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  • File : 1296025330.png-(21 KB, 220x225, Mlpgeneral.png)
    21 KB Pony General Taco Wiz 01/26/11(Wed)02:02 No.22932494  
    Anybody got the entire poorly-written storybook? What I've seen of it is lulzy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:04 No.22932525
         File1296025450.gif-(1.13 MB, 265x152, TOGOEVENFURTHERBEYOND.gif)
    1.13 MB
    >> Yaridovich 01/26/11(Wed)02:04 No.22932539
         File1296025490.png-(Spoiler Image, 220 KB, 700x452, visible Big Mac 3.png)
    Spoiler Image, 220 KB
    Nope, but have this.
    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 01/26/11(Wed)02:04 No.22932540
         File1296025493.png-(2.45 MB, 2061x4800, 1295716289886.png)
    2.45 MB
    You mean this?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:05 No.22932549
    The storybook is not consistently funny. Mostly it's just boring. The thing was clearly assembled out of an incomplete synopsis of the first two episodes plus some static clip art. Enjoy seeing the EXACT SAME image of Pinkie Pie for almost the entire book until they finally add like two variants near the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:05 No.22932554
         File1296025532.jpg-(34 KB, 447x378, Rarity poses question.jpg)
    34 KB
    is this the real goddamn general? because the thread finder says there isn't one at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:06 No.22932565
         File1296025583.jpg-(12 KB, 205x254, bronies_represent-(n1295756769(...).jpg)
    12 KB
    It is not for Women anymore...
    >> Taco Wiz 01/26/11(Wed)02:06 No.22932568
    I mean the one that came with the "gift set".

    The one that has Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle insulting Twilight for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:07 No.22932590
         File1296025637.png-(125 KB, 278x345, Rarity Happy As Could Be.png)
    125 KB

    it's the real deal, fabulous~
    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 01/26/11(Wed)02:08 No.22932612
         File1296025728.png-(156 KB, 640x360, IMG_2413.png)
    156 KB
    It pointed ME here, so I'm assuming so. Unless the image got hijacked. I'm not familiar with Taco Wiz, so I'm running on trust here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:09 No.22932617
         File1296025743.png-(459 KB, 640x360, carrot_cake_daughter.png)
    459 KB
    No, that story is pretty adorable. It really could be fleshed out into an episode with minimal adjustments. OP is talking about the crappy book that comes with the gift set of pony toys with sculpted plastic hair.

    Also, I just noticed this today: Carrot Cake shows up at the party in Call of the Cutie alongside a young pegasus pony who is presumably her daughter. So I guess this means she's married to a pegasus?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:09 No.22932622
    Glad to see there's a general again. I was getting anxious without my ponies.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:11 No.22932655
    Well isn't that nice their playing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:12 No.22932674

    Well, they look nothing alike. Obviously she could take after the father, and there isn't exactly a resemblance among any of the Apple siblings, but still. It could just be she's bringing a young pony friend to the party for fun. Apple Bloom certainly hangs out with the main gang enough that its possible other fillies hang with their elders.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:13 No.22932715
    I bought the gift set today, finally, so I've got the storybook. Scanning it would be a PITA, though, as it is really quite a dull and inaccurate retelling of episodes 1 and 2.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:14 No.22932721
    I need to see this.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:15 No.22932744
    #3? Is there a #2?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:17 No.22932773
         File1296026238.jpg-(233 KB, 1350x500, dprarity.jpg)
    233 KB
    So I settled on Rarity. Gonna tighten up the pencils, ink, and then paint.

    The last good suggestion I had for text was Deadpool saying "Ignore the Neigh-sayers." But I'm open to any others.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)02:18 No.22932792
    Oh hey it was fixed this is much be--*sees Applebloom staring*--AAAUUUGHHH
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:18 No.22932796
    Is this the new general, then? I have a fic I wish to start dumping.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:19 No.22932809

    My body is ready.
    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 01/26/11(Wed)02:20 No.22932819
         File1296026434.jpg-(35 KB, 600x338, ponythread.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:20 No.22932823
    You should just scan inaccurately drawn Twilight and Derpy Applejack.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:21 No.22932831
    That storybook is almost the most perfect and flawless example of why the toy division and the creative division should not be two separate entities.

    Must be fun making up an entire toy line off some clip art and bullet points. Those poor third-world bastards...
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)02:22 No.22932837
         File1296026534.png-(222 KB, 707x471, reaction.png)
    222 KB
    anything but what Wes fucking Craven posted earlier
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:22 No.22932842
         File1296026551.png-(53 KB, 699x593, trixiesadficorigin1.png)
    53 KB

    This is a combo sadfic/heartwarmingfic (not sure of term, but one that would give you the warm fuzzies) combining the origin of Trixie (as suggested initially by... Pacce, I want to say, and shamelessly stolen and expanded by me) and a more feel-good present-day story.

    May I present: okay, I don't have a name for it, so, uhhhh... Great and Powerful okay, fuck, that sucks ass, please someone suggest something better
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:23 No.22932853
         File1296026590.jpg-(23 KB, 516x323, toon_1176471294665_to_11721382(...).jpg)
    23 KB
    It's not Friday! My body's not- hwargb
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:23 No.22932857
         File1296026593.png-(80 KB, 699x887, trixiesadficorigin2.png)
    80 KB

    Part 2: The origin.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:23 No.22932859
    Yeah, I thought about scanning OMGURFACE Twilight after I posted that, but I've got a new computer and I'm having to set up my scanner, so it's gonna take a bit while the drivers are being whiny.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:23 No.22932862
    For three or four days in a row (near the full moon!) I woke up thinking about Ponies. Maybe I'll dream about them tonight.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:23 No.22932873
         File1296026638.png-(17 KB, 665x155, trixiesadficoriginfirstparagra(...).png)
    17 KB
    annnnnd the first paragraph of part 3.

    I learned my lesson from the Dash sadfic. I'm taking my sweet time with this one.

    This is just so the ending of part 2 makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:24 No.22932883
    I've been trying to teach myself to lucid dream.. I'm getting closer. If I get this to work, pony dreams every night for the rest of my life. U jelly?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:25 No.22932885
         File1296026708.png-(540 KB, 487x487, twilight-ohnoiamfallingtomydoo(...).png)
    540 KB
    Dunno. I think it's archived but I'm not sure.

    This is all I have.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:26 No.22932905
         File1296026788.jpg-(190 KB, 1279x761, CO orders ponies.jpg)
    190 KB
    Someone wanted a comic about /co/ going to McDonalds, and here you go.

    I found that it's quite liberating when you don't really care about drawing "right". No real details, just focus on expressions. And the generic toon drawing style helps.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:26 No.22932920
    Pensivepine scanned the storybook some time ago.
    >> Arcanum 01/26/11(Wed)02:31 No.22932980
         File1296027063.png-(84 KB, 1024x600, ponythreadthat'sgeneral1.png)
    84 KB
    'Sup bronies. I'm not a very good writefag, but I decided to share with you... A Pony Thread That's General!
    >> Arcanum 01/26/11(Wed)02:31 No.22932998
         File1296027115.png-(87 KB, 1024x600, ponythreadthat'sgeneral2.png)
    87 KB

    Don't hate me...
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:32 No.22933005
         File1296027138.jpg-(7 KB, 184x184, 208f0b509780439f01554777bc4a84(...).jpg)
    7 KB

    Okay. That's it so far. Kinda depressing atm, actually....

    >> Arcanum 01/26/11(Wed)02:32 No.22933020
         File1296027170.png-(59 KB, 1024x600, ponythreadthat'sgeneral3.png)
    59 KB

    ...And finished. I'm sorry if the rhyming scheme is a bit off- I had to stretch it a bit to make some of the pieces work...
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:34 No.22933045
         File1296027257.gif-(460 KB, 200x200, 1295916313325.gif)
    460 KB

    I probably should post my fics sometime that there are actually people to read 'em...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:35 No.22933062
    Not sad enough
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:36 No.22933101
    I was sadder when i was eating lunch alone today than when i read your fic.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:37 No.22933109
    I'm gonna have to ask you to go against type and make a happy pony story. Sad fics and fapfics have numbed us. I'm sorry.

    In consolation, is there anything you want drawn?
    >> TX2 01/26/11(Wed)02:38 No.22933121
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:38 No.22933122

    I'm not trying to make it a BAAWWWWfic. I'm just trying to establish sympathy for Trixie as a character, which will make the later parts (the heartwarming parts) better.

    Or so it went in my head.

    I know my name, but I don't have to try to make EVERY fic I write a depressing one.
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 01/26/11(Wed)02:38 No.22933129
         File1296027510.png-(250 KB, 1119x623, 1294961146298.png)
    250 KB

    I'm here, I'm just honestly not interested in Trixie fics.

