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  • File : 1293670199.jpg-(12 KB, 147x106, MLPfriendshipismagic.jpg)
    12 KB Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:49 No.22239739  
    Amazingly, there are no My Little Pony general threads up.

    Problem solved.

    Official Channel (not international):

    Youtube Channel with episodes:

    Synchtube (watch with friends!):

    Thread Locator and Archive:

    Plus4chan Fanworks Archive:

    Ponibooru Imagedump:

    Community Wiki:

    /co/ Bronies dA group:

    Download links for episodes on:

    Derpy Hooves Fan Site:

    Bronie FlockDraw:

    Winter Wrap Up Instrumental
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:50 No.22239761
    inb4tons of butthurt winterbreak faggots
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:51 No.22239772
    I'm gonna join the Bronie Flockdraw.

    Other /co/mrades should tag along!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:52 No.22239785
         File1293670326.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 92 KB, 720x720, 1293633807304.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 92 KB
    I like MLP
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:53 No.22239805
         File1293670385.png-(194 KB, 640x360, rarity6.png)
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    inb4 PoE with his current pony project.

    ..Damnit /co/lts! A new thread? I won't be sleeping tonight.
    I'll be too busy posting ponies.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:54 No.22239824

    Except there is a general >>22233287

    Sure we're not doing much, but you really should check first
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:54 No.22239828
         File1293670470.png-(189 KB, 326x375, dum.....png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:55 No.22239836
         File1293670501.png-(188 KB, 326x375, dum........png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:55 No.22239842
         File1293670520.png-(25 KB, 150x150, hmm.png)
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    This thread looks fishy.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:55 No.22239855
         File1293670554.png-(174 KB, 326x375, dum............png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:56 No.22239858
    /r/ing lost episode creepy pasta
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:56 No.22239864
         File1293670583.png-(89 KB, 450x600, 1293352829817.png)
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    Try to resist.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:56 No.22239868
         File1293670590.png-(150 KB, 326x375, DUM!!.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:56 No.22239870
         File1293670593.jpg-(148 KB, 938x739, Photo dec 29, 18 40 19.jpg)
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    Image limit reached, auto-saged engaged.

    This is new general.
    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:56 No.22239873
    That thread has turned into full-on homosex

    >I-I can't believe you capped that~ desu
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)19:57 No.22239879
         File1293670628.png-(135 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!.png)
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    >> Fishberry 12/29/10(Wed)19:58 No.22239900
    Not fishy. It's going to suffer a brief case of trollfaggotry, but we can innoculate against that with pony cheer and ignoring trolls. ^_^t

    We ignore them. Trolls don't like being ignored. The trolls will all shamble off to their own troll threads beneath their bridges soon afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:00 No.22239933
         File1293670826.png-(150 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:01 No.22239947
    Someone post the tutorials so I can learn to draw, I only have a track pad and microsoft paint, but on the plus side I have a weeks worth of free time
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:01 No.22239955
         File1293670901.png-(150 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!!.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:02 No.22239969
         File1293670941.png-(135 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!!!.png)
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    >> Lord Of Nothing 12/29/10(Wed)20:02 No.22239974
         File1293670947.png-(244 KB, 1136x1512, party.png)
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    suporting with Pinkie Pie
    >> Diabolical 12/29/10(Wed)20:02 No.22239978
         File1293670961.jpg-(155 KB, 400x2875, my_little_pony_fim_meme_by_don(...).jpg)
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    Gonna just be a faggot and repost this again in a related thread.
    >> Gilda's Fury !kmfdmRX7.c 12/29/10(Wed)20:02 No.22239980
         File1293670976.jpg-(463 KB, 1171x848, this is important.jpg)
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    They said "man in the moon." There is no mare in the moon, thus G1 is over a thousand years old, or Friendship Is Magic is a prequel.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:03 No.22239983
         File1293670987.jpg-(2.36 MB, 700x4997, artguides6.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:03 No.22239990
         File1293671014.png-(150 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!!!.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:04 No.22240006
         File1293671064.png-(102 KB, 337x277, 1288910945010.png)
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    Prediction time.

    Do you think Spike will tag along with Applebloom during the next cutie mark ep?

    Since they're the youngest among a group, it makes sense to me that they would stick together
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:04 No.22240014
         File1293671088.png-(135 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!!!!.png)
    135 KB
    >> Fishberry 12/29/10(Wed)20:05 No.22240024
    Once the image limit is reached, I'll delete this thread and create a new thread.

    If trolls want to expediate that and keep this thread on the first page, that's fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:05 No.22240027
         File1293671125.jpg-(258 KB, 945x945, 1292991223242.jpg)
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    still no colored version of this?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:06 No.22240036
         File1293671167.png-(150 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!!!!.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:06 No.22240042
         File1293671187.png-(174 KB, 411x409, fuck.png)
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    I want to ask again; was the story about the ball ever continued in one of these general threads?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:07 No.22240053
         File1293671223.png-(135 KB, 326x375, DUM!!!!!!!.png)
    135 KB
    >> Fishberry 12/29/10(Wed)20:07 No.22240054
    I'm still trying to get over the fact that Spike is attracted to ponies.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:07 No.22240064
    >Implying spike gives a fuck
    >Implying spike wouldn't rather sleep
    >Implying age is involved in any way
    >Implying other baby ponies are not equally likely
    >Implying logic is involved in any way on FiM
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:08 No.22240066
         File1293671282.png-(92 KB, 267x283, rarity1.png)
    92 KB
    Protip to OP:

    Don't post pony general links in first post.
    It will only make MLP general threads into a bigger target.

    Save it for second post.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:09 No.22240107
         File1293671385.png-(197 KB, 666x678, 1290392312450.png)
    197 KB

    Maybe he's been around ponies ever since he was hatched.

    There certainly don't seem to be many dragons around
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:09 No.22240110
         File1293671390.png-(108 KB, 425x360, Hey co.png)
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    na, the writers will screw him over like they always do.
    >> Lord Of Nothing 12/29/10(Wed)20:11 No.22240140
    Dammit to many trolls today, I dont remember that many haters besides when the show premiered and we all loved it, in my experience after midnight the haters go to sleep mostly I think cuz their parents tell them too, so I'll come back to /co/ in a fe hours
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:12 No.22240162

    I like MLP, but you faggots are fucking awful. GB2Gaia
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:12 No.22240163
    Thanks to you guys, my party is mostly listening to AWK music tonight.

    Everyone fucking loves it lol.

    And omg someone let one of my horses into my house. They've put a hat on his head.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:12 No.22240173
    cant wait for the winter-break to end
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:13 No.22240191
         File1293671584.jpg-(73 KB, 1023x518, WEIRDASSPONYSHIT.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:14 No.22240221


    Ain't no party like an AWK party. His new album is fantastic.

    Also, yeah, shut up about the trolls like they're something new, christ. Just go about your business.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:14 No.22240234
         File1293671687.png-(88 KB, 260x280, rarity_does_not_approve.png)
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    Do explain.

    Disliking trolls is a Gaia thing now?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:16 No.22240255
    Guys. Ignore trolls. Have fun.

    The difference between earlier threads and now is bronies never used to give a fuck about trolls. Let's go back to that plz.

    Who's up for a game of "Pass the Fic". Someone writes some fic, and on the bottom when they're finished they type >pitch<

    Then the next person who wants to write chooses a name, and types in >catch<, and just post that right away so multiple people aren't writing the next part. Then when they're finished they type >pitch< at the bottom.

    So... who's going to be the first pitcher? The first writer gets to choose the premise.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:16 No.22240259
         File1293671775.gif-(208 KB, 403x296, Crazzy Leg Pinkie.gif)
    208 KB
    >AWK Party
    That's not how you spell Pinkie Party!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:18 No.22240301
         File1293671882.png-(23 KB, 150x150, middle_aged_balding_Pinkie.png)
    23 KB
    Middle-aged balding action hero Pinkie is getting too old for your fanfiction shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:19 No.22240323
    Okay my horse is being fed a bowl of pretzels now. I'd better tell them to knock that shit off.

    At least everybody is having a good time, including my horse.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:19 No.22240325

    I'm good, no thanks.


    Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:19 No.22240341
         File1293671972.png-(Spoiler Image, 595 KB, 1173x1200, 579308%20-%20Drago-flame%20Fri(...).png)
    Spoiler Image, 595 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:21 No.22240376

    Furry Luna, for those curious.

    Anyway, how's everyone doin' tonight?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:22 No.22240403
         File1293672147.gif-(1.59 MB, 427x240, 1290632882788.gif)
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    Well, with a pony general, how can one NOT feel good?

    Let's get some drawponies in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:22 No.22240404
    Okay I tell you what, I'll write the first part and pitch it.

    I'll be the pitcher and then you can be the catcher how does that sound sunshine.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:25 No.22240450
    No, crying over some people making a tiny bit of fun of you and breaking down and crying like a fucking 10 year old.
    Jesus, take a cup of cement and harden the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:25 No.22240459
         File1293672320.png-(241 KB, 370x430, zecora5.png)
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    So far, Applebloom's best friend has been Zecora. The two characters are very different but seem like they'd make a good duo for at least part of the episode. Maybe the things fillies have to do to get theur cutie mark seems too hard for her so she runs to Zecora's house and asks her to give her a cutie mark with a potion or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:25 No.22240482
    I've been in the mood to draw some ponies. Fair warning, though, I'm not that good with digital stuff so it'd be pencil/paper things.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:26 No.22240498

    That is Apocrypha. G4 is the true MLP canon.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:28 No.22240529
    thanks I've been looking for a Zecora pic
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:28 No.22240540

    I'd be all over it, but I don't have access to my tablet.

    I have some things to do when I get it anyway. Redo my Andrew W.K./Pinkie Pie pic, make that Color Theory tutorial and Style Sheet tutorial... etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:29 No.22240551
         File1293672562.png-(21 KB, 220x225, 1zvsvbn.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:29 No.22240554
         File1293672571.png-(55 KB, 210x212, rearity.png)
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    I don't know how long you've been around, but trolls have shown to be quite bothersome.

    There will always be the obligatory response to trolls, which will only egg them on, and that's something we want to avoid.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:31 No.22240590
    True I hadn't considered that. In fact I think you could possibly say that Applebloom's attitude was the exact opposite of Applejack's xenophobic attitude.

    Applejack fears outsiders, but Applebloom has that good old-fashioned Southern hospitality.

    It looks like Sweet Apple Acres really belongs to Applejack. She always refers to it as her farm. I wonder if her and Big Mac are equal owners. And I wonder how Applebloom will figure into it when she grows older.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:31 No.22240596
         File1293672687.jpg-(51 KB, 503x745, 1290064536623.jpg)
    51 KB
    How will Applejack react to Apple bloom trying to get her cutie mark?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:32 No.22240618
         File1293672767.png-(32 KB, 175x175, Pinkie.png)
    32 KB
    I used to like these threads, but the furries and the shippers have taken over.

    These threads are full blown homosex now.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:34 No.22240664
         File1293672887.jpg-(36 KB, 600x443, roflbot-pjPX.jpg)
    36 KB
    I have like 6 others, but most of them are head shots. I made them in case I happened upon a rhyming thread. You want them?
    >> Letters from "Derpy" 5 !J8wKEZOcc2 12/29/10(Wed)20:35 No.22240686
         File1293672940.png-(148 KB, 445x360, I can haz snakz.png)
    148 KB
    To Whoever Wants to Laugh at Me Some More,

    The shock of being granted an audience with Princess Luna quickly became uneasiness, then dread. I had no idea what to do or say! Twilight gave me some tips on protocol, but as Princess Celestia's favorite she'd never followed it herself, so I wondered if she was the best teacher. Her friends helped too. Flutteryshy'd heard about the flowers and took me to find the best ones by her home.

    After me and Rarity awkwardly exchanged apologies she insisted on giving me a beautiful sash and a few accessories to go with it. As is often the case, she refused payment. (How does she stay in business?) I noticed that she never said my name. Maybe she worried she'd accidentally say "Derpy" or she was still mad.

    Applejack was more sensible about money, but she picked out the sweetest, most delicious apples for me. They were for the cake Pinkie Pie insisted I bake for the princess. She said it was better if it was made with love... and a little brandy. Actually, she sang a whole long song about it while dancing all around the town square. So much for keeping things quiet. (When everpony found out there was a lot of, "Princess Luna wants to see Derpy! What did she do now.")

    The next day I flew across the Everfree forest to Princess Luna's palace, which was being rebuilt. After waiting in an antechamber for fretful eternity the courtier summoned and announced me. I crept forward slowly, just in case of what I don't know.

    Princess Luna descended from her throne and trotted to me. I immediately bowed. "Your majesty, please accept my humble gifts in honor of your..."

    She raised a hoof to cut me off. Then, after contemplating me a bit she smiled. I was relieved.

    ... until she said, "So, you're the one they call 'Derpy'?"


    Deeply Disheartened,
    Bubbly Shines
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:36 No.22240710
    yes, please
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:36 No.22240712
         File1293673007.png-(24 KB, 552x246, pony.png)
    24 KB
    What's wrong with shipping? Some harmless puppy love never hurt nobody.

    If any drawfags feel up to it, could they redraw this Neighel Thornpony picture for me?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:37 No.22240722
    Okay I'm only gonna say this once, because we shouldn't keep going over this crap.

    People are going to want to come in here, and have fun in their own way. People like the ponies in different ways, and that's fine. People can like them however they want. If you don't like something, it's fine to not like it, but instead of thinking about that, post stuff you like and talk about things you like. Be happy and share your ideas and conversations with others.

    That said, if someone's going to post porn, it's considerate to spoiler it. Porn does not belong in these threads at all, but if you feel that you absolutely must share something you've created, and it's sexual, please spoiler it and provide some sort of warning to others who don't want to see it.

    That's it. All we need to do is communicate, stay positive, and have fun. We do that, we all win. Even the trolls, because they stop wasting their time here and go to threads where they're happier.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:38 No.22240747
    >What's wrong with shipping?
    The abysmal quality of the writing, and that threads turn to endless piles of badly written stories.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:38 No.22240764
         File1293673136.png-(473 KB, 1320x2617, DerpyBubblyShines.png)
    473 KB
    I love that you never warn me when, you're about to post one.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:39 No.22240769
         File1293673151.png-(325 KB, 728x537, zecora.png)
    325 KB
    k, commencing small Zecora dump. Starting with the previous image minus macro.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:40 No.22240791
         File1293673205.png-(389 KB, 724x578, zecora2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:40 No.22240799
    Hellooooooo, Iiii'm Neeeighel Thooorrrrnpoooonnyyyyy...If I could do that voice, I'd try my hand at a Vocaroo recording.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:40 No.22240806

    Basically this. It wouldn't be nearly as bad is the writefags wouldn't post the entire things, post-by-post. Compile that shit into an image or something, no one wants you to clog up the thread with your terrible writing.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:40 No.22240811
    How about this; if you want to post a story, do it all at once, in image format.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:41 No.22240823
         File1293673294.png-(4 KB, 128x128, Worms_128x128.png)
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    Your fanfiction is bad and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:41 No.22240829
         File1293673308.png-(553 KB, 825x575, zecora3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:43 No.22240858
         File1293673383.png-(415 KB, 624x575, zecora4.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:44 No.22240890
         File1293673441.png-(249 KB, 442x462, zecora6.png)
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    and thats it. Zecora5 is the full-body pic I posted earlier.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:45 No.22240911
    YAY Derpy!

    -Clop clop clopclop- ^_^

    BROODMARE inseminator?? D:
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:46 No.22240944
    Motherfucker, in layman's terms. Also, get those smilies out of 4chan, they're frowned upon in these parts.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:47 No.22240964
         File1293673632.jpg-(40 KB, 531x398, pity da foal.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:47 No.22240967

    Pretty much this. As a fan of the show and fellow poster in these threads, I can't help but notice the lack of moderation when it comes to the amount of writefaggotry. By all means, write to your heart's content. But be aware of how much is already in the thread, and either save yours for another thread, or do as some other /co/mrades suggested and put in in a single image somehow.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:47 No.22240968
    That's not very brony of you.

