-Brothers_1660615c.jpg)
    33 KB

    Right with ya, brony.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:46 No.22969480
    You are in fucking denial if you don't think My Little Pony is for little girls. Seriously, tell me right fucking now how it isn't. saying one landscape used in one episode kinda resembles the mountain Minas Tirith was built into doesn't count.

    And no, most of 4chan masturbates to either real porn or hentai that involves cartoons that look like people. They don't try to sexualize a kid's show about ponies.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:46 No.22969482
    Except you'd be wrong to think Middle-Earth was developted Ad-hoc

    (Created yes, developted no.)

    Please, let's stop comparing Middle-Earth with Equestria. It's silly.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:47 No.22969490

    I've read LOTR, Hobbit, and The Silmarillion. I've seen the movies, even the horrible Baskshi cartoon. I have no idea what Cracked article you're talking about.

    Still, Tolkein's entire canon is riddled with inconsistencies and logical errors.

    That's what happens when you make up stories for your kids, the turn them into a children's book, then turn them into an epic fantasy trilogy, then turn them into a sort of rewritten Bible/Mythological saga type thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:47 No.22969492

    What if I said that I like the show because its sweet and harmless, and makes me smile after a frustrating day at work, nothing more, nothing less?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:47 No.22969499
    Well, it's only this gif I liked >>22968697

    Don't judge me bro. I get enough of that from actual judges.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:48 No.22969512
         File1296157682.png-(200 KB, 444x347, rainbow dash, am I the onl(...).png)
    200 KB
    And now yo realize that Rainbow dash has NO WINGS

    Also, in this image, her wings are to low.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:48 No.22969518
    >inconsistencies and logical errors
    Why don't you go ahead and give actual specifics?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:48 No.22969528
         File1296157724.png-(132 KB, 655x655, luna_nom.png)
    132 KB

    The creator of the show was the first to make the comparison. It will never go away.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:49 No.22969541

    Middle Earth was developed for little girls and little boys. Specifically Tolkein's own little boys and girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:50 No.22969575
    >no wings

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:51 No.22969584
    Oh hey, turns out I don't dislike Mocha Delight as an OC pony... I simply dislike Mocha Delight's drawing style.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:51 No.22969594
         File1296157908.jpg-(525 KB, 889x1200, 1294020120970.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969608
         File1296157928.png-(199 KB, 640x360, Pinkie is happy with this.png)
    199 KB
    You'll probably like "Griffon Brush-Off" or "Swarm of the Century"
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969609
    >People who are correct
    But MLP's intended demographic ARE five year-old girls, like the original series.

    Adjective: Planned or meant.

    Like shows all you like, but don't pretend that it isn't meant for a demographic that doesn't apply to you. It's not necessarily a bad thing and it has been practiced for centuries, from plays to movies to series on the silver screen to cartoon shorts and so forth. Various programs are made for various audiences in an attempt to isolate as few groups as possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969611

    >masturbate to cartoons

    That right there is all you need. It doesn't make it any better.

    That being said, you and the other haters are applying once negative concept to an entire fandom. Every fandom has that handful of people that are batshit. Don't even try to convince me otherwise. Most people just want to chill and talk about a show they like, with some awesome drawings and fics on the side ... so pretty much the same thing the rest of /co/ does.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969613
    The Hobbit, from which the entire Middle Earth thing was born, was intended as children's literature. By the time he developed it into Lord of the Rings, it was something quite different.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969615
    Has anybody explicitly denied that it's a show for little girls? Regardless, while it IS a show for little girls, its creators strove to make it entertaining for adults as well. The Hub's ratings SUCK, but they are doing very well in CO-VIEWING. Do you know what that means? It means that children and adults are watching the shows TOGETHER. The Hub had the highest co-viewing ratings shortly after it premiered.
    >> Stahi !!mFBMowYoeH5 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969618
         File1296157949.jpg-(94 KB, 737x358, 1295896790439.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969626
    >Pony filtth

    If I had to choose between the two, I...Would choose ponies because their fanbase isn't as autistic as sonic fanbase.

