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    File : 1294274890.jpg-(101 KB, 570x402, TS.jpg)
    101 KB Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:48 No.22398651  
    You are now Twilight Sparkle. You are tasked with writing a letter to Princess Celestia, about what it is you learned today.

    Also, new general. Last reached limits.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:49 No.22398671
    The louder I yell, the more people believe I am right.

    - Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:49 No.22398674
    Dear Princess Celestia

    Eat shit and die.

    Sincerely, Twilight Sparke.
    >> ‪‮‪‮/oc/ fo rednamm/oc/‮ ‭Vorked Larfleeze‫‭‭‪‮‭‬‬‬‬‬ !BEEtLE/iVI 01/05/11(Wed)19:49 No.22398687
         File1294274974.png-(6 KB, 320x239, BlueBeetle_PONYPUNCH_PNG.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:50 No.22398705
    Today I learned that the younger the pony, the less of a fight they put up when I stick my horn in them

    -Twilight Sparkle
    >> Mr Hate 01/05/11(Wed)19:52 No.22398741
    Come on Vorked, teach those fuckers, come on!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:52 No.22398749
    Dear Princess Celestia...

    I've been thinking... about all the worms out there. Did you know each end of a worm is male and female? It's fascinating you know. They eat through secreting saliva through their bodies, breaking down the nutrients in the soil around them. They don't excrete anything, they just recycle it back into more saliva. I feel like that. Just... eating soil. This life is the soil, you see. I secrete my energy, my life to this soil around me, and I take it in, absorb it, and it replaces me little by little until eventually, I'm part of it. I'm part of the soil. Do you understand, Princess? I'm part of the soil.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:53 No.22398768
    don't put twinkies on your pizza.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:54 No.22398773
    Dear Celestia
    /co/ is fun to troll, just post ponies and watch the butthurt flow in.

    -Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:54 No.22398774
    >> Elah !!EzZ4ge15Iuj 01/05/11(Wed)19:55 No.22398804
    Dear Princess Celestia:

    Today I discovered the joys of lesbianism!

    -Twilight Sparke.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:56 No.22398816
         File1294275380.png-(180 KB, 640x479, 1289433880977.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:56 No.22398831
    Dear Princess Celestia

    Today I learned that any society with a long term ruler is bound to stagnate without new ideas or policies.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:57 No.22398836
    Have the "Chocolate Chips" macro?
    >> ‪‮‪‮/oc/ fo rednamm/oc/‮ ‭Vorked Larfleeze‫‭‭‪‮‭‬‬‬‬‬ !BEEtLE/iVI 01/05/11(Wed)19:57 No.22398837
         File1294275425.gif-(19 KB, 320x239, BlueBeetle_PONYPUNCH.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:57 No.22398841
         File1294275431.gif-(9 KB, 207x224, img_dou_dou.gif)
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    Dear Princess's me again, Twilight Sparkle.

    Today was just a normal day, until that Bully Rainbow Klotz came up to me while I was trying to talk to Pinkie Mayonaise....
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:59 No.22398881
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Speedballin' is not for amateurs!

    - Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:59 No.22398887
         File1294275587.gif-(1.97 MB, 360x270, 1289118534106.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)19:59 No.22398892
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I don't love you, I never did. My army of unholy, demonic horsemen shall overthrow this pitiful land.

    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:00 No.22398902
         File1294275631.jpg-(58 KB, 403x321, 1267989224219.jpg)
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    Dear Princess's me again, Twilight Sparkle.

    Today was a great day. Until that pussy Spike swallowed all my friends.

    Bitch ass nigga.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:01 No.22398917
    Dear Princess Celestia...

    What are you wearing right now?

    Love, Twilight Sparkle
    (and not Spike)
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:03 No.22398940
         File1294275780.png-(42 KB, 482x217, herecumtehjuj.png)
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    Dear Celestia, Just fucking IM me.
    >> HoovesDerpy !!Pjh7sl8+8TV 01/05/11(Wed)20:05 No.22398980
         File1294275914.png-(184 KB, 899x900, letter yay.png)
    184 KB
    Here letter for /co/ I think!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:06 No.22399001
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I cried today. I cried for the first time in what seemed like forever. I don't know why, either. I wasn't sad, lonely, or depressed. I think...I think it's life. This life. It's taken it's toll on me. Here I am, learning and absorbing all this information about my fellow ponies, but I have no life to call my own. I have no happiness to call my own. I am living vicariously through them, and I think I realize that now. This isn't how it was supposed to be. I thought I was going to amount to something, but I now know that I am wrong, and I only wish for death. It can not come soon enough.

    Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:07 No.22399024
    Dear Princess Celestia
    Spike is dying, I think all the letters are having a negative impact on him, I'm not sure how much longer he will last. In the interest of time I have forced him to send this.

    -Love Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Princess Celestia 01/05/11(Wed)20:07 No.22399032
         File1294276043.png-(28 KB, 203x178, FFUUUUUUUU.png)
    28 KB
    My dearest favorite board /co/.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:07 No.22399046
    dear Celestia, I wanna come molest ya, slowly undress ya. yo bootie's the best, ya.. no that sucked *crumple*
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:08 No.22399049
         File1294276085.png-(257 KB, 1330x1610, Interdimensional Letter.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:09 No.22399070
    Dear celestia.
    Why must /co/ have some RolePlaying faggots like >>22398980 ?
    No one should roleplay Derpy Hooves, she is unroleplayable.
    >> Spaceman !!AD5BPIyLBCW 01/05/11(Wed)20:09 No.22399076
         File1294276155.jpg-(109 KB, 336x333, FUUUUU1.jpg)
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    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)20:09 No.22399078
         File1294276166.png-(100 KB, 500x500, Smaltime .png)
    100 KB

    And I'm still working on the Mass Effect comic dude.
    I was under the impression that someone stole that request but I guess not.

    Dear Princess Celestia.
    You got a pool in yo castle?
    Yo man. I could really like use a swimming pool.
    Let me chill with you and Luna for sho nigga. Aight? Holla!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:10 No.22399092
    They don't. That's why TS always dictates to that fucking dragon. Because it has thumbs.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:10 No.22399099
    1) Dictation.
    2) Unicorn magic.
    3) Pencil in mouth.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:10 No.22399115
         File1294276259.jpg-(181 KB, 1056x1056, 1291003701063.jpg)
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    >> Jackie Smazz !!h+W0Cdgvd+H 01/05/11(Wed)20:11 No.22399124
    Twilight Sparkle's Journal

    Bunny carcass in alley this morning, hoof print on burst stomach. Equestria is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their friendship and frolicking will foam up about their legs and all the horses and unicorns will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." The pegasuses will also die somehow.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:11 No.22399127
         File1294276304.png-(251 KB, 1200x1200, 1293085693762.png)
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    Dear Princess Celestia,

    -Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:13 No.22399151
    Spike does it for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:13 No.22399160
    My most faithful student Twilight Sparkle

    It's ok, he is easily replaced

    -Princess Celestia
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:14 No.22399186
         File1294276487.jpg-(38 KB, 512x384, 1254537516965.jpg)
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    Dear Princess Celestia,


    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:17 No.22399232
         File1294276640.png-(138 KB, 640x360, 1294037476303.png)
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    Dear Princess Celestia,
    This isn't from Twilight, its from Spike.
    Twilight is always using big words.
    I have no one to ask. But what does sodomize mean? Okay bye.

    PS. Did you get that present me and Big Mac sent you?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:17 No.22399233
         File1294276641.jpg-(355 KB, 700x950, you__ve_got_da_mail_by_don_kom(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:17 No.22399250
         File1294276675.jpg-(118 KB, 830x497, I'm dying squirtle.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:19 No.22399281
    Dear Princess Celestia

    Ponyville Has died, all hope has died. I sent this letter with Spike's Final Breath.

    Your Once Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:19 No.22399297
         File1294276780.jpg-(37 KB, 500x346, beck-glenn-climate-scientists.jpg)
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    Dear Princess Celestia

    Today I learned that I need to buy lots of gold, and that the free market will solve everything, and the worst person in the history of the universe is Woodrow Wilson, and that the terrorists are out to get me, and that Barack Obama hates America. Also, government-backed education is bad; and since you are the government, I don't want to be your student anymore.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)20:20 No.22399312
    ......its times like these that make me wish I didn't browse some many pony threads. Then I wouldn't be able to get this.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:20 No.22399316
         File1294276816.jpg-(86 KB, 640x360, Pleased Applejack.jpg)
    86 KB

    >My request fulfilled

    Haha, Diabolical, it's perfect man! The picture came out ten times better than I expected it to. You got the background, the text, the pose, everything completely on-model. Excellent! No question asked that I picked the right drawpony for the job. Thanks again bro!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:20 No.22399328
         File1294276842.jpg-(66 KB, 1000x660, twilight-angel-demon-(n1294268(...).jpg)
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    I'm writing to report the success of my initiation.With the help of Brother Angel, I have succefully slayed Mayor Cougar and drank her blood, thus ascending to winged unicorn form.
    Now that I'm in power, I'm ready to raise an army in Ponyville to support yours in the future war to conquer the rest of the world.
    Please tell me if you have any other objectives to accomplish beforehand.
    PS:Apologies for the lack of color, the artist of this picture attempted to flee, so I had to kill him.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:22 No.22399390
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I come bearing great news! I'm pregnant!