    I think the writing is good. ^_^

    These threads are all about fics and art until next episode anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:47 No.22240978

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:49 No.22241009
    Does anybody have that lemonparty story from last night? I laughed my ass off, and forgot to save it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:49 No.22241011
         File1293673785.png-(162 KB, 469x268, 1289949681505.png)
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    Ponies? In MY Gilda thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:50 No.22241037
    This is a pony thread, brony. Smiles are mandatory.

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:50 No.22241045
         File1293673847.png-(118 KB, 525x459, winter wrap up.png)
    118 KB
    Garbage Pony hates busy days.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:50 No.22241047
    Gilda's a fucking jerk, picking on sensitive little Fluttershy. I bet that she crushed one of those ducklings.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:51 No.22241055
         File1293673867.png-(114 KB, 600x600, Snails-(n1290741674913).png)
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    More likely than you think
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:52 No.22241087
         File1293673952.jpg-(354 KB, 945x945, wanna_know_why_they_call_her_p(...).jpg)
    354 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:53 No.22241099
    >drawing in flockdraw
    >someone erases your pony.
    >baw forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:53 No.22241106
         File1293674023.png-(830 KB, 881x808, ponies_named2.png)
    830 KB
    repoastan named background dwellers. could use some more names for the more commonly sighted gals
    >> !J8wKEZOcc2 12/29/10(Wed)20:54 No.22241128
         File1293674067.jpg-(45 KB, 640x360, upside down walking.jpg)
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    >I love that you never warn me when, you're about to post one.

    The updates won't be consistent because of unpredictable RL stuff. What's the best way to give you a heads-up? (Or were you just joking? ;))
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:55 No.22241140
         File1293674100.jpg-(51 KB, 436x600, 1293573005991.jpg)
    51 KB
    I really want to try writiing. But I have an awful habit of making long stories.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:55 No.22241150
    Fukken trolls.
    Flockdraw needs individual canvases.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:55 No.22241157
    I meant I literally love it, it's fun :D
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:56 No.22241168
    God damnit all. I was going to download Gurren Lagann and Panty and Stocking to show to my friends at our new years party, but instead I'm downloading MLP: FiM to show them instead.

    The fuck have you done to me /co/? The fuck have you done to me?!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:56 No.22241181
         File1293674213.jpg-(93 KB, 900x675, mlp___princess_celestia_by_irv(...).jpg)
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    This pic made me cum buckets.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:58 No.22241207
    >Panty and Stocking
    You have terrible taste and we've saved you a beating.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:59 No.22241216
    >generic anime girl #451110921
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:59 No.22241217
         File1293674340.jpg-(266 KB, 980x3236, 1293588244689.jpg)
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    At least you're brave enough to show it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:59 No.22241222
    I'd really suggest going ahead with Gurren Lagann as well. It'll provide a nice foil for MLP.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)20:59 No.22241232
    Thank you for the pics, it will make drawing much easier.
    >> Steven T !!sRIWVGgNfbg 12/29/10(Wed)20:59 No.22241234
         File1293674384.jpg-(114 KB, 640x360, doesfluttershy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:00 No.22241245
    If there are any artists out there, please hear my plea:

    I would want a human version of Luna, depicted as the Maiden in Black from Demon's Souls.

    I'll reward you with Demons' Souls.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:01 No.22241270
    What? How so anon?
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:01 No.22241275
    So what was the last episode released about?
    Just so I'm up to date.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:02 No.22241307
         File1293674569.jpg-(117 KB, 802x481, 1293634560358.jpg)
    117 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:03 No.22241314
    Pinkie Pie - Make The Cake With Love And Brandy.mp3

    ohmygosh, suddenly i wish it was a song
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:03 No.22241327

    Ponyville has an annual festival involving cleaning up winter (getting rid of snow, planting crops, etc.)

    Twilight Sparkle is upset because she doesn't know how to fit in. Good musical number.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:04 No.22241350
    Why have I not read these before these are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:05 No.22241374
         File1293674727.png-(345 KB, 854x480, 1293577754227.png)
    345 KB
    Read: best musical number.

    Seriously if they top this, I will hunt Faust down for an OST.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:06 No.22241398
    My eyes are ready for some hi-res pictures
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:06 No.22241401

    yes, there is just something about derpy as a frustrated normal pegasus who is considered the town fool through no fault of her own
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:08 No.22241445
    I wish you faggots would knock it off.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:08 No.22241451
         File1293674925.png-(138 KB, 640x360, 1293581223340.png)
    138 KB
    I need a protip.

    If I'm to download the episodes, which format should I go for?
    FLV, MKV or AVI?
    File size is no issue.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:09 No.22241470
    We were JUST discussing how you shouldn't post stories in blocks at a time, and instead put it all in a single image so it doesn't clutter the thread.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)21:10 No.22241477
         File1293675000.jpg-(7 KB, 281x202, 1292546690649.jpg)
    7 KB
    Hey bronies, after some advice from a drawfag in the flockdraw, telling me to draw everything, I have decided to randomly draw things people request, due to my lack of skill they may not get posted, and if so only as a joke. So here we go.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:10 No.22241487

    first off delete system32. It installs the latest drivers
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:11 No.22241502
    Op here. Is this what you wanted? I hope this makes you people happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:11 No.22241509
    Draw Rarity and Derpy eating lunch together.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:11 No.22241510
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:11 No.22241525
    Oh that episode was good.
    I didn't like the musical, too kiddie.
    It was good tho.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:11 No.22241526
    I'm serious. I went off my meds and I can't take much more MLP. It feels sick to me. Like what is wrong all of the sudden with /co/? This is the worst thing that has happened to us. I don't understand why you guys can't just go elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:11 No.22241527
         File1293675118.jpg-(41 KB, 789x379, applepony.jpg)
    41 KB
    Applebloom's gotta stop following garbage pony around.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:12 No.22241540
         File1293675139.png-(160 KB, 640x360, aj_mac.png)
    160 KB
    I'm pretty sure my Mac doesn't have this "system32" you're talking about.. but thanks anyway!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:12 No.22241543
    flvs are the originals from the hub website, mkvs are essentially the same thing (mpeg/aac data steams) wrapped into the common container format. avis are lesser quality encodes.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/29/10(Wed)21:12 No.22241551

    Eh.. Whoops. Didn't see that.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)21:14 No.22241575
    alright, you asked for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:14 No.22241583
    Avi is good because it'll play on a large number of devices and media players. But I got the FLVs because they were ripped from the HUB site and haven't had to have been re-encoded. FLV doesn't play on all media players, but it gives a nice clean picture.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:14 No.22241594
    I hope your lack of meds kills you.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:15 No.22241609
    FLVs are the original rips, MKVs are repackaged FLVs (MKV has better seek support), AVIs are reencodes which makes them slightly more blocky and smeary.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:15 No.22241614
    Go back on your meds, silly person.

    Also, MLP Fan Fiction general here:

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:16 No.22241626

    It's all good, I didn't mean to sound abrasive or anything, it's just that it takes up a lot of room, is all. Nothing against people writing all willy-nilly.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:16 No.22241632
    >Fan Fic
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:17 No.22241659

    That pic leaves out Waffles Honey. And that's a shame.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:17 No.22241665
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:18 No.22241676
    How about... you use a site... that's ALREADY MEANT FOR FANFICTION?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:18 No.22241677
         File1293675494.png-(95 KB, 593x723, 059761730a4c0d8b70fd7c6ec58289(...).png)
    95 KB
    /co/, we need to talk.

    I was browsin' through Gelbooru, findin' some fap material, when I came across this.

    One question: what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:18 No.22241685
    Again, I'd really appreciate that Neighel Thornpony.
    It's for a friend. It's sort of an inside thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:19 No.22241711
    This thread is just 3 faggots samefagging in /co/.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/29/10(Wed)21:21 No.22241758
         File1293675708.jpg-(175 KB, 612x792, Megatron and Twilight.jpg)
    175 KB
    I know.
    Here's a PDF of the fic.

    Also, we don't need a general for fic writing.
    That's just being a fag.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:21 No.22241759
    Someone pull up the pic with thousands of pony fans
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:22 No.22241774
    Right, a "friend."

