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    File : 1294369497.jpg-(56 KB, 600x671, 1294368566058.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:04 No.22426148  
    Since the last one is on auto sage, lets have another MLP!
    >> Bronyboy 01/06/11(Thu)22:06 No.22426202
         File1294369619.jpg-(39 KB, 269x597, god emperess of ponies.jpg)
    39 KB
    The Pony Emperor agrees!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:07 No.22426232
    >> Snarky Bastard 01/06/11(Thu)22:08 No.22426241

    >implying Celestia is the Emperor, not the fuckheads who jumped into power during the power vacuum
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:10 No.22426314
    I wonder how tight their little vaginas are
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:12 No.22426378
    [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
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    [ The Subject of New Threads & The Generals ]

    Please check the MLP:FiM Thread Locator and
    Archive before going out and about and starting
    a new thread. /co/ doesn't mind if we stay in
    a general thread, but the biggest complaint I
    see from them is that there are multiple threads.

    A new general should not be made until the official
    general is on the brink of autosaging into 404 hell,
    or is at the image limit (150 pics). Once a new one
    is established, it should be posted at the end of the
    old general and everyone needs to herd themselves to
    the next.

    Obviously trolls & haters cannot be helped.

    New System: When the old general thread dies, the
    general thread image is to be deleted and placed
    onto the new one. Old general will be archived.
    New system thanks to Archive!noTe.poNY.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:13 No.22426404
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:13 No.22426406
    About as tight as the rope should be around your neck.
    >> Bronyboy 01/06/11(Thu)22:14 No.22426422
         File1294370047.jpg-(31 KB, 425x360, rainbow dash god.jpg)
    31 KB
    Well who is your pony empress? Because if it ain't Celestia its definitely her.
    >> Snarky Bastard 01/06/11(Thu)22:16 No.22426508

    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:20 No.22426610
    When are new episodes airing?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:21 No.22426630
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:22 No.22426670
         File1294370564.png-(7 KB, 299x276, 1293944265158.png)
    7 KB

    Oh duhh today is only Thursday.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:25 No.22426752
    Derpy or rainbow dash?

    Possibly rainbow derpy?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:32 No.22426927
    >Rainbow Derpy
    we need that. Now.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:36 No.22427049
    With that mixture of extreme speed and extreme stupidity, she'd be dead in 10 seconds flat.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:38 No.22427093
    Who the fuck has Celestia as their favorite pony? That's about as boring as it gets, and she's really only been in a couple episodes so far anyway.

    Rainbow Dash is cool, but I'd have to say Fluttershy is my favorite. I just can't stop laughing when she talks about stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:40 No.22427145
    err excuse me sir, but didn`t u know that derpy is the fastest of all pegasus in such community
    your argument is not valid sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)22:45 No.22427252
    Im always waiting to see celestia again
    but I admit that "spot derpy" is is now a "where is waldo?" parody

    / now you are aware that derpy and bigfoot are the same person/
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:03 No.22427706
    Didn't she only have her characteristic googly eyes in the first episode, though?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:04 No.22427715
         File1294373048.jpg-(34 KB, 484x270, 1294194307852.jpg)
    34 KB
    I enjoy these threads

    Most of the time everyone who isnt here to simply troll are decent folk who are more than capable of having a cheerful, lighthearted discussion about this show

    It also gives a chance for artists to have their work be seen, critiqued, and usually appreciated

    I mean, come on, a civil thread on 4chan? Those arent exactly common


    also captcha: perhaps, puaney
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:04 No.22427719
         File1294373053.png-(448 KB, 1330x2425, Mirror_of_Impossible_Dreams.png)
    448 KB
    I like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:04 No.22427733
         File1294373079.jpg-(220 KB, 945x945, 1293586294359.jpg)
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    finally, a non fucked up general
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:05 No.22427750
         File1294373125.png-(99 KB, 1329x638, Something written by Story Tel(...).png)
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    >> kloudmutt 01/06/11(Thu)23:06 No.22427772
         File1294373175.jpg-(117 KB, 600x600, zcora.jpg)
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    i have the derps
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:06 No.22427776
         File1294373191.jpg-(11 KB, 265x297, 1267560512213.jpg)
    11 KB
    Why can't I quit you pony threads?
    >> Story Teller 01/06/11(Thu)23:07 No.22427807

    thanks for posting that image


    I would like some feedback though
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 01/06/11(Thu)23:08 No.22427812
         File1294373282.png-(170 KB, 945x945, two_ponies_arguing.png)
    170 KB
    Oh hey look I tried coloring something again.
    >> discotecnica ottanta 01/06/11(Thu)23:08 No.22427813
         File1294373289.gif-(176 KB, 900x720, Untitled-2pony.gif)
    176 KB
    somebody requested some dash and pie, heres what i got till now, ill finish it tommorrow or something, next up is celestia giving twilight her harem room key.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:09 No.22427832
         File1294373351.jpg-(194 KB, 755x878, spees mahreeeen.jpg)
    194 KB
    >> empty10 01/06/11(Thu)23:09 No.22427844
    >seen, critiqued, and usually appreciatd
    Well, the first and last, anyway. OP pic related. I hardly ever see much of the second.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:09 No.22427847

    Fukken saved before it magically disappears!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:09 No.22427851

    Why do they have identical skin tones?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:10 No.22427866
         File1294373438.gif-(Spoiler Image, 137 KB, 803x779, rarjack.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 137 KB
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/06/11(Thu)23:10 No.22427869
         File1294373445.png-(322 KB, 860x1889, Write faggotry.png)
    322 KB
    Hey, I wanted to move my writefaggotry to a non-autosage thread. As a writefag, I thought I'd contribute to one of my favorite fandoms. It's a bit of a teaser at the moment, but if people like it, I'd be glad to write more. *feels like Fluttershy about reposting this*
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 01/06/11(Thu)23:11 No.22427877
    I was going off of somebody else's colors from other human pony art, but I can darken AJ a bit if needed.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:11 No.22427885

    Because Twilight accidentally turned them into siamese humans joined by their nipples and they are blaming each other while Twilight is offscreen trying to reverse the spell.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:12 No.22427895
         File1294373535.jpg-(43 KB, 600x338, 1293582618310.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:12 No.22427907

    Yeah rarity should be Asian colored and applejack should be a redneck with lots of freckles, how do expect to get noticed without making ethnic diversity?
    >> Intruder? 01/06/11(Thu)23:12 No.22427908
         File1294373569.jpg-(23 KB, 600x324, Just Gonna Borrow Some Of This.jpg)
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    >> Story Teller 01/06/11(Thu)23:13 No.22427915

    ill read yours if you read mine
    >> Cautious Potential Bronie Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/06/11(Thu)23:13 No.22427921
    Just started Part 2 of Ep1 on Pensive Pony's channel. So far it's good, the humor is great the the overemphasis on friendship is a little wearing. I'm assuming it's only this prominent until Twilight stops being such a bitch?

    Also, hell to everybody I chatted with in one of last night's threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:13 No.22427926
    they're joined at the tit.
    No I mean look, no nipples, and no line seperating them, they are joined at the fucking tit.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:14 No.22427933
    who's the one with purple hair supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:14 No.22427936
         File1294373656.jpg-(87 KB, 607x407, 1293906110039.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:14 No.22427948
         File1294373687.jpg-(18 KB, 470x314, Brokeback.jpg)
    18 KB

    Somebody really needs to fund a sexy time Brokeback fapfic with Applejack & Rarity.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:14 No.22427950

    What is it about MLP that attracts so many amazing drawfags to do fanart?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:15 No.22427968

    Thats rule 63 spike.
    >> Zach the Zealot !j5zMp7BnFs 01/06/11(Thu)23:17 No.22427999
         File1294373822.png-(307 KB, 600x600, zach the zealot 3.png)
    307 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:17 No.22428012
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:18 No.22428019
    oh... well I certainly have the most awkward boner in a while... and yet I want more
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:18 No.22428020
    Yeah, the first 2 episodes are a bit heavy-handed with the whole FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC thing. The later episodes are better, but the first 2 are still worth watching as an introduction to the characters and setting.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/06/11(Thu)23:18 No.22428024
         File1294373895.png-(191 KB, 468x335, Brohoof 2.png)
    191 KB
    Fair trade is fair
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:18 No.22428034
    Hi! Last night's thread improed SO MUCH after autosage and a certain hour.
    >> empty10 01/06/11(Thu)23:19 No.22428042
    A big fanbase who appreciates the art.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:19 No.22428054
         File1294373991.jpg-(124 KB, 640x360, Rainbow Dash Converts You.jpg)
    124 KB

    Because this incarnation is better than the rest
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:20 No.22428059
         File1294374015.png-(269 KB, 900x1295, 1294224453372.png)
    269 KB
    OK, I have a request for any drawfag here. Heve you heard of the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent? Well, I'll tell you, its a scary fucking game, and having one of the ponies (best would probably be Fluttershy) assume the role if Daniel while he is crawling around in the castles dungeons with his little oil lamp. I think that would be pretty cool and stuff. Thanks for reading.
    >> Zach the Zealot !j5zMp7BnFs 01/06/11(Thu)23:20 No.22428069
    >> Mr Hate 01/06/11(Thu)23:21 No.22428080
    I will try to ignore you, I will try to ignore these stupid threads full of weirdos.
    Wish me luck.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:21 No.22428088
         File1294374092.jpg-(346 KB, 788x625, 1293063156492.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:21 No.22428097
         File1294374117.jpg-(163 KB, 939x734, shut up and take my money.jpg)
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    Someone please let me know if these are in men's or women's sizes... someone has to know.

    I'm going to man up and get me a pair of Equestria Postal Service PRO-Keds.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:22 No.22428099

    Most of them are furfag artists, and have been doing this for awhile. inb4 flames.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:22 No.22428114
    They're male sizes
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:23 No.22428119
    It'd be funny if Mr.Hate fell into the ponies. God Speed Mr.Hate, God Speed.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:23 No.22428132
    >in Amnesia
    she wouldn't be able to move after the first rush of wind from a door.

    poor thing would probably starve :(
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:23 No.22428133
    You and me both.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:23 No.22428134
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:24 No.22428137
    >> Valnir !!+1VQQUThF/7 01/06/11(Thu)23:24 No.22428153
    Has anyone gotten a Friendship is Magic tattoo yet? I'd be lying if I said it hasn't crossed my mind, but I've yet to make the leap myself.

    If you were gonna get a FiM tattoo, what would you get?
    >> Mr Hate 01/06/11(Thu)23:25 No.22428163
    I still hate you all, but getting angry at you is useless. I can't spend my life hating you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:25 No.22428170
    >>22427921 So far it's good, the humor is great the the overemphasis on friendship is a little wearing. I'm assuming it's only this prominent until Twilight stops being such a bitch?

    The whole friendship obsession is mainly exaggerated for the first two episodes, though the rest of the series does sort of maintain it as an overarching theme.

    My mane (teehee) criticism of the show is the formulaic nature of each episode. They always present a problem, then cycle through each of the main characters to see how they deal with it.

