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01/21/11(Fri)18:28 No.22805336 File1295652517.jpg-(161 KB, 815x673, 1292043848372.jpg)
 >>22805302 Abruptly shaken awake, big mac tumbles over, groaning as his legs kick wildly for a few seconds before he wakes up proper. Applejack wasn’t completely heartless however, and gives big mac a second to get up before railing on him. "How could you even suggest me gettin rid of moms ribbon?!" "You wouldn't be gettin rid of it, but you got your cutey mark now...it's time to give it to apple bloom" "Why should I? It’s all I have left of mom..." she shouts back as tears began to well in her eyes. "You got your memories, apple bloom doesn't" "Apple bloom can't even remember mom!" she replies quickly, defending her right to keep the ribbon. "Then she deserves it more than you...look AJ, that ribbons been goin from mare to mare in our family since we can remember, do you wanna be remembered as the pony who breaks that?" Applejack closed her eyes in frustration, crying for a few moments before she felt a weight on her head. She opened her bloodshot eyes and saw she was in the shade...she peered up, and saw big mac had put hi- no, their fathers hat on her head. “Tell ya what, you keep the hat, and apple bloom gets the ribbon” “But, but...this is pappys hat! He gave it to you!” “Well, I don’t think he’s in any position to judge my decisions” |