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  • File : 1293330954.png-(191 KB, 355x334, u cha.png)
    191 KB Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:35 No.22162935  
    2 weeks until the next new MLP episode!

    Have you chosen a favorite yet /co/?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:37 No.22162961
    OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:39 No.22162998
         File1293331144.png-(148 KB, 334x316, aaaaa.png)
    148 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:40 No.22163023

    All the reaction pictures in the world can't change the fact that you're a massive faggot OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:40 No.22163025
         File1293331241.png-(43 KB, 187x182, soawesome.png)
    43 KB
    Bumping for ponies.
    >> Anonycat 12/25/10(Sat)21:41 No.22163035
    For a moment I thought that OP's pic had a huge dick shopped on it, then realized it was just Trixie's arm.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:41 No.22163046
         File1293331302.png-(155 KB, 431x509, THE_HORROR.png)
    155 KB
    >2 weeks until the next new MLP episode
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:42 No.22163058

    Saging for faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:43 No.22163086
         File1293331410.png-(208 KB, 629x294, laughingponies.png)
    208 KB
    >he thinks sage does anything
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:45 No.22163105
         File1293331506.png-(176 KB, 1000x1118, 1293311887363.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:45 No.22163115
         File1293331548.jpg-(40 KB, 560x432, haha_ohwow.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:45 No.22163117
    A sagefag this early into the thread?
    It's almost as if anti-ponyfags just lurk about until they find a MLP thread for the sole purpose of bitching.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:46 No.22163128
    So with Call of the Cutie being an obvious play on Lovecraft's work, do you think we'll get any other nods towards Cthulhu? Involving even the sea ponies?SHOO BEE DOO
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:46 No.22163129
         File1293331589.png-(1.39 MB, 720x2226, Tyrant Celestia.png)
    1.39 MB
    Let me say this now so hopefully everypony can see it.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:46 No.22163131
         File1293331596.png-(154 KB, 640x360, pinkie.png)
    154 KB
    wait what
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:46 No.22163137
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:47 No.22163138
    >almost as if
    this is where you are wrong
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:47 No.22163149
         File1293331659.jpg-(41 KB, 254x350, DisappointedJackieChan.jpg)
    41 KB
    Look, guys, it's Christmas.

    Can you guys just put all of your accusations of furfaggotry and perversity aside and admit that the real reason you hate the show is because it's meant for little girls instead of little boys?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:47 No.22163150
         File1293331666.png-(24 KB, 108x145, daisywant.png)
    24 KB
    >download 4chan filter
    >filter all sage posts

    do it bronies
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/25/10(Sat)21:48 No.22163156
         File1293331685.png-(108 KB, 1329x764, GildaMeetsDashbyPacce-(n129332(...).png)
    108 KB
    I fixededed a small part of this story from earlier tonight.

    I'll write more and post more tomorrow prolly.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:48 No.22163168
    Seriously though, sagespamming a thread is a huge waste of time, especially when everyone begins ignoring you.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:49 No.22163176
    Dammit Trixie can you never be bothered to find the old general? You're getting kind of annoying. I guess it is getting a bit old, though, so we can hang out here once it dies.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:49 No.22163189
    Sooooo.... Happy meals when?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:50 No.22163194
    The shadow over Hoovesmouth
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:50 No.22163199

    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 12/25/10(Sat)21:50 No.22163205

    >the real reason you hate the show is because it's meant for little girls instead of little boys?

    That isn't why people hate it and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:50 No.22163206
    >multiple Pinkie Pies
    oh god what
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:51 No.22163211
         File1293331871.png-(162 KB, 550x900, luna_unhappymeal.png)
    162 KB

    goddamn captcha, stole my image
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:51 No.22163218
         File1293331907.jpg-(51 KB, 550x900, 1292972778859.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:52 No.22163226
         File1293331941.png-(94 KB, 1319x726, McToys.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.22163232
         File1293331989.png-(7 KB, 195x209, 1247806011155.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.22163236
    It still comes with a toy, though. Of Celestia.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.22163238
    Some of the more "outspoken" sagers have been saying that you absolutley detest this show and wish that it never existed. Could I get a real quote from you on your opinions of MLP, screencaped of course, just so we can have some clarity when you're not around?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.22163244

    >> mentos !/Poniezw9Y 12/25/10(Sat)21:53 No.22163247
         File1293332032.jpg-(13 KB, 397x346, pinkies.jpg)
    13 KB
    I believe it is Pinkie Pie time.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:54 No.22163249
         File1293332046.png-(138 KB, 341x311, dfvvv.png)
    138 KB

    The great and Powerful Trixie posts where she pleases.

    Especially when the old general was the Great and Powerful Trixies personal General.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:54 No.22163255
         File1293332070.png-(230 KB, 1005x1618, election_derpy.png)
    230 KB
    >> mentos !/Poniezw9Y 12/25/10(Sat)21:55 No.22163274
    Old general hit the image limit and is on page 10 or something
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:56 No.22163275
    Don't bother, his opinion is no more valid than anyone else's and people who bring him up in opposition to the show just have a weird thing for names, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:56 No.22163280
         File1293332175.png-(432 KB, 854x480, CLONES.png)
    432 KB

    Proof that ponies don't breed; Celestia simply clones them.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:56 No.22163292
    Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:57 No.22163295
         File1293332229.jpg-(51 KB, 640x360, 1288596968148.jpg)
    51 KB
    It's true
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:57 No.22163302

    >thinking he can speak for anybody

    If you were a normal person who didn't fantasize about being gangfucked by 12 year olds, then maybe.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:57 No.22163303
         File1293332251.jpg-(98 KB, 516x418, Derpy_003.jpg)
    98 KB
    wait why is my trip on what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:57 No.22163311
         File1293332277.png-(36 KB, 199x194, daisywet.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:58 No.22163317
    I used to think his opinion mattered, until this started and I realised I only liked it when we shared the same opinion on things. But people keep bringing him up like he's a major point of contention against the sow. I just want to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:58 No.22163319
    This is funny coming from one of your ilk.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:58 No.22163320
    Also, the ponies are nazis and Celestia is the Führer.
    >> Anon-O-Tron 12/25/10(Sat)21:58 No.22163321
         File1293332304.jpg-(50 KB, 712x400, snails 01.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:59 No.22163329
         File1293332349.jpg-(103 KB, 864x480, nazipony.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:59 No.22163330
         File1293332351.png-(31 KB, 143x141, bigmacglare.png)
    31 KB
    I didn't even like Trixie that much in her episode, and you're making me hate her.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)21:59 No.22163339

    >implying I like MLP

    The threads provide quite a few laughs for anyone who has enough sense to not shit themselves over a children's show.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:01 No.22163362
    No, no. He's right.

    People also hate it because there USED to be multiple generals going on front page until we got a bot and became more organized.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:01 No.22163364
         File1293332470.jpg-(41 KB, 399x525, 1292703564773.jpg)
    41 KB
    I think the old general thread is on page 10 and about to 404... new episode gonna be the most heartattack inducing of all...

    On another note. Folks really just need to chill the fuck out. Its just a cartoon. Dont see why trolls get so upset over it. I is a cartoon and this is a cartoon board.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:01 No.22163372
         File1293332492.jpg-(463 KB, 1171x848, enchanted-mirror.jpg)
    463 KB
    Nah, _this_ here is the true story of where baby ponies come from.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:01 No.22163375
    The problem is alot of people do go crazy over it on both sides. And then it just devolves into alot of swearing and name calling. Which is why people use the filters and thethreads get 300+ posts.
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)22:02 No.22163382
         File1293332522.jpg-(354 KB, 945x945, 1293253418973.jpg)
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    Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:02 No.22163386
         File1293332543.png-(329 KB, 715x462, 1290640465518.png)
    329 KB

    The Great and Powerful Trixie is energized by your Large an Swelling hate!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:02 No.22163390
    Woah, what? Sauce?

    captcha: saspatio bluffington
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:02 No.22163395
         File1293332577.jpg-(37 KB, 467x320, pinkie tiem.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:02 No.22163396
    >trolls get so upset
    Dude, you just answered your own question.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:03 No.22163410

    Pony hate threads vastly outnumber regular pony threads now.
    Funnier still is that the haters still bitch about pony threads being spammed.

