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  • dear new yorkers: milkshakes??? e-mail

    (please include timestamp and brief description of why you are not crazy)
    welp we are off to a great start
    oh hey, another!
    totally naming my firstborn "dustbin"

    File : 1292876884.gif-(1.2 MB, 480x360, wtfisthisidonteven.gif)
    1.2 MB YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:28 No.22039284  
    Continued from >>22034104

    lets go, more ponies

    working on some Fluttershy art
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:29 No.22039307
         File1292876967.png-(128 KB, 500x500, 12361140482.png)
    128 KB
    Boros pony is the best pony.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:30 No.22039320
    why would you draw fluttershy when you could be drawing applejack?
    i just cant understand your train of thought OP.
    >> acid 12/20/10(Mon)15:31 No.22039344
    okay trolls heres is why we like the new mlp

    imagine there was one a company that pruduces shit you could eat, literary shit. and that company shit was targeted at girls. then that shit got popular with girls and that shit only tasted good with girls.
    but then the company chaged and started prududcing diffrent shit which tasted pretty good for boys even though that shit was aimed for girls.

    then some boys started to like shit, so some other boys were like "how can you like shit,thats for girls" so some boys started thinking that the boys were fags because they liked shit. but some
    boys that thought they were fags tried some of that shit and found it also pretty good.
    but many other still was ignorant enough to not try the shit and not realised how good it is.

    thats why we like the new mlp
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:31 No.22039346
         File1292877106.gif-(524 KB, 366x341, Derpyclop.gif)
    524 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:32 No.22039353
    Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have the same voice actress.

    I now want to see drawn a pic of Pinkie and Fluttershy doing the fusion dance and merging into one pony named FlutterPie.
    >> YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:32 No.22039361
    because i dont like apple jack that much
    1 fluttershy
    2 rainbow dash
    3 rarity
    4 twilight sparkle
    5 applejack
    6 pikie pie
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:33 No.22039378

    >trying to explain anything to trolls

    God damn you're stupid.
    Are you trying to attract more of them?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:33 No.22039380
         File1292877215.jpg-(91 KB, 1024x768, cp_dustbowl0000.jpg)
    91 KB

    >Pinkie Pie
    >Bottom of the list
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/20/10(Mon)15:34 No.22039386
         File1292877240.png-(221 KB, 551x405, That Post Suuuuuuuucked.png)
    221 KB
    ...I don't know what the heck you just said.
    >> acid 12/20/10(Mon)15:34 No.22039394
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:34 No.22039402
    wow son, you have horrible taste in little girls cartoon characters.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:35 No.22039415
         File1292877314.gif-(1.43 MB, 480x360, 1292549580616.gif)
    1.43 MB
    Pinkie Pie is right up there with Pops from Regular Show for my favorite new character this year.

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:35 No.22039422
         File1292877328.png-(11 KB, 1090x318, To a T.png)
    11 KB
    How about just using this?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:35 No.22039426
         File1292877344.jpg-(18 KB, 337x367, 127545696306764.jpg)
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    >> YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:35 No.22039427
    honestly, i like her, but out of all of em, shes my least favorite

    exactly, i used to be with the people who thought you guys were weird, but then i watched 10 episodes and now we will live in HARMONY HARMONY
    OH LOVE~!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:35 No.22039430


    Troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:37 No.22039467
    >You Got To Be Kidding Me
    Sure is troll thread around here.
    >> YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:39 No.22039487

    i used to be on /b/... used to...
    bro threatened to kick my ass down 3 flights of stairs if i got banned again for furry on /b/, so no more /b/ for me, besides... its /b/-hind me now.

    might change trip, but to what?
    >> YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:39 No.22039495
    sure is samefag around here
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:40 No.22039522
    get lost, furry.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:41 No.22039537
    >furry in trip

    God damn it, you are trying to attract as many tolls as possible to this board.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:41 No.22039538
         File1292877700.png-(164 KB, 315x480, 1231597889604332356571.png)
    164 KB
    >bro threatened to kick my ass down 3 flights of stairs if i got banned again for furry on /b/, so no more /b/ for me, besides... its /b/-hind me now.

    Please be a troll. Why must we have idiots lurking these threads?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:42 No.22039547

    get back to the general.
    >> YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:42 No.22039560
         File1292877768.jpg-(15 KB, 525x105, moot-ignoreshit.jpg)
    15 KB
    why? cause i give you guys bad names or something.
    look im not doing anything wrong faggot. now fuck off and leave if you dont like something.

    pic completely fucking related
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 12/20/10(Mon)15:42 No.22039561
         File1292877771.png-(9 KB, 400x400, 003.png)
    9 KB
    christ almighty

    what happened to toothy anyway
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:43 No.22039583
         File1292877810.png-(99 KB, 293x287, 1292725532547.png)
    99 KB
    Flooding the thread with ponies because this argument that's about to break out because of OP's trip is going to be retarded as hell.

    >imagine a flood of ponies
    >> YGTBKM !55IDlFuRRY 12/20/10(Mon)15:43 No.22039592
    inb4 -complete- shitstorm...
    shitstorm has gone to phase 2 i think...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:45 No.22039619
         File1292877913.jpg-(34 KB, 600x400, 1290293336319.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/20/10(Mon)15:45 No.22039620
    As any pony fan knows, this is the only proper list.

    God tier:
    Everyone, even The Prince of Equestria

    Not Really That Great Tier:
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:45 No.22039621
    I wouldn't care about these MLP threads so much if the majority of the people who post in them weren't trolls, retards, and retarded trolls.

    These threads are way worse than Scott Pilgrim threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:45 No.22039626
         File1292877945.png-(38 KB, 505x529, 1291600978723.png)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:45 No.22039628
    this is a terrible pun and you should feel terrible
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:47 No.22039660
         File1292878059.png-(35 KB, 182x189, 12803095271766.png)
    35 KB
    It was forced as hell. My bad.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/20/10(Mon)15:49 No.22039685
    They mellow out and get a lot better once they hit autosage.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:49 No.22039700
         File1292878192.jpg-(124 KB, 459x1024, 1290296868251.jpg)
    124 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:50 No.22039703

    No they don't.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:51 No.22039726
         File1292878283.png-(184 KB, 480x268, 1292827026713.png)
    184 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:52 No.22039760
    I can't believe it, but I'm actually considering moving to a moderated, registered-users only board to discuss MLP.

    All these troll threads (intentional or not) are making it difficult to have an actual discussion.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:53 No.22039773
         File1292878408.jpg-(40 KB, 470x266, 1292823993128.jpg)
    40 KB

    Is there like, another general going on?
    I thought this was the new one and the old one had reached image limit.
    >> YGTBKM 12/20/10(Mon)15:54 No.22039804
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:54 No.22039806
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:55 No.22039819
         File1292878551.jpg-(56 KB, 446x500, 1292720566466.jpg)
    56 KB
    >>22039760 has an easier going community, and their comics board is slow so managing one thread would be easier.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:57 No.22039841
         File1292878622.jpg-(99 KB, 640x360, 1291600819602.jpg)
    99 KB
    Just kidding with the picture. Calm down brah. =]
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:57 No.22039844
    Yeah. I bail. Can't stand this for now. Perhaps later tonight when trolls such as him have the chance of being absent.

    Later folks.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:57 No.22039849
    y u mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)15:57 No.22039852

    Given that they would tolerate a pony thread.
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 12/20/10(Mon)15:58 No.22039880
         File1292878735.png-(86 KB, 500x500, DANGER SNAKE.png)
    86 KB
    oh god
    but for rainbow dash
    >> YGTBKM 12/20/10(Mon)16:00 No.22039915
    cause you think im a troll...
    i will be lurking 24/7
    i will...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:01 No.22039941
    The old General thread is still going strong, even though we're past the image limit.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:01 No.22039949
         File1292878903.gif-(1.17 MB, 325x188, 1292734074668.gif)
    1.17 MB
    Well most posters are probably drunk or high
    So hopefully they'll be like "oh god what ponies? What the fuck no why am i watching th WHEN I WAS A LITTLE FILLY AND THE SUN WAS GOING DOOOOoooooown."

    That's pretty much exactly how I came to love this show. Saw one episode intoxicated, just started watching it sober or regardless
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:03 No.22040006

    Wait, you weren't trolling?
    Holy shit tripfags are retarded.
    You simply got what you deserved for having furry in your trip and then starting a pony thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:04 No.22040009

    thanks, you just confirmed yourself
    >> YGTBKM 12/20/10(Mon)16:05 No.22040039
    yes i got what i deserved, im not denying that fact now, i understand

    i said you people THINK im a troll, an opinion is not a fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:06 No.22040060

    I wonder if this guy is pretending to be legitimately retarded in an attempt to restore his troll cred.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:06 No.22040065
         File1292879203.png-(69 KB, 496x643, 123784277731.png)
    69 KB

    Toothy quit the internets. I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:08 No.22040093
         File1292879294.png-(194 KB, 640x360, 1291965029451.png)
    194 KB
    I think it was more everyone overreacted.