    Your not-so-faithful floozy,

    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:23 No.22399410
         File1294277017.jpg-(36 KB, 499x386, ts_ktd.jpg)
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    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)20:23 No.22399419
         File1294277037.jpg-(7 KB, 281x202, 1294203042823.jpg)
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    Its no prob dude! Thank you!
    Okay this one made me laugh
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:25 No.22399432
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Did you know that ear wax turns orange, almost brick red, when it turns rancid? I usually clean my ears every day, and there might be a little bit of yellow. But I ran out of Q-tips about a week before winter break, and I didn't have chance to get to the store. Then I was on break for like two weeks, and I was staying with family, and they didn't have any in their guest bathrooms. So I finally got a chance today, and it was totally covered with like this dark brick red wax. I thought at first my ears were bleeding. I mean, both ends of the Q-tips, both ears, several Q-tips were needed. It was pretty gross.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:26 No.22399445
    >Gay shit
    Know the difference.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:26 No.22399452
    fuck that's nasty
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:27 No.22399473
         File1294277240.jpg-(123 KB, 828x497, dbz.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:27 No.22399478
         File1294277263.jpg-(71 KB, 800x600, george lucas.jpg)
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    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that making movies is so much easier using computer animation on a green screen than using models, or puppets, or real people or scenery.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:28 No.22399491
    Oh you like Twilight?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:29 No.22399532
         File1294277396.png-(275 KB, 1110x671, Son Guilda VS Majin Pie.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:31 No.22399564
         File1294277493.jpg-(22 KB, 625x332, Celestia1.jpg)
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    To my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

    Twilight, stop using q-tips to clean your ears. Doing so only pushes hardened wax further and further into your ear canal, potentially causing hearing loss and ear damage over prolonged use. I know q-tips feel good, but you should never, ever use them in that way.

    Your immortal ruler, Celestia
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:31 No.22399567
         File1294277497.jpg-(75 KB, 478x356, bill_0_reilly_flips_out_webcas(...).jpg)
    75 KB

    On a related note:

    Dear Princess Celestia?

    How do tides work? I don't know and neither do you. Nobody does. It's a mystery. And don't give me any of that magic shit. God does it.

    Yours faithfully,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:31 No.22399568
         File1294277497.png-(383 KB, 927x477, lyra comic colo.png)
    383 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:31 No.22399572
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that it may be possible to make money in the stock market regardless of direction utilizing leveraged ETFS and a careful spread of options contracts to leverage both with and against the current market direction in order to minimze losses but let gains run following an indicator that gauges the speed and acceleration of the market's movements.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:32 No.22399577
    No, I'm a straight male.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:32 No.22399578
    Dear Princess Celestia

    No longer can I bear the guilt. As of this morning, I have told the mayor of ponyville of what was done that night in the palace and even instructed on where the bodies were buried in the Everfree forest. No doubt she has already asked the Apple family for help in exhuming their shallow graves. If you wish to deny the justice you have fought so hard to avoid, that will be your choice to make as I can not bear to stand trial and relive the horror again. I have already taken the poison and so did Spike though he thought it was left over juice. Know that until now, I was your ever faithful student but the one lesson I couldn't learn from you is how to live with being a cold hearted monster. I will see you soon, burning in the lakes of fire in pony hell.

    -Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:32 No.22399583
         File1294277531.png-(12 KB, 303x504, heeeey.png)
    12 KB
    You're gonna want to take a seat, your highness.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:32 No.22399584
    >actually want to draw something decent in flockdraw
    >Too many people in room, you can only watch.
    >Everyone in the room except Shuffle is just spamming words across the screen.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:33 No.22399603
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:34 No.22399631
         File1294277671.jpg-(110 KB, 500x688, laughingelfman_142.jpg)
    110 KB
    Hey diab, ya still here?
    Can you do this one now?
    With either spike, or gilda again (laughinggriffin.jpg) ?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:34 No.22399635
    well then what the hell is their purpose?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:35 No.22399648

    You don't know shit, Immortal ruler.

    Now stop nagging me about.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:36 No.22399652
    Dear Princess Celstia

    Today I learned that males enjoy anal because they have prostates. Why females enjoy it, seeing as they have no prostate, is still a mystery.

    I will continue to research and experiment in this field.

    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:36 No.22399656
    Fuck that, do it with Pinkie Pie
    (By the way, the filename is "Laughingelfman" that's Link from the shitty CDi Zelda series)
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:37 No.22399668
    Dearest Princess Celestia,

    Today OP was a faggot.

    Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:37 No.22399674
    It still feels good even without a prostate
    Lotso' nerve endings down there bro
    Though a prostate is apparently way fucking better
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:37 No.22399679
    Dear Princess Celestia

    Today I learned about the effects of alcohol and that it can cause vomiting, headache and for some reason ass pain.
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)20:37 No.22399682
         File1294277863.png-(132 KB, 655x655, Sandvich.png)
    132 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    A chain letter was sent to one pony. He decided not to follow its instructions to copy it and send it to 12 other ponies. That pony was killed by a stampede of cows.

    A unicorn did the same thing. That unicorn was struck by lightning.

    If you don't send this chain letter to 12 other ponies, you will suffer an ill fate.

    P.S. Love your little sister and make your little sister lots of yummy peanut butter sandwiches or your ears will be chopped off.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:38 No.22399693

    I gotta second that for Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:38 No.22399694
    I know.
    But with Pinkie, she haz NO FINGERS!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:40 No.22399726

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:41 No.22399743
    back here, brony
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:43 No.22399775
    Dear Princess Luna,

    I understand you've been pretty sad about ponies not coming to your moon-related festivals. But really, you should have expected this. YOU NEED TO SEND OUT INVITATIONS. We didn't even know there WAS a Winter Moon Festival until it was too late.

    P.S. You really need to socialize more. You can't just hide in your palace forever. Plus, your crying keeps us awake at night. And I keep hearing this rhythmic thumping from Spike's bed when you start crying.
    >> Fishberry 01/05/11(Wed)20:46 No.22399829
    Okay. That would suck until you figured things out.

    "Holy fuck. Okay I'm Twilight Sparkle. This is really weird. I have hooves, I can't handle things. I don't have any fingers. What do I do? Oh right, I use my mouth... Umm how do I write with my mouth. I have to learn about friendship of all things, and write letters to a pony princess. Oh wait, I have magic. How do I magic. I don't know how to magic anything, I can't- okay hold on, I think I've got the- and the quill is out the window. Oh I am so FUCKED."
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:46 No.22399845
         File1294278414.jpg-(94 KB, 599x668, cobb.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:49 No.22399920
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that no matter how much it seems like you get along with somebody and they are comfortable they are with you and attracted you are to eachother, a surprise kiss on the lips can drive your friend away and leave an awkward silence between the two of you from now on.

    - Your Faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

    *sob* Oh Dash...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:50 No.22399930
         File1294278619.png-(5 KB, 338x232, handy.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:51 No.22399946
    Dear Princess Celestia

    All I've done today is browse pony threads, so I guess I didn't learn anything.

    Your faithful student
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:51 No.22399950
         File1294278688.jpg-(60 KB, 665x590, Nameless Pony.jpg)
    60 KB
    Help me name her /co/
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:51 No.22399953
    nice power fist, although i think you may need to turn it on first
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:52 No.22399967
    Dear Princess Celestria,
    I'm afraid that I'm a bit too worried to give a proper report today. It's just that I haven't been in contact with my parents since I came to Ponyville. I know that they're often busy with their magic research but I was hoping for at least a letter. The last one I recieved from them mentioned that they were close to discovering the true origins of unicorn magic. They believed that they could find a way to give all ponies magic. Could you imagine? Giving an earth pony or pegasus magic! It would be amazing! Father said they were going to show you their research. Did they?
    Well, if they didn't, is it alright if I postpone my studies in Ponyville to visit them? I haven't seen them in quite some time after all.

    -Your faithful student
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:52 No.22399968

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:52 No.22399978
         File1294278761.gif-(1.43 MB, 300x171, reactionpony.gif)
    1.43 MB
    Dearest Princess Celestia, today I've seen horrors … horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that… but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face… and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. I remember when I was with Special Pony Forces. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate the fillies. We left the camp after we had inoculated the fillies for curses, and this old stallion came galloping after us, and he was crying. He couldn't see.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:52 No.22399981
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:52 No.22399983
         File1294278771.png-(386 KB, 600x480, vlcsnap-2011-01-05-20h52m25s18(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:53 No.22400001
         File1294278803.png-(131 KB, 640x360, 1293127101212.png)
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    dear celestia

    today i used my magic to spy on big mac while he was jacking off and you were right he does have a huge cock
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:53 No.22400002
    dank nugs
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:53 No.22400003
    She's clearly weed pony.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:53 No.22400006
         File1294278811.png-(213 KB, 468x317, angry mr horse.png)
    213 KB

    NO. Fuck off with this OC shit. PLEASE.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:54 No.22400025
    about two leaves off that bro
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:54 No.22400030
         File1294278876.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 53 KB, 640x480, twilightsparklestudymaterial45(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 53 KB
    Dear Twilight Sparkle

    The interior wall of the rectum shares tissue with the interior wall of the vagina. Thus, the large number of nerve endings therein, when stimulated by anal, will produce similar, though not identical, pleasurable sensations.

    See enclosed, my beloved student. Had to use ancient reference material featuring extinct species, but anatomical similarity to ponykind is sufficient for practical purposes.

    Continue your studies.