    Both sides are too stupid to check for existing threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:04 No.22163425
         File1293332684.jpg-(15 KB, 400x481, daffyduck.jpg)
    15 KB
    >mfw they copy and paste ponies for crowd scenes
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:04 No.22163426

    Aren't bots banned?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:05 No.22163432

    It's a bad trait that many people on this board seem to share.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:06 No.22163454
    even more than that are duplicates, just with different color schemes.
    The pony on the left, same cutie mark and hairstyle as the one on the right. just different colors
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:06 No.22163456
         File1293332771.png-(390 KB, 640x360, moreclones.png)
    390 KB
    Hey, it's not like this is a ridiculously well-funded show on a big network. I'm surprised there's as much variety in the design as there is.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:06 No.22163460
         File1293332778.png-(693 KB, 1228x1497, 1293126253282.png)
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    Oh Pinkie!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:06 No.22163466
         File1293332805.jpg-(62 KB, 591x549, 1292911041444.jpg)
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    Ya know, yer right. I did. Ah well no biggie. I just enjoy the show.
    Love seeing the wild speculations we make up. God forbid we have fun.
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)22:07 No.22163478
         File1293332849.jpg-(102 KB, 900x550, awshum_by_porkcow-d35o34j.jpg)
    102 KB
    New picture by the guy who... draws these.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:07 No.22163481
    It wasn't always like this. Usually /co/ could come down pretty unanimously on any new material with a proportional ammount of fanart and fanfiction. But there were never this many sagers or hate threads.Sometimes it seems a bit like /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:07 No.22163485
         File1293332876.png-(2.75 MB, 1732x1767, Whoof Spot List Circles.png)
    2.75 MB
    Check the second cap
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:08 No.22163493
    The threads went over 300 posts long before MLP developed a hate-base on /co/. Haters only marginally increased the rapidity with which pony threads reached autosage, the actual impact they had was spawning yet even more pony threads just to ask things like "why do you fags like this?", which gradually turned into the "anti-pony general" that gets halfheartedly reborn now and then.

    It's true there was a brief interlude where there were several pony threads up at a time, but there was usually only ever one true discussion thread. Others were started by either trolls or haters, and if there were two rival discussion threads, one usually closed down after it became aware of the other one's existence. These days accusations of multiple threads are pretty much unfounded, given how streamlined the general thread system has become. And yet there are still haters who go out of their way to make their own general threads.

    It's apparent the hate is not for "ruining the board" in any tangible way, it has to do with their prejudices.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:08 No.22163498
         File1293332917.jpg-(22 KB, 477x241, FUCK.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:08 No.22163501
    Fuck. Two weeeeeeks.

    Don't the new Regular Show and Adventure Time hit then, too?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:08 No.22163503
    Here to post a requested story.

    “The Grand Galloping Gala!” Rarity shouted in the carriage she and her friends were sited in. Rarity had high hopes for the party at Princess Celestia's castle, hoping to find the unicorn of her dreams.

    “Uh Rarity,” Applejack spoke up, “I still don't know why y'all keep thinking Princess Celestia has a nephew. Princess Luna was locked up for a thousand years, so I'm pretty sure she's not a mother.”

    “Shows what you know. Every pony knows that they have a brother.” Rarity responded. Applejack rose an eyebrow.

    “Uh Twilight, I'm pretty sure that's not true, but I reckon' you would know if it would be, so is it?” Appljack asked Twilight, who placed a hoof on the back of her neck to rub it.

    “Eh... Yes, there is a brother. All I know about him though, is that he's called the Wizard King, he made the Elements of Harmony, and he has a lot of sons.” Rarity's face grew smug as Twilight proved what she said. “But I'm pretty sure not every pony knows about him.” That second statement forced Rarity to lower her pride somewhat.

    “Still though, one of the younger sons will be there, and I'll win him over!” Rarity said.

    “Sure Y'all will. Sure Y'all will.” Applejack muttered.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/25/10(Sat)22:09 No.22163530
    Whoops, forgot mah trip.

    When they arrived at Celestia's castle, Rarity said “Ta-ta, see you all later. Maybe after I'm married!” Quickly dashing off, Rarity listened through the crowds as she walked through them.

    “Yeah, Princess Celestia's ------ is here”
    “Gosh, is ---- as beautiful and handsome as they say?”
    “Shell Opal truly is related to the princesses.”

    Although she couldn't hear the specific conversation and missed out some words, Rarity heard enough to know that the unicorn of her dreams was named Shell Opal. “Shell Opal, a bit unusual for a male unicorn, but I bet he's also unusual in his beauty.” Suddenly hearing the name once again, Rarity turned her attention to that conversation.

    “Hello m'lady Shell Opal, how are thee tonight?”
    “Very well.”

    Rarity's lips tightened at this surprise. “Oh dear... Shell Opal is... is... female! The most beautiful pony I've ever see, but still! She's... a she, Wait. Rarity, calm down dear. Maybe she has a brother here tonight. Yes, yes. Surely she has a brother. I'll just walk up and start a conversation.”
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:10 No.22163535
         File1293333007.jpg-(91 KB, 508x608, 8vh38o35.jpg)
    91 KB
    Why does dante look like he was drawn by a sonic fan?
    Seriously? a FANG?

    Also those eyes.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:10 No.22163542

    I will never stop loving these. They are incredible.


    It doesn't exactly help that there are people amongst us who legitimately want porn and fapfics. We can rail out against it as a whole all we want, but there's so much of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:10 No.22163550
    It is directed at girls, but Lauren Faust works hard to make sure anyone watching can potentially enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:10 No.22163551

    >Global Rules
    >13 The use of scrapers, bots, or other automated posting or downloading scripts is prohibited.

    Reporting OP for botting.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:12 No.22163571
         File1293333138.png-(46 KB, 192x219, applebloom.png)
    46 KB
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/25/10(Sat)22:12 No.22163579

    Walking over to Shell Opal, Rarity was surprised when Shell Opal was the one to talk first. “I see you have an eye appreciative of beauty. Glad to see another beauty lover here. What's your name? I'm Shell Opal.”
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:13 No.22163587
         File1293333203.png-(34 KB, 162x166, dashsoawesome2.png)
    34 KB
    I'm laughing and horrified at the same time. These are great.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:13 No.22163588
         File1293333205.gif-(1.9 MB, 420x236, 1290698263677.gif)
    1.9 MB

    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:13 No.22163590
    nothing about a program that removes sager's posts
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:13 No.22163598
    OP isn't botting dipshit
    And there isn't a bot. There's a script that tracks an image that is the "general thread marker" so everyone can find the general thread through the duplicate file entry detector.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:13 No.22163600
    This being the internet it's a given that people want 34 and fapfics, even Faust accepts that. But it's something the sagers pick up on. I'm surprised they haven't pushed more furry stigma into the threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:14 No.22163605
    none of those old things challenged the masculinity of 14 year olds. They feel obligated to defend "their board" from "fags".
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/25/10(Sat)22:14 No.22163609
    Whoops. Kept getting a thing saying part of my post wasn't allowed to be posted, and I was testing to see what it was.

    Walking over to Shell Opal, Rarity was surprised when Shell Opal was the one to talk first. “Hello there. I see you have an eye appreciative of beauty. Glad to see another beauty lover here. What's your name? I'm Shell Opal.”

    "My name's Rarity, and I'm a fashion designer in Ponyville."

    “Oh Ponyville! My aunt makes it out to be such a lovely place. I would love to one day visit it.” Rarity couldn't believe Shell Opal's voice. It was angelically addicting to her, luring her all the more into the image of the royal pony.

    “I would love to show you around it one day. Princess Celestia is very right about it being lovely.” Shell Opal similarly found an attraction in Rarity's voice.

    “I would quite enjoy it. Life's been dulled by all of my brothers' marriage. Thankfully that long chain is done for now, since they're all married, and father currently isn't looking forward to any more children.”
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:15 No.22163616
    No, we have a bot that searches for new pony threads through keywords and the general image. It doesn't make the threads.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/25/10(Sat)22:15 No.22163619

    “All married?!” Rarity asked.

    “Yes... You seemed a bit shock.”

    Rarity's mind was shocked by this, and if it weren’t for her own strict social dogma, she would've most likely broken down in tears. “Oh, I'm fine... Perfectly fine...”

    “If you say so. If it makes you feel any better, I'm unwed.” Shell Opal smiled at Rarity and showed her teeth.

    Rarity started to mutter “uh”s and “um”s, and perhaps a few “uhm”s here and there, intermixed with “umh'”.

    Shell Opal made a simple “Hmmm...” in response. Then she got closer to Rarity. “Follow me.”

    Rarity, although she was quite unsure of what would happen, decided to follow Shell Opal. They walked and walked throughout Celestia's castle, until they finally reached a balcony and walked out onto it. Rarity looked around. “It's... Beautiful!”

    “Just like you and me.” Shell Opal responded. “I wonder how beautiful we would be together...”

    Rarity, although she felt that the situation might've felt a bit forceful on her, realized that sometimes beauty had to be forced, as beauty was no easy thing to achieve. Yet, this whole thing wasn't what was planned, so in a way it was unexpected, an accident. Could beauty be achieved accidentally, or was it something that had to be made by a pony's own hooves. What is beauty?

    These thoughts were slipping from Rarity's mind. She started to move closer to Shell Opal, who in turn was also moving closer to her. They rose their necks, and turned their heads some. They finally exchanged lips, and kissed.