    Which is happening because most of the MLP fanbase right now is REALLY on edge and learning that the only way to deal with negativity is to shout "troll" and curse away everyone that may possibly be a troll.

    It's just a step away from Mass Effect fanbase retarded-ness... sadly.

    Seriously this thread could've just started off fun and innocent if it weren't for people making a mountain out of a mole hill
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:08 No.22040103
    This is familiar. What else have you drawn?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:10 No.22040149
         File1292879447.jpg-(181 KB, 1056x1056, pinkie_pencil-(n1291003701063).jpg)
    181 KB
    Linking to interesting archived thread
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:12 No.22040170

    Only an idiot puts "furry" in his trip and expects the thread not to turn to shit.
    So OP is either a retard or a troll, and I'm not too fond of either of those.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:12 No.22040180
         File1292879546.jpg-(490 KB, 906x800, 124358871071.jpg)
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    Not me but she did draw this.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:13 No.22040198
         File1292879589.jpg-(763 KB, 927x900, 124646885716.jpg)
    763 KB

    And this.
    >> YGTBKM 12/20/10(Mon)16:14 No.22040231
         File1292879693.jpg-(9 KB, 188x268, arguing on the internet.jpg)
    9 KB
    ok, im not talking anymore, and im not gonna do anymore for you guys for now. im just gonna go back to drawing and stop all the arguing.
    I just tried to help and make a new general thread and i get fucking bashed for it.
    later /co/mrade, see:
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:15 No.22040252
         File1292879750.jpg-(464 KB, 836x886, 1292576398876.jpg)
    464 KB
    i wouldn't have even noticed it being there were it not for everyone making an unnecessarily big deal about it. And you can't judge someone as a retard simply for one word in a trip, what if they put it in there to be funny?

    But enough talking about this bullshit nonsense.

    Back to ponies!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:16 No.22040263
    Gee... I feel kinda bad now...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:19 No.22040327
         File1292879983.jpg-(112 KB, 350x447, 1292627167681.jpg)
    112 KB
    Actually I just realized MS was back up and running so I'm just gunna go play that and PONIES later.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:20 No.22040333
         File1292880014.png-(147 KB, 640x360, Trixie.png)
    147 KB
    ♪ ♫ When I was just a filly my moma told me "Trix, always be a good pony don't ever play with guns."
    But I shot a mare in Ponyville...just to watch her die.
    When I hear that whistle blowing I hang my head and cry. ♪ ♫
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:23 No.22040381
         File1292880182.jpg-(8 KB, 324x188, dashmakeitstop.jpg)
    8 KB
    Too much drama and overreacting around here

    That shit may fly in Filly-delphia but not around here
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:28 No.22040496
         File1292880526.png-(194 KB, 640x360, Running Trixie.png)
    194 KB
    ♪ ♫ I felt the power, of death over life.
    I orphaned his children, I widowed his wife.
    I begged their forgiveness. I wish I was dead. I hung my head. I hung my head. ♪ ♫
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:34 No.22040631
         File1292880896.png-(19 KB, 200x200, 1266133025789.png)
    19 KB
    So i showed applebucking season to a co-worker and he hated it. And he watches the shittiest animes. So it's not for everyone?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:38 No.22040720
    >hated by half the board
    I have no pics of applebuck to post.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:38 No.22040723
    >>22040631 he watches the shittiest animes

    Well, there's your problem.

    He probably was put off by the lack of underage girls trying to hump the main character.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:39 No.22040747
    >>22040720 hated by half the board

    I wonder how many of that half have actually watched the show, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:39 No.22040750
    >lack of underage girls trying to hump the main character
    >first episode, everypony is trying to hump Twilight
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:40 No.22040772
         File1292881246.gif-(741 KB, 428x320, 1291845702939.gif)
    741 KB

    If he likes shitty anime, why would he like cartoons?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:40 No.22040776
         File1292881252.png-(195 KB, 900x800, derpasqishiudkf.png)
    195 KB
    who knoooooooows
    Is it weird that I have more Derpy Hooves pics saved than anything else?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:45 No.22040892
    yes. cut it out, you. start liking what everyone else does
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 12/20/10(Mon)16:46 No.22040908
         File1292881577.png-(6 KB, 400x400, go cry emo kid.png)
    6 KB
    but she drew me the best
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:46 No.22040919
         File1292881619.png-(107 KB, 614x352, 1292314615289.png)
    107 KB
    Not really, considering the ridiculous amount of art /co/ has pumped out for her.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:47 No.22040933
    Here's the deal:

    Derpy and Showers aren't gay

    But are nevertheless are the comic duo in Ponyville.

    Derpy being the silly filly while Showers being the straight pony

    They go on on slapstick misadventures in and beyond Equestria.

    In a desert
    In the Orient
    Even where the Zebras live
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:48 No.22040950
         File1292881696.jpg-(496 KB, 860x860, MOOFIN.jpg)
    496 KB
    No srsly it's not like she's my favorite pony
    she just has the best pics.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:49 No.22040970
         File1292881758.jpg-(263 KB, 874x1039, 1290379730871.jpg)
    263 KB
    I'd rather the show never did any plot involving Derpy

    She should stay a /co/ creation
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:49 No.22040982
    who is this showers person
    >> chopper's top hat !!aGLqNDWHQaD 12/20/10(Mon)16:49 No.22040986
    No. Derpy is awesome.

    Most of my MLP folder is Pinkie but that's only because there's more images of her around. I have pretty much every Derpy pic I've ever seen on here. Too bad I'm at work right now or I'd post some.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:50 No.22040999
         File1292881835.jpg-(21 KB, 346x395, drowsy_konata.jpg)
    21 KB
    Well, isn't MLP kinda of like an american version of all that moe shows they have in japan.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041008
    If anything a silent nod to her fans here would be cool
    Like another scene where she is derp-eyed in the background or something subtle like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041014
    I refuse to believe this is a real show. Jokes over, guys. You can stop now.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041018

    I'd like a background scene where she delivers the mail. I can think that all us Bronies can agree that would be awesome?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041019
    i lol'd when her hooves missed when clopping
    >> chopper's top hat !!aGLqNDWHQaD 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041025
    If the show ever does anything with her, it will be REALLY subtle and small. Like, maybe she flies by in the background and if you freeze-frame you can make out a letter in her saddlebag. Something like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041026
         File1292881904.jpg-(109 KB, 455x590, 1290405758863.jpg)
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    >> Crownley 12/20/10(Mon)16:51 No.22041028
         File1292881912.png-(28 KB, 751x640, 1290581050594.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:52 No.22041030
         File1292881921.jpg-(108 KB, 600x600, derp squa.jpg)
    108 KB
    there are SO MANY
    Someone needs to upload them all to ponibooru
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:52 No.22041036
         File1292881928.png-(146 KB, 744x305, 5stepsofherddom.png)
    146 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:52 No.22041051
         File1292881963.gif-(580 KB, 480x268, Flutter_oh-crap.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:53 No.22041060
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)16:53 No.22041080
    Personally, I'd like to see a cold opener where she's delivering mail throughout Ponyville, only to reach one of the houses of the main cast. Whoever it is, they open the door, grab their mail, and slam the door, forcing Derpy back, giving her the derp eyes as she lands. Cut to inside the house, where the plot can properly get started.

    Something like that, you know? It wouldn't last more than 30 seconds at the most, and it would cover most, if not all, of what we've made of Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:54 No.22041083
    yeah, keep telling yourself that, /co/
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:54 No.22041085
    But Rainbow Dash is mai waifu
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:54 No.22041103
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:55 No.22041107
         File1292882107.gif-(7 KB, 369x369, davegotta.gif)
    7 KB
    >bro threatened to kick my ass down 3 flights of stairs if i got banned again for furry on /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:55 No.22041116

    That's because you're a lesbian.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)16:55 No.22041124

    All I ask for is credit.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:55 No.22041129
         File1292882158.png-(342 KB, 1920x1080, index.php.png)
    342 KB
    >>22040933 But are nevertheless are the comic duo in Ponyville.

    That would be Pinkie and Rarity.

    Seriously, their interaction in Dragonshy was classic. They need their own episode where they're just traveling to Pinkie's grandma's house and get caught up in various predicaments, and the others don't even show up.

    I kind of like the idea that Showers is trying to figure Derpy out by following her around. She is a curious pony and seeks to know the unknowable. And nothing is more unknowable than the mind of Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:56 No.22041147
    A male lesbian?
    I can dig it.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:57 No.22041159
         File1292882222.jpg-(158 KB, 900x1200, wowponies.jpg)
    158 KB
    I'm going to post MLP on the wow forums.