    Princess Celestia
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:55 No.22400045
         File1294278912.png-(275 KB, 635x352, 1293165266796.png)
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    We went back there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated hoof. There they were in a pile. A pile of little hooves. And I remember…I …I …I cried. I wept like some grandpony. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized… like I was shot… like I was shot with a diamond… a diamond magic spell right through my forehead. And I thought: My Celestia… the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not meanies. These were ponies … trained cadres. These ponies who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had fillies, who were filled with love… but they had the strength… the strength… to do that. If I had ten divisions of those ponies, then our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have ponies who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment. Because it's judgment that defeats us.

    Your faithful student, Col. Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:55 No.22400047
         File1294278913.png-(200 KB, 714x751, 1294043745846.png)
    200 KB
    Dear Princess Luna

    congratulations you just won a free timeshare, on the moon.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:55 No.22400056
         File1294278924.jpg-(23 KB, 400x485, 1292713963313.jpg)
    23 KB
    MLP is a franchise based almost entirely around OC
    Deal with it or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:57 No.22400095
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I don't know what happened last night. I was drunk off my hooves for the first three hours. Everything after that was kind of hazy. My head hurts like hell... but the scariest part is that when I woke up this morning, I found dried blood under my nose, and my back hooves were caked in the stuff. My horn too.

    I... I think I might have killed somepony in a rage. But I don't remember for sure. What should I do?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:57 No.22400096
         File1294279028.jpg-(131 KB, 690x998, 1233510525438.jpg)
    131 KB
    it needs to be bigger
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 01/05/11(Wed)20:57 No.22400100
         File1294279034.png-(25 KB, 718x677, 64.png)
    25 KB
    >drawwhore of derpy
    you sure you can handle that man?
    it's a dark road, full of shitty speed drawing and hatred
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:58 No.22400122
         File1294279095.jpg-(25 KB, 333x320, poison-ivy.jpg)
    25 KB

    Her cutiemark even looks like poison ivy.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:58 No.22400135
    Just about to post this. I second it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:59 No.22400149
         File1294279161.gif-(3 KB, 387x401, efg.gif)
    3 KB

    I'll say.

    No wait, I was beloved by thousands
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)20:59 No.22400158
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    This is an epic thread. Please go to the 4chan archive. Select 'request interface' and post the OP's post number into the form to request for archiving.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:01 No.22400206
         File1294279317.png-(Spoiler Image, 502 KB, 1974x1965, 1294187110212.png)
    Spoiler Image, 502 KB
    Dear Princess Luna:

    Don't be sad, ponies can have fun at night too.

    Pinkie Pie
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:01 No.22400207
    ah man it's like my /b/ days all over again...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:03 No.22400257

    Only Pinkie Pie could get away with doing something like that to Rainbow Dash.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:04 No.22400278
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    ur a faget

    Your faithful student,

    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:05 No.22400293
    Dear Pinkie Pie

    I am confused by the picture you enclosed with this letter, please do not throw me a party.

    -Princess Luna
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:06 No.22400318
    Dear Twilight Sparkle,
    My most faithful student. Stop being a faggot.

    Princess Celestia

    Seriously, this does not deserve an archive, at least not yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:06 No.22400320

    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Does that mean that it feels good when girls poop? Because it feels good when boys poop, eh?

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:06 No.22400329
         File1294279611.jpg-(41 KB, 779x660, tjtesrj.jpg)
    41 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia

    Today Iearned that the OP is indeed a faggot.

    -Twilight Sparkle
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 01/05/11(Wed)21:08 No.22400361
         File1294279714.png-(10 KB, 400x400, 002.png)
    10 KB
    >mfw you think that's the real EFG
    >> Fishberry 01/05/11(Wed)21:09 No.22400372
    Dearest princess Celestia.

    I need your help. Something has transpired and I don't know what to do. None of the books here are of any help in this matter.

    Two days ago, Ponyville's mailmare was taken with fever, and unable to do her proper rounds. Three other mailponies had also contracted the virus, and were unable to work. This effectively crippled Ponyville's mail service.

    In desperation, local businesses pleaded with me to let them use Spike for mail delivery purposes. I refused at first, but finally relented, when it became clear that Ponyville's local economy would suffer without mail delivery.

    Initially, everything was fine and Spike was unaffected. Yesterday, he began to get dizzy and fatigued. After noontime he suffered three episodes of narcolepsy and began to vomit blood. I will send this letter and I dare not send any more until I have found a way to cure him... I'm worried your response may leave him catatonic.

    Also, I'm pretty certain a local stallion named Big Macintosh has begun to stalk me. I seem to see him everywhere I go. It's that time of year again and I'm going into oestrus... I may need to take a brief hiatus from my work here in ponyville. This is scary.

    Your dearest student,

    Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:09 No.22400373
    Hey dear morons,

    We have are own archive system stop being retarded.

    -Someone smarter than you.
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)21:09 No.22400376
         File1294279751.png-(14 KB, 300x300, FUCKDRAW2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:10 No.22400392
         File1294279811.jpg-(37 KB, 600x600, Twilight Sparkle discovers hum(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    Dear Celestia,

    I found out today everything I have ever known is a lie. The sun you raise is a pale imitation of the real sun in which our world revolves around, not the sun revolve around us. The moon you and Luna raise is nothing but a pretty glass globe. The real moon is massive, even larger than Equestria. You planted us in a pocket dimension; to hide us away from your sin. The sin you and Luna committed thousands of years ago. I've been on the other side; the ruins, the metal carriages they rode around in, and their remains. I looked at photos of you and Luna slaughtering them by the thousands. What could have done to deserve your terrible wrath? Why Celestia, why did you kill them all?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:10 No.22400404
         File1294279843.jpg-(3 KB, 122x91, cp.jpg)
    3 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia

    Andross has declared war! He's invaded the Lylat system, and is trying to take over Corneria!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:10 No.22400406
    Oh god a drawfag needs to do the "dante sends a letter" comic but instead with twilight to celestia.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:10 No.22400407
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:11 No.22400419
    Dear diabolical
    >>22399631 ?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:11 No.22400422
    To my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

    Regarding >>22399920 I know this may hurt, but you might want to check out >>22400206 You should confront both of your friends and apologize to Rainbow Dash for not considering that she may have been closer to another pony. Love triangles hurt everyone.

    Or, alternatively, only one could get hurt. Play Pinkie a "visit". You're my student, and I didn't teach you to back down. I shall not have my favorite pupil be a beta.

    I trust you know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:11 No.22400429
         File1294279895.jpg-(98 KB, 500x500, 3329254094_3217408d80.jpg)
    98 KB
    >We have are own
    >Someone smarter than you
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:13 No.22400460
    Dear Celestia

    Stop reading my god damn mail

    -Your sister, Luna
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 01/05/11(Wed)21:13 No.22400474
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I learned something today. We thought we could make money on the Internet. But while the Internet is new and exciting for creative people, it hasn't matured as a distribution mechanism to the extent that one should trade real and immediate opportunities for income for the promise of future online revenue. It will be a few years before digital distribution of media on the Internet can be monetized to an extent that necessitates content producers to forgo their fair value in more traditional media!
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)21:15 No.22400515
    I just stepped away for a second and came back.
    Sorry I didn't notice that earlier!
    Sure I can give it a shot.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:16 No.22400531
    Dear Princess Celestia, People didn't realise that this was also a general thread until the pic limit was reached again, thus proving these /co/lts never learn.
    Sincerely your bitch, Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:16 No.22400536
         File1294280171.png-(85 KB, 425x360, 1290431004430.png)
    85 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Twilight Sparkle is currently asleep. Then again, few ponies stay awake through my "Ten Second Flat" Special. And I've always wondered, what flavor is the candy vag of a Goddess Princess tastes like?

    Your Interested "Student", Rainbow Dash.

    P.S. Your sister is single, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:16 No.22400539
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I know you're still angry at me for holding that orgy in the palace garden. But I can't help myself. I've been all alone for a thousand years. I haven't spoken to, or... touched anyone in a thousand years. Then dozens of willing suitors come to my door, and you expect me to turn them away? Do you have any idea what it's like to be completely alone for a thousand years? I wasn't sleeping all that time. I was fully wide awake. I actually began to hear voices and see ghosts after the first hundred years. If it weren't for Twilight Sparkle's magic, I would never have returned to my old self... but I miss the company of other ponies so much, that's why I did what I did the other night.

    Please let me out of the dungeon... I'll be good.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:16 No.22400544

    Dear Snails

    It means that when a pony poops, she can stick a... hoof into her vagina and press to feel the poo slide against the other side of the flesh wall.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:16 No.22400550
         File1294280216.jpg-(14 KB, 260x354, IvyDisagrees.jpg)
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    Ah, well suggested anons, looks like we have a winner.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:17 No.22400554
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that even when cooped up in my house with a cold, I can still play with my friends online.

    I also learned the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is a simultaneously awesome and terrifying experience.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)21:19 No.22400598
         File1294280351.png-(359 KB, 486x546, 1293780297873.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:19 No.22400601
         File1294280363.png-(210 KB, 640x360, snipsandsnails.png)
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    Dear Princess Celestia,

    That's really hot.


    P.S. You didn't really answer my question, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:20 No.22400629
         File1294280457.png-(46 KB, 273x248, love_me_and_despair.png)
    46 KB
    To my most faithful student Twilight Sparkle,

    This is a very serious matter that deserves my personal attention. I will be arriving shortly to tell you everything and answer any questions you may have. Please wait alone in your home until my arrival. Do not attempt speak to anyone about these matters. If you have already spoken to people about them, please prepare a list of those people for my arrival so that I may speak to them as well following our discussion.