    At least that's how it has been with most of the episodes so far. The few episodes that focused more on the interactions between just a couple of the characters, at least in my opinion, were much more enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:25 No.22428171
    Actually, this isn't the first time this question has been asked on /co/. Most people seemed to gravitate towards getting a cutie mark of some sort, if I'm not mistaken.
    >> railgunner !eOuwl7rXUU 01/06/11(Thu)23:26 No.22428179
         File1294374372.png-(Spoiler Image, 911 KB, 1000x884, celestia__s_discipline_by_sirr(...).png)
    Spoiler Image, 911 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:26 No.22428183
    So you're going to change your name to Mr. Tolerance?
    >> Story Teller 01/06/11(Thu)23:26 No.22428186

    There were a few spelling errors. you should try to draw your audience in more and make the twist more sever and surprising, i see what you wanted to do, but you seemed to rush to it more quickly. try to get a hold of the characters more, having them do things that other readers think the characters would do draws them into the story more. Its like fishing, throw in a line, if someone bites, play with them, set the hook before you rip them outta the water
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:26 No.22428187
         File1294374381.jpg-(19 KB, 151x132, stfumh.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:26 No.22428194

    Cause Friendship is Magic!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:26 No.22428196
         File1294374409.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 56 KB, 525x700, firstharbinger.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 56 KB
    The destroyer of worlds is coming.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:27 No.22428208

    Someone finally answered, but I still don't believe you. These are definitely girl's shoes... but only guys are going to buy them. I can't make up my mind, and I can't return them if they're too big or small. Damn it all!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:27 No.22428213

    I like the show, but i can totally see where you're coming from. I really hate this fandom.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:27 No.22428217
         File1294374450.png-(237 KB, 640x360, MLPfim_ep0401.png)
    237 KB
    Rainbow, you are far from the reason I even bother with this show.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:28 No.22428227
         File1294374480.png-(42 KB, 191x173, lyra1.png)
    42 KB
    has winter wrap up been ripped from the hub site yet, and if so, anyone have the link?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:28 No.22428232
    My eye brow can't stop going up and down. I've lost control of it. Thanks a lot.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:28 No.22428236

    Id love to see more of/like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:28 No.22428237
         File1294374514.jpg-(189 KB, 573x583, 1293953056101.jpg)
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    Who's the artist that drew the guy whispering "ponies" after looking around all paranoid for his housemates? Then they appear, and he squeals "eeeeek!"

    And at the risk of requesting something, does someone have that picture handy?

    P.S. Please don't hurt me.
    >> Valnir !!+1VQQUThF/7 01/06/11(Thu)23:28 No.22428244

    It seems so obvious, but getting a cutie mark tattoo never occurred to me. Would you get a characters mark or design your own then?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:29 No.22428257
    Why did someone mix up all the colors?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:29 No.22428261
    Fluttershy would met Courage the cowardly dog and together would bite their lips before going to break the bad guy's shit like nobody's business.
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/06/11(Thu)23:29 No.22428265
    First episode is finished.

    Nightmare Moon is deliciously hammy and for some reason sounds like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. Not a bad start, but I'm not sold yet. I usually watch at least three episodes before I make a decision on a series, with few exceptions.

    This is how long it generally takes for an anime, cartoon or TV series to hit it's stride and work up momentum.
    >> geekboy 01/06/11(Thu)23:29 No.22428269
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:30 No.22428278
    That's an edit of Penny Arcade.
    And you've got the premise of the comic wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:30 No.22428279
    woah, do want!
    Those are nice, now we can represent Ponyville anywhere we go.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:30 No.22428282
         File1294374613.png-(108 KB, 500x500, pony_swap-(n1293799709913).png)
    108 KB
    Yeah that's exactly why I want to see her there.
    Im a bit of a sadist, I guess.
    >> tekochi 01/06/11(Thu)23:30 No.22428283
    Plenty of people have them.

    They called tramp stamps. They are tattoos that stupid college age girls with daddy issues get, usually featuring hearts, stars and Tinkerbell, on a place to bring them sexual attention (i.e. way below navel, outer thigh, top of ass, etc).

    When I see a fat /co/ man with one of these, I will laugh my ass off at the loser.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:30 No.22428291

    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:30 No.22428296
    Yup. There are links near the top of the thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:31 No.22428316
         File1294374687.png-(109 KB, 500x500, Rainbow_Dash_Jameson.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:31 No.22428323
         File1294374705.png-(77 KB, 246x248, lyra2.png)
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    thank you for responding good sir, do you happen to have a link to the FLV version?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:31 No.22428332

    This is a bad idea and i would feel bad if anyone were to do this in real life.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:32 No.22428346
         File1294374767.jpg-(319 KB, 833x629, fluttershy.jpg)
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    Is this cute enough?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:32 No.22428352
         File1294374778.png-(881 KB, 800x500, Haters Gonna Hate.png)
    881 KB
    Neigh-sayers abound. Watch from a distance and be amused.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:33 No.22428358
    rarity is annoying
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/06/11(Thu)23:33 No.22428376
    Also, as of the popularity of this show none of you guys can rag on /a/ for watching "girly moeblob shows."

    You have made that arguing that point hypocritical, and for that I thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:34 No.22428384
         File1294374856.png-(354 KB, 1112x672, Flock133.png)
    354 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:35 No.22428399
    If I was able to get a tattoo 10-15 years ago, it'd probably be something absolutely retarded like a Pokeball or Red XIII.

    If you want to show your fandom, get a pair of shoes like everyone else. We'll all eventually forget about this crap. You don't wanna be like the rest of the fem-hicks with a dead child's name tattooed on their tit for the rest of their life.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:35 No.22428403
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:36 No.22428417
         File1294374968.jpg-(110 KB, 531x600, pkuno.jpg)
    110 KB
    Well, if I could see it again, maybe I'd get it right, how about that
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:36 No.22428419
    Watch episode 4 before dismissing it. The show doesn't really have a "pace", because it's continuity is a bit loose on most episodes.
    Also 4 is better than 3.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:36 No.22428439


    deal with it
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:36 No.22428448
    Yeah, as fun as this show is, getting an actual tattoo dedicated to a little.....insane. I mean if that's what floats your boat, go for it, but remember that shit is perma unless you got the bills for the removal surgery.

    20 years from now, do you want to be looking at Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark all sagging and faded.....
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:37 No.22428450

    MLP is significantly less girly/gay than most "manly" shows.
    It has actual plots other than HURR WE'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL.
    I could go on and on about how everything that's ever crossed your mind about any subject is entirely wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:37 No.22428452
         File1294375026.png-(82 KB, 359x291, well, i never.png)
    82 KB

    Twilight's dress only brings to attention her total lack of PANTS.
    >> Applebloom/geekboy 01/06/11(Thu)23:37 No.22428468
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:37 No.22428476
    Guys i just though up an art or writing idea from some retarded dream I had.

    Some british guy and his camera man do a nature documentary on the ponies. The ponies reacting in varying degrees of confusion. The guy never acknowledges that the ponies can talk to him and just keeps on doing the voiceover for his documentary.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:37 No.22428478
    Just like we forgot all about the cartoon shows we loved growing up too right? Hence why we're still here as adults posting on a messageboard about cartoons and bickering about decades old animations
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:38 No.22428494
    Actually "little kids cartoons" will always be more socially acceptable than shitty moeblob anime.

    I'm not even kidding. People are probably more likely to think you a creepo for being into Japanese stuff than anything western made.

    Dem be the facts.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:38 No.22428504
         File1294375134.jpg-(157 KB, 696x750, 1293767223405.jpg)
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    YES.... YES IT IS
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:39 No.22428515

    Yes, we sometimes have threads about old cartoons. But we can unanimously agree that getting a tattoo of Spiderman on your thigh is just one step away from being arrested for molesting a toddler.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:39 No.22428523
         File1294375190.png-(65 KB, 233x222, lyra4.png)
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    my thanks!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:40 No.22428534
         File1294375210.jpg-(11 KB, 229x261, 1271574315492.jpg)
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    so uh
    what would a dinosaur version of equestria be named? something like the protectorate of jurassi? without the c, mind you.
    >> geekboy 01/06/11(Thu)23:40 No.22428547
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:40 No.22428552
         File1294375256.jpg-(23 KB, 250x250, 250px-Professors_cube[1].jpg)
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    Now post the other 718 permutations!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:41 No.22428566

    It would just be "Dinosaur Land".
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:41 No.22428569
         File1294375288.jpg-(151 KB, 829x498, tuwairaito.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:41 No.22428580
    >implying for children only
    A better use would be like a power rangers tattoo or something.

    Anyways I fail to see how any of that would make you look like a pedo. More like everyone would think you're retarded instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:42 No.22428585
    So about what time can we expect the new episode to be posted up?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:42 No.22428591
    More like nobody really gives a shit about your hobbies except you. Outside of high school anyway.
    >> SlyWit !tedl177Zx2 01/06/11(Thu)23:42 No.22428594
    Hmm, well, ST. The story has an interesting concept, taking the Celestia is a Tyrant fanon. I think the beginning could be improved if there is more showing rather than simply telling what each pony is doing. But I did get interested when I got to Spike and Twilight's conversation.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:42 No.22428596
         File1294375357.jpg-(360 KB, 1280x848, IMAG0179.jpg)
    360 KB
    Ugh so

    I ordered hair for my Lyra custom, white and the palest blue I could find, and this I what I get. Not very happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:43 No.22428611

    I actually had a high school professor with a tattoo of Spongebob on his shoulder. I guess it's good that nobody thought he was retarded. However...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:44 No.22428619
    >implying Rerlitt
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:44 No.22428626

    perhaps you could use a stain or hobby wash of some kind to tint the hair more appropriately?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:44 No.22428627

    You can probably bleach it to make it a bit lighter.
    Ask /cgl/ for advice on where to go with this.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:45 No.22428644
         File1294375509.jpg-(26 KB, 375x378, bizarrocode.jpg)
    26 KB
    Me think me being in Bizarroquestria
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:45 No.22428654
    Suddenly Dinotopia.

    God It's been forever since I thought of that...
    >> kloudmutt 01/06/11(Thu)23:45 No.22428662
    this i like, gimme a few minutes, also why just some british guy? instead Richard Hammond and the stig
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:46 No.22428676
    Applebuck Season (episode 4) usually is recommended for newcomers. My advice is to watch until at least that one since it seems to be a fan favorite.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:47 No.22428692
         File1294375641.jpg-(199 KB, 603x500, 1294188408991.jpg)
    199 KB
    Why does MLP: FiM attract so much

    There are macros, fan art (clean and not so much), fan fics, character stories for background ponies, song parodies, and theories for everything. The total volume is in the thousands, and in terms of manhours likely over 1000 have been sunk into 11 episodes. Why does MLP attract so much?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:48 No.22428719

    I dunno, why is "u mad?" so popular?
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/06/11(Thu)23:48 No.22428720
    Oh I'm aware of that, but it doesn't make the point any more acceptable.

    This whole cultural aversion of Japanese stuff really irks me.

    And by going on about it, all you'd be doing is trolling. Being feminine or manly is unimportant to a show's quality. All I'm saying is that the argument is now invalid.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:49 No.22428737
    >my word! the ponies have such VIBRANT colors! just look at the multicolored plumage on this wing-ed specimen!
    >hey! lay off my mane creep!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:49 No.22428739
    Because there's a fanbase to appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:49 No.22428751
         File1294375792.jpg-(580 KB, 1376x1078, billions of fuck.jpg)
    580 KB

    I don't understand it either. Maybe /co/ is full of talented people?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:50 No.22428759
         File1294375811.jpg-(97 KB, 336x360, trixiebueno.jpg)
    97 KB

    because its worth it. the show is great fun
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:50 No.22428763
    i'm trying to get a little less cliche than equestria, which is itself certainly ok
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:50 No.22428777
    They're easy as hell to draw if you have the slightest bit of talent.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:50 No.22428781
    Not sure but I was really pleasantly surprised that /co/ picked this up. It's awesome when 4chan blows up over something that you enjoy. Most of the time anyway.
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/06/11(Thu)23:51 No.22428805
    Also, damn 4chan and it's ambiguous word/phrase blocking that makes me reword a post 20+ times trying to figure out what is wrong with it.

    There really should be a list somewhere especially since this one wasn't anywhere near being obvious.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:52 No.22428821
    wait hang on motherfucker you have the same name as me irl now we must fight to the death.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:52 No.22428824
    No, no. Dinotopia's this old...
    Universe? Story? It escapes me at the time.
    But Sauria was the name of the place if I remember correctly and Dinotopia was the story's name.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:52 No.22428828
         File1294375945.jpg-(23 KB, 300x234, blue5.jpg)
    23 KB

    Augh I've tried to post like four times and it won't work what the fuck /co/

    You can't bleach plastic hair, only make it darker. Bleh.

    Picture is the example of the 'blue' I bought. Deceptive image.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:52 No.22428833
         File1294375959.png-(85 KB, 425x360, 1294118102786.png)
    85 KB
    You know what Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have in common?