    Those that play wow are welcome to come support the thread.

    What episode should I link to really hook people? Inb4applebuck season. I don't like that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:57 No.22041168
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:57 No.22041176
    Showers is apparently what we are calling the yellow pegasus that is seen around Derpy a few times.
    Even though the eye color and hair is wrong in the center picture
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:58 No.22041191

    WoW Forums? Dragonshy. Rarity's treasure stealing moment is sure to steal hearts.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:58 No.22041193
         File1292882328.jpg-(27 KB, 435x326, malelesbian.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)16:59 No.22041201
    Okay, fine, you don't even have to credit me. Just ask me for permission, I guess. Draft up a permission slip if you have to do so.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:59 No.22041210
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)16:59 No.22041211
         File1292882386.png-(21 KB, 220x225, mlpgeneral.png)
    21 KB
    And that's 404, fillies and gentlecolts.

    Official Channel:
    Youtube Channel:
    Synchtube (watch with friends!):
    Thread Locator and Archive:
    Plus4chan Fanworks Archive:
    Ponibooru Imagedump:
    Community Wiki:
    Download links on
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:00 No.22041223
         File1292882430.gif-(946 KB, 280x235, 1291505404521.gif)
    946 KB
    Meh. Take what you will, but I like the characters because they are characters, not just cute animations.

    And even if it is, I still wouldn't care.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:00 No.22041233
    I would agree, Dragonshy has the most traditional "quest" format of any of the episodes, seems like it would fit well with WoWfags.

    In tonight's episode the part of Leeroy Jenkins will be played by Dash.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:01 No.22041245
         File1292882479.gif-(415 KB, 640x360, 1292393134902.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:02 No.22041275
         File1292882553.png-(219 KB, 854x480, derpyfriend-(n1292870211282)[1(...).png)
    219 KB
    And of course the thread 404s right after I post this
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:02 No.22041284
    download links are also at
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:03 No.22041289
    Alrighty, it has to be relevant somewhat since WoW doesn't have an off topic forum anymore.

    I was thinking starting it with "WoW needs more ponies" or something, but I am not sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:03 No.22041292
    could somepony PLEASE draw an Eddie pony? with a couple of bees on the butt mark
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:04 No.22041314
         File1292882679.png-(192 KB, 854x480, 1290618967871.png)
    192 KB

    derpy's eyes change color to blue in winter wrap up as well. something in the water in that episode.

    Its definitely the same pony.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:04 No.22041316
         File1292882682.gif-(491 KB, 320x240, applerare.gif)
    491 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:04 No.22041322
         File1292882687.png-(90 KB, 289x250, derpyfriend2-(n1292875304126).png)
    90 KB
    One is a regular pony that wishes a sane life in the village

    The other is the strange pony which always finds herself in trouble

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:05 No.22041331
    If you really want to troll, you could always suggest these "Ponies" as new in-game companion pets.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:05 No.22041334
    Well there's dragons
    so it's already relevant
    But you could also say that this is a petition to get a rainbow dash mount put in wow.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:05 No.22041339

    New Gnome and Goblin horse Mounts.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:05 No.22041346
    And with fantastic makeup. And a fantastic gun.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:06 No.22041368
    I got an odd couple theme in my head now..thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:07 No.22041374
    Does anyone here know Cromartie High? If so, would it melt your brains if I said that I wanted to see pony versions of them? Especially Freddy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:07 No.22041388
         File1292882875.jpg-(290 KB, 1134x897, twilight_battle_by_14_bis-d353(...).jpg)
    290 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:08 No.22041396
    I think someone did that. Shame I didn't save the pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:08 No.22041397
         File1292882911.jpg-(12 KB, 351x267, 1291174804828.jpg)
    12 KB

    It will either be completely ignored, be deleted, or actually go somewhere.

    If you have a wow account I suggest starting something up in it just to get the ball rolling.

    inb4 "WE DONT WANT WOWFAGS IN OUR FANDUM", imagine if wow forums=what /co/ is going through right now. Ponies would be an internet phenomenon in a week, and season 3 would be guaranteed.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:08 No.22041399
         File1292882911.jpg-(211 KB, 1419x1036, 1292176984030.jpg)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:08 No.22041413
    Or Derpy's twin sister. Someone should watch over Derpy
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:10 No.22041431

    Pffft, BWAHAHAHA! Holy shit, that's hilarious! Fuckin' saved!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:10 No.22041434
         File1292883042.jpg-(1.56 MB, 1280x1931, jla_06_023.jpg)
    1.56 MB
    >>22041129 She is a curious pony and seeks to know the unknowable. And nothing is more unknowable than the mind of Derpy.

    Showers, you fool! No mortal can ever comprehend the truth of Derpy!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:12 No.22041468
         File1292883168.png-(575 KB, 1323x2921, derpy_breeze.png)
    575 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:13 No.22041477
    I wish the wow forums were image boards so I could post some shit
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:14 No.22041511
         File1292883294.gif-(2.75 MB, 196x147, Pinky Hop.gif)
    2.75 MB
    When I was a little filly and the sun was going down~
    The darkness and the shadows they would always make me frown~
    I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw, but Granny Pie said,
    "That wasn't the way to deal with fears at all!"

    She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears. You'll
    see that they can't hurt you. Just laugh and make them dissappear~
    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Giggle at the ghosty
    Guffa at the grossy
    Crack up at the creepy
    Woop it up with the weepy
    Chortle at the cooky
    Snortle at the spooky
    And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone
    and if he thinks he can scare you he's got another coming and the very idea
    of such a thing just makes you want to [Laughter]

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:15 No.22041532
         File1292883352.jpg-(35 KB, 520x363, pinkie_pie_YEAH.jpg)
    35 KB
    This is frickin' brilliant!! Also, I just realized that I don't have nearly enough "laughing" reaction images. So, uh, /r/ing some good laughs.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:16 No.22041552
    Arighty, /co/. I've tried watching this, and I just can't get into it. Is this a bad thing? Am I supposed to submit and conform to all this madness?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:18 No.22041581
         File1292883489.png-(69 KB, 302x168, derpist.png)
    69 KB
    careful showers, one pony already tried to get into the mind of derpy, and look how she turned out.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:18 No.22041595
         File1292883525.png-(79 KB, 318x312, ur a fag.png)
    79 KB

    A classic.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:19 No.22041624
         File1292883581.png-(107 KB, 411x339, 128795072311.png)
    107 KB
    Perfectly normal.

    We don't force the issue unless it is trolls, but still welcome who do
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:20 No.22041634
    If you don't like it, you don't like it. It's all groovy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:20 No.22041638
    Naw, 'tis cool. Not for everybody.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:21 No.22041662
         File1292883695.png-(103 KB, 309x265, sad.png)
    103 KB
    the wow forums are not responding well.

    I should have thrown robot unicorn in there to begin with.

    I have failed.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:22 No.22041672
         File1292883729.jpg-(50 KB, 473x270, 1290051434329.jpg)
    50 KB

    Nope, most people are immune to its charm.

    Feel free to ignore every pony thread you see.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:24 No.22041702

    >Rarity: Lawful Girly

    She really does have that Paladin attitude, doesn't she?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:25 No.22041735
         File1292883932.gif-(652 KB, 256x144, rainbowdash-mirth.gif)
    652 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:25 No.22041739
    It's not the same pony, check out her cutie mark. This one's got butterflies.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:25 No.22041747
    Is this picture supposed to look like a Robot Master select? Because it looks like one to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:25 No.22041749
         File1292883956.png-(445 KB, 1984x2570, index.php.png)
    445 KB
    Fie on them, then! Fat shut-ins who devote their lives to gold farming are clearly beneath us
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:26 No.22041752
         File1292883963.jpg-(60 KB, 640x480, Luckycharm.jpg)
    60 KB
    Tried to fix the lighting. Didn't work, so repost.

    Confound you, bronies. You drive me to OCdonotsteals.

    .... This is Luckycharm. She's generally regarded as a jinx in the Ponyville community and everyone tends to stay well away from her. As a result, she has no friends and hasn't had the opportunity to earn her cutiemark.

    Although Lucky's magic is powerful, she has very little control over it which often leads to it doing a lot more harm than good when it's used.

    Haven't been able to play with color scheme because I have no editing program and, as you can tell by crappy pic quality, no scanner.

    God. Making an OC feels so wrong, but soooooo good. Why?

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:26 No.22041757
    the concept of derpy expressing herself more effectively in written prose is very good.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:26 No.22041766
         File1292884007.png-(178 KB, 640x360, My Little Pony Friendship is M(...).png)
    178 KB
    does she really
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:27 No.22041773

    >Braided tail

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:28 No.22041793
    >Derpy as Megaman
    Do want
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:28 No.22041804
    You beat Pinkie Man!