    Also, posting some of my art for a bronie who asked.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:38 No.22933132
    I went out and got those today im glad cause now i dont feel the need to buy the ones from toys r us so i saved money in the end
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:39 No.22933145



    Or, shit, even


    >heartwarmingfic (not sure of term, but one that would give you the warm fuzzies)
    >a more feel-good present-day story.
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 01/26/11(Wed)02:39 No.22933151
         File1296027575.png-(600 KB, 1307x1782, 1294062871054.png)
    600 KB
    Only two things am I posting because nobody wants to see me flood the place with my crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:39 No.22933156

    I felt the ending was strong, but the events leading up to it were fairly weak.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:39 No.22933159
    >implying fapfics are not happy pony stories
    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 01/26/11(Wed)02:40 No.22933162
         File1296027611.png-(115 KB, 308x324, 1295678816359.png)
    115 KB
    Gonna read in a few, last real post for the night, gonna be on ipod from here on.

    Also, I appreciate the Trixie love. :3
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:40 No.22933175

    >> Taco Wiz 01/26/11(Wed)02:41 No.22933180
         File1296027672.png-(2.35 MB, 1600x816, mlpfim_book01.png)
    2.35 MB
    Thank you so much!

    Now, let's begin the analysis.

    1. Why are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in Canterlot?
    2. Why are they asking an adult pony to hang out with them?
    3. Why are they JUDGING an adult pony?
    4. Did they just throw together some stock images for this? That would explain questions 1-3.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)02:41 No.22933185
    Here's an interesting /r/ I hope is fulfilled, Could somepony provide me with an official Map of Equestria (including Everfree Forest) if such a thing exists?
    cpatcha: Peronist I pods
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:41 No.22933188
    I couldn't sleep.
    So I made you this- a shiny new pony name generator.

    It needs testing a bit, I was wondering if you might like to try it out? at least half of the names are from actual ponies, broken down to fit into their retarded little generator script.
    sidenote: hey, if anyone knows where/how to make a random generator that doesn't rely entirely on entered text I'd be much obliged if you pointed me in that direction.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 01/26/11(Wed)02:42 No.22933202
    Holy Shit, this is a whole new thread!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:42 No.22933205
         File1296027768.jpg-(86 KB, 640x360, 1293401045430.jpg)
    86 KB
    Love it.

    Brony who has been doing the AJ-family fic that is far too wordy and has various writing problems here. I've been working with correcting those errors in this current chapter I've been working on. Unfortunately, I've reached a creative stump at this point in time, unsure of which plot idea I want to tackle first.

    It doesn't matter which happens first; they'll all lead to the same place. But what do you want to see first, bronies?

    1. Interaction between Spike and Apple Bloom.
    2. Applejack's descent into madness.
    3. How Big Mac deals with his family.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:43 No.22933217
    None exists, but some /co/lts are making a map from what we have. For all intents and purposes, just ask /tg/ for a map, relabel some places, and Shazam.

    Let us know next time. I had a whole response typed up, but that post ended them for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:44 No.22933242
    >3. Why are they JUDGING an adult pony?

    MLP protaganists are not adults.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)02:46 No.22933258

    sorry, I thought I had >implied that.

    But if you're already finding the first part weak...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:46 No.22933259
    What is it about FiM that inspires such horrors? I've been a denizen of /tg/ for a long time, but these stories are actually getting to me.


    They're old enough to have some important jobs and duties. I'd say mid-twenties for most of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:46 No.22933262

    >live alone, have jobs and responsibilities, finished pony school
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:47 No.22933274

    What? Applejack owns an entire farm, Rarity has an entire fashion boutique and Rainbow Dash runs the entire Weather Control team. They may not be middle age, but they must be adults. Early to mid twenties tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:47 No.22933281
         File1296028065.png-(174 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2011-01-26-08h46m57s20(...).png)
    174 KB
    Same reason Lyra was.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:47 No.22933284

    They are as old as spongebob.
    >> TX2 01/26/11(Wed)02:48 No.22933290
    Applejack dropped out when she had applebloom
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:48 No.22933292
    Can't recall off the top of my head which fic that was, so if you could repost it, preferably a screencap, that'd be nice. But with no context to go on, I'm going to say 3, 2, and 1 in that order.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:48 No.22933299
         File1296028132.png-(1.52 MB, 800x828, mlpfim_book12.png)
    1.52 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:49 No.22933306
    I picture the ponies are at least 20. Even moreso now that all of Apple Bloom's friends have made an appearance. All the younger ponies make the other seem just that much older now.
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 01/26/11(Wed)02:49 No.22933307
         File1296028159.jpg-(524 KB, 3848x467, mylittletraitor-smaller.jpg)
    524 KB
    >to the guy with the Celestia troll face image with the suggestion about the story of some guy driving up to McDonald's.... well here you go.
    sadly. i was gonna do it. but i kinda got a better idea half way through doing it... i'm sorry :(
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:49 No.22933314
         File1296028190.png-(494 KB, 480x483, WTF PONYFACE.png)
    494 KB

    Damn. Oh well, at least now I have my scanner working.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:52 No.22933342
    Dang, this guy got two comics.
    Here's mine, but yours is better.
    >> Yaridovich 01/26/11(Wed)02:52 No.22933343
         File1296028335.png-(52 KB, 212x221, Dash reaction 4.png)
    52 KB
    Hey Twilight...

    why the long face
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:52 No.22933349
         File1296028357.jpg-(107 KB, 946x566, flockdraw2.jpg)
    107 KB
    Fluttershy is the only pony that actually has no job

    Somehow she makes a living out of feeding animals
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:52 No.22933352

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:53 No.22933358
    I may repost the link in the next general I see, but I need to get to sleep for the moment. Hope it's giving you some good names, god knows the lists are long enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:53 No.22933363

    Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are in Canterlot because Hasbro isn't selling Random Background Pony toys.

    Even though I would so buy Random Background Pony toys.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:53 No.22933366
         File1296028427.jpg-(63 KB, 640x480, AbsoluteTwaddle.jpg)
    63 KB
    Spah's in mah Ponyville?!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:54 No.22933374
    Horses live for 20-30 years.

    Maybe they'd be that old in human years, but horse years, probably 2-4 or so.
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 01/26/11(Wed)02:54 No.22933385
    That's what he gets for not ordering the full set.

    You need to just walk right in there, ask for the full set of ponies, politely thank them, and walk out while humming the theme song.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:55 No.22933391
    She might be like a paid caretaker. Anyway we see that pegasus ponies can sleep in the clouds, so it's not like she has a lot of bills to pay.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:55 No.22933394
    just get more ponies, and paint them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:55 No.22933398
    I imagine the city pays her wages for taking care of animals. She's basically Ponyville's animal control officer.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:55 No.22933399

    The Ponies have a very paternalistic relationship with nature in Equestria. Taking care of the little animals IS a job for them. Its no different from controlling the weather, and they seem terrified of the concept of a forest that grow without their supervision, to the point that they characterize it as "unnatural."

    I mean, damn, their royalty controls the sun and moon. That says plenty.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:56 No.22933406
         File1296028569.png-(514 KB, 699x543, like a boss.png)
    514 KB
    Like a boss

    Captcha: political finga
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:56 No.22933411
    >Did they just throw together some stock images for this?
    It is pretty obvious this was made by some poor sap with a smattering of clip art and a heart full of apathy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:57 No.22933428
         File1296028646.png-(48 KB, 184x184, Lyra 01.png)
    48 KB
    If I were a pony I'd pretty much be dead already
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:58 No.22933443
         File1296028694.png-(31 KB, 818x484, lf-pony-ages.png)
    31 KB
    Official say is that they are adults, but with teenage-ish mental age - this is justified by the whole "horses have shorter time to adulthood" thing
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:59 No.22933467
    so basically they're demigods?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)02:59 No.22933470
    She's' doing better than Pinkie Pie, who's only got a part-time gig at the patisserie and can't be trusted to run it on her own.

    But then, she's a year older.

    Thing is, if it were clip art, where would they get a Twilight that off-model? Somebody got PAID to draw that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:00 No.22933472
         File1296028802.png-(167 KB, 555x380, 1295522573699.png)
    167 KB

    I uploaded so everypony can read it!

    now go finish it!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:01 No.22933493
    There was a /tg/ story about that in the Humanity Fuck Yeah threads. A human crashlands in a world with intelligent insects. Eventually, he starts to care for them as if they were his own family, but he is always saddened because he will outlive generations of them.