    Your loving ruler,
    Princess Celestia
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:22 No.22400666
         File1294280547.jpg-(136 KB, 867x1111, ójoopjo.jpg)
    136 KB
    This thread is full of shit! I hope there is another MLP General cuz this one sucks
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:22 No.22400667
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Could you please send the pony general pic, as well as the list of links? I haven't got it all, for some reason.

    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:23 No.22400687
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:23 No.22400688
         File1294280607.png-(76 KB, 289x238, 289px-PrincessCelestia.png)
    76 KB
    Dear Rainbow Dash,

    Luna has told me on occasions that I taste of strawberries and cream, and on other days of blue raspberries. I suppose it changes depending on how... 'in the mood' I am, so to speak.

    I am glad to hear that your abilities are improving to even surpass that of my own student Twilight Sparkle - that is quite an accomplishment indeed! However, I must disappoint you to say that no, Luna is not single. You know how Royalty is. However, I could perhaps convince her that an open relationship or a threesome would be acceptable.

    All my love,
    Princess Celestia.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:26 No.22400793
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    Your faithful student,

    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:27 No.22400795
         File1294280824.gif-(2.86 MB, 640x400, 1294096124362.gif)
    2.86 MB
    [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
    MLP:FiM /co/ Thread Locator and Archive:

    Official Channel (not international):

    Youtube Channel with episodes:

    Synchtube (watch with friends!):

    Plus4chan Fanworks Archive:

    Ponibooru Imagedump:

    Community Wiki:

    /co/ Bronies dA group:

    Download links for episodes on:

    Derpy Hooves Fan Site:

    Bronie FlockDraw:

    Pony music:

    Steam group:
    [ The Subject of New Threads & The Generals ]

    Please check the MLP:FiM Thread Locator and
    Archive before going out and about and starting
    a new thread. /co/ doesn't mind if we stay in
    a general thread, but the biggest complaint I
    see from them is that there are multiple threads.

    A new general should not be made until the official
    general is on the brink of autosaging into 404 hell,
    or is at the image limit (150 pics). Once a new one
    is established, it should be posted at the end of the
    old general and everyone needs to herd themselves to
    the next.

    Obviously trolls & haters cannot be helped.

    New System: When the old general thread dies, the
    general thread image is to be deleted and placed
    onto the new one. Old general will be archived.
    New system thanks to Archive!noTe.poNY.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:28 No.22400820
         File1294280905.png-(43 KB, 285x261, Celestia.png)
    43 KB

    Dear Pinkie Pie,

    I have discovered your picture of questionable content under Luna's bedroom pillow. It would seem she has become rather attached to it. I am sending my royal entourage to your location within the hour to retrieve you. Please cancel all of your immediate plans as you will be spending this evening within my own private quarters.

    All of your accommodations such as food and lodging will be taken care of. However, I'd advice you to pack accordingly as you will be catering to my night's entertainment personally. I trust that I will not be disappointed.

    Princess Celestia
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:29 No.22400849
    Dear Celestia.
    Are you responsible for all those dead bird across the human world?
    Is it "that time" of the month again?
    Your faithful lo- students, Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:33 No.22400919
         File1294281182.png-(169 KB, 801x484, Screen shot 2011-01-06 at 3.30(...).png)
    169 KB
    Current flockmod.

    Whoever drew Precious, can you draw him in a higher quality picture? He's so cute ;-;
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:34 No.22400971
         File1294281293.png-(442 KB, 1329x1811, letters.png)
    442 KB
    I wrote a letter from Twilight to Celestia yesterday.

    Someone asked me to write a reply from Celestia to Twilight, but it turned into a story instead.

    Here's the letter from last time:
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:35 No.22400978
         File1294281315.jpg-(43 KB, 216x216, Surprisingly enough, she's(...).jpg)
    43 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia

    I am sorry for reading Rainbow Dash's letters, but intrigued by something that you wrote.

    >Luna has told me on occasions that I taste of strawberries and cream, and on other days of blue raspberries. I suppose it changes depending on how... 'in the mood' I am, so to speak.

    How does she know? Does this mean incest is legal in equestria?

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:35 No.22400981
    Dear Celestia
    Am I black?

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> loves2spooge 01/05/11(Wed)21:35 No.22400982
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I went black, and I'll never go back.

    Your faithful student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:36 No.22401013
    are you going to write more of the letter series?

    I'd like to see Celestia, Rainbow Dash and Rarity replying

    Post the story anyway
    >> loves2spooge 01/05/11(Wed)21:36 No.22401025
    Go for it Applejack. Put Applebuck to the test.

    Applebloom gets second dibs.

    Granny Smith gets to watch.
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 01/05/11(Wed)21:36 No.22401027
         File1294281406.jpg-(5 KB, 126x126, 1292644521421.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:37 No.22401035
         File1294281422.jpg-(43 KB, 503x443, 1294189020605.jpg)
    43 KB
    And now for the repurcussions!

    The Mirror Of Impossible Dreams
    Spike was out of the house for once, away on an adventure with Apple Bloom, and Twilight Sparkle was making good use of the time to get as much study done as possible. She sat on her bed reading a book called “The Ursa Major in its Natural Habitat” – it was a fascinating book, and she was so deeply engrossed in it that for a long time she didn’t realise there was somepony knocking on the front door of the house.
    “Is that Spike back already? Why doesn’t he just come in – the door’s unlocked for goodness sake! Oh Spike...” But when she got up and went to the door, she saw that it wasn’t Spike – it was one of the Pegasus ponies who took travellers between Ponyville and Canterlot. Few ponies made the journey regularly, so she was surprised to see him arrive at her house unannounced.
    “Uh, yes? Can I help you?” she asked, and the Pegasus pony bowed and replied:
    “Her majesty Princess Celestia would like to see you immediately to discuss a matter of great importance!” he said. “A Pegasus carriage is waiting for you as we speak.”
    “Of... of course!” Twilight closed the door and went with him. She would have loved a chance to have brushed her mane (it must look a sight!) and get herself presentable for the Princess, but the stern look on the Pegasus pony’s face prevented her from asking.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:37 No.22401049
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:37 No.22401054
         File1294281476.jpg-(100 KB, 612x792, Twilight and Celestia.jpg)
    100 KB
    Could some drawfag draw a picture based off of this?
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)21:38 No.22401058
         File1294281482.png-(72 KB, 500x688, Lollorool.png)
    72 KB
    Spike: How about a kiss? For Luck?
    Rarity: You've got to be kidding me darling.
    Spike: roflmao
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:38 No.22401065
    Dear Mods

    This thread is fucking creepy and everyone in it is a furry and a pedophile

    Please remove it.
    Sincerely, /co/
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:39 No.22401086
    I will be, but maybe some more unrequited love letters first: like from Rarity to AppleJack.

    Soon she was in the carriage, lofted up high over Ponyville and on her way to Canterlot. It had been a while since she had seen the Princess, and even longer since she had been to her old home. She looked back on Ponyville and sighed. The problem must be a serious one for her to be summoned so quickly to Canterlot. Unless maybe – Twilight thought – I’m in trouble? But what could I have done to make the Princess want to see me so ....
    Uh. Oh no. Oh no. Not THAT. It COULDN’T be THAT.
    Now the flag-topped spires and filigree towers of Canterlot filled the sky, and the carriage swept up and over the battlements, landing in the Outer Courtyard of the capital of all of Equestria. Twilight’s heart beat hard in her chest. She got out and, with a nod to the Pegasus pony who had pulled the carriage, she started towards the great gate to the Inner Courtyard. She bit her lip and broke into a nervous trot. Some unicorns that knew her greeted her, but the sound of their voices was tinny and strange, like she was hearing them from far off, and she couldn’t bring herself to reply to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:39 No.22401090
         File1294281569.png-(208 KB, 629x294, laughing ponies.png)
    208 KB
    1 person =/= /co/
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:39 No.22401099
    Dearest Applejack,

    I am deeply upset that you would breach your friends privacy. That is not how the magic of friendship works - there should be trust. But at least you were honest.

    As for your question, I'm surprised that you of all ponies would ask me that. You live on a farm, don't you? Surely you should already be aware of Equestria's views on such matters.

    Like I said, Princess Luna and I are Royalty. Our behaviour in the bedroom is not unlike yours.

    With all my forbidden love,
    Princess Celestia.
    >> Diabolical 01/05/11(Wed)21:40 No.22401108
         File1294281611.png-(43 KB, 385x450, BETTER GET SLUMPED WHORE.png)
    43 KB
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:40 No.22401114

    The guards bowed to her as she came through the mighty archway that led from the Inner Courtyard to the throne room. Every other time previous, when she had walked under that arch, she had been filled with joy – the thought of seeing Princess Celestia, her beloved teacher and mentor and... Well, now all that joy was transmuted to fear as she walked through the far end of the archway. She almost jumped out of her hide when she heard the guards at the entrance shout: “Twilight Sparkle, Unicorn Pony of Ponyville!”But somehow she kept herself together and walked into the throne room where the Princess awaited her. And there, high atop the throne itself, flanked by her Elite Guards, Princess Celestia sat in all her Unicorn Pegasus majesty. Her multicoloured mane swept about her, coursing with Rainbow Magic, and her horn glowed with her great power. But the Princess had her face turned to one side and Twilight couldn’t make out her expression. But as she approached the throne, the Princess slowly turned her face, and Twilight could see that her eyes were soft, and that the warmest of smiles lit up her mouth.
    It was as if a sudden load had been lifted from Twilights back. She let out her breath, which she only now realised she had been holding as she’d walked down the great red carpet, and bowed deeply to her teacher and mentor.
    >> Prince of Equestria !uiJYEJWTPw 01/05/11(Wed)21:41 No.22401125
         File1294281697.jpg-(74 KB, 759x456, prince.jpg)
    74 KB
    Could a drawfriend please do a better version of my original character?
    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)21:42 No.22401142
         File1294281723.jpg-(6 KB, 200x111, 41794_70711091696_1820_n.jpg)
    6 KB
    Come back from work, see this thread.