    Some say that only some love can be beautiful. And while that may be true, to those two, their love was one of great beauty.

    >> Tanman 12/25/10(Sat)22:16 No.22163627
    so what did you bronies get for christmas? I got an external hard drive so I'll be making more pictures from now on now that I have a place to store them, and that metal gear psp! :3

    no pony shoes unfortunately, but I'll just buy some for my birthday which is Jan 3rd anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:17 No.22163651
         File1293333476.png-(158 KB, 1326x1326, BeautyLove.png)
    158 KB
    I love how you writefags just do this through all the chaos..
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:18 No.22163656
         File1293333490.jpg-(19 KB, 334x316, Nigga....jpg)
    19 KB
    Put captions on your image.

    It's not funny, but that all I could hear by the look she's making.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:18 No.22163661
         File1293333526.png-(558 KB, 720x540, 1293228694061.png)
    558 KB

    Seriously, Male Earth Pony gets a singing scene with both Rarity and Fluttershy.

    I am the picture of envy, if he didn't look like a total bro.
    >> This is GOOD. Inkan1969 12/25/10(Sat)22:19 No.22163669

    This is GOOD for Luna. At least she won't die of heart disease or diabetes. :-)
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:20 No.22163688
    Writefags are a cool devoted bunch. They will get their story through.
    Also cheers on the story bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:20 No.22163691
    Unnecessary captions are terrible and you're terrible for suggesting them.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:20 No.22163693
    Well, he is a time traveller. He probably came back to Nightmare Moon's debut a bunch of times since it was an important moment in history.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:21 No.22163695
    so an unhappy meal is like what: beats, carrots, and a bar of oats?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:21 No.22163700
    Did MLP win any spots on that Naughty & Nice poll?

    And was there a new episode today?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:21 No.22163702
         File1293333689.jpg-(27 KB, 720x480, Procaster-20101224-122730[21-1(...).jpg)
    27 KB
    I laughed at "itty bitty little little twinkie pinkie"
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:21 No.22163709
    All of that sound pretty happy for a pony..
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:22 No.22163712
    I don't really get this crazy on both sides jazz. Yeah, we make fan fiction, rule 34 and ships and what not, but other fanbases do this aswell.

    I remember one kid gave us shit for a dem butts image of Applejack. Apparently, he hasn't seen the dem butts threads.

    And the Real Pony and scat threads were troll threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:22 No.22163713
    I think I saw two other Timeponys near the end of the episode..
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:22 No.22163721
    and it's called oatmeal
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:23 No.22163728
    Fluttershy got first place, the show got 2 episodes back to back. Yep....
    >> Alpharius 12/25/10(Sat)22:23 No.22163730
    So, uh, could you guys explain this whole thing to me? Normally I hang out on /tg/, but some /co/mrades have been coming over and pushing this new My Little Pony show. I gather that it's a show for little girls, and that they want us to make an RPG out of it. Why has it garnered such a large fandom, and why has it also attracted such a large group of detractors? Basically, why is it so good? Or so bad, as the case may be?

    I just... I just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:23 No.22163733
    Think about this: Applebloom (since there's no parents seen or inplied) might be a product of a " Flowers in the Attic" type senerio.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:23 No.22163735
    Just experimenting.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:24 No.22163739
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:24 No.22163752
         File1293333895.png-(48 KB, 191x219, geninhererightthisinstant.png)
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    parents are definitely implied
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:25 No.22163753
         File1293333900.gif-(194 KB, 400x291, Trolling.gif)
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    Someone doesn't understand the concept of "trolling."
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:25 No.22163754
    I'm no good at explaining but I will mention an RPG is already in the works
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:25 No.22163758
         File1293333922.jpg-(259 KB, 1363x659, derpys christmas letter.jpg)
    259 KB
    One last time before midnight, Merry Christmas from Derpy!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:25 No.22163759

    You just watch, he's going to be Equestria's version of Dr. Who
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:25 No.22163768

    We're not exactly innocent, but we're not nearly as bad as these few people think. I know most of /co/ doesn't give two shits about ponies and whatnot.

    I think it's the content of these porn and fapfics. What's easier to latch onto and debase a whole group for; porn of adult men and women who's sexuality is basically one of their primary selling points, or porn of colorful little animals marketed primarily to children?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:26 No.22163773
         File1293333964.png-(113 KB, 298x341, fluttershyadorable.png)
    113 KB
    I think the main attraction is that the show was way better than anyone expected it to be. Of course, that's wearing off now that it's stuck in /co/'s mind, but it's still a surprisingly entertaining show that makes many people laugh and :3.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:26 No.22163785
    So if Apple Bloom goes on a journey of self-discovery next episode...does that mean Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will show up?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:27 No.22163793
    The episode "Dragonshy" was the biggest push for a /tg/ neccessity. A party of 6 with their own varying atributes travel a great distance to the peak of a huge mountain to confront a dragon. Some people got creative and began writing inother scenarios for the characters to face.One guy even made up a neat d12 game. But it'd take a group with real /tg/ experience and show knowledgge to bring the game to life.
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/25/10(Sat)22:27 No.22163797
         File1293334051.gif-(120 KB, 256x192, Gundam Good End.gif)
    120 KB
    Also, I'm opened up to requests.
    Just be prepared for them not being done until late tomorrow, since it might snow tomorrow.
    And if there's snow, I will build a Snow Gundam. Or at least give it a try.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:27 No.22163799
         File1293334061.png-(124 KB, 1325x587, MerryChristmasfromDerpy.png)
    124 KB
    Good to see you have a secure system brony, Merry Christmas to you too!
    >> Alpharius 12/25/10(Sat)22:27 No.22163804

    Man, I don't even know any more. It seems like trolling means everything and nothing these days.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:28 No.22163812
    Why bronies are pushing our show on your board is strange, and I apologize if they annoyed.

    We're talking about the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon developed for tv by Lauren Faust, wife of Craig McCracken, creator of PPG and Foster's. She also worked on both of those shows. It's better than it sounds actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:28 No.22163813
    But not on the apple farm.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:28 No.22163815
    I hope so! Though it may cause a large amount of diabetes in the process.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:28 No.22163816
         File1293334099.png-(187 KB, 480x360, telepathic orgasm.png)
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    Why does everypony like Trixie so much?
    I usually skip that episode.

    My top 3 eps are Ticket Master, Applebuck Season, and Bridle Gossip, in no particular order.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:28 No.22163818
         File1293334107.jpg-(201 KB, 596x795, MunkandSkunk.jpg)
    201 KB
    LOL MLP IS DA BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:29 No.22163832
         File1293334178.png-(64 KB, 237x248, 1288974774749.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:30 No.22163845
    And the other time ponys are Dr.Whoofs companions..
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:31 No.22163850
         File1293334272.png-(401 KB, 852x1069, 1291776675871.png)
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    Considering it is a show aimed at 6-12 girls, it is of surprising quality. Lauren Faust (who also worked on Fosters Home and Powerpuff Girls) is in charge of this generation. It has good characterization, is funny, and a fun style that is great for caption images.

    Its not the greatest thing ever but its a really good reboot of a franchise that has a lot of stigma's attached to it.
    >> Alpharius 12/25/10(Sat)22:32 No.22163863
    Okay, so it's a surprisingly decent kid's show with a surprising amount of porn? I suppose that explains both the fandom and the hatred. And you say Craig McCraken's wife worked on it? Hmm. I like his stuff. Did he work on this at all? I mean, I suppose he must have, if only unofficially and in the form of advice. Anyway, thanks for the explanations. I'm now slightly less ignorant than I was five minutes ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:32 No.22163865
    Well, that explains somethings. But I'm not interested in the rule 34.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:32 No.22163870
         File1293334363.png-(145 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2010-12-17-23h03m26s12(...).png)
    145 KB
    It's not everypony, it's just that one annoying avatar faggot.

    My favourites are Dragonshy and Bridle Gossip. I loved the adventure-y feel of the former and the latter was just hilarious. Plus, Zecora is a cool character. (Much better than Trixie.)
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:32 No.22163873
    there's literally one actual fan of Trixy in the whole existence and only a hoofful of those who aren't that annoyed by that obnoxious bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:33 No.22163879
         File1293334398.png-(119 KB, 300x361, cefc9b0ca0ec637eacf75f80f25504(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:33 No.22163882

    they are probably deceased as the grandmother is there. We are just missing the generation in between
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:34 No.22163895
    I don't think the amount of porn is really surprising - this is the internet, after all - but it exists, which is really... not optimal. Still, the girlyness and the elements of bestiality/furfaggotry are enough to garner it a significant hatedom, I guess.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/25/10(Sat)22:34 No.22163896
         File1293334487.png-(219 KB, 1327x829, Derpy's Christmas Time Adventu(...).png)
    219 KB
    And since it's still Christmas for a little while, here a sort of storyish thing about Derpy's Christmas.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:34 No.22163900
    Pictured: Derpy, ponies who wish they could be Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:35 No.22163911
    Not a lot of porn, but it's hated because when it first aired we had a bunch of threads on /co/ nonstop.