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:52 No.22969629
         File1296157971.png-(375 KB, 1580x919, Gandalf, Trixie and the fi(...).png)
    375 KB
    Somebody requested more Gandalf and Trixie, so I deliver.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:53 No.22969635

    I don't think you have a right to judge ponyfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:53 No.22969637

    You seem to be confusing "the hobbit" with middle earth. The Silmarillion, came before any of it, though it was published last. (because it was published after his death, tolkien never considered it finished)

    You do not write bloody, incest laden tragedies based on old nordic epics for your children.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:53 No.22969638

    The classic example that everybody brings up is why don't the eagles just fly the ring to Mordor.

    I know, I know. The eagles are really sort of special angels that swore an oath not to interfere directly in the affairs of mortals. Except that's a lame ass excuse that Tolkien, and more to the point his followers, use time and time again. It's a lame excuse.

    They do it with Gandalf over and over again. In some cases he's a bumbling old magician, in others he's as broke as fuck. So what to do when his brokenness becomes a problem? Oh, just kill him off and then bring him back again later. Seriously, Tolkien wrote Gandalf in just the same way in the Hobbit when he was rushed off to fight the "Necromancer" and then brought him back again right when the character was useful.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:53 No.22969649
    It's backwards for me
    I like her artsyle, but I hate Mocha
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:54 No.22969665
    Not the person claiming Tolkien sucks but consider reading this :
    For inconsistencies
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:55 No.22969681

    Oh, thanks, I'm liking this just a little bit too much. I'm so glad that I'm anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:55 No.22969696

    LOTR was fleshed out ad hoc from the children's book he had written earlier. All that Tom Bombadil weirdness, the trolls that had turned into stone, the entire character of Gollum, Sauron was really the Necromancer the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:55 No.22969698
         File1296158146.jpg-(239 KB, 1000x437, comic 17.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:55 No.22969702
    >Author estabilishes rules for their magical beings
    >"Lame Excuses"

    If it wasn't something already estabilished in the books I would agree it is a lame excuse. But that thing happened not by accident. The author explained why the Eagles behave like they do.

    I could be an ass and select anything from your favorite show, pick a "inconsistency" that is estabilished in the plot and call it BULLSHIT and prance about talking how your show has logical errors.

    That would be stupid though.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:56 No.22969711
    love fucking your tight pony ass huh furfags
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:56 No.22969716
    >Has anybody explicitly denied that it's a show for little girls?

    Yes. Lauren Faust has when she said she intended for everybody to be able to enjoy the show. The intended audience is people. IT'S PEOPLE.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:56 No.22969717
    >rather masturbate to a pink cartoon pony than actually go out and get laid.
    >rather masturbate to a kawaii animu lolis than actually go out and get laid.
    >rather masturbate to a video game character than actually go out and get laid.
    >implying people like this can even get laid in the first place

    >t's the fucking manchildren who insist that it's not a show for five year old girls
    This shit happens with EVERY fanbase for anything that's for "everyone" and honestly who ever gave a shit about what man children thought?

    >who show up to McDonalds just to get a toy to complete their collection

    that's just people embarrasing themselves over plastic, which we actually have a board for it's called /toy/.

    Those kind of people existing long before MLP, stop acting like it's unique and you're getting buttmad at it for a reason, other than you're seeing it all the time and you aren't mature enough to ignore it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:56 No.22969719
    This argument is fucking retarded.

    Yeah, the Hobbit was developed from stories Tolkien's kids liked, sure. But it was also well-written fantasy story, and I don't know anyone who's actually read the damn thing younger than 12. Lord of the Rings was much more mature in tone, and instead of a funny midget and his friends looking for treasure, it was about a Satan expy trying to get back his power so he could enslave the world and become a God, and the small band of heroes who fought against him, trying to destroy his ring of power while overcoming their own obstacles. The Lord of the Rings is not a fucking kid's story at all, and you are fucking insane if you think it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:56 No.22969726
    >The classic example that everybody brings up is why don't the eagles just fly the ring to Mordor.