    Hint: Same thing that Applejack and Rainbow Dash have in common.

    Same VA.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:54 No.22428872
         File1294376041.gif-(282 KB, 240x280, droolpony.gif)
    282 KB

    on the brights side, considering the large number of background ponies that get little screen time, somepony is going to have hair that color
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:54 No.22428892
         File1294376092.jpg-(428 KB, 1000x884, celestia__s_discipline_by_sirr(...).jpg)
    428 KB
    You've been a very bad filly Twilight, I'm sorry, but you must be punished. Bend over my haunch and lift your tail.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:55 No.22428895
         File1294376101.jpg-(26 KB, 232x279, 1294180316987.jpg)
    26 KB

    This has been known for months.
    rarity's VA is the best
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:55 No.22428899
    gon' have to look that one up
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/06/11(Thu)23:56 No.22428927
    But Nathan is not my irl name.

    It's an alias and (hopefully) future pen name. Or at least half of a future pen name.

    Maybe some other time.

    Kudos on having an awesome name, BTW
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:56 No.22428928
    This doesn't look so bad... the "white" is what irked me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:57 No.22428944
         File1294376223.jpg-(399 KB, 1280x848, IMAG0180.jpg)
    399 KB
    I suppose so. I'm not forking out more money for Lyra quite yet.

    Here's BonBon's hair. I haven't started on her at all yet, because I have several others to work on.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:57 No.22428953
    >158 post
    >55 images

    Is this a new reccord?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:57 No.22428960
    No, Nathan, it is you and I who must battle. For I am Nathan as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:57 No.22428966
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:58 No.22428992
         File1294376333.png-(177 KB, 473x498, thehorror2.png)
    177 KB

    >bon bons hair
    >lyra's decapitated head in the background

    what have you done
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:59 No.22428997
    Record for what? Smallest number of pony posts?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)23:59 No.22429004
    Its brevity and flexibility. If you can express the thought in one word that makes sense in a wide variety of situations, it may catch on. "Bueno" is handy in the first regard, but it is limited in terms of flexibility.

    So it is related to the /co/ response? Maybe. How many bronies would have been completely in the dark about a show from a new network about bright ponies? How many would be tempted to do the creations with no audience?
    But there is plenty of audience for other shows, shows with much larger audiences. How is MLP different from them?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:00 No.22429018

    It's an odd post-to-image ratio.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:00 No.22429023

    I offer Griffon the Brush off, since the beginning tend to hook people in with the Pepe Le Pew-like chase sequence.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:00 No.22429028
    You are now aware that the original Dinotopia book has been out of print for awhile now.

    Meanwhile Twilight has it's own shelves.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:00 No.22429030
         File1294376420.jpg-(59 KB, 700x800, RainbowDash..jpg)
    59 KB
    I made a thing for you guys,
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:00 No.22429037
         File1294376426.png-(644 KB, 1024x768, pinkiepie(1).png)
    644 KB
    Time for some uplifting crappy photoshopping.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:01 No.22429065
    THERE CAN BE ONLY ONactually this is getting gay lets talk about colorful magic talking ponies instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:02 No.22429081
    I wasn't surprised to see that Applejack and RD had the same voice actor. I mean, try imagining Rainbow with a southern accent...

    On the other hand, the VA who does the voices for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie does an amazing job at creating two very distinct voices/personalities. The intonation Fluttershy uses on her words is hilarious and perfect.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:02 No.22429084
         File1294376530.jpg-(32 KB, 459x359, 1293519427675.jpg)
    32 KB

    I cum on cat she hiss at penis.
    >> Prince of Equestria !uiJYEJWTPw 01/07/11(Fri)00:02 No.22429089
         File1294376542.jpg-(74 KB, 759x456, prince.jpg)
    74 KB
    Can someone help me improve my original pony?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:02 No.22429093
         File1294376562.jpg-(53 KB, 450x357, Tribesman_sm_det.jpg)
    53 KB
    >mfw no one remembers the awesomeness of Dinotopia
    >also mfw no one will recognize the source of my face
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:03 No.22429111
         File1294376592.png-(52 KB, 212x221, SOAWESOME.png)
    52 KB
    >Customanon actually making BonBon
    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/07/11(Fri)00:04 No.22429137
    I'd like some Lyra and Bon Bon... a sad day
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:04 No.22429140
         File1294376661.png-(144 KB, 666x590, 1294159906644.png)
    144 KB
    Did anyone screencap the Drunky Hooves thread?

    Pic unrelated, though I think it inspired it.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:05 No.22429174
    Could you maybe um change the color of his eyes so it doesnt look like his eyes are colored with the blood of a thousand slain ponies : (
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:05 No.22429176

    I'm making ponies! :D I made a Caramel, who's waiting to have his hair done, and now I have Bonbon and Lyra, and I have a friend who wants a Nurse Pony (except as a unicorn, because frankly, painting a pony white is a bitch and I don't want to do it.)


    The person who posts Lyra all the time convinced me it wouldn't be right to make Lyra without Bonbon. Especially with the collage and all.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:05 No.22429178
    >Give it up Lad
    >Not Lass
    Those are fighting wordsn
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:05 No.22429181
    Hey /co/, I watched this show, and I didn't really enjoy it that much.

    But goddamnit, I keep watching it with my sister whenever its on. Its ... one of the less annoying shows she enjoys
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:06 No.22429195
    >But there is plenty of audience for other shows, shows with much larger audiences.
    As far as I can see, this is not the case on /co/.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:06 No.22429200
         File1294376787.jpg-(223 KB, 570x402, 4chan ponies.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:06 No.22429204
         File1294376795.png-(132 KB, 655x655, luna_nom.png)
    132 KB

    >But there is plenty of audience for other shows, shows with much larger audiences. How is MLP different from them?

    Lots of subtle ways that matter far more than people give them credit, I imagine. Its got quadrupedal sapient animals as main characters, a simple yet interesting mythology, it relies neither on angsty preteen drama or pointless slapstick, two categories which cover pretty much every other show around. It also has an entirely female cast save one, which, when coupled with the fact its actually good, makes it pretty unique. People just aren't used to a watchable show done from a dominantly female (and I mean for female) perspective. Its fresh.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:07 No.22429222

    I just gotta say, it's these kind of left-field posts that make the pony threads feel alive. Besides the serious (and sometimes racist) discussions, fanfic writing, and the random porn, there's always something else (albeit short-lived) going on.

    Characters like the the zealot being the doomsayer with his routine about his blasphemy, and the occasional anons bringing up seemingly unrelated material... it's kind of like a panoramic shot of a busy pony-themed town bazaar, with no focus on any subject in-particular.

    Just fun to read through and watch this stuff, and for me it's not hard to imagine this all as something that happens in Equestria between MLP episodes.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:07 No.22429225
         File1294376836.jpg-(443 KB, 1000x884, Bad Pony.jpg)
    443 KB
    You've been a very bad Filly, Twilight, I'm sorry, but you must be punished. Bend over my haunch and lift your tail.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:07 No.22429229
         File1294376841.png-(200 KB, 800x600, barioth pony color.png)
    200 KB
    Dinosaurs need to be hunted.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:07 No.22429239
         File1294376870.jpg-(306 KB, 833x629, fluttershy_color.jpg)
    306 KB

    How about in color?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:08 No.22429243
    People should avoid that episode simply because Gilda is the worst character the show has produced so far, and it's pretty much centered on her.

    Aside from the moral lesson in each episode, the show is essentially a comedy. There is nothing funny about Gilda, and her character design and personality/voice are not endearing. She was simply a tool that the show used to teach the lesson "being an asshole is bad."

    I can only hope she's not a recurring character.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:08 No.22429244
    ok so we got;

    dinosaur land

    anything else?
    remember; the goal is something along the lines of equestria
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:08 No.22429257
    I like that a whole lot.
    >> Jimbo 01/07/11(Fri)00:08 No.22429262

    Where'd you get it from? That looks like Mermaid from Dollyhair, which, far as I know, is the lightest blue? I'd have to take another look, tho. Let me know if you need help, I have some colors on hand I might be able to help match for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:09 No.22429284
    >Gilda is the worst character the show has produced so far

    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:09 No.22429286
         File1294376970.jpg-(12 KB, 290x218, eh.jpg)
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    >> MASTERLINKX !YCup7Xj0Ro 01/07/11(Fri)00:10 No.22429308
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:10 No.22429313
    >Snips and Snails are the worst characters the show has produced so far

    Theeere ya go.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:10 No.22429319
         File1294377049.jpg-(50 KB, 400x507, my_little_deviant.jpg)
    50 KB
    >AJ as /d/
    lol, what?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:10 No.22429321
         File1294377050.png-(42 KB, 188x215, why.png)
    42 KB

    This image has been posted a grand total of no less than two times in this thread, and once by the creator of said image, who had the decency to spoiler it.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:10 No.22429322
         File1294377052.gif-(194 KB, 500x500, 1293584088152.gif)
    194 KB
    Here you go my brothers my favorite pic out of this subculture. I run this on loop while listening to Homestuck and Panty & Stocking OST's trying to write the greatest Table Top RPG and a complete rewrite of the biological history of the planet Earth bacon themed. I do this for my bacon cookie company. Best part of this post is that is ALL TRUE! I love you all RAGE against the reality around you.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:11 No.22429331

    Oh boy here we go...
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:11 No.22429342
         File1294377114.png-(80 KB, 640x360, twilight template.3.png)
    80 KB
    I made a srs face Twilight template. Use for covering porn and whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:11 No.22429343
         File1294377115.png-(95 KB, 299x346, trixie10.png)
    95 KB

    Trixie wasn't a bad character at all. She was genuinely funny (in a belligerent sort of way) and was pretty adorable. Don't let the RP fag ruin her for you.

    Gilda I didn't mind either, though I can understand where those that hate her are coming from. She had some really groan inducing dialogue and seemed to fit in oddly.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:12 No.22429368
         File1294377166.jpg-(26 KB, 480x272, 8332540_p22.jpg)
    26 KB
    >Not wearing something useless like full Agnaktor
    I find this highly unlikely
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:12 No.22429371

    Well, at least you can try to have fun!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:13 No.22429373
         File1294377183.jpg-(10 KB, 216x216, 1293052663922.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:14 No.22429397
         File1294377252.jpg-(28 KB, 400x385, BixWut.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:14 No.22429401

    Though it makes then appreciate the other characters better. A good antagonist can serve as a good hook as well.

    And I don't think she will be back... unless my words jinx us and she back after 3 episodes XP
    >> Amandymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:14 No.22429405
    Are you looking for a loyal personal assistant? Because I'd do anything for a window into your awesome life.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:14 No.22429407
         File1294377265.png-(256 KB, 1112x670, Gilda Cube - 3,6,9 dam(...).png)
    256 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:14 No.22429413
    Customanon, may I ask where you buy your hair from? (And how in hell do you remove the hair with the ponies' narrow necks?)
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:14 No.22429420
         File1294377286.png-(Spoiler Image, 986 KB, 1974x1965, hot pinkie pie and dash action.png)
    Spoiler Image, 986 KB
    Reposting this from one of the previous threads. So sexy.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:15 No.22429433

    For some reason when I look at Trixie without her outfit I feel like I'm looking at smut...
    >> Bronyboy 01/07/11(Fri)00:16 No.22429454
         File1294377361.png-(479 KB, 707x1000, 1292104522289.png)
    479 KB
    What if she does a heel face turn. People have been known to do that.