    And McCracken doesn't work on the show, but I'm pretty sure he gave some input and support to Lauren.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:35 No.22163912
         File1293334553.png-(1.11 MB, 2058x548, Whyarereadingthiswhenyoucouldj(...).png)
    1.11 MB
    Also Lyra..
    >> A MAN THAT SHALL KEEP HIS PROMISES !yN3nvBp9zY 12/25/10(Sat)22:36 No.22163918
    I think it was talked about in a previous thread.
    I think the general conclusion was that they were arrested for either angering a farmers union, or upsetting Celestria.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:36 No.22163919

    I actually don't think he worked on this at all, but that's not a bad thing, per se. Lauren herself has also been a major player in some damn fine cartoons. She did a lot of work on Foster's, for instance.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:38 No.22163934
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:38 No.22163937
    Late to the party. But ill try to give my own reason for the /tg bro.
    We all expected this show to utterly fail when first announced. MLP always had a stigma. Past generations were always painful to watch.
    Call us surprised when we found out it was good. Hell the creator was not a fan of girl shows in the past. So she wrote a good fun story for all ages and both genders.
    What also helps is our wild ideas that we come up with. Weather stories or drawings.
    Shit we KNOW Celestia is not a tyrant in the show. But that does not stop us from having fun.

    Back to the stigma thing. A while ago a bro linked a 3 min video of third generation ponys. Which was god awful and painful. The current MLP is simply put..vastly superior. They dont throw the whole "Buy our playsets and toys!" into the show.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:38 No.22163941
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:39 No.22163949
         File1293334744.png-(127 KB, 640x360, 1291345137076.png)
    127 KB
    Oh yeah, forgot about Dragonshy.
    I'd swap Ticket Master with Dragonshy, Ticket Master ties with Bridle Gossip.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:39 No.22163953
         File1293334756.png-(145 KB, 1139x761, pony christmas carol.png)
    145 KB
    Pony Christmas stories ahoy!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:40 No.22163974
         File1293334831.jpg-(152 KB, 1339x509, pony christmas carol II.jpg)
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    >> Alpharius 12/25/10(Sat)22:41 No.22163992
    Alright, thanks for all the info. I'll keep an eye out for it, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:42 No.22164002
         File1293334936.png-(147 KB, 640x360, trixie_exit.png)
    147 KB
    the really sad thimg about Trixie is that shes adorable. Obnoxious characters have no business being adorable.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:42 No.22164005
         File1293334947.jpg-(46 KB, 600x450, sad spike.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:43 No.22164024
         File1293335026.png-(135 KB, 353x334, xxxxxxxx.png)
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    The Great and Powerful Trixie isn't afraid to admit to being a 10/10 on the hotcute scale.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:43 No.22164025
    And if you want to check out some episodes go to pensivepony account on youtube.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:43 No.22164027
    I honestly don't see her appeal. She just seemed annoying and bitchy to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:44 No.22164035
    Uh, Anon? Alpharius isn't a troll. He's just asking why we like the show.

    Anyway, I only watched the premier because it was on a new channel. I thought that it would suck ass and watch a few minutes of it for pity but the opening and the "Developed for tv by Lauren Faust" bit surprised me. The voice acting is good, the ponies have adorable designs, and the ponies have character this time.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:46 No.22164052
         File1293335162.png-(338 KB, 640x360, gildaelbowspike.png)
    338 KB
    Everypony on the show is adorable. Even Gilda was kind of cute.

    Fuck the jerks anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:46 No.22164059
         File1293335200.png-(75 KB, 209x267, flowers all.png)
    75 KB

    The Great and Powerful Trixie has the most Dazzling colors in all of Equestira!

    Not to mention her impeccable fashion sense that makes rarity look like a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:46 No.22164060
    I won't promise that you'll like it, but I do promise that it won't make your head bleed. Thanks for stopping bye.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:46 No.22164063

    she was definitely annoying and bitchy. I meant her design. She was a very cute character, visually. Her personality makes me want to jump off a bridge though.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:47 No.22164070
    To add to that they even have flaws. Which go from one episode to another.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:48 No.22164077
    Yeah dude, not everyone who disagrees with us is a troll. He was just a curious bro, wondering why it is we like this cartoon, or where all the hate and drama is coming from, is all.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:49 No.22164100
    TRIXIE can fly?

    >> dRawpony 12/25/10(Sat)22:50 No.22164114
         File1293335451.png-(48 KB, 500x390, Twilight.png)
    48 KB
    I probably like Twilight the best, although Rainbow Dash comes a close second.

    also shitdoodles
    Twilight is part of Team Edward. You know it's true.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:50 No.22164117
    Yeah the characters are quite well done. They even manage to have two tomboyish ponies who are still very much their own character. And Rarity still manages to be somewhat appealing when on any other show she'd probably be as bad as she is at her worst moments all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:52 No.22164138
         File1293335535.png-(180 KB, 640x360, 1292902761099.png)
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    May never happen. But I wish for my Gilda redemption episode.
    Also yay cake!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:52 No.22164140
    Oh come on, Twilight would probably be a hater.

    Rarity would be Team Edward all the way though.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:53 No.22164156
    Oh, I know what you meant. I just did not find her design that appealing, really. It seemed unremarkable.

    Maybe I would have liked her more if her episode hadn't come right after Gilda's. Two episodes in a row about the ponies putting a jerk in her place were a bit much for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:53 No.22164159
    Ah, yes. Thanks for adding.

    They're not the giggling, "let's have tea partys, happy friendship" ponies, they act like actually girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:53 No.22164166
         File1293335635.png-(98 KB, 311x248, 1291530067207.png)
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    Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:55 No.22164193
    Wrong door...? So you don't do anal?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:56 No.22164202
    And even though friendship is magic, they still deal with the conflicts that do crop up among friends with such varying personalities.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:56 No.22164207
    What really confuses me is why people feel the need to "argue against" liking the show.
    I mean, what the fuck? Do they think it's going to change anyone's mind? "Oh you are right, I can't believe I liked this show, thanks for showing me that liking a cartoon is wrong."?
    Seriously I don't see the point.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:56 No.22164208
    Which just makes the show even better.
    Faust herself hated the characters of girls shows in the past. Every one was the same. Each one was perfect.

    I will admit I like how she worked around Rare. Hasbro wanted a character that was all about Fashion and shopping and sterotype vally girl..but she made her into an artist. That runs her own shop.
    And Rare has OCD
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:57 No.22164223
    Rarity isn't too hard to spell out dude. I can understand shortening AJ or Twilight SParkles names, but?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:58 No.22164229
    Gonna toss this out there, since it just occurred to me recently;

    This show is popular because the people who are making it care about the show they're making. This is a product of passion and sincerity, unfortunately guided by a greedy toy company.

    If you ever read any of Lauren Faust's replies to fans and detractors you'll see what I'm talking about. This is a woman who cares about the show she's working on and is doing everything in her power to make it something fantastic.

    That kind of dedication and caring translates into something intangible that still shines through. On top of being well written and animated, there's that extra something in there that attracts people to it. A lot of bronies here would probably quantify it as "that certain something I just can't put my hoof on".

    If only Faust's corporate overlords would loosen their grip on the reigns, we might have an even better show. Unfortunately, though, the geniuses at Hasbro have more or less forbidden her from doing certain things with the show, like introducing characters that can't be made into toys, or writing multi-episode plot arcs.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:58 No.22164239
    It's because it's a little girl's cartoon instead of a little boy's cartoon.

    When you see people bitching at it beyond "too many MLP threads," that's what's going on in their heads.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:59 No.22164247
         File1293335954.gif-(238 KB, 468x252, 1289252957132.gif)
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    Twilight faggots, hate 'em.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)22:59 No.22164248

    If we had nothing to argue about, what would 90% of all conversations on 4chan be about?
    >> Applebloom 12/25/10(Sat)23:00 No.22164266
    because this is the internet and people enjoy making fun of one another and arguing about stuff
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:01 No.22164278
    So... No candy vag?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:01 No.22164286
         File1293336097.png-(72 KB, 272x264, dashthatsyourpenis.png)
    72 KB
    It's really only the veto on multi-episode arcs that cheeses me off. You just know these people could put together some epic shit if they were allowed to, and Lauren even mentioned once that she tried to make it like how she used to play with her toys, which often involved epic adventures to save the world. I'd love some more of that on TV in general, let alone the need for it in cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:02 No.22164298
         File1293336136.jpg-(10 KB, 370x302, 1291393947660.jpg)
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    Hmm well now I didn't say that...
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:02 No.22164299
    >forbidden to introduce characters that can't be made into toys.