    Keep telling yourself that.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:23 No.22241789
    >looking for fap material
    >Of a kids show targeted at girls
    You have issues
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:23 No.22241790

    It's a parody image. I dunno why anyone would upload it there though.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:23 No.22241795
    >thousands of MLP fans
    >they're all little girls
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/29/10(Wed)21:23 No.22241801
         File1293675835.jpg-(154 KB, 612x792, Megatron and Twilight 2.jpg)
    154 KB
    Huh.. Thought I saved it as PDF.
    But yeah, this is the last fic from me, most likely.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:24 No.22241806

    Never heard of Waffles Honey myself. When was she named? Criteria for the pic is that a pony must not be a secondary character, must appear in multiple episodes, and have been named by /co/ concensus. (with the exception of those given canon names in dialogue, they get a free pass)
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/29/10(Wed)21:26 No.22241849
         File1293675980.jpg-(136 KB, 612x792, Megatron and Twilight 4.jpg)
    136 KB
    Really, the main reason I wrote them in the first place was to just try to be a bro to my bronies.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:26 No.22241851
         File1293675982.jpg-(1.58 MB, 1650x2694, 1293593003493.jpg)
    1.58 MB
    I assume you're referring to this?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:27 No.22241873
    Your writing's are pretty cool though, it's unfortunate there seems to be a growing hatred for the writeponies ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:28 No.22241890
    The image has around 1000 downloads and the link was only posted on co.
    As for youtube, first ep posted after the account reactivated has 5000 views now.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:28 No.22241899

    It's because they're mostly garbage and fapfics. There are few good ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:29 No.22241916
         File1293676160.jpg-(11 KB, 200x148, nope.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:29 No.22241923
    I STRONGLY disagree with you
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:29 No.22241925

    A few of them are amazingly good.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:30 No.22241933
    Or maybe it's just some few samefags.

    Hot DAMN!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:30 No.22241936
         File1293676222.png-(163 KB, 516x335, alpha_pony.png)
    163 KB
    Write- and drawponies make a huge portion of a good thread.
    They keep the flow going and the ponies posting.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:30 No.22241937
    >/co/ can't write and is perverted
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:30 No.22241945
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:31 No.22241952
         File1293676261.gif-(118 KB, 675x581, Derpy filly.gif)
    118 KB

    What's wrong with the write ponies? They're very easy to skip over if you don't want to read (unlike shock images, these don't get burned into your retina), and I don't normally read them, but I've read one or two. I like a couple of the Derpy ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:31 No.22241968
         File1293676318.png-(160 KB, 983x513, you_will_NEVER_rarity.png)
    160 KB
    Dumping my only YOU WILL NEVER story.
    I thought it was good.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/29/10(Wed)21:32 No.22241973
         File1293676329.jpg-(135 KB, 612x792, Megatron and Twilight 5.jpg)
    135 KB
    And there.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:32 No.22241974
    Come at me brony!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:32 No.22241975
    By "my only" I meant the only one I've saved.

    I didn't write it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:32 No.22241984

    Listen, I like some of the writefaggotry. I should, I wrotefagged some of it. That said, 90% of anything is crap. Even the professional stuff.

    So yeah, most of the fanfic is garbage. Most of the drawfag shit is garbage. Still, you've got some gems.

    Writefaggotry, if done right, is much easier to produce than drawfaggotry. And if done well, it's a joy that lasts longer for the audience.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:33 No.22241995

    They're easy to skip over when they post their shit in an image instead of flooding the thread, which happens a lot. Not as much these days, thankfully.


    I was replying, not explaining, you fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:34 No.22242005
    Yes this.

    You know what we're going to do for a week and a half, waiting for the next episode?

    We're going to do fan fics and draw fan art.

    Anti-writefriend? No! Get it right.

    Please writefriends, write everything you can.

    Fill this thread up!
    >> Fluttershy 12/29/10(Wed)21:34 No.22242007
         File1293676444.png-(266 KB, 600x545, 1293238334042.png)
    266 KB
    picture related
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:34 No.22242013
         File1293676471.jpg-(50 KB, 420x420, r10466_fuck this thread outta (...).jpg)
    50 KB
    Shits getting serious.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/29/10(Wed)21:34 No.22242018

    Eh, not really because of that reason though.
    Mainly it's because Christmas Break is just about over, so I won't have as much free time.
    >> Jimbo 12/29/10(Wed)21:35 No.22242028

    There's been a lot of samefagging lately with the whole "BAWWW NO FANFICTION," so I don't take any of it very seriously. Fanfic is easy enough to skip over, it's not like everyone is regularly posting big blocks of text that aren't fic.

    Brony, if writing it makes you happy, then do it. If it doesn't make you happy, then don't. As long as you give warnings for porn or whatever, the real bronies won't have a problem with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:35 No.22242032
    Nah, I was just browsing through the incest category and came across it. Totally fine, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:35 No.22242039
         File1293676552.png-(63 KB, 246x230, lyrasad.png)
    63 KB
    >this thread

    whats happening
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:36 No.22242051
    Shit it about to go down, that's what.
    >> Tripfag McGee !NHqdxYQAec 12/29/10(Wed)21:36 No.22242052
         File1293676600.jpg-(56 KB, 480x360, 1289030859879.jpg)
    56 KB
    >Score of -9 in less than a day on danbooru
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:37 No.22242065
    I jus-
    You know what?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:37 No.22242067

    Fanfics, people thinking people hate fanfics, everyone yelling at everyone through the internet, and random idiots who think we need any help trolling ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:39 No.22242106
    >> !J8wKEZOcc2 12/29/10(Wed)21:40 No.22242113
         File1293676800.jpg-(42 KB, 560x360, Spike TLTR.jpg)
    42 KB
    >I really want to try writiing. But I have an awful habit of making long stories.

    That's what's good about the 2000 char limit here. Every single piece needs to be pithy but must also have a point.

    Why thank you. Once they're cleaned up I'll be putting them on AFFN too, just in case. (Maybe dA as well.)
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:40 No.22242133
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:42 No.22242159
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:42 No.22242169
    There isn't anything /d/ about a whole family sharing in some slippery fun. Hell, even Grandpa can join in, and with the help of his granddaughter, he can become "great", if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:42 No.22242174
    >5 months
    Damn it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:43 No.22242183
         File1293676999.png-(160 KB, 788x457, flockan general.png)
    160 KB
    Copy Paste Trollin
    Accidentally erasing somepony's drawan
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:43 No.22242197
         File1293677037.jpg-(49 KB, 600x350, angry mob.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 12/29/10(Wed)21:44 No.22242203
         File1293677063.jpg-(167 KB, 480x317, moot-rofl-con-water-bottles.jpg)
    167 KB
    Oh god stop now.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:45 No.22242208
    Writefag here. I'll take a request and post it tomorrow night when I get a chance to write.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:45 No.22242223
         File1293677125.png-(446 KB, 789x596, lyraxbonbon.png)
    446 KB
    clearly what this thread needs is adorable pony pairs
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:46 No.22242245
    lol bronies, /b/ just got their own MLP general thread

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:48 No.22242269
         File1293677289.png-(110 KB, 696x430, bunnies.png)
    110 KB
    It's been done better
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:49 No.22242293



    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:51 No.22242326
         File1293677480.jpg-(38 KB, 600x450, 1293626945625.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:51 No.22242334
         File1293677508.png-(223 KB, 640x360, 1293624990141.png)
    223 KB
    We've brought you home, /co/mrade
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:52 No.22242340
         File1293677520.png-(40 KB, 326x213, WHY.png)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:52 No.22242341
    Welcome to the herd.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:52 No.22242347
    Hey, if you can't respect a mother helping her little boy become a man, that's cool. You just haven't given it a chance.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:53 No.22242361
    We all know what this means
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:53 No.22242362

    Fluttershy used to be my waifu. Then I started drawing them (and I ain't even a drawfag), and I really noticed AJ's freckles. Now I'm all into AJ.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:53 No.22242371
         File1293677603.png-(167 KB, 360x360, Applejack_wut.png)
    167 KB