    >ponies don't write Spike does it all for them
    >Spike reads all of these

    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:42 No.22401145
    >>22401114“Twilight Sparkle, thank you for coming to see me at such short notice!” The Princess’s mighty voice filled the throne room, and it was warm and loving and seemed to Twilight to envelope her as an almost living thing. “I apologise for having caused you concern, but I could not come to Ponyville personally to see you. For you see, this is a matter of a personal and private nature.”
    “Personal?” Twilight asked, raising her face from the floor. “Princess, is everything alright?”
    Princess Celestia shook her head. “Alas, I wish I could say that everything was alright. But come,” she said, stepping down from the great throne, “Let us retreat to a less formal place to talk. I have something to show you.”
    She approached Twilight and as she did, her horn began to glow more and more intensely. And with a sudden flash of purple light, and a surge of heat, they were transported by the Princess’s magic to a room deep in the Castle. High vaulted ceilings were lit with torches that spilled out a soft orange glow throughout the huge room. It was almost empty, except for something in the far right corner, something metallic that glittered and flashed with the orange light from the torches.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:42 No.22401146

    Dear /co/

    You are a pervert for thinking anything in here has anything to do with children.

    Please leave and let the people have their fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:43 No.22401168
    Dear Fuckface

    Suck my balls

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:43 No.22401180

    Minister Frollo, you're into ponies too? That's... unexpected. You're not having impure thoughts about them, are you?
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:43 No.22401184
    How did this greentext get here I am not good at computer


    “Let me show you something, my beloved student,” said Celestia, leading Twilight towards the object in the far corner. “As you know, in ancient times past, long even before the time of Meagan, many magical treasures were created.”
    “I remember, Princess,” Twilight replied, “Unicorn magic was even stronger then, and many Princes and Princesses of Canterlot channelled their magic into objects, to help pony-kind and to protect Equestria.”
    “You remember all my lessons well, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia smiled and nodded. “Many objects were made, some with abilities that even now we are unable to identify. Some of the objects were made for personal reasons as well, for even Princes and Princesses are not immune from the everyday problems of pony-kind. This is one such item.”
    They were close enough now that Twilight could discern behind the bright light flowing from it the shape of a standing mirror. It was burnished gold, intricately decorated, and in the shape of a heart. As they got closer, she could feel waves of magic flowing from it. The mirrored surface seemed to move and ripple with a life of its own, and soon it went flat, and Celestia and Twilight were looking at their reflections in the mirror’s glistening surface.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:43 No.22401186
         File1294281814.jpg-(141 KB, 1200x1000, Derpy_is_absolutely_normal_pon(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:43 No.22401191
         File1294281834.jpg-(68 KB, 1152x648, CAPEMAN.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:44 No.22401221


    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)21:44 No.22401224
         File1294281896.jpg-(54 KB, 960x536, Frollo-judge-claude-frollo-488(...).jpg)
    54 KB
    I own horses. I do not find them arousing. But I love the show.

    I do enjoy drawing human versions and making them lesbians.
    >and then I was a lesbrony
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:45 No.22401226

    “Is this the Mirror of Imp...?”
    “So you have already guessed, Twilight Sparkle? Yes, this is it. The Mirror of Impossible Dreams. Do you remember the story behind its creation?” the Princess asked. Her eyes grew sad, but Twilight was delving into the memory of her studies for the information and she didn’t notice.
    “Long ago,” began Twilight, “A Prince of Canterlot fell in love with an Earth Pony. He brought her to Canterlot to be with him, and they lived happily for a long time together.”
    “Yes.” Celestia said, “That’s the story. They lived happily for a long time but...”
    “But soon the Prince became obsessed with his lover. He spent all of his time thinking of her, of entertaining her and making her life perfect, so much so that he forgot about his duties as ruler of Equestria.”
    “That is right,” said Celestia. “And even though he knew he was doing the wrong thing, even though he knew he should have been dedicating his time and energy to protecting Equestria, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He tried sending her far away, but that just made the situation worse. He found he had lost the will to do anything, and his days and nights were filled with pining for her.”
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:45 No.22401242
    When is episode 12 supposed to be out?
    I heard something about it like, 3 threads ago. But haven't been in a pony thread since.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:45 No.22401247

    “And so he created the Mirror of Impossible Dreams,” continued Twilight. “But, I don’t understand what all of this is about...”
    Celestia came closer to Twilight, arching her neck over the smaller pony’s and nuzzling her flanks. There were tears in her eyes, but Twilight could not see them – she was in bliss, the warmth and sweet scent of Celestia washing over her, making her feel safe and happy, and filling her heart to bursting with a strange, burning joy that threatened to explode out of her chest.
    “My beloved student... my beloved Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia mutter, her voice soft and deep with emotion, “I know how you feel about me. I know about the letter that you wrote...”
    Twilight’s eyes flashed open. “The letter?” she gasped. “But I gave the letter to Derpy Hooves to keep... Did that Derpy actually deliver it to you? That air-headed pony! Princess Celestia, I never meant...”
    “Derpy did not bring me the letter,” said Celestia, stroking Twilight’s neck with her lips. “So please don’t blame her. The blame is all mine. There is another Mirror, the Mirror of Eternal Vigilance, that is only known to the ruler of Equestria. Whenever any pony writes my name anywhere, it reports the information directly to me. Some of the cruel rulers of old used to have trouble with rebellion, and used it to spy on their subjects. But I have found the Mirror useful in the past for learning about the needs and concerns of all the ponies of Equestria. And when I saw you writing a letter to me, rather than a scroll to send through Spike, I was worried that something was terribly wrong....”
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:46 No.22401258
    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)21:46 No.22401262
         File1294281986.jpg-(18 KB, 357x529, 1291865570283.jpg)
    18 KB
    >just friends
    >mfw that's how all lesbronies start out
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:46 No.22401273
         File1294282005.png-(331 KB, 800x778, 1293595898747.png)
    331 KB

    Twilight broke away. “You read the letter I wrote?”
    “Yes, I am ashamed to say I did. I’m sorry, Twilight...”
    “All of it?” Twilight slumped down on the ground. “You ... you must think I’m sick, Princess. Crazy and deranged...”
    Celestia shook her head, “Never. Never, my dear, sweet Twilight Sparkle. I would never think that about you. Those words you wrote were so beautiful, and honest, and true to your heart that I could not stop reading them as you wrote them. And as I read them, I realised I had not been true to myself. For you see, my sweet Twilight Sparkle, I love you too.”
    Twilight’s eyes filled with tears, and she almost couldn’t raise her face to look at Celestia’s. But she found the will somehow, and she saw that her teacher’s eyes were also tearful.
    “Can it be... true?” Twilight whispered. “Do you.. truly love me... that way?”
    Celestia brought her face next to Twilight’s and kissed her, once, quickly, on the lips. “I do. For a long time I have. And because of your letter, I understand that now...” And she kissed the tears that fell from Twilight’s eyes as the unicorn pony heard the words of the one she loved, and believed them.
    For a long time they lay there, the smaller Twilight surrounded by Celestia’s body, nuzzling and kissing each other, Celestia’s mane swirling about them with its many colours, as if they were floating above some magical rainbow sea. And to both of them, it seemed that it would stay that way forever, a sweet and beautiful dream, here, alone, down deep in Canterlot Castle, far from everypony else, in a universe only populated by the two lovers.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:47 No.22401303
         File1294282060.jpg-(161 KB, 900x1393, LyraAndBonBonByFrolloColsByInt(...).jpg)
    161 KB
    Hey Frollo I tried my hand colorin' a thing of yours!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:47 No.22401306

    If you can't tell that Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack have a love triangle going you are blind and foolish.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:48 No.22401314

    At last Twilight opened her eyes. Next to her, Celestia was waking up as well. But something was different. Twilight looked about her and realised that they were no longer in the high-vaulted room. Instead, the two of them were lying on a green meadow, sunshine dappling over their backs, with an endless blue summer sky arching over them. And another thing was different. Celestia...
    “Princess Celestia! You’ve shrunk!”
    Celestia looked at Twilight with sleepy eyes, then surveyed their two bodies nestled together. Twilight was right! They were exactly the same size. And that wasn’t all.
    “I’ve lost my wings!” Celestia exclaimed. “Oh, I should have used them more. But now I suppose I’ll never get the chance – the magic of the Mirror must have stripped them away. Oh well.”
    As the two of them stood up, Twilight rubbed her eyes with her hooves. “I don’t understand, Princess! What just happened?”
    Celestia put a foreleg over Twilight’s neck, and gently directed her gaze to the right. Not far away was the mirror – but it had lost all of its glow and magic now longer coursed through it. In fact, as they watched it seemed to slowly lose its shape, becoming fainter and fainter. But on the mirror’s face they saw themselves – not as reflections, but as if looking through a window. Celestia was her old self still – tall and regal, with her Pegasus wings, which were covering Twilight Sparkle as she cried into their pink feathers. Celestia was crying too as she held Twilight, the mighty tears wetting her nose, while behind them the glowing torches still filled the huge room with fitful light.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:48 No.22401328
    Dear Diabolical.
    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)21:48 No.22401334
    I saw and saved it- you should color my other stuff, since I am terribad at it and you are good.