    Does that mean Big Macintosh toy?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:02 No.22164301
    The majority of epople on 4chan are convinced that 90% of all replies posted are trolling... Because, y'know, civil discussion and agreeing with people is totally trolling.

    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:02 No.22164311
         File1293336175.jpg-(381 KB, 550x1775, Luna-ANGRY MEALS for you.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:03 No.22164324
    Awwwwwww yeah, nigga! Candy vag!
    >> Applebloom 12/25/10(Sat)23:04 No.22164339
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:06 No.22164360
         File1293336375.jpg-(3 KB, 251x189, 1241564457756s.jpg)
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    You're going to look great in black and blue when I'm done with you.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:06 No.22164367
    Just because they CAN be made into toys doesn't mean they WILL be.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:07 No.22164374
    Posting epic YouTube video
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:07 No.22164379
    oh man good one!!!!
    I did the original mc_luna but thats a lot funniest!!!

    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:07 No.22164383
    I'd kill for a plush Big Mac that you squeeze and it goes, "Eeeeeyup."
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:08 No.22164386

    Anyone have the "I Get Wet" album cover I drew of Pinkie Pie?

    It's on my other partition.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:08 No.22164394
         File1293336518.gif-(272 KB, 160x154, TsukasaCrying.gif)
    272 KB
    Don't crush my spirit!

    I need this to happen!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:10 No.22164414
         File1293336606.jpg-(62 KB, 330x231, snips and snails.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:10 No.22164421
    OCD? Darling, I just don't like messes! Why, I simply can't STAND seeing mud tracked indoors where it clearly doesn't belong. It's not like I wash my hooves dozens of times a day to keep the FILTH at bay. But do you know what kind of work it takes to keep a snow-white coat this clean? It takes care, and it takes observation. I simply MUST make the best possible presentation of myself.

    Any artist worth her salt would take JUST as much care with hygene and proper aesthetic presentation. One's works are judged as much on the merits of the artist as on the art itself, at least with the ELITE clientele I serve.

    Do you think I could otherwise have earned the HONOR of standing beside Princess Celestia herself at the Summer Sun Celebration?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:12 No.22164454
    Well she could make it like the original MLP animated series; but seeing that it shares the time slot with Strawberry Shortcake and Pound Puppies, I highly doubt it. Now that I thought about it, the only thing that truly hinders it is its time slot; it here for kindergarden children to watch.

    Also, they already got Transformers and G.I. Joe for that kind of epicness.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/25/10(Sat)23:13 No.22164458
    Wow. I'm glad folks are liking. And more there will be. As soon as I finish writing it.
    >> Fluttershy 12/25/10(Sat)23:13 No.22164461
    random question what toys do they have out just wondering
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:13 No.22164464
         File1293336822.png-(90 KB, 304x290, 1290221068701.png)
    90 KB
    My sister has OCD.
    She behaves exactly like Rarity.
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:15 No.22164502
    OCD comes in many forms, but what Rarity was doing, especially ignoring her main task for at least an hour trying to fix one nest, total OCD case.
    >> Chopper's Top Hat !!aGLqNDWHQaD 12/25/10(Sat)23:16 No.22164503
    Well, the pilot was multi-episode, and Faust's reply on the matter in her DA said that there would be no big arc "for now." So maybe if MLP gets a second season, the show will have a stronger plot. That's pretty typical of shows like these: if it succeeds enough to get a second season, the producers loosen the restraints a bit because they know the creators can make a successful show.

    That said, I'm fine with the stand-alone episodes. They pack so many little details about the world of the show into them, it really expands your knowledge of the characters and of Equestria itself.

    The show does an amazing job of getting you so invested in the cast and setting that seeing them develop is just as fun as seeing a storyline develop.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:16 No.22164504
    What mythical creatures would you like to see show up /co/?

    I'd kind of like to see a beholder
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:17 No.22164521

    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:17 No.22164526
    sea ponies
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:18 No.22164527
    So, I sat down with my younger sister (12) and showed her My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She watched episodes on my laptop while I sat and played epic Mickey. She seemed to really enjoy it. She was even asking questions and rewinding to rewatch funny parts.

    My little brother (7) came in and peeked at what she was watching. I asked if he wanted to watch it with her and he says, "My Little Pony is for girls! Only girls can watch that show!" and I'm like, "But I watch that show." and he's like, "Well, you're weird!"
    I got burned by a 7 year old..
    But it's all cool, because he kept peeking over at my laptop and watching little bits of the show whenever it sounded interesting (manticore roars, Pinkie Pie songs..) So, there's hope for him yet.

    And speaking of tee-vee...

    Tuesday at noon (central time) there is a 2 and a half hour block of MLP according to comcast's schedule.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:19 No.22164543
    Mind flayers
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:19 No.22164548
    But I already watch 2 and a half hour blocks erryday.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:19 No.22164551
    Shouldn't Ponyville be overrun by snakes?

    What's keeping them from just eating all of the helpless critters?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:20 No.22164564
    I can't wait for this show to get canceled so we never hear from you fags again
    >> Chopper's Top Hat !!aGLqNDWHQaD 12/25/10(Sat)23:21 No.22164577
    There are many ways that OCD can manifest, but Rarity's seems pretty credible.

    They wrote it very smart, actually; it's always a temptation with characters like that to make them way too over-the-top, to make them seem borderline (if not completely) insane.

    Rarity isn't like that. She's just really committed to neatness, to the point that it gets in the way. She is a smart and accomplished pony with a compulsion that sometimes burdens her. Not sure if the creators intended it that way, but she's actually one of the best OCD characters I've seen on television.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:21 No.22164580
         File1293337293.jpg-(50 KB, 600x338, Haters gonna hate.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:22 No.22164600
    Hey! Hey!

    Derpy maker here. We just finished unwrapping presents, and it turned out my family had been saving most of my presents for later when the whole family was here- I got two ponies (Pinkie and Twilight Sparkle) and later the entire set of six (among an oodle of Tangled stuff! I am so lucky. homg. ) Leaving me with eight ponies--three doubles!

    So I have custom bait! Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.

    Suggestions, /co/? What's your favorite pony character or design? I'm not planning any male ponies, esp. Big Mac, because i'm holding out for a male-pony mold and a bigger body type. Maybe Caramel would work...
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:22 No.22164601
    >What's keeping them from just eating all of the helpless critters?
    They're from Equestria
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:22 No.22164603
    Someone should animate this.

    Has someone animated this already?

    Someone should.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:23 No.22164614
         File1293337404.png-(22 KB, 457x378, 1293251537546.png)
    22 KB
    >already confirmed for two 26 episode seasons.
    >merch is selling well.
    >doing well in the ratings

    You'll learn to love us. Have a short story. This one seems eerily prophetic for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:23 No.22164621
    There's still a huge stigma around girls shows, so it's understandable. MLP is pretty much the first 'girls' cartoon I can think that was watchable, and Lauren often says the same thing about them. It's a milestone for girls' entertainment, but I think it'll be a while before guys can really admit to being in the periphery demographic.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:24 No.22164635
         File1293337459.jpg-(52 KB, 640x360, Rarity on Celestia's platform.jpg)
    52 KB
    Or I WOULD have appeared next to Celestia herself on her raised dais if not for that DREADFUL encounter with Nightmare Moon.

    I can't TELL you how much that upset me! First, being chosen in competition by the court of Celestia from among the three other designers and decorators here in Ponyville, all of whom I hold in HIGHEST regard for their own artistic visions. Then, spending MONTHS of planning, obtaining the supplies and preparing the designs. Finally, WEEKS preparing the hall for the Summer Sun Celebration. All to be postponed until a week after our little adventure.

    But being chosen to embody an Element of Harmony has done WONDERS for my reputation. I can't tell you how many Ponies have come to my shop just to see the mystic jewelry in its glass case, and to order the miniature replicas of each of our emblems.

    But now I absolutely MUST keep myself impeccably groomed. I have to live up to the ideal of being a magical champion, and for my clients to be underwhelmed by an easily avoided matter of appearance would be simply gouche.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:24 No.22164639
         File1293337471.png-(199 KB, 412x341, CandyPony.png)
    199 KB
    Bon Bon!
    >> dRawpony 12/25/10(Sat)23:25 No.22164648
         File1293337500.png-(35 KB, 465x400, rainbowcallskettles.png)
    35 KB
    I never said I was into Twilight. Wait, yes I did, but not that Twilight. I like Twilight Sparkle, not people in Twilight that sparkle.
    I just think it's a series ripe for comedy.

    Here's a shitdoodle for you, Brony. :3
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:25 No.22164660
         File1293337538.png-(59 KB, 245x266, mayorpony.png)
    59 KB
    Mayor pony!