    Get equipped with:


    You beat Rarity Man!

    Get equipped with:


    You beat Derpy man!

    Get equipped with:

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:29 No.22041812
    >Derpy as Dr. Wiley

    Not sure which is better.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:30 No.22041820
         File1292884201.jpg-(53 KB, 750x828, derpyhooves yotsuba.jpg)
    53 KB
    derpy love!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:30 No.22041825
    So I guess this one doesn't have much to do with Derpy at all, other than looking a little like her.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:31 No.22041867
         File1292884314.png-(170 KB, 348x450, derphmm.png)
    170 KB

    if you mean "showers" her mark is 3 umbrellas. The two ponies who look closest to her have a thudercloud, and three tornadoes as their marks respectively.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:32 No.22041868
    What are you, 12?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:33 No.22041899
         File1292884417.png-(81 KB, 509x569, scottish yard.png)
    81 KB

    There will never be a Scottish pony in Ponyville.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:34 No.22041927
         File1292884488.gif-(522 KB, 220x270, 1292548669621.gif)
    522 KB
    As a Paladin of Fabulousity, rescuing such lovely jewelry from being denied the opportunity to make someone beautiful by an evil dragon is well within her Paladin Code.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:35 No.22041937
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:35 No.22041939

    >Plaid Heart Cutie Mark

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:37 No.22041984
         File1292884657.gif-(41 KB, 360x360, 1292291588425.gif)
    41 KB

    I couldn't resist



    I always imagined Lucky having some kind of accent. Couldn't decide what, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:38 No.22041996
         File1292884693.png-(270 KB, 736x492, raritydin.png)
    270 KB

    "I simply cannot allow such a crime against fabulousity go uncorrected!" is Paladin talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:38 No.22042004
         File1292884721.png-(101 KB, 600x671, 1290913418589.png)
    101 KB

    Whoops. Switch the posts.

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:40 No.22042025
    Equestria must have some pretty kooky gods.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:41 No.22042041
         File1292884869.png-(19 KB, 123x133, celestiaisamused.png)
    19 KB

    it does
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:41 No.22042049
         File1292884903.png-(226 KB, 1026x1948, appledash_story.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:44 No.22042095
         File1292885044.png-(132 KB, 796x651, shot_down.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:44 No.22042098
         File1292885046.png-(161 KB, 640x360, My Little Pony Friendship is M(...).png)
    161 KB
    fabulous tale, bronies. but no. I don't see what you see and I think what you see is not there.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:44 No.22042122
         File1292885088.png-(64 KB, 410x487, mochasad.png)
    64 KB

    All of my tears.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:46 No.22042157
    This is starting to get popular and no sir, I dont like it. Them ponies be lesbians, I decree!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:47 No.22042188
         File1292885278.png-(255 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2010-12-09-09h07m12s18.png)
    255 KB
    I can see the paladin connection. If you follow her convictions, she is very kind and generous and will do her best to make you better. But if you do not follow her views, you are a heretic.

    "You are a foal. I want nothing to do with you."
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:48 No.22042189
         File1292885280.png-(87 KB, 996x1118, fluttertosh.png)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:48 No.22042202
    Cream Pie. Pinkie Pie's slutty older sister.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:50 No.22042253
         File1292885443.png-(70 KB, 432x297, derpyno.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:50 No.22042259
         File1292885447.gif-(1.15 MB, 640x360, Pony Charge.gif)
    1.15 MB
    I thought Derpy's friend was named Rainy Shine.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:50 No.22042260
         File1292885452.png-(210 KB, 701x673, 1290496771014.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:50 No.22042263
    It took a few months, but the name finally came up.
    >> A Fistful of Apples !94yMGn.GiE 12/20/10(Mon)17:51 No.22042267
         File1292885470.jpg-(111 KB, 500x520, 1292215301552.jpg)
    111 KB

    I agree. And what I say goes. Because I said so.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:51 No.22042272
    might want...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:52 No.22042289
         File1292885529.jpg-(272 KB, 945x720, apple tart.jpg)
    272 KB
    Too many slutty older sisters around here.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:52 No.22042293
         File1292885548.jpg-(45 KB, 600x334, 1290927762152.jpg)
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    Not to mention the way she kicked that Manticore in the face.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:54 No.22042336
         File1292885686.jpg-(511 KB, 1700x1500, 1292728746677.jpg)
    511 KB

    I think having a name with any variation of "shine" or "shiney" would prove hazardous around derpy
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:55 No.22042355
         File1292885750.png-(455 KB, 1000x3000, 1292459315901.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:56 No.22042365
    Honestly, though, if your name is "Cream Pie" or "Apple Tart," how else are you going to act?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:57 No.22042397
    me too. I dunno where this Showers business came from.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:58 No.22042413
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)17:59 No.22042431

    That picture reminds me. My ultimate "Derpy Hooves reference" would be Derpy in the background, delivering a letter to the cakes with her mailbag, and they give her a muffin in thanks, then she flies off. It would be amazing.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)17:59 No.22042437
    Every pony has a slutty older sister. Of course, they're all after Big Mac.

    Applejack - Apple Tart
    Pinkie Pie - Cream Pie
    Fluttershy - ????
    Rainbow Dash - ????
    Twilight Sparkle - ????
    Rarity - ????
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:00 No.22042445
         File1292886025.png-(163 KB, 559x400, power_p.png)
    163 KB
    I was wondering if there was another super-pony pics
    we have batman-pinkipie and super-dash.
    I want to see a wonder-twilight
    >> LuckyCharm 12/20/10(Mon)18:00 No.22042451

    Someone suggested an MLP/ATLA casting last thread.

    SOOOO TEMPTED. But alas, it would be the same quality as >>22041752
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:01 No.22042463
         File1292886073.png-(48 KB, 191x219, geninhererightthisinstant.png)
    48 KB
    I am just waiting for the derpy/showers (or wheover) musical number featuring "singing in the rain". I am sure it would be both adorable and pitiful.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:01 No.22042474
    Who is the most well endowed pony in all Equestria?.
    >Inb4 Big Mac.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:02 No.22042477
    This raises an interesting point!

    How do ponies get their names? All of them have amazingly appropriate names if you think about it. They match their personalities, occupations, interests, sometimes all three. It seems almost too coincidental for them to all have been named at birth, and they all just happened to be incredibly good fits for those names. I mean, Fluttershy's parents couldn't possibly have known she'd grow up to be so (adorably) shy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:02 No.22042483
         File1292886139.jpg-(122 KB, 940x609, 1290472895726.jpg)
    122 KB

    Here's the opposite of that drawing.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:02 No.22042498
    Mr. Cake.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:02 No.22042502
         File1292886179.jpg-(59 KB, 389x700, b8vM1qe0wzgo1_500.jpg)
    59 KB
    how to draw all ponies
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:04 No.22042528

    maybe they get an "adult" name when they get their butt symbol. Would explain why apple bloom is named as she is. A young apple.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:05 No.22042568
    Fluttershy - Slutferguys
    Rarity - Rearentry
    Rainbow Dash - Gayfoh Cash
    Twilight Sparkle - Midnight Spanking
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:06 No.22042594
    thanks that was new to me!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:06 No.22042604
    So I watched all this show like you guys said, and it was okay, but I've wondered: why don't they have legit boy-ponies as characters? I don't see how anything would have to be different at all if a few more of the bystanders who they talk to just happen to be male. And no, don't throw those two inbred derps from the Trixie episode at me.

    Come on, what's with the female-centrist bit?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:08 No.22042634
    In the last thread, someone noticed the pony who is always around Derpy, and someone named her Spring Showers. And then we started calling her Showers.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:08 No.22042643

    staying true to the shows roots. The ratio of males to females in ponyland is just very skewed. there are way more females than males. Males are simply comparatively rare.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:08 No.22042644
    sweet celestia, it's bad on so many levels
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:09 No.22042661
    You know how 98% of all cartoons have male-centric casts with one token girl?

    This is the opposite.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)18:09 No.22042664
    You're implying that Spike isn't enough of a man to satisfy the male quota.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:09 No.22042665
    That's quite a bit more of a stretch than Apple Tart and Cream Pie...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:10 No.22042699
         File1292886626.png-(321 KB, 792x936, 1290583365064.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:11 No.22042715
    Agreed. She's lawful good, but her religious understanding of "good" is synonymous with "fabulous". She doesn't *have* to be a paladin, but she's sure as hell a lot like one.

    But we already knew that and it's just a silly association, not a conversation-shifting remark to put focus on alignment charts.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:12 No.22042750
    Seems that Mc Donalds willl have Pony toys, the next nonth. Are you fag enough to buy one?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:13 No.22042760
    This is Friendship is Magic
    everypony r friends=there r no lesbians
    >> !FYdHVbm2Ik 12/20/10(Mon)18:13 No.22042773
    WIP, not real sure I should continue. Please criticize.