    Is everyone who owns a garden and pets a demigod? Tell yourself that they live in a biodome, and that the animals are so domesticated that they rely on the ponies to help them out.
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 01/26/11(Wed)03:02 No.22933502
    hey sorry for the very long timed reply, was finishing the comic abit. but i just gave up.

    anyways. pretty cool. at least you stuck to the joke.
    I didn't :(
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:02 No.22933503
         File1296028949.png-(170 KB, 619x343, FANFICTION.png)
    170 KB
    Hey sadponies!

    needs moar of Twilight succumbing to the concept of flowers for algernon if you haven't done that one already.

    celestia "fixed" certain derpy ponies with magic, but it wears off. Twilight never remembered she was one of those ponies, and the magic wears off slowly. In front of all her friends. And she realizes it.

    Oh, and Fluttershy dies from her inoperable cancer that she never admitted to anyone because she was too shy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:02 No.22933508
         File1296028956.gif-(741 KB, 428x320, 1291845702939.gif)
    741 KB

    >can't be trusted to run it on her own

    If Pinkie was my employee I'd consider it a good day if she didn't burn the place down while I was gone
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:03 No.22933512

    Wait, if they're grown at age 2, that puts "I'm a year older than you" in a whole new light...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:03 No.22933519
    Things like derp-face Twilight may be original content drawn from a model sheet, but most of the book IS just copy/pasted clip art (sometimes with very minor tweaks). Count up all the instances of Pinkie Pie in basically the same side-view pose.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:05 No.22933544

    Y'know it freaks me out the way Scootaloo and Sweetie are looking right at you in that picture.
    Actually, the ponies you create in the FiM game on Hubworld do that too. Like they're trying to watch you. Except they do that ALL the time, so instead of thinking they're watching me, instead it ends up looking like... there's something wrong with them. Like they've got wall-eyes.

    It's an entire race of Derpy's I swear to god.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:05 No.22933545
         File1296029157.png-(337 KB, 848x1912, The Cast Meet CO part 1.png)
    337 KB
    IT'S DONE!

    Seriously, this time, actually done. Posting my fanfic, parts 1-3:

    The Cast Meet Co
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:06 No.22933554

    My heart is cold, but not so cold as to not be depressed about dead fluttershy ;_;
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:06 No.22933563
         File1296029205.png-(268 KB, 848x2836, The Cast Meet CO part 2.png)
    268 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:07 No.22933565
    That would be super depressing. The new friend they made, who always tried her best to help them, is slowly spiraling away from them. When she most needs their help, they can't give it to her, even though she is right there.

    End it with Twilight still trying to be helpful. She'll try forever, but she'll never help anyone ever again.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:07 No.22933568
         File1296029250.png-(490 KB, 848x3248, The Cast Meet CO part 2 and a (...).png)
    490 KB
    That's parts 1 and 2. From here on, it's new material
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:09 No.22933586
         File1296029346.jpg-(16 KB, 308x343, 12060685.jpg)
    16 KB
    >release ponies that are neither previous core 7 or background ponies
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:09 No.22933591

    Convince me why is should read this.
    >> Iris !LFTzlAW5mA 01/26/11(Wed)03:10 No.22933595
    Just curious, but has there been any fanart on pixiv ?

    I saw one image on the previous general that looked like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:10 No.22933599
    3, 2, then 1
    >> HeartlessPony !I8C1lMfx8M 01/26/11(Wed)03:11 No.22933602
         File1296029467.png-(155 KB, 539x322, Stratospheric three way.png)
    155 KB
    I was gonna say Applebloom.

    But no. Not even I have the lack of heart and stillness of soul to, even fictionally, give her inoperable cancer.

    Therefore, Pinkie inadvertently puts her into a diabetic coma. She eventually recovers though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:11 No.22933606
    It's what it's file name implies. Pinkie gets the magic ipad that lets her surf 4chan. The cast then goes and reads the threads we've made, and all the stuff we made for them. The good, and the BAD. It's fairly on character.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:11 No.22933607
    Not necessary stupid Anon don't read it
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:11 No.22933616
    The only consolation I can give is that the box art shows that someone in Lauren's crew did sit down and draw a model for these characters.
    >> Zoomer13 !!cXk6jukNAD4 01/26/11(Wed)03:11 No.22933617
    It's funny and teaches you to think before you post.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:12 No.22933625

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:12 No.22933630

    Applejack spiraling into madness sounds like a great cliffhanger. All 3 topics are great so it was hard to choose.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:12 No.22933638
    Convince me why I should convince you
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:12 No.22933639
         File1296029575.jpg-(119 KB, 776x719, n2n_prelude1.jpg)
    119 KB
    So it is written, so it is being done. Might be done within the hour, might not.

    Sorry, just now saw your post. The image in this post will be the first part of the Prelude that I wrote.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:13 No.22933650
    >diabetic coma

    I did an alternate ending for the Pinkie Pie diabeetus story with this in place of the funeral ending. I think only like two people read it, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:13 No.22933652
    Post the rest of the /co/ fic so I can go to sleep. I have work later.
    The suspense is killing the rest of my day here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:14 No.22933670
    I read it, and enjoyed it. I'm just tired of the grimdark, so I don't post responses on those.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:14 No.22933675
         File1296029699.png-(442 KB, 764x3983, Cast meets Co part 3v1.png)
    442 KB
    This is the beginning of the new stuff. My volunteer proof reader enjoyed my work, but we both decided to add a little disclaimer about the next section. There is going to be a bit of a change in gears compared to the last section, and the humor will come at a slower pace, with a little more character development. All in all, my proof reader still loved it, and I am hoping the change won't be too jarring for anyone's expectations.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:15 No.22933676
         File1296029704.png-(70 KB, 727x1001, n2n_prelude2.png)
    70 KB

    Gah, I'm sorry, I'm already working on el numero dos. But, it's only the beginning of AJ's descent into insanity with this chapter; the whole thing happens gradually over the course of the entire story.

    Oh, and it's kinda tricky dealing with setting everything up, especially when the story is set to
    >> Spiffy !M9SUXwsbEY 01/26/11(Wed)03:15 No.22933678
    you mean the one with the parody of Scrub's "My Screw Up"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:16 No.22933690

    Lavender Whistle reporting in.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:17 No.22933701
         File1296029822.png-(353 KB, 763x3999, Cast meets Co part 3v2.png)
    353 KB
    I'm glad that so far, I don't have toot my own horn.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:19 No.22933730
         File1296029979.png-(54 KB, 774x691, n2n_prelude3.png)
    54 KB
    3 of 3 for intro chapter.
    >> Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)03:19 No.22933736
         File1296029999.jpg-(413 KB, 1257x570, fluttershy-3.jpg)
    413 KB
    Ok guys, I'm continuing the fluttershy fic.

    Will post as more chapters are done.

    Oh god, we're on 5 sections already... this is going to be longer than yesterday's one... and then I already have more ideas to continue Rarity's one... oi
    >> HeartlessPony !I8C1lMfx8M 01/26/11(Wed)03:20 No.22933738
         File1296030008.jpg-(118 KB, 626x359, 1295991862603.jpg)
    118 KB
    Diamond Crescent

    holy shit, I'm rich AND girly.
    >> Fluttershy Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)03:20 No.22933744
         File1296030045.jpg-(413 KB, 1257x570, fluttershy-4.jpg)
    413 KB
    Section 4... wherein Fluttershy is still sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:20 No.22933746
         File1296030056.png-(124 KB, 794x477, miss martian and fluttershy pl(...).png)
    124 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:21 No.22933754
    Oh :( I just drew my own pony, but she looks almost exactly the same as Carrot Cake.

    Feels bad, man.
    >> Fluttershy Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)03:21 No.22933762
         File1296030114.jpg-(274 KB, 1257x453, fluttershy-5.jpg)
    274 KB
    Section 5 - Wherein Twilight has words with her.

    Apologies for these being all over the place. Also if you don't like this stuff. Should still be over by next week.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:22 No.22933764
    What have you done to me /co/.

    I lost my balls.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:22 No.22933765
         File1296030127.png-(445 KB, 758x3628, Cast meets Co 3v3.png)
    445 KB
    Last division for this section.

    This concludes act 2. All that remains is the climax.

    If you've enjoyed it thus far, I've got good news. Act 3 is roughly 50% done on it's first draft. The wait will be significantly shorter than it was between Acts 1 and 2, as it'll be shorter overall.

    Finally, if you liked it, I'd love to here any comments or discussion you want to bring up. Share it a bit, too, at different times, for new bronies. I try my best not to overpost my own stuff, and someone else posting it is a big favor for me. After all, I'm posting it to be read, not archived.