    I'll dump my Lyra and Bon Bon stuff in a bit. Trying to find a pen that works to ink.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:48 No.22401337

    Fuck, I don't even know... I do it intuitively. Keep practicing.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:48 No.22401340
    Have Applejack and Pinkie Pie actually ever interacted outside of the baked bads baking?
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:49 No.22401352

    “Don’t you remember the rest of the story of the Mirror of Impossible Dreams, my dearest one?” asked Celestia, as they watched their old selves in the dying mirror-image.
    Twilight looked on at amazement. “The Prince took his Earth Pony lover to look into the Mirror of Impossible Dreams – and from that day ever after, they no longer loved each other. Their love faded away, and the Prince was no longer obsessed, and the Earth Pony returned home to her own people, and Equestria was saved. Their love had been captured by the mirror...”
    “More than just their love,” Celestia explained. “The part of them that loved each other was caught in the mirror’s glass, and split off from them. The destructive fire of their love, the obsession that had threatened to overthrow peace and order, was contained. But it wasn’t extinguished. It lived on in the mirror, in a different world where the Prince and his Earth Pony lover were permitted to love each other as they wished, for no matter what happened, it would not bring destruction upon anyone else.”
    In the fading mirror, Princess Celestia was slowly walking away with Twilight Sparkle. Suddenly, she turned back and seemed to be looking straight through the mirror at the two of them in the sunny meadow. And a sad smile played over her lips, and stayed there as the image finally drifted away into mist on the soft summer breeze.
    Twilight looked at Celestia. “So, my old self will no longer love you?”
    Celestia shook her head. “She will love me as a teacher and a friend and as a mother, but the passionate love of a lover will already be starting to fade, just as my original’s love will return to that of a teacher for her favourite student.”
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)21:50 No.22401360
         File1294282203.jpg-(99 KB, 466x512, V3ManlyTear.jpg)
    99 KB
    I... Stole your thunder?
    I'm... I'm sorry bro!
    I'm sorry!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:50 No.22401365
         File1294282212.png-(21 KB, 220x225, 1zvsvbn.png)
    21 KB
    I love this thread.
    Saving it!
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/05/11(Wed)21:50 No.22401380
    MS here. Sporting a new name and trip now.

    Any requests?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:50 No.22401384
         File1294282240.png-(8 KB, 557x266, apple.png)
    8 KB
    NO! This is my original char APPLE BUTTER. she was fired from the ranch for stuffin dynamite in the chicken butts and dropping cows from clouds. She's incredibly mntally unstable and has escaped from the Equestria Asylum multiple times. Her IQ is HOOJ
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:50 No.22401394

    I don't know. I haven't even watched the show, I was just repeating the only names I could remember from the rest of the thread.
    >> Prince of Equestria !uiJYEJWTPw 01/05/11(Wed)21:51 No.22401403

    Someone? Please?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:51 No.22401404
         File1294282280.png-(111 KB, 792x612, 1294273889579.png)
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    Dear Celestia.
    Here's a secret snapshot of you just before you.... "frolick", with Fluttershy.
    Did she finally gave in?What was her taste?
    Love, Angel.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:51 No.22401412
         File1294282297.png-(423 KB, 2292x1667, 1292474161159.png)
    423 KB

    Galloping griffons that's long - I'll jpeg it next time
    “I feel sorry for them,” said Twilight, and she lowered her face.
    “As do I, Twilight – but things are better this way. Somewhere there will always be a home for our love, and that somewhere is here.” She looked about the meadow that surrounded them. Far in the distance she could see a wisp of smoke rising – a town! “Wherever here is.” She turned to Twilight, lifting the pony’s sorrowful face with her own head and kissing her eyes. “Would you like to find out about our new home?”
    Twilight smiled, and kissed Celestia back. “Of course. But Princess, is this world the same as ours, or is it completely different? Will all our friends be here?”
    “I think it resembles our own, and I have no doubt that our friends will all be here in one shape or another, but I’m sure everything will be different in many strange ways. And please, Twilight,” She leaned over and rubbed her lips along her beloved student’s neck as she muttered “My name is just Celestia from now on – no more being a Princess for me.”
    “OK... C-Celestia.” The name felt strange on Twilight’s lips, but as she said it, the realisation of what had happened struck her, and joy ran up through her heart, a joy so fiery and resplendent that it felt as if all the magic in the world was coursing through her. And she leapt up and galloped away through the meadow, looking back at Celestia, shouting “Catch me if you can, Celestia!” And Celestia galloped after her, laughing and leaping through the green grass.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:51 No.22401413
         File1294282298.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 92 KB, 513x333, 1294272208592.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 92 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:52 No.22401435
    This >>22401404 in human form?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:52 No.22401436
    >haven't watched the show
    You're missing out, bro. Keeping up with the show really helps you with these threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:52 No.22401437
    Dear Applebloom

    The results are in, you are indeed daughter of Applejack and big Macintosh

    Doctor hoovert
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:53 No.22401472
    /r/ing Pony version of an >implying image.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:53 No.22401480
    Dearest /co.

    The other day, I was watching My Little Human when Pinkie Pie burst into my room. I tried to hide it, but she saw what was on my screen and she threatened to tell evrybody and ran out laughing. Also, you people told me to to buy the My Little Human toys and not worry about what everypony thinks of me, and now they're all making fun of me. Thanks a lot for ruining my life.

    Sincerely, your bro-ape,

    Twilight Sparkle.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:54 No.22401493
         File1294282449.png-(170 KB, 273x325, 1293780580466.png)
    170 KB

    I RAGED when I read that letter you wrote because I'd just finished mine. So it forced me to actually post my stuff - publish or perish etc..

    pic related - it's how I looked
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:54 No.22401504
         File1294282474.jpg-(511 KB, 839x2038, Twilight.jpg)
    511 KB

    I agree. If you're going to ship the ponies, it should be with original characters that you come up with. Also, heterosexual. Except for Dash. She's a lesbian. And Pinkie Pie's pansexual.
    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:54 No.22401506
         File1294282480.jpg-(68 KB, 640x720, 1289438579484.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:54 No.22401507
         File1294282482.gif-(720 KB, 640x360, not_gonna_cry_not_gonna_CRY.gif)
    720 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:55 No.22401542
         File1294282545.png-(448 KB, 1330x2425, Mirror of Impossible Dreams.png)
    448 KB

    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:55 No.22401551
         File1294282559.jpg-(23 KB, 324x586, 1294035128318.jpg)
    23 KB
    That image is FUCKING SAVED
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:56 No.22401553
    >possibly interesting story
    >turns into lesbian shit, again
    oh god damnit
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:56 No.22401563

    /r/ing an image of Dash singing this to Applejack.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:56 No.22401571
    Dear Frollo

    Please post the Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie pic I requested

    >> ButterscotchSundae !53BKYS8dZU 01/05/11(Wed)21:57 No.22401603
         File1294282660.jpg-(62 KB, 750x563, snootytwilight.jpg)
    62 KB
    Anon, you are my new favourite person.

    Now to ditch the tripfaggotry and get back to writing the Final Battle between Trixie and Twilight
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:57 No.22401605
    >turns in to lesbian shit
    brb reading
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:57 No.22401607
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that applying for a job is not as hard as my panic attacks this morning made me think it was.

    I also learned that I do not like Homestuck smut.

    - Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:57 No.22401613

    screencap this
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:58 No.22401619
    god damn, i can become un-brony? i don't want to be a part of this anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)21:58 No.22401639
    Dear Celestia,

    I had a wonderful chat with Luna. I never realized you were such an outgoing pony in your youth. You made your armor yourself, she said. My my, such craftsmanship. We have decided it would only be right for Luna to have some armor of her own, and are already learning the arts needed to make something fashionable yet functional. We agreed also that once we do hers she'll make one for me too!
    I have also learned that Luna is quite knowledgeable in other useful studies, and hope to have further cross-training (she is a bit out of the loop, as it were).

    P.S. I see why you gave spike to Twilight Sparkle. He really is a pushover. I just had to bat my eyes and now he delievered this without even reading it!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:00 No.22401684
         File1294282823.jpg-(244 KB, 945x945, 1294212049967.jpg)
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    How does Fluttershy fit in?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:00 No.22401685
         File1294282826.jpg-(80 KB, 640x464, 1270367548272.jpg)
    80 KB

    You mad, brony?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:00 No.22401688

    Cool thanks. Also more if there is any.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:00 No.22401699
         File1294282853.jpg-(285 KB, 1342x526, human vershun.jpg)
    285 KB
    Write Rainbow Dash's response plz
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:01 No.22401719

    >This in human form?

    Do want! Seconding this, fund this please MegaSweet!
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/05/11(Wed)22:02 No.22401720

    On it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:03 No.22401746
    You missed >>22401394 bro.
    Funny though, because if there's any love triangle with RD, it's with those two.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:03 No.22401751
         File1294282990.jpg-(135 KB, 533x533, SceneTS2.jpg)
    135 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I took it from him.