    Which is it?
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)21:53 No.22242375
    Welp I finished it, and it looks horrible, I will grab a scanner and scan it in soon, last chance to back out.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:54 No.22242386
    Yeah but... Traffic in that thread in /b/ just picked WAY the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:54 No.22242392
         File1293677672.png-(797 KB, 1440x1080, Angel.png)
    797 KB
    Anyone want to contribute an Angel page on the wiki? I'd do it, but I'm lazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:54 No.22242393
    My body is ready.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:54 No.22242395
    Could you do episode 5 from Gilda's POV?
    Or shed some light on the heavily guarded royal farms, where rumor has that the few remaining humans are kept as cattle.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:55 No.22242419

    I'll do the first.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:56 No.22242433
    Not our top secret brony indoctrination video! D:

    Now the secret's out, everyone knows that it's


    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:58 No.22242465
         File1293677918.png-(266 KB, 800x633, pony12.png)
    266 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)21:59 No.22242478
    I don't recognize this scene. What episode is it from?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:00 No.22242498
    I think ep 3, just before she goes into her fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:00 No.22242501

    I'm torn between hating it because it's sex and loving it because it's awesome art. D:

    Curse you drawfriend, I am so conflicted now.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:01 No.22242516
         File1293678090.jpg-(116 KB, 855x613, cutepinkiepie.jpg)
    116 KB
    Please tell me she made it out safe....
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:01 No.22242521
         File1293678102.png-(153 KB, 379x359, do it.png)
    153 KB

    Party time?
    >> Deathsquad 12/29/10(Wed)22:02 No.22242533
         File1293678125.jpg-(9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)
    9 KB
    > Looks around /b/
    > mfw
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:03 No.22242551
    Of course she did, they're only baby /b/unnies after all :3
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:03 No.22242554
    Of course! Now I see it. That was the episode that Rarity became my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:04 No.22242580
    the /b/ thread is actually going ok
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:05 No.22242607
         File1293678356.jpg-(167 KB, 950x750, pony7.jpg)
    167 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:06 No.22242619
         File1293678399.jpg-(39 KB, 342x285, 1293584141121.jpg)
    39 KB
    That's because we're all samefagging.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:06 No.22242620
    Gelbooru is an anime website, it's not the kind of place you would ever expect a My Little Pony picture to be posted. I think that was his point.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:07 No.22242626
         File1293678435.png-(93 KB, 271x309, 1293473224765.png)
    93 KB
    >> Lyra 12/29/10(Wed)22:07 No.22242628
    >someone dumps 200+ images on the ponibooru
    >all of them are untagged
    >start tagging them
    >only able to get 100 or so by myself
    >it's been two days
    I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:08 No.22242655
    /b/ thread has derailed into doubles, my work here is done.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:09 No.22242661
    Sad. Definetely sad. Hell, I'm sad just reading your post.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:10 No.22242674
         File1293678615.jpg-(1.28 MB, 2592x1728, IMAG0170.jpg)
    1.28 MB
    I want to make a Caramel toy. He's adorable. I could wait for a male mold, but as little likelihood as there is to see a Big Mac, what's the likelihood I'll get a smaller male mold in scale?

    playing with sculpey on Pinkie- slightly taller and squarer jaw. not pleased though
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:10 No.22242680
    Where was it suggested that Derpy was a mail carrier?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:11 No.22242700
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:11 No.22242705
         File1293678706.png-(91 KB, 480x360, Angel.png)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:12 No.22242725
    Looks like a good start. Can you make the lower jaw squarer, too?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:13 No.22242726

    Early /co/ fanfic. One of those things that was good enough that it just stuck to everybody's consciousness.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:13 No.22242740
         File1293678811.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 38 KB, 990x479, welp this is shit.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 38 KB
    No, it's not, also curse you for suggesting Rarity, after trying to draw her she is now my least favorite.

    This is what you all get for encouraging me, I write programs and do math, drawing ponies falls into neither category.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:14 No.22242754
    Wow, just wow.
    Is there anything that can't be done with ponies?
    >> Deathsquad 12/29/10(Wed)22:14 No.22242757

    In a story called "Bright Eyes" written I think from the original thread that pointed her out.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:15 No.22242767
    I am not so sure. The head has to be forcefully pressed back onto the body, and I think it would fracture.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:15 No.22242769
         File1293678904.png-(91 KB, 480x360, Angel.png)
    91 KB
    A little darker outline.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:15 No.22242781
    Jeez, is all you do is get doubles?

    Also, another one for you to derail:

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:16 No.22242807
    ugh i fucking hate that picture stop posting it
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:17 No.22242831
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:17 No.22242833
         File1293679069.png-(60 KB, 210x207, 1293430274182.png)
    60 KB

    I got doubles so hard the thread 404'd.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:19 No.22242858
    LOL not to be rude but damn did you even try?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:19 No.22242871
    > archiving /co/
    > no maggie threads

    there's something fucked up here
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:20 No.22242882
    Why the hate?
    I think Angel is spot-on.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:21 No.22242901
    Yes, I am awful at drawing, that side of my brain is apparently lazy. Don't worry, you can make fun of me, you won't hurt my feelings.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:23 No.22242948
         File1293679427.png-(130 KB, 371x359, RMAD.png)
    130 KB
    You are a bad artist, But you have unlimited potential. Never let criticism put you down.

    You, stop getting doubles.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:23 No.22242950
    Hey we could use you on the game team.

    I think someone is still developing a game.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:24 No.22242961
    It's kind of cute, actually.
    It looks like something the shows target demographic could have produced. It's got a very authentic feel to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:25 No.22242993
    I read all of this in Rarity's voice
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:26 No.22243007
    seriously? I never knew, do you know anything about it?

    This is the nicest way anyone has ever said I draw like a six year old.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:26 No.22243013

    Pretty much this. Art is a learned skill, bro, you just gotta' keep doing it and practicing and you'll see results in no time.

    And just because it's not constructive criticism, don't think you can't take anything away from it. I see stuff like that as a challenge, personally, but you can look at it any way you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:26 No.22243019
    God damn it.

    You are now manually breathing
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:26 No.22243026
         File1293679611.png-(48 KB, 256x256, 1291529444324.png)
    48 KB

    I think it's adorable!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:27 No.22243043
    MLP:FIM: the game: the roguelike
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:29 No.22243072
    I don't plan on quitting, I don't like being bad at something. So I will keep drawing till I get better, or I get bogged down in homework.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:29 No.22243079
    You have literally no artistic talent whatsoever. Nowhere in your drawing is there any evidence that any time was put into this at all the lines are bad the bodies looked malformed and dis-contorted. It's painful to the eyes. I feel bad for anyone who had the misfortune to see that picture. Good day.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:30 No.22243106
    hey now

    it is good enough to draw a cute or funny comic

    not good enough for porn though
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:30 No.22243107
    God DAMN assholes sure do make me wet.

    Alpha as FUCK.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:30 No.22243118
         File1293679849.jpg-(23 KB, 204x222, 1292297119574.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:31 No.22243146

    If he were to switch over to MS paint he would be praised as a comic genius because we would all assume he was being ironic.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:33 No.22243167


    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:33 No.22243182
    I think it's pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:34 No.22243200
         File1293680085.png-(122 KB, 342x271, 1291239121392.png)
    122 KB

    The draw for us, faggot.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:38 No.22243278
    Yeah sure, that would be great.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:38 No.22243291
    Nice strawman arguement, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:38 No.22243296
    I'd critique it as well if I wasn't tired as shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:41 No.22243367
         File1293680484.png-(160 KB, 640x360, 1291611188395.png)
    160 KB

    I don't believe it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:42 No.22243389
         File1293680526.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x800, Dash-plans-spikes-murder-wide.jpg)
    128 KB
    Repostin' from last thread I was in

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:44 No.22243431
    It's not that hard to believe.
    Now if it was /mu/ that said that then it would be surprising.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:44 No.22243432

    That is an awful critique.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:44 No.22243445
    some of those are because when I scanned it the scanner didn't pick it all up, but yea other things, such as the leg, I realize I fucked up.
    >> BadDrawfag !!FoiZJTjj+jX 12/29/10(Wed)22:45 No.22243466
    If anyone is working on the game I would love to help out. A side note, I have been thinking about doing a zork esque adventure game.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:46 No.22243482
    That's so blurry. Did you draw it with charcoal, or something?