    Thanks to every brony that gave the story a chance.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:22 No.22933769
    Emerald Emerald reporting in. Hey, bronies. Can I be a pushmi-pullyu? Do you think they have pushmi-pullyus in Equestria?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:23 No.22933778
         File1296030201.jpg-(57 KB, 600x393, co tan.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:23 No.22933783
         File1296030232.png-(15 KB, 500x500, 1296013787937.png)
    15 KB


    Don't you realize friendship is manliness?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:24 No.22933791
         File1296030267.jpg-(29 KB, 346x347, carrot top.jpg)
    29 KB

    You lie through your teeth anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:25 No.22933802
         File1296030331.png-(110 KB, 670x1428, n2n_Just Another Day.png)
    110 KB
    And the chapter from a few nights ago that is riddled with Burly Detective Syndrome and boringness.
    >> Iris !LFTzlAW5mA 01/26/11(Wed)03:26 No.22933813
    Inb4 Kenshiro holding up Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:26 No.22933815
    Did my little brother and sister's names too, as they are bronies.
    Sister=chrysanthemum feather
    Brother=thistle master
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)03:28 No.22933843
         File1296030536.jpg-(114 KB, 678x475, Writing pony.jpg)
    114 KB
    Good god, there is fanfiction flying out the wazoo at the moment.

    Oh, and if Pacce is still around, tell him I'll read one of his works soon as I get the last arc of mine completed
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:29 No.22933846
    My brony name is Sparkler Crescent.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:29 No.22933852
         File1296030567.jpg-(34 KB, 500x248, Sadness. Sadness everywhere.jpg)
    34 KB

    Trixie is my most beloved character in this show. All I gotta say is, holy shit man, that story was heart-shatteringly sad! The fact that the writing is excellent just made it burn me even harder. I'd love to read more, even though it makes me feel bad man. If anybody appreciates your story, rest assured, its me. Please keep up the good work!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:30 No.22933860
    Pony gay sex

    ...wait they're females so it's uh...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:31 No.22933873
         File1296030706.png-(298 KB, 505x614, Pony of the North Star.png)
    298 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:32 No.22933876
    Carnation Water here
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:32 No.22933877

    It explains a lot. Most of the faggotry can be blamed on fangirls apparently.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:32 No.22933883
    Goodness me, she's an actual pony too?
    The colour scheme is all different, but the mane is almost the same. I named mine Coconut Tides.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:34 No.22933904
         File1296030855.png-(157 KB, 555x380, 1295519747141.png)
    157 KB
    Any title for this?

    I had it as snails and fluttershy story earlier on the blog, but there isn't much snails is there!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:34 No.22933911
         File1296030882.jpg-(6 KB, 210x173, Do not want.jpg)
    6 KB

    That picture is really old. It was drawn as a parody of Jimbo and all of the awful homolust stories she writes about the guards in Celestia & Luna's castle.
    >> Iris !LFTzlAW5mA 01/26/11(Wed)03:35 No.22933926
         File1296030951.jpg-(147 KB, 700x1055, HOKUTO NO PONY.jpg)
    147 KB
    Some more Pony of the North Star.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:36 No.22933937
    That spit me out as Chrysanthemum Delight.
    One of my brothers is Butterscotch Delight.
    And my sister is... Lickety Delight. You bastard, what did you do to my sister!?
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)03:36 No.22933938
         File1296031018.png-(168 KB, 691x1816, trixiesorigin1-1.png)
    168 KB
    Okay, I'm redoing the files/organization. This is gonna be a hell of a lot longer than I thought, and single pages won't do.

    This is all already-posted material; for those few who liked it, the next post will have legit new material.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:37 No.22933942
         File1296031046.png-(54 KB, 270x269, 1290217224608-(n1291004233400).png)
    54 KB
    But what would Raoh be riding if he's a pony?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:37 No.22933945
    Everyone stays in character, though I didn't get why AJ needed to pack those things she brought. Also, you should've started with Twilight trying to write the letter, since it would've helped set the mood better.

    Personally, it reminds me of the Pony quests I want to run. What would happen if the ponies even got a chance to talk to the people who've made their lives so hard.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)03:37 No.22933950
         File1296031067.png-(148 KB, 704x1500, trixiesorigin1-2.png)
    148 KB

    New pasta

    and nowhere NEAR done

    Equestria Daily guy/girl, if ya wanna update...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:38 No.22933954
    Ahh you drive my OCD crazy.

    Try not to make the next one too big, i dont want to cut your organization when blogger resizes it automatically.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:39 No.22933964

    Related to Galaxy?
    >> Iris !LFTzlAW5mA 01/26/11(Wed)03:39 No.22933972
         File1296031179.jpg-(160 KB, 439x345, 1289856393833-(n1292213355964).jpg)
    160 KB
    Y'know, I think Coltshiro is to rule 63 Koku-oh Pony what Big Mac is to Applejack.

    I can just imagine North Star Pony Family, busy exploding the heads of punks every year with..... until one day, Coltshiro has a bad bruise, and Kokuohko pony has vows o blow up the bad guys herself
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:40 No.22933977
         File1296031201.gif-(652 KB, 256x144, 1295822741452.gif)
    652 KB
    >Lickety Delight
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)03:40 No.22933988


    MY OCD makes me favor big chunks.

    I don't like single-page posts...

    Let me know what to do to make it easier for you, but for the 4chan pasta it'll be this size. Deal?
    >> Iris !LFTzlAW5mA 01/26/11(Wed)03:42 No.22934010
    A dragon ? And... I neevr though of equating poky Kokuoh to Raoh. But... it does make sense !
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:42 No.22934014
         File1296031361.png-(110 KB, 280x280, 1296015072791.png)
    110 KB
    Yah that's fine, I didn't mean to sound harsh there. Just letting you know I might have to cut it up a bit if blogger makes it hard to read. I usually do for bigger ones.

    From now on i will use ponies to convey emotions
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)03:43 No.22934020
         File1296031405.gif-(22 KB, 945x945, 1295994600267.gif)
    22 KB

    Sparkler Paradise. Okaaay...

    Sparkler Sparkle with just my first name. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:44 No.22934030
    It's not funny.
    Well, it's a little funny, but still. That ain't cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:45 No.22934036

    These are fantastic! Please continue the story. As you said before, take your time.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:45 No.22934039
         File1296031522.png-(141 KB, 347x349, clapsp.png)
    141 KB
    It got a bit smaller, still readable at least. The second one was a perfect size.

    >I am not realizing how few happy twilights I have.

    She really is angry a lot isn't she?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:46 No.22934045
         File1296031567.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 22 KB, 381x318, twilight (7).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 22 KB

    Stupid miskey
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:47 No.22934063
    I only have a rough sense of how it works, but if you only type in one name, it basically counts it twice. There seems to be two lists of names, one for first names, one for second, and it has something to do with the number of matching letters. So it treats an entry like "Steve" as "Steve Steve," and turns up "Thistle Whistle" as the brony title.isa

    I also got Sparkler Sparkle btw, but from my middle name.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:47 No.22934065
         File1296031661.jpg-(16 KB, 320x240, Hokuto_no_Toki.jpg)
    16 KB
    Holy shit.

    Galaxy could actually be Pony Toki.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)03:47 No.22934066
         File1296031663.gif-(Spoiler Image, 518 KB, 200x150, 1295696587514.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 518 KB
    I'm still here for virtually no reason
    >> Fluttershy Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)03:48 No.22934086
         File1296031731.jpg-(357 KB, 1264x507, fluttershy-6.jpg)
    357 KB
    Part 6... I swear, this just keeps going.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:49 No.22934089

    Somebody drawfag this. Ponies of the North STar: Coltshiro, Koku-oh (Raoh pony) and Galaxy (Toki pony)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:49 No.22934090
         File1296031765.jpg-(116 KB, 800x600, MLPA.jpg)
    116 KB
    No, there is a reason.
    You're one of US now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:50 No.22934093
    Shit, I haven't watched that music video in years.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:50 No.22934095
         File1296031807.jpg-(277 KB, 461x720, checkem.jpg)
    277 KB
    Nice dubs, but check 'em.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:50 No.22934100
         File1296031847.jpg-(130 KB, 380x401, Ponies have melted the ice of (...).jpg)
    130 KB

    >Ponies of the North STar: Coltshiro, Koku-oh (Raoh pony) and Galaxy (Toki pony)

    I second this!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:51 No.22934104
    >>22934063 it has something to do with the number of matching letters
    Oh! I see, that makes a lot of sense.

    I type in multiple things, and the resulting name always shares letters with it. Like 'Andi' yields 'Candy.'
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:51 No.22934106
         File1296031867.png-(14 KB, 679x427, 1277118492352.png)
    14 KB
    >that last line
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:52 No.22934119
         File1296031952.jpg-(112 KB, 651x430, Check em if you want to.jpg)
    112 KB

    Not quite Trixie, but if you want to check mine, feel free.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:52 No.22934122
    Just ran them through the generator.
    Kenshiro turns out as Sapphire Shimmer, Raoh comes out as Rainbow Rhapsody, and Toki is Tropical Twirler.
    Automatically they get to be the manliest goddamn ponies around.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:53 No.22934127
         File1296032018.png-(212 KB, 469x370, 1294433867308.png)
    212 KB
    You BOTH suck!