    Pic unrelated. Bitches and Horse!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:16 No.22429457
    i can't read pony lips, what's she meant to be saying? or is it unintelligible nonsense

    also, bacon cookie company? for reals?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:16 No.22429464
    Gotta agree. Gilda was a tool like Trixie. But at least Trixie had some redemptive qualities: arrogant but passive, unexpectedly lost her home due to her boasting, and at least acknowledged she was in over her head.
    Gilda was aggressive and actively sought trouble, lost her friend seemingly by her own choice, and never admitted she was wrong.
    The very fact that I am saying Trixie is better then Gilda is not a reflection of how good Trixie is but rather how bad Gilda is: She is a bitter character and should not be used as an introduction in any sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:16 No.22429467
    soooo cuuuuteeeeee
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:16 No.22429469
         File1294377396.png-(Spoiler Image, 75 KB, 320x214, pinke_x_rarity.png)
    Spoiler Image, 75 KB
    So filthy.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:16 No.22429476
         File1294377401.jpg-(17 KB, 290x271, dino.jpg)
    17 KB

    > Not the Mama.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:17 No.22429489
    >RAGE against the reality around you
    All day, every day my fellow bronie.
    Godspeed with your endeavors Anonymous.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:17 No.22429490
         File1294377436.png-(89 KB, 473x231, 1290429697588-1290214789092.png)
    89 KB
    A lot of ponies got sick of reading shipping writefaggotry, so I tried my hand at something different. Here is the final epic battle between Twilight and Trixie.
    This Day No Sun Rises
    The Tiara of the Princess of Equestria weighed heavy on Twilight’s brow. With a nod of her horn and flash of purple light, she switched the Mirror of Eternal Vigilance from first one site to another: Fillydelphia – long gone now, a mere blackened ruin; Stalliongrad – a smoking hole in the earth; and finally Ponyville, still burning, the silhouettes of refugee ponies stark against the angry red flames.
    With another nod, the mirror went dark. Princess Twilight closed her eyes, stifling the tears that threatened to well up in her eyes. Oh Equestria! she thought, I’ve let you down so badly. I’m not even a tenth of a Princess that Celestia was. I was unable to protect you.
    It had happened so suddenly. Equestria had been at peace for the first ten years of Twilight’s rule – Celestia had passed away at last, becoming one with the Rainbow Magic, leaving the Tiara to her favourite student Twilight, now a powerful magician, skilled in the power of Unicorn Magic. Parasprites, plagues of Posion joke, even the return of the Schmooze, all of these things she had managed to overcome and kept her beloved Equestria and her subjects safe. Of course, she had had her friends back then – the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony. But they were gone now... one by one defeated, or gone without trace, as Twilight’s army was driven back to Canterlot Castle by the enemy.
    So many sacrifices to protect the ponies of Equestria – so many last stands and valiant battles against overwhelming odds. Many lives had been saved, thank Meagan, but they had been unable to stop the relentless attack of the dark army belonging to their implacable enemy.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429508
         File1294377484.jpg-(220 KB, 821x761, 560545 - Applejack Friendship_(...).jpg)
    220 KB
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429512
    And who that enemy was, no one could say. They had seen a pony far off, in the command tent of her army of Ursa Majors, hidden, cowled, but potent with magic and darkness. Whoever it was, they wielded the power of the Rainbow of Darkness, to great and devastating effect. When the army approached a town, the Rainbow of Darkness would spring out from the enemy camp, blanketing the area, cutting out the light of the Sun and striking fear and despair into the hearts of the ponies who lived there. Even Twilight’s own Elite Guard found their usually impregnable morale diminished by its power. And so she had sent a crack team of her most veteran Pegasus soldiers, led by her old and ever faithful friend Major General Rainbow Dash, to find the Rainbow Locket. It was the fabled treasure lost thousands of years ago, once wielded by the great saviour Meagan who had come to Equestria from a strange parallel universe, a locket that kept within it the purifying and restorative power of Rainbow Magic. But they had not returned. Lost or dead? No pony could say.
    “Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight!” The door to the Throne Room swung open and a Pegasus pony galloped in. “The enemy has breached the final wall – they’re inside the Inner Courtyard!”
    “The Castle Guard?” Twilight demanded, “Are they...all...?”
    The Pegasus nodded, his face downcast. Soot and blood covered his mane and his armour, and he was clearly exhausted. “All gone. Defeated. There were too many! Too many....” He started to sob, and Princess Twilight swept down, lifting him up with her wings and placing him behind the throne where he would be safe.
    “Hide here,” sha said softly. “And if I should fall, escape and find your own fate in this burning world.”
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429524

    I took a risk and went with Restoredoll's Nylon, because they're going out of business. A skien only cost me $1.57, and I split the order with a friend, so I'm not out terrible. Dollyhair's photos seem to be more accurate.

    I have a hank that is a little like Mermaid/Atomic Turquoise but that's darker. This is a little more opaque and a little more... cotton candy blue (the food, not the pony.)

    Dollyhair would probably be Daiquari Ice. I'm hoping blending some of the blue with the silver would work, but I'm afraid to untie the hanks because I get hair everywhere and don't want to lose half my hair mixing when I'm not rehairing anything tonight. Caramel was a pain in the ass. So much. I have never had a pony with that much glue in its head.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429527
         File1294377519.gif-(Spoiler Image, 2.87 MB, 502x481, pinkie yuri.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 2.87 MB

    SO hot, but check this image out
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429531
    Monty Python and the Holy Rainbow Dash:
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429532
         File1294377529.jpg-(68 KB, 640x720, 1289426497277.jpg)
    68 KB
    >AJ as /d/
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:18 No.22429534
    She's not meant to be saying anything particular.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:19 No.22429538
    And then a might crash rang out, followed by another, and another, in rapid succession. The enemy had reached the door to the Throne Room and were breaking it down.
    She nodded to the two Guards at her side. This was it. The final stand.
    She stepped down from the Throne in slow, determined steps, and as she walked, the colours of her mane grew ever brighter, and it whipped about her ever wilder, as she felt the Unicorn magic rise in her body. Her horn glowed incandescent, like a horseshoe glowing white in a blacksmith’s fire. Her eyes narrowed, and in turn started to burn sun-bright as she watched the great door slowly start to buckle in.
    And then it smashed open inwards, huge splinters of blue-black wood exploding throughout the throne room. The Pegasus guards leapt forward, and Princess Twilight shouted “Wait!” – but too late. They galloped into the maelstrom of dust and splinters, then immediately flew back as two mighty Ursa Majors crashed into the room, roaring and swiping the air with paws as huge as houses. The Pegasus guards lay where they landed, unmoving.
    “No!” Twilight bit her lip until the blood flowed as she channelled Unicorn magic through her body – up from her heart, along her spine and into her horn, where it jetted out in a blast of azure energy that struck the two Ursas straight on. It lifted them effortless up and backwards, smashing them against the great massive masonry walls of the throne room, which caved in, raising plumes of dust. Her magic kept them held there for a heart-beat, until finally letting them slip to the floor, where the huge creatures twitched and moaned and in pain.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/07/11(Fri)00:19 No.22429544

    I love this.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:20 No.22429562
    “So!” came a voice, a sneering feminine voice, so soft it was almost a whisper, but one which spread to fill the entire throne room with mocking laughter. “Just like old times, my DEAR Twilight Sparkle. Oh, how LONG have I waited for this scene, to once again step out onto the stage with my FAVOURITE rival!”
    The voice was familiar. Twilight’s eyes narrowed, and she looked upon the pony dressed in black robes that now walked into the room from the rent-open doorway. “It’s you...” she said in disbelief.
    “YES!” came the mare’s voice, shouting now. “It is I, the SUPREME and OMNIPOTENT TRIXIE!” She swept the hood from her head, and Twilight saw it was indeed the Unicorn she had met so long ago. But Trixie was older now, careworn and creased with wrinkles, so thin that the bones of her face seemed to be visible under her thin blue hide.
    “Trixie!” Twilight was horrified at the revelation. “Why? What... happened to you?”
    Trixie’s mouth tore open in a sneer. “I’M so GLAD the powerful and regal PRINCESS of EQUESTRIA remembers an old mare like me. It HAS been a while, hasn’t it? So long since you HUMILIATED me, DESTROYED my show and my livelihood, sent me PACKING from your one-pony town! I told you that day that you had NOT heard the LAST of ME!”
    “But Trixie,” Twilight said, shaking her head, “It was so long ago. And it was you that brought everything on yourself...”
    “I? I, the SUPREME and OMNIPOTENT TRIXIE, I brought it all upon myself? Was it I who brought the Ursa Minor to your town that day? Was it I who disrupted my show, trying to UPSTAGE me and show off your own POWERS? ” Trixie spat. “So be it. However you wish to remember the past is of NO consequence to me. Only the PRESENT is. HERE and NOW. This final MOMENT of VICTORY, when I will defeat you and sit on the throne of Equestria FOREVER!”
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:20 No.22429568

    She tied RD in that rein in Bridle Gossip

    Technically that would be bondange in the MLP universe

    Bondage is /d/ material
    >> kloudmutt 01/07/11(Fri)00:20 No.22429574
         File1294377622.jpg-(230 KB, 1000x1000, top pony.jpg)
    230 KB
    as alike as i can make with such a few lines
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 01/07/11(Fri)00:20 No.22429580
         File1294377641.png-(14 KB, 400x400, 022.png)
    14 KB
    >mfw this is an obvious troll
    >mfw everyone is agreeing with it

    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:21 No.22429587
         File1294377665.jpg-(18 KB, 143x299, 1294002340873.jpg)
    18 KB
    why does the celestia spanking twilight pic give me massive boner
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:21 No.22429588
    It's not a Longsword.

    It's a Greatsword!
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:21 No.22429589
    Trixie leapt forward, her horn suddenly aglow with an eerie blue-black unlight, her light blue mane darkening into an inky blackness that jetted out in tendrils about her, eating into the light of the throne room. It flooded forwards as a wave towards Twilight. The Princess stepped back, and her own horn became a star-point of purple-pink light that glowed and sparked. A ray of the same colour jetted out, cutting into the liquid darkness that threatened to overwhelm her, melting it away.
    “You have grown in power TOO, I see, Twilight Sparkle.” The inkiness seeped back into the shape of Trixie’s mane, but it kept wriggling as if it were alive. “You have learned many things from Princess Celestia, I see. But I have ALSO learned a great many things! Forever after that FATEFUL day in Ponyville, I was LAUGHED at and MOCKED by everypony I met. No one took me seriously, and I was forced to live ALONE, far from pony-kind, anywhere that was LONELY and DARK, where I could HIDE my SHAME. And in those dark places I found the means for MY revenge. And in the DEPTHS of the dungeons of Midnight Castle, I found the magic to defeat you with. The POWER of the RAINBOW of DARKNESS. It has not been a PATH lacking SACRIFICE....” She touched a hoof to her wasted hide. “But it has been worth every PAIN to see you here, now, QUAILING at my MAJESTY!”
    “You’re wrong, Trixie,” replied Princess Twilight in a soft voice, “There is no magic strong enough to defeat the Power of the Rainbow. And there is no way I will allow you to rule Equestria!” She pawed the floor with her front hooves and surged forwards.
    “You FOAL!” shrieked Trixie, breaking into her own gallop straight at Princess Twilight. “I KNOW you don’t have the Power of the Rainbow. All you have is your FRAIL unicorn magic, a MERE PALE imitation!”
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:21 No.22429605
         File1294377699.jpg-(23 KB, 320x240, earl_sinclair.jpg)
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    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:22 No.22429618
    They struck each other, and it was if a star had burst in the centre of the room. A blossoming mixture of black and dark purple light sprayed out in a kaleidoscope, devastating everything it touched. The tapestries disintegrated, the walls were scored and blackened, and the Throne of Equestria was split in half, tumbling from the podium, striking the floor and shattering.
    But the two foes were still standing. They stood, battered and panting, staring at each other, looking for any sign of another attack.
    “Give up, Trixie... there is no way you can win,” Twilight’s voice was weak but resolute.
    Trixie said nothing, but a black smile sprang onto her face. She stepped back, and tapped the ground with her horn. The blackness spilled from it, like an upturned ink bottle, and as it flooded into the floor Princess Twilight bided her time, channelling her magic ready for the next blow.
    But the darkness did not approach her. It sprang into five separate pieces between the two battling ponies, black blobs of shadow that slowly started to take form.
    “LOOK upon my MAGIC and DESPAIR, Twilight Sparkle!” laughed Trixie. And when she finished speaking, the shadows at once resolved themselves into the shapes of....
    “Oh no, oh no....” sobbed Twilight Sparkle. “No. No! Not you, my dearest friends. My dearest friends... It can’t be...”
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:22 No.22429619
         File1294377732.png-(113 KB, 263x280, trixie6.png)
    113 KB

    Haha! I actually think she looks better without it, shes cute and has a neat color scheme, blues, blues everywhere. Also a fun butt symbol.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:22 No.22429622
         File1294377740.jpg-(189 KB, 1920x1200, 1293429392036.jpg)
    189 KB
    Believe ANON! I can't openly advertise on 4chan (which is weird since I have an advertising budget and tried to pay for ads but fucking moot won't return a email) but google bacon cookie company and we are the first hit. If you mention that Red Beard is a /co/mrade I'll see if I can get you discount. In the meantime Pinkie Pie!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:22 No.22429624
         File1294377744.jpg-(29 KB, 531x360, snake.jpg)
    29 KB
    today was a metal gear solid day....good times...
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:22 No.22429628
         File1294377750.png-(149 KB, 640x360, 1293349587632.png)
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    I don't remember what it's called, but I read somewhere that the presence of clothing amplifies the effect of nudity when it is removed or adjusted. That's why exotic dancers wear jewelery or bits of clothing and why porn of nuns or other covered women is popular.