    Fluttershy hovered and stared at the blue jays, finches, mocking birds, and flamingo in front of her with her usual oxymoronic look of being both friendly and shy. “Okay, I know Mr. Flamingo doesn't usually sing and dance with us, but I thought maybe his interpretive dancing would help boost our own abilities, maybe we could even get all of Ponyville singing.”

    “Get all of Ponyvillle singing? That idea is really quite ringing!” Fluttershy turned to see the male pony behind her that sung that. He was dressed in a black and green tux with a black feathered hat and a pair of sunglasses that resembled a bar of music. Fluttershy muttered a cry. “No need to be afraid, I'm just gonna start a parade, a crusade for the decade, wanna help to invade the ears of everypony?” Fluttershy gave another wimper.

    “I should give my name, it flows from my mouth, just like your mane, that from the south. I AM FAMEDLY NAME... THE MUSIC MIESTER!” This only caused more wimpers from Fluttershy, who then turn to look behind her for a possible distraction.

    “My Dame, do you not like my name? It shames me, for I thought we would be together. Musical Robin Hoods, forever bringing music to those that need it. For those that cannot read it but plead for it, I sing for them. Now I cling to your legs and beg, please sing with me and bring your voice.”
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:13 No.22042774
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:13 No.22042777
         File1292886826.png-(399 KB, 666x949, Zocura.png)
    399 KB
    as friendship and ponies may fill your head,
    notice there is not much Zocura in this thread.

    (am I spelling that right? I swear I've seen her name spelled 20 different ways. which one is the right way?)
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:14 No.22042794
         File1292886878.jpg-(221 KB, 792x936, 1288849703127.jpg)
    221 KB
    and he never ate apples again
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:15 No.22042812
    I have never noticed that. And now I can't even think of one. Every freaking show I can think of has plenty of female characters who play important roles. Dexter's Lab, Thundercats, Phineas and Ferb, Spongebob, the Animaniacs,
    Rugrats, Dungeons and fucking Dragons. That's just a few that come to mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:16 No.22042822
         File1292886960.png-(437 KB, 792x935, hgreou.png)
    437 KB
    Isn't that a followup of this?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:16 No.22042824
         File1292886962.png-(72 KB, 777x424, Magick.png)
    72 KB
    >MFW Boros
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:16 No.22042835
    I thought it was Zakura
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:18 No.22042874
         File1292887111.jpg-(53 KB, 650x427, flutterpie.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:19 No.22042893
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)18:19 No.22042896
    It's Z'cho'ra, duh.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:19 No.22042898
    i'm fine with that. besides, i'm respectful of every opinion of this nature as long as it is fun
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:19 No.22042899


    I got wood
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:20 No.22042914
    Phineas and Ferb: main characters are Phineas, Ferb, *Candace*, Doof, and Perry

    Spongebob: major recurring characters and main characters are Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr Krabs, Plankton, and *Sandy*

    (token female marked by asterisks)
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:21 No.22042937
         File1292887278.jpg-(49 KB, 603x722, 1289695561907.jpg)
    49 KB
    Damn right he is
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:22 No.22042955
    Yeah, Spongebob isn't exactly a good example, given the faggotry. Sort of skews the gender schema.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:23 No.22042974
    Thought it was Zecora
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:24 No.22042986
    What about Isabella?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:24 No.22042989
         File1292887474.png-(121 KB, 455x360, just_nerd.png)
    121 KB
    choose your breed of male pony:
    -fucking-awesome prince pony

    also trixie likes nerds...think about it
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/20/10(Mon)18:26 No.22043013
    You know, normally I don't buy into "OTP" stuff.

    But uh...

    Does anyone think that Dante and Pinkie Pie might make an interesting match?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:26 No.22043024
         File1292887597.jpg-(16 KB, 300x300, Zac-Efron2.jpg)
    16 KB
    >>22042896 Its
    Zack URA!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:27 No.22043034
    freaking anything but prince of equestria
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:27 No.22043049
         File1292887670.jpg-(100 KB, 780x541, rarity_sketch_by_14_bis-d35akf(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:28 No.22043050
         File1292887680.jpg-(46 KB, 908x222, lauren_Zecora.jpg)
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    >> !FYdHVbm2Ik 12/20/10(Mon)18:28 No.22043065
    Also, any requests for a writefag to do?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:29 No.22043091

    Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkles slash fic.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:30 No.22043102
    Something about Granny Smith from when she was young. Maybe from her days as a riveter during the war.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:30 No.22043111
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:31 No.22043114
         File1292887862.jpg-(64 KB, 431x347, 12716298465567.jpg)
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    >mfw 14-bis draws Rarity.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:31 No.22043119

    Pinkie's first boyfriend and hard break-up.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:31 No.22043139
    something tells me Hasbro will.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:32 No.22043146


    Starring Pinkie Pie and Mr. Cake.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:32 No.22043155
    Even on his day off, he gets stuck working at the Sugar Cube Corner with her?
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)18:32 No.22043157
         File1292887958.png-(135 KB, 700x700, Mischief_Edge_by_!bgREVLN8FU.png)
    135 KB
    >Sup, guys! Here's my latest Original Character (Do not steal!), this time based on Hasbro's My Little Pony series. His name is Mischief Edge (Those are my initials, LOL!), and he is Rarity's brother from out of town. He has a cutie mark that changes shape every day, his hair can change length whenever he wants, and he is part Unicorn and part Pegasus.
    >He's also Princess Luna's boyfriend, helps Pinkie Pie throw parties, assists Twilight with her studies, managed to get Rainbow Dash into the Wonderbolts, and even got a scar from fighting off a dragon that was scaring Fluttershy. Princess Celestia herself gave him the grandest of all royal honors after that last event, mind you. He's even managed to clear Applejack's entire apple orchard during Applebuck Season by himself… twice!

    >Anyway, My Little Pony © Hasbro
    >Mischief Edge © !bgREVLN8FU
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:32 No.22043161

    Stupid Crush on Rarity...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:33 No.22043171
         File1292887990.jpg-(39 KB, 600x338, 1291015133920.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:34 No.22043204
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:34 No.22043206
         File1292888081.png-(200 KB, 768x234, kbhkkh.png)
    200 KB
    holly shit!
    applejack is a really a girl!!
    >> !FYdHVbm2Ik 12/20/10(Mon)18:35 No.22043230
    I'll start on this in a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:35 No.22043233
    Support the "spread ponies to the internet" cause.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:36 No.22043240

    Looking pretty derp there Applejack.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:36 No.22043254
         File1292888204.jpg-(85 KB, 953x953, deus_ex.jpg)
    85 KB
    Before this Thread hits the Image Limit I'd like someone to make a Deus ex cover parody with Spike as JC Denton
    Bonus Points if Derpy is replaced as one of the helicopters
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:37 No.22043282
    Zecora and Etrigan the demon (from Batman: The Brave and the Bold) in a limerick battle?
    >> kloudmutt 12/20/10(Mon)18:38 No.22043293
         File1292888301.jpg-(138 KB, 800x600, spikity.jpg)
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    its time for the drawfagin
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:38 No.22043304
         File1292888338.jpg-(27 KB, 512x368, muney.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:39 No.22043311
         File1292888351.png-(668 KB, 1094x854, IMAD.png)
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    DAMNIT /co/!


    ...STOP IT.
    >> The Envious Envy !99o3ns1eSo 12/20/10(Mon)18:40 No.22043331
    You cannot avoid the powers of the ponies.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:40 No.22043347
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:40 No.22043351

    Rarity trying to dress Big Mac up all Fancy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:41 No.22043369
         File1292888495.gif-(238 KB, 200x200, 1292794907223.gif)
    238 KB
    Um h-hi there /co/...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:42 No.22043394

    Hi there Fluttershy! What brings you here today?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:43 No.22043403
    that is one of the stages
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:43 No.22043406
    >> Crash !IzO0xHjTYk 12/20/10(Mon)18:43 No.22043412
         File1292888627.gif-(1.6 MB, 350x197, Speechless Castle.gif)
    1.6 MB
    >Watch ponies for the first time last night to see what the hub-bub was all about
    >Dat Applejack, Dat Dash
    >What's happening to me?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:44 No.22043427



    You're at depression.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:44 No.22043430
         File1292888691.png-(121 KB, 385x266, 1290646737046.png)
    121 KB
    >dat innocent standing just gave me diabetes.jpg
    >> LuckyCharm 12/20/10(Mon)18:44 No.22043432
         File1292888693.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, rainbowdashtoph.jpg)
    61 KB

    Fuck it.

    Here's Rainbow Dash as Toph.