    Rainbow Dash will get doubles in 10 SECONDS FLAT!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:53 No.22934129
         File1296032031.jpg-(34 KB, 600x338, 1291533280358.jpg)
    34 KB
    Those trips were just out of your reach.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:54 No.22934137


    Can. Can I get photos of the littly pony happy meal toys please to see if I should go get one or not?
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)03:54 No.22934138
         File1296032067.png-(51 KB, 648x728, Aegis1.png)
    51 KB
    I should be drawfagging for the Ren'py game that's getting gently made, but I had such a bad migraine that getting it done wasn't happening tonight.

    However, two days off now. Yey.

    That said, this popped into my head from the most bizarre dream I've had. I was watching it and didn't take part in anything that happened, like watching the show.

    inb4 OCDNS
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:55 No.22934149
         File1296032116.png-(38 KB, 182x180, twilight (2).png)
    38 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:55 No.22934151
         File1296032119.png-(219 KB, 900x800, 1294006909917.png)
    219 KB
    If anyone is still up who cares about this, here's a preview, since I'm going to bed now. The whole section should be ready to post Wednesday night/Thursday early morning, depending on where you live.

    Preview of Applejack's descent.

    “…Zecora gave me a few different medicines a week or so ago,” she said after a long pause. Applejack perked up with hope. “New ones. She made them from pre-existing formulas and recent studies at Canterlot University. They’re only samples, primarily for research and testing purposes. They can help with… calming a pony down. Easing pain. Keeping them from being… depressed.”

    “But…?” Twilight looked at her friend with sad eyes.

    “I wouldn’t feel right giving them to you without having them properly and fully tested.”

    “Ah can be a test subject!”

    “I can’t let my best friend do that!” Twilight said, backing up in frustration. “There’s no telling what side effects there could be to these things! I don’t know; Zecora doesn’t know!” Applejack looked deep into her friend’s eyes and could see that she was holding something back.

    “How long have ya been researching these medicines?”
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:55 No.22934152

    Tropical Twirler is a pretty sweet name, i aint gonna lie.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:55 No.22934153
         File1296032124.png-(173 KB, 777x588, 1295838684408.png)
    173 KB
    I will try and fail for doubles!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:55 No.22934154
    Oh, would you look at that.
    Scoring dubs with the power of My Little Fist of the North Star.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)03:56 No.22934167
         File1296032192.png-(112 KB, 298x300, when i was.png)
    112 KB
    Okay, i'm only gonna try for dubs once...
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)03:56 No.22934169
         File1296032204.png-(36 KB, 649x498, Aegis2.png)
    36 KB
    I tried to keep the writing in the same vein as the show. Simple, to the point, with a minimum of confusing words and a focus on actions.

    maybe it's the storyboarder in me that is enjoying this way too much, and I may very well drawfag this later.
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)03:58 No.22934188
         File1296032301.png-(32 KB, 642x477, Aegis3.png)
    32 KB
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)03:59 No.22934203
         File1296032378.png-(55 KB, 641x792, Aegis4.png)
    55 KB
    dubs without trying

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:00 No.22934215
         File1296032444.jpg-(20 KB, 400x300, Stu.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:01 No.22934219
         File1296032464.png-(32 KB, 175x175, Pinkie content..png)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:01 No.22934226
    Continue? Revise? It looks like shit?

    Going to bed in like ten minutes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:02 No.22934234
         File1296032530.jpg-(747 KB, 1439x2000, valhalla_by_csimadmax-d35qvoj.jpg)
    747 KB
    Blog brony here.

    I'm gonna go watch a movie, I'll upload the rest of everyones stories as you guys finish them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:02 No.22934235
         File1296032530.png-(59 KB, 281x273, scootsface2.png)
    59 KB
    What time is it? Pony time. Oh yeahh. I have arrived.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:02 No.22934247
         File1296032570.jpg-(158 KB, 936x936, Untitled-2.jpg)
    158 KB
    What IS friendship?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:03 No.22934255
    Fuck, I need to go to sleep. Somebody get the Aegis fic in one piece once he posts it all.
    I'm interested in it despite myself.
    ...Even though it's probably going to end up with Celestia sending Aegis there to make a booty call and teach Twilight how to please a ma- er, become a family man.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:04 No.22934256
         File1296032641.png-(131 KB, 318x288, dashsad.png)
    131 KB
    you can't just do that.
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:06 No.22934285
         File1296032816.png-(40 KB, 632x676, aegis5.png)
    40 KB
    that's it for now.

    I'm gonna focus on drawfagging for the ren'py game resources I was told were needed, so this will be continued as a warm-up/cool down after doodles.

    previews of little things:
    Applebloom learns to kick down apples by practicing on a cherry tree. Twilight has to intervene when her cuteness gets the better of him and he starts helping Applebloom, and she doesn't learn anything.

    Meaniepants pony appears and starts chasing around Twilight

    Aegis makes things worse because unicorns abusing their powers causes evil things

    Aegis meets the medic pony

    Rainbow Dash wins with a tag-back

    no, it isn't meant to be depressing, just practice for the utter cuteness of the universe.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:07 No.22934286

    >>Male unicorns are rare
    Wait what...... did you watch the show? Or did I read that wrong?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:08 No.22934298
    Keep em coming!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:08 No.22934304
    so it's OC pony does OC things.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:10 No.22934320
    I think he was going more for the "unicorn Palace Guards are rare," as opposed to "unicorn males are rare."
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:10 No.22934321
         File1296033045.png-(156 KB, 552x333, Grin.png)
    156 KB
    there are at least two girl pony's for every guy. Guys themselves are rare, apparently. Most of the guys in the show don't have horns (most).

    I'm just abusing shit anyway, it's not like it's official.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:11 No.22934333
         File1296033109.png-(24 KB, 143x156, ponywut.png)
    24 KB
    all this fic posting almost makes me want to post the silly thing I was working on. almost.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:12 No.22934336
    Well, if you want to discuss the unicorn in mythology, you'll be pleased to know that unicorns are virgin detectors.

    I kid you not.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:13 No.22934351
    Huh... I think it's just best to just assume everything in the fic is canon while i'm reading it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:15 No.22934365
    Well, THAT explains why those damn unicorns are hanging out in my back yard.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:15 No.22934366
         File1296033328.png-(45 KB, 253x236, lunasad.png)
    45 KB
    We've actually seen a few dudicorns now. The one thing we have never seen is a male pegasus that was not a guard or costumed stunt flier. There are no male background pegasi.
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:15 No.22934368
         File1296033346.jpg-(4 KB, 176x144, Yup..jpg)
    4 KB
    Aren't all unicorns supposed to be female? I'm not sure where I heard that, but it had something to do with complete purity. You couldn't see or interact with a unicorn unless you were utterly honest and sinless.


    no, it won't be ponyporn. also, he ends up leaving after Twilight teaches him some things about magic and learns the moral of the story. Which will be written later.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)04:18 No.22934389
    *contemplates* That's possible. There was a thematic reason I chose to put off the letter (the reveal that despite being apparently above it all for most of the story, Twilight is indeed affected). I do, personally, feel that perhaps the middle is the weakest part. The threads aren't adequately wrapped up yet, which is why originally I didn't want to separate this from the next part.

    As for AJ's pack, it's not expressly stated why she brought it, but I was hoping to sow in evidence of why. Perhaps in the last section, it'll be a little more clear for her motivations.

    As for the pony quests, heck if they turn out like this, I'd find it quite interesting. I think the show set a precedent that such adventures are very canon, between Dragon Shy and the first two episodes. Which is a bit of where I got my inspiration.

    Ponies actually confronting /co/? well perhaps not in arc 3, but a lot of comments on these stories have be considering spinning off the concept of the first part for other characters or scenarios . . .
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:19 No.22934392
         File1296033546.png-(246 KB, 666x375, 76040.png)
    246 KB

    Awesome to see other people calling them that now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:19 No.22934395

    Don't do it. It will only end in tears.
    >> Fluttershy Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)04:20 No.22934406
         File1296033622.jpg-(375 KB, 1264x561, fluttershy-7.jpg)
    375 KB
    Part 7 - I'm gunna just go ahead and say oh god what have I done and leave it at that.
    >> Sad Ponies !.TLZPonies 01/26/11(Wed)04:20 No.22934409
         File1296033635.png-(246 KB, 1301x1821, vote_twilight_by_equestria_ele(...).png)
    246 KB

    you should post it
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:21 No.22934415
         File1296033687.png-(98 KB, 266x410, scoots_wellll.png)
    98 KB

    I never do it. Usually.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:21 No.22934420
         File1296033718.png-(94 KB, 236x205, candybukake.png)
    94 KB
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:22 No.22934429
         File1296033779.jpg-(222 KB, 573x583, 1295923912823.jpg)
    222 KB
    nice trips.

    it's a sign from the internet. you must post.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:23 No.22934442
    Should I brace for SnailxFluttershy?