    DO EET
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)23:26 No.22164670
         File1293337577.gif-(1.7 MB, 360x360, 1293152741125.gif)
    1.7 MB
    Hah, I've never read that before.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:27 No.22164688
    >well written


    >"that certain something I just can't put my hoof on".

    good lord

    I think the show has more creepy twenty something neckbeard fans and the odd tubby fangirl than actually any little girl fans
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:28 No.22164697

    Second season confirmed? Citation?

    I knew it wasn't in danger of getting canceled unless it utterly tanked (it's a girl's show at 1:30pm on a new channel without enough programming), or if the toys died and Hasbro pulled the plug.

    Is it confirmed for a second season? Is a show /co/ likes avoiding the fate of Spectacular Spider-Man et al.? Is this a Christmas Miracle?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:28 No.22164706
         File1293337712.png-(24 KB, 122x112, raritythinking.png)
    24 KB
    Carrot Top and Lyra seem to be pretty popular background ponies for the unicorn and earth pony versions. Not sure what I'd do about the pegasus.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:29 No.22164720

    I'd say Powerpuff Girls was the first "girls" cartoon that could reach out to other audiences
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:29 No.22164731
    Mayor pony is a total milf.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:30 No.22164733
    You make a compelling argument, but I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree.

    Also, the horse puns are part of why I find this show appealing. Good wordplay just makes me giggle.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:30 No.22164736
         File1293337811.png-(238 KB, 640x360, SadUnicorn.png)
    238 KB
    Do both of them, since they seem to hang out together.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:30 No.22164745

    Really? You can't think of a single background Pegasus /co/ likes?

    Should we make it more obvious? Maybe send you a letter? You'd have to be pretty derpy not to know who our favorite background pegasus is.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:30 No.22164753
    >Good wordplay

    bitch read a goddamn book for good wordplay
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:32 No.22164770
         File1293337941.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, DerpyToyFinished2.jpg)
    34 KB
    The person making the customs already made a Derpy.

    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:32 No.22164772
    There's already a custom Derpy. And she's pretty much obscured every other background pegasus.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:33 No.22164783
    >Contributing member of /co/
    >Not name/tripfagging

    Yeah, you're awesome. I don't have any requests, just wanted to point that out.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:33 No.22164784
    They already made a Derpy
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:33 No.22164786
         File1293338016.png-(219 KB, 854x480, DerpyAndHerFriend.png)
    219 KB
    There's Derpy's friend Rainy Shine or whatever her name is.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:35 No.22164804
    Does anyone have the image of all the identified background ponies? Maybe we can pick out the nicest ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:36 No.22164811
         File1293338170.jpg-(26 KB, 232x279, A kawaii sanwich is a death se(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    Thanks bro, I really appreciate this.
    In return, a kawaii sandwich, just look at it, it's a fucking sandwich, and it's kawaii
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:37 No.22164825
         File1293338250.jpg-(589 KB, 1600x1320, 1293077021513.jpg)
    589 KB

    Oh, whoops.


    Maybe Firefly?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:38 No.22164841
    Fuck, /co/, this show gives me the strangest urges. It somehow crossed the streams when I was looking some stuff up for my Russian History class, and now I have an irresistible desire to make a pony version of Aleksanr Pushkin. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW THAT WOULD WORK


    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:38 No.22164845
         File1293338338.png-(856 KB, 884x891, BackgroundPonies.png)
    856 KB
    THE HORROR pony
    Carrot Top
    Bon Bon
    Derpy's friend
    Overprotective parent pony

    These are all worthy candidates, I think.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:39 No.22164859
    Fuck! I just watched the ticket master again and now I have a fucking question on my mind.

    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)23:39 No.22164861
         File1293338395.png-(236 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2010-12-23-14h45m14s17(...).png)
    236 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:41 No.22164876
         File1293338473.jpg-(77 KB, 613x569, My Little Communist - Pattervo(...).jpg)
    77 KB
    Nothing wrong with Russian ponies.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:41 No.22164877
    Swede pony
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:41 No.22164884
    I am kind of hard-pressed to think of a memorable pegasus that isn't Derpy, that one that looks almost exactly like Derpy, or the one that people have noticed seems to hangs out around Derpy a lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:42 No.22164893
    I also want to make on of Tsar Peter the Great mostly so I can make some sort of joke about his tiny head. Because Peter the Great had a tiny head.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:42 No.22164898
    I need pictures of ponies, in a standing position, from the front and back. Straight on, if possible. Anyone got any?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:43 No.22164904
    Holy fuck that sandwich is kawaii.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:43 No.22164908
    One of Derpy's sisters from Winter Wrap up
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)23:43 No.22164911
         File1293338627.png-(115 KB, 504x864, NOBORUPONY.png)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:44 No.22164922

    Awesome. I'm mostly looking for how the legs are drawn, though. I can guess, but I'd rather my style sheet be as on-model as possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:45 No.22164936
         File1293338732.jpg-(92 KB, 550x900, 1293142450327.jpg)
    92 KB
    kawaii sandwich is DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAD
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:45 No.22164941
    It depends on how many Infinity Pools and Future Steel Garages get sold.

    You ARE planning on buting an Infinity Pool, right, /co/?
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)23:46 No.22164955
         File1293338795.jpg-(2.3 MB, 700x4997, 1293093184628.jpg)
    2.3 MB
    I was just messing with you, but I don't really have one. Do you have weeapony's tutorial?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:46 No.22164956
         File1293338798.png-(23 KB, 111x166, crosseyedpony.png)
    23 KB
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/25/10(Sat)23:46 No.22164960
    I fucking love these.
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:47 No.22164967
         File1293338840.png-(213 KB, 416x333, 28873642.png)
    213 KB

    The Sister of Hooves
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:47 No.22164975
    flutershy killed somethng that kawaii!!!

    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:49 No.22165000
         File1293338957.jpg-(21 KB, 219x403, scootaloostocking.jpg)
    21 KB
    one last time before christmas dies here
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:49 No.22165008
    what is the wikia link?
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/25/10(Sat)23:49 No.22165010
    I have to point out that in panel 2, the way kawaii is spelled with only one i, that implies a different word.

    Kawaii, that is, with the japanese "i" character, twice, is cute.

    Kawai, with one "i" character, is pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:50 No.22165012

    Awesome. Thanks.


    I use a mixture of that and my own little tutorial I wrote up myself. In fact, it was my incessant bitching about "references" in the critiques I usually do for people that got REFERENCES in big rainbow letters, hah.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:50 No.22165020
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)23:50 No.22165023
    The sandwich is in the process of being eaten while saying 'kawaii'.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:51 No.22165032

    You are so kawai.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:51 No.22165041
         File1293339100.jpg-(23 KB, 258x298, pinkieface.jpg)
    23 KB
    Sure, if you read it like a manga.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:51 No.22165045
    He said panel 2 not 4
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:51 No.22165047
    I know I just about died with happy when I heard Ditzy Doo mentioned during Winter Wrap-up.

    And I almost died again of dissapoint when she had grey hair, yellow eyes, bubbles as her cutie mark, and a BLUE mane.

    But then I realized our dear mailpony would never make such a ridiculous mistake; after all, she has never, ever, gotten lost while delivering the mail.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.22165058
    Alright alright.

    So Lyra is a definite.

    Earth pony, I was thinking Minty, one of my favorite G3s, but Carrot Top is a good suggestion too. I know I don't have any hair in that color (Or Lyra's) though

    Peg... unsure. I considered making another Derpy though, and either raffling/selling/giveawaying one here. Hm.
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.22165059
    In the last panel it is.

    Second, less so.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.22165060
    fuck Japanese!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.22165062
         File1293339165.png-(27 KB, 119x135, pinkiextrasmile.png)
    27 KB
    The 'tiny uguu' comment on the mouth ALWAYS makes me giggle
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.22165063
         File1293339165.jpg-(125 KB, 660x717, 1154372581739.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:52 No.22165066
         File1293339172.png-(604 KB, 1000x840, Oh shit nigger what are you do(...).png)
    604 KB
    >Go to The Hub website to watch ponies and support the show
    >See this

    The web designer for this site needs to be taken out back and shot at best, fired at worst.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:53 No.22165075

    Ditzy Doo wasn't shown in the episode, we have no idea who she is, or what she looks like.
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/25/10(Sat)23:53 No.22165082
    Oh right, my mistake, or maybe, it's a pitiful sandwich!
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:54 No.22165091
         File1293339255.png-(81 KB, 597x484, 1292222242428.png)
    81 KB
    I can only hope Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are as adorable and awesome as Apple Bloom is.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:55 No.22165113
    At first I thought it was a really well made troll, but then I noticed the RL.Stine thing. Which would explain the existence of that thing.