    The Ring Wraiths could just fuck them up?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:57 No.22969727
         File1296158223.png-(Spoiler Image, 193 KB, 475x335, RoseDust.png)
    Spoiler Image, 193 KB
    Flutter Ponies scare me.
    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)14:57 No.22969732
    Can't please everyone!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:57 No.22969739

    I'm not saying Tolkien sucks, I'm just saying his fantasy world has all kinds of inconsistencies, which is exactly what people should expect from fantasy worlds developed in such a manner.

    Even Tolkien himself got upset at people taking his shit so seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:57 No.22969740
         File1296158246.jpg-(53 KB, 600x450, A-Log-TV--f247851.jpg)
    53 KB
    this is what people see when you faggots talk about ponies
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:57 No.22969748
    I think the better one is that Eagles are egotistical assholes, which the One Ring can easily take control of

    also they seem to like showing up last second
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:58 No.22969757
    can we all just stop using the word autistic when nobody on 4chan knows what the signs and symptoms of autism are? I'm all for using debilitating diseases as an insult but shit, at least use them im appropriate situations.

    Also yes the sonic fanbase is horrible, but only because they're so fucking unoriginal.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:58 No.22969774
         File1296158330.png-(136 KB, 642x813, Trixie babby.png)
    136 KB

    Original requester reporting in.

    Wow man, I never thought I'd see Snips & Snails used in a manner I thought was fitting. I normally cannot stand either of them. Very good job bro, they all look excellent, especially Gandalf. Here's hoping you continue to bring forth more glorious Gandalf & Trixie in the future. They make a great team!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:59 No.22969777
    Hasbro trumps Lauren Faust. Sorry. I love the show, but this is a losing battle. If Lauren Faust is the general, Hasbro is the Commander-In-Chief. Lauren came come up with the strategies, but she can't pick the wars.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:59 No.22969779
         File1296158352.jpg-(17 KB, 472x321, Rainbow Scat.jpg)
    17 KB

    Quote of the years, all years
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:59 No.22969784

    Also a common lame excuse. Why don't the more powerful characters help Frodo? Oh, because they're too powerful. If you're coming up with lame excuses for problems with the plot, you're thinking about it too hard and should just go back to enjoying it for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)14:59 No.22969786
    And yet, it has very few things that young boys can enjoy, as well young adult males.

    I don't want to rain on your parade, it's obviosly they did the show for the girls and their entire family, but that means her and her parents.

    And there is nothing wrong with that bro. But it's no accident it's pinky ponies, if you understand where I am going.

    Every product of design needs a focus group. If you try to hit everbody, you will reach no one, or reach different groups, but not in the high numbers you wished to make it profitable. Now, this show is doing well with little girls and their parents. Just as planned.
    >> /v/aliant /co/mrade !0gEh9TdDbQ 01/27/11(Thu)15:00 No.22969817
    master troll
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:01 No.22969833
    You mean, Aragorn, Gandalf and the others? The ones fighting a war to save mankind?

    They are kinda busy protecting the world for Frodo's return. If they just all marched to Mordor they wouldn't have homes to return.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:01 No.22969834

    >implying Hasbro doesn't love it that this show is getting adult attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:01 No.22969848

    I think it's less about the art style and more about her turning into an attention whore with her OC that's getting me.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:01 No.22969850

    Again, more excuses.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:02 No.22969865
         File1296158550.jpg-(129 KB, 671x500, pinkie meets spiderman.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:02 No.22969868
    if you furfags dont stop I will raid every thread you have with bat pics
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:03 No.22969880
    Oh hey, only a few more posts until a new thread for no real reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:03 No.22969890
         File1296158612.gif-(346 KB, 215x240, 1295822019299.gif)
    346 KB
    what the fuck does any of this Tolkien shit have to do with ponies?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:03 No.22969891
    Smaug was shot down by a single arrow. A god damn dragon got killed by a human archer.