    Trixie spends the early part of the episode wearing robes and a hat so that's the image you have of her, compared to the other ponies who wear a hat at most.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:23 No.22429644

    because your a furry or are becoming one.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:23 No.22429645
    But it was true. The inky darkness had taken the shape of her dead friends. There they stood before her, the shape and faces of the friends she had so painfully lost – Fluttershy; no look of kindness on her face, but a rictus of blind hatred. Rarity, her form no-longer that of a graceful, elegant mare, but that of an emaciated and withered shade, glared at her spitefully. AppleJack, a smile on her face; not one of honesty and warmth, but a hate-filled sneer. Rainbow Dash, her mane an inverted rainbow of blackness, a growling snarl on her mouth. And Pinkie Pie, her eyes bugged out, but not in playful craziness, but with the psychotic intensity of a maniac.
    “These are no empty COPIES, my dear Twilight Sparkle. They are the shades of your dead friends, TRAPPED here by the power of the Rainbow of Darkness, and ALL TOO WILLING to do my bidding!”
    “No, no!” cried Twilight. No, it can’t be true! But Twilight knew, deep in her heart, the truth of Trixie’s words. She turned on her laughing enemy. “Trixie, you monster!” She galloped straight at her but the shades leapt in her path. They kicked at her with their hooves, stabbed with their horns and wing-tips, sharp as steel and as cold as the depths of winter ice. She fell back, wounded, in soul as well as body.
    “Do you YIELD?” screamed Trixie, stepping forwards with the shades parting to allow her to approach the fallen Twilight. “DO... YOU... YIELD?”
    Twilight dragged her head up from her chest. “Never, Trixie. Never. There is always hope... even against evil as great as yours....”
    Trixie chuckled. “HOPE in Equestria is in short supply these days, Twilight Sparkle. Or perhaps you have not SEEN how I have left it – DEVASTATED and EMPTY, as you left ME!”
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:23 No.22429667
    “But... there is... hope....”
    A look of uncertainty flashed on Trixie’s face, but disappeared as quickly as it appeared. “You’re stalling, Twilight Sparkle. DO you YIELD?” She came closer.
    “NO WAY!”
    The voice sprang out loud and clear; a warm and familiar voice, arrogant and cheerful. “SHE WILL NEVER YIELD TO A LAME-O LIKE YOU, TRIXIE!”
    Trixie jerked back from the shade of Rainbow Dash, from which the voice had sprung. It turned slowly and advanced on her, and Trixie retreated from it as it took a stand between the other shades and the fallen Twilight. “What? How is it possible?” Trixie shouted. “I killed you. I KILLED you in Midnight Castle....”
    “Man, you meanies’ll never learn,” laughed Rainbow Dash, the darkness sloughing off her like a layer of dirt washed away, her rainbow colours gradually restored. “You can’t stop the Dash so easily, Trixie!” She approached Twilight’s side. “I’m sorry I took so long Twilight... ah, PRINCESS Twilight I should say...”
    Twilight looked up at her friend. “Dash! You’re still alive...”
    Dash smiled back sadly, shaking her head. “No. I really did die in Midnight Castle.” She turned on the cowering Trixie. “You did kill me. But it was too late. I’d already found it!”
    With a cocky swish of her mane she revealed the Heart Locket hanging around her neck.
    “No. NO!” shrieked Trixie. “It’s not possible!”
    >> empty10 01/07/11(Fri)00:23 No.22429672
         File1294377830.png-(87 KB, 600x667, 0286.png)
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    Repostin' my latest.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:24 No.22429680
    Rainbow Dash laughed, and the rich warm sound made the shades of her friends step back in confusion. “Believe it, Trixie!” She stepped closer to Twilight, nuzzling her friend’s muzzle with her own. Even as a shade, she still had a memory of a body, and Twilight’s eyes brimmed with tears as she felt the warmth and softness of her friend’s hide.
    “It’ll be OK, Twilight,” said Dash. “We’ll never forget you. And we’ll be waiting for you, just as soon as you kick Trixie’s ass!”
    “Dash, I...” but as Twilight started to speak, Rainbow Dash slipped the heart locket onto Twilight’s neck, and as she did her colours faded away, drifting back into shadow.
    “Goodbye Twilight,” Rainbow Dash’s voice came as if from a great distance away. “I love you. We all love you!” She smiled. “Everything will be OK....” And then the voice was gone, and the smile with it, turning back into the snarl of the unquiet dead.
    But Twilight was no longer afraid. She got to her feet and lifted her neck, staring eye to eye with Trixie. Between them, the shades had begun to coalesce together, taking the form of a giant arch of inky blackness... The Rainbow of Darkness!
    “Too little TOO late, Twilight Sparkle!” screamed Trixie, and with a triumphant neigh she stabbed the air before her with her horn and the dark arch whipped around Twilight, constricting her.
    Twilight screamed in agony. Her body felt cold and hot at the same time, her skin aflame, the marrow of her bones solidifying into ice. Her mind was buffeted with a wind of screaming voices – the cries of the dead, the voices of her friends, filled with scorn and recriminations, accusing her, blaming her for their deaths. But inside it all she felt a scintilla of warmth, kept apart from the glacial wind, a voice filled with love amongst all the screeching hate.
    “I love you Twilight Sparkle,” it said. “We ALL love you.”
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/07/11(Fri)00:24 No.22429681
    Finished episode 2. Sad that Nightmare Moon had a Heel Face Turn, she had potential for more than what they gave her. But then, she may come back.

    I'll watch more tomorrow, 2 is about all I can handle for now.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:24 No.22429690
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:25 No.22429708
    Those blues, I love me some similar color schemes. The fact that she seems the least naked pony after the Princesses is also unique.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:25 No.22429709
    At first it was the memory of Rainbow Dash’s voice. But then another voice appeared, in harmony with hers. It was the soft whisper of Fluttershy, filled with kindness.
    “Dear Twilight, we’re here. ALL of us are here for you.”
    And then the warmth of Applejack’s voice joined it.
    “Y’all best get fightin’, Twilight, if ya gonna save Equestria!”
    And then the cultured voice of Rarity sprang forth. “Yes, darling. Stand up for yourself! We all believe in you.”
    “TRIXIE!!!!” Twilight’s voice cut straight through the whirling tempest of darkness that surrounded her. “TRIXIE!!!!”
    Trixie’s sneering laugh stopped dead in her throat, and she choked “No.... not’s not possible...NOT POSSIBLE!!!”
    From the centre of the darkness a red glow appeared – a tiny point at first, but slowly growing larger. It was joined with orange, an orange that spread outwards with tongues of colour like a crackling fire. Suddenly yellow blossomed out from it, like a flower opening, with vibrant green at its edge that spread out into a meadow of vibrant colour. Blue spilled forth then, a wave of glistening water on a summer’s day, turning into the indigo of a late afternoon sky. And at last violet sprayed forth in a single, brilliant supernova of light that filled the devastated throne room, setting it alight. And from the centre of the explosion sprang Twilight, transfigured by the Rainbow Magic of the Heart Locket, her eyes aflame.
    Trixie turned to gallop away, her eyes blinded by the light, the colour and sound of cheerful, laughing pony voices burning her hide like fire. But it was too late. Wherever the colour touched her, the darkness withered away, first her mane, then her hooves and her cloak, then her body, as all the while she screamed “Noooooooo!!”
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:25 No.22429721
    It's a Twinkie Pinkie! :D
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:25 No.22429724
         File1294377948.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 326 KB, 900x960, 1290749779705.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 326 KB
    >So filly.
    >> ROOGNA 01/07/11(Fri)00:25 No.22429726
    Or rather, Weapon
    I fuggen love playing monster hunter and browsing ponythreads.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:26 No.22429736
         File1294377968.jpg-(175 KB, 1228x868, precious gems is a boy pony(...).jpg)
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    For those of you who were in the Flockdraw yesterday, I finally got around to doing a higher quality picture of Precious Gems.

    For those who aren't aware, I drew Precious in Flock draw two days ago and again a few times yesterday because everyone seemed to like him.

    Not sure if I'm SUPER satisfied with the final result (for some reason it was much easier to draw Precious in flockdraw - weird) but he certainly won't be the last time I draw this unicorn pony. I know a lot of bronies aren't too cool with OC ponies, but I really like drawing Precious. >:

    Also, namefagging from now on - but only in pony threads. I like being a drawpony, it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:26 No.22429740
         File1294377977.png-(32 KB, 582x375, 20gcena.png)
    32 KB
    Whoops! Well, in that case:
    >Great Sword
    >Barioth armor
    >> Jackal !pdd0FLV5Eg 01/07/11(Fri)00:26 No.22429752
    Fffff, forgot to type my name.

    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:26 No.22429753
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    Finally, nothing was left except for her eyes, which still sparked with anger and rage, but at last they shut, and faded away like the shadowy memory of a nightmare.
    As the colours dissolved away, a deathly calm gripped the Throne Room. In its centre, Twilight lay on her back, unmoving.
    From behind the smouldering remains of the podium, a bruised and bloodied Pegasus pony appeared. He rushed up to Twilight, and touched her lightly with a hoof.
    “Princess! Princess? Princess Twilight? Are you OK, Princess?”
    Twilight came to. The rainbow was gone from her eyes, and the voices of her dead friends were fading away as well.
    “Goodbye, Twilight! We’ll be waiting for you...”
    “Take me with you!” Twilight shouted, but the voices replied:
    “You can’t come with us. There’s still so much for you to do!”
    And then she was fully awake. She painfully got up with the help of the Pegasus guard and looked about her.
    There was no sign of Trixie. So she had won after all.
    Twilight began to stagger towards the rent-open doorway but the Pegasus stepped in her way. “Princess! Where are you going?” he demanded, concerned. “ You’re bleeding....”
    She smiled at her faithful subject. “I don’t have time to bleed...” she said, “I’ve a country to rebuild.”

    The end
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:27 No.22429766
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:28 No.22429775
         File1294378084.png-(480 KB, 1329x2772, Trixie vs Twilight by Buttersc(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:28 No.22429786
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    >> Jackal !pdd0FLV5Eg 01/07/11(Fri)00:28 No.22429794
         File1294378125.jpg-(116 KB, 860x608, precious gems is a boy pony(...).jpg)
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    Aaand a resize, because I didn't realise how huge that picture was until just now.

    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:29 No.22429812
         File1294378192.png-(331 KB, 800x778, 1294202245763.png)
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    So can we get a new streamer or a list of alternative streamers for tomorrow's episode? The guy who usually doesn't them can't do it tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:31 No.22429845
    How about an idea for an episode?

    someone (Twilight?) has an old childhood toy.
    Someone (probably Rarity) is an enthusiastic collector of that toy and that's the last one she needs to make her collection complete to ease her OCD. Twilight doesn't want to part with it, but Rarity gives her some jewelry in an act of "kindness" and leaves her to think about it. Twilight is feeling a little bad - she knows how happy Rarity would be with it, but it means alot to her.
    MLP IS based on a toyline, after all.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:31 No.22429853
         File1294378284.png-(188 KB, 640x360, 1294237257149.png)
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    Is that you again, my screencapping anon in shining armour?