    Because I am totally cool with that. Some people here would murder you though, haha.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:25 No.22934453
    as far as i'm concerned, the only good fanfic is one which enrages the fanbase. No credit given if crossovers are involved.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:25 No.22934456
         File1296033948.png-(130 KB, 361x449, raritysitting.png)
    130 KB

    Well following the threads the past few days, I just don't think it would have much of an audience. People seem far more keen on shipping, or grimdark, or epic serious stuff. I roll more lighthearted, with none of that stuff. What I was playing with was more of an exercise in characterization anyway, with 3 of the male background ponies. Pony bromance, if you will.

    also, I don't have anything against any of the shipping/grimdark/serious face writiers. We got some great ones.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:26 No.22934465
    good morning bronies!

    ...writefag reporting in...

    >starting on Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash pt. 2 today
    >also working out how my new grimdark will work
    >> Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)04:27 No.22934477

    We'll see, but it might be going that way.

    Honestly these things just freaking take over me lately... this was one paragraph I considered finished this morning, now it's on 7 pages and going.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)04:27 No.22934485
    It might be enjoyed. My story leaned to the humor side of things and I felt it was well received (well, the first part of it so far, anyways)
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:28 No.22934489

    I've only done...two fics like with the ponys on a pirate treasure hunt...the other...I can't remember what the other one was...
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)04:30 No.22934502
         File1296034207.gif-(40 KB, 200x200, 1295228627709.gif)
    40 KB
    can someone please post some Spike x Rarity fanfics?
    for the great and powerful, Trixie. maybe? hmm??
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:30 No.22934506

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:30 No.22934508
    Let it consume you! Fall into the abyss's sweet embrace and become one with the true darker, more powerful side of yourself!


    I just like your stuff man. It's 3:30 A.M. and I'm here reading your stuff instead of going to bed for class.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)04:31 No.22934513
         File1296034260.jpg-(119 KB, 552x308, Minty pony.jpg)
    119 KB
    Yeah, not sure if I'm being trolled. . . but die in a fire for suggesting Snails with anything but a meat grinder.
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)04:31 No.22934517
    someone give him the "Welcome to the herd" image, i don't have it on me...
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:32 No.22934521
         File1296034330.jpg-(95 KB, 376x374, L4Dspike.jpg)
    95 KB
    you are now reading the macro in spike's voice
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:32 No.22934523
    I find it funny that probably the only true sign of love (shipping) in the show is completely tossed aside.

    SpikexRarity usually pops up when it's mentioned in the show, as was seen after the first episode and "Boast Busters." Right now everyone seems hooked on ApplejackxRarity...

    They'll come around.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)04:33 No.22934533
    fukkensaved btw
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:33 No.22934535
         File1296034427.png-(658 KB, 933x3035, wip1.png)
    658 KB

    Guess it doesn't hurt to test the waters. Heres the intro to what I was playing with. The second part would be the party if I opted to continue. Its mostly a setup for sillyness. Mostly.

    Also, I read yours. I laughed. So thumbs up.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:34 No.22934545
         File1296034461.png-(258 KB, 640x360, 1291324174784.png)
    258 KB
    Damnit writefriends

    I was totally going to watch that movie

    but you all have me hooked on your in progress stories.

    Anyhow I've updated the blog with everything so far. I love you guys
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)04:34 No.22934546
    but... she has Big mac... and Rainbow Dash...
    and arggh darn you bronies for ruining true love to bloom
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:35 No.22934557

    ApplejackxRainbow Dash is my OTP

    ....but damn it if Pinkie Pie isn't dangerously close to replacing Applejack...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:36 No.22934573
         File1296034604.jpg-(17 KB, 259x266, twilight (8).jpg)
    17 KB
    I'm all about TrixieXLuna myself. Or TrixieXTwilight

    Or trixieXrarity

    Or well trixieXanything female is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:36 No.22934575
    Personally, I see the entire friendship circle as a six-way hippie-style love-fest. There's occasional sparks of jealousy (such as when Rainbow Dash's old lover Gilda shows up) and other minor problems (Applejack's stubborn independence, Twilight Sparkle's insecurity) but the power of friendship and candy vag smooths it all over.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:37 No.22934584
    Or, in other words, my OTP is an OT6.
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 01/26/11(Wed)04:38 No.22934588

    Yay, Pinkiedash! Are we getting it soon A.J.?

    Also, grimdark fic? I'm not liking the sound of that....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:38 No.22934592
         File1296034698.png-(99 KB, 373x337, scootaloo_has_a_cookie.png)
    99 KB
    the threads are pretty swell tonight
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:39 No.22934603
    Sorry Jim... I guess that's a shipper's point of view. I see them as a group of friends doing what friends do, and that's about it. Sadly for me the majority of /co/ sees them as the former... I guess i'll just "Deal With It."
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:39 No.22934604
    It's also been said that unicorns are the embodiment of time itself. That there are only two; male and female, dawn and dusk.

    They have been known to carry virgins away though
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:39 No.22934605

    ...I haven't done anything with Trixie or Luna at all...well...except for the observatory thing with Luna and Celestia...

    THAT was the other one that wasn't a ship...I need to write more episode style MLP fics...

    ...and I guess more things involving trixie and/or luna
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)04:40 No.22934611
         File1296034809.png-(104 KB, 640x360, Twilight should go to bed.png)
    104 KB
    Thanks for the comment. Repost your story next time you see my name crop up with comments. It's too damn late o'clock over here, or I'd give it a read right now. I'm curious what sort of character stuff you did for the background ponies
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:41 No.22934631
    That's a perfectly valid point of view. I'm just saying that if you're going to take the platonic G-rated friendship and try to work more adult-rated activities into it, the mechanics of the friendships involved don't really give themselves to breaking them up into couples.

    Or at least, that's how my opinion goes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:42 No.22934636
    There are now two Luna/Trixie stories but they have sex in them
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:42 No.22934637
    >>22934588's cute when you get all excited over my work...but no...not until later...had a massive influx of friendship yesterday so I didn't get anything done...I'll prbably hang out in the threads for a while and then force myself out so I can get to work...
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 01/26/11(Wed)04:42 No.22934639

    Don't let it happen bronie! Pinkiedash is awesome and all, but Appledash is the the bestest of all Rainbow Dash ships!
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:42 No.22934640
         File1296034940.png-(112 KB, 437x289, FuckInTheWat.png)
    112 KB
    Pinkie Pie- Bubble Gum. alternatively, cotton candy.

    Twilight Sparkle- grape soda, complete with fizz

    Rainbow Dash- skittles

    Rarity- banana strawberry hybrid

    Applejack- If you're hovering over this for a flavor you are a moron for not anticipating what should be here

    Trixie- derp

    Applebloom- you sick bastard

    Rarity- Spearmint with a hint of blueberry
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:42 No.22934642
         File1296034945.png-(93 KB, 367x301, raritybasket.png)
    93 KB

    Too damn late o'clock to be posting here as well. Confound these ponies, they drive me to insomnia
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:43 No.22934649
    Writefag shipping challenge:

    Start with your favorite combo: A and B.

    Now think of your second favorite combo involving A: A and X.

    Now the same for B: B and Y.

    Now ship X and Y.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:43 No.22934657


    whaaaaat? heartwarming friendship? or lighthearted G-rated shipping? I'll just have to do them now...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:44 No.22934662

    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)04:45 No.22934677
         File1296035129.gif-(Spoiler Image, 62 KB, 337x277, mrrphhlrrg.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 62 KB
    >one of those rarities is Fluttershy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:46 No.22934685

    Cast, I am disappoint.
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 01/26/11(Wed)04:46 No.22934689

    A.J. What is this Grimdark thing you're talking about? I'm not going to have to cry am I!?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:47 No.22934693
    In both stories sex is used as a transference of magical power I thought it was pretty cool and really romantic they were teacher/student stories
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:47 No.22934694
         File1296035239.png-(232 KB, 641x360, 1295682319934.png)
    232 KB
    Curse you, 5am!