    Should I go ahead and do the rest of the cast?
    >> The Envious Envy !99o3ns1eSo 12/20/10(Mon)18:44 No.22043434
    I'm still and will always be in the depression stage.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:45 No.22043443
         File1292888722.jpg-(86 KB, 640x360, 1290675815443.jpg)
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    definitely this
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:46 No.22043453

    Do it. Though I'm not sure how the Blinding Flying Earthbender thing work.
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 12/20/10(Mon)18:47 No.22043464
    >derpy is actually a brilliant poet

    this could actually work.
    i haven't drawfagged in a year, i should start again for this
    >> LuckyCharm 12/20/10(Mon)18:48 No.22043497

    I'm going off the roles chosen in the last thread. I'm pretty sure they were mostly personality based.

    Derpy as King Boomi
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:49 No.22043514

    that's so sad.
    >> Red Demoman !12.QAn7Xnk 12/20/10(Mon)18:50 No.22043521
         File1292889002.png-(291 KB, 641x685, PrinceTavishCrown.png)
    291 KB


    Which way is Canterlot, lass?

    Gonta be tryin' to unite our nations!
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/20/10(Mon)18:51 No.22043545
    Are you sure you pressed the right button?
    I do not make mistakes of that kind.
    Your hoof might have slipped.
    No, I vanted Candy vag. It gave me lemon lime.
    >> LuckyCharm 12/20/10(Mon)18:51 No.22043549


    Augh. Fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:52 No.22043558
    Oh, boy.

    I can see where this is going.

    I don't like it. NOT. ONE.BIT.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:54 No.22043610
         File1292889279.jpg-(39 KB, 538x494, 1292741977073.jpg)
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    i love ponies
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:56 No.22043632
         File1292889376.jpg-(21 KB, 398x377, 1263524728000[1].jpg)
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    You ever notice the clother rarity makes have saddles on them? i know the're horse/ponies but why a saddle? does someone ride them?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:57 No.22043651
         File1292889420.png-(244 KB, 777x736, reject.png)
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    Demoman ya might be in for a surprise when you reach Canterlot...
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/20/10(Mon)18:58 No.22043674
    I think it's the pony equivalent of a jacket. Sure, you don't NEED a saddle, but one day it might get cold enough to the point where you have to put one on or else you'll FREEZE TO DEATH.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:58 No.22043681
         File1292889516.jpg-(41 KB, 600x447, 1290845987888.jpg)
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    Guys I think Fluttershy is mad at me. I asked if if she was and she just stayed quiet and walked away. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:58 No.22043687
    okay so I finally got around to watching an episode of My Little Pony. I forced myself to watch the whole thing and I found myself wondering... why dont I hate it?

    its definitely not something I would watch on a regular basis, but if theres absolutely nothing else on I dare say I would leave it on. this disturbs me because the show is essentially everything I hate.

    explain it to me, ponyfags. why dont I hate this show?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:59 No.22043698
    i also noticed that only the rich wear clothing. might be a status symbol
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:59 No.22043705
    Subliminal messages.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:59 No.22043710
    I want someone to make a fan fic with this character in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)18:59 No.22043713
         File1292889597.png-(131 KB, 445x253, 1288418423951.png)
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    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/20/10(Mon)19:00 No.22043716
    We can't tell you that.

    Only you can.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:01 No.22043731
    Equestria used to be a human colony. Humans and ponys lived together in harmony. Though something tragic happened and all the humans disappeared overnight, no one herd or seen them since.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:01 No.22043733
         File1292889685.png-(401 KB, 852x1069, Friendship Rainbow copy.png)
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    Sup applejack
    >> YGTBKM 12/20/10(Mon)19:01 No.22043738
    how can you hate these adorable creatures of love and friendship and magic?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:02 No.22043745
    I was just thinking.. do you think Pinkie Pie might be related to the Cakes? pie... cake...
    maybe like a niece or something?
    She's in there a lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:03 No.22043770

    Yep. Pinkie Pie has been sent by her parents to live with their cousins the Cakes in Ponyville to get her used to running a bakery and gain some independence from her parents. Also to get her out their hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:03 No.22043773
         File1292889818.jpg-(16 KB, 301x207, 1281112989485.jpg)
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    >does somebody ride them?

    Yes you could say that.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:03 No.22043776
    The Cakes are Pinkie's empoyees, but she doesn't know. Yet.

    The bakery is Pinkie's parents' legacy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:05 No.22043806
    Been discussed a few times; there's a few different possibilities. Perhaps they were originally meant as a means for providing a comfortable ride for their animal friends or assistants like Spike, and made the usual transition from function to fashion. Perhaps it's one of those "latent cultural practice from when humans roamed the earth" things. It's unclear.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:05 No.22043807
         File1292889918.png-(435 KB, 720x540, 1292627548803.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:05 No.22043818
    Grimdark version: Pinkies Parents are DEAAAAD! The Cakes were close friends of Pikies parents and took her in after Sprites destroyed Pinkies hometown.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:07 No.22043866
    i thought she was also a Pegasus but lost her wings because of an accident, why she doesn't obey the normal earth pony laws.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:08 No.22043877
         File1292890107.png-(145 KB, 411x524, PINKGUINIY.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:09 No.22043898

    Pinkie Pie probably randomly stumbled over the bakery one day, and thought she had come to heaven.

    The Cakes are allowing her to stay because Equestria have a taboo against upsetting the mentally handicapped.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:10 No.22043919
    Mrs. Cake is Pinkie's aunt on her father's side. The Cakes are her foster parents after her grandmother became too ill to care for her. Pinkie's parents Apple and Blackberry Pie are DEAAAAAAAAAD.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:10 No.22043929
         File1292890259.jpg-(46 KB, 640x360, 1292654670734.jpg)
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    >Pinkie = Linguinni
    >Applejack = Remy

    I mean we don't even know if Pinkie can actually cook yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:11 No.22043937

    First she helped make baked bads that poisoned plenty of ponies, then she ate nearly all of the pastries intended for celestia.

    She's a huge liability, I hope the bakery gets a big tax write off for keeping her there
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:12 No.22043955
    >implying Pinkie is an idiot savant.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:16 No.22044019

    After the Pinkie Pie deductible was introduced in the Equestrian tax code, the Cakes have yet to pay taxes, they still loose a little bit every year.
    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/20/10(Mon)19:17 No.22044031
    I don't know if anyone is in any position to draw this, but, I'd like to see Pinkie Pie and Dante from DMC 3 having a pizza party.

    That party would be...crazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:18 No.22044061
    Pinkie Pie rescued all of Ponyville from the Sprites before they decided to turn their appetite upon the ponys. Not to mention she had all that stuff with Gilda set up.
    Pinkie is Batman..
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:19 No.22044085
         File1292890775.png-(143 KB, 523x817, 1291580224772.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:22 No.22044132


    And then Pinkie went to live with her auntie and Uncle in Ponyville
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:25 No.22044205

    I like Pinkie, i like the way she is animated, and they manage to make her nuttiness amusing rather than annoying, nonetheless the Cakes would need a damn compelling reason for allowing someone that can devour several days of production in seconds to "work" in their shop.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:27 No.22044236
    Every good shop needs a taste tester.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:27 No.22044255
    >Dat vocaroo

    Damn, if only I still had the pen to my tablet, I would draw the shit out of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:29 No.22044295
         File1292891360.png-(61 KB, 220x192, Dash (21).png)
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    >> kloudmutt 12/20/10(Mon)19:29 No.22044296
         File1292891362.jpg-(136 KB, 800x600, biggity.jpg)
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    >> Oblivion W. Casinos !IPiPBOY0m2 12/20/10(Mon)19:31 No.22044377
    Thanks all the same, the sentiment is appreciated.
    >> Pacce of the many mustaches !!aEt/eFG7JWB 12/20/10(Mon)19:32 No.22044384
    I really like your stuff man.
    So many nice clean lines perfect for the colouring...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:38 No.22044545
         File1292891901.png-(19 KB, 640x480, luckycharm.png)
    19 KB
    Hey, I colored Luckycharm! I just picked random colors though so I can change the color scheme, if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:41 No.22044658
         File1292892116.png-(18 KB, 529x481, flutterclaus.png)
    18 KB
    Hey bronies, do we have any good Christmasy pony pics? Doesn't have to be gen 4, but tis' the season
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:47 No.22044790
         File1292892425.png-(28 KB, 529x481, Have a Merry Christmas comrade(...).png)
    28 KB
    And the last one I have
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:51 No.22044912
    >> caluriri 12/20/10(Mon)19:57 No.22045050
         File1292893054.jpg-(65 KB, 900x810, night-shade-2.jpg)
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    hi every pony
    here with other draw of night shade in the new style
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:57 No.22045060
    Her front legs are too short.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)19:58 No.22045083
    Actually, scratch that. Her hind legs are too long.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:08 No.22045301

    Because more people must know of this project. Anyone actually tried a game yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:20 No.22045475
    Curious..I will have to check this out..
    >> LuckyCharm 12/20/10(Mon)20:22 No.22045519
         File1292894568.jpg-(65 KB, 640x480, 101220-201911.jpg)
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    Derpy as King Bumi.