    I took his innocence, Princess. I can't even dare ask him to send you this... so I leave this on your doorstep.

    I don't know what to do Princess, I love Spike... but how could I stoop to this level? He's always told of his love for Rarity... so why did I do it?

    Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:03 No.22401761
         File1294283019.jpg-(42 KB, 400x300, 1294004331150.jpg)
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    It's just fluffy lesbian shit. Not the hot kind.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:04 No.22401772
         File1294283044.jpg-(270 KB, 945x945, 1294062227851.jpg)
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    It doesn't.It's Dash's sexual fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:04 No.22401780
         File1294283069.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, 1294279751188.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:05 No.22401791
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    I think this would be a good thread to post in /b/. For the lulz.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:05 No.22401796
    Meant for >>22401619
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:05 No.22401807
         File1294283119.png-(29 KB, 143x138, 1293853684495.png)
    29 KB

    Lyra's eyes are gold, not purple.
    And Bon-Bon's are teal.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:05 No.22401813
         File1294283132.png-(12 KB, 183x168, TellTail.png)
    12 KB
    I'll just leave this little musical tidbit for you here, bronies.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:06 No.22401829

    These are funny and all, but the joke is kind of gross.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:06 No.22401832
    I'm from /u/
    I cum buckets with fluffy shit
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:06 No.22401834
    Waait. If I were Twilight Sparkle ... just MAGICALLY, I would not fucking right a goddamned letter. I'd do magic shit like all day long.

    It'd be badass.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:07 No.22401871
    >Implying the rest of this thread isn't.
    I don't know why, but this thread is one of the naughtiest (though light in rule 34) ponythreads ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:07 No.22401872
    This part of a fandom will always exist. Not everyone likes it. Not everyone takes part in it. And not everyone who takes part in it does so sincerely.

    You can leave if you want, and I for one won't blame you for doing it. But another option - one that'll probably serve you better as a general policy when dealing with People Who Like Things On The Internet - is to try to turn a blind eye to the things that squick you out, and continue to discuss the things you like.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:08 No.22401892
         File1294283310.png-(222 KB, 945x945, 1293519198633.png)
    222 KB
    OK anon.

    Do you want it hot or fluffy?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:09 No.22401926
         File1294283368.png-(152 KB, 1324x944, MegamansMessagetoAll.png)
    152 KB
    This works for these people too
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:09 No.22401935
    This is Rainbow Dash, NOT Celestia or Fluttershy!
    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)22:10 No.22401944
         File1294283404.jpg-(1.55 MB, 1500x2193, ponymass.jpg)
    1.55 MB
    My two ink pens ran out today : ( I may run by the store tonight and pick up some generic stuff to finish inking- it's in the upper part, the rough sketch.

    Rest is Lyra and Bon Bon soon-to-be
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:10 No.22401953
         File1294283425.jpg-(40 KB, 576x432, 1294212954337.jpg)
    40 KB
    >>22401872 squick

    old, old fag detected.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:10 No.22401957

    I think it's one of the best generals in the last 12 days. Maybe because we've got a theme to work with, instead of totally random shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:10 No.22401963

    Most of it mostly innocent text jokes.

    This is explicit pantomime of pony rape.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:10 No.22401965
    Fluffy! Peease?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:10 No.22401967
         File1294283458.gif-(554 KB, 295x221, 1270418972451.gif)
    554 KB
    >mfw almost all good writefags are now basically writing

    what happened to the characters acting like they normally would, and not being outlets for bizzare and somewhat creepy fetishes
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:11 No.22401969
         File1294283470.jpg-(22 KB, 343x252, a happy couple.jpg)
    22 KB
    can it be both?
    If not, i'm leaning more towards fluffly
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:12 No.22401992
         File1294283524.png-(304 KB, 496x800, 1292316911019.png)
    304 KB
    ok then
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:13 No.22402029

    >all the good writefags

    Who, in your opinion, are the good writefags.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:13 No.22402032
         File1294283601.png-(266 KB, 800x633, 1292801351105.png)
    266 KB
    I'll do one of both then.

    Like a choose your own adventure. With ponies. Lesbian ponies.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:13 No.22402047
    Or it could just be a guy who browses TVTropes.

    Go on. Go to that link. You won't lose hours of your life to that site or anything. Really.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:15 No.22402086
         File1294283741.jpg-(99 KB, 334x500, 1292744687851.jpg)
    99 KB
    I'm partial to ButterscotchSundae.

    Also, please don't check for samefaggotry. One of the Elements of Harmony is TRUST, remember.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:15 No.22402093
         File1294283751.png-(210 KB, 701x673, 1290496771014.png)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:17 No.22402125
         File1294283820.jpg-(21 KB, 352x240, 1293488544224.jpg)
    21 KB
    Thanks anon.

    I haven't read squick since the age-old days of alt.tasteless, Usenet's proto- /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:17 No.22402130
         File1294283833.jpg-(51 KB, 600x375, God Bless Equestria.jpg)
    51 KB

    I agree. So for those bronies against all the porn, I'll post this non-porn image I made of Rainbow Dash.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:17 No.22402148
         File1294283867.png-(584 KB, 800x500, You Can't See Rainbow Dash.png)
    584 KB

    But more over she is also tough that adds to it
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:18 No.22402170
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:18 No.22402175
         File1294283930.png-(342 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2010-11-05-12h18m14s18(...).png)
    342 KB
    Um... Excuse me everyone...

    But... I just thought...

    Perhaps you should know...

    Lyra raped my bunny...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:19 No.22402189

    I don't even know how, brony.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:20 No.22402205
         File1294284013.png-(38 KB, 707x629, Derpyfighter.png)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:20 No.22402219

    That critter raping bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:20 No.22402222
         File1294284039.png-(628 KB, 1328x3444, The First Wrap Up.png)
    628 KB
    Let's post some in-character fics, then. Ones that could fit in the canon instead of messing with it.

    Here's one of my faves.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:20 No.22402227

    Uh, what? Looks like pantomime pony cunnilingus to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:21 No.22402237
    Angel is an ass anyway. you deserve better.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:21 No.22402251
         File1294284106.jpg-(145 KB, 667x592, Pinkiechewingcarpet.jpg)
    145 KB
    ... did... did you watch?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:22 No.22402262

    First quilavas and now bunnies, something needs to be done about Lyra.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:22 No.22402272
         File1294284151.png-(113 KB, 839x840, Gildasstory.png)
    113 KB

    Am I doin it right? Nice quads, btw.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:22 No.22402283
         File1294284173.jpg-(37 KB, 264x286, gg6.jpg)
    37 KB


    >Friendship/Magic lying motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:23 No.22402306
    *ba dum tish*
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:25 No.22402352
         File1294284345.png-(204 KB, 369x356, 1293658692250.png)
    204 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:25 No.22402355
         File1294284351.png-(8 KB, 320x239, blue-atoms-new-friend.png)
    8 KB

    I guess Pyhon Tail's will have to do. Looks promising.

    Either that, or we could convert whoever did the Twinkle Revue flash game.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:25 No.22402356
    I picked up the terminology on Livejournal, actually.
    Yeah, I know. Only slightly better.

    Probably my favorite out of all the fics that have been posted on here.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:26 No.22402367
         File1294284371.jpg-(115 KB, 442x298, fredrevsupdatfred.jpg)
    115 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia


    Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:26 No.22402369
         File1294284373.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 92 KB, 720x720, 1292612189921.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 92 KB
    shut up you unfaithful whore
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:27 No.22402394
         File1294284438.gif-(4 KB, 100x100, 1271572329837.gif)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:28 No.22402435

    What scene is this from?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:28 No.22402439
         File1294284532.jpg-(1.17 MB, 3264x2448, I OWN THIS SHIT.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/05/11(Wed)22:29 No.22402447
         File1294284549.jpg-(253 KB, 945x945, IT'S DAY TIME!.jpg)
    253 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:29 No.22402461
    see, THIS is good. it;s only just outside the realm of possibility, only a bit darker than the show, and the characters are portrayed correctly

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:30 No.22402483
    Dearest sister,

    I know that you are busy with your duties as monarch over Ponyland, but I invite you to my palace for a tea party tonight. I haven't seen or heard from you since the wonderful festival celebrating my return, and I want to catch up with a sister-only tea party! Remember the tea parties we had when we were foals? I even got some peach tea, I remember that was your favorite.
    I haven't seen any ponies since I returned except the guards, and they never want to talk very much... Nobody responds to my letters or invitations. Isn't that funny? Please just send some sort of response, anything... I know it's silly, but I've been feeling a bit lonely lately.

    Yours always,
    Luna <3
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:31 No.22402516
         File1294284699.png-(38 KB, 136x151, 1112.png)
    38 KB

    This pleases me! Finish it up as soon as you can!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:32 No.22402543
    >It's daytime.jpg


    Can I request something yuri with rainbow dash and pinkie?
    human forms of course
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:33 No.22402550
         File1294284780.jpg-(32 KB, 600x340, brohoof.jpg)
    32 KB

    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)22:33 No.22402558
         File1294284791.jpg-(86 KB, 792x528, il_fullxfull.56687911.jpg)
    86 KB
    I know, I'm so pissed that both the pens died : (

    Also bronies, there is an IRC #pony
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 01/05/11(Wed)22:33 No.22402559
         File1294284795.png-(80 KB, 428x510, 1293692678102.png)
    80 KB
    >File name
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/05/11(Wed)22:33 No.22402578

    I'll see what I can whip up.
    >> Captain Matthew Patel, of The USS Mystical !jHhJ3z9Jpo!!JQHdkYfvVpn 01/05/11(Wed)22:34 No.22402587
         File1294284865.jpg-(12 KB, 269x250, YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS.jpg)
    12 KB

    I put something special in your vegetables.