    >spikes face when
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:47 No.22934698
    2 more day until pony
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:48 No.22934703
    >>22934689's more like just giving them another villain to fight...and then expanding it instead of defeating them within the first two chapters...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:49 No.22934713
         File1296035352.jpg-(71 KB, 238x280, luna_youlying.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 01/26/11(Wed)04:49 No.22934718

    Oh thank goodness.
    >> Fluttershy Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)04:50 No.22934723
         File1296035408.jpg-(425 KB, 1264x632, fluttershy-8.jpg)
    425 KB
    Part 8 - Wherein I wish I knew where the fuck I was going with this.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:50 No.22934724

    >mfw that sounds like that idea was stolen from something out of /a/ that I know the name of but won't mention


    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:50 No.22934733
         File1296035452.png-(921 KB, 770x4000, trixiecaps.png)
    921 KB
    I'm pretty sure trixies taste was decided a long time ago.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)04:54 No.22934754
         File1296035652.gif-(353 KB, 330x186, 1295554339972.gif)
    353 KB
    and I still want to know the flavor of Trixie's sugarpuss... also Derpy's... and Bon Bon's. Cheerilee is obvious (cutie mark)
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)04:54 No.22934757
    does anyone have a Spike x Rarity fanfic?
    I mean i know i already asked, but- it would be nice if someone could direct me to a place where i can probably try and find it... i tried already...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:55 No.22934766
    My North star pony
    My North star pony
    Aaah aah aah aah HATTA!!!
    I used to wonder what fighting could be
    (My North star pony)

    Until you pressed my tsubos using your fist!

    Growing muscles!
    Tons of gore!
    a beautiful move that makes you explode!

    Sharing violence (it's an easy feat!)
    You'll shed a lot of manly tears!

    My North star pony

    don't you know your already dead!
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)04:55 No.22934767
         File1296035728.png-(223 KB, 641x360, TheMostEsotericPonyJokeEver.png)
    223 KB
    hence the derp
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)04:55 No.22934770
    not ones with her, but ones involving masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:56 No.22934775
         File1296035764.png-(231 KB, 721x387, pegasusguards.png)
    231 KB

    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)04:56 No.22934776
    But if Applejack doesn't taste like apples . . . why do you keep licking it?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:56 No.22934777

    ...all ice cream, candy, and sweets in general have now ben ruined for me...can't eat anything without thinking it tastes like candy vag...
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)04:57 No.22934784
    I wasn't here for that. now I know. thanks
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:57 No.22934791
         File1296035856.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 24 KB, 491x317, celestina rapeface.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 24 KB
    I wanna write a slashy fic but I dunno what pairing, I'll throw it up here when I'm done but I need suggestions.

    pic unrelated.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)04:57 No.22934795
         File1296035877.png-(78 KB, 450x532, MLP - DiceyChance1 - Mocha0.png)
    78 KB


    The ONE time I actually get triple sevens and I don't have my dicey pic... FUCK
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)04:58 No.22934796
    *sllluurp* FUCK the PO- LICE!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:58 No.22934802
    Doesn't that blog have a hefty amount of fanfiction? Or was it the wiki... does a more knowledgeable brony here have an answer for this man?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:58 No.22934803
         File1296035938.jpg-(38 KB, 550x600, derpy_letterforyou.jpg)
    38 KB
    > Ponies actually confronting /co/?
    It almost makes me want to type up a big letter to the ponies, in the most saccharine, feel-good way that I can manage, explaining to them that we're all weird, and it's all in fun, and we really don't mean any harm. I might also briefly try to explain the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, but I don't know if I'd have time for that. Maybe Pinkie could just look it up for them.

    Probably briefly explaining several facets to each of them individually. Such as,
    Applejack: Nobody thinks you're a silly pony. It's actually a holdover from another pony with that name who came before you. It's just funny.
    Rainbow Dash: You've already forgotten all that stuff we said about how awesome you are. Nobody's judging you. We love you just the way you are.
    Rarity: I'm sorry but nobody is going to use that guide unless you can clip it down to two pages max. We have very short attention sp
    Twilight: You probably know Celestia better than us.
    Pinkie Pie: Just... keep doing what you're doing.

    In short, stop trying to be things you're not. Some woman you've never heard of once said, while she enjoyed much of the appreciation and fandom, whenever things got a little too icky for her, she'd just go do something else. You should probably do the same.

    Yes, these are all things I'd say to them, in the vague hope that 'they' might 'read' it, small though that chance may be. But then Anonymous would laugh at me! I'd be a sentimental fool! And I'd never live that down for the rest of my days. Oh well...

    wait... shit
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:59 No.22934804
         File1296035951.jpg-(100 KB, 780x541, 1292887670908.jpg)
    100 KB
    I want to bang a pony sobad
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)04:59 No.22934808
    that just looks like Hitler pony.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:00 No.22934822
         File1296036043.png-(75 KB, 800x800, -v-_background.png)
    75 KB

    Lucid dreaming my friend, look into it. It will blow your dick
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:02 No.22934843
         File1296036154.png-(20 KB, 128x134, celestia will fucking cut you.png)
    20 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:03 No.22934850

    Speaking of TV Tropes, I realized the other day that Friendship is Magic passes the Bechdel Test with flying pastel colors.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:03 No.22934851
    I can do that, but it takes me to weord places. like flushing jeans and boots down the toilet. Also Zecora, waifu, same situation.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:04 No.22934857
    *pours vodka into it*
    you mad, almighty?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:04 No.22934860
         File1296036264.jpg-(30 KB, 380x390, Rarity (1).jpg)
    30 KB
    I've tried it. I can't get it to work.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:04 No.22934865
    practically every scene passes the test!
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:04 No.22934866
         File1296036295.png-(209 KB, 640x360, yeswant.png)
    209 KB
    dammit, forgot to reply with a pic.
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:05 No.22934868
    oooh that sounds interesting.
    can i have it :3
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:05 No.22934872
         File1296036335.png-(35 KB, 192x179, celestiaplans.png)
    35 KB

    That wasn't vodka
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:07 No.22934887
    Smoke more weed

    Twilight and Rainbow Dash
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:07 No.22934888
    red bull is fuel
    kerosene is fuel
    kerosene is red bull
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:09 No.22934908

    wingless Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:09 No.22934910
    alright then~
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:09 No.22934916
    Alright guys.... to whoever said they had a masturbation fanfic involving Rarity or Spike... can i have it please, i want to read it before bed.

    also... Lucid Dream in third person about it. or at least try and control my dream, shit sounds like fun. but i might end up fucking my mind up. My mind has been going through hell, bad enough i wanna fuck with it more.
    >> Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)05:10 No.22934923
    I have a mind to scrap this and start again, I'm not sure where it's going at this point, and it's driving me crazy...

    I don't think it's going well at all... eh, at least past the first fluttershy bits... bleh.
    >> A.J. !rinxooACj. 01/26/11(Wed)05:11 No.22934926

    ...this is all starting to sound very familiar...

    Prince of Equestria

    ...oh god no...
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:11 No.22934927
         File1296036666.gif-(511 KB, 366x341, 1294318193460.gif)
    511 KB
    hey look triples. I'm on a roll. heheheheheh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:11 No.22934928
    hmmmm, maybe a lurv triangle?
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:13 No.22934940
         File1296036782.png-(104 KB, 1367x359, splooooooty.png)
    104 KB
    ah hell I hope somebody got those, it was good. I have the sequal and that's it.
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)05:14 No.22934947
         File1296036863.png-(92 KB, 587x387, 1295341264568.png)
    92 KB
    subliminal feminism training

    no men hold a place of power in Equestria, they're all underlings

    all men are portrayed as doing nothing more than menial or physical activities - the only exception is art pony, who gets his shit ruined by Applebloom, a little girl

    snips and snails. if this isn't an attempted injection of opinion on male intellect, I dunno what is

    even Fluttershy stops a rampaging dragon through "female confrontation"

    You can go on with the little things that don't take the center stage...

    PS- Snips, Snails... Where's Puppy Dog Tails?
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:14 No.22934948
    what's a Prince of Equestria?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:14 No.22934949
    In Ponyville, no love triangle lasts longer than a single twenty-minute episode before ending in a threesome that is described in detail in a letter to the Princess.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:15 No.22934963
    It's a show designed for little girls, of fucking course it's going to have chicks hogging the spotlight. Don't get your /r9k/ all over my /co/.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:16 No.22934966
    quite. (not necessarily a bad thing....?)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:16 No.22934972
         File1296037006.jpg-(44 KB, 625x487, 1296034330291.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/26/11(Wed)05:16 No.22934974
         File1296037011.png-(240 KB, 640x360, Twilight is scaring the others.png)
    240 KB
    This post made my night.

    But I should go to bed before Celestia gets jealous I'm playing with Luna.

    Night, bronies.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:17 No.22934975
         File1296037021.png-(137 KB, 948x652, Spike Gets Caught.png)
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    here ya go
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:17 No.22934980
    If real life was more like Equestria, we'd all be better off.

    (as anyone that's gone down on a chick with less than ideal hygiene can attest)
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:19 No.22934998
         File1296037176.png-(127 KB, 633x356, MYMIND.png)
    127 KB
    MY GAWD she's right!
    i even went as far as to call the brony who posted it a girl out of habit!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:19 No.22934999
    as long as it retains the fluttersnail angle, go right ahead if you wish.
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:19 No.22935000
    i love the both of you... right now. thanks guys.
    >> Worthless Ponyplasm !z48r7Qz3Ks 01/26/11(Wed)05:20 No.22935009
         File1296037249.jpg-(10 KB, 216x216, 1295133145287.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:21 No.22935017

    oh god they taste like skittles and candy and ect.