    Still though I agree with what you said about the deserved fate of the webmaster
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:55 No.22165114

    Honestly, if the sandwich is so happy about being eaten, it was probably kawai, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:55 No.22165120
    I hope their VAs are as good. Apple Bloom's voice made me HNNNNNNNGH so hard
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/25/10(Sat)23:56 No.22165133
    I hadn't thought of that. Maybe the artist actually meant to use the word "kawai" and not "kawaii." It's entirely possible that the sandwich is pitiful. I mean look at it, it just sits there and lets itself get eaten by a cute little pony without even resisting.

    Maybe the sandwich deserved to die afterall.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:57 No.22165148
         File1293339449.jpg-(650 KB, 1321x2410, ShoeBroniesBigShoppingAdventur(...).jpg)
    650 KB
    Shoe Brony and his sandwich, forever in our hearts.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:58 No.22165158
         File1293339492.jpg-(43 KB, 341x285, Look at that face, that is(...).jpg)
    43 KB
    He should get the image and scan it
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:58 No.22165164
    Any more pics of ponies from from/back standing? If I can get one from behind, I should have enough reference to complete my style sheet.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:58 No.22165171

    Well, care to elaborate?
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:59 No.22165183
    inb4 ass images
    >> Anonymous 12/25/10(Sat)23:59 No.22165193

    So...Derpy dyes her hair?
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/26/10(Sun)00:00 No.22165199
    He's intentionally luring you into an argument using logical fallacies. They call this "trolling" on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:00 No.22165205
    These freaked me out the first time I saw them, but I'm starting to like these a lot.

    But why does porkcow draw them this way?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:01 No.22165230
         File1293339699.gif-(652 KB, 256x144, 1291722164641.gif)
    652 KB
    This ain't furry.
    And nice job saging with a picture, kid.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:01 No.22165234
         File1293339712.jpg-(83 KB, 500x416, 1228700611285.jpg)
    83 KB
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/26/10(Sun)00:02 No.22165242
    Saging with a picture does not bump the thread. You're welcome to test.

    But he is still retarded for many other reasons.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:02 No.22165243
    From a quick glance of his gallery it seems to be his style and a love of slightly creepy looking images
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:02 No.22165249

    I'd rather this not be the case. I just need a straight on shot if one exists, I want to know what the legs look like on-model.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:04 No.22165274
    Is that.. Venom?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:04 No.22165289

    Derpy is so derpy her hair derps its color.
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/26/10(Sun)00:05 No.22165298
    It's black Spider-man.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:05 No.22165313
         File1293339942.jpg-(58 KB, 387x429, 1283801873382.jpg)
    58 KB
    really.... two weeks?...
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:05 No.22165318
         File1293339948.png-(97 KB, 501x503, Sadfrog_MLPcrit.png)
    97 KB
    Ah. I guess I lost.

    I wish the show would get a good negative criticism instead of the usual "it's for little girls, THERE'S YOUR FUCKING CRIT."
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:06 No.22165329
         File1293339974.jpg-(91 KB, 550x900, kawai_sandwich2.jpg)
    91 KB
    OK. I updated the kawaii sandwich
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:06 No.22165330
    Oh, I didn't know the kawaii sandwich was a brony thing, I thought it came over from /a/ or something. Neat.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:07 No.22165347
         File1293340020.png-(186 KB, 548x548, rarity_behind.png)
    186 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:09 No.22165401
         File1293340195.jpg-(74 KB, 702x403, 1293313128629.jpg)
    74 KB
    Pony bums you say?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:09 No.22165402

    Aha! Awesome. Too bad her tail gets in the way a little, but I should be able to work with that. Thanks.

    This is going to be awkward to explain why I have this saved, since I'm pretty vocal about how Rarity is my favorite pony, but it's in my "references" folder so, whatevs.

    Once I get my tablet pen back, I have to edit my Pinkie Pie/ Andrew W.K. image (color, repositioning), so if you liked that, there's something to look forward to, and then I'll put up a template for a professional style sheet, something concept artists and character designers would use, for you guys with your little OC ponies and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:10 No.22165410
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:11 No.22165419

    Nah, I needed a reference, a straight on shot from behind, so I could work out how the show's artists draw the legs.
    >> Anon-O-Tron 12/26/10(Sun)00:12 No.22165435
         File1293340327.jpg-(145 KB, 1267x710, snails 03.jpg)
    145 KB
    (Skips looking at the unicorns) "You ass heads brought an Ursa Major to Ponyville, didn't you?"

    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:12 No.22165439
         File1293340338.jpg-(2.36 MB, 700x4997, PONYTUTORIAL.jpg)
    2.36 MB
    that tutorial is the old version, noboru
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:13 No.22165470
         File1293340416.png-(21 KB, 220x225, mlpgeneral.png)
    21 KB
    Official Channel:
    Youtube Channel:
    Synchtube (watch with friends!):
    Thread Locator and Archive:
    Plus4chan Fanworks Archive:
    Ponibooru Imagedump:
    Community Wiki:
    Download links on
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:14 No.22165478
         File1293340446.gif-(2.09 MB, 330x330, 1292408743484.gif)
    2.09 MB
    Even if the trolls and haters did give legitimate critique, it wouldn't change anything. I remember one anti-pony thread had bronies laundry listing the weak points of the show without bias. In fact, I bet some of them are in this thread right now.

    We like the show enough to keep watching each episode from start to finish. Pointing out that its girly or that they cut corners on the flash animation (repeat background ponies for instance) isn't suddenly going to make us turn away in disgust.

    I find it hard to comprehend how someone could be so immature and outright stupid as to think that they can have any affect on another person's opinions and beliefs, especially when they're trying to do it through half-assed trolling.

    But that's enough preaching to the choir, for now..
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:15 No.22165499
         File1293340530.png-(34 KB, 139x136, spikesmile.png)
    34 KB
    300 posts later, the general image finally arrives
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:16 No.22165510
         File1293340561.jpg-(88 KB, 635x368, 1291919389870.jpg)
    88 KB
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/26/10(Sun)00:17 No.22165539
    There's plenty of negative things to criticize about the show. It can be a little formulaic. The morals are usually shoehorned in. And this is from someone who loves the show.

    But most of the people criticizing it don't know this, because they didn't watch it. They're criticizing it, they didn't watch it, and are criticizing it almost entirely because it's popular. "Because everyone talks about it or I see it all over the board" happens to be BECAUSE IT'S POPULAR. Those are either the definition or direct result of being popular.
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/26/10(Sun)00:17 No.22165551
         File1293340666.jpg-(82 KB, 498x322, 1291465314536.jpg)
    82 KB
    >No DeviantArt group link
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:18 No.22165560
    Anyone have the .avi download for Winter Wrap up without commercials? Nobody's updated the Sharing is Magic page with it, so it seems.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:19 No.22165580
    You post the general image here, right after the thread reaches 310 posts and 122 images?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:20 No.22165617

    Gotta' put it somewhere, guys.

    Besides, that just means they'll likely be around to actually start a new thread with that once this one 404s.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:21 No.22165629
         File1293340902.jpg-(38 KB, 475x322, Pinkie stare2.jpg)
    38 KB
    She does another stare in winter wrap up
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:23 No.22165657
         File1293340993.jpg-(29 KB, 640x360, ponykids2.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:23 No.22165658
    Some day that pony will kill us all...
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:23 No.22165664
    Most of the trolls I've seen credit someone called Movie Theater Lad because he doesn't like the show either. Who is he?
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/26/10(Sun)00:23 No.22165670
         File1293341039.png-(16 KB, 250x322, RUN.png)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:24 No.22165684
    A tripfag, he posted in a thread one or two back..
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:25 No.22165702
    Who gives a fuck lol
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:26 No.22165716
    Does Spike say everybody or everypony?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:26 No.22165720

    He's been around for a while. A long while. From what I've seen, not a lot of people like him.
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/26/10(Sun)00:26 No.22165732
    Not a clue. He said he watched the first two episodes and is judging the rest of the series on it.

    Not that I blame him for disliking it based on those eps. They aren't as good as the rest, in my opinion. But as stated above:

    He's not going to sway anybody's opinion that already likes the show. I don't think he's even going to sway anyone neutral to it that hasn't seen it either.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:27 No.22165740
         File1293341227.jpg-(69 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20101226.jpg)
    69 KB
    Alas, more ponies.

    In the name of science (or customs) I'm /r/ing as many pics of Lyra as you guys can throw at me.

    I'm still undecided on the earth and peg though... All ponies are unwrapped and awaiting their fate.

    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:27 No.22165752
         File1293341272.png-(177 KB, 473x498, thehorror2.png)
    177 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:28 No.22165774
         File1293341331.jpg-(1.22 MB, 720x2691, popcorn_for_god.jpg)
    1.22 MB
    somepony said sharing-an ?