    And don't feel bad about sucking so bad at drawing. I suck too, and I don't sweat it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:46 No.22243488
         File1293680806.jpg-(28 KB, 400x277, 1289862678080.jpg)
    28 KB

    What...what the fuck...its /b/ yet...they like it?

    I'm looking at that thread and it looks just like any Pony thread you would find on /co/

    I'm scared bronies...something is amiss
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:47 No.22243499
         File1293680847.jpg-(128 KB, 600x478, 1292274671951.jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:47 No.22243507
    Love this series. Me and my 11 year old sex slave read them all the time
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:48 No.22243527
    >They like it?
    They're just pretending.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:49 No.22243545
    Don't joke about underage sex slaves. Movie Theater Lad might show up.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/29/10(Wed)22:49 No.22243553
    Who is Cotton Eyed Jim? One of moot's cats?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:49 No.22243555
    They're betting on Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:51 No.22243587
    /b/, what are you doing in here?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:54 No.22243659
         File1293681276.jpg-(134 KB, 990x479, critique-30-12-10.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:55 No.22243678
    I'm requesting a drawfag make a "Hatters gonna hat" image.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:56 No.22243702
         File1293681393.jpg-(136 KB, 1000x900, rainbowdashvstheflash.jpg)
    136 KB

    Nigga, is you serious?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:57 No.22243723
    Rarity's dish has a wierd perspective.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:57 No.22243724
    I thought of doing something like that, but I'm glad you did it. You actually know pretty well what you're doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:58 No.22243740
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/29/10(Wed)22:58 No.22243764
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)22:59 No.22243773
    Is it something we should know already?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:01 No.22243813
         File1293681677.jpg-(77 KB, 640x360, bm.jpg)
    77 KB
    > this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:02 No.22243851
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:03 No.22243864
    >> Crownley 12/29/10(Wed)23:04 No.22243895
         File1293681891.png-(168 KB, 394x268, 1291439684111.png)
    168 KB
    This thread... Just...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:05 No.22243898
    Hmm. Wonder if the /b/tards actually realize OP was a troll to begin with... also this sorta explains some of the crap we've been getting lately.

    Also, my sentiments to Moot just in case he for some accident reads this.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:05 No.22243899
    a /b/ig dick or a /s/mall one?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:05 No.22243900
         File1293681906.png-(220 KB, 600x338, this_thread_is_ruined.png)
    220 KB
    Everypony, get in here!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:05 No.22243903
    I was strolling youtube when

    The fuck did this song come from?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:06 No.22243937

    Oh yeah, didn't realise I'd done that with the dish.

    Anywho, hope that helps the original artist. Maybe I should be a teacher, lol... I suck, but I can kinda point out where to do stuff
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:06 No.22243945

    Applejack is G1. That should explain just about everything.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:10 No.22244018
    Lol dude I've been sharing that link for like a week... nobody's ever responded when I posted it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:13 No.22244100
    Seen the sweet little mashup for Fluttershy yet?
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/29/10(Wed)23:16 No.22244179
    So I was right? Cotton Eyed Jim is one of his cats?

    That blows. RIP Cotton Eyed Jim.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:18 No.22244211
         File1293682680.jpg-(1.04 MB, 2592x1728, IMAG0171.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    better male pony attempt.

    I just wish I could get the last of the hair out of the ex-pinkie. Grrr.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:18 No.22244218
         File1293682698.png-(62 KB, 262x223, Rainbow dash looking cute.png)
    62 KB

    I've some good videos of songs synced to ponies on Youtube, and you might have been the one to share it.

    Pinkie Pies's (Time to Party)

    And Rainbow Dash's (Don't stop me now)

    So now, I search it to find more. Fluttershy (Good Company)

    and Nightmare Moon had ones that were pretty fitting

    But these two are just not as exciting and fun as Queen and Andrew WK
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:18 No.22244219
    The /b/ thread has some real fucking magic going on.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:19 No.22244246
    Huh, that's turning out rather well. To get the hair out properly, I think you have to take the head off and pull/push the hair roots out. Just cutting them very short won't do.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:21 No.22244300
         File1293682911.jpg-(60 KB, 225x283, 1279586266727.jpg)
    60 KB

    You guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:22 No.22244318
    Fuck yeah, we should try to take over /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:23 No.22244345
         File1293683006.png-(233 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2010-12-28-17h49m02s24(...).png)
    233 KB

    Let's go bronies, we need to teach /b/ the magic of friendship!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:23 No.22244356
    Ponymania is running wild, brony!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:23 No.22244357

    Yeah, I know. Well, you cut it short first, then pull it out, but it's glued in very well. and it's a very small head.

    I figure I won't be able to get it back on the peg. I should probably reroot his head before I sculpt on it, but I don't have any brown hair at the moment. I predict many breaks and repairs of this project
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:24 No.22244372
         File1293683067.png-(156 KB, 640x360, wharblgarbl.png)
    156 KB
    So we post in the board we're SUPPOSED to be in, and we get trolled to high hell...

    We go to /b/, and people are like "Ooh, ponies, tell me more about these ponies, where can I find these ponies, how do I get ponies, can I see ponies too, ponies, I want ponies. Ponies."

    >> RougeAMBAROperativeZyper !!/QlmFrxgZX4 12/29/10(Wed)23:24 No.22244387
    You know what, that's it. I've had enough of this!
    I've been around these threads for 4 weeks now, it used to be so much fun back then..
    But now I all ever see now is my bronies replying to parasprites..
    Then there's this hatred for the writeponies..
    I know it might be samefagging, but it's seriously starting to get obnoxious, do you all even bother to read some of it!?
    I do read it, I'm a brony addicted to capping (I find it fun) I have to read it to make sure to get everything, and some are plain amazing.. Hell even some of the fapfics are written well..
    But no, this shit is getting out of control, I'm tired of seeing troll arguments..
    Ignore them
    Check the box on their post
    And report them for spam
    Another thing, we don't need a new general just because of image limit, I know it's an image board, but that doesn't mean you need an image every post!
    At least wait 'till the thread reaches page 10, sheesh!
    There's still discussions and stories to be had.. Oh, wait.. My bad..
    I guess I'll take a break from the boards and be back in a week, maybe by then some of you will have learned not to feed the parasprites.
    See some of you in the stream perhaps, later.

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:25 No.22244393
         File1293683102.png-(2 KB, 213x165, 1281377251716.png)
    2 KB
    It's /b/, guys.
    >> RougeAMBAROperativeZyper !!/QlmFrxgZX4 12/29/10(Wed)23:25 No.22244404
         File1293683140.png-(30 KB, 1054x323, IMAD.png)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:25 No.22244409
    Is it like beatmania?

    Where can I play this?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:25 No.22244410
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:28 No.22244464
    is there a 4chan one?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:28 No.22244473
         File1293683316.jpg-(251 KB, 1679x2138, killedemgood.jpg)
    251 KB

    4 weeks? ive been doing this shit for 7 now and it never gets old.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:29 No.22244485
         File1293683346.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 81 KB, 965x901, Ohlookponiesmommy.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 81 KB
    Postin' up some drawfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:29 No.22244502
    Actually, I'm not sure, I thought someone had confirmed it.

    Were you working on that green unicorn the other day?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:29 No.22244504
         File1293683391.png-(3 KB, 210x230, Myfacewhenwhatthefuck.png)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:30 No.22244525
    It's funny because its ironic
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:31 No.22244544
         File1293683491.png-(157 KB, 346x1126, mochahuman.png)
    157 KB
    So guys, i went to a drawpony's website and found this.

    Spoilered for nudity.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:32 No.22244567

    Wow, with these X-ray goggles it even sees through spoilers in thumbnails!

    Oh, wait...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:32 No.22244570

    Or not, lol. fucking captcha.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:33 No.22244586
         File1293683581.png-(177 KB, 473x498, thehorror2.png)
    177 KB

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:35 No.22244641

    Get out.

    >> railgunner 12/29/10(Wed)23:35 No.22244642
         File1293683727.png-(1.87 MB, 1142x1600, gildadashcomic.png)
    1.87 MB
    Finally finished that short GildaDash comic I started around Christmas.