    >> Fluttershy Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)05:21 No.22935018
         File1296037305.jpg-(312 KB, 1254x557, fluttershy-9.jpg)
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    So... you're pro fluttersnail?

    You'll have to forgive me a bit, I'm confusing myself at this point and getting a migraine.

    Also part 9... because I just can't cut this shit out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:23 No.22935032
    And now I have stayed up till morning reading this for the second night in a row.

    I think I have a problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:24 No.22935038
         File1296037473.jpg-(137 KB, 600x583, My Little Pony Fluttershy Rain(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:26 No.22935051
    Good stuff. Tell me when you're done so I can hit the sack.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:26 No.22935052
    Fuck. Me too.
    >> Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)05:27 No.22935068

    Thanks, honestly I needed to hear that on this one. I need to brb for a bit though so you might want to just catch the rest tomorrow. I'm probably going to be stuck figuring this out though, then the rarity one...
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)05:27 No.22935069
         File1296037666.gif-(506 KB, 640x360, 1295688693358.gif)
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    Meanwhile, in Rarity's shop, thoughts of Spike flutter across her mind...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:30 No.22935081
    well, not so much 'pro fluttersnail', its just that with any hetero ships I look forward to them. The lack of good male characters prevent more.

    I just think its a nice change of pace from lesbians (not that it's a bad thing)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:30 No.22935084
    Alright. Make sure to save all of this delicious material so I can read it tomorrow! Thanks for writing by the way. Maybe someday I'll get off my ass and do it myself.

    Write it and report back to me tomorrow private!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:30 No.22935086
         File1296037826.jpg-(66 KB, 800x600, 936full-the-last-unicorn-scree(...).jpg)
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    Last picture will be last unicorn
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:31 No.22935093
         File1296037885.jpg-(43 KB, 600x338, 1294080932498.jpg)
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    >NOT big mac
    >not the stallion that cannon-wise Rarity loves
    >Not that bumpkin Applejack

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:32 No.22935104
    Son, SpikeXRarity is maybe the closest you will ever get to having any of the main 7 characters fall in love with each other. It's just fun thinking.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:33 No.22935109
    >repeatedly press 0
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:33 No.22935110
    Canonically of course.
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:33 No.22935113
    ;_; you like to kick people in the balls, don't you.
    >Vincent Van /co/
    I read your "Sequel"
    i got one question: Who the fuck left the glass of milk and sandwich?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:36 No.22935128
    Spike loves Rarity, sure. But the only main character you see Rarity loving on is Twilight Sparkle. Make your own triangle out of that.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:36 No.22935132
    Twilight came in with a snack while he was in the middle of ham slamming, he was oblivious, and she didn't want to interrupt...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:38 No.22935146
    Sorry for "the kicking in the balls" it is more meant as a "time to wake up" sort of thing. Night threads often get sleepy due to all the agreement.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:38 No.22935149
    In what instance was she loving on her? The Ticket Master?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:38 No.22935150
    >and she didn't want to interrupt...
    and decided to troll by innocently leaving cookies.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:39 No.22935159
    >>Rarity loving on Twilight
    See I'm trying to keep this within the show. The most intimate Rarity has ever gotten with Twilight was trying to convince her to give her the ticket.

    Spike's connection to Rarity though started with the first episode and was furthered along as more than just a one-shot with Boast Busters. If there ever is a conclusion to this story, it will probably end in Spike funnily being told off, sure. But until then, you can dream...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:41 No.22935170
    r/ing a Ticket Master story in the vein of Friendship is Sexy
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:41 No.22935171
    >it will probably end in Spike funnily being told off, sure.
    and that's why I avoid it.
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)05:44 No.22935189
    It's almost 6am.

    I have a day off tomorrow, and I'm high.

    You just gave me the most terrible idea with winter wrap up and tube dubber.

    I will have my revenge... somehow...

    captcha: full ifhate
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:45 No.22935195
    >Mfw when i have this bookmarked on my other computer
    I wish i could help you, Brony.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:45 No.22935198
    That makes next to no sense. If I told you you could die tomorrow, would you just sit around all day like an asshat? Anyways, I'm going to bed, sorry I couldn't argue with ya more.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)05:48 No.22935217
    dammit, Twilight
    and NO I don't want to
    >talk about what you saw
    >> ThatDamnPony !JM3j2whdHI 01/26/11(Wed)05:50 No.22935230
    revenge calculated... Posting it tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:50 No.22935237
    2nd ;_;
    >> Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)05:53 No.22935259

    Thanks for the support. Honestly I didn't even really think I could write that well but I've been getting a lot of great responses so I'll try and keep the quality as good as I can muster.

    Think I've started to figure this Snailsxfluttershy thing figured out anyway... god this is a long fic though...

    The Rarity one I'm gunna continue after, that I think I know where it's aiming.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)05:54 No.22935262
    Canon-wise, Rarity x Spike would not work for Spike has nothing Rarity wants as established within the show. Other characters have features Rarity wants. So I prefer those ships to the R x S one. It's personal preference. You can have your own. I am not saying I am the best
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)05:56 No.22935280
    you know what, bronies.
    Tomorrow. I will write you a nice story with Rarity and Spike. not a promise, but i'll try.

    anyways goodnight bronies, I will be sleeping with god knows what in my thoughts.

    hopefully Lucid dreaming...
    >> Spiffy !!UBOVKwglWZ5 01/26/11(Wed)06:06 No.22935341
    but that's just it.... Rarity is Materialistic.
    Spike will probably end up sacrificing himself in a heated split decision, (ex. something about to crush her or a powerful force impacting on him) while the rest of the gang is saving the town from the rampaging Ursa Major causing destruction, She'd kneel down and holding him, asking his lifeless body "why did you save me? when you could have saved yourself, you fool!" and Twilight would approach her and say "because he wanted to protect you... because he loved you..."

    my little pony... my little pony... ah ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhhh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:08 No.22935362
    I love gems, you eat gems.
    Our love can not be.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:13 No.22935409
    r/ing a story where Spike is about to make it with Rarity but he starts snacking on her gems and she kicks him out
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:16 No.22935435
    Spike should hump Applebloom.

    i can see Fluttershy having a crash on him, because he's SOOOO CUTE and he simply MUST get into bed
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:18 No.22935448
    These threads have made me realize I love depressing fiction and gore-porn. Anyone got any good recommendations? short stories preferred but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:18 No.22935450
    Or Spike invites Rarity to a romantic dinner and unveils a big, fat diamond on a lettuce bed. Rarity is absolutely thrilled until Spike misreads her and digs into the diamond.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:20 No.22935471
    Rainbow Dash likes the penis. Deal with it. *shades*
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:21 No.22935482
    No she is a lesbian, deal w/ it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:23 No.22935495
    You have no shades, your argument is invalid
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:24 No.22935512
    > Fuck you, /co/! I'm not a lesbian!
    > Yes you are.
    > .jpg
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:24 No.22935513

    You're both faggots.

    She's bisexual.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:28 No.22935538

    That's just like your opinion man.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:29 No.22935550

    Best of both worlds.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:29 No.22935551
    RD is a MTF, d/w it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:31 No.22935562
    What's that?
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)06:34 No.22935587
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:35 No.22935598
    "Male-to-female, a trans woman."
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:39 No.22935614
    "Hehe, are we speaking now? Do you mean she had an operation, or is it magical?"
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/26/11(Wed)06:44 No.22935659
    .....burn in hell
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)06:49 No.22935692
    Oh I see you got that from wikipedia
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)07:04 No.22935755
    She's also a "flip-flop"
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/26/11(Wed)07:10 No.22935790
    Hiya all, is this still the latest General or is there a new one? just asking due to the Archive has nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)07:14 No.22935809
    I'm still in this one but it's at image limit
    I think it's slow enough that no ones made one
    >> Anti Pony 01/26/11(Wed)07:16 No.22935836
    I'm still here too, typing away...
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/26/11(Wed)07:17 No.22935839
    Ah, thought so, wasn't too sure as yesterday a general was made that the archive didn't pick up.
    I wonder if anyone finished trying to play the FiM version of Risk (with about 4 territories) I was in last night? heh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)07:22 No.22935878
    I didn't see that, Risk with four territories?

    Would you make the next general?
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/26/11(Wed)07:25 No.22935915
    We could only remember the places: Ponyville, Canterlot, Fillydelpha and the Everfree forest so did was many messing about really heh, but have started to work on a more playable version if I could only get enough territories.

    Also making new General, will post link in min
    >> Jim-San !!1YwnslbkoRq 01/26/11(Wed)07:26 No.22935928
    New General for everyone

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