    >full size from deviantart
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:29 No.22165779
    I'm throwing Bon Bon out there again, even though I know I'll get outvoted by Carrot Top.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:30 No.22165790
    you need to take a picture of yourself holding the ponies, with that caption, why can't i hold all these ponies
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:30 No.22165812
    she watches us watching.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:31 No.22165821

    Found this article.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:31 No.22165839
    So much pony
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:32 No.22165858
    do we know who won the naughty-or-nice competition on hubworld? I know we voted for nightmare moon and fluttershy respectively, but I can't load the results off the hub site in canada
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:32 No.22165860
    The first episodes of a series are always weak, so I don't know why he did that.

    But, I couldn't care less. Anybody can dislike the show if they want. Doesn't effect me liking it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:33 No.22165870
    So, he's a butthurt Marvel fan?

    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:34 No.22165878
         File1293341650.png-(Spoiler Image, 17 KB, 666x666, MacCelest.png)
    Spoiler Image, 17 KB
    Can you all guess what Big Mac did?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:34 No.22165885
    I think they both 'won' but the Hub didn't recognise Nightmare Moon's and gave her spot to Megatron instead.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:34 No.22165887
    I think it was Megatron and Fluttershy.

    And the marathon only played at like 5am.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:34 No.22165893
    also has the winner been announced for the nicktoons cartoon of the year yet, or do those awards take place later. last I checked mlp was in the lead
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:35 No.22165895
         File1293341700.jpg-(103 KB, 599x333, KOF 2002 UM Kyo clones.jpg)
    103 KB

    >Celestia simply clones them

    Any drawfriends around? Requesting a picture of Rainbow Dash asking Celestia to grant her a special Christmas wish: a harem loaded with cloned Fluttershy's and Applejack's for her sky castle.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:35 No.22165898
         File1293341707.png-(41 KB, 185x200, ponyes2.png)
    41 KB
    Lyras a good choice, she is an adorable pony with adorable expressions. Though I am surprised nobody suggested Trixie for the unicorn custom
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:35 No.22165906
    As I said before, "Who gives a fuck lol"
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:35 No.22165918
    Actually, I've seen ONE kid today, who was repeating that a lot. He also mentioned one or two other tripfags... I guess they all impressed him big time, what with having those fancy tripcodes and all.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:35 No.22165919
    His show got beat by My Little Pony.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:36 No.22165938

    He's butthurt.

    And also, obviously, a fan of Marvel.

    So he's a butthurt Marvel fan.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:37 No.22165948
    Everyone's tired of Trixie. She's a good choice since she's been more important than the background unicorns, but that annoying roleplayfag turned everyone off her.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:39 No.22165984
         File1293341979.png-(144 KB, 387x355, batsmirk.png)
    144 KB
    >final round
    >MLP: 581 votes
    >EMH: 68 votes
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:41 No.22166011

    Yeah, it's just too much. You've killed her for us, Roleplayer.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:41 No.22166013
         File1293342067.jpg-(46 KB, 1366x768, majesticsteed.jpg)
    46 KB
    I've been Playing MGS Peacewalker since I got that bundle today, and Tara Strong voices Paz. I can't help but think of Twilight. Hispanic Twilight, in MY Metal Gear?! It's more likely than you think.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:41 No.22166019
         File1293342079.png-(92 KB, 600x600, HarmonyHarmony.png)
    92 KB
    Obviously, customanon has to make Robot Unicorn Pony.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:44 No.22166075
    YESSSSSS... I don't think anyone's done a G4 custom of him yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:47 No.22166118
         File1293342429.png-(385 KB, 1366x4004, Rainbow dash father.png)
    385 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:55 No.22166285

    Trixie writefaggotry from yesterday:
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)00:58 No.22166358
         File1293343106.jpg-(138 KB, 838x530, RAINBOWS.jpg)
    138 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:04 No.22166482
         File1293343475.jpg-(98 KB, 900x450, robot unicron hell.jpg)
    98 KB
    Can I request a drawfag to make a MLP version of the Robot Unicorn metal version?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:05 No.22166508
    yeah! u can ask me!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:08 No.22166575
    metal version is shit-tier version
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/26/10(Sun)01:10 No.22166604
         File1293343842.png-(98 KB, 650x650, no_harmony_by_petit_squeak-d32(...).png)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:18 No.22166741
    heh, Make sure you COMPLETELY beat the game. Also when I heard about Paz I have been hoping for Lori Alan.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:21 No.22166787
         File1293344467.png-(195 KB, 900x800, derpymail.png)
    195 KB
    this thread could use some more derpy
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:27 No.22166892

    Hasbro owns D&D now, sadly. So I could see them doing that shit.

    Rrrgh I try to hate Hasbro for 4e and they go release a show this awesome. It's not fair.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:29 No.22166929
         File1293344986.jpg-(167 KB, 800x450, 1293213686972.jpg)
    167 KB
    could someone draw luna here being sad?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:31 No.22166968
         File1293345116.jpg-(54 KB, 484x409, CoolRayquaza.jpg)
    54 KB
    >My face when I'm a Transformers fan and Hasbro is making all my dreams come true.

    Seriously, Generations Wreck-Gar can ride his own alt mode.
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:32 No.22166981
    Oh god, I forgot Hasbro bought out WoTC, hell, I remember twitching when WoTC bought out TSR, the horror.

    Side note, been working on, open to any suggestions, trying to make the domain as useful with links to other MLP content and the video streaming/downloads
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:34 No.22167001

    Do you have links to everything in the General Post that gets thrown around?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:36 No.22167046
         File1293345380.gif-(1.93 MB, 355x200, rarity.gif)
    1.93 MB
    Rarity being cute
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:36 No.22167057

    That place got a lot better looking since I went to it last, though I'll miss that animated bumper.

    A couple of design decisions are off, like the banner at the top being a bit... bad. A little. And the DERP pic in the background clashes with the white text color horrendously. It looks awful over-layed. Maybe lower the constrast on it a bit?
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:40 No.22167117

    Pretty much, the thread finder, pensivepony, official hub channel, ponibooru, wiki, yaridovich's synchtube, the mega streams, mega uploads, I know there's a couple I'm missing at the moment.
    >> Noboru Yamaguchi !!l5VYv2ROMg5 12/26/10(Sun)01:46 No.22167200
         File1293345988.png-(130 KB, 600x450, vlcsnap-2010-08-15-17h34m51s44.png)
    130 KB
    >no deviant art group link
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:47 No.22167209

    The banner, I'd actually like to get a drawfag to make an original rather than me crudely photoshopping, its just something I threw together quickly.

    Cranked the contrast on the Derp picture back, looks to be clashing less now, hard to tell how stuff comes out on other people's monitors, the contract varies just between the two monitors on my system.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)01:59 No.22167404
    The lower-contrast image & white text looks good from here.

    Quick note: the pensivepony Youtube link needs fixing. You have it set to...
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:01 No.22167431
         File1293346883.jpg-(828 KB, 1280x1024, ponygame.jpg)
    828 KB
    Has anyone actually achieved their beauty mark on this game? Seems like a lot of grinding...
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:02 No.22167448

    >> Some guy from Aus 12/26/10(Sun)02:10 No.22167551
         File1293347445.png-(41 KB, 308x326, 1290009587566.png)
    41 KB
    Needs more Jizzbutt
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:18 No.22167665

    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:20 No.22167703

    hey custom-derpymaker, how hard would it be to do a Zecora?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:39 No.22167964
         File1293349155.png-(172 KB, 518x310, Elements of Harmony.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:40 No.22167986
         File1293349219.jpg-(290 KB, 1134x897, Twilight unbound.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:42 No.22168019
         File1293349373.jpg-(184 KB, 1134x856, Rainbow Dash.jpg)
    184 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:46 No.22168068
         File1293349611.png-(210 KB, 640x360, Nightmare Moon.png)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:47 No.22168078
         File1293349668.png-(205 KB, 640x360, Celestia restored.png)
    205 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:48 No.22168081
    Yeah the contrast looks a lot better from my end. Good job.

    After I get more practice with my pen, I'd gladly hook you up with a new banner.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:48 No.22168088
         File1293349712.png-(211 KB, 640x360, Nightmare Moon Vanquished.png)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:52 No.22168131
         File1293349971.png-(124 KB, 342x295, Trixie happy.png)
    124 KB
    And that's the image limit. Thank you for playing; see you next time.
    >> Some guy from Aus 12/26/10(Sun)02:56 No.22168184
    I thought it was "Keep your head or you'll be finished".

    Great, now I need to listen to the song again.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:58 No.22168203
    You've probably got it right; I'm the foal who trusted the Internet to get a simple lyric right.
    >> Mr. Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)02:59 No.22168209

    Thanks. I'd draw something but sadly my artistic skills blow, I'm a writefag if anything.

    Well, that's image limit, were to migrate, there's another thread going but it kind of sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)03:00 No.22168225

    Let's just go there
    >> Anonymous 12/26/10(Sun)03:01 No.22168226
    >>22166047 is the new general.

    It's been going strong for a while now.

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