    Thanks. Next story will be another shipping one (sorry shipping-haters) with Applejack and Rarity in Swayback Mountain.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:32 No.22429870
         File1294378330.jpg-(57 KB, 588x338, 1292219788284.jpg)
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    Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw I would never troll this board. Every thing I said is true. The only reason I don't state the name of the company is because fear being banned. I love this board and my /co/mrades. I've been working on an ad campaign and became a little to zealous. Usually I keep my business to myself but I am literally working on this piss drunk in microsoft word. I know no way to convince you that this is real other than google bacon cookie company. If you think I'm a troll I'm sincerely hurt. Another pinkie pie picture because I love pinkie pie.
    >> Vincent Van /co/ 01/07/11(Fri)00:32 No.22429873
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:32 No.22429885
    he's cute
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:32 No.22429889
    I'm going to write an episode for a spec script - something I can give to an agent to show I can write for kid's TV. I'm planning on doing one about one of the ponies...probably pinkie pie...liking something that the other ponies consider to be 'babyish.'
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:33 No.22429895
         File1294378387.jpg-(209 KB, 1000x1000, Emperor Lelouch.jpg)
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    This fic should have substituted Trixie with Lelouch
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:33 No.22429900
         File1294378402.png-(381 KB, 1280x720, rainbowdash.png)
    381 KB
    Well, at least the sword's in the mouth this time.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:34 No.22429920
         File1294378468.jpg-(128 KB, 586x510, 1293117094616.jpg)
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    Yes it is! I don't know I can do for you guys to believe me!
    >> ROOGNA 01/07/11(Fri)00:34 No.22429925
    On the note of monster hunter, /r/ Twilight Sparkle with a set of Ursa Major armor. Her weapon would of course be a unic- err- hunting horn.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:35 No.22429945
         File1294378548.jpg-(19 KB, 300x450, red-dragon.jpg)
    19 KB
    Every time I see that picture I think of Red Dragon
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:36 No.22429957
    just don't...
    don't do any borderline /x/ shit like that mirror
    something about that whole concept creeped the fuck out of me
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:36 No.22429963
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:37 No.22429988
    You're awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:37 No.22429991
         File1294378679.jpg-(390 KB, 945x945, 1294363953077.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:40 No.22430045
    To each their own a writer will do what they want to do..
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:40 No.22430047
    Good lord my life is crap shoot. notice the RAGE against reality part. I'm doing my best to not drown Anon. Fight on against anything in your way
    >> Jackal !pdd0FLV5Eg 01/07/11(Fri)00:40 No.22430054
         File1294378841.png-(19 KB, 200x200, Well uhh.png)
    19 KB
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:40 No.22430055
    this is a dumb question and i know it, but do you ship internationally? like, to australia? >_>

    inb4 cookies would arrive unrecognisable
    >> kloudmutt 01/07/11(Fri)00:42 No.22430086
    im on that
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:42 No.22430091

    That was AWESOME Whoever did this, did a GREAT job.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:42 No.22430106
    fluttershy needs more fanart as cute as this
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:43 No.22430126

    Maybe if I'm awake by then I could color it again. I hope this gets archived, or something.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/07/11(Fri)00:43 No.22430135
         File1294379036.png-(133 KB, 664x4000, 1290248076328.png)
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    Don't like the spooky and pukey with your lesbian ponies, anon?

    OK. Next one will be down to earth. Earth ponies. Well, one earth pony and a unicorn pony.

    I aim to please. And that image is totally awesome.

    pic related to /x/ /co/ crossover.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:44 No.22430137
    You know honestly I don't know. We only have dealt with the USA (because we are from Texas). And I don't know what the price would be for international. A lot of love for my Aussie fags btw. I can talk to my boss/roomate about shipping but if you email us I think I work something out. Also the company is run by Two Jews and an Atheist figure that one out?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:44 No.22430142
         File1294379069.jpg-(67 KB, 750x563, Irie.jpg)
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    I've grown more attached to the ponies ever since they started revealing all the ponies have deeply rooted social/psychological problems.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:44 No.22430148
         File1294379084.jpg-(175 KB, 831x496, Next time on my little dragon (...).jpg)
    175 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:46 No.22430187
         File1294379182.png-(556 KB, 1324x3088, 1294339768730.png)
    556 KB
    Was there more to this?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:46 No.22430188
         File1294379185.png-(548 KB, 1109x672, Brolida - The Legendary Super (...).png)
    548 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:47 No.22430216
    haha, awesome. i don't have a lot of disposable income at the moment but when i mention to my brother that someone took bacon and cookies and made them one, he will lose his shit. don't be too surprised if an entire wallet turns up in the mail with "TAKE IT ALL" scrawled on the side.

    and now enough with this cookie chatter, back to ponies.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:47 No.22430220
    He hasn't written anymore yet, give him time
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:48 No.22430254
         File1294379331.png-(219 KB, 640x360, 1292831565698.png)
    219 KB
    Posting pic cause potential customers are awesome customers.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:49 No.22430269
         File1294379362.jpg-(382 KB, 1280x848, IMAG0181.jpg)
    382 KB
    So the sealant wasn't fully dry on my Caramel. When I wet his hair, the partially-dry sealant stuck onto the hair.

    And his hair looks silly. This pony is giving me more problems than any other custom I've ever done.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:50 No.22430282
         File1294379409.jpg-(260 KB, 1200x1000, 1294369284462.jpg)
    260 KB
    >> ROOGNA 01/07/11(Fri)00:51 No.22430306
    Cool my first post in a pony thread gets a request taken
    Thanks guys :D
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:52 No.22430330
         File1294379541.gif-(1.9 MB, 640x360, 1294315643309.gif)
    1.9 MB
    So Guys where does Pinkie Pie Live? Twilight Has the Library, Rarity has her boutique, Applejack has her Farm, Rainbow Dash has a Cloud Castle, and Fluttershy has a house. But where does she live? Best Theory I can come up with is that she lives with Mr.
    and Mr. Cake. I think they might be friends of Pinkie's family or something.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)00:53 No.22430353
         File1294379599.png-(342 KB, 1500x927, rainbow_drunk_comic.png)
    342 KB
    Heyyyy everyone!
    I made a comic with no punchline for ya.

    Also I work on the show and can answer some questions etc. etc. Assuming anyone still has any, given that I've been around a few times. (Nothing about upcoming episodes or plot points, though.)

    Otherwise I'll just chill! What's been happening around here? I've been out of the loop the last week or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:53 No.22430358
         File1294379611.jpg-(148 KB, 1500x656, a very derpy comc.jpg)
    148 KB
    ok I promised a derpy-batman comic
    now delivering.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:53 No.22430367

    Maybe she's a tenant?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:54 No.22430368
    Not enough fanart focuses on their butts. We need more of that.

    Now that I have watched 1 episode I know their personalities etc, so I can finally fap to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:54 No.22430381

    Herped pretty hard there didn't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:54 No.22430385
         File1294379689.png-(289 KB, 570x402, 2010_winner.png)
    289 KB

    >What's been happening around here? I've been out of the loop the last week or so.

    This. And it was glorious.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:55 No.22430389
    I have to agree about the Trixie minus clothes thing. It really feels like I'm looking at porn of her when she's seen without her cape. Oddly, whenever Applejack isn't wearing her hat I feel like she's naked, even though she already was.
    >> Jackal !pdd0FLV5Eg 01/07/11(Fri)00:55 No.22430393
         File1294379711.jpg-(235 KB, 1280x720, FRIENDSHIP.jpg)
    235 KB
    >my little dragon ballz
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:55 No.22430402
         File1294379728.jpg-(28 KB, 380x360, 1294332969042.jpg)
    28 KB
    my guess is some soft of loft above the bake shop.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:55 No.22430411

    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:56 No.22430430

    Original content. Original content everywhere!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:57 No.22430433
         File1294379822.jpg-(378 KB, 1657x982, 131234234545657.jpg)
    378 KB

    >and it was glorious

    We even got thanked by Lauren

    tabs not included
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:57 No.22430443

    I love these, post the lauren faust comic too!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:57 No.22430446
         File1294379865.jpg-(133 KB, 1088x591, 1294123522942.jpg)
    133 KB
    posting for hungary bronies
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:58 No.22430453

    It's Donald Duck logic at work. You see him wear a shirt with no pants all the time, but when he showers he needs to wear a towel so he isn't "indecent".
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 01/07/11(Fri)00:58 No.22430457
         File1294379902.png-(25 KB, 718x677, 64.png)
    25 KB
    i can't tell who's trolling anymore
    i think i should stop visiting these threads
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)00:58 No.22430468
    Oh yeah! I heard about that. Pretty neat. But it's a fairly inconsequential internet poll, innit? (Still, rad.)
    Oh-- also.. I heard that MLP is doing pretty well in ratings. Good news!

    Nuh uh! I'm totally the real deal. I do animation and stuff. There are more talented artists in this thread than me, though. See... the post immediately after my first one. Hah.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)00:59 No.22430474

    >tabs not included

    This tempts me to find the one with said tabs.
    I wonder if it would piss anyone off.
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)00:59 No.22430481
    those damn tabs..
    whoa, i laughed even though there was no punchline.
    im sure there are at least 3 people firing up their coloring programs to color this as i type
    im resisting the urge, so damn hard
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:00 No.22430493
    The one with tabs was just a troll that didn't really get too much of a reaction. It'd be kind of pointless.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:00 No.22430499

    If you can't tell who's trolling in a pony thread, then you NEED to get out for your own sake.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:00 No.22430511

    Bro if you need new comic ideas, how about:

    -Rainbow Dash punches a random pony in the face, while shouting "SHAZAM!".

    Then the next panel she says, "I'm going to punch every one of you alphabetically!"

    And then the next panel is Applejack looking horrified.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:01 No.22430529
         File1294380110.jpg-(30 KB, 600x750, like-I-want.jpg)
    30 KB
    I saw an UFO today, I take this pic with my old 60`s style camera, I know that is a shitty picture but I think that could be derpy! /x/ says that is just swamp gas or a weather ballon but I know the truth......

    also I photoshoped the text to look like a pro
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:02 No.22430535

    I know, I saved the original because I thought it was funny.
    lol beastiality
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:02 No.22430538

    >didnt get much of a reaction

    You mean besides the fact that it pretty much derailed the entire thread into a constant string of reaction face replies expressing little more than horror and the words "THE TABS!" ?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:02 No.22430548

    And then Applebloom was a big pony.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:02 No.22430559
    Heya Flash, long time no see.
    Any new developments on the production front? Are you guys still winding down, or is that over and done with?
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:02 No.22430560
    you have no idea how happy i am right now, thank you again
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:03 No.22430575
    nah, Im too lazy
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:03 No.22430577
    To be fair, even as a troll, it was pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:04 No.22430580

    I was in that thread, and it was towards the end of its existence when that pic was posted anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:04 No.22430581
    She's one of those annoying couchsurfing vagrants that crashes at a different friend's house every night.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:04 No.22430588
         File1294380278.jpg-(227 KB, 1024x1415, FoxMulder.jpg)
    227 KB
    Thank god I'm not alone
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:04 No.22430590
         File1294380281.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 372 KB, 1280x848, IMAG0183.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 372 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:04 No.22430593
         File1294380284.jpg-(81 KB, 798x789, 1294331227271.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:05 No.22430604
         File1294380301.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 218 KB, 1680x1050, 1294209736175.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 218 KB
    Because everypony is talking about it... now you can all witness once again the amazing, tantalizing, horrifying power of the tabs...

    Spoilered for those with wisdom in their hearts
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:05 No.22430607
    MInd filling me in?