    ~ Ainsley
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:34 No.22402595
         File1294284894.jpg-(161 KB, 900x1393, different eye colors.jpg)
    161 KB
    >>22401807 These were the references I used and I don't know who to believe anymore.
    Here's the colors you said were right anyways.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:35 No.22402608

    >Any requests?

    Could you take a shot at this one MegaSweet when you get some time?


    Brokeback Ponies is maximum feels good with Applejack and Rarity. Humans please, thanks a whole lot!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:35 No.22402617
         File1294284934.jpg-(253 KB, 1280x1024, 1293620760049.jpg)
    253 KB
    Dear MS,

    Your stuff is awesome.

    >> a friendly fa/tg/uy 01/05/11(Wed)22:36 No.22402645
         File1294285001.jpg-(52 KB, 703x463, other people who like strike w(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    Tablet acquired,need pony tutorials.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:37 No.22402654
         File1294285031.png-(268 KB, 970x578, Screen shot 2011-01-06 at 4.36(...).png)
    268 KB
    Current Flockdraw.

    Someone is tempted to draw Big Mac violating Precious.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:37 No.22402664
         File1294285066.jpg-(161 KB, 900x1393, Okay one last try goddamnit.jpg)
    161 KB
    Wait you said Bon Bon's were teal, whoops whatever.
    >> CANDYVAG 01/05/11(Wed)22:38 No.22402671
         File1294285083.gif-(524 KB, 366x341, it took me a while to realize (...).gif)
    524 KB

    I fucking love you
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:38 No.22402683
         File1294285096.jpg-(2.36 MB, 700x4997, pony-tutorial-shapes.jpg)
    2.36 MB
    best one I have
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:38 No.22402688
    Now I'm trying to imagine a regulr drunk Rainbow Dash. I'll have to find a screencap suitable for that.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/05/11(Wed)22:40 No.22402731
         File1294285225.jpg-(259 KB, 945x945, heaven or hell.jpg)
    259 KB

    I have something similar I drew up earlier today, actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:40 No.22402740
         File1294285251.jpg-(51 KB, 436x600, 1293573005991.jpg)
    51 KB
    A fine poster.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:41 No.22402745
         File1294285260.png-(14 KB, 604x280, RAINBOW.png)
    14 KB
    >>22402032 fukken sav'd
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)22:41 No.22402768
         File1294285311.jpg-(166 KB, 612x792, Cobra Commander and Ponies 1.jpg)
    166 KB
    Also, here's a story that was requested this morning. The request was about Cobra Commander going to Equestria, but I couldn't really think of much comedic stuff, so I just wrote something that had a Cobra Commander that was a mixture of his cartoon self and his comics self.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:42 No.22402771
    Wow. I can't take some time to sleep ad I end up missing awesome new art, dammit.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:42 No.22402789

    Sweet Lord! Did you post that before? No way I'd have missed this beauty! Wow.... awesome man, very smooth!
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)22:43 No.22402807
         File1294285404.jpg-(146 KB, 612x792, Cobra Commander and Ponies 2.jpg)
    146 KB
    I'm sorry. I didn't really now you had written one.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:43 No.22402810
         File1294285418.png-(113 KB, 640x360, 1291266110441.png)
    113 KB
    Dear Princess Celestia,
    Why won't my pony friends let me join them in their games.
    - Spike

    Dear Spike,
    Their games are for girls only. You should join some male ponies in their games.
    - Princess Celestia

    Dear Princess Celestia,
    My ass hurts.
    - Spike
    >> Judge Claude Frollo !pjwjmEQ1RM 01/05/11(Wed)22:43 No.22402812
    Anything Lyra and Bon Bon.

    I do prefer fluffy though.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:44 No.22402823
    Also, awesome boobs. You really know what you're doing, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:44 No.22402837
         File1294285493.png-(460 KB, 700x4997, 1294023790440.png)
    460 KB
    pony tutorials, coming up.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)22:45 No.22402846
    Oh yeah, I'm opened up to a request.
    Just remember that I'm not that good of a ship writer.
    >> MegaSweet !6/JhxoKXsc 01/05/11(Wed)22:45 No.22402847

    Fresh off the press and un-posted til now. Drew it after work today.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:46 No.22402869
    I'm not impressed by a someone beating John Cena.
    I mean, it's just John Cena.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:46 No.22402882

    >Like a choose your own adventure. With ponies.


    >Lesbian ponies.

    AWWWWWW YEAH! Hot please, with sexy time!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:47 No.22402892
         File1294285641.jpg-(816 KB, 700x2100, 1294023365664.jpg)
    816 KB
    second tutorial.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:48 No.22402922
    Oh, sweet!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:49 No.22402933
         File1294285751.png-(210 KB, 1280x720, Lunacelestpantystock.png)
    210 KB



    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:49 No.22402939
         File1294285763.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, 1294188757968.jpg)
    19 KB

    No raging was involved. Just competitive jealousy at your writing skills.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:50 No.22402962
    Story about Spongebob Raping Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:50 No.22402973
    Oh is there more? please continue!!!
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)22:51 No.22402987
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:52 No.22402998
    Luna's motivation for casting eternal night was due to seeing various cosmological events and wanting the rest of ponydom to see them too, and become interested in space exploration

    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:52 No.22403007
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned how to think with portals. Also, I want to be a godlike supercomputer sociopath when I grow up.

    Your faithful test subject I mean student,
    Twilight Sparkle
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)22:52 No.22403012
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:53 No.22403031
    New MLP general?
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 01/05/11(Wed)22:55 No.22403064
    Like a good idea actually.
    Maybe have Doctor Whoof have some sort of relation to her...
    Yeah, I can do this.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:56 No.22403074

    You're a good man Charlie Brown.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:56 No.22403090
    Image limit reached, thread is autosageing.

    New General.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)22:57 No.22403104
    critique on your cobra thing promises;
    might want to clean up those interjections that occur between the quotes...they sound kind of...forced? they don't flow well, it's hard to pin down
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:02 No.22403225
    Dear Princess Celestia
    Today I learned that even when one pony thread dies on /co/ another one quickly takes its place.
    >> Jersey Black 01/05/11(Wed)23:06 No.22403324
    Shouldn't Luna be Stocking and Celestia Panty?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:09 No.22403389
    Nah, it's Luna who always gets screwed over.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:11 No.22403423
    Dear Princess Celestia
    I learned that 30 year old Stallions still play with dolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:11 No.22403434
    that's what I was thinking too
    Well, you could have Luna be Nightmare Moon with her stabbing Celestia.
    >> CANDYVAG 01/05/11(Wed)23:15 No.22403509
    Requesting archive
    anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:15 No.22403516

    Please write about Celestia trying and failing to mend her lost time with Luna.

    It doesn't have to end in complete disaster, but maybe have Celestia as a sort of Twilight Sparkle and be all awkward. The other cast can play a role - maybe have Celestia stage something with them to try and make Luna smile

    End on a happy note
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:18 No.22403575
    It's already on the pony archive.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:18 No.22403588

    This thread had the general image, it will already be in our archive..
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:32 No.22403903
    So is it that everyone in ponyville wants to fuck Rainbow Dash, or does RD just want to/already fucked everyone?

    What kinda seductress are we talking about here?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:33 No.22403941
    RD's already done it in TEN SECONDS FLAT.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:39 No.22404075
    Well, they need some sweet loving, and she's there to give it. No need for fancy math'matics.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:42 No.22404140
    Dear pesky princess,

    The dragons and I have taken over Equestria.

    Your faithful student is now a permanent guest at one of my seven dragon hotels.

    I dare you to find her if you can!
    >> Wolf Nanaki !3iI3gbP0ac 01/05/11(Wed)23:43 No.22404182
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:44 No.22404230
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today, I learned Explosive Runes.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/11(Wed)23:51 No.22404390
    LOL good one
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)00:02 No.22404652
    Isn't the joke from order of the stick and it goes "I prepared explosive runes this morning." ?
    >> A.J. 01/06/11(Thu)00:17 No.22405030

    aw man...that was too good...I seriously need to up my writing for the bronies...I have to do something as awesome as this...
    >> A.J. 01/06/11(Thu)00:18 No.22405063

    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)00:21 No.22405137
    There was a joke like that... someone should use that template coic where Celestia gets a message and gets pissed.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)00:23 No.22405195
    yeah, it was well written
    but the concept was creepy as fuck
    A.J, plesae don't start writing creepy lesbian shit as a stable

    butterscotch, cut it out
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)00:24 No.22405212
    >> A.J. 01/06/11(Thu)00:31 No.22405347

    all my stuff has been very subtle with the whole lesbianism thing...except for the stuff that sounds like it could have been an episode...

    grr -ruffles hair in excited frustration- Jimbo and Butterscotch are kicking my ass and I can't stop loving their awesome writing!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/11(Thu)00:59 No.22405757
    Twilight and Celestia have both been seen writing their own shit, Twilight just likes to make Spike write for her so she can express her inner grammar nazi bitch.

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