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!IPiPBOY0m2 12/20/10(Mon)02:43 No.22029444>>22029334 If you'll notice, not all the events in the episode are directly observed by Twilight sparkle. Nor do all the events in the episode necessarily relate to the moral directly. Some exact examples would be Applejack shrinking, rainbow dash's flying problem, fluttershy's voice change, pinkie pie's swollen tongue, twilight sparkle's horn and rarity's hair problems, specificy, had nothing to do with, "not judging a book by its cover." Those events, though they happened because they did judge a book by its cover, the details are irrelevant. It could have been any other adverse effect from the poison joke, and the moral would have been the same. It could have been a bad rash, dry mouth, diarrhea or constipation and the moral would have been still relevant and the same. The exact nature of the afflictions was irrelevant to the moral, thus, their exact nature and expanding on it was also irrelevant. |