    Goddamn, I'm exhausted.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:35 No.22244644
    Awesome. Is it from the creator of Mocha? Haven't seen him/her around in a while.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:38 No.22244720
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:38 No.22244733
         File1293683938.gif-(524 KB, 366x341, GIF Derpy clap.gif)
    524 KB
    bravo anon
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:39 No.22244746

    Really well done!
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/29/10(Wed)23:39 No.22244748

    Got a line-art version? I feel inspired to try and color it. At least a few panels to see if I can do it right.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:40 No.22244774
    very well made
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:42 No.22244803
         File1293684128.png-(64 KB, 410x487, Sad Mocha.png)
    64 KB
    I slept late and missed a lot of action it seems. I heard some threads made today weren't saved in our archive. Is that so? How many? Feels bad man...
    >> caluriri 12/29/10(Wed)23:42 No.22244818
    awesome like always
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:42 No.22244822
    Like 2, slow day today
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/29/10(Wed)23:43 No.22244830
    You didn't miss much, actually. Just a few threads regarding the nature of My Little Pony and its non-demographic fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:44 No.22244857
         File1293684259.jpg-(36 KB, 400x413, 1264338047026.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:45 No.22244872
         File1293684303.png-(131 KB, 569x360, nightmare_why.png)
    131 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:46 No.22244916
         File1293684417.png-(173 KB, 777x588, 1293280585756.png)
    173 KB
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 12/29/10(Wed)23:48 No.22244938
         File1293684487.jpg-(4 KB, 185x82, 1293000692346.jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:48 No.22244943
         File1293684490.png-(19 KB, 200x200, 1270935744072.png)
    19 KB
    anyone happen to know what the maximum number of lines per post is on /co/?
    like 12?
    i know about the character limit, but again, what about lines?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:50 No.22244980
         File1293684604.jpg-(24 KB, 400x413, 1264338047026.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:50 No.22244986
         File1293684635.png-(108 KB, 653x369, even b approves.png)
    108 KB
    The only action you're missing is over at >>>/b/298506059

    Best pony thread all week, swear to God.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:50 No.22244994
    >> railgunner 12/29/10(Wed)23:50 No.22244996
         File1293684651.png-(2.34 MB, 1642x2300, gildadashcomiclines.png)
    2.34 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:51 No.22245004
         File1293684685.jpg-(3 KB, 104x126, 1270081189506.jpg)
    3 KB
    >mfw absolutely no sexual or romantic overtones, just a touching moment between friends

    oh thank christ one of you drawfags actually gets this show.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:51 No.22245018
    It's not /b/. It's just /co/ posting on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:52 No.22245038
         File1293684775.png-(109 KB, 394x240, rd_rarity.png)
    109 KB
    And it's still loads better than this one.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:52 No.22245039
         File1293684776.png-(303 KB, 945x545, conb.png)
    303 KB
    the very idea of that thread is beyond me
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:53 No.22245050
         File1293684806.jpg-(9 KB, 205x251, 1277860885273.jpg)
    9 KB
    It seems that you've never been on /u/
    >> railgunner 12/29/10(Wed)23:54 No.22245060

    Bluh. Forgot half of the dialogue was for some reason on two different layers. Hope you don't mind.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/29/10(Wed)23:55 No.22245079
    Ooh, neat. I'll give it a try. I haven't colored anything in a while.

    I still like it, though.
    >> Deathsquad 12/29/10(Wed)23:55 No.22245084
    So what exactly is /b/. Yeah, I ended up at 4chan because of MLP and getting the hang of shit, especially what all the threads are, but umm. I'm looking around /b/ and its like, what the fuck am I looking at.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:55 No.22245085
    Daww. That's one of the sweetest things /co has ever seen.

    It's almost like a little Kirby comic.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:56 No.22245095
         File1293684973.png-(154 KB, 1190x387, Lost thread.png)
    154 KB

    Well I did catch this one which got about 260 replies, but it wasn't archived. If that is a good or bad thing is up to debate. So then, another two I missed?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:56 No.22245101
    For some reason.

    Maybe the trolls at /b/ are not as relentless as the trolls on /co/?

    I mean, there is some dude posting pony porn, but he must hail from here, and this other guy is a gore spammer that has posted ONE gore image so far.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:57 No.22245116
    the biggest shit hole in all the internet
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:57 No.22245124

    Your stuff looks awesome Railgunner

    even the porn but this is 1000 times better
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:57 No.22245126
         File1293685064.png-(227 KB, 1000x883, mlp porn 02.png)
    227 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:58 No.22245135
    They were both shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:58 No.22245148
    Do you think we repost a lot of shit, here on /co/?

    Well, /b/ gets the same rate me thread 30+ times a day. It's the most boring place on the Internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)23:59 No.22245173
         File1293685187.jpg-(26 KB, 190x332, PinkieBook.jpg)
    26 KB
    Pinkie Pie's new book...

    I'm thinking Pinkie has Derpy deliver a free copy to all her friends, and a fic revolves around Twilight's reaction. :)

    Can somepony think of a good image to put in the middle of the cover?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:00 No.22245203
    big mac is a LOT bigger than that
    also fuck you for drawing porn of ponies. They're like 8 years old or something, you fuck
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/30/10(Thu)00:01 No.22245230
    A cake.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:02 No.22245244
         File1293685345.png-(22 KB, 778x584, ponies.png)
    22 KB
    That's some fine art.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:02 No.22245247
    They are actually somewhere around five.

    But ponies have already reach maturity by then.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:02 No.22245251
         File1293685366.png-(479 KB, 1250x800, 129006220867.png)
    479 KB
    They're all young adults
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:03 No.22245270
    >Nope, I'll probably just fap to some pony porn.

    >This isn't some /v/ or /x/ or /a/ or /r9k/ or /adv/ or /fit/ or /k/ or something, your idea would probably make those people mad or something, but this is /b/.

    >If anything you might annoy some newfags, so I fully support your raid.

    >Other than that it's probably more trouble for you guise to bump your threads than it is for me to see your sexy pony threads.

    Bronies, if /co/ complains about the MLP so much, and /b/ seems to have very little problem with it... I gotta ask, why are we not just using /b/ for our threads? Once we get in a thread it's perfectly safe, as >>>/b/298506059 is showing.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:05 No.22245309
         File1293685516.gif-(22 KB, 945x945, 1293482555972.gif)
    22 KB

    because FiM is a cartoon and this board is for cartoons. Its not that hard to understand
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:05 No.22245311
    A cake? Cool. Add one if you like.:)

    You just KNOW Pinkie Pie understood Gilda's insecurities and used them against her.

    She knew Dash would set up those pranks. She just used that hoof buzzer to kick things off.

    Pinkie Pie is like a pony Niccolo Machiavelli.
    >> TX2 12/30/10(Thu)00:06 No.22245327
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:06 No.22245336
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:06 No.22245337
         File1293685593.png-(184 KB, 500x500, derp_kid.png)
    184 KB
    this is actually not such a bad idea.

    have one main thread which branches off into multiple threads on /b/ by way of links.

    we get more thread space, a LOT more, and /co/ feels less invaded, everyone wins
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:08 No.22245378
         File1293685702.jpg-(31 KB, 469x266, tonight, you.jpg)
    31 KB
    Pinkie wanted Rainbow Dash just for herself
    Clever girl
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:08 No.22245386
    /b/ thread reached image limit with minimal spam.

    This can't be real...
    >> Jimbo 12/30/10(Thu)00:09 No.22245393

    Wow, that is just gorgeous! Love it, railgunner.

    Also, in case anyone missed it last night, I wrote up chapter 2 of the Derpy story and someone (I think Pacce? my memory is swiss cheese) very kindly capped it for me! But I can't post it because we hit the image limit.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:09 No.22245411
    only one sage the whole thread too
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:11 No.22245456
    You should move to >>>/b/

    Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:11 No.22245463


    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:11 No.22245465
    I'm afraid that if we do that, FiM will become /b/ material. We don't want that.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:12 No.22245473

    Holy shit man, this is incredibly well done! I can tell you put in a great deal of time to make sure everything looked the way you wanted it to. The end result shows your dedication.