    Now, how do you think eagles carrying armored guys and rations would fare against Sauron's entire force? The entire reason the fellowship had to form was for the sake of stealth. If they'd led all the five armies into mordor they'd have still gotten stomped.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:03 No.22969892
    This thread is full of trolling bullshit and pointless arguing.

    Can't we just talk about ponies?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:03 No.22969893
    Well, for a more practical reason as to why the Eagles don't fly to Mordor, how about that gigantic eagles are easy to spot?. The entire mission revolves around stealth and concealment. If Sauron had looked into the sky and seen an eagle going balls out for Mt. Doom, he would have A) stationed a shitload of orcs on the thing with bows and B) sent the Nine on their FLYING dragon things.
    Also, Gandalf is an angel meant to help the races get their shit together enough to fix things themselves. He can help out with strategy, tactics, negotiation, and some low tier magical support, but he's not been allowed to use enough power to take on Sauron hand to hand or something. He could fight the Balrog with his full ability because a Balrog is impossible to take on without powerful magic.
    Gandalf also likes to go around acting like an old bumbling man because people underestimate him that way. If he walked around telling people to follow his orders because he is a messenger of the gods, people would hate him.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:03 No.22969896

    LOTR is remarkably inconsistent in its tone. It starts out just like the Hobbit. Starts to get a little dark, suddenly there's this Tom Bombadil crap. Then back to some darkness. And so on. It's a good book, but far from perfect.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:04 No.22969899

    Thanks! I fixed Gandalf's face a little, it was a mess.

    Also, I drew that baby Trixie pic too
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:04 No.22969904

    You're only proving my point.
    >> Mr Hate 01/27/11(Thu)15:04 No.22969908
    They are so desperate for new threads, and how much bullshit can you build with this pink shit? PINK JEW SHIT THAN ONLY NAZIS LIKE!
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)15:04 No.22969909
         File1296158683.jpg-(33 KB, 563x555, 1295815782541.jpg)
    33 KB
    we only have the one thread, which is this one
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:04 No.22969915
         File1296158695.gif-(173 KB, 350x197, 400.gif)
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    ...i mean, maybe we can discuss Bill the pony, but otherwise...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969918
    Great read.

    It shows one inconsistency that is debatable anyway and even the counter points the author raises led to speculation of his own part.

    So yeah, Tolkien admits his book is not perfect. And he tried to create a interesting world that was plausible.

    Did he suceed? Even with the problems?

    To me he did. It's not perfect, but his method was right and is still studied today.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969920
         File1296158701.png-(379 KB, 1580x919, Gandalf, Trixie and the fi(...).png)
    379 KB

    Oops, forgot the picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969930
         File1296158717.png-(71 KB, 320x320, drawing dicks is so manly.png)
    71 KB
    >I can;t act like an adult and ignore stuff I don't like
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969936
         File1296158725.jpg-(285 KB, 1334x304, Gandalf and Trixie fireworks.jpg)
    285 KB

    Awwwwwwwww yeah! That picture is sweet dude! Could you draw one of Trixie and Gandalf sitting together having tea and cheese in a little Hobbit house please? Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969939
    I love you Mocha!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969940

    But a giant badass dragon being shot down by an arrow is just another inconsistency.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969947
    No new Lord of the Ponies general until the image limit is reached.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:05 No.22969948
    Only if those adults are buying toys, and despite the obsession on /co/, I doubt that many of the bronies actually are. It's a small percentage. When push comes to shove, Hasbro's goal is to shove ponies down the throats of little girls. Even if those ponies barely resemble their cartoon counterparts.

