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Letters from "Derpy" 6
!J8wKEZOcc2 01/05/11(Wed)16:33 No.22394547 File1294263207.png-(26 KB, 155x155, Letters from Derpy 6.png)
 To Whomever Else It Worries,
I guess meeting Princess Luna was a good idea after all. Though she called me that name she laughed it off and used my name most of the time, but slipped up here and there. When Twilight told me about the audience she said she thought it would be good to talk with other ponies who have problems. She's smarter than me I guess it's okay.
And it kind of makes sense because Princess Luna had been through a lot worse stuff than me. But meeting her was awkward and I felt like she really wanted something from me, like I was supposed to just know, but I couldn't figure it out.
Princess Luna and I had some of the cake and she told me that sometimes pain will never go away and you have to go on anyway. Then she said my old friends don't really care about me. I tried to disagree but she cleared her throat, so I shut up. It turns out she can look down and see what happens in all of Equestria from dusk to dawn because she's taking care of the moon.
Anyway, the princess went on saying that the other ponies all had such perfect lives that they'd never understand me anymore. So instead I should forget them and find new friends, ones who understand me. Then she gave me a half smile. Did she mean her? Or is it just wishful thinking. I can't imagine a goddess would want someone like me as a friend.
After that XXLunaXX Princess Luna said I should come back tomorrow because she wants me to meet someone. I really need to catch up on work, but Twilight told me when princess "suggests" something that means you just do it.
She gave me a gift too, a bottle of something strong, and said I should drink some every night to help me sleep, or even when I just feel bad. It's supposed to dull the pain.
"It's good," she said as I was leaving, "much better than trying to get eaten by a monster."
She knows?
A Little Paranoid, Bubbly Shines |