    What's with all these tabs stuff?
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 01/07/11(Fri)01:05 No.22430610
    >nothing about upcoming episodes or plot points
    fucking FUCK

    ok, here's one assuming you aint trollin';
    are there any plans to release a "HOW TO DRAW PONIES" book or something, if you're an animator, do you guys use any kind of skeletal system for attachment points ect?
    can you post it?
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/07/11(Fri)01:05 No.22430614
    Hmm... depending on how much I get into this series, I might start write fagging.

    /v/ at least loves my fan fiction about Zelda. And you guys here in /co/ love my parodied Disney songs.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:05 No.22430621
    Hey, you and anyone else is welcome to it. Since I started browsing /co/ I've learned that it's best to just release work into the wild and see what happens.

    This is fun! But, for what it's worth, Official Pony Policy states that ponies should use never use their hoofs to manipulate stuff. (It still happens in the show from time to time, but we try to avoid it. This pony would hold her pencil in her mouth.)

    And, dare I ask, what are all these Tabs I keep hearing about? What.. does that even mean?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:06 No.22430631
         File1294380377.gif-(57 KB, 490x391, the_pain.gif)
    57 KB
    While that is not a bad idea,

    Twilight Sparkle in The Pain's outfit (including balaclava with horn-hole in forehead) shouting "I'M COVERED IN BEEEEEEEEEEEES" is a better one.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:06 No.22430640

    Various beastiality sites and pony mating videos were in open in the tabs.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:07 No.22430647
         File1294380420.jpg-(48 KB, 224x257, petulant rockman.jpg)
    48 KB

    It's been awhile since you showed up!
    What the hell man? They got you on a ball 'n chain at the studio or something?
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:08 No.22430677
    here! i would guess that this applies to you too!
    this show is prozac in animated form, please send my personal thanks to everyone who works on the show, it would mean a lot to me
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:08 No.22430681
    Derpy Hooves <3
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:09 No.22430718

    It was this pic: >>22430433
    With these tabs open and perfectly visible at the top: >>22430640

    It was just a troll fucking around on the DA page.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:11 No.22430753
         File1294380706.png-(126 KB, 289x252, 1216452345342.png)
    126 KB

    >mfw i see the tabs

    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:12 No.22430761

    I believe you colored some of my drawings, so no, thank YOU.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:14 No.22430803
    The first season is pretty much over for production. Post-production stuff and revisions are still happening (or will be starting soon, the studio's been on winter break)... when I left in December there were still a bunch of final cuts/mixes to be done.

    Okay this is frickin' fantastic. Well done, whoever did it.

    I don't imagine there are any HOW TO DRAW PONI book plans, simply because there probably is not enough of a market for it. There is a rich reference folder and a hefty production bible that talks all about the world (there's seriously a lot of worldbuilding that Lauren put into it - a lot of stuff that doesn't explicitly come out in the show) and the characters .... and I can't show you any of it.

    As for how we work - the show's done in Flash, and all the characters are already built for us. We need to do custom drawings all the time, but all the models are right there, so it's easy to refer or trace if need be.

    Ahh. The tabs. That's pretty funny, actually. As a troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:15 No.22430822
         File1294380952.png-(245 KB, 740x785, lyrabonbonsinging.png)
    245 KB
    heres a question for you Flash: The background ponies. We know most of them don't have official names, but some clearly have more effort put into their design, and feature more prominently, than others. Do you guys give any of the background gals nicknames? /co/ certainly does!
    >> kloudmutt 01/07/11(Fri)01:16 No.22430830
         File1294380983.jpg-(214 KB, 1000x1000, tsp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:16 No.22430843
         File1294381013.jpg-(195 KB, 1000x444, faust special.jpg)
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    ok there I go
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:17 No.22430854
         File1294381038.jpg-(125 KB, 774x465, Mailgirl Hoover delivers lette(...).jpg)
    125 KB
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:17 No.22430859
    i was just about to post this, haha
    would that be one of yours? looks like your style to me, sorry if its not
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:18 No.22430876

    Can you answer this one?

    We know Lauren at least on a few occasions has visited /co/. And then there's you. What about the rest of the staff? How are they reacting to this, well, phenomenon?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:18 No.22430883

    Yup. That's one of mine.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:18 No.22430884
    Nahhh, studio's been on holiday break. I just haven't been at a computer for a few days. (Also, I post as anon sometimes.)

    Thanks, dude! Glad ya like it. I'm planning to show the series to a bunch of my friends who haven't seen it yet, tomorrow. I'm gonna bring wine.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:19 No.22430912
    That's awesome, gj
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 01/07/11(Fri)01:20 No.22430921
         File1294381200.png-(12 KB, 400x400, 015.png)
    12 KB
    ok then
    if you have any kind of direct contact with lauren;
    how much does the foot (or hoof?) of hasbro come into play at the studio?

    is there a constant battle to get shit in the show, are the writers constantly critiqued to "ADD MORE FRIENDSHIP" and "PUT IN STUFF WE CAN SELL AS PLAYSETS" ect?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:20 No.22430922
         File1294381207.png-(443 KB, 1074x651, flock786.png)
    443 KB
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:20 No.22430936
    i've got a new episode viewing party planned for tomorrow pinkie pie style i try to watch it with whoever i can.
    sweeeeeeet, i loved working on that one, even if everyone posts the uncolored version more ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:21 No.22430950
    Whhhhhhhhhhy is there a three week break after tomorrows ep. It is going to fucking kill me waiting that long.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:21 No.22430962
    I'm suddenly imagining a fat white man in a suit screaming ADD MORE FRIENDSHIP in the middle of a conference call, surrounded by other fat white men in suits.

    It's kind of funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:21 No.22430963
         File1294381312.png-(166 KB, 517x1124, 1294191277747.png)
    166 KB
    How many pony /co/c's are there now? I only remember Rainy Day and these two.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:22 No.22430971

    >Official Pony Policy states that ponies should use never use their hoofs to manipulate stuff. (It still happens in the show from time to time, but we try to avoid it. This pony would hold her pencil in her mouth.)

    In the most recent episode Fluttershy holds a bell under her wing when it's not in use. Is that supposed to be allowed?

    I ask because right now my Dwarf Fortress ponies can [GRASP] with their wings.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:22 No.22430973
    Don't suppose you know what the upcoming MLPFiM Happy Meal Toys will look like, do you?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:22 No.22430976
    >hefty production bible that talks all about the world (there's seriously a lot of worldbuilding that Lauren put into it - a lot of stuff that doesn't explicitly come out in the show)

    I'd give just about anything to see into that thing. I was thinking about it the other day, and I realized that one of the reasons I like this show so much is the amount of worldbuilding that's gone in to it - it's like every episode we learn some little new tidbit about the world that fleshes it out more and more, and I eat stuff like that up with a silver spoon.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:22 No.22430992
         File1294381369.png-(26 KB, 191x234, rarityhappy_a.png)
    26 KB
    9000 hours in MSPaint. Happy Rarity, as per your very known reaction image.
    >> empty10 01/07/11(Fri)01:24 No.22431042
         File1294381484.png-(89 KB, 600x533, 0282.png)
    89 KB
    Hey Flash in the Pan, welcome back! People were passing around rumors that season 2 production has already started, but by what you say it hasn't. Can you announce if season 2 has been greenlit yet?
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:24 No.22431047
    not even the mcdonalds employees know, i got a release date from them though today.
    the 23rd!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:25 No.22431052

    hilariously enough, I am >>22430822 and also created the background pony collages, including most of the one you posted! Gotta love the background gals! Also, if you are the one that updated it with the voting pictures, I grabbed some better images that I was eventually going to use on the next update of those gals, if you'd like to do it instead, I've been mauled by work lately!
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:25 No.22431055
    I'm not sure if it's a question of effort so much as it is that some designs just wind up being more appealing than others. There's a few background pony builds with various hairstyles, which are then recoloured and recycled a couple times for a bit more variety. For the most part I don't think anyone pays too much attention to who the incidentals are-- but the ones that get placed in scenes are probably put there simply because they _are_ more appealing. (Weak anthropic principal? Maybe? I am not sure what that means?)

    Derpy was always one of my favourites, though, even before /co/ found her. I'd drop her in a lot of scenes if it called for pegasae.

    I know a few other staff have posted here - one other guy tripped a month or two before I came out of the woodwork, though I don't think he's posted since. A few of my coworkers have lurked quite a bit in the past and posted anonymously on occasion. I think most people at the studio know about it, but not all that many follow /co/ very closely, or at all.

    I'm not sure who was in charge of the designs - whether they were instructed to push them in the direction of older ponies, or whether it's just a coincidence. Regardless, since Hasbro doesn't have the rights to most of the old pony names, they will either remane (oops, didn't even mean that pun) nameless or will get new names.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:25 No.22431070
    Hey. Flash.

    I don't have a question. I just wanted to say I absolutely love the show, and I'm a male in his early 20s. I had never watched, nor cared for My Little Pony at ALL, but I am absolutely in love with this show.

    Yeah. Just thought you should know?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:25 No.22431072
    Im a Dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:25 No.22431076
         File1294381551.jpg-(351 KB, 896x2670, 1291881880747.jpg)
    351 KB
    How many artists work at the studio?
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:26 No.22431093
         File1294381595.png-(198 KB, 945x945, ladiesfinalversion1.png)
    198 KB
    of course i would love it if my drawpony pony would become /co/ oc.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:27 No.22431112

    Original requester reporting in. I'm lovin' it! Thanks a lot, it's totally on-model, exactly what I wanted!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:28 No.22431138
    Didn't you say once that a lot of the female animators on the show are old-school pony fans?

    Is it possible that they've purposely made the background ponies look like their favorites from the old shows?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:30 No.22431192
    I watch this show with my niece when she comes over.
    That is my only valid excuse for watching it, but I do enjoy it nevertheless.
    >> ROOGNA 01/07/11(Fri)01:30 No.22431203
    Sir, my day has just been made, and the new episode hasn't even come out yet.
    I cannot post a reaction image, as the image limit has been reached, but I assure you, I adore it.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:31 No.22431224

    What's some of your favorite fan produced stuff?
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:33 No.22431277
    I have no direct contact with Lauren, only a few of the staff do... mostly the Directors, and probably a few others. The high-ups. As such, I don't really know to what extent Hasbro affects the content of the show.

    I have no idea about why this is. The studio's break shouldn't affect the release schedule, because I THINK we've got enough stuff finished that they should be able to just play through... but now that I think about it, maybe they are giving themselves some buffer space. No idea, though. The workings of the HUB are completely opaque, to me.

    Hmm, I missed that. It's unusual, but it makes a bit more sense than hoofs, I guess.


    Yeah, I finally sat down and read the whole thing (of course, I should have done that BEFORE I started working on it... but... time constraints...). It's pretty well realized. I was impressed. I will now stop rubbing it in your face. (Sorry.)

    Rumours gonna rumour. I'm not gonna comment.
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/07/11(Fri)01:35 No.22431314
    I just had a spark of inspiration for an episode idea. You guys probably have these laid out well in advance anyway, so I may be suggesting something that has already been done or is already planned.

    I just finished watching the pilot and I recall Rainbow Dash going on about an Airshow team that was coming for the festival. There should be an episode that said Airshow Team comes to Ponyville to stage tryouts (or possibly a combo of a tryout and summer camp deal).

    Dash tries to convince Fluttershy to try out with her, but Fluttershy refuses and so Dash attends the Audition herself. Her mane (snicker) competition is Derpy, who ends up winning the spot on the team. The lessons for this episode are humility and teamwork.

    Just an idea that occurreds to m- OH GOD I'VE BECOME ONE OF THEM!
    >> empty10 01/07/11(Fri)01:36 No.22431330
    Well, at least you answered whether or not you can answer, hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:36 No.22431337
    >Derpy was always one of my favourites, though, even before /co/ found her. I'd drop her in a lot of scenes if it called for pegasae.