    I hope you continue to draw MLP:FiM for us all!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:13 No.22245495
    that should be the last thread there for now we don't know how /b/ will react to full on poni
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:13 No.22245497
    Well that was a big part of it, but she was also pissed about how Gilda treated other ponies, particularly Pinkie Pie... even though Pinkie contributed to Gilda being so bitchy at that point.

    But, Pinkie will be Pinkie.
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)00:14 No.22245510
    Yeah no, /co/ is nice and cozy and not filled with child porn. Like a carnival freak show over there.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:14 No.22245513
    I know! And only ONE half-assed gore image! The /b/abby /b/unnies just don't give a fuck, this >>22245270 is what I'm talking about! /b/ is better than /co/! I think I'm going insane! I think I just dropped into a mirror universe! Is anyone else seeing this? >>>/b/298506059
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:14 No.22245523
    why don't we just welcome poe to handle everything pony related. that would be way less devastating
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:16 No.22245572

    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:16 No.22245577
    I take it your first visit to /b/ wasn't a pleasant experience.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:18 No.22245619
    We can continue to post MLP threads to B, but we cannot make these threads an entity solely of B, we don't want that.

    /Co is where we belong. We'll just have to tolerate the trolls. It's not so hard. We haven't been here all that long. Give it a few more months, the trolls are already beginning to get bored with us.

    Even Prince of Equestria is enterteining. I hope he really really did buy a Fur Real horse. Seeing someone go to that expense just to troll us would be very entertaining.
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)00:19 No.22245625

    If you mean me (deleted the post since I somehow double posted) yes, I pretty much came to 4chan via the bronies on Sonic Retro, so I haven't been out of /co/ much.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:20 No.22245663
    I meant particularly Fluttershy.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:20 No.22245669
    /b/ is like a whole other website
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:20 No.22245680
    >400 posts
    >152 images

    New thread time?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:21 No.22245705
    go to the /b/ thread we'll come back to /co/ after its over
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:23 No.22245756
    The /b thread is gone now.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:23 No.22245760
    Are we taking the ponies to /b/ and continuing it there, or also starting a new thread here?
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)00:24 No.22245773

    Hehe, I ain't horrified, just what a total difference compared to /co/. I was reading a thread here earlier that tasked people to go look at other boards, so I got a good idea of what goes on outside.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:25 No.22245786
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:25 No.22245793
    It autosaged. A brony started a new one here >>>/b/298545934
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:25 No.22245797
    >mfw i see about ten troll/anti-pony threads, and the newest 'general' is particulary retarded
    >> Jimbo 12/30/10(Thu)00:26 No.22245813

    The fuck it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:26 No.22245825
    I don't even want to know.

    We should just repost the general image on a new thread as soon as this 404s
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:27 No.22245834
         File1293686836.png-(Spoiler Image, 247 KB, 575x254, Fluttershy's Adventure.png)
    Spoiler Image, 247 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:27 No.22245842
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)00:27 No.22245852
    You guys have fun in the 4chan Sewer, I'll be here, watching from a distance.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:28 No.22245864
    /b/ is better at handling ponies than /co/ is
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:30 No.22245925
    Because the average /b/tard just can't see us.

    Seriously, I tried reloading the front page about five times, the MLP thread never even popped up.

    /b/ is just too fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:30 No.22245932
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:31 No.22245949
    /b/ has barely noticed because.. well.. have you ever been to /b/? That place is a fucking hurricane. A thread can go from page 0 to 15 in Ten. Seconds. Flat.
    >> Jimbo 12/30/10(Thu)00:32 No.22245993

    In like Flynn brony
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:33 No.22246005
    Welp, there goes the /b/ thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:34 No.22246047
    Fuck that, that thread spells doom. DOOM.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:36 No.22246117
    that thread spells fake general image. go figure
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:38 No.22246161
    So, we make a new thread with the legit general as soon as this 404s?
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)00:38 No.22246164
    Plus you got some neckbeard basement sweller spamming it, I'll stay here until someone makes a real one.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:44 No.22246313
    /r/ing a place to find pony porn
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:45 No.22246341
    that's about it
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:48 No.22246439
    I wonder how long will the spammer figure it out, and stops using vowels to spam?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:49 No.22246450
    why the fuck would anyone care about what's going on on /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:52 No.22246559
    Guys... try to keep the /b/unny threads few and far between

    Otherwise all we'll incite is a new wave of butthurt spammers from /b/ flooding in here and ruining our beloved pony threads
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)00:53 No.22246586
    Figured that sorta thing would happen when I saw this
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:00 No.22246771

    Please don't tell me that's from the neverending story

    I watched that the other day and laughed like a fucking whore at the swamp part god damn
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:01 No.22246784

    I agree Fluttershy. That is a bad pic and the person who drew it should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:04 No.22246890
    Did anyone happen to save that RainbowMac fic that was going up yesterday?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:06 No.22246921
    Hey, have you listened to the whole Applebuck Season without dialogue? It's like classic Looney Tunes by Carl Stalling. Also, the leitmotif for each character is played during the award ceremony, except Applejack's plays the entire time.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:07 No.22246960
    I still haven't seen that yet. Any bronies that can hook those of us out of the loop up?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:08 No.22246985
    Alright I got a drawing idea. Rainbow dash flying with The rainacorn from adventure time.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:15 No.22247178
    I can post what I got, but it seems like this thread can 404 any minute. I kinda want to wait til a new general pops up.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:18 No.22247266
    If it goes on without spam, that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:23 No.22247398
    So yeah, I unexpectedly got ponies for Christmas. . .anything in particular I can do with them?

    Imagination was never a strong point of mine even as a kid.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:29 No.22247571
    Too late, they hit another pony thread pretty hard.
    >> Jimbo 12/30/10(Thu)01:30 No.22247626

    Brush and style their hair, build them little houses, sew them some clothes, set them up on your desk in a tableau? Possibilities are endless.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:40 No.22247919

    So yeah, basically safe to say, you go fucking around in /b/, you end up coming home with a whole butthurting load of trolls who lash back.

    And the fact they're feeding the trolls over and over, rather just ignoring the dumb fucks and going about pony business.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:45 No.22248015
    Should someone try making a new general?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:46 No.22248050
    I don't even know, man.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:47 No.22248065
    Don't think so, yet... which page are we in?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:50 No.22248123
    Don't make anything, two new threads just begun.

    This is terrible.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:50 No.22248136
    we're on 15, like 3rd to last thread

    Someone be ready when this goes.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:53 No.22248196
    it doesn't really matter coz every thread at this point is destined to attract the wanker kids spam corps
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)01:53 No.22248214
    Personally, I'm staying in here until shit settles down, yeah, I'd post up Sad Derpy with "A Sad Day For Bronies 12/29/10" but yeah, image limit. I'd wait for the two 'new' threads to vanish off the front page, wait 30 minutes, and pick one to be general.

    Personally I'm probably just going to go to the synchtube, watch some ponies and talk with those guys in there.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:55 No.22248241
    It's not a kid, it is a 32 year old autist.

    True story.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)01:56 No.22248283
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)01:59 No.22248331
    I would say

    >> 22244432

    Is the best bet to continue talking, its I think into autosage and basically at the image limit, but might as well ride the dead horses. The 32 year old spammer is attacking those new threads now....
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)02:00 No.22248347
    Oh, don't be so melodramatic.

    It's not the first time drama steers on 4chan. The same happened when I posted on the MHGenerals, just after Tri was released, and on the Poke Generals, just after HG and SS were released.

    People get butthurt over nothing, and tries to ruin our fun.
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)02:01 No.22248374

    Something I should know about them, am I going to go in there one day and find "The Gimp" waiting for me with a ballgag?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)02:02 No.22248410
    The GNU Image Manipulation Program?

    Why would it?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)02:04 No.22248455
    have u been there yet?

    the playlist's been fucked.
    >> Deathsquad 12/30/10(Thu)02:05 No.22248484

    I wouldn't call it melodramatic, personally from my end, its entertaining watching chaos, like slowing down for a horrid car wreck, pointing and laughing at the survivors.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)02:07 No.22248538
    More like watching grass grow.

    It becomes so mundane and tiring.

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