    Ugh, this took way longer than it should've. Don't quite like how this turned out so I'll probably redo it.


    Looks AWESOME! I'd make her eyes green though, and maybe make her coat a litte paler?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:23 No.22045522
         File1292894591.jpg-(77 KB, 613x569, My Little Communist - Pattervo(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:24 No.22045546
    Have you no way to upload these better? They look good but the quality of the camera shot doesn't do em any justice.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:25 No.22045563
    Requesting a writefag to uh..


    Soldier finding the ponies, and doing what he...does best?

    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:28 No.22045641
    that could be interpreted many different ways.
    >> LuckyCharm 12/20/10(Mon)20:29 No.22045654

    Sadly, no.

    No scanner available to me at the moment.

    BUT, I know someone who has one so, I'll see if I can finish the entire cast then upload them together.

    I know. The quality's really starting to bug me too.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:33 No.22045756

    Singing them songs and brushing their hair?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:34 No.22045781
    fund it
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:36 No.22045817
    do soldier ponies look exactly like the guard ponies, or do they have more armor?
    >> !FYdHVbm2Ik 12/20/10(Mon)20:37 No.22045841


    “Big Sis, when are Applecore and Daddy Tree and the others coming home?” It was the same question everyday for Apple Smith when she got home from work. Being asked by the little 'apple seeds' when their older brother and father would be coming home. It was a heart wrenching question. Sure, they were most likely alive, but they were fighting in some distant land, and the pegasus messengers haven't been heard from for half a month.

    Any news would've at least have sparked some new conversation, something that was desperately needed by Apple Smith. It was mostly the same for her everyday. Get up, work in the apple farm for a while, and go to work at the sawmill until the moon was about to come up. Oh yeah, she also listened to that one pony who kept going on and on about how she would become mayor after the war was ever. Apple Smith only sighed when those conversations were going on, wondering if that pony realized that political positions actually required work, and that Princess Celestia didn't do much besides being a figure-head and rising the sun over their country.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:45 No.22046047
         File1292895925.gif-(2.09 MB, 330x330, petal eater.gif)
    2.09 MB
    (You got it, broski)

    It was late in December, the snow hung over the lush grasses of Ponyville, complimenting the currently-frozen over concrete roads amidst the colorful town. Christmas lights hung about the cozy town, the Bake's cake factory was glowing a brilliant rosy red from the lights strung from their display window. The curious face of Pinkie Pie could be faintly scene from within, licking a stray dab of frosting from the side of her face as she stood mesmerized by the glow. Twilight's enormous treehouse was lit by a colorful variety of lights, and a few stray snowponies led down the sidewalk to her front door, constructed gorgeously by the perfection of magic. Rainbow Dash even took a dab of food coloring to give some of the clouds a slight green and red tint to welcome the season. The small intercoms set at random points about Ponyville coud be heard lightly humming Christmas carols throughout the day and night. Ribbons wrapped the town, a cozy Holiday Heaven for its many inhabitants.

    The Apple Family Farm was coated in snow, all the harvests of the year collected within the barns, allowing the large family to splurge for the sake of the holidays at the dining table near the large Christmas Tree. Applebloom got to place the star at the top. Past the snowy orchards lie Fluttershy's cozy hut.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:48 No.22046113

    She spared no expense towards embracing the spirit, using wheelbarrow to reel in the decorations. With the help of the local fauna, every inch of the wooden hut was covered with lights of every color, touched with garland. She had a gorgeous Christmas tree standing erect in her front yard, almost as large as her house, awaiting the present for all her animal friends, as well as a few for herself. She sat within with her bunny friend Angel, who was even behaving himself slightly more than usual as anticipation for Santa Hooves drew near. She sipped at a warm cup of hot chocolate, offering the cup on occasion for Angel to take a sip. The frigidness of the season was a void for them even this far from Ponyville from the brilliant glow of the fire in her chimney. She didn't have any lights on, as the fire gave a warm glow to the entire hut.

    Every pony felt great love towards this season, even miles away, Gilda surrendered her own sense of self-importance to set up a tiniest of tiny Christmas tree next to her bedside. Trixie, travelling rogue about the many dirt roads of Equestria set up camp for her winter vacation. A small wintery stage show, with her own shack decked in purple and white lights. The palace of Celestia had all the flags replaced with green and red ones, and the walls magically painted red and white, striped like candy canes, replaced the typical golden design. The entire land of Equestria was glowing with Holiday cheer. Well... everyone, except a stranger visiting this strange land...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:50 No.22046182
         File1292896248.png-(480 KB, 1920x1080, coot.png)
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    Deep over the ever-icy mountains, a creature lived. This creature was not a Pony, nor Zebra, nor Griffin, not even a Manticore. A being unknown to Equestria, who sat alone, brooding in his cave. He was drinking down a can of cold tomato soup like chicken broth with a grimace of his face. He could see the collective glow of the Christmas lights from the towns below. He could hear the singing during the day, the jingles of bells, and oh how he despised them. Of what twisted irony the first human to visit Equestria was such a twisted, cruel one as he. The man stood out of his chair, and began to speak...

    "Those MAGGOTS, always disgracing the ideals of a true warrior!! All this joy nonsense would score you nothing more than a dishonorable discharge from my ranks!!" The man spoke, which was more like a perpetual angry yell, to be honest. In his rage, he drained the rest of the soup, then crushed the can on his helmeted head. In his rage, he sat back into his crickety wooden chair, his 'pet' lagamorph, Sam approached him, a saw-like grin amidst his face.

    "If ya hate Christmas so much, why don't you just kill everyone celebrating it?" Sam asked, with a slightly malicious smirk.
    >> !FYdHVbm2Ik 12/20/10(Mon)20:52 No.22046242
    Thought I posted the second part of this....


    Apple Smith walked up to her room and looked at the letters sent to her by her family. Daddy Tree kept on sending letters about reassurance, how he would be home soon, how nice it was to meet things called Zebras and Gryphons, and how these things called pigs were really bad. Apple Smith just assumed all these terms were for different looking ponies from other countries. Then her brother Applecore sent letters that were of a different tone. He was scared in them. He wanted to go home, go back to apple bucking all day. It scared Apple Smith. Then there were letters from her sister, Applejack and Apple Bloom. They were helping others in areas the war had struck. They hadn't been heard from in a year.

    Lastly, there were letters from him. A pony from another apple farm that ran against her family's. His name was Big Mac, and he was everything Apple Smith could wish for in a man. Strong, brave, guiding, everything that the word 'big' would describe, especially his heart. Apple Smith constantly wished for the day to come for the war to end, and for him to get home so they could marry. Apple Smith just had so many dreams of him every night, together, with one big family.

    Well, there was no time for reading old letters tonight. Apple Smith could only go to bed, find solace in her dreams, and go back to her laborious and boring-abiet-emotional days, and hope for a new letter to hold onto for her life.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:57 No.22046357
         File1292896626.png-(412 KB, 1920x1080, YOU SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT.png)
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    "Don't be dense, private, that odd Sparkly Demon-Goddess sealed my capacity for violence. Otherwise I would have happily snapped their necks months before I was trapped in this wasteland." The Soldier grumbled, angrily.

    "Well, at least you get points for trying," Max said happily, looking down from the cliff at the many lights below. "I don't know why you hate it so much, Sam and I used to love the holidays before I was tossed here. The smell of Christmas cookies, the sweet sound of bells, the warm feeling of the luger in your hand... Makes me homesick for the sick streets of New York."

    "Don't you dare turn on me Rabbity Thing, this Christmas goes against everything I stand for, and I will end it!" The Soldier barked at him, then gave a groan of frustration, "But how do I end something that I can't kill!?"
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)20:57 No.22046373
    Could someone provide a fellow brony with download links for all the episodes so far?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:01 No.22046471
         File1292896866.png-(37 KB, 909x539, DERPPPP.png)
    37 KB
    "Well, when Sam and I were forced to cease all violent behavior to act for Fox Kids, we took a favor to breaking peoples' spirits instead of their organs," Sam chimed.

    "... What do you mean?"

    "Oh c'mon, just cause you can't end someone doesn't mean you can't put them through Hell anyways. Heck, I've ruined tons of lives without laying a finger on anyone. Like there was this one paranoid shopowner back in Ne-"

    "I got it! I'll have to steal their spirit from them, take away their Christmas cheer.... In fact, I'll make sure Christmas doesn't come this year!!" The Soldier laughed at his scheme, and a pride filled him. He found a way to try and make others miserable without violence, a task he previously deemed impossible. Sam leaped with joy at this.