    I enjoy the series. It's not the greatest thing ever, but it's far from the worse. I wish it took itself a bit more seriously, but the same could be said for a lot of shows.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:06 No.22969960
    I'm not sure what you mean by "why didn't the more powerful characters help Frodo"

    Frodo ran off by himself after Boromir tried to take the Ring, and Sam followed him. No one knew where the hell Frodo was between Boromir's death and the end of Return of the King.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:06 No.22969964
    WTF was up with tom bombadil anyway. That seemed absolutely pointless. Is it the tolkein version of jar jar or what?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:06 No.22969971
    /v/ people report video games. your argument is invalid
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:06 No.22969972
         File1296158818.jpg-(36 KB, 600x667, derpysad.jpg)
    36 KB
    Your lack of derpy is disgusting
    >> Mr Hate 01/27/11(Thu)15:07 No.22969986
    Lauren Faust was elected Miss KKK in Alabama in 1923, how do you explain that, ponyfuckers?
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)15:07 No.22969993
         File1296158875.jpg-(77 KB, 825x750, lakeofderpy-(n1295131509781).jpg)
    77 KB
    better now?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:08 No.22969997

    Tom Bombadil was one of those characters Tolkien made up to entertain his kids. He inserted him into the novel, and really stands out like a sore thumb. A classic example of the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:08 No.22969998
         File1296158893.png-(103 KB, 360x280, Dinky.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:08 No.22970010
    The intended demographic for the FRANCHISE is little girls. They're the ones who buy the toys. The SHOW is for everyone, because parents have to sit through it too regardless and Lauren AND HASBRO decided not to make it a completely miserable experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:08 No.22970012
    Are you really this dense?

    The ring had to be kept a secret. If you start getting all the powerful beings to help Frodo, they would be tempted to take the ring for themselves. The ring itself would convince them to take it from Frodo. And probably the more powerful they were, the more corruptable by the ring's influence they were.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:09 No.22970020
    Hasbro makes games as well
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)15:09 No.22970023
    she wasn't born then? bit hard to be something before you exist
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:09 No.22970024
         File1296158968.png-(17 KB, 241x230, 1295661582876.png)
    17 KB
    >bat pics
    HAHA are you serious bro? Fucking new /b/ kids man.
    I'm calling you out son. I'm also callin you a under aged shit stain. You know what else?. You can't do anything about it. The only reason i come to pony threads these days is to antagonize all other trolls with samefag and play devils advocate.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:09 No.22970026

    The hobbits needed to get epics from somewhere, didn't they?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:09 No.22970029
    I can't explain it, but that does explain why there are no black ponies. Which in turn explains why equestria is such an unbridled paradise.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:09 No.22970034
         File1296158995.jpg-(71 KB, 238x280, luna_youlying.jpg)
    71 KB

    You are coming up with lame problems that aren't actually problems.

    >Why don't the more powerful characters help Frodo?

    They did. Gandalf did, and died. Hes a Maiar, one of the most powerful beings in middle earth. Elrond is tied down with the orcs in the west, as are the rulers of Lothlorien. They also tried thousands of years previously, when they fought in the armies of the last alliance and failed to destroy the ring. If you had actually read the stories, you'd know that these "super powerful" elf guys were busy wrecking the fortress in Mirkwood, Dol Goldur. Celeborn himself led the assault on it. See the "Battle Under the Trees"

    The Dwarves were besieged by the Easterlings, they could send no aid. This was not a inconsistency, this was Sauron's fucking plan, divide and conquer. By tying the distinct races down fighting for their own lives, nobody would able to aid each other when the first real strike came at Gondor. This was Sauruman's job with Rohan, tie them down and prevent them from coming to Gondor's aide. You seem to forget that the quest for mount doom took place in the middle of THE WAR OF THE RING and most of these "super powerful guys" were the respective leaders of their factions.

    Just because you suck and understanding whats going on in a story, or do not read all of it, doesn't mean its full of inconsistencies/
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:10 No.22970043
    Your point being what exactly?
    Because you claimed that LOTR was "riddled with inconsistencies and plot errors."
    I asked you to provide specific examples, then when you provided one or two, I explained why they are not plot holes or inconsistencies.
    This somehow "proves you point?"
    LOTR is not a perfect series. It does have some plot errors and problems (TOM FUCKING BOMBADIL). But to say that the series is "riddled" with problems is just incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:10 No.22970048
    sure is samefagging troll in here. because, ya know, trolling is gonna stop these threads. oh and autism is a terrible disease isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:10 No.22970054
         File1296159042.png-(664 KB, 800x600, derpy complete global derpific(...).png)
    664 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:11 No.22970062
    Saw this comic while at work today, coffee went everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:12 No.22970084

    Elrond, Galadriel, Glorfindel, Radagast are all epic demigods that pass at the chance to really help Frodo. Why? Because of the MacGuffin about the ring being too corrupting.