    Alright admit it. You were the one that gave her the signature googily eyes in that scene weren't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:37 No.22431359

    Shut up, dingus. I'm going to pitch to him my idea about a My Little Pony/Naruto crossover that's going to be totally awesome. Wait your turn.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:37 No.22431364
    someone cap this!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:38 No.22431379
    Glad to know.
    Got motivated by the other drawfriend version.
    >> Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 01/07/11(Fri)01:38 No.22431388
    Why? From what I've gathered, Flash is a semi-regular visitor here.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:39 No.22431403

    Should be in the archive anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:39 No.22431406
    >393 posts 152 images

    New general time?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:39 No.22431414
    besides, the thread is gonna get archived anyways
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:39 No.22431427
    I want to shank you and steal that fucking book
    In the nicest way possible of course
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:40 No.22431435
    new general?
    >> Jackal !pdd0FLV5Eg 01/07/11(Fri)01:40 No.22431447
    I have a question for you, Flash in the Pan!

    How long/where did you study animation (if you did at all) and what are your recommendations about getting into the business?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:41 No.22431461

    FlashinthePan, I've got a superimportant question to ask you while you're still here.

    have you seen my keys?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:41 No.22431463

    Suddenly MLP becomes Oz.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:41 No.22431477
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:42 No.22431484
    Woo, Q&A is the best.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:43 No.22431510
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:43 No.22431527
    Might be cool.
    Oz was a pretty good show itself.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:44 No.22431542

    Less than 12 hours.
    >> plaster the amateur colorfag NOW WITH TABLET !!jmx4uiTwqQl 01/07/11(Fri)01:44 No.22431549
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:45 No.22431565
    Well, I think the credits include pretty much everyone who's on staff (except non-featured voice actors, and some of the production staff who had shorter stints on the show), but... I think there are about... 50-100? Somewhere in that range. Especially if you include the overseas animators, of whom there are about 20 I think.

    Thanks! The fact that /co/ has any interest in the show at all is still quite remarkable to me (well, it is and it isn't, because I know how good the show is), but I'm glad ya like it. (I'm also well outside the target demographic, and I like the show a lot, too. I'm a little biased, of course.)

    Well, the animators and layout artists don't have any say in the designs - those are all done beforehand. I'm not sure to what extent the design staff know the old show; I don't have much contact with them. I do know that Lauren is responsible for at LEAST the basics of many of the designs - in that production bible I mentioned there are early sketches of Zecora, Gilda, and the Dragon that look more or less like how the characters appeared in the show. It's possible she designed some of the characters as homages on purpose - but that is strictly speculative on my part... so don't quote me on it.

    Hmm... I am not on my usual computer right now so I can't go through my fanart folder (yep, I have one)... but it'd be hard to choose, there's so much! One of my recent favourites is the Derpy/Dead Rising comic (though I've never played the game). And that beer bong twilight comic that I just saw today. Actually, many of the comics are among my favourites. They're all really good.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:45 No.22431567
    Hey, Flash!

    We couldn't help but notice that at the very end of "Bridle Gossip", during the spa scene in which everypony is joyously laughing at Fluttershy's comment - Pinkie Pie is staring dead straight at the camera, completely silent, with the most serious look on her face.

    Was this 4th wall breaking intentional?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:45 No.22431571
    This for new general?

    >>22429443 ?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:47 No.22431611

    How about fanfiction? Ever read any of it?
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 01/07/11(Fri)01:47 No.22431626
    >Official Pony Policy states that ponies should use never use their hoofs to manipulate stuff. (It still happens in the show from time to time,
    I've noticed, such as Pinkie manipulating an instrument at the screenwipe in Swarm of the Century (but considering that we've seen her walking upside down and her disregard for the laws of nature, I overlook it), or AJ roasting marshmallows in Look Before You Sleep (see image below because of this confounded image limit). I don't know how much time you had between production and airing, but the latter could have been justified if the stick was longer and stuck out, appearing to be nestled between the raised and floored front leg. For all I know, it could very well be, but unseen.

    For the most part, you guys have been on the ball with this. The previous generations didn't even care enough to try and have them holding stuff with handles within the first few minutes of the series, but you've managed to so half a dozen episodes or so without cocking it up. I applaud you and the rest of the staff for actually having them act like ponies, albeit supernatural ponies, but nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:51 No.22431723

    The Pain Twilight Sparkle I wish to see very badly. I second this!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:54 No.22431760
    >One of my recent favourites is the Derpy/Dead Rising comic (though I've never played the game). And that beer bong twilight comic that I just saw today

    holly shit I did those two!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:54 No.22431766
    Yo, Flash - I just had the most unsettling Fridge Logic thought regarding Look Before You Sleep.

    In this episode, Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack eat marshmallows.

    Marshmallows are composed of gelatin, which is derived from horse collagen.

    ...this is most disturbing. Just what kind of sick, twisted, demented practices are performed in Equestria's food industry?
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)01:55 No.22431800
    Nope! But I think I know who did.

    Yeah, the scripts are the very first thing that's done, and the production cycle is verrry long... including delays for quality checks and for lawyers to look at the shows to make sure they can be shown on TV, etc... it's almost a year from the episode pitch to its delivery to broadcasters. Not to mention any preliminary development time. Part of the reason it takes so long is because the it's staggered, and multiple episodes are done at once, but... yeah. Write a fanfic? GOGOGO.

    Yeah, I pop in now and again. Every few weeks or so, for a little while.

    YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME. Also I know jail-fu.

    I took a three year animation course at a school in Vancouver... but the way I got hired had a lot to do with luck. I was looking for a job, a friend of mine who was working at a studio asked if knew Flash, she sent me an animation test... and then since then it's just been word of mouth from director's and supervisors. My demo reel has never actually gotten me a job. So. um. I guess the only advice I could really give is... work your ass off, and make friends with people in the industry?

    Have you checked the floor beside the little key hook by the door? Sometimes the cat gets at'em, but she usually doesn't kick them too far.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:55 No.22431801
         File1294383342.png-(298 KB, 2344x1781, twilight_template.vector.png)
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    Vectored. SVG:
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:55 No.22431802
    equestia-brand marshmallows are made out of cloud essence, with only a hint of gelatin for flavor. it's not as bad as you think.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:56 No.22431814

    Well it's not like you see any pony graves...
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:57 No.22431842

    I agree with this. There's all sorts of neat bits of animation that all involve equine type behavior that I think really make the show fun to watch. First off the walk cycles, they've all got trotting, prancing, cantering and galloping down to a tee. It can be hard just drawing that right in a single frame. But I'm also talking about things like the way AJ courtsies. Or Rarity gives those horsey raspberries. Or the curve of Twilight's spine when she's frustrated with building the nest. Or Fluttershy pawing at the ground. Previous gen animators never bothered with that stuff. I doubt most modern animators would either. Speaks to the quality of the show.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:57 No.22431843
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    >> Jackal !pdd0FLV5Eg 01/07/11(Fri)01:58 No.22431858
    That makes sense actually - I have a lot of people tell me that it's all about who you know.

    Unfortunately for me, I live in New Zealand, so making friends with people in the animation business MIGHT be a tad complicated. Like hell if I'm not gonna stop trying though.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)01:59 No.22431873
         File1294383564.jpg-(15 KB, 298x263, celestiasteachings.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:00 No.22431890
    They use vegan marshmallows.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:00 No.22431898
    >people posting pics after image limit

    I think I'm missing something obvious here.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:01 No.22431915
    >Check mark box in post
    >Scroll to bottom
    >Delete post
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:01 No.22431917

    >delete image
    >post new one

    Genius, really.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:01 No.22431924

    >Have you checked the floor beside the little key hook by the door? Sometimes the cat gets at'em, but she usually doesn't kick them too far.

    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)02:02 No.22431939
    Bridle Gossip was animated overseas, so I don't really have any way of finding out. Probably. (I guess it's also possible that the layout artist forgot to pose her in a laughing pose, and the animator just rolled with it.)

    Occasionally. A lot of them are tl;dr, but some of them are pretty good. I quite liked that Old Spike one.

    Yeah, I think they cheat when necessary. Also, sometimes the board artists just draw it that way and it makes it to us, so... we just kinda have to work with it, since making it more pony-friendly can sometimes involve serious re-staging of a scene. And, frankly, sometimes a cartoony cheat just looks better.

    Yeah, man, they're hilarious. Good work.

    Muh... maybe they're special, uh, vegetarian marshmallows? I ain't gotta explain nothing. It's magic. Yep.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:02 No.22431957

    I knew it was something obvious.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:03 No.22431962

    >I quite liked that Old Spike one.

    Does a happy little jig.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:03 No.22431967

    Holy shit.

    I can use my blue hair for 'Raindrop' there! Shit, she's pretty!

    I also want a Moondancer and Carrot Top pony. I need to calm down. So many customs.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:05 No.22432000
    >Old Spike story

    Anyone care to post?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:08 No.22432053

    It's past the image limit. Can't post. But it's in the archive. About halfway down.

    At least that's the one I think he's talking about.
    >> FlashinthePan !!thkYJOEdAI5 01/07/11(Fri)02:08 No.22432057
    Comes from the lurve, brony. That and occasionally iron-fisted standards from animation and layout supervisors. But I'm super glad that you guys actually notice that stuff. So much of what animators do goes unnoticed.

    Yah. Don't give up. That's what the internet is for, I guess. DeviantArt (which I don't have) and Flickr (which I also don't have) and what-have-you. Blogs, I guess. But hardly anyone does blogs anymore (I have one, and I don't even really use it). Not 'social' enough.

    Oky doky loky, bronies, I think I'ma turn in. Hope ya like the new ep, tomorrow! See ya 'round.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:09 No.22432075
    One nice little tidbit that I've noticed - and I'm assuming this is intentional - is that with the exception of a few park benches and Granny Smith's rocking chair, Ponyville seem to be devoid of chairs.

    Which, when you're a quadruped species, makes sense, really.

    Dear God, I've over analyzed this show way too much.
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 01/07/11(Fri)02:09 No.22432083
    >And, frankly, sometimes a cartoony cheat just looks better.
    You mean like AJ manipulating a lasso with her tail?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:10 No.22432100
    Seeya Flash, thanks for dropping by again.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:11 No.22432110

    Alright, see you round. Thanks for liking my story. You've made my week.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:11 No.22432112

    I think the reason why the characters are so expressive when compared to the older gens, is due to the use of Flash puppet animation.

    If you look at a series like Chaotic for example, you have season 1 animated in Flash, and season 2 animated traditionally.

    Comparing the animation side by side, it's obvious that, due to the cut in cost and ease of use, the characters moved a lot more lively and had various subtle gestures in season 1.

    If you look at the traditional animation of season 2, which was shipped overseas to cut costs, but is still expensive when compared to Flash, the characters are much more static.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:12 No.22432126

    My Little Pony: Soylent Green is Magic
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:13 No.22432143

    Thanks for coming in Flash, stuff like this makes me feel like there is still hope for the fandom.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:15 No.22432178

    You are now realizing that the Smooze is a monster made out of glue/dead ponies.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:20 No.22432286
    thanks for comming flash!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:32 No.22432508
         File1294385552.png-(35 KB, 145x233, 1294097114517.png)
    35 KB
    I laugh at your "image limits".


    Ha ha.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)02:35 No.22432575

    Is there a name for that pony?

    Cause I nominate Smarmy McJackass.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)03:06 No.22433005
    I don't even know what Smarmy means, but I second this.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)03:22 No.22433284

    I have a question.

    Do you know Greg? He does animated effects for the show (ie Spike's fire, Dash's tornado in Parasprites, a lot of the glowy effects. And he does some character builds). He's a good friend of mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)03:26 No.22433345
    I think he's been gone for a while, check his last message...

    By the way, you're the one who was gonna direct our questions to this Greg, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)03:31 No.22433417
    First time I've posted in a while actually.

    A lot of people work on the same effects. Even the same effect. It's not uncommon for animators to share workloads.

    I don't think I've ever mentioned my friend before.

    I know a few people who work in the studio.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/11(Fri)03:34 No.22433462
    Oh, OK. Someone dropped by some 2 nights ago and mentioned knowing another animator. Wow, lots of animators on /co/.

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