    "Oh boy! Time to freeze the warm souls of fillies everywhere!" And with that statement, the Soldier and Max began to get to work, for Christmas Eve was the next night...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:01 No.22046472
    Derpy AND Showers?


    /co/ created two ponies of their own from the filly-ins for the show?

    that's cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:05 No.22046605
    there's also the time lord and a number of lesser ones i can't remember
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:08 No.22046680
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    Throughout the night and the next day the two fiends went to work. The Soldier took one of his spare RED uniforms, and used his combat shovel to tear it until it had the same fluff of a Santa costume. Then he used his combat knife to shear the white fur from Max's body as he slept, the perfect white frills to complete the costume. As Max awoke, after complaining about how cold he felt, he began to help him build a large sleigh from the wood outside. It took well through the day of Christmas Eve to finish it, but the sleigh looked complete at last, if not slightly rickety. For old times sake, The soldier etched the RED logo onto the side.

    During the day, the ponies went about their holiday business. Buying presents, enjoying the feasts, and socializing. Excitement was at an all time high for everyone, even Twilight Sparkle, the usually composed student of Celestia herself, had to keep from shaking in anticipation for her first Christmas in Ponyville... She was walking about Ponyville, stopping at every line of garland to magically enhance it, giving it a beautiful shimmer. The big Christmas tree in the center of ponyville was occupied by many of the inhabitants, singing songs of the season together, hoof in hoof. Rainbow Dash took the honor of separating a hole in the clouds to keep the snow from drizzling on the carolers. And as the day went on, the closer the night drew on...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:08 No.22046690
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    we will eventually create the god-emperor of pony kind. just a matter of time
    >> !J8wKEZOcc2 12/20/10(Mon)21:12 No.22046796
    >Could someone provide a fellow brony with download links for all the episodes so far?

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x01 Friendship is Magic, part1 (webrip)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x02 Friendship is Magic, part2 (webrip)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x03 The Ticket Master (webrip)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x04 Applebuck Season (webrip)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x05 Griffon the Brush-off (webrip.resize)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x06 Boast Busters (webrip)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x07 Dragonshy (webrip) [mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x08 Look Before You Sleep (webrip)[mentos].avi"

    "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x09 Bridle Gossip (webrip) [mentos].avi"
    >> Boros !f5Yimsl5Pw 12/20/10(Mon)21:13 No.22046812
    i need pictures, pictures of ponies for drawfagging!
    specifically shots of ponies straight-on, in sideways profile, and a maybe a few at 45 degrees from the front (halfway between profile and straight on)
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:13 No.22046815
    Who is showers?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:14 No.22046828
    Shut your blasphemous mouth, heretic, Celestia is the only true God. Except for Luna, of course. it's just Luna's not the empress... Actually, neither of them is an empress, it's just... uhm... nevermind
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:14 No.22046834
    "Aw I hate this part of the night, you have to sleep the night before Christmas!! I can't ever sleep, I mean Santa Hooves is coming tonight, and I want to meet him, but I can't meet him if I see him, cuz then I don't get PRESENTS, and that would be so sad to wake up without gifts, because that's part of what ChristmasisandIdon'twanttoruinChristmasforanyponybe-"

    "PINKIE, please, I'm trying to sleep. It's already growing later, and I won't be happy if I miss out on gifts because you couldn't keep quiet for one night." Rainbow Dash grumbled, looking at the beautiful moon over head as the snow drizzled lightly against the window. It was too cold to sleep at her usual house of clouds, considering the season. So she had to sleep with one of her friends, unfortunately for her, Pinkie was the first to volunteer as they slept within Pinkie's room within the top floor of the bakery. Pinkie gave an apologetic look to her.

    "Aww, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean, it's just so exciting all day with the lights, the mistletoe, the cakes, and the feasts, and I can'tforgettheprettycolorseverywhereandeveryoneissohappyeve-"

    "Ugh..." Rainbow groaned, it was going to be a long night. Twilight and Spike slept cozily within their separate beds, the only light the cool glow of Christmas lights. Rarity slept in her Queen-sized bed, in the most well-knit, red pajamas she could make. The blanket itself had many knit Christmasy images covering it, giving her already gorgeous room an even prettier look than usual.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:15 No.22046867

    You have my eternal gratitude. The trip to Europe over christmas won't be as painful anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:16 No.22046893
    derpy's friend, people saw that she was usually always in shots with derpy.
    >> Deathsquad315 [] 12/20/10(Mon)21:17 No.22046918
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    I had Derpy paired with Waffle Honey
    >> A.J. 12/20/10(Mon)21:19 No.22046946
    so what'd I miss?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:20 No.22046991

    Not the requester, but please do go on.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:21 No.22047010
         File1292898090.jpg-(112 KB, 250x375, 20090128-heyocean.jpg)
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    you're in love with their voice actress like I am.

    She's fucking adorable man.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:22 No.22047026
    hey! CSI guy here

    how much for this thread to hit image limit?
    cuz I just finished "pinkie pie and Dante party time" pic and is just sad to post a request in a almost 404 thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:28 No.22047165

    My Waifu :3c
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:30 No.22047210
    (Thread is pretty empty tonight, aw well)

    Fluttershy tucked herself cozily with the doe she took care of, sharing warmth by the fire. Angel swallowed his pride and tucked himself genty into Fluttershy's long pink hair. The animals fell asleep quickly, the soft snoring radiating the full hut. Applejack lay on her top bunk in her farmhouse, Big Mac snoring beneath her. Little Applebloom couldn't stand to be away from the tree, and fell asleep on the cozy little couch so she could gaze at the tree as she dozed off. And finally, as midnight approached, every Pony lay in a deep slumber, awaiting Christmas the next day...

    "Here we go Rabbit!! Time to finally begin our attack of these Pony folk, starting with their precious Christmas Season!!" The Soldier gave a slightly insane cackle, his lagomorph 'friend' happily joining in as they pushed their sled off the edge of the cold mountain. The Soldier was in his makeshift Santa Hooves costume, and Max tied a few sticks to the top of his head and painted his nose red.

    "TO PONYVILLE!!!" The Soldier yelled, holding tightly to the wooden sled, large sack in hand.

    "VIVA LA RESISTANCE!!" Max yelled along him, standing at the tip of the sleigh, 'surfing' his way down the mountain.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:32 No.22047275
    i think it already did, actually
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:33 No.22047295

    In the next general, mind continuing? This is the guy who requested it.

    Bloody good job so far, by the way.
    >> YGTBKM 12/20/10(Mon)21:35 No.22047338

    should i start a new general thread?
    did this one hit limit? i can...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:35 No.22047358
    And it was then, after surfing into Ponyville, The Soldier and Max got to work. They began stealing every Christmasy good in Ponyville, they stole the stockings, the trees, the lights, everything...

    'You're a mean one, Mr. Red!
    You really are a jerk,
    You're a violent, crazed assassin,
    I guess your mind just doesn't work,
    Mr. Reeee-eeeed!'

    "Don't forget to snatch the candy canes ol Saint Hooves tucked in the kids' hooves as they slept. The green ones are the tastiest!" Max laughed, as The Soldier grinned with malice, stealing away all the ornaments from the Cake's living room.

    'You're a madman, Mr. Red!
    Your violence is amuck,
    your boots are full of rocks,
    and your shovel coated with rust,
    Mr. Re-eeed!

    I wouldn't touch you with a... hell, I wouldn't touch you at alllll!!'
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:36 No.22047379

    Oh oh oh, more please!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:37 No.22047401
    >>22046212 looks like a good place to migrate. Decent postcount, minimal troll presence, active.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:42 No.22047516
    The Christmas stealing went on late into the night, the ponies lay in bed, if they did wake up, they didn't let The Soldier know, afraid they wouldn't receive their gifts if Santa Hooves saw them awake...

    'You're a sick one, Mr. Red!
    You have maggots in yours suit!
    You have all the compassion,
    as the foulest smelling, poot,
    Mr. Re-eeeeed!!

    Given the choise between the two of you,
    ... That line doesn't work with those lyrics.'

    Finally, the trial of The Soldier and Max was almost at an end. All of Ponyville square was barren, all Christmas decorations ripped away. All that remained was the Apple farm...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:43 No.22047535
    that one seems good and I agree that has a minimal trolling
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:43 No.22047544
    Can a drawfag draw Trixie sitting in folsom prison?
    >> A.J. 12/20/10(Mon)21:44 No.22047567

    someone did...someone should have saved it...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:45 No.22047590
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:46 No.22047592
    >> Persistent Streamer 12/20/10(Mon)21:46 No.22047604
    So much wonderful Rarity art! Thank you all.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:47 No.22047623
    looks pretty decent. csi drowfag, please make your move
    >> Anonymous 12/20/10(Mon)21:47 No.22047633

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