    That's all a contrivance because Tolkien wanted humble, meek little Frodo to be the one to do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:12 No.22970089
         File1296159138.png-(193 KB, 640x360, Enraptured Pinkie.png)
    193 KB

    >Also, I drew that baby Trixie pic too

    Seriously? That's one of my favorites! Interested in making any more baby Trixie sometime? She's really adorable and more Trixie love is always appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:12 No.22970102
    >They did. Gandalf did, and died. Hes a Maiar, one of the most powerful beings in middle earth

    You can't expect everyone to have read the silmarillion, it's less a book than a fucking chore.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:13 No.22970112

    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:13 No.22970114
    I love watching fags who think they're really smart try to criticize works they don't understand and get raped.
    >> that blue fox 01/27/11(Thu)15:13 No.22970127
         File1296159218.png-(146 KB, 1000x1200, fluttershy PSG.png)
    146 KB
    why all the hate? D:

    anyways, I finished the Fluttershy PSG pic.
    here you go
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:14 No.22970139
         File1296159254.jpg-(94 KB, 500x315, pinkieproblem.jpg)
    94 KB
    We Need Some Kind Of "Trolls Trolling Trolls" Pony Picture
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:14 No.22970148
    >/co/ - Ponies and Lord of the Rings
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:14 No.22970151
    NOW the shoulders look better :)
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:15 No.22970172

    Gandalf sort of helps Frodo (and Bilbo) occasionally, even though he's not really supposed to (according to the same reason the eagles weren't really supposed to help), and when it looks like Gandalf is going to be too much help, Tolkien dispatches him before bringing him back.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:16 No.22970179
    >read faq
    that actually clears some things up, but most of the people commenting on your stuff were probably trolls anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:16 No.22970189
    Seriously. You want to criticize tolkein, point out how the guy was just a terrible writer, how his books read less like fiction and more like history text, his liberal use of purple prose, and, of course, TOM GODDAMN BOMBADILLO.

    Tolkein's world is amazing. The books themselves are not. I think the peter jackson films, despite their myriad flaws, actually managed to breathe life into a story that fell totally flat the first time around. Also the video games that came after were pretty sweet too.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:18 No.22970224

    If I wanted to criticize Tolkien's writing, I'd post that Michael Moorcock essay. It's devastating, and even more so because it's so damn true.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:20 No.22970268
         File1296159625.jpg-(100 KB, 700x700, pinkie bites dash's ear, a(...).jpg)
    100 KB
    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)15:21 No.22970282
    Aw, I love you too random stranger.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:21 No.22970296
         File1296159710.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1053x1409, Demon sister wincest.jpg)
    1.17 MB

    Am I a bad person for picturing Scanty & Kneesocks walking in and affectionately fondling and kissing Fluttershy in this picture?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:22 No.22970299
    ITT people who treat sci-fi/fantasy seriously

    There's a reason they're looked down upon in literary circles.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:22 No.22970312
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:23 No.22970334
    everybody loves you mocha. goddamn everyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:24 No.22970342
         File1296159858.png-(529 KB, 967x845, Crossette.png)
    529 KB

    I second these motions.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:24 No.22970351
    you're a very terrible person for that. you fucking monster.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:25 No.22970356
         File1296159900.png-(79 KB, 318x312, dash laugh.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:25 No.22970364
         File1296159920.png-(78 KB, 495x514, Rainy Day3.png)
    78 KB


    Yeah I second this, your art of Rainy Day is really good. I want to see Mocha giving Rainy Day a kiss, then Rainy Day smiles.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:25 No.22970373

    Its like you didn't even read it. Gandalf helped so little he helped so little to death. Hes one of the most powerful creatures in middle earth at the time of the story, directly assisting the protagonist. Hes the only reason that the hobbits could go anywhere, especially places like Minas Tirith, and be taken seriously. Or enter Lothlorien without be skewered by the sentinels. Or you know, actually knowing wtf is going on. The hobbits certainly didn't. Prior to the start of the quest he had spent centuries preparing for the return of Sauron and was DIRECTLY interfering. He had the fucking Ring of Fire, Narya, and was using its power to aid him in his purpose. He was a busy wizard.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:26 No.22970386
    This is wrong in so many ways.
    The gods don't like helping the people of Middle Earth do things they should be able to take care of themselves because the last time they intervened directly, an enormous realm where many elves lived, Beleriand, was suck beneath the waves. So now, instead of possibly destroying the rest of the continent, the gods send the nine wizards to help out people who need it. The wizard's job is not to do everything for the Free People's, it is to make sure that they have the ability to help themselves.
    Specifically, in dealing with Sauron, Gandalf and the other wizards can't show up to Mordor and have a duel. Gandalf is only allowed to use his real powers to counterbalance powerful evil magical creatures against whom the peoples of Middle Earth would have had no chance against otherwise. The Balrog is a good example of this. The Balrog is powerful enough to be able to wipe out Gondor basically by itself. So Gandalf goes full power and kill him.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:27 No.22970412
    Can the LotRfags kindly leave this thread and discuss this in /lit/?

    You're shitting up this thread supremely.
    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)15:27 No.22970421
    Holy shit rocket pony. That's awesome. I hope to draw that some day but I will need a color reference. And thanks! AND DARN IT I WILL FINISH THE RAINY DAY PICTURE SHEESH.

    Joy! The love is back! I must get everyone drinks!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:28 No.22970430
         File1296160096.jpg-(118 KB, 600x600, Trixie Luna.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:28 No.22970438
         File1296160119.jpg-(31 KB, 423x417, we pony now.jpg)
    31 KB
    This is my favorite MLP image.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:29 No.22970448
    >Implying it's possible for a MLP thread to not be shit

    If anything the LotR debate is improving it.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:29 No.22970453

    That's the only image of Crossette so far, don't know where the original artist is to ask for the color scheme.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:29 No.22970457
         File1296160172.png-(17 KB, 300x250, pinkie chewing dash ear.png)
    17 KB
    nyum~ general?
    >> Stahi !!mFBMowYoeH5 01/27/11(Thu)15:29 No.22970462

    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)15:29 No.22970466
    That does sound awfully cute. I just might.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:30 No.22970475

    Oh it is on.

    Come at me bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:30 No.22970477
    will it be a Mocha?
    >> A draw/writefag !2tM9jQ2u0A 01/27/11(Thu)15:30 No.22970479
    now i want to make a fic
    where this pony is constantly ridiculed in town
    and then has a flash of genius
    and invents the de levau nozzle
    and flies a rocket miles into the sky, beyond any pegasus pony
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:30 No.22970481
         File1296160240.png-(21 KB, 166x156, derpytongue.png)
    21 KB
    suddenly, derpy!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:30 No.22970492

    Draw the entire cast of LOTR as ponies. Including and especially Sauron.
    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)15:31 No.22970499
    This makes me awfully sad now. THEY MUST COME BACK!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:31 No.22970512
         File1296160312.png-(174 KB, 1438x594, Alien_Derpy.png)
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    >> MochaDelight !!vm1NmvQjeWD 01/27/11(Thu)15:32 No.22970524
    Only if you want it to be. tsk tsk.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:32 No.22970527
    >Draw the entire cast of LOTR as ponies.
    Mite b cool.

    >Including and especially Sauron.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:32 No.22970529
         File1296160345.jpg-(184 KB, 600x586, I can hold them.jpg)
    184 KB
    Lord of the Rings chat in MY Little Pony thread? I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:32 No.22970531
         File1296160348.jpg-(14 KB, 300x196, Aragorn_by_Barkingmadd_by_cust(...).jpg)
    14 KB
    already done
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)15:32 No.22970537
    I'll be getting the new General ready soon, might be the last one made by me today, will be moving the General image over too.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:33 No.22970557
         File1296160406.png-(111 KB, 774x506, derpy cloydes date.png)
    111 KB
    Fuck yeah derpy
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:34 No.22970575
    Not really, I'm not a troll and I still don't like this thing because the guy obviously takes his shit way too seriously.
    You probably missed the part when he was named "Dino-Fag", posted dinosaur fanart, and pleaded the blog brony to update his fic.
    I admit he's toned down a bit, but still.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:35 No.22970584
         File1296160527.jpg-(238 KB, 600x845, enhanced-buzz-11224-1279040543(...).jpg)
    238 KB
    this one's better
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:35 No.22970597
    Flashback sequence in the movie shows Sauron as a giant human wearing armor. He is also given an actual description in the silmarillion. Though giant flaming eye pony is an interesting idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:36 No.22970600
    >implying Celestia isn't already a version of Sauron
    >> Limes Johnson !!ejgz7XNpw0M 01/27/11(Thu)15:36 No.22970606
         File1296160577.jpg-(47 KB, 450x600, 1285216410798.jpg)
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    Hey man limes are serious business.
    >> that blue fox 01/27/11(Thu)15:36 No.22970621
    so, any art requests?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:37 No.22970631

    I remembered that after posting. But I do want to see the eye.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:37 No.22970634

    Trixie kissing her reflection in the mirror please.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:38 No.22970636
         File1296160680.jpg-(121 KB, 662x807, 1271117099684.jpg)
    121 KB
    >october sky theme
    oh god....don't make me.....don't make me cry at 8 in the morning....
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:38 No.22970646
    Rainbow Dash and Pinkie in Panty & stocking stile

    kissing or holding
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:38 No.22970648
    Rainbow dash in a dogfight with the Shadowbolts
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:39 No.22970663
    Pinkie Pie, a parasprite and Coop from Megas XLR having a baked goods eating contest,
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:39 No.22970673
    >posted dinosaur fanart
    >his fic is about dinosaurs
    i don't see the problem here
    >> Jimbo 01/27/11(Thu)15:39 No.22970682
    Wow, daytime threads really ARE shit! Dayum. Kudos to everyone trying to keep up the good fight.
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/27/11(Thu)15:40 No.22970692
    New General

    Please keep it nice this time
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:40 No.22970695
    addendum, Rainbow Dash performing a Slit S maneuver
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:41 No.22970714
    Ugh people request something original. We have like 5 different variations of those subjects you requested.
    >> A draw/writefag !2tM9jQ2u0A 01/27/11(Thu)15:42 No.22970737
    get used to it brother, that's all you'll get until the drought ends
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:43 No.22970750
    >On a pony thread.
    No problem?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:43 No.22970768
    Panty & stocking style?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:44 No.22970785
    Anyone have the pony template?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:46 No.22970812
    that's a good point but i guess he's trying to make it so they're more related to ponies or something?

    if you're listening dinofag, draw them with the main cast so we know what the fuck you're doing
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:47 No.22970836
    Coming soon: A Fapfic starring THE One and only


    The Quest for Candy Vag!

    Dash is hungry for delicious candy vag. She won't settle until she's tasted every one of her friends!

    In stores as soon as I get off my ass and get to writing it
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:48 No.22970854
         File1296161323.png-(125 KB, 560x521, 1296088285026.png)
    125 KB

    Forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:48 No.22970855

    >as soon as I get off my ass and get to writing it

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:52 No.22970931
    Someone wrote a fic based on an image
    "Your candyvag is mine, Twilight, you can't win"
    "I will fight"
    "You won't win, because you DON'T want to win"

    Also, everyone's in here, if someone missed it

    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:52 No.22970934
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)15:53 No.22970961

    It already sounds like shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)16:15 No.22971468

    i am. some one got ahead of me and colored.

    im tracing it though.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)16:30 No.22971820
    Ponies are awesome!

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